Download - Action-Items - LXV [2nd Amendment & "Gun Control"]

  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items - LXV [2nd Amendment & "Gun Control"]


    Noting that Turner Classic Movies and the u.s.p.s. are to honor charlton heston with a forever-stamp,

    perhaps it is propitious to deal with 2nd

    Amendment Controversies, rationalizing them for Libs who are

    eager to confiscate firearms, even if it were to promptamending the Bill of Rights;not being a member

    of the NRA or the Gun Owners of America, it has nevertheless become apparent that conservatives

    reflexly claim the 5-Freedoms in the 1stAmendment are promptly followed by a clause that the Framers

    intended to empower people to protect themselves from governmental infringement thereupon. Also,

    Guzzardi notes thePA Constitution[21: The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves

    and the State shall not be questioned.] is more direct than is the US Constitution [eliminating reference

    to a militia]; therefore, absent any reference to insurrection, it is necessary to reinforce this right.

    {BEN CARSON has succinctly explained why the Founders wrote the Second Amendment.}

    This blast encompasses hyperlinks culled from myriad sources during the past year,

    again minimizing commentary and maximizing the capacity for headlines to follow the

    maxim res ipso loquitur. They tell the tale of how gun-rights have been reinforced,

    despite BHOs consistent efforts to politicize each/every event that has transpired; also,

    they demonstrate how this controversy has been manufactured [to a great degree]

    because of the desire to create a distraction from an otherwise-poor track-record.

    As a result of having compiled this themed-blast, the reader should

    assume that articles encountered in the future will be circulated only if

    they either contradict a point already made or prompt clarification.

    To facilitate the ability to follow the logical-thread throughout this blast, note that

    after the introissues encompassed include the UN-Gambit, Bloomberg, Navy Yard,

    self-defense, confiscation-threat, and the raging PR-Battle (reacting to Real-Life Events).

    Thos who may perceive such a lengthy blast e-mail as overwhelming are invited to

    channel the difficulty encountered when assembling it cogentlyand then are asked to

    overcome feeling overwhelmed by skimming topics and delving into articles only to the

    degree to which particular issues have piqued interest. As always, critique is invited.

    Amazingly, even theNinth Circuit Court Again Struck-Down CaliforniasGun Control Lawrecently [Ninth

    U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled "San Diego County violates the Constitution's Second Amendment by

    requiring residents to show 'good cause' " before being allowed "to obtain a concealed carry permit"],

    illustrating the view that there really should be very little controversy regarding private gun ownership;

    furthermore, when I chatted with Mike Fitzpatrick after he dropped a bill [comparable to Toomeys]

    that would close loopholes, I noted two defects that were indefensible [definition of mental illness

    needed clarification, and empowering any AG to apply even more prosecutorial discretion was unwise].

    {Note that aProposed policy is to allow concealed weapons in 'non-sensitive areas' of PA campuses.}

    After I told our core-group that, after having read todays mail, it seemed Guzzardis

    latest tally was just-below 2000 and the count of 10 counties greater than 100+ was a

    bit marginal, I was reassured that mega-signatures will be arriving via overnight-mail

    within a few hours [e.g., 19 signatures from Bucks, 6 from Philly, 50 from Berks, etc.];

    having been vetting their quality, only a half-dozen are potentially-deficient. Thus,

    blasted were optimistic statements that reflected our collective mood, as the formal

    filing-plan came into focus; others were scrambling to provide a buffer, although we did

    not feel it necessary to accrue twice-the-total [~4000] because circulators are seasoned.,d.dmQ,d.dmQ,d.dmQ,d.dmQ
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items - LXV [2nd Amendment & "Gun Control"]


    Into this mindset came an e-mail that perhaps conveys the politics of

    the strong feelings nurtured by firearm-enthusiasts [channeled by a

    patient who is forever armed-to-the-teeth, even when she travels to

    receive her chemo-Rx]. Note what just arrived: I just told Bob I have

    130 from Bucks County. I am doing the Leesport gun show tomorrow

    with [a friend]. [Another friend] is doing the Lancaster gun show with [a

    third friend]. I will work out how to get them to Bob.Vote-rich groups

    such as these enthusiasts constitute constituencies that will presumably

    be targeted after Guzzardi is certified but, certainly, these people can be

    expected to voteand to draw their friends/family into this process.

