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Acne Natural Remedy – Find Out How You Can Permanently Get Rid Of Ugly Pimples, Once And For All!

When trying to get a clear face there are a few significant factors that are involved.. Simply keeping your skin clean and oil free is one of the most important. Acne is caused by a build up of oil and dead skin. Hormones and also stress contribute to this and make it even worse.

The best way to get rid of pimples is to find an acne natural remedy that will work for you. Many of these may seem odd but they work. Did you know most medicines we use today come from nature at least partly.

And for thousands of years civilizations have used nature to cure various ailments. There wasn't always a Walgreen's around the corner!

Here are a few acne natural remedies that may work for you:

Oatmeal is one way to treat your skin, it acts as a sponge and is able to draw out oil from your skin. By mixing dry oats with water, you can make a sort of paste, which you can then put on your skin and let sit for about 10 minutes. This is a great and well known acne natural remedy.. Give it a try!

Another one is tea tree oil. It has known anti-fungal and antiseptic properties. Simply put some on a cotton swab or a tissue and apply it to your problem areas. Let it stay on overnight or all throughout the day for best results.

Another well known acne natural remedy is a mixture of herbs, burdock, blue flag, yellow dock, and Echinacea. This mixture will dry out your skin so be careful, but it will zap those zits like no other.

These are a few popular natural acne treatments, try them out and see which one works best for you!

Acne Natural Remedy – Find Out How You Can Permanently Get Rid Of Ugly Pimples, Once And For All!