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University of California

Los Angeles

Acoustically-Driven Talking Face Animations

Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks

A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction

of the requirements for the degree

Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering


Jianxia Xue


c© Copyright by

Jianxia Xue


The dissertation of Jianxia Xue is approved.

Lieven Vandenberghe

Ali H. Sayed

Patricia Keating

Abeer Alwan, Committee Chair

University of California, Los Angeles



dedicated to Chongsheng, Meilan, Fan, Ben, Zhixi, Weidong, and Yingjian


Table of Contents

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Motivation and Overview of Talking Face Animations . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Overview of Acoustically-driven Talking Face Animations . . . . . 4

1.3 Feature extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.4 Acoustical to visual feature mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.4.1 Regression methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.4.2 Statistical methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.4.3 Hidden Markov Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1.4.4 Dynamic Bayesian Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1.5 Animation rendering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1.6 Perceptual evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

1.7 Outline of this dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2 Audio-Visual Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

2.2 Efficient design of the audio-visual speech corpus . . . . . . . . . 19

2.2.1 Content influence on visual intelligibility . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.2.2 Training corpus requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2.2.3 Final corpus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

2.3 Automatic Data Archiving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28


2.3.1 Optical data preprocessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

2.3.2 Audio-visual speech end-point detection . . . . . . . . . . 41

2.3.3 Acoustic phoneme segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

2.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3 Acoustic-to-optical Synthesis using Dynamic Bayesian Networks 46

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

3.2 System Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

3.2.1 Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

3.2.2 Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

3.2.3 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

3.3 Dynamic Bayesian Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

3.3.1 DBN models and configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

3.3.2 Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

3.3.3 Inference of optical features from acoustic features . . . . . 55

3.4 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

3.4.1 Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

3.4.2 Feature extraction and inversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

3.4.3 Acoustic-to-optical mapping models . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

3.4.4 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

3.4.5 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

3.4.6 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

3.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65


4 Animation and Perceptual Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

4.2 From optical data to facial animation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

4.2.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

4.2.2 The 3D head model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

4.2.3 RBF-based deformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

4.2.4 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

4.2.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

4.3 Perceptual evaluation of facial animation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

4.3.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

4.3.2 Lexicon distinction identification test . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

4.3.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

4.3.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

4.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

5 Summary and Future Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

5.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

5.1.1 Data acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

5.1.2 Acoustic-to-optical synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

5.1.3 Optically-driven animation and perceptual evaluation . . . 89

5.2 Future research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

A CorpusA: List of 320 IEEE sentences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93


B CorpusB: List of pilot corpus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

C CorpusC: List of complementary corpus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

C.1 Non-speech expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

C.2 Mono-syllabic words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

C.3 Di-syllabic words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

C.4 IEEE sentences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

D Single letter representation of phonemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

E List of word pairs for visual lexicon distinction identification test118

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121


List of Figures

1.1 Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) applied to mapping continuous

speech to facial movements [13]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.2 General structure of dynamic Bayesian networks for audio-visual

speech modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.1 Place of articulation for vowels [107] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

2.2 Phoneme appearance distribution from 720 IEEE/Harvard sen-

tences. The meaning of the single-letter phoneme representations

listed in the figure can be found in Appendix D. . . . . . . . . . . 29

2.3 Marker settings in the new recording. Markers on the right side of

the speaker are labeled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

2.4 Illustration of raw optical data problems from left to right: (a)

outlier, (b) collision, and (c) missing data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

2.5 Raw marker data with multiple segments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

2.6 Flowchart of optical data preprocessing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.7 Anchor points and vectors used in head motion compensation. . 34

2.8 Polynomial fitting of raw marker data on the x-z plane. . . . . . . 35

2.9 Primary judgment of 3D reconstruction outliers using a fitting er-

ror threshold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

2.10 Secondary judgment of 3D reconstruction outliers using temporal

criteria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

2.11 Example result after outlier deletion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37


2.12 Segment labellings using a neutral gesture marker template. . . . 38

2.13 Concatenated and labeled marker data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

2.14 Example of interpolation for missing data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

2.15 Acoustic silence detection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

2.16 Mouth shape parameters for audio-visual end-point detection. . . 42

2.17 Token alignment using optical features and acoustic silence seg-

mentations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

3.1 Flowchart for the development of a talking face synthesis system. 47

3.2 Flowchart of the training module in the acoustic-to-optical synthe-

sis system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

3.3 Flowchart of the synthesis module in the acoustic-to-optical syn-

thesis system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

3.4 Flow chart of the evaluation module in acoustic-to-optical synthe-

sis system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

3.5 State path diagrams for a DBN model with [Na, Nv] = [3, 3] and

MICSA = 1. Audio-visual synchronized (AVS) state transition

path is shown in (a). Audio containing video (ACV) transition

path is shown in (b). Video containing audio (VCA) transition

path is shown in (c). Audio preceding video (APV) transition

paths with modes 1 to 4 are shown in (d), (f), (h), and (j) respec-

tively. Video proceeding audio (VPA) transition paths with modes

1 to 4 are show in (e),(g),(i), and (k) respectively. . . . . . . . . 52

3.6 DBN training highlighted in the system training module . . . . . 53


3.7 An example of a DBN with joint transition and observation param-

eters in HMM forms with maximum inter-chain state asynchrony

MICSA of 1, and [Na, Nv] of [3,3]. A refers to the state transi-

tion probability model, and B refers to the observation probability

model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

3.8 DBN inference highlighted in system synthesis module . . . . . . 55

3.9 Feature extraction components highlighted in the acoustic-to-optical

synthesis system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

3.10 Example of marker trajectory comparison between recorded data

in solid line and synthesized data in dash line. The background

is the spectrogram of the acoustical signal. The trajectory is the

summation of the mouth shape variations from width and height.

The sentence is “The baby puts his right foot in his mouth.” . . . 62

4.1 (a) Original markers, and (b) active facial mesh with white sphere-

shaped key points for a generic head model (mesh model from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

4.2 (a) A generic 3D head model in a neutral gesture based on Fig-

ure 4.1(b), and (b) the model’s rendered sub-facial regions used in

deformation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

4.3 Key-frames animated using the recorded marker data for the word

’brief’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

4.4 Key-frames animated using the recorded marker data for the sen-

tence ’A big wet stain was on the round carpet.’ . . . . . . . . . 73


4.5 Key frames of animation using synthesized optical data for the

same word in Figure 4.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

4.6 Key frames of animation using synthesized optical data for the

same sentence in Figure 4.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

4.7 Notched-Box-and-Whisker Plot of the correct discrimination statis-

tics from all 16 subjects with (a) from recorded marker driven

animation and (b) from synthesized ones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

4.8 Average discrimination correct score comparison between recorded

and synthesized marker driven animations of 32 words . . . . . . 86


List of Tables

1.1 Factors in audio-visual perceptual tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.1 Average and maximum number of recordings for different utter-

ance types. n is the average number of utterances per take. . . . 21

2.2 Place and manner for consonants [107]. The meaning of the single-

letter phoneme representations can be found in Appendix D. . . 24

2.3 Speech materials of CorpusC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

2.4 Unit vocabularies in CorpusA and CorpusC . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.5 Unit average repetitions in CorpusA and CorpusC . . . . . . . . . 27

2.6 Unit vocabulary from key words in sentences . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.7 Unit average repetitions from key words in sentences . . . . . . . 28

2.8 Forced alignment calibration using manual segmentation of 5609

phonemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3.1 Comparison of MLR and the three DBN models with [Na, Nv] =

[3, 3] and MICSA = 1 in terms of motion trajectory reconstruc-

tion accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

3.2 Comparison of three DBN structures with [Na, Nv] = [3, 3] and

MICSA = 1 in terms of state path entropy and dominant state

path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

3.3 Comparison of model selection parameters in three DBN structures

in terms of the correlations between synthesized and recorded op-

tical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61


4.1 Human subject perceptual evaluation results of recorded marker

data. N refers to the number of valid subjects for each category.

The means and standard deviations were collected from the valid

subjects. Valid subjects are subjects with discrimination correct

scores significantly different(p < 0.05) from 50% chance level per

category. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

4.2 Human subject perceptual evaluation results of synthesized marker

data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

B.1 Diphone carrier words for the sentence Slide the tray across the

glass top. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

B.2 Diphone carrier words for the sentence ’Feel the heat of the weak

dying flame.’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

D.1 Phonemes in single letter symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

D.1 Phonemes in single letter symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

E.1 Animated words and their paired words from natural video in four

visual lexicon distinction levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118



My sincere gratitude goes to my advisor, Dr. Abeer Alwan for her gracious

support, encouragement, and guidance. This dissertation will not be finished

without her patience and advice. I would also like to express my gratitude to

Dr. Patricia Keating for her insightful guidance and her generous encouragement

for this research. My thanks also go deeply to Dr. Ali H. Sayed and Dr. Lieven

Vandenberghe for their comments, encouragements, and especially their inspiring

graduate courses.

The collaborators in House Ear Institute had provided enormous support to

this study. I thank Dr. Jintao Jiang, Dr. Lynne E. Bernstein and Dr. Edward

Auer for their suggestions and comments on audio visual speech processing. My

thanks also go to Dr. Sumiko Takayanagi for her generous helps on statistical

analysis in behavioral studies and her long term encouragement and support.

My lab colleagues have also provided important helps. I especially thank Dr.

Xiaodong Cui, Dr. Panchapagisan, Dr. Markus Iseli, Hong, Yen, and Jonas for

countless technical discussions and for their friendships.

This dissertation would not have been possible without the love and support

of my family - my father Chongsheng, my mother Meilan, my husband Fan, my

son Ben, my father-in-law Zhixi, my mother-in-law Weidong, and my brother

Yingjian. This dissertation is dedicated to my family.



1976 Born, Wuhan, Hubei, China

1998-1999 Undergraduate Student Researcher

Electrical Engineering Dept, Tsinghua University,

1999 B.A. Electrical Engineering Dept. Tsinghua University, Beijing,


2001 M.S. Electrical Engineering

University of California, Los Angeles, (UCLA)

2001-2006 Graduate Student Researcher,

Teaching Assistant/Associate

Electrical Engineering Department,

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

2006-2008 Software Engineer,

Sony Picture Imageworks Inc., Culver City


J. Xue, B. J. Borgstrom, J. Jiang, L. Bernstein, and A. Alwan, ”Acoustically-

driven Talking Face Synthesis Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks”, Proceedings

of IEEE ICME 2006, pp. 1165-1168, 2006.

J. Xue, J. Jiang, A. Alwan and L. Bernstein, ”Consonant confusion structure

based on machine classification of visual features in continuous speech,” Pro-


cessings of Audio-Visual Speech Processing Workshop 2005, Vancouver Island,

Canada, pg. 103-108, 2005.

J. Xue, A. Alwan, J. Jiang, and L. E. Bernstein, ”Phoneme clustering based on

segmental lip configurations in naturally spoken sentences,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am.

117, 2573, 2005.

J. Xue, A. Alwan, E. T. Auer, Jr., and L. E. Bernstein, ”On audio-visual syn-

chronization for viseme-based speech synthesis,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116, 2480,


Z. AlBawab, I. Locher, J. Xue, and A. Alwan, ”Speech Recognition over Blue-

tooth Wireless Channels,” Proceedings of EUROSPEECH 2003, Switzerland, pp.

1233-1236, 2003.


Abstract of the Dissertation

Acoustically-Driven Talking Face Animations

Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks


Jianxia Xue

Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering

University of California, Los Angeles, 2008

Professor Abeer Alwan, Chair

Visual speech information on a speaker’s face is important for improving the

robustness and naturalness of both human and machine speech comprehension.

Natural and intelligible talking face animations can benefit a broad range of appli-

cations such as digital effects, computer animations, computer games, computer-

based tutoring, and scientific studies of human speech perception. In this study,

the focus is on developing an acoustically-driven talking face animation system.

Acoustical speech signals are found to be highly correlated with visual speech

signals, and thus can be used effectively to drive facial animations.

The acoustically-driven talking face animation system is developed using an

audio-visual speech database. The database used in this study includes a previous

recording (CorpusA), a pilot diphone-oriented recording (CorpusB), and a new

recording (CorpusC). The raw optical data from the new recording are processed

through an archiving pipeline. Acoustical and optical data are first segmented

into tokens, and then acoustical data are segmented into phonemes through HMM



Dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) are applied to the acoustic-to-optical

speech signal mapping in the acoustically-driven talking face animation system.

Different DBN structures and model selection parameters are studied. Exper-

imental results show that the state-dependent structures in the DBN models

yield high correlation between reconstructed and recorded facial motions. More

interestingly, the maximum inter-chain state asynchrony parameter of the DBN

configurations has a greater effect on synthesis accuracy than the number of hid-

den states in the audio and visual Markov chains. This study demonstrates the

potential of DBNs in acoustically-driven talking face synthesis.

An optical data-driven animation rendering tool is built based on radial basis

functions. Synthesized optical data and recorded optical data are both used to

generate animations for system evaluation. A lexicon distinction identification

test is conducted with 16 human subjects. Perceptual test results on original opti-

cal data-driven animations show that the radial basis function algorithm provides

highly natural rendering of talking faces. Perceptual test results on synthesized

optical data-driven animations show that for some words the synthesized results

yield similar lexicon distinction identification scores to the results using recorded

data-driven animations. The formal perceptual test provides quantitative evalu-

ation of the entire acoustically-driven talking face animation system, which can

be very useful for future system tuning and improvement.




1.1 Motivation and Overview of Talking Face


Visual speech information on a speaker’s face is important for improving the

robustness and naturalness of both human and machine speech comprehension.

Here, visual speech information refers to images of lower facial regions during

speech production. The lower facial region includes the cheeks, the lips, the

inner mouth organs, and the jaw. The teeth, velum, and tongue are inner mouth

organs that are usually partially perceived visually during speech production.

Deaf people use visual speech to lipread in speech communicatioin. In [2],

speech reading or lipreading as it is often called, was considered as a psychologi-

cal process not only in people with hearing loss and deafness, but also in normal

hearing people. The McGurk effect [31] demonstrated that, for normal hearing

people, visual information is integrated with speech information from the acous-

tical signals. For example, when an audio stimulus of /ba/ is presented with a

visual stimulus of /ga/, /da/ is perceived. Such perceptual results are repeat-

able among subjects across age, gender, and native language. Visual speech has

also been found to enhance speech comprehension in acoustically-noisy condi-


tions [97][98], and is a very important modality for infant language development

[1] and for non-native speakers [99].

Given the important role of visual speech, computer generated visual speech,

or automatic talking face animations, can provide better human-computer inter-

action. It can benefit a broad range of applications such as digital effects and

computer animations, computer games, computer-based tutoring, and scientific

studies of human speech perception.

Most automatic talking face animation systems involve three major modules

as follows:

• Finding key facial gestures;

• Aligning key gestures with the acoustical signal temporally;

• Interpolating key gestures temporally and/or spatially.

Systems such as Video Rewrite [10], MikeTalk [18], and Voice Puppetry [8], are

built on sequences of two-dimensional (2D) images. Smoothing and morphing are

applied between pre-stored image sequences in [10], or key frames in [6], [18], and

[8]. The selections of pre-stored image sequences or key frames are accomplished

manually [18] or automatically [10] [8].

A common method for selecting key frames focuses on the viseme [84] which

is a term abbreviated from visual phoneme. For example, the phonemes /p,

b, m/ share a common viseme. However, there is no complete agreement on the

viseme set in terms of corresponding phonemic clusters. For example, consonants

and vowels were categorized into 6 and 9 visemes respectively in [18], while 12

consonant visemes and 7 vowel visemes were used in [60].


Systems that directly manipulate three-dimensional (3D) facial models have

also been studied. Parameter-based 3D animations in [34], [35], and [14] used fa-

cial shape parameter sets to represent key facial gestures. The MPEG-4 standard

[3] specified the Facial Definition Parameters (FDPs) and the Facial Animation

Parameters (FAPs) to represent and animate any facial model. Physically-based

models in [43] and [36] simulated facial skin, tissue, and muscles, by multilayer

dense meshes. Facial gestures were represented through muscle contraction pa-

rameters. In [14], the Lofqvist gesture production model was adapted to simulate

speech coarticulation for better key gesture alignment and interpolation.

Modern 3D animation systems rely on Motion Capture (MoCap) systems

[112]. MoCap techniques have been widely used in military, entertainment,

sports, and medical applications. Markers glued on actors’ facial or body regions

are captured through an optical system with multiple cameras. The 3D positions

of the markers are directly recorded in synchrony with the acoustical signals.

These 3D marker data can be applied to deform dense 3D models. MoCap data

capture subtle human motions which lead to highly natural movements in ani-

mated characters. However, the data recording procedure is expensive and time

consuming. The raw data contains various artifacts that require semi-automatic

or manual corrections, labeling, interpolation, and smoothing.

With the development of computer-vision techniques, the so called two-and-

half-dimensional (2.5D), or performance-driven facial animation systems appeared

in [44], [111], etc. These systems used recordings of 2D talking face image se-

quences to drive a 3D facial model. Such approaches yield flexible rendering

results while preserving naturalness from video recordings. One important mod-

ule in many performance-driven animation systems is the Facial Action Coding

System (FACS) [16]. Performance of key facial expressions and Action Units


(AU) were captured and further applied to 3D facial animations. In [111], 3D

facial animations were highly natural given a video recording of the same speech.

Computational approaches were integrated in different modules in different

systems. One challenge is to integrate computational models into temporal align-

ment of key gestures and acoustical signals. Systems built with automatic acous-

tical signal alignment are limited. Furthermore, there are fewer systems that

can synthesize new speech content other than that in the training dataset with

automatic acoustical signal alignment.