    Thematically, these blasts have lambasted BHO, and he again invited condemnation;

    he inserted stealth-sections in this yearsBudget to fund 'Improved Background Checks'

    and Forced Dealer Inspections. {He is so ideologically incorrigible, it is unbelievable.}

    Indeed,BHO Clamped Down on Guns while he loosened Restrictions on Marijuana, for

    BHO is the-most-rabidly-anti-gun-president-in-history. OBAMA BYPASSED CONGRESS

    ON GUN BACKGROUND CHECKS, instead signing-23-executive-orders-on-new-gun-laws

    andObama Admin. Proposed New Gun Background Check Measures that appear DOA[intended to clarify gun restrictions for the mentally ill and to make it easier to add

    information about mental health restrictions into the federal background check system].

    Obama administration proposed new executive actions on gun background checks,

    while BHOsaid-he-will-use-executive-action-on-gun-control[as has reflexly been done];

    Obama also asked-Congressional-Black-Caucus-To-Keep-Marching-For-Gun-Control,

    essentially saying To USA ~> Care More About Gun Control ~> While I Arm Al-Qaeda.

    While obama-declared-open-season-on-illegal-guns, darrell-issa charged BHO with

    waging-a-war-on-guns-with-rogue-atf-sting-operationsrather than with rule-of-law.

    Local events have paralleled many of those [vide infra] occurring nationally; astate trooper cant have

    gun when not workingand aPA Police Chief is Willing to Lose Job for the 2


    Amendment.Meanwhile,PA universities may scrap any uniform gun policy[The existing proposal would ban weapons in campus

    buildings and at sporting events, outdoor class meetings and assemblies; guns generally would be

    allowed in outdoor areas and in parked cars. Some critics, including the faculty union, called for an

    outright weapons ban, while gun rights supporters said it went too far and would endanger safety.].

    Also, a Joint State Government Commission released the report,Violence Prevention in Pennsylvania.

    The report, commissioned by a 2013 Senate Resolution introduced by State Senator Stewart J. Greenleaf

    (R, Montgomery, Bucks), makes 44 recommendations to help prevent violence, addressing school safety,

    mental health, responsible gun ownership, and violence in media.
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items - LXV [2nd Amendment & "Gun Control"]


    The UN Gambit Failed

    BHO failed in an attempt to use a back-door approach to achieving Gun Control; Conservatives viewed

    this as that brief, glorious moment in history when everyone stands around...reloading. BHO [and

    Bloomberg] wanted Americans toTurn Over Their Rights & Sovereignty to United Nationsbut, instead,Congress Will Not Fund [and, therefore, not enter into the] U.N. Arms Treaty Implementation.

    [Championed by the Obama Administration, it would have effectively placed a global ban on the import

    and export of small firearms, affecting all private gun owners in the U.S.; additional language would

    have implemented an international gun registry on all private guns and ammo.] Regardless of how one

    personally interprets the 2ndAmendment, Americans must not relinquish any Constitutional rights to the

    U.N., an anti-American, completely-incompetent, morally-bankrupt, embarrassment of an organization.

