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Essential Details on Acid and Alkaline-Forming Effects of Food and How Your Body Maintains a

Healthy pHPosted By Dr. Ben Kim on Sep 27, 2010

Natural Health Care

Is it true that each food that you eat can cause your blood to become more alkaline or acidic?

Thought of the MomentThe best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it.

This is the day your life really begins.

- Bob Moawad

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Page 2: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

The answer is: not really. The pH of your blood is tightly regulated by a complex system of

buffers that are continuously at work to maintain a range of 7.35 to 7.45, which is

slightly more alkaline than pure water.

If the pH of your blood falls below 7.35, the result is a condition called acidosis, a state

that leads to central nervous system depression. Severe acidosis - where blood pH falls below 7.00 - can lead to a coma and even


If the pH of your blood rises above 7.45, the result is alkalosis. Severe alkalosis can also

lead to death, but through a different mechanism - alkalosis causes all of the nerves

in your body to become hypersensitive and over-excitable, often resulting in muscle

spasms, nervousness, and convulsions; it's usually the convulsions that cause death in

severe cases.

The bottom line is that if you're out and about, your body is doing an adequate job of keeping

your blood pH somewhere between 7.35 to 7.45, and the foods that you are eating are not causing any wild deviations of your blood pH.

So what's up with all the hype about the need to alkalize your body? And what's to be made of the claim that being too acidic can cause

osteoporosis, kidney stones, and a number of other undesirable health challenges?

As usual, the answers to such questions about human health can be found by understanding basic principles of human physiology. So let's

take a look at the fundamentals of pH and how your body regulates the acid-alkaline balance

of its fluids on a moment-to-moment basis.

pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline a liquid is. With respect to your health, the

liquids involved are your body fluids, which can be categorized into the following two main


1. Intracellular fluid, which is the fluid found in all of your cells. Intracellular

fluid is often called cytosol, and makes

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Page 3: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

up about two-thirds of the total amount of fluid in your body.

2. Extracellular fluid, which is the fluid found outside of your cells. Extracellular

fluids are further classified as one of two types:

o Plasma, which is fluid that makes up your blood.

o Interstitial fluid, which occupies all of the spaces that

surround your tissues. Interstitial fluid includes the fluids found in

your eyes, lymphatic system, joints, nervous system, and

between the protective membranes that surround your cardiovascular, respiratory, and

abdominal cavities.

Your blood (plasma) needs to maintain a pH of 7.35 to 7.45 for your cells to function properly. Why your cells require your blood to maintain a pH in this range to stay healthy is beyond

the scope of this article, but the most important reason is that all of the proteins that work in your body have to maintain a specific geometric shape to function, and the three-dimensional shapes of the proteins in your

body are affected by the tiniest changes in the pH of your body fluids.

The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. A liquid that has a pH of 7 is considered to be neutral (pure water is generally considered to have a neutral pH). Fluids that have a pH below 7 - like lemon juice and coffee - are considered to be acidic.

And fluids that have a pH above 7 - like human blood and milk of magnesia - are considered to

be alkaline.

It's important to note that on the pH scale, each number represents a tenfold difference

from adjacent numbers; in other words, a liquid that has a pH of 6 is ten times more

acidic than a liquid that has a pH of 7, and a liquid with a pH of 5 is one hundred times

more acidic than pure water. Most carbonated

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Until now I did not know all of the special words in this song.I have played it over and over...

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Page 4: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

soft drinks (pop) have a pH of about 3, making them about ten thousand times more acidic than pure water. Please remember this the next time you think about drinking a can of


When you ingest foods and liquids, the end products of digestion and assimilation of

nutrients often results in an acid or alkaline-forming effect - the end products are

sometimes called acid ash or alkaline ash.

Also, as your cells produce energy on a continual basis, a number of different acids are

formed and released into your body fluids. These acids - generated by your everyday

metabolic activities - are unavoidable; as long as your body has to generate energy to

survive, it will produce a continuous supply of acids.

So there are two main forces at work on a daily basis that can disrupt the pH of your body fluids - these forces are the acid or

alkaline-forming effects of foods and liquids that you ingest, and the acids that you

generate through regular metabolic activities. Fortunately, your body has three major

mechanisms at work at all times to prevent these forces from shifting the pH of your blood

outside of the 7.35 to 7.45 range.

These mechanisms are:

1. Buffer Systems

o Carbonic Acid-Bicarbonate Buffer System

o Protein Buffer Systemo Phosphate Buffer System

2. Exhalation of Carbon Dioxide

3. Elimination of Hydrogen Ions via Kidneys

It's not in the scope of this article to discuss the mechanisms listed above in detail. For this

article, I only want to point out that these systems are in place to prevent dietary,

metabolic, and other factors from pushing the pH of your blood outside of the 7.35 to 7.45


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Page 5: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart


When people encourage you to "alkalize your blood," most of them mean that you should eat plenty of foods that have an alkaline-

forming effect on your system. The reason for making this suggestion is that the vast

majority of highly processed foods - like white flour products and white sugar - have an acid-

forming effect on your system, and if you spend years eating a poor diet that is mainly acid-forming, you will overwork some of the

buffering systems mentioned above to a point where you could create undesirable changes in

your health.

For example, your phosphate buffer system uses different phosphate ions in your body to neutralize strong acids and bases. About 85% of the phosphate ions that are used in your

phosphate buffer system comes from calcium phosphate salts, which are structural

components of your bones and teeth. If your body fluids are regularly exposed to large

quantities of acid-forming foods and liquids, your body will draw upon its calcium

phosphate reserves to supply your phosphate buffer system to neutralize the acid-forming effects of your diet. Over time, this may lead

to structural weakness in your bones and teeth.

Drawing on your calcium phosphate reserves at a high rate can also increase the amount of

calcium that is eliminated via your genito-urinary system, which is why a predominantly

acid-forming diet can increase your risk of developing calcium-rich kidney stones.