The goal of this research is to develop a prototype 3D talking-face animation

system that is driven by the acoustical signals. Given a corpus of audio-visual

speech from motion capture data, the system can synthesize 3D talking face

animations in synchrony with an input acoustical signal that has no recorded

motion capture data. Such a system can be trained to automatically generate

new animations without capturing new motion data. Our system development

involves corpus collection and preprocessing, synthesis and animation system

development, and perceptual evaluations.

1.2 Overview of Acoustically-driven Talking Face


Many studies on the relationship between acoustical and visual signals led to the

development of acoustically-driven talking face animation systems. Regardless of

the form of the final production (e.g. 2D or 3D rendering), the main challenge

in such an approach is to generate facial key gestures that are aligned with the

input acoustical signals computationally.


An acoustically-driven talking face animation system is usually divided into

three main components:

1. Acoustical and visual feature extraction - the front end

2. Acoustical to visual feature mapping - the back end

3. Animation rendering driven by visual features - the rendering

In the front end, the speech signals in audio and visual modalities are pro-

cessed to obtain a sequence of audio and visual features. The back end contains

models of speech that are used to transform a sequence of acoustical features into

its corresponding sequence of optical features.

The visual features in the front end are also used in the rendering to drive the

animation. Thus, visual features not only need to be robust to represent a speech

unit, but also need to be detailed to drive the animation with subtle motions for


A back end mapping model is usually trained from aligned acoustical and

visual features for the speech unit that the model represents. Such a training

procedure can be applied to a set of back end models which correspond to a

speech unit set for a particular language. Then, given a sequence of acoustical

features, the trained mapping models can be temporally aligned, and can map

the corresponding acoustical features into visual feature sequences.

In this dissertation, most of the focus is on the acoustical to visual feature

mapping models.


1.3 Feature extraction

Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) is commonly used in audio signal processing

for representing the spectral envelope of a digital acoustic signal in compressed

form, using a linear predictive model. The model is an approximation of the

vocal tract transfer function. In [49], Line Spectral Pairs (LSPs) were used as

acoustical features for correlation analysis between acoustic and optical features.

The iFace system [21] used Mel Frequencey Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) as

acoustical features.

In [49], visual features were the results of the Principle Component Analysis

(PCA) of the 3D marker positions recorded from a human face while speaking.

PCA reduced 54 marker position data channels into 7 visual feature channels.

In [21], facial motions were represented in a set of motion units by video

tracking of dotted markers on a human talking face. Then, the facial motion

features were extracted into a set of Motion Unit Parameters (MUP) for each

motion unit.

1.4 Acoustical to visual feature mapping

Previous studies applied various techniques on acoustical to visual feature map-

ping from regression to other statistical methods.

1.4.1 Regression methods

In [25][49], linear regression techniques have been applied to speech acoustics and

optical data, and correlations between the estimated and recorded optical motion


tracks were about 75% for nonsense CV syllables.

In [48] [49] [21] [30], neural networks were used to map acoustical to visual

features. For one PCA component, a sub-network consists of 10 neurons and one

linear output layers. The network was trained on 3 to 4 repetitions and tested

on 1 for both English and Japanese sentences. The estimation resulted in an

average correlation with the original data of 0.85. In iFace [21], the mapping from

acoustical features to facial motion features MUPs were modeled using Multi-

layer Perceptrons (MLPs) and were trained using back-propagation algorithms.

The animation results showed reduced mouth motions and unnatural lip jitters.

In general, regression methods (linear or non-linear) have high demands on

training data. The training procedure is usually computationally expensive.

1.4.2 Statistical methods

In [13], Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) were used to model the audio-visual

joint features. Training of the model parameters was done by the Expectation

Maximization (EM) algorithm. Then for an input acoustical signal, the cepstrum

coefficients were used in the mixture component likelihood estimation. The width

and height of the lips were estimated by the weighted sum of the mixture models

for the visual modality. This work provided an interesting framework of a GMM

approach as shown in Figure 1.1. However, visual features that focused only on

the lips are not adequate for animation rendering.

In [45], lip movements were generated from acoustical signals using Hidden

Markov Models (HMMs). In the training stage, phoneme HMMs were trained

using acoustical features. Then these acoustical features were assigned to cor-

responding HMM state sequences using the forced Viterbi alignment. For each


Training Data

Visual Feature Extraction

Acoustic Feature Extraction

AV Joint Feature

VQ Clustering

New Audio

Acoustic Feature Extraction

Gaussian mixture components probabilities

GMM optimized by EM

Estimated Visual Parameter

Figure 1.1: Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) applied to mapping continuous

speech to facial movements [13].

HMM state, an average of the synchronous lip features was calculated from all

the associated frames as a viseme class. For synthesis, acoustical features were

aligned into a HMM state sequence using the Viterbi alignment, then the lip

features were retrieved from the associated viseme of each state and were con-

catenated together. Formal perception tests of the synthesized lip movements

showed that the method generates natural lip movements that are sensitive to

forward coarticulation. The precision of lip gesture alignment depends upon the

accuracy of the Viterbi algorithm. Incorrectly decoded frames of the HMM state

sequence yielded wrong lip shapes.

In our work, we consider statistical mapping methods with a focus on HMM-

based acoustical to visual feature mappings. Acoustical HMMs have been widely

applied in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems, and multi-model HMMs

have been applied in Audio-Visual Automatic Speech Recognition (AVASR) sys-


tems. The multi-model HMMs can be viewed as a special case of a general graph

model, the Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBN). Although speech recognition is

not the interest of this study, the methodology of back end multi-model speech

processing in AVASR can be adapted and applied in developing a talking face

animation system. In the following sections, basic algorithms for HMMs and

DBNs are presented.

1.4.3 Hidden Markov Models

A HMM can be viewed as a special one-dimensional and directional graph; it

consists of a set of states. Each state is associated with a probability distribution

for the observation (or emission) of feature vectors from that state. Each state

can be connected with the following state or itself through a state transition

probability. There are also two non-emitting states: the initial state and the final

state. The reason for the word hidden in HMM, is that in practice, the state

sequence is hidden or unknown and what is known is the observation sequence.

For a HMM, let the states be numbered 1 ≤ i ≤ N , the transition probability

from state i to state j be aij , the observation vectors (speech features) be X =

{xt, 1 ≤ t ≤ T}, and the output probability density of feature vector x from

state j be bj(x).

The total likelihood of the observation sequence being produced by the model

with parameters Λ is easily shown to be [83]:

P (X|Λ) =∑




(xt) (1.4.1)

where the summation is over all possible state sequences Θ = {s1, s2, . . . , sT}.

The observation probability distribution is usually taken to be a Gaussian


mixture distribution

bj(x) =R






2(x − µjr)

T Σ−1jr (x − µjr)



where R is the number of Gaussians in the mixture, cjr is the weight of mixture

component r for the hidden state j and∑R

r=1 cjr = 1, µjr is the mean of the

mixture component r for the hidden state j, and Σjr is the covariance matrix

of the mixture component r for the hidden state j. In practice, the covariance

matrices are usually taken to be diagonal for computational efficiency during


During HMM training, the problem is to estimate HMM parameters given a

set of utterances along with transcriptions. Therefore, the observation sequences

along with the identities of the model sequences producing them are given, while

the state sequences of the HMMs are unknown.

The Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm is an iterative algorithm to

obtain increasing-likelihood estimates of model parameters from incomplete data

([113]). Following [95], let the distribution p(X ,Y|Λ) of data (X ,Y) be known,

but whose parameters Λ need to be estimated given only X .

In the EM algorithm, given an initial estimate of the parameters Λ(i−1), we

form the auxiliary function

F(Λ, Λ(i−1)) = E[

log p(X ,Y|Λ)|X , Λ(i−1)]


A new estimate of the parameters is obtained as:

Λ(i) = arg maxΛ

F(Λ, Λ(i−1)) (1.4.4)

It can be proven that the likelihood of the observed data is non-decreasing:

p(X |Λ(i)) ≥ p(X |Λ(i−1)) (1.4.5)


If the EM algorithm converges, then the limit is a local maximum of the

likelihood function.

Given an initial estimate of the parameters of an HMM and given data that

was produced from the HMM, one can use the EM algorithm to derive a new

estimate of the parameters that is guaranteed to increase the likelihood. For

HMMs, the parameters are Λ = {∪g{cg, µg, Σg}, [aij]}, where g is a Gaussian

mixture distribution in the HMM. The missing information is the state sequence

Θ. The auxiliary function is therefore

F(Λ, Λ(i−1)) =∑


P (X, Θ|Λ(i−1)) · log P (X, Θ|Λ) (1.4.6)

Maximizing this auxiliary function with respect to the parameters results in the

Baum-Welch equations.

Let γjm(t) be the posterior probability of being in state j at time t and the

output being produced by mixture r. γjr(t) may be computed efficiently using

the forward-backward algorithm. Then the new Baum-Welch estimates of the

parameters are:

µjr =

∑Tt=1 γjr(t)xt

∑Tt=1 γjr(t)


Σjr =

∑Tt=1 γjr(t)(xt − µjr)(xt − µjr)


∑Tt=1 γjr(t)


cjr =

∑Tt=1 γjr(t)


∑Rl=1 γjl(t)


The re-estimation formulae for the transition probabilities aij may be found

in [83].


1.4.4 Dynamic Bayesian Networks

As mentioned earlier, HMMs are a special case of DBNs. A general dynamic

Bayesian network is a directional graph model that allows interactions between

multiple hidden Markov chains as shown in Figure 1.2. In this work, DBN mod-

els are used for back end audio-visual speech modeling. The physical concept

of multimodel speech processing can be more straight-forwardly represented by

DBNs through audio-visual joint state transition structures. DBNs provide flexi-

ble configurations of joint states given model selection parameters of the number

of states in each modality and the maximum state asynchrony between modal-

ities. Here, audio-visual asynchrony states refer to the off-diagonal joint state

elements in the 2D hidden state space. These asynchrony states provide struc-

tural potential to capture various audio-visual alignment patterns for a speech

unit. Given the joint state transition structure, different joint state transition

models can be applied to capture the interaction between two highly correlated

time series.

1.5 Animation rendering

Various 3D model deformation techniques have been studied since the first com-

puter generated talking face [34].

• Free-form face model Free-form face model approaches define a control

model to deform the face model. A control model consists of a set of control

points with their 3D coordinates. Vertices of the 3D facial model are deformed by

interpolation methods. Popular interpolation functions include affine functions,

B-spline functions, cardinal spline and springs, the combination of affine functions











Audio-visual joint states

A1 A2 A3 AcousticalStates

Acoustical Observations






l O










Figure 1.2: General structure of dynamic Bayesian networks for audio-visual

speech modeling


and radial basis functions, rational functions, and Bezier volume models. Such

deformation mechanism fits well to motion capture data-driven animations.

• Parameterized face model Parameterized wire-frame models [34] [35]

[14] use a set of parameters to decide the shapes of the face models. For ex-

ample, vertices on the lips can be directly controlled through parameters such

as mouth opening width, mouth opening height, upper lip protrusion, and lower

lip protrusion. In Parke’s model [34], the initial coordinates of a set of anchor

vertices and the parameters are predefined. The remaining vertices in the face

model are calculated by a set of predefined interpolation functions whose vari-

ables are those parameters and the coordinates of the anchor vertices. Such an

approach has been integrated into various versions of facial animation editing

applications. Users can easily manipulate parameters to move facial models into

a desired gesture.

• Physics-based model Physics-based models [43] [36] simulate facial skin,

tissue, and muscles by multilayer dense meshes. Facial surface deformation is

triggered by the contractions of the synthetic facial muscles. The muscle forces

are propagated through the skin layer, and thereby deform the facial surface. The

simulation procedure solves a set of dynamics equations which is computationally

expensive. Such an approach can produce highly realistic rendering of facial

animation given detailed muscle contraction models.

1.6 Perceptual evaluation

One of the challenging problems to the technical development of a visual speech

synthesis system is to evaluate the final product, the animations. In our study, we

need to evaluate the animation results in terms of visual intelligibility. A formal


visual speech perceptual test needs to be designed and conducted to measure how

well the synthesized talking face animation can convey visual speech information.

In speech perception studies, human visual speech perceptual experiments

are usually conducted under laboratory conditions with controlled stimuli and

responses. Various perceptual tests exist with no standard experimental configu-

rations for intelligibility evaluations of talking face animations. The main factors

in the design of audio-visual perceptual tests are listed in Table 1.1.

In [54] [57] [62] [65] [67] [75] [70] and [81], animation systems were developed

with perceptual tests. Among the 8 studies, sentence stimuli were used in [54]

[62] [67] [70] with open-set identifications. With the exceptions of [54] and [70],

all studies used word or syllable stimuli. Three out of the six studies with word

or syllable stimuli used closed set identification tests. Short and isolated speech

stimuli were more common used than long and continuous stimuli.

Only one study [62] conducted the perceptual test with no audio stimuli. This

type of lipreading experiments yields low identification scores and very large

subject variation. In [54], clean acoustical signals were degraded by a three-

channel vocoder while the majority of similar studies used acoustical signals with

additive noise. For additive noise, different range of SNRs were tested in [57] [65]

[70] and in [81]. As we can see, audio treatments varied across studies significantly.

The shape of the noise and the SNRs are not standardized. However, audio-in-

noise experiment are more common than clean audio ones.

In all studies, the majority of the subjects were normal hearing and native

speakers of the language used in the stimuli. At least 16 subjects participated

in all studies except [81]. Identification correct scores are most common for

describing results from subjects’ reponses, again with the exception of [81] in


Table 1.1: Factors in audio-visual perceptual tests

Factors Options

Stimuli - Nonsense syllables

- McGurk words [75]

- Isolated words

- Isolated sentences

- Running speech, such as story telling

Task - Open set identification

- Close set identification

- Subjective judgments

Audio - Silent

- Vocoder degraded audio [54]

- Additive-noise degraded audio with different SNRs

and different noise types

Subjects - Normal hearing vs. hearing impaired

- Native speaker vs. non-native speakers

Scoring - Phoneme identification correct

- Clustered phoneme or viseme identification correct

- Syllable identification correct

- Word identification correct

- Keyword identification correct

which the subjects’ responses were from a 5-choice survey instead of identification

or discrimination tests.


In this study, a new perceptual test is designed and conducted for visual speech

intelligibility evaluation of both the synthesized and recorded optical data-driven


1.7 Outline of this dissertation

The rest of the dissertation is organized as follows.

Chapter 2 presents the database developed and used in this study. The record-

ing corpus design and final data set are presented. Raw optical recordings were

processed through an automatic data archiving pipeline. Preprocessings in the

data archiving pipeline are presented. Automatic segmentation of both acoustical

and optical signal are presented.

Chapter 3 presented the acoustically-driven visual speech synthesis system us-

ing DBNs. The DBN model training methods and the inference of visual states

given acoustical observation and DBN models are derived. Experiments on mul-

tiple DBN configurations and different DBN model parameters are presented and


In Chapter 4, we describe the approach for animation rendering using optical

data and a generic three-dimensional head model. We also present a perceptual

evaluation method to evaluate the quality of the animation rendering algorithm

and the entire acoustically-driven talking face animation system.

Finally, Chapter 5 presents a summary of the dissertation and future research




Audio-Visual Database

2.1 Introduction

In this study, the audio-visual database refers to a dataset of audio and opti-

cal signals which were simultaneously recorded from human subjects uttering a

corpus of speech materials in a quiet sound booth.

An audio-visual speech database is necessary in all three phases of developing

an intelligent acoustically-driven talking animation system, namely, multi-modal

speech analysis, automatic talking face animation, and audio-visual speech per-

ceptual evaluation. The multi-modal speech analysis in this study involves statis-

tical modeling of the relationship between acoustic and optical signals of audio-

visual speech. Hence, a large dataset is required for reliable statistical learning.

The automatic talking face animation requires the optical data to be anchored

on a 3-D generic head model, so that the motion of these anchor points can drive

the head model intelligibly. Perceptual evaluations require testing speech materi-

als to be representative for visual intelligibility measurement. In summary, each

phase dictates different aspects of database design, such as number of repetitions,

placement of markers, speech content, etc.

Given recording constraints such as recording time, recruitment of subjects,


available cameras, budget, etc., the data corpus was carefully designed to fulfill

the above requirements. The database was recorded and archived in collaboration

with researchers at the House Ear Institute (HEI). A data archiving pipeline was


The following sections present efficient corpus design and automatic data

archiving in detail.

2.2 Efficient design of the audio-visual speech corpus

Corpus efficiency is important for both robust system training and informative

visual speech intelligibility evaluation. One can maximize testing capacity for vi-

sual intelligibility evaluation, while minimizing training corpus size. This can be

approached through three directions: improving the synthesis system framework,

incorporating speech content influence on visual speech intelligibility, and opti-

mizing corpus selection techniques. Based on initial system development from an

existing audio-visual sentence corpus, a complementary corpus was designed for

statistical training and perceptual testing of the talking face synthesis system.

What speech content should be covered and how large should the corpus be

for the purpose of training and evaluating an acoustically-driven talking face

animation system?

Let c represent a subset from a speech material collection Ψ, nts(c) and ntr(c)

represents the number of testing and training utterances as a function of speech

material set c, respectively. We prefer to select c so that nts(c) + ntr(c) is small

while nts(c)/ntr(c) is large. The selection is under the following constraints:

• Recording time for all utterances T (c) must be less than a maximum dura-


tion of Tmax;

• nts(c) must be at least the minimum required number of testing utterances


• ntr(c) must be at least the minimum required number of training utterances


A previously recorded sentence corpus (see Appendix A, referred to here as

CorpusA) and a pilot recording corpus (see Appendix B, referred to here as

CorpusB) are analyzed for the final design of the new recording corpus (see Ap-

pendix C, referred to here as CorpusC). CorpusA includes 320 IEEE sentences

from 8 subjects. CorpusB includes a set of 34 nonsense tri-syllables and one IEEE

sentence from one subject. The following results and analysis are all based on

the studies from CorpusA and CorpusB.