    Yet, again, because Dems are so "Party" allegiant that they will subordinate American self-determination

    to a 3rd

    party, they chose this approach rather than arguing their point [despise private gun ownership]

    and proposing a Constitutional Amendment. The 53-46 vote showed 46 Dems were willing to give away

    our Constitutional rights to a foreign power. Here are the 46 senators:

    Baldwin (D-WI)

    Baucus (D-MT)

    Bennett (D-CO)

    Blumenthal (D-CT)

    Boxer (D-CA)

    Brown (D-OH)

    Cantwell (D-WA)

    Cardin (D-MD)

    Carper (D-DE)

    Casey (D-PA)

    Coons (D-DE)

    Cowan (D-MA)

    Durbin (D-IL)jFeinstein (D-CA)

    Franken (D-MN)

    Gillibrand (D-NY)

    Harkin (D-IA)

    Hirono (D-HI)

    Johnson (D-SD)

    Kaine (D-VA)
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items - LXV [2nd Amendment & "Gun Control"]


    King (I-ME)

    Klobuchar (D-MN)

    Landrieu (D-LA)

    Leahy (D-VT)

    Levin (D-MI)

    McCaskill (D-MO)

    Menendez (D-NJ)

    Merkley (D-OR)

    Mikulski (D-MD)

    Murphy (D-CT)

    Murray (D-WA)

    Nelson (D-FL)

    Reed (D-RI)

    Reid (D-NV)

    Rockefeller (D-WV)

    Sanders (I-VT)

    Schatz (D-HI)

    Schumer (D-NY)Shaheen (D-NH)

    Stabenow (D-MI)

    Udall (D-CO)

    Udall (D-NM)

    Warner (D-VA)

    Warren (D-MA)

    Whitehouse (D-RI)

    Wyden (D-OR)

    Despite this loss and ongoing scrutiny of the NRA the Lefties persist; for example, GUN CONTROL

    GROUPS OUTSPENT NRA and GOA 7:1 ON ADVERTISING SINCE SANDY HOOK, illustrating why OFA[BHOs street-organizing group] and Anti-Gun Groups Politicize Sandy Hook Anniversary and Obama

    Marked Sandy Hook Anniversary With Call for More Gun Control.Yet, despitethe NFLs antigun efforts

    and the efforts ofGabrielle Giffords [who launched a PAC to Help Gun Control Supporters],newtown-

    didnt-lead-to-gun-control; indeed, the Missouri Senate passed a gun law nullification bill while the

    Arizona Senate Took-Up Nullification of Federal Gun Laws.Also,Gun Owners Turned Ohio Gun-Control

    Rally into 'an NRA Rally', constituting an epic-fail; ultimately, a gallup poll concluded that americans-

    fault-mental-health-system for gun-violence.{Also, note thishilarious-gun-commercialand its ending.}
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items - LXV [2nd Amendment & "Gun Control"]


    The Bloomberg Gambit Failedin Colorado and Elsewhere

    Bloomberg's Gun Control Group Pushed Ahead Amid Scrutiny,although one Mayor Quit Bloomberg's

    Gun Control Group Because Goal Was 'Confiscation'; indeed, Dems Asked Bloomberg to Back-Off his

    Gun Control Push,as he moved beyond advocating expanded background checks to actually targeting

    Senators who did not support more gun control in 2013. Illustrating the effect of a compliant media,

    Politico Ran Bloomberg's Claim that Seven Kids Are Murdered with Guns Each Day without vetting it ;

    although there are many reasons why he won in VA,Bloomberg Talked with Gun Control Ally McAuliffe

    About Virginia Electionahead-of-time, promptingMcAuliffe to be Endorsed By Anti-Gun Mayors;thus, it

    is likelyBloomberg May Court McAuliffe to Bring Gun Control to Virginia.

    The [Arapahoe High School] Colorado shooting [Karl Halverson Pierson, an 18-year-old

    student wounded one other student before shooting and killing himself with a shotgun]

    yielded tremendous turmoil, not the least of which was grudging awareness that the

    Senate's Gun Control Bill Would Not Have Stopped him. Also, suppressed was

    awareness of the shooters socialist views, a phenomenon that would not have occurred

    had he harbored right-wing views. [Classmates said he held-communist-views and was-smart-and-outspoken,Media Worked To Keep his Profiles Secret,he spewed-democrat-

    talking-points-on-social-media, Denver Post Scrubbed 'Socialist' from his Description;

    also, The Denver Postreported he had "very strong political beliefs"and that one of his

    Facebook posts tore into Republicans as the political party that wanted people to die.]