This is just one example of how your buffering systems can be overtaxed to a point where

you experience negative health consequences. Since your buffering systems have to work all the time anyway to neutralize the acids that

are formed from everyday metabolic activities, it's in your best interest to follow a diet that doesn't create unnecessary work for your

buffering systems.

Acid and Alkaline-Forming


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Page 6: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

Effects of Common FoodsGenerally speaking, most vegetables and fruits have an alkaline-forming effect on your body


Most grains, animal foods, and highly processed foods have an acid-forming effect

on your body fluids.

Your health is best served by a good mix of nutrient-dense, alkaline and acid-forming

foods; ideally, you want to eat more alkaline-forming foods than acid-forming foods to have

the net acid and alkaline-forming effects of your diet match the slightly alkaline pH of your


The following lists indicate which common foods have an alkaline-forming effect on your body fluids, and which ones result in acid ash

formation when they are digested and assimilated into your system.

Foods that have a Moderate to Strong Alkaline-Forming Effect




SeaweedSweet, seedless grapes




Vegetable juicesApples

ApricotsAlfalfa sprouts


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Most herbsPeas



Foods that have a Moderate to Strong Acid-Forming Effect

AlcoholSoft drinks (pop)


White sugarRefined Salt

Artificial sweetenersAntibiotics (and most drugs)

White flour products (including pasta)Seafood

White vinegarBarley

Most boxed cerealsCheese

Most beansFlesh meats

Most types of bread

Please note that these lists of acid and alkaline-forming foods are not comprehensive,

nor are they meant to be.

If you're eating mainly grains, flour products, animal foods, and washing these foods down with coffee, soda, and milk, you will almost certainly improve your health by replacing

some of your food and beverage choices with fresh vegetables and fruits.

The primary purpose of this article is to offer information that explains why I believe that

you don't need to take one or more nutritional supplements for the sole purpose of alkalizing your body. Your body is already designed to

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keep the pH of your body fluids in a tight, slightly alkaline range.

The ideal scenario is to make fresh vegetables and fruits the centerpieces of your diet, and to eat small amounts of any other nutrient-dense

foods that your appetite calls for and that experience shows your body can tolerate.

If you have any questions or comments on this topic, please feel free to add them to the

comments section below. Thank you.


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Newsletter on acidity/alkalinity

Submitted by Margaret Mankiewicz, RN, BScN(Ed) on July 30, 2008 - 14:48.

Kudos to you for explaining so well the importance of introducing more fruits and

vegetables as we nourish our bodies!Of all the alkaline gurus out there, you have

given the best explanation for the non-medical person!

I am sending it to all my McDonald's Chompin' friends for them to digest mentally!

Page 11: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

Thankyou once again!



Acid & Alkaline balance

Submitted by Silvana Schulz-Brown on July 30, 2008 - 21:01.

I am always grateful to receive your newsletters which are packed with valuable

information in a digestible format. This article grabbed my attention in particular as I have been drinking alkaline water for 2 years and

have only just (with the help of an ND) figured out that my candida / yeast overgrowth

problems that I suffered for the same length of time as the water intake was due to increasing

my body's alkaline level. I know that a lot of women suffer from candida and I urge them to

read this article and look at their diet to try and tackle this issue like I did. Thank You!



Acid & Alkaline balance

Submitted by J. Thurston on March 4, 2009 - 19:58.your candida problem*is the result of depleted

levels of magnesium and potassium which occur whenever substances are taken into the body that increase alkalinity. the Mayo Clinic commented on this very thing some time ago in connection to successful (non-mainstream) alternative therapies such as cesium chloride and cesium carbonate for cancer treatment as cancer cells begin to die within 6-8 hours when pH is raised to 8.0. proponents of alkalinated

water products rarely if ever mention this little known fact*.



OMG Candida!

Submitted by Anonymous on May 10, 2009 - 07:03.

Page 12: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

OMG, thank you for this statement. I find it quite interesting that you attribute candida to a magnesium and potassium deficiency. I was diagnosed with bipolar 8 years ago and when first hospitalized and given the diagnosis I had

candida outgrowth on my legs and hands. Doctors, however, did not know what it was

and neither did I at the time. Every time I have been hospitalized for the BP disorder, my potassium levels were low and it was right

before my cycle. Over the years I have struggled with the candida and the BP and

have begun to eat more whole foods discovering that my outbreaks are fewer

except during the week before my cycle when my progesterone is at its highest. Based on what you are saying, the progesterone must be creating a more acidic environment??? Also, based on what you are saying, my

extreme mood swings could be a result of these deficiencies?????




Submitted by Lisa on April 13, 2010 - 17:42.Isn't it WONDERFUL to find out that much of

our mood stuff is really about food stuff. (pardon the pun!)

I just had to write you and say I'm glad that you made that connection. Whoever you are,

you made me smile today. With this information here I've never felt more loved.



Thank You!

Submitted by Anonymous on May 10, 2009 - 07:21.You cannot imagine the connectin that has

been made by reading that! You simply cannnot imagine it, especially after looking up the possible side effects of low potassium and

magnesium, depression, delirium, and psychosis! Eight years of my life I have been

Page 13: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

dealing with this diagnosis that I believed to be incorrect. I lost everything in my life as a

result of this....lately since taking more supplements I have been feeling better.

Unbeknownst to me, which I discovered earlier this week, I was supposed to be taking more

than one of the magnesium pills and potassium pills. Every time I am hospitalized I have this rash somewhere on my body and it is right before my cycle starts. I have been arguing with doctors for years saying it was hormonal or some sort of deficiency. Since

beginning hormones last month I was better but the depression and mood swings would not go away, the psychosis was eliminated

with the hormones. I am now going to up my potassium and magnesium. I went to the ER last week with chest pain and blood pressure spikes, only to return home and find out that magnesium and potassium stopped the heart

palps and the pains in my legs and arms!