In designing CorpusC, a combination of material types such as sentences,

words, nonsenses syllables, etc. is needed. According to the recordings of Cor-

pusA and CorpusB, the average number of takes per recording day is 120. The

maximum number of recording days is 2. Let n be the average number of utter-

ance per take, and Nmax be the maximal number of utterance for a recording.

The following relationship applies for utterances from a type of material:

Nmax = 240 × n (2.2.1)

We are interested in the recording time constraints for material types such as

sentences, words, nonsense tri-syllables, etc. Thus, average recording times n are

collected from the recordings of CorpusA and CorpusB. Table 2.1 shows n and

corresponding Nmax for different materials.


Table 2.1: Average and maximum number of recordings for different utterance

types. n is the average number of utterances per take.

Utterances Sentence Words Nonsense Tri-syllable

n 4 10 6

Nmax 960 2400 1440

For a corpus with multiple types of materials, the maximal number of utter-

ance for the corpus, Nmax(c), can be estimated from Table 2.1. Hence, the first

constraint can be represented from recording time into number of utterances as

the following:

nts(c) + ntr(c) < Nmax(c) (2.2.2)

The minimum number of testing utterances Nts is determined from the perceptual

evaluation requirement. The effect of context on visual intelligibility had been

incorporated into the design of the testing corpus to reduce Nts. The minimum

number of training utterances Ntr is a function of the talking-face synthesis sys-

tem, and testing corpus requirement. In the following two subsections, methods

to reduce Nts and Ntr are discussed in detail based on the studies of CorpusA

and CorpusB. The third subsection describes the new recordings of CorpusC.

2.2.1 Content influence on visual intelligibility

Improving communicative functionality (intelligibility) of a synthetic talking face

is of primary concern during system development. Evaluating visual intelligibility

involved various factors such as noise condition of the audio signals, subject


hearing level, stimuli type, scoring method, etc. Among these factors, stimuli

types play an important role in corpus design. Thus, a brief review of content

influence on visual intelligibility is provided in this subsection. The testing corpus

is selected based on the following assumptions about content influence on visual

speech perception.

Previous studies [84][85][51] developed the concept of grouping phonemes that

are similar in terms of visual perception. These studies showed the existence of

visual perceptual confusion structures, and how clustering of visually-equivalent

phonemes varies across speakers. For each speaker, visually-equivalent phoneme

clusters can vary in the degree of easiness for lipreading. Moreover, word fre-

quency and lexicon-equivalent classes need to be taken into account during word

identification by lipreaders [51]. At the sentence level, the sentence duration can

also have an influence on visual intelligibility due to visual speech coarticulation.

We are interested in those materials that are strong in visual speech coartic-

ulation. For such test content, there is room to test how well our talking face

synthesis system can reproduce coarticulation effect. Secondly, testing content

should have the least semantic or syntactic cues. This ensures that the perceptual

test involves minimum top-down psycholinguistic processes [102]. The intelligi-

bility is then coming from bottom-up phonetic processing or lexicon processing

[102] and can be tested to the maximum extent in running speech. Finally, testing

speech materials are preferred to be highly intelligible. In such case, there is per-

ceptual room to evaluate synthetic talking faces in degraded conditions compared

to natural facial speech productions.

Given these constraints, it was first decided that the testing materials should

include both sentences and isolated words so both strong and weak coarticula-


tion cases can be tested. We then limited the testing sentences to be a subset of

the IEEE/Harvard sentences [106] which were designed to have minimal semantic

cues and were originally designed for the purpose of testing audio speech intelligi-

bility in various communication conditions (noise degraded). Then, a dictionary

with word frequency and lexicon equivalent class (LEC) sizes was used to obtain

the sentence/word frequency, LEC, and number of syllables information. A cost

function is formed from these factors. Sentences in the IEEE/Harvard corpus

were sorted using the cost function for visual speech perception. As for words,

the testing corpus was selected from the perceptual test corpus in [51].

However, there are no standard visual phoneme equivalent classes (PEC).

Viseme, made up of the words ‘visual’ and ‘phoneme’, is another name commonly

used for this concept. One can predict theoretical PEC given the manner and

place of articulations for each phoneme. Place and manner of articulation for

consonants are shown in Table 2.2. Place of articulation for vowels is shown in

Figure 2.1. Given the phoneme confusion structure, one can generate a dictionary

using phoneme equivalent class labels for visual phoneme transcription of each

word. Words that have the same visual PEC transcription form the visual lexicon

equivalent class.

Given the frequency and LEC size, one can have a scoring of potential visual

intelligibility of a given word. High frequency and low LEC words tend to be

easier for lipreading than low frequency and high LEC words. Study [51] showed

perceptual results that confirmed this hypothesis. Further, for each sentence, one

can calculate its potential visual intelligibility using LEC and frequency of the

key words.


Table 2.2: Place and manner for consonants [107]. The meaning of the single-let-

ter phoneme representations can be found in Appendix D.

Bila- Labio- Den- Alveo- Postal- Pala- Velar Glot-

bial dental tal lar veolar tal tal

Nasal m n G

Plosive p b t d k g

Fricative f v T D s z S Z h

Affricate C J

Approximant w l r j

2.2.2 Training corpus requirement

Training corpus requirements highly depend on the machine learning method of

the acoustic-to-optical mapping function. The speech unit potential in terms of

sentence generation and visual intelligibility need to be taken into account. Sim-

ilar to acoustical speech synthesis systems, visual speech synthesizers have used

data concatenation approaches, linear regression, HMMs, and different combina-

tions of these methods.

In data concatenation approaches, different units including visime [18], di-

phones [74], and triphones [10] have been used. The dynamics of facial gestures

during speech production are generated from recorded facial gestures or kinematic

data with various blending techniques.

Linear regression approaches have been experimented in [27][47][48]. Cor-

pusB includes 34 diphones which can be concatenated into one sentence. These


Figure 2.1: Place of articulation for vowels [107]

diphones were uttered in a fixed context condition with the /ta/ syllable before

and after it. The constraints of recording time resulted in 500 diphones which

can generate less than 45 sentences using a greedy algorithm [109] ).

Statistical approaches such as multi-stream HMM were studied in [70][91]. In

this study, dynamic Bayesian networks (DBN) were explored using CorpusA. Two

DBN structures, namely, product HMM (P-HMM) and coupled HMM (C-HMM)

generated talking face animations that are visually realistic. For phoneme-based

model training, 60 tokens per phoneme yield stable model training. The sentence

synthesis capacity is unlimited. Various testing contexts can be used for system

performance evaluation. Detailed results can be found in [100].

Given the pilot analysis of training data requirement, the new recording corpus

were selected based on HMM-based optical-to-acoustic mapping using phoneme

units. Each phoneme requires a minimum of 60 tokens for reliable model training.


2.2.3 Final corpus

Given the above analysis, CorpusC( see Appendix C ) was collected with the

speech content listed in Table 2.3. The non-speech expressions were produced

for 3D generic facial model calibration. All the 141 words and the 400 sentences

were uttered with a neutral facial expression. Words are used in perceptual

tests. Sentences are used for training only. The final corpus is the combination

of CorpusA and CorpusC. Sentences in CorpusA are partitioned into testing

and training set. Sentences in CorpusC and the training set from CorpusA are

combined together in one training corpus.

Table 2.3: Speech materials of CorpusC

Material Quantity Repetition Purpose

Non-speech expressions 12 2 facial motion calibration

Monosyllabic words 75 2 testing

Disyllabic words 66 2 testing

IEEE/Harvard Sentences 400 1 training

Table 2.4 shows the number of vocabularies in different speech unit for the

speech materials in CorpusA and CorpusC.

Table 2.5 shows the number of repetitions of averaged over all vocabularies

for each speech unit and material.

All sentences were constructed with 5 key words each [106]. The key words

supply the majority of the meaning in the sentences. Corresponding linguistic

information from key words for sentences in CorpusA, CorpusB, and both are

shown in Table 2.6 for vocabulary. From Table 2.7, the average number of repeti-


Table 2.4: Unit vocabularies in CorpusA and CorpusC

Material Words Phonemes Diphones Triphones

75 monosyllabic words 75 36 176 238

66 disyllabic words 66 38 187 271

720 sentences 1889 40 1042 6277

Table 2.5: Unit average repetitions in CorpusA and CorpusC

Material Words Phonemes Diphones Triphones

75 monosyllabic words - 7.5 2.0 1.1

66 disyllabic words - 9.7 2.3 1.4

720 sentences 3.0 343.6 18.2 2.9

tions for phonemes increases from 149.2 in CorpusA to 333.2 in the combination

of CorpusA and CorpusC.

Table 2.6: Unit vocabulary from key words in sentences

Material Words Phonemes Diphones Triphones

320 sentences 1040 40 883 3408

400 sentences 1214 39 948 3995

720 sentences 1810 40 1034 5625

Resources for robust training of diphone or triphone units are limited as shown

in Table 2.7. Thus phoneme-level modeling is most suitable for the visual speech


Table 2.7: Unit average repetitions from key words in sentences

Material Words Phonemes Diphones Triphones

320 sentences 1.5 149.2 7.7 1.8

400 sentences 1.6 188.8 8.9 1.8

720 sentences 2.0 333.2 14.7 2.4

synthesis system. Phonemes that are rich in the number of tokens can be further

divided into context-dependent subsets of tokens for improved modeling accuracy.

Figure 2.2 shows phoneme appearance distribution in the combined 720 sentences.

2.3 Automatic Data Archiving

The optical data were captured from sets of retro-reflective markers glued on

subjects’ faces. The audio and optical data modalities were synchronized during

recording [27]. Previous optical data were archived through manual labeling

and editing procedures in the Qualisys software. In the new data recording

sessions, the number of markers increased from 20 to 33 in order to capture more

facial motion detail that spanned over the jaw and cheek regions (as shown in

Figure 2.3).

With the increasing dimensions of marker data, 3D reconstruction problems

embedded in the Qualisys motion capture system increased to a scale that is

elaborate and prohibitive for human labelers. A highly automated data archiving

pipeline was developed. Raw optical were processed into a deformable format

for talking-face animation. Then optical and acoustic data were segmented per

utterance. Finally, acoustical data were automatically aligned with phoneme


ZODyJUTWCSGvughoaxA^bcRe@fmwEp i I z knd l r s t10







of S



Phoneme Distribution

Figure 2.2: Phoneme appearance distribution from 720 IEEE/Harvard sentences.

The meaning of the single-letter phoneme representations listed in the figure can

be found in Appendix D.


















Figure 2.3: Marker settings in the new recording. Markers on the right side of

the speaker are labeled.

transcriptions. This procedure greatly reduced the cost of data archiving.

Given raw optical and acoustical data with multiple speech utterances in each

take, the data archiving procedure produces deformable optical data, acoustic

data, transcription, and phoneme segmentation information for all valid utter-

ances. The main procedures for automatic data archiving includes:

• Optical data preprocessing

• Audio-visual speech end-point detection

• Acoustic phoneme segmentation

Detailed descriptions of each step are in the following three sub-sections.

2.3.1 Optical data preprocessing

Due to limited 3D space resolution of the infra-red light reflection system, markers

placed with an Euclidean distance less than 1 centimeter cannot be distinguished


Figure 2.4: Illustration of raw optical data problems from left to right: (a) outlier,

(b) collision, and (c) missing data.

in the 3D reconstruction procedure. Due to the limitation on the number of

infra-red emitting-receiving cameras, view angles for robust 3D reconstruction are

also limited. The main artifacts in raw optical takes include: 3D reconstruction

outliers, marker collisions, missing data, multiple segments for single marker, and

jitter noise. The first three problems can be detected in 3D space as shown in

Figure 2.4. The multi-segments problem is shown in Figure 2.5. For example, 3D

positions of the marker JawRL might lie in 5 groups of the trajectory channels

with 3 channels per group. Each group stores the 3D marker positions for one set

of continuous frames without overlapping frames among the groups. However,

which channels belong to these groups is not labelled in the raw data. The

jitter refers to trajectory noise. Jitter that is not strong in trajectory signals can

produce strong visual artifacts in 3D head animations. The goal of optical data

preprocessing is to resolve these problems in the raw data so that it can be used

to drive a 3D head model in the deformation component of the system.


200 400 600 800 1000 1200





















Input Raw Data

Frame Index








Figure 2.5: Raw marker data with multiple segments.

A robust optical data preprocessing method was developed and applied to

the new recordings of 153 takes which includes 440 utterances of sentences, and

719 utterances of isolated speech (including words and nonsense syllables). The

flowchart of optical data preprocessing method is shown in Figure 2.6. The

resulting utterances were checked visually using the deformation software VSynth.

Step 1 (HMC) is for head motion compensation. Step 2 (Deletion) is for 3D

reconstruction outlier detection and removal. Step 3 (Concatenation) is for

temporal concatenation of multiple segments emitted from each marker. Step

4 (Interpolation) is for temporal interpolation of short duration missing data.

Step 5 (Registration) is for scaling and translations of the marker data to fit

into the 3D head models for deformation. The final step (Annealing) is a semi-

automatic procedure that involves manual inspection of marker-driven 3D face








Figure 2.6: Flowchart of optical data preprocessing.

model animation and case specific fixations of jitters, long duration missing data,

and smoothing. Without manual tuning, the methods had a success rate of

87.8%. With empirical tuning especially in the final annealing procedure, 98% of

the recorded utterances was retrieved for acceptable 3D head model animation.

In the following, each step is described in detail.

Step 1: Head motion compensation (HMC) is based on [27] by coordinate

transformation. The new coordinate in the 33 marker set is determined using

three anchor markers: TopC, BroL, and NosC (see Figure 2.3 for their facial

locations relative to the other markers). For each frame, the coordinates [~x, ~y, ~z]

is determined as follows:

~y = ~n1 (2.3.1)

~z = ~y × ~n2 (2.3.2)






Head Motion Calibration

Figure 2.7: Anchor points and vectors used in head motion compensation.

~x = ~y × ~z (2.3.3)

where ~n1 is the norm of vector ~VTopC−NosC as shown in Figure 2.7, ~n2 is the norm

of vector ~VNosC−BroL as shown in Figure 2.7.

The three anchor markers were chosen by two assumptions: Their relative

distances are constant through speech articulations, and 3D reconstructions of

them are stable with fixed segment indices and no multiple segments. The left

brow marker, which has a smaller motion relative to the head motion, was selected

from the two brow markers. However jitter effects were introduced in this step

due to inevitable relative brow motions during speech production. Later steps in

the pipeline address this issue by smoothing, and by user corrections.

Step 2: Outliers are detected using a polynomial interpolation method. Out-

liers are defined as marker data that are unrealistically far from the facial surface.

Projections of valid markers (including jitters, collision markers) on to the x− z

plane form a stable curved region that represents realistic marker motion space


−100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40










Top View

. Raw + Polynomial Fitted

Figure 2.8: Polynomial fitting of raw marker data on the x-z plane.

(shown in Figure 2.8). Outliers are assumed to appear with a small fraction of

the total data (less than 10%). Thus, polynomial coefficients W = [w0w1 . . . wp]T

were estimated using least mean-squared error estimation as the following:

W = (XTp Xp)

−1XTp z, (2.3.4)

where Xp = [1, x, x2, . . . xp], x = [x1 . . . xn]T , z = [z1 . . . zn]T , n is the total

number of dynamic marker data which is the product of total recording frames

and total number of marker (excluding missing marker-frames) in each take, and

p is the order of the polynomial function. The estimation error e = |z −XpW | is

compared to a cost threshold T that is determined using the mean and variance

of the errors as follows:

T = µe + α · σ1/2e , (2.3.5)

where µe and σe is the mean and variance of the polynomial fitting error respec-

tively, and α is a threshold control parameter. As shown in Figure 2.9, samples


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

x 104











Channel−Frame Index



ial F


g E


Fitting Error Threshold


Figure 2.9: Primary judgment of 3D reconstruction outliers using a fitting error


with a cost higher than T are considered as potential outliers. Then a secondary

judgment is followed in each continuous potential outlier segments as shown in

Figure 2.10. Segments which satisfy the following conditions are judged to be

the final outlier data:

D1 + D2

2> ασ1/2

e (2.3.6)

L > τ (2.3.7)

Parameters [p, α, τ ] were chosen empirically for robust outlier detection; [4, 2, 50msec]

were used in this study. Figure 2.11 showed the top-view of the accumulated

marker data after outlier removal. Compared to Figure 2.8 with marker data be-

fore outlier removal, cleaner and more isolated marker clusters can be observed.

Step 3: The raw data had 80 segments in average. Some markers had up to


5320 5325 5330 5335 5340 5345 5350








Channel−Frame Index



ial F


g E


Fitting Error Threshold

d 1

d 2


Figure 2.10: Secondary judgment of 3D reconstruction outliers using temporal


−120 −100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60−160











Top View

. Raw + Preserved

Figure 2.11: Example result after outlier deletion.


−120 −100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60−140










60Frame 1312, New Segment No. 78

Front View


TemplateCurrent FrameNew Segment

Figure 2.12: Segment labellings using a neutral gesture marker template.

12 segments. Deformable marker data should have 33 segments with one segment

for each marker. Robust concatenation of multiple segments was achieved using a

marker template that was measured by a transducer system( developed by J. Jor-

dan at HEI). Head motion compensations for the template data were processed

using the same settings as in Step 1. For each frame with unknown segments, an

average translation from labeled segments to its template position was compen-

sated. Segment data at the first frame were assumed to be captured at neutral

facial gestures. Thus, the initial average translations in the three spatial axis

were zero. Then the template marker that had minimum Euclidean distance to

the new segment was selected as the marker label for that segment (as shown in

Figure 2.12). Segments sharing the same marker label were sequenced together

to represent single segment marker data (as shown in Figure 2.13).