    In any case,Polling thereafter showed that 50% of Coloradans Wanted Armed Teachers

    in Schools;whenpunitive bills were passed,magpul-industries-moved-out-of-colorado-

    over-gun-control-legislation,as promised.Regarding gun-free zones, the media didnt

    report the little-known fact that thecolorado-shooting was over-in-80-seconds-because-


    In any case,the-gun-control-moment-passed,and a recall election was successful.


    Both Anti-Gun Senators Angela Giron AND John Morse RECALLED in Colorado

    Colorado Lawmakers Ousted in Recall Vote Over Gun Law

    Colorado finally has something about which to brag [in addition to Michelle Malkin &




    Passion Defeats Money in Colorado Recall Elections

    CO Sen Morse's Concession Speech: Loss Is 'Purely Symbolic,' Democrats Still In Control

    Gun Control: Media Rebuked (Again) In Colorado Recall


    Colorado Senate President John Morse, state Sen. Angela Giron ousted




    Colorado Recall Stifles Gun Effort in Congress

    Pro-Recall Forces to Take Next Step in CO: Repeal Gun Control Laws

  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items - LXV [2nd Amendment & "Gun Control"]



    Dem Polling Firm PPP Buried Poll Unfavorable to Recalled CO Legislator

    Yet, illustrating the ongoing hysteria about such concerns is a spate of over-reactions by adults to the

    type of behavior which suddenly is condemned among children [10-Year Old Suspended for Pointing

    Finger Like Gun, 7th-grader-suspended-for-playing-with-airsoft-gun-in-own-yard, suspended-student-

    may-be-expelled-for-rest-of-the-year-for-playing-with-toy- in-his-own-yard, and12-year Old RI Student

    Suspended For Small Keychain Gun]. What ever happened to playing cowboys and Indians?

    Navy Yard Shooting Gun-Free Zones

    Thematic, here, is the generic-query When Did Military Bases Become 'Gun-Free Zones'? When the

    usual suspects choose sides, it is amazing how the Dems combine with the Establishment-GOP

    [DAVID FRUM BLASTS GUN RIGHTS ADVOCATESlets-not-wait-to-talk-about-gun-control], despite the

    fact that themedia-uses-false-narrative-about-ar-15-to-push-gun-control. Perhaps not so amazing was

    the observation that theMedia Lost Interest in Navy Murders Due to Lack of Anti-Gun Narrative[e.g.,]

    and that the navy-yard-murderer-aaron-alexis-created-webpage-with-name-mohammed-salem; also,

    perhaps predictable was the fact thatBHO said Navy Shooting Proves Need for More Gun Control,even

    while it was transpiring [President turned deeply political as shooting rampage unfolds]. Subsequent

    investigation was naught, even when it was found that theNavy Yard Gunman and Snowden had been

    Vetted by Same Firm [GOVERNMENT MISSED NAVY YARD SHOOTER RED FLAGS]; the chickens came

    home to roost @ CNN, however, whenPiers Morgan Hawked New Gun Control Book Within Days of

    Navy Yard Shootingand later was blasted by Ben Shapiro [CNN's MorganSlams Down Constitution,

    Calls It 'Your Little Book'], perhaps triggering events that have now led to his having been fired from his

    prime-time slot (for he will have been supplanted withinthree weeks).

    Problems with Obama's Navy Yard Speech the Media Still Ignore - The mainstream

    media have awoken to the fact that Obama's partisan attack on Republicans during theNavy Yard attack on Monday may not have been the best idea, even if only for tactical

    reasons. It is encouraging that the media have noticed Obama's attack, although most

    networks cut away after he briefly mentioned the Navy Yard shooting.

    while, navy-yard-mass-killing-unfolding, obama-warns of extreme-wing-republicans


    Obama: Fight for Gun Laws 'Ought to Obsess Us',d.dmQ,d.dmQ,d.dmQ,d.dmQ,d.dmQ,d.dmQ,d.dmQ,d.dmQ
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items - LXV [2nd Amendment & "Gun Control"]


    Obama's Opportunism at Navy Yard Shooting Memorial: Crusade for New Gun Laws

    'Ought to Obsess Us'


    obama-says-navy-yard-shooting-shows-better-gun control needed



    The remaining hyperlinks encompass other facets of what transpired; none alters the above-views.