Thank You!!!



i really appreciated your

Submitted by mala to on May 9, 2009 - 04:43.i really appreciated your article. it made me understand about acid and alkaline balance but according to this article i have several

questions for you. How can body get too much acid? Does alkaline balance diet helps prevent cancer or other diseases? if body has too much hydron ion where would they go? is it true that no matter how much alkaline food we not the

affect the pH balance?To prevent cancer or reduce chances of having

cancer should we eat foods that have more alkaline?



alkaline water

Submitted by David Niven Miller on January 20,

Page 14: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

2010 - 08:42.I have been drinking alkaline water for ten years. Recently I have been diagnosed with GERD (acid reflux), and I show several of the symptoms of candida infection. I read Silvana

Schulz-Brown's post with interest. It seems that long-term consumption of alkaline water is harmful. Is there anyone else out there who has been drinking alkaline ionised water for years, and has found it has done more harm

than good? Please contact me via the contact form on my site



Fascinating, complex system

Submitted by Sam C. on July 31, 2008 - 02:01.I love your logical, science-based approach to

every health topic as it's exactly how I approach these issues as well. As a university student studying physiology, I just learned all

the information included in this article this past year and this is not only a great, quick

refresher but also helps me to use the information I've learned in a different setting.

I had just come across a few websites advocating alkalizing supplements and

alkaline-water and had been wondering about them, and low and behold, it's the next topic you cover! I had assumed basically what you

concluded: the body's pH is barely altered from hour to hour and day to day, but by

balancing the acid and base levels in our body through the foods we eat we may be able to

reduce the amount of work/energy our buffering systems (the lungs and kidney which

I learned about) must use to keep our pH levels in check. The human body (or any

mammal's for that matter) is truly amazing!



Acid/Alkaline-forming effects of

Page 15: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart


Submitted by William Vincenti on July 31, 2008 - 03:56.

Thank you for this very informative article and for not trying to sell your brand of alkalizing supplement like pretty much the rest of the

acid/alkaline cyberworld is up to!



Your article on "Acid and Alkaline-Forming Effects of Food . ."

Submitted by Alicen Webb on July 31, 2008 - 08:01.As usual, your professional, factual and

straight forward article makes it easy for lay people to understand this very important

aspect of our body and how it works to keep us healthy.

Dr Kim, I have been reading your newsletter for some time now and the above article really

set my mind at ease about the Acid/Alkaline question. It is so easy for a professional to frighten or confuse people who have less

knowledge on a subject - without making false statements even, but couching the information

in such a way as to alarm us. It is apparent that your goal is to inform and educate people so that we are in a position to make informed

decisions about how we treat our bodies.

For that, and the work that you and Margaret do is much appreciated. I know that a lot of

your time is spent in writing these articles for us so I just wanted to be on record to say a big




Thanks for this article.

Submitted by Anita on July 31, 2008 - 12:54.Thanks for this article. This is the best way I

have ever heard someone explained this

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alkaline and acid forming effect. Thanks again.



Acid and Alkaline Forming Effects

Submitted by Terri on April 7, 2009 - 03:34.12.75

This was a good article but I have a question. I have had 3 episodes of kidney stones and

have been told I have high levels of acid in my system. I drink a gal. of water daily to keep my system flushed out and do not drink anything

else but a casual glass of milk occasionaly (once twice a month) I work hard at keeping the acid foods down in my diet. I just learned even with this life habit I have another kidney stone. It was found by accident when I had an x-ray from a car accident. It is to alrge to pass and will have to be lasered. Do you have any




Acid/Alkaline forming effects

Submitted by Patsy Reynolds on July 1, 2009 - 00:42.

Are you drinking well water? I had 13 stones during a two year period of drinking well

water. Am using only distilled now (but also take good minerals) and have not been

bothered with kidney stones for several years.



acid alkaline balance

Submitted by Anonymous on September 10, 2009 - 19:53.

Hi,you drink a gallon of water daily, what type of

water?Many types of water are acidic like some

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bottled and all distilled and R/O are dead water and acidic in pH.

what is the makeup of your diet? most people eat more acidic foods than alkaline. alkaline

foods are simply vegetables and fruits, preferably raw. pasteurized juices are not

necessarily alkaline.Highest acidity items include drugs, caffeine, sugar, artificial sweeteners, grains-esp. white

flour, processed foods, alcohol, fast foods, meat, dairy. Acidity can also form through

negative emotions-- anger, fear, worry, etcetera.

Acidity does not mean grapefruit, lemons, oranges--these are alkaline forming in the

body.Ideally try to have 80% alkaline foods and 20% acidic in your diet. Try a change and notice the

results, allow for a detox period.hope this helps, rachel........



Kidney Stones

Submitted by Jen on November 10, 2009 - 16:24.If your kidney stones are calcium oxalate, and 80% are, you should drink juice from a fresh squeezed lemon every day. My husband had

chronic stones. He would suffer two episondes a month and since jucing lemons everyday he hasn't had one in over a year. The lemon can also help with your current stone. So far so





Kidney Stones

Submitted by Charla on September 28, 2010 - 00:57.I am an herbalist who also works with

nutrition. I have assisted several people who preferred no laser or surgery in dissolving

kidney stones that were too large to pass. The

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most dramatic was a friend with a 9mm stone. He began taking a strong tea of Gravel Root (Queen of the Meadow ROOT not leaf) and

Hydrangea Root. In a few weeks the stone was 5mm. In a few more weeks it was still 5mm

but transparent and broken into several pieces. After some months it was completely

gone. All progress was monitored with ultrasound.