Step 4: Short duration missing data as shown in the top plot of Figure 2.14


200 400 600 800 1000 1200








Concatenated Data with Labeled Marker Names

Frame Index








Figure 2.13: Concatenated and labeled marker data.

were interpolated temporally using a piece-wise cubic Hermite method [110]. The

interpolations were successful as shown in the bottom plot of Figure 2.14. Long

duration missing data were interpolated spatially using left-right symmetry as-

sumptions. This step involves visual observation of the animation and is embed-

ded in the annealing step.

Step 5: Marker registration was accomplished manually with the facilitation

of the animation software Vsynth developed during the dissertation work. A

global scaling parameter and a marker specific translation matrix were determined

by arranging the marker locations on the generic 3D head model.

Step 6: After marker registration, optical motion data can deform a static

head model. Marker-driven talking face animations can show jitter effect and

residual outliers. Thus, the annealing step is accomplished semi-automatically



200 400 600 800 1000 1200






200 400 600 800 1000 1200





Frame Index




x C


el In


Figure 2.14: Example of interpolation for missing data.


by detecting the problems in animation visualization and fixing them in the

trajectory signal case by case.

The procedure reduced elaborate manual operations of raw data archiving

significantly. After the first four fully automatic steps, 87.8% of the utterances

were clean.

2.3.2 Audio-visual speech end-point detection

This step is to pick usable audio-visual recording segments temporally. Dura-

tion of speech events in the acoustic modality is assumed to lie in between the

boundaries of the visual modality. The in and out points from audio and visual

modality should follow the following relationship:

vin ≤ ain < aout ≤ vout, (2.3.8)

where vin and vout represent the starting and ending time of visual speech utter-

ances, and ain and aout represent the starting and ending times of an audio speech

utterance. This assumption is based on the speech motor control hypothesis that

facial muscles shift from released or equilibrium point in order to initiate speech

articulator motions [56].

Acoustic silence segment were determined using acoustic energy fa(t) as shown

in Figure 2.15.

fa(t) ≤ ǫa, ∀t ∈ [sin, sout] (2.3.9)

aout − ain ≥ τa (2.3.10)

where ǫa and τa are two heuristic parameters that varied according to average

utterance duration. Sentences have larger τa than words. Optical motion seg-

ment were determined using optical features fv(t) extracted from two lip shape





5 6 7 8

Acoustic Energy Silence Window Silence Segment

Time (seconds)

Figure 2.15: Acoustic silence detection.

D w D h

Figure 2.16: Mouth shape parameters for audio-visual end-point detection.

parameters Dw and Dh (see Figure 2.16) as follows:

fv(t) =√

D2w + D2

h, (2.3.11)

A motion segment [vin, vout] needs to satisfy the following conditions:

|f ′′v (t)| ≥ ǫv, ∀t ∈ [vin, vout] (2.3.12)

vout − vin ≥ τv (2.3.13)

The results have been evaluated by hearing and visualizing the chopped speech

segments as shown in Figure 2.17. The methods successfully generate robust

results on all takes with normal recording content. An acoustic silence

segment [sin, sout] needs to satisfy the following conditions:


4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8−0.5




Time (sec)

Mouth Opening Velocity

Mouth Opening Acceleration Motion Window

Acoustic Silence Segment Token Motion Segment

Figure 2.17: Token alignment using optical features and acoustic silence segmen-


2.3.3 Acoustic phoneme segmentation

Robust phoneme segmentation does not exist especially for American English due

to strong coarticulation. This has been experienced through manual segmentation

of phonemes. Context effect plays an important role in phoneme identification.

Thus for the purpose of machine learning of acoustic-to-optical speech mapping

functions, machine generated forced-alignment results of phoneme segmentation

is acceptable in terms of error rate. CorpusA has 320 sentences by 8 talkers, which

is not enough for robust HMM training. Thus, phoneme HMMs were trained on

TIMIT male training data. The TIMIT CDROM is a phonetically labeled speech

database and can be ordered from the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC). TIMIT

contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers to

whom 438 are male. Each phoneme HMM model is composed of 3 hidden states

and 6 Gaussian mixtures each. Viterbi algorithm was used in forced alignment.

The procedures were built on HTK [87]. The results have been compared to

manual segmentation results (in Table 2.8)


Table 2.8: Forced alignment calibration using manual segmentation of 5609


Error% Average Discrepancy%

Consonant 4.3 7.8

Vowel 1.4 7.3

All 3.1 7.6

For phoneme pi, machine segmentation discrepancy e(i) is calculated as fol-


e(i) = |sβ(i) − sα(i)

dα(i)| (2.3.14)

where sβ(i) is the middle temporal position of phoneme pi from forced alignment

result, sα(i) corresponds to the same parameter from manual segmentation result,

and dα(i) is phoneme duration determined manually. A forced alignment error

occurs with e(i) > 50%. The automatic phoneme segmentation methods can be

used for the training of acoustic-to-optical mapping.

2.4 Summary

The database used in this study includes a previous recording of CorpusA, a

pilot diphone-oriented recording of CorpusB, and a new recording of CorpusC.

CorpusA includes a set of 320 sentences spoken by 8 talkers. Among the 8

talkers, a subject with the highest visual intelligibility was chosen for CorpusC.

CorpusB includes 34 nonsense syllables and 1 sentence. CorpusC includes 141

words, a set of 400 sentences, and a set of non-speech expressions produced by


the selected subject. In all recording sessions, the talkers spoke with exaggerated

facial gestures as if interpreting to deaf people. CorpusA and CorpusB were used

for all pilot studies. CorpusC along with CorpusA from the same subject were

used in the final training and testing of the developed talking face animation


The raw optical data from the new recording were processed through an

archiving pipeline. The optical data were processed through head motion com-

pensation, outlier removal, temporal concatenation and interpolation and 3D

model registration steps. The pipeline automatically converts raw marker data

into optical data that can drive a generic 3D facial model. Manual corrections

were made to opitical data that produce facial animation with artifacts. For

CorpusC, 87.8% of the utterances were processed automatically without manual

corrections for the optical data.

Acoustic and optical data were segmented into tokens first. Then acous-

tic data were segmented into phonemes through HMM forced-alignment reliably.

Since the acoustic and optical data are synchonized during recording, optical data

were segmented into phonemes following the acoustical segmentations. The devel-

oped automatic data archiving pipeline successfully processed the raw recording

data per take into synchronized, segmented, and deformable optical-acoustical

data files per utterance. The percentage of automation in the entire data archiv-

ing pipeline is significantly high.



Acoustic-to-optical Synthesis

using Dynamic Bayesian


3.1 Introduction

In recent years, dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) have emerged as a powerful

and flexible theoretical framework for multi-modal stochastic processes [89]. Dif-

ferent DBN configurations have been applied to audio-visual speech recognition

[90] [92] [91] [38], and audio-visual speaker identification [93], etc. Here we use

DBNs for acoustic-to-optical feature mapping. Among the various configurations

of DBNs, three were chosen for this study: independent HMMs (I-HMMs), cou-

pled HMMs (C-HMMs), and product HMMs (P-HMMs). I-HMMs and P-HMMs

represent the two extreme cases of state transition integration: complete indepen-

dence and complete dependence, respectively. C-HMMs correlate the audio and

visual speech models using conditionally independent audio-visual hidden state

transitions. The three DBN configurations were implemented and evaluated in an

acoustically-driven talking face synthesis context. Basic model selection parame-


T r a i n i n g

S y n t h e s i s

E v a l u a t i o n

Figure 3.1: Flowchart for the development of a talking face synthesis system.

ters were studied under the synthesis framework using a quantitative evaluation

of the synthesized talking face.

In this chapter, an overview of the system architecture is presented first. Then

DBN training and synthesis are discussed in detail. Finally, the experimental

setup and results are reported.

3.2 System Architecture

In this study, the acoustic-to-optical synthesis system is composed of three mod-

ules: training, synthesis, and evaluation as shown in Figure 3.1.

3.2.1 Training

The training module is based on machine-learning techniques to define the DBN

models given a labeled database. It is composed of acoustical and optical feature

extraction, with DBN training based on the expectation maximization (EM) al-

gorithm shown in Figure 3.2. The input to the training module is the transcribed


Synchronized AV data

Training Acoustic

Training Optic

Acoustic FeatureExtraction

Optical FeatureExtraction



(A, B)

Figure 3.2: Flowchart of the training module in the acoustic-to-optical synthesis


Acoustic InputAcoustic Feature

ExtractionDBN Viterbi


DBN Models (A, B)

Inverse OpticalFeature Extraction


Optical Data

Figure 3.3: Flowchart of the synthesis module in the acoustic-to-optical synthesis


acoustic data and the synchronized optical data. The output of the module is a

set of DBN models with observation parameters B and transition matrix A for

each phoneme. These DBN models are used in the synthesis module.

3.2.2 Synthesis

The synthesis module converts an acoustical signal into an optical signal given

the trained DBN models. It is composed of acoustic feature extraction, DBN

inference based on the Viterbi algorithm, and inverse optical feature extraction

as shown in Figure 3.3. For acoustical signals, the feature extraction is identical

to the one in the training module. For optical signals, the following constraint


O = gs(ft(O)) (3.2.1)


Testing Acoustic

Testing Optic




Optical Synthesis


Figure 3.4: Flow chart of the evaluation module in acoustic-to-optical synthesis


where O refers to an optical signal, ft(∗) refers to the optical feature extraction

transformation function in the training module, and gs(∗) refers to the inverse

optical feature extraction transformation function in the synthesis module.

The input to the synthesis module is transcribed acoustic data. The output

of the module is the synthesized optical data.

3.2.3 Evaluation

The evaluation module is an important module for system development and tun-

ing. In this chapter, quantitative evaluations based on synthesized and recorded

optical data are used as shown in Figure 3.4. Perceptual evaluation of the final

talking face animation will be discussed in the next chapter.

The input of the module is a set of recorded optical signal and their corre-

sponding synthesized optical signal. The output of the module is a set of scores

that describe the similarity (in statistical terms) between the synthesized and

recorded optical signals.


3.3 Dynamic Bayesian Networks

3.3.1 DBN models and configurations

A DBN model of a phoneme in the acoustic-to-optical synthesis system can be

described by the observation probability model B and the state transition proba-

bility model A. In this chapter, ’v’ is used to annotate optically-related variables

given that optical data constitute a sparse representation of the visual speech

information. Let a phoneme be represented by Na hidden Markov chain states

for the acoustical signals and Nv states for the optical signals. The observation

probability model at time t is defined as follows:

bt(I) =2


bst (is) =



P (Ost |q

st = is), (3.3.1)

where I is the state vector with I = [i1, i2], i1 ∈ [1, Na] represents the acoustic

chain states, and i2 ∈ [1, Nv] represents the optical chain states. Hence bst (is) is

the observation probability of state is in chain s, Ost is the observation at time t

in chain s. Notice that in this study, chain s = 1 represents the acoustical signal,

and chain s = 2 represents the optical signal. The complete observation Ot can

be represented as the concatenation of the observation vectors in each chain as


Ot = [(O1t )

T , (O2t )

T ]T . (3.3.2)

In this study, we are interested in comparing the degree of dependency be-

tween audio and visual hidden Markov chains. The transition probability models

are defined according to three levels of inter-chain dependency: independent,

conditionally independent, and dependent, for I-HMM, P-HMM, and C-HMM,


respectively, as follows:

I − HMM : a(I|J) =2


as(is|js) =2


p(qst = is|q

st−1 = js), (3.3.3)

P − HMM : a(I|J) = p(qt = I|qt−1 = J), (3.3.4)

C − HMM : a(I|J) =



as(is|J) =



p(qst = is|qt−1 = J), (3.3.5)

where I is the current joint hidden states, J is the previous joint hidden states,

as(is|js) is the state transition from state js to state is in chain s in independent

HMMs, and as(is|J) is the state transition from joint state vector J to state is

in chain s in coupled HMMs, where chain index s in this study refers to either

the audio or visual hidden Markov chains. The joint state I are in the joint state

space defined as follows:

{I = [i1, i2]|i1 ∈ [1, Na], i2 ∈ [1, Nv], |i1 − i2| ≤ MICSA}, (3.3.6)

where [Na, Nv] is the number of hidden states in audio and visual modalities,

and MICSA is the maximum inter-chain state asynchrony. Figure 3.5 shows all

the possible state transition paths for a DBN model with [Na, Nv] = [3, 3] and

MICSA = 1. Under such combination, joint states I of [1, 3]T and [3, 1]T are


The effects of the two model selection parameters [Na, Nv] and MICSA were

studied in the three DBN structures.

3.3.2 Training

DBN training is an important step in the system training module as highlighted

in Figure 3.6.

All three prototypes can be represented in the traditional multi-stream single
















































































































Figure 3.5: State path diagrams for a DBN model with [Na, Nv] = [3, 3] and

MICSA = 1. Audio-visual synchronized (AVS) state transition path is shown

in (a). Audio containing video (ACV) transition path is shown in (b). Video

containing audio (VCA) transition path is shown in (c). Audio preceding video

(APV) transition paths with modes 1 to 4 are shown in (d), (f), (h), and (j)

respectively. Video proceeding audio (VPA) transition paths with modes 1 to 4

are show in (e),(g),(i), and (k) respectively.


Synchronized AV data

Training Acoustic

Training Optic

Acoustic FeatureExtraction

Optical FeatureExtraction



(A, B)

Figure 3.6: DBN training highlighted in the system training module






















11 12 21 22 23 32 33










b A 1 b A

1 b A 2 b A

2 b A 2 b A

3 b A 3

b V 1 b V

2 b V 1 b V

2 b V 3 b V

2 b V 3

b A 1 b A

1 b A 2 b A

2 b A 2 b A

3 b A 3

b V 1 b V

2 b V 1 b V

2 b V 3 b V

2 b V 3



Figure 3.7: An example of a DBN with joint transition and observation param-

eters in HMM forms with maximum inter-chain state asynchrony MICSA of 1,

and [Na, Nv] of [3,3]. A refers to the state transition probability model, and B

refers to the observation probability model.

chain HMM representations. Joint state transitions can be reformulated to single

state transition probability matrix representation. For the three structures, given

[Na, Nv] and MICSA, the joint state transition probability matrices follow the

same non-zero pattern (shown in Figure 3.7 as an example).

However, constraints on the non-zero elements are different across the three

DBN structures. The transition probability matrix of I-HMM has the following


A = Aa ⊗ Av, (3.3.7)


where A is the I-HMM transition matrix, and Av along with Aa are the HMM

transition matrices independently trained from the visual and audio modality,

respectively. The symbol ⊗ represents the Kronecker product operation. The

transition probability matrix of C-HMM has the constraint:

a([ia, iv]|J) =Na∑


a([ka, iv]|J) ·Nv∑


a([ia, lv]|J) (3.3.8)

where ka represents an audio state given a visual state of iv, and lv represents

a visual state given an audio state of ia. P-HMMs, on the other hand, have no

constraint on the state transition probability matrix.

When the covariance matrices of the observation probabilities from both

modalities are diagonal, the observation means and variances can be directly

concatenated from different modalities to describe the joint observation proba-

bilities. Then, the EM algorithm from traditional HMM training can easily be

modified for P-HMM and C-HMM parameter training.

For P-HMM, the transition matrix can be updated without change to that

for single-chain HMMs. The means of the observation probability of joint state

I = [ia, iv] need to be updated with a modified EM algorithm as follows:

µaij =

∑Tt=1 (

l γil(t))Oat

∑Tt=1 (

l γil(t))(3.3.9)

µvij =

∑Tt=1 (

k γkj(t)) Ovt

∑Tt=1 (

k γkj(t))(3.3.10)

where µaij is the observation mean for the audio hidden state i, γil(t) is the

probability of frame t emitted from joint state [i, l] given all the observations

[O1, . . . , OT ], l refers to the visual state index that is feasible to form a joint state

with audio state i, and likewise, k refers to the audio state index that is feasible

with visual state j.


Acoustic InputAcoustic Feature

ExtractionDBN Viterbi


DBN Models (A, B)

Inverse OpticalFeature Extraction


Optical Data

Figure 3.8: DBN inference highlighted in system synthesis module

For C-HMMs, the observation probability follows the same algorithm as P-

HMMs. The transition matrix needs to be updated with the modified EM algo-

rithm by binding the joint state transition likelihood given all the observations

as in [92]. Given sufficient training data, P-HMMs should yield the best training

accuracy among the three joint state transition probability models. However,

when the database is limited, EM training of unconstrained transition structures

might yield suboptimal results compared to training using constrained transition

structures, such as C-HMMs.

3.3.3 Inference of optical features from acoustic features

The inference of optical features from acoustic features is a key step in acoustic-

to-optical synthesis module as highlighted in Figure 3.8.

An adapted Viterbi algorithm was used for the inference as follows:

q(t) = argmaxφi(t), (3.3.11)

where φi(t) is the partial forward probability of observation Ot and i is the per-

mutation index of the audio-visual joint state. Let φi(t) be the complete forward

probability of observation Ot at joint state i,

φi(t) =




φj(t − 1)a(i|j)


p(Oat |q

at = ia) (3.3.12)



p(Ovt |q

vt = iv)




ǫj(t − 1)a(i|j)p(Oat |q

at = ia), (3.3.13)

where Nav is the total number of feasible audio-visual joint states, a(I|J) rep-

resents the transition probability from joint states J to joint state I, and ǫj(t)

represents the partial forward probability error φj(t) − φj(t). The incomplete

feature inference error e(t) = q(t) − q(t) cannot be represented by an analytical

function with regards to the transition matrix A. However, physical interpreta-

tion indicated that C-HMM has less dependency between the audio and visual

modalities, potentially providing less inference error compared to that using P-

HMM under the assumption that the two obtain equal training accuracy. So

the difference between C-HMM and P-HMM in this application is related to

the tradeoff between training accuracy and incomplete feature inference error.

