Download - Act No. 5 of 2015 - Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago · The Trinidad and Tobago Panama Partial Scope Trade Agreement Act, 2015 Subject: Act 5 of 2015 Keywords: Parliament of Trinidad

Page 1: Act No. 5 of 2015 - Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago · The Trinidad and Tobago Panama Partial Scope Trade Agreement Act, 2015 Subject: Act 5 of 2015 Keywords: Parliament of Trinidad

BILLAN ACT to give effect to the Partial Scope Trade

Agreement between the Republic of Trinidad andTobago and the Republic of Panama and for relatedmatters

[Assented to 1st April , 2015]

WHEREAS the Governments of the Republic of Trinidadand Tobago and the Republic of Panama have enteredinto a partial scope trade agreement (hereinafterreferred to as “the Agreement”) with the aim ofstrengthening the commercial and economic relationsbetween the two countries:


Fifth Session Tenth Parliament Republic ofTrinidad and Tobago


Act No. 5 of 2015


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And whereas the purpose of the Agreement is to promotethrough the expansion of trade in goods and services theharmoniousdevelopmentof theeconomic relationsbetweentheRepublic of Trinidad and Tobago and the Republic of Panama;to contribute to the removal of barriers to trade; to enhance thedevelopment and expansion of trade; to strengthen cooperationactivities inall areas relevant to trade; toprovide fair conditionsof competition for trade; and to develop mechanisms thatfacilitate investments of nationals in the respective territories:And whereas the Government of the Republic of Trinidad

and Tobago is obligated to give effect to the Agreement:And whereas it is necessary, in order to give effect to the

Agreement, to enact national legislation:ENACTED by the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as the Trinidad and TobagoPanama Partial Scope Trade Agreement Act, 2015.

2. This Act comes into operation on such date as isfixed by the President by Proclamation.

3. In this Act—“Agreement” means the Partial Scope Trade

Agreement between the Republic of Trinidadand Tobago and the Republic of Panamaexecuted on 3rd October, 2013, which is set outin the Schedule;

“Minister” means theMinister to whom responsibilityfor trade is assigned.

4. Theprovisionsof theAgreementshallhavethe forceof lawin the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

5. (1) The President may, by Order grant the tariffpreferences set out in Annex B of the Agreement to goodsoriginating in Panama as listed in Annex B of the Agreement.

(2) The preferential treatment under subsection (1) shallapply only to goods which satisfy the requirements of Annex Cof the Agreement.


Short title



Provisions of theAgreement to haveforce of law

President may granttariff preferences

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6. (1) Where any amendment to the Agreement is acceptedby theGovernment of theRepublic of TrinidadandTobago, theMinister may, by Order, amend the Schedule by includingtherein the amendment so accepted.

(2) An Order made under this section may contain suchconsequential, supplemental or ancillary provisions as appearto the Minister to be necessary or expedient for the purpose ofgiving effect to the accepted amendment andwithout prejudiceto the generality of the foregoing, may contain provisionsamending references in this Act to specific provisions of theAgreement.

(3) An Order made under this section shall be subject toaffirmative resolution of Parliament.

(4) Where the Schedule is amended pursuant to thissection, any reference in thisAct or anyother instrument to theAgreementshall,unless thecontextsorequires,beconstruedasa reference to the Agreement as so amended.

7. (1) TheMinistermaymakeRegulations forgivingeffect tothe purposes and provisions of the Agreement.

(2) Regulationsmadeunder this section shall be subject tonegative resolution of Parliament.


Minister to amendSchedule

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SCHEDULE(Section 3)

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Passed in the House of Representatives this 30thday of January, 2015.

Clerk of the House

Passed in the Senate this 10th day of March, 2015.

President of the Senate

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