I also had him daily use umeboshi plum paste, a Japanese food that helps keep calcium from being improperly deposited as stones. He used

the tea for over 6 months and still uses the plum paste frequently several years later. If

you eat cooked greens or other cooked foods high in oxalic acid, it is important to use some either umeboshi vinegar or apple cider vinegar

on them so stones do not form.



kidney stones

Submitted by Tom on September 28, 2010 - 04:31.There is a supplement called Chanca Piedra by

Amazon Therapeutix that dissolves kidney stones rapidly. Not many health food stores

have it, but if the ones in your area don't you can order it online and have it overnighted to you. It's very effective, I know a few people who've used it and had great success. One

person had 3 large stones too big to laser and were going to have to be taken out by surgery

on a Monday. She started taking Chanca Piedra on the Friday before and when Monday rolled around and she went in for her surgery, the kidney stones were all gone! Costs about

$10 for a 1 oz bottle.



Food for good digestion

Submitted by Anonymous on April 17, 2009 - 00:26.12.75

Page 19: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

I found this to be true but, Why do some people eat healthy but seem to be craving

sweet deserts a lot? What kind of food can just wipe out the sweet tooth?



I had an invelievable

Submitted by Anonymous on September 19, 2009 - 22:52.

I had an unbelievable craving for sugar and sweets. In fact, I had dessert as a dinner a few

days in the week. The only thing worked effectivley to stop that was drinking "Thyme water". You need to add 1/4th of a glass to a

glass of water.



Using Baking Soda to alkalise the body

Submitted by Diana Moore on April 24, 2009 - 20:31.

We have been using a pinch of baking soda in our water. After we checked the p.h we were shocked to find most bottled water and tap water is very acidic ..often below 5. Adding just a pinch is enough to bring it to a ph7.



Baking Soda/Akaline

Submitted by charleydan on September 6, 2009 - 14:57.

Make sure your baking soda is aluminum free. Some say they are and others say not a thing. Making me think they may have aluminum in


I am told one teaspoon a day is sufficient with out crossing the line. Yet, I agree with this

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article one should not need a supplement.

May consider if they have a condition (cancer)that causes a very acidic condition.

This is also used to prevent Metastasize(spreading) of cancer by some

chemo therapies.

Some alternative medical use this basic method to eliminate cancer in Italy(Dr. Tullio




Aluminum is not in baking SODA

Submitted by Charla on September 28, 2010 - 01:06.Aluminum is added to most baking POWDER. Baking SODA is pure sodium bicarbonate. See Wikipedia for the differences between the two.



acid-alkaline balance

Submitted by Anonymous on September 10, 2009 - 19:42.

I believe that the foods and drinks we ingest CAN AND DO have a direct influence on our

pH. From my own experiences and from what I have read and studied a regular, almost

consistent ALKALINE pH (and it appears the ideal is a 7.365)

helps us to maintain health and wellness. I am a holistic practitioner (a reflexologist) but am

not a nutritionist or an M.D.Personally I have been a vegetarian for 22

years. I have tried every form of vegetarianism and tried being 100% raw on and off for years.

I am not 100% raw but i believe the energy level you feel and high nutritional benefits and enzyme benefits are wonderful. I believe raw foods are good for everyone to add to their

daily routine however I think going 100% raw

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is too extreme for most people. Try to consume 50% of your foods in a raw form and

see how your energy level feels.One or two days of consuming lots of acid forming foods is not going to ruin your life.

Consistently consuming stimulating foods and drinks, those labeled highly acid-forming, is

what creates the problem(s). Most Americans consume MOST of their calories from acid

forming foods, and instead we should concentrate on consuming 80% alkaline

forming foods and only 20% acidic forming; thats' the key to balance.

In addition negative emotions are highly acid forming such as anger, fear, worry, hatred,

jealousy, resentment, and so on. Its' not just becoming alkaline by eating well and getting

fresh air, sunshine and exercise.A regular, consistent acidic pH shows that your

body is not working efficiently to detoxify/eliminate acidic metabolic wastes.

These wastes will build up and gradually create symptoms like pain, arthritis, lumbago,

loss of energy, insomnia, and so on. As the acidity increases the symptoms get worse and can include becoming chronic, and leading to

diabetes, leukemia and even cancer.Want to see if your food consumption CAN and will affect your acidity and energy level? try a personal experiment. Buy some pH paper at the health food or pharmacy. Test your pH a few times a day and see how it measures for each experiment. Remember if you test your

urine it will naturally measure more acidic than your saliva.

For the first two to four weeks eat an extremely CLEAN diet-plenty of fresh raw

vegetables and fruits, good quality water, and stick to 50% raw and overall 80% alkaline and 20% acid foods. Whatever is comfortable for

your palate to have yet stick to the alkaline/acid 80/20 balance.

For the second two to four weeks consume a typical S.A.D.

diet. Have all of the white flour products, soda, sugar, alcohol, fast foods, meat, dairy, coffee,

cooked foods and pre-packaged foods you want. See how your energy level and general

health feel. See what happens to your pH testing.....

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Yes I believe the food we eat and drink DOES make our pH go alkaline or acidic. The

Standard American Diet is maiming and killing American's and is the cause of multiple

symptoms and diseases. The only cure for anything is the removal of the "cause"

(prevention), this is the root of the problem. I believe over-acidity and an over-acidic pH is the basis for most if not all symptoms and

disease.Among the foods I do consume I have lots of fresh raw vegetables and fruit and love green

salads and raw smoothies.I do sell an alkaline-ionized water filtration system (the Alkal-Life) and I also do drink

water with a pH of 9 or 10. It helps me maintain a healthy alkaline pH in my body and

gives me clean water to drink and to cook with.




PH Balancing

Submitted by Clinton Hickman on September 13, 2009 - 17:53.

I stumbled across PH balancing a couple of years ago while looking for information on my

gum recession and tooth decay. I have had very positive effects from following the guide lines to balancing my PH. I have just recently

started researching PH balancing again for the reason my Aunty is very sick with Cancer. I came across your article and so far it has

given me the best explanation on how this PH balancing in our body works. Thank you very much I am going to forward this info to my





Submitted by Angelina Degelder on November 16, 2009 - 14:16.

