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  • Act 3, Scene 1, Page 2

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    Act 3, Scene 1, Page 4

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    POLONIUS Ophelia, walk you here.

    (to CLAUDIUS)

    Gracious, so please you,

    We will bestow

    ourselves. (to

    OPHELIA)Read on this


    That show of such an

    exercise may color

    Your loneliness.We

    are oft to blame in this,

    'Tis too much proved,

    that with devotions


    And pious action we do

    sugar o'er

    The devil himself.

    POLONIUS Ophelia, come here.(to CLAUDIUS) Your Majesty, we will hide.

    (to OPHELIA)Read from this prayer book, so it looks natural that

    youre all alone. Come to think of it, this happens all the time

    people act devoted to God to mask their bad deeds.


    CLAUDIUS (aside) Oh, tis too


    How smart a lash that

    speech doth give my


    The harlots cheek,

    beautied with plastering


    Is not more ugly to the

    thing that helps it

    Than is my deed to my

    most painted word.

    CLAUDIUS (to himself) How right he is! His words whip up my guilty feelings.

    The whores pockmarked cheek made pretty with make-up is just

    like the ugly actions Im disguising with fine words. What a terrible

    guilt I feel!

  • O heavy burden!

    POLONIUS I hear him coming. Lets

    withdraw, my lord.

    POLONIUS I hear him coming. Quick, lets hide, my lord.

    CLAUDIUS and

    POLONIUS withdraw CLAUDIUS and POLONIUS hide.

    Enter HAMLET HAMLET enters.




    HAMLET To be, or not to be? That

    is the question

    Whether tis nobler in

    the mind to suffer

    The slings and arrows of

    outrageous fortune,

    Or to take arms against a

    sea of troubles,

    And, by opposing, end

    them? To die, to sleep

    No moreand by a

    sleep to say we end

    The heartache and the

    thousand natural shocks

    That flesh is heir totis

    a consummation

    Devoutly to be wished!

    To die, to sleep.

    To sleep, perchance to

    dreamay, theres the


    For in that sleep of death

    what dreams may come

    When we have shuffled

    off this mortal coil,

    Must give us pause.

    Theres the respect

    That makes calamity of

    so long life.

    HAMLET The question is: is it better to be alive or dead? Is it nobler to put up

    with all the nasty things that luck throws your way, or to fight

    against all those troubles by simply putting an end to them once and

    for all? Dying, sleepingthats all dying isa sleep that ends all

    the heartache and shocks that life on earth gives usthats an

    achievement to wish for. To die, to sleepto sleep, maybe to dream.

    Ah, but theres the catch: in deaths sleep who knows what kind of

    dreams might come, after weve put the noise and commotion of life

    behind us. Thats certainly something to worry about. Thats the

    consideration that makes us stretch out our sufferings so long.

    Act 3, Scene 1, Page 2

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