When training data are limited, C-HMM should have the potential of reaching

the performance of P-HMM.

3.4 Experiments

3.4.1 Database

The database was CorpusA which includs 320 audio-visually recorded sentences

by a single talker. The sampling rates of the optical and the clean acoustic data

were 120 Hz and 44.1 KHz, respectively. Manual phoneme segmentations were

obtained using the acoustical signal.


Synchronized AV data

Training Acoustic

Training Optic

Acoustic FeatureExtraction

Optical FeatureExtraction



(A, B)

Acoustic InputAcoustic Feature

ExtractionDBN Viterbi


DBN Models (A, B)

Inverse OpticalFeature Extraction


Optical Data

Figure 3.9: Feature extraction components highlighted in the acoustic-to-optical

synthesis system

3.4.2 Feature extraction and inversion

The feature extraction includes the acoustic feature extraction that is common in

both the system training and synthesis modules, and the optical feature extrac-

tion used in training and its inverse transform used in synthesis, as highlighted

in Figure 3.9.

Two representations of speech acoustics were used: Linear Predictive Cep-

stral Coefficients (LPCCs) LPCC for back end modeling and Line Spectral Pairs

(LSPs) LSP for optical feature transformation (see Eq. 3.4.1). A previous study

[27] showed that LSPs resulted in better linear estimation of optical features than

LPCCs. Our pilot studies confirmed that using LSP for optical feature transfor-

mation and LPCC for DBN training and inference was better than using either

in the synthesis framework. Optical feature extraction comprised three steps. Let


VDisp be the normalized displacement features relative to a neutral facial gesture

and obtained from the preprocessed optical data. Let WLMS be the matrix for

a global transformation from LSP to VDisp. Firstly, WLMS was estimated via

least-mean square (LMS) estimation. Then the residual optical signal VR was

obtained as follows:

VR = VDisp − LSP · WLMS. (3.4.1)

Finally, principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to VR for data dimension

reduction. Reduced optical features VRPC were used for back-end modeling, and

the corresponding inverse principle component transformation WIPCA was used

for visual feature inversion. In this operation, estimated residual optical feature

vectors VRPC were converted back to normalized optical displacement feature

vectors VDisp by the following equation:

VDisp = LSP · WLMS + VRPCWIPCA (3.4.2)

The position trajectories were recovered by de-normalization and through the

addition of neutral marker positions to the normalized displacement trajectories.


The position trajectories were recovered by adding neutral marker positions to

the displacement trajectories.

In all experiments, the dimensions of acoustic and optical feature vectors are

17 and 57, respectively.

3.4.3 Acoustic-to-optical mapping models

The baseline for acoustic-to-optical mapping was obtained using a multilinear

regression method (MLR) [27].


The MLR model and the three DBN models, including I-HMM, C-HMM, and

P-HMM, were trained using the same features and the same training data set.

All methods had 41 phoneme models including a silence model. For the DBN

models, different configurations of the number of acoustic and optical states, and

the degree of asynchrony between the two chains, were tested.

3.4.4 Evaluation Bootstrapping

Due to limited data, a resampling procedure was applied to minimize bias from

testing sentences. That is, one set was designated for testing while the remaining

sets were used for training; a rotation was then performed to guarantee that each

sentence was tested at least once. The results were averaged across the entire 320

sentences. Quantized quality evaluation

Marker trajectories constitute a multi-variant time series with temporal and spa-

tial characteristics. Direct comparisons between synthesized and recorded marker

trajectories were carried out using similarity and dissimilarity measurements.

Pearson correlation (Corr) was used to measure the degree of similarity. The

three metrics for the degree of dissimilarity were normalized Manhattan (NM),

normalized Euclidean (NE), and Kullback-Leibler (KL) distances.


Table 3.1: Comparison of MLR and the three DBN models with [Na, Nv] = [3, 3]

and MICSA = 1 in terms of motion trajectory reconstruction accuracy

Baseline I-HMM C-HMM P-HMM

Corr .179 .427 .524 .558

NM .324 .280 .254 .251

NE .058 .049 .044 .044

KL .274 .231 .201 .193

3.4.5 Results

Results from four measurements were consistent in the relationship among dif-

ferent methods as shown in Table 3.1. In the remainder of the section, the

correlations between recorded and synthesized optical data, hereafter referred to

as the correlation results, are used for performance evaluation. Paired t-tests

(df = 319) with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (p < 0.05) were

applied on the correlation vectors of all the methods or conditions. All the DBN

methods performed significantly better than the baseline (p < 0.05). C-HMMs

and P-HMMs performed similarly better than I-HMMs (p < 0.05). Context

independent modeling limited the overall performances.

C-HMMs generated the highest average state path entropy (see Table 3.2)

with [Na, Nv] = [3, 3], and MICSA = 1. The upper bound of the entropy is 3.459

bits. The table also showed the most frequent state transition path (DP ) in each

DBN configuration. Note that each DBN configuration can generate 11 possible

state transition paths as shown in Figure 3.5. In this table, DP only presents


Table 3.2: Comparison of three DBN structures with [Na, Nv] = [3, 3] and

MICSA = 1 in terms of state path entropy and dominant state path


Entropy(bits) 1.354 2.985 2.592

DP(appearance%) APV 3(70%) V CA(36%) APV 3(29%)

Table 3.3: Comparison of model selection parameters in three DBN structures in

terms of the correlations between synthesized and recorded optical data

[Na, Nv] [3, 3] [4, 4]

MICSA 1 2 1 2 3

JointState 7 9 10 14 16

I-HMM .427 .448 .464 .419 .422

C-HMM .524 .543 .534 .562 .561

P-HMM .548 .558 .536 .569 .563

one state transition path which had the maximum number of appearences. The

appearence number was collected from all the testing data. APV 3 refers to

acoustic events (state transitions) ahead of facial events in mode 3 (see Figure 3.5

(h)). V CA refers to facial events starting before and ending after acoustic events

(see Figure 3.5 (b)). The state path distribution resulting from C-HMMs showed a

higher percentage of paths corresponding to facial motion events beginning before

and ending after acoustic events than to paths where acoustic events preceded


Time (sec)

sil Dxb ebi p UtshI z r At f U t I nhI zm W T sil

0.417 0.833 1.250 1.667 2.083 2.500 2.917 3.333 3.750

Figure 3.10: Example of marker trajectory comparison between recorded data in

solid line and synthesized data in dash line. The background is the spectrogram

of the acoustical signal. The trajectory is the summation of the mouth shape

variations from width and height. The sentence is “The baby puts his right foot

in his mouth.”

facial ones (36% of V CA vs. 5% of APV 3).

Table 3.3 shows the correlations between synthesized and recorded optical

data from the three DBN approaches with different numbers of joint states, which

are a function of [Na, Nv] and MICSA. Changing the values of MICSA (1, 2 or

3) had a significant effect on the correlations between synthesized and recorded

optical data (p < 0.05). As the complexity of the model increased, results with

C-HMMs approached those with P-HMMs. As the joint states reached 16, the

results of C-HMMs and P-HMMs degraded due to insufficient training data. In

some resampling trials, P-HMMs failed in training for the same reason. These

observations confirmed the theoretical discussions on the two DBN configurations

in Sec. 3.3.3.

Figure 3.10 shows the motion trajectories of a synthesized sentence. Marker

trajectories during connected speech were better than during acoustical silence


period. For most phonemes, facial motion starts ahead of acoustic onset. The

facial motion various across different phonemes. For example /p,b,m/ share a lip

pressing motion before the acoustic onset. In the context of audio-visual joint

state modeling, acoustic-silence audio-visual models with context-dependencies

are expected to improve the quality.

3.4.6 Discussion

Four back-end models were evaluated in the context of acoustic-to-optical syn-

thesis including the multilinear regression (baseline), and three DBN models (I-

HMMs, C-HMMs, and P-HMMs). Paired t-tests (df = 319) with Bonferroni

correction for multiple comparisons were applied to the correlation vectors of

all methods and conditions. The DBN methods performed significantly better

than the baseline (p < 0.05) in terms of the correlations between synthesized

and recorded optical data. C-HMMs and P-HMMs performed similarly better

than I-HMMs (p < 0.05). However, the best correlation between synthesized

and recorded optical data is 0.559 from P-HMMs. In [27], a correlation result of

0.78 was obtained from multilinear regression on nonsense CV syllables where the

training and testing were from different repetitions of the same utterances. Here,

there is no overlap between training and testing sentences and the synthesizer is

capable of converting any acoustic sample from a speaker with no context con-

straint on the synthesis module. Given that, the DBNs with C-HMM or P-HMM

configurations generated promising results in terms of marker trajectoryrecon-

struction accuracies.

In Table 3.2, average state path entropies and dominant state path were com-

pared among the three DBN configurations. All the configurations used the same


model selection parameters [Na, Nv] of [3, 3], and MICSA of 1, under which 7

audio-visual joint states and 11 possible state paths exist. The upper bound of

the entropy is 3.459 bits. C-HMMs generated the highest state path entropy

with 0.393 bits increment from P-HMMs. I-HMMs generated the lowest state

path entropy with a degradation of 1.238 bits from P-HMMs. The state path

distribution resulting from C-HMMs showed a higher percentage of paths cor-

responding to facial motion events beginning before and ending after acoustic

events than to paths where acoustic events preceded facial ones. Higher state

path entropy corresponds to better capturing of audio-visual alignment patterns.

Thus, C-HMMs had the best performance in terms of reconstructing marker data

and hence, led to better audio-visual alignment. The constraint on the joint state

transition probabilities in C-HMMs yielded significantly different state transition

patterns compared to that in P-HMMs, though the trajectory accuracy results

between the two structures are similar.

Table 3.3 shows the correlation results of the three DBN approaches with dif-

ferent numbers of joint states, which are a function of [Na, Nv] and MICSA. As

the complexity of the model increased, results with C-HMMs approached those

with P-HMMs. The parameter MICSA, which determines the placements of

off-diagonal joint states, had a significant effect on the results (p < 0.05). The

traditional multi-stream HMM approach is equivalent to DBNs with MICSA of

0. The asynchronized audio-visual joint states played an important role in captur-

ing the audio-visual speech temporal alignment pattern. Results demonstrated

the advantage of DBN structures.

Given the above quantitative evaluations from physical measurements, Fig-

ure 3.10 shows recorded and C-HMM synthesized marker data in terms of motion

trajectories with a spectrogram in the background. The motion feature is the


summation of shape variations from mouth opening width and height. Synthe-

sized motion events align well with, but are less smooth than, recorded motion

events. The synthesized motion reduced mouth opening through the sentence ex-

cept for the second instance of phoneme /i/ in the word “baby”. Mouth shapes

for the two instances of the word “his” were distorted significantly. The tra-

jectory comparison shows that the relatively low correlation scores obtained in

Table 3.1 resulted mainly from reduced facial motions. However, major motion

events are well aligned temporally. This observation is consistent with the results

from Table 3.2 with C-HMMs capturing well audio-visual alignment.

3.5 Summary

This study applied dynamic Bayesian networks to the problem of acoustic-to-

optical speech mapping under the framework of an acoustically-driven talking face

animation system. Different DBN structures and model selection parameters were

studied through quantitative comparisons. The three tested DBN methods were

superior to the multilinear regression method in reconstructing facial motions

from acoustic signals. C-HMMs and P-HMMs generated similarly better results

than I-HMMs, suggesting the effectiveness of the state dependency structure in

the first two methods. C-HMMs generated higher state transition path entropy

and better captured audio-visual alignment than P-HMMs. Maximum inter-chain

state asynchrony had a greater effect on synthesis accuracy than the number of

hidden states in the two Markov chains. Evaluation results point out that the

DBN state transition models with integrated training algorithms capture audio-

visual speech alignment efficiently. This study demonstrated the potential of

DBNs in acoustically-driven talking face synthesis. In future work, improving


DBN observation models by combining DBN methods with visual feature re-

estimation and optimization methods with context-dependent modeling can be

pursued to improve system performance. This direction requires a larger training

dataset to provide enough amount of training samples for robust training of

context-dependent models.



Animation and Perceptual


4.1 Introduction

The goal of this study is developing intelligible talking face animations based

on the acoustical speech signal. In Chapter 3, the acoustic-to-optical synthesis

system was introduced. Two questions need to be addressed: How does one

generate facial animations from optical data? And, how do we evaluate the

visual intelligibility of the talking face animation? This chapter focuses on optical

data visualization through 3D face animation and perceptual evaluation of the


Optical data are kinematic data of facial feature points. Feature points are

sparsely distributed on a complete facial mesh model. Visualization of optical

data can be viewed as an interpolation from feature points to entire facial meshes.

The interpolation method should smoothly deform the entire face model. A series

of marker data to mesh model calibration procedures is carried out first. Then,

the interpolation method, based on a radial-basis function, is applied frame by

frame. As a result of these procedures, an animation engine has been successfully


( a ) ( b )

Figure 4.1: (a) Original markers, and (b) active facial mesh with white

sphere-shaped key points for a generic head model (mesh model from


Once animations are rendered, the full pipeline from acoustic data to talking

face animation is established. The next step is to formally evaluate its perfor-

mance. To this end, visual perceptual studies were conducted. Synthetic optically

driven animations are compared with recorded optically driven animation as well

as with video recordings of natural talking faces.


4.2 From optical data to facial animation

4.2.1 Background

The deformation process is to drive a 3D talking face animation using optical

data. Typical deformation methods include parameter-driven [34][35], physically-

driven [69][68] and free-form methods [22]. Here, we use a free-form method which

is computationally simple and is flexible to various marker settings. The main

challenge is to interpolate motions of surrounding vertices given the motions of a

set of key points while preserving the physiological structure among the key points

and the vertices on a human face. A key point corresponds to a registered marker,

and there are 20 key points registered from optical data. There are 623 active

vertices whose motions need to be interpolated from the key points. Figure 4.1

shows the original markers in (a), and deformable facial mesh with superimposed

key points in (b). The face in Figure 4.1(a) is of the subject recorded for Corpus

A. On average, motion from a key point spans 30 vertices.

4.2.2 The 3D head model

The original generic 3D face model in Figure 4.1(b) was edited. The model in-

cludes 1915 vertices and 1946 polygons with separate facial regions. These regions

were manually defined to benefit marker-driven model deformation. The smooth

rendering and regional rendering of the generic model are shown in Figure 4.2.

4.2.3 RBF-based deformation

Radial basis functions [94] were adapted to perform the deformation. In each

deformation region, positions of N vertices are interpolated from M key points


( a ) ( b )

Figure 4.2: (a) A generic 3D head model in a neutral gesture based on Fig-

ure 4.1(b), and (b) the model’s rendered sub-facial regions used in deformation.

as follows:

pki (t) = pk

i (0) +M



im(t), (4.2.1)

where pki (t) is the position of vertex i with i ∈ [1, N ], φk

im(t) is the basis function

of key point m at vertex i, and wkm(t) is the weight of the mth key point, all in

axes k at time t, the axis index k ∈ [1, 3] which corresponds to the three axes in

the Cartesian coordinate system.

The basis function is defined as follows:

φkim(t) = exp



i (0) − vkm(0))2



, (4.2.2)

where vkm(t) is the position of key point m at time t on axis k, t of 0 corresponds to

the neutral facial gesture. The Gaussian variance σm(t) of marker m is updated

every frame by solving the following equation:



−minl=1,...,M,l 6=m ‖vl(t) − vm(t)‖2




= τ, (4.2.3)

where τ is a threshold determined empirically. In this study, τ of 0.4 is used. All

the axes share the same variance in each frame for each marker. The Gaussian


weights W k(t) = [wk1(t) . . . wk

M(t)]T is updated by solving the following linear


Φk(t)W k(t) = Dk(t), (4.2.4)


Φk(t) =

φk11(t) . . . φk


. . ....

φkM1(t) . . . φk


, (4.2.5)


Dk(t) =

vk1 (t) − vk


vkM(t) − vk


. (4.2.6)

where Dk(t) represents the key verteces’ displacements at time t in axis k. The

Gaussian variances σ2m(t) and weights wk

m(t) embed the dynamic information.

The physiological structure among vertices and key points is preserved through

all time frames by two fixed factors: 1) For each vertex, the numerator in the

exponent is fixed to the static distance between the vertex and the key point for

the corresponding Gaussian basis; and 2) for each key point, the basis function

at the closest key point is fixed to τ . Perceptual tests of recorded marker driven

animations were conducted to evaluate the quality of the deformation algorithm.

4.2.4 Results

Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4 show the key frames animated using the recorded

marker data in word and sentence, respectively. More animations are available


Observations of recorded marker driven animations showed that the front-

view and side-views reveal good quality in terms of naturalness. Facial motion


Figure 4.3: Key-frames animated using the recorded marker data for the word



Figure 4.4: Key-frames animated using the recorded marker data for the sentence

’A big wet stain was on the round carpet.’


is in good synchonization with acoustical signals. The interpolation algorithm

provides decent animation results given the high ratio of the number of the de-

formable verteces to that of the key points.