Page 23: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

Excellent description of the physical working of the body and the effect on ph.

Spritually, we are created to with a desire to know God, as the Creator, Redeemer and

Renewer...and so what we allow ourselves to see, hear, touch, taste, and smell does also

affect our well being. Interestingly I read that watching too much television can increase our acid levels, as well as listening to rock music! God in His goodness gives us commands to

follow His ways and then blesses our obedience with strength and health! He

promises us this in the Bible.



Really good well written

Submitted by beryl on December 29, 2009 - 12:44.Really good well written article. nice to not be sold supplements. Good sound advice thanks,




too much acid

Submitted by Sonya on January 3, 2010 - 06:58.I read an article recently which said something along the lines of scientists have known since the 1920s that cancer NEEDS acid to grow and spread through the body , so too much acid in our system is bad in that it can contribute to this terrible disease, and by consuming foods

that can affect the alkaline balance in our bodies we can help to prevent it.



How to select foods for both hypothyroidism and osteoporosis

Submitted by Archannetta on April 27, 2010 - 01:07.

Page 24: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

There seem to be a large variety of foods to aid in bone building that will help with

osteoporosis. However, many of these same foods are antagonistic with hypothyroidism. I

would like help in choosing foods for both conditions. Can you give me some


Thank you.




Submitted by Anonymous on May 3, 2010 - 13:53.Hi I had been suffer for a condition call IC (interstitial cystitis) and i had read a lot on internet since the dr medicine didn't help I came on with many of the natural medicine

pages that one of the problems of my conditions is the unbalance of PH, reading your article I got the big picture of everything I had been reading I was a big fanactic of coca cola

prodicts no wonder why my ph it is bad, everytime I got a IC pain condition I felt that I

had ulcer pain so. so I will try to start to balance my ph. thanks for the information



did ph balance help your ic

Submitted by Anonymous on May 18, 2011 - 12:29.I am curious about weather or not balancing

you ph level helped with your IC. I have recently been diagnosed with IC and I have a family member who has been studying the effects of our PH level on our body. He has

recomended that I try HTZ water to bring my PH level up. Please let me know what results

you have had. Thank you.



Page 25: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

IC and PH balance with Baking Soda

Submitted by Anonymous on July 8, 2011 - 19:58.I was Diagnosed with IC 12-2010 and have

also had Hashimoto's thyroiditis for 20 years. The IC DX was devastating but I have found

some wonderful doctors and great diet guidelines and a support group. I have done a lot of research on IC and with instructions from doctors, was using the 1tsp baking soda to 6oz

spring water 1-2x daily to lower my PH balance, I do have to say it works quite well.

However, If you are prone to High blood pressure it is not wise to take it that often. I feel that once you start a well balanced diet, avoid the foods that give flares, ie, foods high

in acid, exercise be it yoga, walking or whatever works for you, then you are on the road to healing. Now IC cannot be cured but can be controlled. So, please speak with your MD about the baking soda before adding it to

your regimen.

Well wishes to all



Acid/alkaline article

Submitted by Charles J. Lastrapes, D.O., ABFM on September 28, 2010 - 10:26.

I thought that your article was well researched and very helpful to the general public who are clueless about such things and easily misled.

A short discussion on the renal acid load might have been helpful to illustrate that acid ash plant foods, such as grains, are only slightly so, compared to meat and fish which may

render ten fold more acid ash.I find your website to be honest and very

informative and I read your newsletter regularly.



Page 26: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart


Submitted by prema on September 28, 2010 - 14:14.i have great respect for you Dr. Kim......

but in this situation i totally disagree with you as i have been alkalizing with not only food but also drops and i feel better than ever and my

entire body is running better......

i have been vegetarian for 40 years and that was not the key......

plus there are tons of doctors that just disagree with you......

and actually you do imply here that alkalizing is good in order not to tax our own systems....i go with your implication and not your actual


i still highly respect and appreciate you.....but my very own experience leads me to believe

that you need to look into this further.....




Alkaline - Acid Foods

Submitted by Linda on October 1, 2010 - 04:35.Your article gave me an easy to understand view of the acid situation in the body. I now

understand the need for better balance. I will strive to maintain a better balance. In the past I had kidney stone problems. The doctor only

suggested lots of water. However, I think implimenting less acid and more alkaline

would be helpful.




Submitted by stu46 on January 8, 2011 - 03:24.

Page 27: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

Hi The concern of acid/alkaline is of less importance, it's the lack of minerals in our

food and water, intensive farming has robbed our food of minerals, now most people in US,

are deficient in magnesium, iodine, Potassium and other minerals, its hard to have a natural balanced diet, when the healthy veg and fruits

we are supposed to eat are deficient in essential nutrients, only seaweeds and

seafoods contain the minerals we need, but unfortunately also contain mercury.



Essential Details on Acid and Alkaline-Forming Effects of Food a

Submitted by Anonymous on March 24, 2011 - 11:47.

I was wondering if you had any comments on the whole "Ionized Watering Systems" and the

effects they claim they have. I'm not even considering purchasing if it is true. What I am curious about is, can you cause alkalosis by drinking a high alkaline? One of the demos

suggests to drink water with a pH 9.0 and the only reason tap water is at 7.0 is not a health

reason but to prevent erosion of pipes and comparing it to what it is doing inside our bodies. I know what you said in the article

about our bodies having a buffer system. But, you also said that you can make that buffer

system work too hard and can cause negative health effects. So, could drinking the higher pH be water be beneficial or drinking too much be

detrimental? Because what if your someone who doesn't eat right and not enough fruits

and vege's, could this help? What about those who do eat right? Could it be harmful?