    Armed Emergency Response Team Ordered to Stand Down at Navy Yard as Shooting





    Why the Media's Fixation on the AR-15 Is Foolish

    'Happy Days' Star Pounces on Navy Yard Shooting to Promote Gun Control




    Feinstein's Weapons Ban Exempts Shotgun Used by Navy Yard Shooter


    Feinstein Calls for Further 'Debate' on Gun Control in Wake of DC Shooting

    The Nuclear Option: Terror Reigns in the Land of Gun Control

    Washington Navy Yard security weakened through cost-saving measures

    Politicians, media outlets red-faced over wrong claims about gun in Navy Yard shootings




    Gunman in Navy Yard Rampage Was Hearing Voices




    Urgent Need for Security Clearance, Not Gun Control

    FBI: Navy Yard gunman had shotgun, got handgun, no assault rifle
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items - LXV [2nd Amendment & "Gun Control"]




    this occurson-campus [even when such policy-fails-to-deter-dangerous-gunman-somehow]and in the

    shopping-malls [COLUMBIA MALL SHOOTING: ANOTHER GUN-FREE ZONE], but this did not forestall a

  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items - LXV [2nd Amendment & "Gun Control"]


    Self-Protection Rationale American as Apple-Pie

    Feelings of people who wish to be empowered to engage in self-defense are reflected in the comments

    of miss-kansas-theresa-vail [tattooedand supportive of guns & the military], who breaks stereotypes;

    simply put, they feel agun-in-your-hand-is-still-the-best-protection,as illustrated by multiple examples

    of gun-usage by potential-victims as a crime-deterrent [man-attacked-then-charged-with-murder-after-

    killing-bad-guy-with-gun, Detroit Homeowner Shoots, Kills Intruder During Break-In, Detroit Police Chief

    feels Concealed Carry Deters Crime and Saves Lives, 90-Year-Old Laundromat Owner Pulls Gun and

    Robber Flees, houston-man-shoots-and-wounds-naked-aggressive-home-intruder, i-thank-god-i-had-a-

    gun; disabled-64-year-old-woman-uses-9mm-glock-to-fight-off-drugged-up home-intruder, son-shoots-

    burglar-pointing-gun-at-father; i-wasnt-going-to-have-my-dad-die-in-front-of-me, armed-citizens-take-

    down criminals with guns, man attacked-then-charged-with-murder-after-killing-bad-guy-with-gun,and

    Teens in Muslim garb try/fail to rob NJ gun shop]. Thus, noting the dramatic increase in gun purchases,

    articles have appeared addressing how-to-choose-your-first-home-defense-gunand gun safety; also, it is

    not surprising that NRA MAG HAS REPLACED MAXIM IN MAGAZINE TOP 25.

    11 YR. OLD SHOOTS ILLEGALS in BUTTE, MONTANAShotgun preteen vs. Illegal-alien Home Invaders...

    Two illegal aliens, Raphael Resindez, 23, and Enrico Garza, 26, probably believed they

    would easily overpower home-alone 11-year-old Patricia Harrington after her father had

    left their two-story home.

    It seems the two crooks never learned two things: they were in Montana and Patricia

    had been a clay-shooting champion since she was nine.

    Patricia was in her upstairs room when the two men broke through the front door of the


    She quickly ran to her father's room and grabbed his 12-gauge Mossberg 500 shotgun.

    Resindez was the first to get up to the second floor only to be the first to catch a near

    point blank blast of buckshot from the 11-year-old's knee-crouch aim.

    He suffered fatal wounds to his abdomen and genitals.