Some artificial visual effects have also been observed. When rendering in the

50% transparent mode, teeth inside the mouth can be observed, and unnatural

teeth bending was perceived. For example, when the mouth was widely open,

the front teeth moved along with the lip opening nicely, while little motion could

be perceived for the back teeth. Second, even though the location of the teeth

had been adjusted to avoid unnatural teeth protrusion out of the lips, in one trial

of marker data for a sentence, unnatural teeth protrusion was observed. Third,

unnatural asymmetry was perceived for the recorded marker driven animation in

several trials of sentences with the lower face distorted to the right in the front

view. There was also jitter resulting from jitter in the optical data. The latter

two artifacts, which accounted for the majority of facial animation artifacts, were

both from optical data artifacts. Eye brow motion compensation was applied to

the raw recorded marker data as much as possible to eliminate such unnatural

facial asymmetry. For jitter, smoothing was applied to the marker data. Both

the motion compensation and smoothing process were discussed in Chapter ??.

4.2.5 Discussion

The RBF algorithm can directly manipulate the marker data and vertices of the

3D face model. The computational load is small, and the visual effects of the

rendering results are promising.

In the future, one can attempt to combine the current data-driven approach

with a parameter driven approach for more natural animation. For example, jaw


rotation can be better rendered using a parameter driven approach, and robust

estimation of jaw rotation from the marker data can be applied for more natural

jaw rotations.

Collision detections of inner mouth organs such as the teeth and tongue with

the inner mouth palate would be helpful to avoid teeth protrusion through the

lips during the deformation process.

Tongue motion is very important for improving visual intelligibility, yet tongue

motions were not captured in the optical corpus used here. Phoneme-based

tongue motion models can be built to improve the intelligibility of talking face


4.3 Perceptual evaluation of facial animation

4.3.1 Background

The talking face animation system in this study is developed as a first step to-

wards the goal of reconstructing intelligent visual speech information from speech

acoustical signals. In Chapter 3, physical measurements of the marker data re-

construction was introduced. However, physical measurement does not linearly

relate to visual intelligibility from face animations. Behavioral evaluation is nec-

essary to judge the performance of visual speech intelligibility. In the following

sections, perceptual evaluations of the synthesized talking face animation are



4.3.2 Lexicon distinction identification test

Subjective perceptual tests provide a direct evaluation of the visual quality of

the animation. Among various human perceptual tests, word identification of

audio-visual speech under different signal-to-noise (SNR) ratios is among the

most popular evaluation methods [71]. SNR and the shape of the noise can sig-

nificantly influence human perception. In this study, a binary lexicon distinction

identification test in noise was carried out to evaluate the intelligibility of the

animations. Paticipants

Normal hearing subjects were screened for the following characteristics: (1) Be

between the age of 18 and 45 years, (2) vision 20/30 or better in each eye, as de-

termined with a standard Snellen chart, (3) better than half a standard deviation

below the mean on a lipreading screening test, as referenced to the appropriate

distribution of performance by deaf or hearing college-educated adults, and (4)

native English speaker. Most subjects were recruited through advertisements in

the local university newspaper. Participants were compensated for their time.

Sixteen subjects participated in this study. Stimuli

The stimuli consisted of 32 high-frequency monosyllabic words chosen from the

35,000-word PhLex database. The words had varying degrees of lexicon equiv-

alent classes ranging from unique to high. All the words have 3 realizations a)

2D front-view video recording, b) 3D computer animation using recorded marker


data, and c) 3D computer animation using synthesized marker data from the

acoustical signals that are simultaneously recorded with the 2D video and marker

data. Two words are paired with varied visual differences: same, near, far, and


A total of 128 word pairs were used. Each word was paired with 4 words

that lie in the 4 categories. For example, the word best, is paired with best for

no visual lexicon difference (same), with space for small visual differenc (near),

with floor for medium visual difference (far), and with growth for large visual

difference (different). Appendix E includes the list of word pairs and their lex-

icon distinction levels. Video and 3D marker data were recorded simultaneously.

Thus, for the video tokens, the speaker had the reflective motion capture dots on

his face. Subjects did not report perceptual problems due to the added dots. Test procedure

All participants were tested individually at HEI in a quiet sound-proof booth

with minimal lighting. Optical stimuli were presented using a Pioneer DVD

player and were displayed on a 14 inch SONY Trinitron monitor at a distance

of about one meter from the participant. Subjects are shown the first token

either from marker-driven or acoustically-driven computer animation followed by

a token from the video.

The subjects’ task was to determine whether both tokens showed the same or

different English words. Subjects entered responses using a button box labeled

same or different. For each block, a total of 128 token pairs with 32 same word

pairs and 96 different word pairs with the other 3 levels of visual distinction

were displayed in randomized order.


A total of 4 blocks with the combination of same word pairs but alternated

marker-driven animation vs. video pair and acoustic-driven animation vs. video

pair. Each block took around 15 minutes to finish. Subjects were given breaks

between blocks to avoid fatigue.

The first 8 subjects received stimuli with block order of MAMA where M

represents marker-driven animation vs. video pairing, and A represents acoustic-

driven animation vs. video pairing. The second 8 subjects received stimuli with

block order of AMAM .

4.3.3 Results

Figure 4.5 and Figure 4.6 show key frames of animation using synthesized optical

data for the same content as shown in Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4, respectively.

Figure 4.7(a) shows the correct discrimination scores from the four lexicon

distinction categories using recorded marker-driven animations. Each notched

box represents the distribution of the cross-word mean correct scores from all

16 subjects. Each mean correct score is averaged from all 32 animation words

per category per subject. Except for the lexicon distinction category “near”, the

remaining categories showed a concentration of average correct scores above 80%.

Since subjects gave a discrimination response, t-tests (df = 31) were applied to

each subject in each lexicon distinction category to determine if the mean correct

scores are valid in the sense that they are significantly different from the 50%

chance level.

Table 4.1 showed the statistics of valid correct scores in each category. From

the observation of the number of valid subjects N , we can see that in the lexicon

distinction category “near”, only 31.25% of the subjects yielded valid responses


Figure 4.5: Key frames of animation using synthesized optical data for the same

word in Figure 4.3


Figure 4.6: Key frames of animation using synthesized optical data for the same

sentence in Figure 4.4


different from 50% chance level. In the category “same”, 75% of the subjects

yielded valid responses, and resulted in 83.5% cross-subject mean correct.

Table 4.1: Human subject perceptual evaluation results of recorded marker data.

N refers to the number of valid subjects for each category. The means and

standard deviations were collected from the valid subjects. Valid subjects are

subjects with discrimination correct scores significantly different(p < 0.05) from

50% chance level per category.

same near med far

mean .835 .378 .839 .889

std .091 .194 .125 .103

N 12 5 16 15

Results showed that the recorded optical data and the deformation methods

can recover a significant amount of visual information compared to natural vi-

sual speech. Though no inner lip details are captured in the marker data, the

high discrimination correct percentage in the “same” category showed that the

recorded marker data and deformation methods reconstructed 3D facial anima-

tions effectively.

Perceptual results of synthesized marker driven animation are shown in Fig-

ure 4.7 (b) and Table 4.2. The overall correct discrimination means are high, but

the correct discrimination scores in the “same” category are close to chance. The

mean discrimination score from subjects with valid responses dropped to 20.9%

in the “same” category compared to the 83.5% correct for the recorded marker

driven animations. Significant differences exist between synthesized talking face


Table 4.2: Human subject perceptual evaluation results of synthesized marker


same near med far

mean .209 .724 .861 .824

std .082 .165 .081 .100

N 5 9 11 12

animations and natural front-view video recordings.

Other than the analysis per lexicon distinction categories, subject response

statistics per animated word were analyzed through the following procedures.

Each word pair had two trials from each subject. When the two trials are iden-

tical, the responses were considered as one valid discrimination response. Valid

responses of an animated word from all 4 lexicon pairing conditions and all 16 sub-

jects were collected to calculate the average correct discrimination score. Correct

responses from the “same” category were weighted by 3 to balance the pairing

bias (each animated word has one paired word in “same” while three in “differ-


Figure 4.8 shows the order of the words sorted in descending order of the

differences of the average discrimination correct scores between recorded to syn-

thesized marker driven animations.

There are 10 out of 32 words with average discrimination correct scores higher

than 75%. The 10 words are:

son, food, hoarse, farm, far, stand, file, fall, charge, full


with increasing discrimination correct ranged from 75.0% to 86.6%. The vowel

/a/ appeared in 3 out of the 10 words, /u/ in 2 words, and the vowels /æ, o,

ai/ appeared once each. These vowels are distinct visually: /a, æ, ar, ai/ have a

large mouth opening while /u/ is produced with lip protrusion.

Paired t-tests with Bonferroni correction showed that 13 out of 32 words

have a significant degradation from the corresponding recorded marker driven

animations in terms of average discrimination correct scores (p < 0.05, df = 15).

Those words that have discrimination correct score reduction of 20% or higher are

needs, price, stage, strange, stock, smile, tried, case, shone. With the exceptions

of needs, stock, all remaining “difficult” words have diphthongs. Diphthongs

including /ei, ai, ou/ appeared in 7 out of 9 words. Significant differences were

found among different words. This agrees with our observation that diphthongs,

compared to monophones, are relatively difficult to synthesize intelligiblly. The

diphthong /ai/ was well perceived in file, but not in price, tried, smile. It is

possible that the 2 consonants proceeding them in the latter three words made

the diphthongs more challenging.

Word-wise average results showed that the synthesized marker data preserved

visual effects in some words but not all.

4.3.4 Discussion

The recorded marker data and deformation methods reconstructed 3D facial an-

imations effectively. The low accuracy of lexicon distinction discrimination using

synthesized marker driven animations are mainly coming from reduced facial

movements. The means in trained DBN models, which represent the statistical

mean gesture of a phoneme state, tend to lie in between neutral and natural


gestures. Other than the intrinsic reduction of facial motion in DBN training,

the difference between training on continuous speech versus testing on isolated

speech also contributed to the degraded visual intelligibility. Recall that the

training data were from sentences where one phoneme has various contexts in

the sample space. For those allophones that are stressed or visually empha-

sized, mouth openings might reach the configuration in isolated words. Informal

observations of recorded and synthesized marker driven sentences showed less

degradation than that from isolated words.

4.4 Summary

This chapter presented the algorithm that interpolates sparse optical data into

lower-face animation. The algorithm provided natural and well synchonized ani-

mation results using recorded optical data.

Perceptual evaluations were conducted to evaluate the synthesis system through

the lexicon distinction identification test. Synthesized marker driven animations

have reduced facial movements which leads to low accuracy of lexicon discrimi-

nation score.


same near medium far0.2














n S


Word Pair Lexicon Difference


same near medium far
















n S


Word Pair Lexicon Difference


Figure 4.7: Notched-Box-and-Whisker Plot of the correct discrimination statistics

from all 16 subjects with (a) from recorded marker driven animation and (b) from

synthesized ones.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122232425262728293031320.4








































n C




Figure 4.8: Average discrimination correct score comparison between recorded

and synthesized marker driven animations of 32 words



Summary and Future Directions

5.1 Summary

In this dissertation, a complete acoustically-driven talking face animation sys-

tem is developed. This work establishes a promising foundation of a talking

face synthesis system which automatically synchronizes with acoustical speech

signals. The system includes a full path from database acquisition, front-end fea-

ture extraction, back-end acoustic-to-optical mapping, animation rendering, and

perception evaluation. This is the first effort that has been completely built upon

3D facial marker data for an acoustically-driven talking face animation system.

The system can be applied to audio-visual perception studies. The system

can also be extended to generate digital agents for multimodel human-computer

interactions. Furthermore, it can be expanded to language education oriented

software to facilitate learning with the visual modality of speech.

5.1.1 Data acquisition

The database used in this study includes 3 corpora. CorpusA includes a set of

320 sentences spoken by 8 talkers. CorpusB includes 34 nonsense syllables and


1 sentence for pilot study on diphone concatenated synthesis system. CorpusC

includes 141 words, a set of 400 sentences, and a set of non-speech expressions

produced by a subject with the highest visual intelligibility from CorpusA. Cor-

pusC, along with CorpusA from the same subject, were used in the final training

and testing of the developed talking face animation system.

An automatic archiving pipeline was developed and applied to CorpusC. The

optical data were processed through head motion compensation, outlier removal,

temporal concatenation and interpolation, and 3D model registration steps. The

pipeline converted raw marker data into optical data that could drive 3D facial

animation. Manual corrections were made to optical data that produced facial

animation with artifacts. For CorpusC, 87.8% of the utterances were processed

automatically without manual corrections for the optical data.

Acoustic and optical data were segmented automatically through two stages:

token and acoustic phoneme segmentations. Both the audio-visual token seg-

mentation and HMM-based acoustic phonemes forced-alignment generated highly

reliable segmentation results. The developed automatic data archiving pipeline

successfully processed the raw recording data per take into synchronized, seg-

mented, and deformable optical-acoustical data files per utterance. The percent-

age of automation in the entire data archiving pipeline is significantly high.

5.1.2 Acoustic-to-optical synthesis

Given the synchronized acoustic and optical signals, mapping models between the

audio and visual modalities for 40 phonemes were built using dynamic Bayesian

networks (DBN). The mapping models were further applied to an acoustically-

driven talking face animation.


Different DBN structures were studied through quantitative comparisons.

These structures included independent hidden Markov model (I-HMM), product

hidden Markov model (P-HMM), and coupled hidden Markov model (C-HMM).

The three tested DBN methods were superior to the multilinear regression method

in reconstructing facial motions from acoustical signals. C-HMMs and P-HMMs

generated similarly better results than I-HMMs, suggesting the effectiveness of

the state dependency structure in the first two methods. C-HMMs generated

higher state transition path entropy and better captured audio-visual alignment

than P-HMMs.

Multiple DBN model parameters were also studied through quantitative com-

parisons. The maximum inter-chain state asynchrony (MICSA) parameter corre-

sponded to the tolerance of audio-visual state offset in the model construct. The

number of audio and visual Markov states corresponds to the size of the audio-

visual joint state set. Maximum inter-chain state asynchrony had a greater effect

on synthesis accuracy than the number of hidden states in the audio and visual

Markov chains.

Evaluation results indicate that the DBN state transition models with in-

tegrated training algorithms capture audio-visual speech alignment efficiently.

This study demonstrated the potential for DBNs in acoustically-driven talking

face synthesis.

5.1.3 Optically-driven animation and perceptual evaluation

We developed a rendering tool for optically-driven animation. The deformation

algorithm implemented in the rendering tool interpolates the sparse optical data

for lower facial animations. Radial basis functions were applied to sub-regions


on the face using corresponding subsets of key points. The key point dynamics

were propagated jointly onto the vertices in the sub-region. The infra-structures

of the vertices were preserved during the animation. Informal evaluations of

results driven from recorded optical data showed that the deformation algorithm

provided natural and well synchronized talking face animations.

Animation results rendered from original and synthesized optical data were

both evaluated through formal perceptual tests. A lexicon distinction identifi-

cation test was conducted with 16 human subjects. Perceptual test results on

original optical data-driven animations showed that the radial basis function algo-

rithm provided highly natural rendering of talking faces. The formal perceptual

evaluations agree with the informal evaluation results regarding the deformation

algorithm. Perceptual test results on synthesized optical data-driven animations

generated reduced facial movements which led to lower accuracy of lexicon dis-

tinction identification score than that obtained from recorded marker data-driven


5.2 Future research

In the study, synthesized optical data-driven animations show limited facial mo-

tion. The system can be further improved in several directions using the existing


The front end acoustic feature extraction is based on linear predictive anal-

ysis. Formant frequencies from the acoustical signals depend on the vocal tract

shape, which is highly related to the mouth opening parameters including the

width, height and lip protrusions. In [105], a robust vocal tract resonance (VTR)

tracking algorithm was proposed. The proposed VTR tracking algorithm can


provide formant information on both vowels and consonants and is a good source

to capture speech coarticulations.

The front end optical feature extractions are based on the principle compo-

nents of the residual optical displacement from multilinear regressions. Some

lip motions can only be captured with very small displacement on the markers

around the lips, yet the subtle displacements show important visual speech infor-

mation. For example, lip pressing can be observed in the consonants /p, b, m/,

especially when they are produced at the beginning of a utterance. The corre-

sponding acoustical signal, which is often silence, cannot predict such a motion

reliably. Both [104] and [74] produced highly natural and intelligible talking faces

based on effective 3D optical data concatenation. For some consonants that have

significant visual features but very limited or consistent acoustical features such

as the plosives, references from direct recordings of optical data are necessary.

The back end DBN models built on phonemes are not robust enough to cap-

ture variations of key gestures. In [80], an optimization algorithm was proposed

for audio-to-visual conversion. The approach took into account the variance of

the Gaussian mixtures of each hidden state, which is different from the standard

Baum-Welch algorithm. This is an interesting direction to improve the training

of the DBN models. In [105], adaptive Kalman filtering techniques were applied

for robust tracking of vocal tract information. The technique can be adapted into

the inference from acoustical-to-optical features given trained DBN models, so

the synthetic optical features can be smoother and more intelligible for animation


Developing DBN models based on context-dependent speech units can im-

prove the accuracy of key gestures in continuous speech. However, this approach


requires more training data which in turn requires more data collection.

The rendering algorithm is based on RBF interpolation. However, given the

sparse distribution of the markers, facial motions such as jaw rotation can gen-

erate artifacts. Parameter driven approaches can be combined with the sparse

marker driven approach for more natural rendering of the lower facial region.

Collisions between teeth and lips need to be detected for natural rendering inner

mouth organisms.