More Natural Health Resources

Page 28: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

Professional Grade Nutritional Supplements 100% Whole Food Vitamin & Mineral Formula Homocysteine Care Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics 12 Plus Professional Line Vitamin D-3 - 1000 IU, 100% Whole Food Source Vitamin C Tablets - !00% Whole Foods

Professional Grade Target Formulas Adrenal Refresh Bone Support Prostate Support Proteolytic Enzymes Quercetin Vision Support

Raw Organic Superfood Powders Dr. Ben Kim's Greens Dr. Ben Kim's Greens in Capsules Vitamin C Powder - Acerola Cherry Powder 5 Super Greens Chocolate Powder

Holistic Audio Programs Your Best Weight and Health EarthRain: Drop Into Deep Relaxation Soft Ocean Dreamland: A Groundbreaking Natural Sleep Aid Inner Focus: For Optimal Mental Focus

Premium Coconut Products Premium Virgin Coconut Oil Premium Coconut Milk Powder Raw Organic Coconut Butter Top Grade Dried Coconut

Raw Organic Protein Powders Hemp Protein Powder Hemp, Cacao & Maca Blend

Organically Grown Whole Foods Authentic Tibetan Goji Berries Raw Chocolate Nibs and Powder Raw Organic Cashews Premium Turkish Mulberries Truly Raw Honey

Natural Personal Care Products Pure Aloe Vera Gel Natural Sunscreen Lotion Natural Anti-Bug Spray

Page 29: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

Dr. Ohhira's Probiotic Soap Tooth Soap: An All-Natural Tooth and Gum Cleaner Organic Moisturizing Lotion for Combination or Oily Skin Organic Mediterranean Face Wash Organic Moisturizing Lotion for Extra Dry Skin

Natural Health Tools Champion Juicer L'EQUIP XL Pulp Ejector Juicer Vita-Mix Blender TheraCane Self Massaging Tool Laidback Laptop Table

Carlson Products Carlson Cod Liver Oil Gel Capsules Carlson Elite Omega-3 Gems Carlson Vitamin D Drops 1000 IU Carlson Cod Liver Oil Carlson Fish Oil

Books & Special Reports Experience Your Best Health Maximize Your Height Eight Essential Strategies for Academic Success

Fundamentals of Getting Healthy Naturally Ten Main Causes of Disease and Dysfunction How to Keep Your Colon Clean and Healthy Full Body Cleanse Guide to Using Whole Food Vitamins and Minerals to Support Your Health The Truth About Alkalizing Your Blood

Terms of Use Recommended Health Tools Contact

The contents of this website are the opinions of Dr. Ben Kim unless otherwise noted. The information on this website is not intended as personalized medical advice and is not intended to replace the relationship that you have with your primary care provider. Any decisions you make with regard to your daily choices and medical treatments should be made with the help of a qualified health care provider.   Advanced Alternative Cancer Treatments & Cancers Library 

 Answers,  Research & Treatments  

Page 30: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

1. Understanding the basic problems of cancer and illness

2. Cause of Cancer & pH   "Acid &  Alkaline" by Herman Aihara  

3. Otto Warburg  (History)

4.The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer 

              Revised lecture at the meeting of the Nobel-Laureates on June 30, 1966

5. Books Out of Print Otto Warburg 

6  Sugar: You just live them to death with sugar


Herman Aihara, in his book entitled “Acid & Alkaline”,

states that:

If the condition of our extra cellular fluids, especially the blood, becomes acidic, our physical condition will first manifest tiredness, proneness to catching colds, etc. When these fluids become more acidic, our condition then manifests pains and suffering such as headaches, chest pains, stomach aches, etc. According to Keiichi Morishita in his Hidden Truth of Cancer, If the Blood develops a more acidic condition, then our body inevitably deposits these excess acidic substances in some area of the body such so that the blood will not be able to maintain an alkaline condition which causes these areas such as the cells to become acidic and lowers in oxygen.

As this tendency continues, such areas increase in acidity and some cells die; then these dead cells themselves turn into acids. However, some other cells may adapt in that environment. In other words, instead of dying - as normal cells do in an acid environment - some cells survive by becoming abnormal cells. These abnormal cells are called malignant cells. Malignant cells do not correspond with brain function nor with our own DNS memory code. Therefore, malignant cells grow indefinitely and without order. This is cancer.


Page 31: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart


AXIS ©1997

by Jim LeBeau Perfect Health Foundation

The pH/digestion/elimination axis is so basic to human health that many highly educated “experts” in nutrition pass it right by as they endlessly complicate and confuse things. Read the following carefully, taken from page 496 of ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY by Anthony and Thibodeau, 10th edition (a college level text)

“enzymes FUNCTION OPTIMALLY AT A SPECIFIC pH and become inactive if this deviates beyond narrow limits”.

. “enzymes are vital substances. Without them, the chemical reactions necessary for life could not take place”.


- without enzymes we could not live. We could not digest anything, or metabolize anything, or even breathe right. We would die with minutes.

- without the right pH balance in saliva the enzyme amylase that begins the digestion of starch . . . the enzyme that turns that bite of bread sweeter and sweeter as you chew it . . . cannot work right . . .

If you understand what you have just read . . . congratulations. YOUR MIND IS WORKING RIGHT . . . thank God for that much. You are already far ahead of many an “expert” in the field of health and nutrition in understanding what the foundation of human physical and mental wholeness is all about. Congratulations.

BEYOND YOUR SOLDIER ENZYMES . . . is the general in command. This is your autonomic nervous system (ANS) that runs everything going on in your body “automatically” from the cramps in your feet to your heartbeat while you play golf or piano or poker . . . or sleep. Guess what? If your body pH is off balance, it can’t work right either. Here’s the key . . .


In other words . . . with your body pH out of balance you have a sick army in your body and the general in command is sick too. Nothing can work right. Try to win a battle that way!

BEYOND DIGESTIVE ENZYMES AND NERVES . . . are metabolic enzymes. Hundreds of metabolic enzymes help us breathe right and help our cells produce heat and energy right so we stay warm and alive . . . but they also need the right pH of the body fluids they swim in such as blood and lymph and intracellular fluids or they cannot work right either.

Page 32: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

- without the right pH balance of stomach juices (acid) the protein you just swallowed will not get properly broken down and your stomach enzymes will not work right either

- without the right pH balance of bile and pancreatic juices (alkaline) where enzymes complete the digestion of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, not one of the millions o workhorse enzymes in those digestive juices can cork right either. . .

- all of the above means that all of the best and most nutritious food in the world and the most expensive vitamin pills and supplements won’t get digested and assimilated right if your body pH is off balance is off balance . . . and it also means that YOU cannot work right either.

GARBAGE STAY IN . . . all of the above also means that the failure to properly complete digestion gives the BAD GUYS down below . . . the yeast and pathogenic poison producing bacteria and parasites that love garbage piles . . . everything they need to thrive and reproduce and dump their poisons into your bloodstream 24 hours a day . . . non-stop. While you and your enzymes are not working right, they will do fine . . . thank you.

12 SECOND HEALTH TEST . . . now you know why the “12 second health test” (saliva pH test) has been called the most important health test on earth. It signals whether you have enough alkaline and acid reserves to create a perfect saliva pH for the enzyme amylase to work right . . . this also signals that the digestive glands of the stomach and pancreas and liver are also likely to have the right pH reserves to draw on. After all, they are all drawing from the same body and blood reserves!

BEYOND ALL OF THAT . . . is your electricity. The pH of your body fluids controls the speed electricity travels. With a pH imbalance, all the electricity in your body is traveling at the wrong speed!

Of course a little pH imbalance won’t kill you . . . for a while anyway. It just means that nothing in your body can work right. Push the pH balance out too far . . then you die.

NOTHING NEW . . . the concept of pH and digestive balancing are not new. Natural health doctors have been working with these concepts for decades beginning with Harold Hawkins D.D.S. who wrote APPLIED NUTRITION way back in the 1940’s in which he explained how the major food groups affected the pH of saliva and urine. Get the details in the manual BALANCE YOUR PH or in the report titled pH BALANCING MADE SIMPLE.

STUDY THIS PAGE . . . STUDY THE NUTRITION-FOR-LIFE pyramid. They will save you from a lot of confusion. They will help you to understand how to get some things working right . . . Amen.

ADDITIONAL REFERENCDES: the Calcium Factor by Bob Barefoot & Carl Reich M.D.: MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY by Arthur Guyton M.D.: and all references provided in the manual BALANCE YOUR PH.

Page 33: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

1. Understanding the basic problems of cancer and illness

2. Cause of Cancer & pH   "Acid &  Alkaline" by Herman Aihara  

3. Otto Warburg  (History)

4.The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer 

              Revised lecture at the meeting of the Nobel-Laureates on June 30, 1966

5. Books Out of Print Otto Warburg 

6  Sugar: You just live them to death with sugar



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Alkaline-Balance Target Diet™Food Chart

PRAL AverageAlkaline and Acidic

Values Chart

Degree of AlkalinityAlkaline / Acidic Raw

Foods Chart





Get Started Now!

Only $24.95 Each

Alkaline & Acidic Foods: Alkalizing Through NutritionHealthy eating involves increasing the amount of fresh organic vegetables and fruits in your diet, eating raw whenever possible. Vegetables and fruits are the most alkaline of foods. Include more high-alkaline foods in your diet to balance your intake of any acid-forming foods such as meat, fish, dairy, nuts, and grains. A high-alkaline foods diet is important for those using High pH Therapy.

The words "alkaline or alkalizing" and "acidic or acidifying" represent the food's effect on the body and not the actual value of the food itself. Different value systems have been designed to quantify this effect. The charts below are provided as a general guide for those trying to improve their heath through diet change.

For more information: VISIT THESE LINKS

ALKALINE FOOD CHARTPRAL is a measurement of the Potential Renal Acid Load of a food based on a 100 gram (3.5 oz.) serving.


Page 35: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart






















"Positive (+) numbers indicate the potential acidity being contributed by an acid-forming food. Negative (-) numbers are good numbers and indicate the potential alkalinity being contributed by a base-forming food. The goal is to balance your intake of acid-forming foods by increasing the amount of alkaline-forming foods in your diet."

– from the Alkaline Food Chart / Alkaline-Balance Target Diet™

NUTRITION HANDBOOK"When foods are eaten they are oxidized in the body which results in the formation of residue or ash. In this residue, if the minerals sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium predominate over sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine and uncombusted organic acid radicals, they are designated as alkaline ash foods. The converse of this is true for foods designated as acid ash."

– from the Raw Food Composition and Nutrition Handbook

— Click here for inside look...— Related: Degree of Alkalinity / Acidity




Page 36: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart


















Selected PRAL Acid / Alkaline Food Values*Chart Information Source: Alkaline Diet Chart / Alkaline-Balance Target Diet™

Page 37: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart



















THIS CHART DESIGNED BY ESSENSE-OF-LIFE, LLC.All rights reserved. Do not copy without permission of Essense of Life, LLC.

PRAL Average Values*Chart Information Source: Alkaline Food Chart / Alkaline-Balance Target Diet™

THIS CHART DESIGNED BY ESSENSE-OF-LIFE, LLC.All rights reserved. Do not copy without permission of Essense of Life, LLC.

Degree of Alkalinity / Acidity in Raw Foods*Chart Information Source: Raw Food Composition and Nutrition Handbook

Page 38: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart


THIS CHART DESIGNED BY ESSENSE-OF-LIFE, LLC.All rights reserved. Do not copy without permission of Essense of Life, LLC.

Page 39: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

Selected Potassium-Rich Foods Chart*Chart Information Source: Alkaline Food Chart / Alkaline-Balance Target Diet™

THIS CHART DESIGNED BY ESSENSE-OF-LIFE, LLC.All rights reserved. Do not copy without permission of Essense of Life, LLC.