CorpusA: List of 320 IEEE


001 a round mat will cover the dull spot 002 it matters not if he reads these words

or those 003 the curtain rose and the show was on 004 pour the stew from the

pot into the plate 005 the two met while playing on the sand 006 pile the coal

high in the shed corner 007 the urge to write short stories is rare 008 he picked

up the dice for a second roll 009 acid burns holes in wool cloth 010 lift the square

stone over the fence 011 press the pedal with your left foot 012 a big wet stain

was on the round carpet 013 he wrote his name boldly at the top of the sheet

014 the dusty bench stood by the stone wall 015 watch the log float in the wide

river 016 they could laugh although they were sad 017 he ran half way to the

hardware store 018 he takes the oath of office each March 019 a gray mare walked

before the colt 020 the brown house was on fire to the attic 021 the roof should

be tilted at a sharp slant 022 he sent the boy on a short errand 023 the stems

of the tall glasses cracked and broke 024 his wide grin earned many friends 025

split the log with a quick sharp blow 026 a sash of gold silk will trim her dress

027 the man went to the woods to gather sticks 028 the news struck doubt into

restless minds 029 the hostess taught the new maid to serve 030 the beauty of


the view stunned the young boy 031 take a chance and win a china doll 032 try

to trace the fine lines of the painting 033 slash the gold cloth into fine ribbons

034 a waxed floor makes us lose balance 035 grape juice and water mix well 036

a bowl of rice is free with chicken stew 037 to make pure ice you freeze water 038

the Navy attacked the big task force 039 dip the pail once and let it settle 040

hats are worn to tea and not to dinner 041 the tube was blown and the tire flat

and useless 042 he lent his coat to the tall gaunt stranger 043 the ramp led up

to the wide highway 044 we admire and love a good cook 045 take the winding

path to reach the lake 046 tack the strip of carpet to the worn floor 047 the odor

of spring makes young hearts jump 048 a siege will crack the strong defense 049

she has a smart way of wearing clothes 050 dig deep in the earth for pirate’s gold

051 the duke left the park in a silver coach 052 green moss grows on the northern

side 053 find the twin who stole the pearl necklace 054 the grass curled around

the fence post 055 code is used when secrets are sent 056 a shower of dirt fell

from the hot pipes 057 the lobes of her ears were pierced to hold rings 058 the

set of china hit the floor with a crash 059 two blue fish swam in the tank 060

hold the hammer near the end to drive the nail 061 cheap clothes are flashy but

don’t last 062 shut the hatch before the waves push it in 063 he wrote his last

novel there at the inn 064 let’s all join as we sing the last chorus 065 the stitch

will serve but needs to be shortened 066 weave the carpet on the right hand side

067 boards will warp unless kept dry 068 the little tales they tell are false 069

the rude laugh filled the empty room 070 this is a grand season for hikes on the

road 071 screw the round cap on as tight as needed 072 the key you designed

will fit the lock 073 the peace league met to discuss their plans 074 the bunch of

grapes was pressed into wine 075 we need grain to keep our mules healthy 076

the brass tube circled the high wall 077 slide the tray across the glass top 078 a


pod is what peas always grow in 079 bathe and relax in the cool green grass 080

fasten two pins on each side 081 pack the records in a neat thin case 082 the just

claim got the right verdict 083 they told wild tales to frighten him 084 the hilt of

the sword was carved with fine designs 085 cap the jar with a tight brass cover

086 the purple tie was ten years old 087 feel the heat of the weak dying flame

088 they took the axe and the saw to the forest 089 the knife was hung inside

its bright sheath 090 slide the box into that empty space 091 clothes and lodging

are free to new men 092 he knew the skill of the great young actress 093 we tried

to replace the coin but failed 094 a small creek cut across the field 095 beat the

dust from the rug onto the lawn 096 a man in a blue sweater sat at the desk 097

the wreck occurred by the bank on Main Street 098 torn scraps littered the stone

floor 099 the doorknob was made of bright clean brass 100 the pearl was worn

in a thin silver ring 101 brass rings are sold by these natives 102 the quick fox

jumped on the sleeping cat 103 a steep trail is painful for our feet 104 the dry

wax protects the deep scratch 105 he ordered peach pie with ice cream 106 the

bank pressed for payment of the debt 107 smoky fires lack flame and heat 108

a rag will soak up spilled water 109 fine soap saves tender skin 110 the nozzle

of the fire hose was bright brass 111 the thaw came early and freed the stream

112 the third act was dull and tired the players 113 fill the ink jar with sticky

glue 114 the store was jammed before the sale could start 115 shake hands with

this friendly child 116 a round hole was drilled through the thin board 117 ducks

fly north but lack a compass 118 the blind man counted his old coins 119 next

Sunday is the twelfth of the month 120 one step more and the board will collapse

121 the hitch between the horse and cart broke 122 the youth drove with zest

but little skill 123 the heart beat strongly and with firm strokes 124 the latch on

the back gate needed a nail 125 schools for ladies teach charm and grace 126 a


strong bid may scare your partner stiff 127 a thin stripe runs down the middle

128 they floated on the raft to sun their white backs 129 the long journey home

took a year 130 the child crawled into the dense grass 131 we find joy in the

simplest things 132 they sang the same tunes at each party 133 fairy tales should

be fun to write 134 the soft cushion broke the man’s fall 135 the ship was torn

apart on the sharp reef 136 the goose was brought straight from the old market

137 the houses are built of red clay bricks 138 these days a chicken leg is a rare

dish 139 the shaky barn fell with a loud crash 140 his shirt was clean but one

button was gone 141 he carved a head from the round block of marble 142 she

was waiting at my front lawn 143 the office paint was a dull sad tan 144 a severe

storm tore down the barn 145 the girl at the booth sold fifty bonds 146 they felt

gay when the ship arrived in port 147 a streak of color ran down the left edge

148 the copper bowl shone in the sun’s rays 149 serve the hot rum to the tired

heroes 150 the sand drifts over the sill of the old house 151 the horse trotted

around the field at a brisk pace 152 a pink shell was found on the sandy beach

153 soap can wash most dirt away 154 feed the white mouse some flower seeds

155 the plush chair leaned against the wall 156 nine rows of soldiers stood in

line 157 no hardship seemed to keep him sad 158 she saw a cat in the neighbor’s

house 159 the harder he tried the less he got done 160 the bark of the pine tree

was shiny and dark 161 these pills do less good than others 162 press the pants

and sew a button on the vest 163 the bills were mailed promptly on the tenth

of the month 164 a rich farm is rare in this sandy waste 165 put the chart on

the mantel and tack it down 166 breakfast buns are fine with a hot drink 167

dull stories make her laugh 168 the price is fair for a good antique clock 169 the

clock struck to mark the third period 170 every word and phrase he speaks is true

171 the idea is to sew both edges straight 172 the ripe taste of cheese improves


with age 173 read just what the meter says 174 the swan dive was far short of

perfect 175 our troops are set to strike heavy blows 176 the pipe ran almost the

length of the ditch 177 a white silk jacket goes with any shoes 178 slide the bill

between the two leaves 179 the desk was firm on the shaky floor 180 drive the

screw straight into the wood 181 a child’s wit saved the day for us 182 on the

islands the sea breeze is soft and mild 183 he offered proof in the form of a large

chart 184 ship maps are different from those for planes 185 the cloud moved in

a stately way and was gone 186 take the match and strike it against your shoe

187 the stray cat gave birth to kittens 188 the screen before the fire kept in the

sparks 189 the empty flask stood on the tin tray 190 the door was barred locked

and bolted as well 191 when you hear the bell come quickly 192 a vent near the

edge brought in fresh air 193 the gold ring fits only a pierced ear 194 high seats

are best for football fans 195 the lazy cow lay in the cool grass 196 raise the sail

and steer the ship northward 197 a break in the dam almost caused a flood 198

rice is often served in round bowls 199 the clothes dried on a thin wooden rack

200 light maple makes for a swell room 201 the young prince became heir to the

throne 202 the play seems dull and quite stupid 203 twist the valve and release

hot steam 204 the tree top waved in a graceful way 205 a stiff cord will do to

fasten your shoe 206 tear a thin sheet from the yellow pad 207 draw the chart

with heavy black lines 208 a fence cuts through the corner lot 209 the grass and

bushes were wet with dew 210 bail the boat to stop it from sinking 211 a flat pack

takes less luggage space 212 the fish twisted and turned on the bent hook 213

the cup cracked and spilled its contents 214 stop whistling and watch the boys

march 215 flax makes a fine brand of paper 216 the heap of fallen leaves was set

on fire 217 it takes a good trap to capture a bear 218 all sat frozen and watched

the screen 219 the sheep were led home by a dog 220 the tin box held priceless


stones 221 cod is the main business of the north shore 222 the wagon moved on

well oiled wheels 223 the friendly gang left the drug store 224 thick glasses helped

him read the print 225 the logs fell and tumbled into the clear stream 226 it is

late morning on the old wall clock 227 each penny shone like new 228 float the

soap on top of the bath water 229 it takes heat to bring out the odor 230 rake the

rubbish up and then burn it 231 pick a card and slip it under the pack 232 cut

the pie into large parts 233 the crooked maze failed to fool the mouse 234 a gold

vase is both rare and costly 235 trample the spark else the flames will spread 236

the wall phone rang loud and often 237 turn on the lantern which gives us light

238 the black trunk fell from the landing 239 the rush for funds reached its peak

Tuesday 240 the new girl was fired today at noon 241 the colt reared and threw

the tall rider 242 pink clouds floated with the breeze 243 he lay prone and hardly

moved a limb 244 the big red apple fell to the ground 245 the man wore a feather

in his felt hat 246 kick the ball straight and follow through 247 the zones merge

in the central part of town 248 the pennant waved when the wind blew 249 he

put his last cartridge into the gun and fired 250 dimes showered down from all

sides 251 we don’t like to admit our small faults 252 crack the walnut with your

sharp side teeth 253 the wrist was badly strained and hung limp 254 the loss of

the cruiser was a blow to the fleet 255 the dark pot hung in the front closet 256

the baby puts his right foot in his mouth 257 these coins will be needed to pay

his debt 258 the meal was cooked before the bell rang 259 always close the barn

door tight 260 a thin book fits in the side pocket 261 dots of light betrayed the

black cat 262 the beach is dry and shallow at low tide 263 the sink is the thing in

which we pile dishes 264 drop the ashes on the worn old rug 265 a list of names

is carved around the base 266 the first worm gets snapped early 267 the horn

of the car woke the sleeping cop 268 the leaf drifts along with a slow spin 269


the red tape bound the smuggled food 270 a yacht slid around the point into the

bay 271 pitch the straw through the door of the stable 272 roads are paved with

sticky tar 273 write a fond note to the friend you cherish 274 tin cans are absent

from store shelves 275 wood is best for making toys and blocks 276 he crawled

with care along the ledge 277 the lamp shone with a steady green flame 278 the

pirates seized the crew of the lost ship 279 some ads serve to cheat buyers 280 the

fur of cats goes by many names 281 take shelter in this tent but keep still 282 a

clean neck means a neat collar 283 read verse out loud for pleasure 284 the desk

and both chairs were painted tan 285 live wires should be kept covered 286 glue

the sheet to the dark blue background 287 jazz and swing fans like fast music

288 bottles hold four kinds of rum 289 port is a strong wine with a smoky taste

290 throw out the used paper cup and plate 291 the point of the steel pen was

bent and twisted 292 the doctor cured him with these pills 293 we now have a

new base for shipping 294 greet the new guests and leave quickly 295 the pencils

have all been used 296 wipe the grease off his dirty face 297 the ancient coin

was quite dull and worn 298 the coffee stand is too high for the couch 299 use a

pencil to write the first draft 300 the ink stain dried on the finished page 301 an

abrupt start does not win the prize 302 a rod is used to catch pink salmon 303

be sure to set that lamp firmly in the hole 304 smoke poured out of every crack

305 thieves who rob friends deserve jail 306 a pot of tea helps to pass the evening

307 bring your best compass to the third class 308 down that road is the way

to the grain farmer 309 a thing of small note can cause despair 310 you cannot

brew tea in a cold pot 311 smile when you say nasty words 312 the corner store

was robbed last night 313 a stuffed chair slipped from the moving van 314 the

young kid jumped the rusty gate 315 leave now and you will arrive on time 316

the theft of the pearl pin was kept secret 317 the bombs left most of the town in


ruins 318 dispense with a vest on a day like this 319 the salt breeze came across

from the sea 320 jump the fence and hurry up the bank



CorpusB: List of pilot corpus

Table B.1: Diphone carrier words for the sentence Slide

the tray across the glass top.

CarrierID Diphone Carrier Word Example Repetitions

0132 x g ( tagah ga ) the gold 6

0137 x t ( tatah ta ) the two 6

0221 e x ( tatA ahta ) tray across 6

0288 d D ( tad dhata ) and the 5

0403 s D ( tas dhata ) press the 5

0416 s t ( tas tata ) hostess taught 5

0781 x-’k ( takah-’ka ) across 6

0951 ’kr ( ta-’krata ) across 5

0970 @s ( tas@sa ) sand 4

0975 Ad ( tadIda ) dice 4

1067 ap ( tapapa ) spot 4

1068 ta ( tatata ) top 4

1078 cs ( tasawsa ) sword 4

Continued on next page


Table B.1 – continued from previous page

CarrierID Diphone Carrier Word Example Repetitions

1127 Dx ( tadhahdha ) the 4

1164 l@ ( tal@ta ) laugh 4

1169 lA ( talIta ) lines 4

1210 rc ( tarawta ) strong 4

1215 re ( tarAta ) gray 4

1344 gl ( ta-glata ) glass 5

1347 sl ( ta-slata ) slant 5

1357 tr ( ta-trata ) trim 5

1381 s ( sata ) split 2

1401 p ( tatap ) jump 5

Table B.2: Diphone carrier words for the sentence ’Feel

the heat of the weak dying flame.’

CarrierID Diphone Carrier Word Example Repetitions

0034 t ˆ ( tat uhtA ) picked up 4

0133 x h ( tahah ha ) the hot 5

0205 x w ( tawah wa ) the wide 5

0253 G f ( tang fata ) dying flame 4

0336 l D ( tal dhata ) pile the 4

0439 v D ( tav dhata ) of the 4

Continued on next page


Table B.2 – continued from previous page

CarrierID Diphone Carrier Word Example Repetitions

0567 k ’d ( tak ’data ) weak dying 4

0712 A-I ( tatI-ita ) dying 5

0820 ’dA ( ta’dIda ) dying 4

1098 fi ( tafeefa ) feel 4

1099 hi ( taheeha ) he 4

1100 ik ( takeeka ) key 5

1103 it ( tateeta ) dusty 5

1127 Dx ( tadhahdha ) the 4

1150 v ( tavuhva ) of 5

1212 le ( talAta ) plate 4

1221 wi ( taweeta ) we 4

1249 IG ( tatingta ) playing 5

1275 em ( tatAmta ) name 5

1277 il ( tateelta ) feel 5

1343 fl ( ta-flata ) float 5

1373 f ( fata ) find 2

1399 m ( tatam ) room 5

2001 G f ( ting fata ) dying flame 3

2002 flo ( ta-flOta ) float 5

2003 fle ( ta-flAta ) float 5

2008 em ( tatAmda ) name 5

2009 em ( tatAmba ) name 5

Continued on next page


Table B.2 – continued from previous page

CarrierID Diphone Carrier Word Example Repetitions

2010 em ( tatAmka ) name 5

2011 em ( tatAmra ) name 5

2012 em ( tadAmta ) name 5

2013 em ( tabAmta ) name 5

2014 em ( takAmta ) name 5

2015 em ( tarAmta ) name 5



CorpusC: List of complementary


C.1 Non-speech expressions

01 cheekPuff 02 chewing 03 fishFace 04 frownSmile 05 growl 06 gurn 07 kiss 08

noseWrinkling 09 raspberry 10 smirk 11 wink 12 yawn

C.2 Mono-syllabic words

001 both 002 brief 003 charge 004 far 005 fare 006 farm 007 file 008 film 009 floor

010 form 011 frame 012 friend 013 growth 014 hung 015 long 016 month 017 page

018 roof 019 school 020 smile 021 speech 022 spring 023 square 024 strange 025

strength 026 bill 027 brown 028 care 029 class 030 core 031 drive 032 fall 033

food 034 force 035 full 036 give 037 health 038 hoarse 039 late 040 line 041 live

042 march 043 point 044 price 045 serve 046 space 047 staff 048 stage 049 sure

050 voice 051 bad 052 best 053 case 054 dark 055 gone 056 gun 057 hit 058 keep

059 mean 060 meat 061 met 062 needs 063 news 064 note 065 peace 066 sent 067

shone 068 site 069 son 070 soon 071 sound 072 stand 073 stock 074 tax 075 tried


C.3 Di-syllabic words

076 central 077 children 078 college 079 congress 080 current 081 famous 082

foreign 083 function 084 knowledge 085 moment 086 normal 087 private 088

problem 089 process 090 product 091 question 092 science 093 social 094 southern

095 special 096 spirit 097 student 098 thousand 099 trouble 100 woman 101

certain 102 coming 103 common 104 district 105 final 106 human 107 husband

108 million 109 modern 110 morning 111 music 112 nation 113 person 114 present

115 purpose 116 reading 117 running 118 series 119 service 120 simple 121 single

122 surface 123 table 124 western 125 working 126 season 127 beaten 128 panic

129 gotten 130 market 131 model 132 pocket 133 battle 134 muscle 135 hidden

136 basis 137 subtle 138 basic 139 senate 140 dozen 141 saddle

C.4 IEEE sentences

321 The birch canoe slid on the smooth planks. 322 It’s easy to tell the depth

of a well. 323 The juice of lemons makes fine punch. 324 The box was thrown

beside the parked truck. 325 The hogs were fed chopped corn and garbage. 326

Four hours of steady work faced us. 327 A large size in stockings is hard to sell.

328 The boy was there when the sun rose. 329 The source of the huge river is

the clear spring. 330 Help the woman get back to her feet. 331 The small pup

gnawed a hole in the sock. 332 Her purse was full of useless trash. 333 It snowed,

rained, and hailed the same morning. 334 Hoist the load to your left shoulder.

335 Note closely the size of the gas tank. 336 Mend the coat before you go out.

337 The young girl gave no clear response. 338 What joy there is in living. 339

A king ruled the state in the early days. 340 Sickness kept him home the third


week. 341 The wide road shimmered in the hot sun. 342 The rope will bind

the seven books at once. 343 Hop over the fence and plunge in. 344 Mesh wire

keeps chicks inside. 345 The frosty air passed through the coat. 346 Adding fast

leads to wrong sums. 347 The show was a flop from the very start. 348 A saw

is a tool used for making boards. 349 March the soldiers past the next hill. 350

A cup of sugar makes sweet fudge. 351 Place a rosebush near the porch steps.

352 Both lost their lives in the raging storm. 353 We talked of the side show in

the circus. 354 Cars and busses stalled in snow drifts. 355 The dune rose from

the edge of the water. 356 Those words were the cue for the actor to leave. 357

The walled town was seized without a fight. 358 The lease ran out in sixteen

weeks. 359 A tame squirrel makes a nice pet. 360 The fruit peel was cut in thick

slices. 361 See the cat glaring at the scared mouse. 362 There are more than

two factors here. 363 The hat brim was wide and too droopy. 364 The lawyer

tried to lose his case. 365 Men strive but seldom get rich. 366 The slush lay deep

along the street. 367 A wisp of cloud hung in the blue air. 368 A pound of sugar

costs more than eggs. 369 The fin was sharp and cut the clear water. 370 The

term ended in late june that year. 371 A Tusk is used to make costly gifts. 372

Ten pins were set in order. 373 The bill was paid every third week. 374 Oak is

strong and also gives shade. 375 Cats and Dogs each hate the other. 376 The

pipe began to rust while new. 377 Open the crate but don’t break the glass. 378

Add the sum to the product of these three. 379 Act on these orders with great

speed. 380 The hog crawled under the high fence. 381 Move the vat over the

hot fire. 382 Leaves turn brown and yellow in the fall. 383 Burn peat after the

logs give out. 384 Hemp is a weed found in parts of the tropics. 385 A lame

back kept his score low. 386 Type out three lists of orders. 387 The boss ran the

show with a watchful eye. 388 Paste can cleanse the most dirty brass. 389 The


slang word for raw whiskey is booze. 390 It caught its hind paw in a rusty trap.

391 The wharf could be seen at the farther shore. 392 The tiny girl took off her

hat. 393 A cramp is no small danger on a swim. 394 He said the same phrase

thirty times. 395 Pluck the bright rose without leaves. 396 Two plus seven is

less than ten. 397 The glow deepened in the eyes of the sweet girl. 398 Bring

your problems to the wise chief. 399 We frown when events take a bad turn. 400

Guess the result from the first scores. 401 A salt pickle tastes fine with ham. 402

These thistles bend in a high wind. 403 Pure bred poodles have curls. 404 The

spot on the blotter was made by green ink. 405 Mud was spattered on the front

of his white shirt. 406 The cigar burned a hole in the desk top. 407 A speedy

man can beat this track mark. 408 He broke a new shoelace that day. 409 She

sewed the torn coat quite neatly. 410 The sofa cushion is red and of light weight.

411 The jacket hung on the back of the wide chair. 412 At that high level the

air is pure. 413 Drop the two when you add the figures. 414 A filing case is now

hard to buy. 415 Steam hissed from the broken valve. 416 The child almost hurt

the small dog. 417 There was a sound of dry leaves outside. 418 The sky that

morning was clear and bright blue. 419 Sunday is the best part of the week. 420

Add the store’s account to the last cent. 421 Eight miles of woodland burned

to waste. 422 A young child should not suffer fright. 423 Add the column and

put the sum here. 424 There the flood mark is ten inches. 425 The fruit of a

fig tree is apple shaped. 426 Corn cobs can be used to kindle a fire. 427 Where

were they when the noise started. 428 The paper box is full of thumb tacks. 429

Sell your gift to a buyer at a good gain. 430 The tongs lay beside the ice pail.

431 The petals fall with the next puff of wind. 432 Farmers came in to thresh

the oat crop. 433 The lure is used to catch trout and flounder. 434 A blue crane

is a tall wading bird. 435 A fresh start will work such wonders. 436 The club


rented the rink for the fifth night. 437 After the dance, they went straight home.

438 Even the worst will beat his low score. 439 The cement had dried when he

moved it. 440 The loss of the second ship was hard to take. 441 The fly made its

way along the wall. 442 Do that with a wooden stick. 443 The large house had

hot water taps. 444 It is hard to erase blue or red ink. 445 Write at once or you

may forget it. 446 A pencil with black lead writes best. 447 Coax a young calf

to drink from a bucket. 448 Try to have the court decide the case. 449 They are

pushed back each time they attack. 450 He broke his ties with groups of former

friends. 451 The map had an X that meant nothing. 452 Whitings are small fish

caught in nets. 453 Jerk the rope and the bell rings weakly. 454 Madam, this is

the best brand of corn. 455 The play began as soon as we sat down. 456 This

will lead the world to more sound and fury. 457 Add salt before you fry the egg.

458 The birch looked stark white and lonesome. 459 The box is held by a bright

red snapper. 460 Yell and clap as the curtain slides back. 461 They are men

who walk the middle of the road. 462 Both brothers wear the same size. 463 In

some form or other we need fun. 464 The prince ordered his head chopped off.

465 Fruit flavors are used in fizz drinks. 466 Canned pears lack full flavor. 467

Carry the pail to the wall and spill it there. 468 The train brought our hero to

the big town. 469 We are sure that one war is enough. 470 Gray paint stretched

for miles around. 471 Tea served from the brown jug is tasty. 472 A dash of

pepper spoils beef stew. 473 A zestful food is the hot-cross bun. 474 Cut the

cord that binds the box tightly. 475 Look in the corner to find the tan shirt. 476

The cold drizzle will halt the bond drive. 477 Nine men were hired to dig the

ruins. 478 The junk yard had a mouldy smell. 479 The flint sputtered and lit a

pine torch. 480 Soak the cloth and drown the sharp odor. 481 The shelves were

bare of both jam or crackers. 482 A joy to every child is the swan boat. 483 A


cloud of dust stung his tender eyes. 484 To reach the end he needs much courage.

485 Shape the clay gently into block form. 486 A ridge on a smooth surface is a

bump or flaw. 487 Hedge apples may stain your hands green. 488 Quench your

thirst, then eat the crackers. 489 Tight curls get limp on rainy days. 490 The

mute muffled the high tones of the horn. 491 The old pan was covered with hard

fudge. 492 The node on the stalk of wheat grew daily. 493 Write fast if you want

to finish early. 494 The barrel of beer was a brew of malt and hops. 495 The

plant grew large and green in the window. 496 The beam dropped down on the

workman’s head. 497 She danced like a swan, tall and graceful. 498 The last

switch cannot be turned off. 499 The fight will end in just six minutes. 500 The

store walls were lined with colored frocks. 501 The rise to fame of a person takes

luck. 502 Paper is scarce, so write with much care. 503 Time brings us many

changes. 504 Men think and plan and sometimes act. 505 He smoke a big pipe

with strong contents. 506 The crunch of feet in the snow was the only sound.

507 Glass will clink when struck by metal. 508 The kitten chased the dog down

the street. 509 Pages bound in cloth make a book. 510 Women form less than

half of the group. 511 A gem in the rough needs work to polish. 512 Most of the

news is easy for us to hear. 513 He used the lathe to make brass objects. 514

The vane on top of the pole revolved in the wind. 515 Mince pie is a dish served

to children. 516 The clan gathered on each dull night. 517 Let it burn, it gives

us warmth and comfort. 518 A castle built from sand fails to endure. 519 Next

Tuesday we must vote. 520 The dirt piles were lines along the road. 521 Just

hoist it up and take it away. 522 A ripe plum is fit for a king’s palate. 523 Our

plans right now are hazy. 524 He took the lead and kept it the whole distance.

525 Plead to the council to free the poor thief. 526 Better hash is made of rare

beef. 527 This plank was made for walking on. 528 The lake sparkled in the red


hot sun. 529 Tend the sheep while the dog wanders. 530 It takes a lot of help to

finish these. 531 Mark the spot with a sign painted red. 532 Take two shares as

a fair profit. 533 North winds bring colds and fevers. 534 He asks no person to

vouch for him. 535 Go now and come here later. 536 That move means the game

is over. 537 He wrote down a long list of items. 538 Fake stones shine but cost

little. 539 The drip of the rain made a pleasant sound. 540 Much of the story

makes good sense. 541 The sun came up to light the eastern sky. 542 Heave the

line over the port side. 543 A lathe cuts and trims any wood. 544 It’s a dense

crowd in two distinct ways. 545 His hip struck the knee of the next player. 546

The stale smell of old beer lingers. 547 Beef is scarcer than some lamb. 548 A

cone costs five cents on Mondays. 549 Jerk that dart from the cork target. 550

No cement will hold hard wood. 551 Three for a dime, the young peddler cried.

552 The sense of smell is better than that of touch. 553 Grace makes up for lack

of beauty. 554 Nudge gently but wake her now. 555 Once we stood beside the

shore. 556 A chink in the wall allowed a draft to blow. 557 A cold dip restores

health and zest. 558 There is a lag between thought and act. 559 Seed is needed

to plant the spring corn. 560 The boy owed his pal thirty cents. 561 The chap

slipped into the crowd and was lost. 562 Say it slowly but make it ring clear. 563

The straw nest housed five robins. 564 Screen the porch with woven straw mats.

565 This horse will nose his way to the finish. 566 The nag pulled the frail cart

along. 567 The vamp of the shoe had a gold buckle. 568 The smell of burned rags

itches my nose. 569 New pants lack cuffs and pockets. 570 The marsh will freeze

when cold enough. 571 They slice the sausage thin with a knife. 572 The bloom

of the rose lasts a few days. 573 He wheeled the bike past the winding road. 574

The couch cover and hall drapes were blue. 575 The cleat sank deeply into the

soft turf. 576 To have is better than to wait and hope. 577 The music played on


while they talked. 578 He sent the figs, but kept the ripe cherries. 579 The hinge

on the door creaked with old age. 580 Fly by night and you waste little time. 581

Birth and death mark the limits of life. 582 The chair looked strong but had no

bottom. 583 The kite flew wildly in the high wind. 584 A fur muff is stylish once

more. 585 We need an end of all such matter. 586 The case was puzzling to the

old and wise. 587 The bright lanterns were gay on the dark lawn. 588 We don’t

get much money but we have fun. 589 Five years he lived with a shaggy dog.

590 The way to save money is not to spend much. 591 Send the stuff in a thick

paper bag. 592 A quart of milk is water for the most part. 593 The three story

house was built of stone. 594 In the rear of the ground floor was a large passage.

595 Oats are a food eaten by horse and man. 596 Their eyelids droop for want

of sleep. 597 A sip of tea revives his tired friend. 598 There are many ways to do

these things. 599 Tuck the sheet under the edge of the mat. 600 A force equal

to that would move the earth. 601 We like to see clear weather. 602 The work of

the tailor is seen on each side. 603 Shake the dust from your shoes, stranger. 604

She was kind to sick old people. 605 The square wooden crate was packed to be

shipped. 606 We dress to suit the weather of most days. 607 The water in this

well is a source of good health. 608 That guy is the writer of a few banned books.

609 Ripe pears are fit for a queen’s table. 610 The kite dipped and swayed, but

stayed aloft. 611 The pleasant hours fly by much too soon. 612 The room was

crowded with a wild mob. 613 This strong arm shall shield your honor. 614 She

blushed when he gave her a white orchid. 615 The beetle droned in the hot June

sun. 616 Neat plans fail without luck. 617 The vast space stretched into the far

distance. 618 Hurdle the pit with the aid of a long pole. 619 Even a just cause

needs power to win. 620 Peep under the tent and see the clowns. 621 Flood the

mails with requests for this book. 622 A thick coat of black paint covered all.


623 The pencil was cut to be sharp at both ends. 624 Those last words were a

strong statement. 625 Dill pickles are sour but taste fine. 626 Either mud or dust

are found at all times. 627 The best method is to fix it in place with clips. 628

If you mumble your speech will be lost. 629 At night the alarm roused him from

a deep sleep. 630 Fill your pack with bright trinkets for the poor. 631 The small

red neon lamp went out. 632 Clams are small, round, soft, and tasty. 633 The

fan whirled its round blades softly. 634 The line where the edges join was clean.

635 Breathe deep and smell the piny air. 636 A brown leather bag hung from its

strap. 637 A toad and a frog are hard to tell apart. 638 Paint the sockets in the

wall dull green. 639 Bribes fail where honest men work. 640 Footprints showed

the path he took up the beach. 641 Prod the old mule with a crooked stick. 642

It is a band of steel three inches wide. 643 It was hidden from sight by a mass

of leaves and shrubs. 644 The weight of the package was seen on the high scale.

645 Wake and rise, and step into the green outdoors. 646 The green light in the

brown box flickered. 647 They took their kids from the public school. 648 Keep

the hatch tight and the watch constant. 649 Sever the twine with a quick snip of

the knife. 650 Paper will dry out when wet. 651 Slide the catch back and open

the desk. 652 Help the weak to preserve their strength. 653 A sullen smile gets

few friends. 654 Jerk the cord, and out tumbles the gold. 655 Set the piece here

and say nothing. 656 Get the trust fund to the bank early. 657 Choose between

the high road and the low. 658 A plea for funds seems to come again. 659 There

is a strong chance it will happen once more. 660 When the frost has come it

is time for turkey. 661 Sweet words work better than fierce. 662 A six comes

up more often than a ten. 663 Lush fern grow on the lofty rocks. 664 The ram

scared the school children off. 665 The team with the best timing looks good.

666 The farmer swapped his horse for a brown ox. 667 Sit on the perch and tell


the others what to do. 668 The early phase of life moves fast. 669 Tea in thin

china has a sweet taste. 670 A whiff of it will cure the most stubborn cold. 671

The facts don’t always show who is right. 672 She flaps her cape as she parades

the street. 673 Loop the braid to the left and then over. 674 Plead with the

lawyer to drop the lost cause. 675 Calves thrive on tender spring grass. 676 Post

no bills on this office wall. 677 A cruise in warm waters in a sleek yacht is fun.

678 It was done before the boy could see it. 679 Crouch before you jump or miss

the mark. 680 Pack the kits and don’t forget the salt. 681 The square peg will

settle in the round hole. 682 Poached eggs and tea must suffice. 683 Bad nerves

are jangled by a door slam. 684 The sky in the west is tinged with orange red.

685 The pods of peas ferment in bare fields. 686 The horse balked and threw the

tall rider. 687 The rarest spice comes from the far East. 688 A smatter of French

is worse than none. 689 The mule trod the treadmill day and night. 690 The

aim of the contest is to raise a great fund. 691 To send it now in large amounts

is bad. 692 There is a fine hard tang in salty air. 693 The slab was hewn from

heavy blocks of slate. 694 Dunk the stale biscuits into strong drink. 695 Hang

tinsel from both branches. 696 The poor boy missed the boat again. 697 The

first part of the plan needs changing. 698 A good book informs of what we ought

to know. 699 The mail comes in three batches per day. 700 The night shift men

rate extra pay. 701 The red paper brightened the dim stage. 702 See the player

scoot to third base. 703 Many hands help get the job done. 704 No doubt about

the way the wind blows. 705 The steady drip is worse than a drenching rain. 706

Green ice frosted the punch bowl. 707 The gloss on top made it unfit to read.

708 The hail pattered on the burnt brown grass. 709 Seven seals were stamped

on great sheets. 710 It was a bad error on the part of the new judge. 711 The

pot boiled but the contents failed to gel. 712 Stop and stare at the hard working


man. 713 The streets are narrow and full of sharp turns. 714 The pup jerked

the leash as he saw a feline shape. 715 Open your book to the first page. 716

Fish evade the net and swim off. 717 Will you please answer that phone. 718 A

gold ring will please most any girl. 719 Small children came to see him. 720 She

called his name many times.



Single letter representation of


Table D.1: Phonemes in single letter symbols

Vowel Sample Consonant Sample

a to¯p b b


@ ba¯g C c


c bo¯u¯g¯h¯t D t


x o¯f f f


E he¯a¯d g g


i be¯a¯k h h


I bi¯t J j


R bi¯r¯d k k


U bo¯o¯k l l


u bo¯o¯t m m


W bo¯w¯

n n¯et

A bi¯ke G son


Continued on next page


Table D.1: Phonemes in single letter symbols

Vowel Sample Consonant Sample

e ba¯ke p p


o bo¯a¯t r r


O bo¯y¯

s s¯ix

Consonant Sample S s¯h¯ip

t t¯ax T t


v v¯est w w


y y¯atch z z


Z treas¯ure silence



List of word pairs for visual

lexicon distinction identification


Table E.1: Animated words and their paired words from

natural video in four visual lexicon distinction levels

Animated Words from natural video

words same near med far

best best space floor growth

case case class form sure

charge charge march class frame

fall fall full growth roof

far far floor brown serve

fare fare farm stand roof

farm farm far live school

file file fall growth sure

Continued on next page


Table E.1 – continued from previous page

Animated Words from natural video

words same near med far

floor floor core health month

food food voice march core

force force voice keep growth

friend friend sent charge hoarse

full full soon price stand

growth growth note form point

hit hit needs form far

hoarse hoarse core frame brief

live live live2 brown spring

mean mean bill stand square

needs needs case shone brief

price price bad stand health

sent sent tax brief floor

shone shone sound speech frame

site site tried staff sure

smile smile son strength brief

son son stock best roof

soon soon sound march page

sound sound sent brief frame

stage stage strange month farm

stand stand sent brief spring

Continued on next page


Table E.1 – continued from previous page

Animated Words from natural video

words same near med far

stock stock stand march brief

strange strange strength brown form

tried tried drive film health



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