Tyramine-Containing Foods*

Page 40: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

Chart Information Source: Alkaline Food Chart / Alkaline-Balance Target Diet™

THIS CHART DESIGNED BY ESSENSE-OF-LIFE, LLC.All rights reserved. Do not copy without permission of Essense of Life, LLC.

Foods To Avoid for High pH Therapy*Chart Information Source: Alkaline Food Chart / Alkaline-Balance Target Diet™

Page 41: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

THIS CHART DESIGNED BY ESSENSE-OF-LIFE, LLC.All rights reserved. Do not copy without permission of Essense of Life, LLC.

MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ALKALINE / ACIDIC FOODS encourages personal research and a balanced view of health and nutrition topics. The information links below are intended to provide a broad overview of various research findings and hypothesis on the role of nutrition in health.

This information is not intended to promote any particular product.Unless noted, the articles below may NOT include any scientific references or sources.


Alkaline / Acidic Food Chart These charts are a basic guideline for those trying to adjust their diet by eating fewer acidic foods and more alkaline foods.


New Biology: How We Become Acidic (pdf file)

The Cause of Degenerative Diseases: beginning on page 29 of the document is an extensive discussion of latent acidosis and it's connection to chronic degenerative diseases.


New Biology: Understanding Saliva and Urine pH Test Results (pdf file)

The pH Test: pages 46-49 of the document provide an extensivediscussion of pH, when to test saliva and urine pH, and how to understand the results.


Understanding pH pH is actually an exponential scale. Every unit change in pH equals a 10-fold increase or decrease in acidity (or basicity). Thus, dropping from pH 7 to 6 is a 10-fold increase in acidity. However, dropping further to pH 5 is another 10-fold increase, or a 100-fold increase (10 x 10 = 100) in acidity from pH 7. For this reason, even minor deviations in pH around the more extreme values constitute

Page 42: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

much greater changes in acidity (or basicity) than seemingly major changes around the neutral mark. For example, merely dropping from pH 3.1 to 3.0 equals an increase in acidity more than 238 times greater than dropping from pH 7 to 6.


The pH Problem Explains some differences in blood, urine and saliva pH measurements.


Acid and Alkaline in the Diet When nutritionists talk about acid- or alkaline-forming foods, they are referring to the condition of the food after ingestion. There are many food substances which are acidic in their natural form that become alkaline when broken down within the body. Excellent article.


Acid/Alkaline: Clearing Up The Confusion The purpose of this article is to clearly and simply explain the meaning of acid and alkaline and to explain why a study of the acid-alkaline balance, or pH balance, is important in the study of health and healthful living. Excellent article.


Acid-Base Balance Many of the enzymes that facilitate metabolic reactions operate optimally only in solutions of specific alkalinity. When there is a deviation from this level of alkalinity, whether higher (referred to as alkalosis), or lower (referred to as acidosis), severe malfunctions can occur. These malfunctions are manifested by slower enzymatic reactions, and thus a decrease in synthesis of specialized molecules, such as vitamins, proteins, etc. There is also an impairment of the production of ATP molecules that are needed for energy and are made from glucose.


Introduction: Acid-Alkali Food Tables with Potential Renal Acid Load (PRAL) Values

The effect of food on the body is nothing to do with the pH of the food itself. The important measurement is how the food changes the pH of your body after it has been digested. Often sour foods like lemon juice will actually raise pH after digestion, making the body

Page 43: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

more alkaline. Alkalizing the body with food does not mean that you must stop eating lots of different foods. The opposite is true. You must eat a wide variety of food, choosing acidifying foods as well as alkalizing ones, which, in total, have an overall alkalizing effect. The tables that I present here focus solely on the acid / alkali affect of food after it has been digested.


The pH / Digestion / Elimination Axis Enzymes function optimally at a specific pH and become inactive if this deviates beyond narrow limits. Enzymes are vital substances. Without them, the chemical reactions necessary for life could not take place. All of the best and most nutritious food in the world and the most expensive vitamin pills and supplements won't get digested and assimilated right if your body pH is off balance.


Essential Details on Acid and Alkaline-Forming Effects of Food and How Your Body Maintains a Healthy pH

Most carbonated soft drinks (sodas) have a pH of about 3, making them about ten thousand times more acidic than pure water (pH of about 7). When you ingest foods and liquids, the end products of digestion and assimilation of nutrients often results in an acid or alkaline-forming effect. Highly processed foods (like white flour products and white sugar) have an acid-forming effect on your system. In addition, a number of different acids are formed and released into your body which are generated by your everyday metabolic activities. Your body has three major mechanisms (buffering systems) to prevent these dietary and metabolic acids from shifting the pH of your blood (plasma) outside of the 7.35 to 7.45 pH range needed for your cells to function properly. If you spend years eating a diet that is mainly acid-forming, you will overwork some of the buffering systems to a point where you could create undesirable changes in your health. It is in your best interest to follow a diet that does not create unnecessary work for your buffering systems.


Introduction to pH pH is the acronym for potential hydrogen. It is a measure of the degree of saturation of the hydrogen ion in a substance or solution. H3O (hydronium ion+) is the acid element and OH- (hydroxyl ion-) is the base or alkaline element. When the H3O and OH- are out of balance, a pH meter will detect this and the reading will move above or below 7 (neutral). If one goes up the other goes down and vice versa. In the human body, a pH balancing act is continuously

Page 44: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

going on to maintain homeostasis.


pH Range In general, you want pH of urine to be below 6.5 and saliva to be above 6.5. High urine pH is not good. It should always be able to get down into the 5 range - this shows metabolic acids can and are being removed from the system.


Diet: You Are What You Eat Everything we eat affects the health and well-being of our body. Most calls to "change your diet" to improve your health include these recommendations: eat whole, unprocessed foods (raw fruits, raw vegetables, whole grains); drink plenty of clean water (not tap or filtered); and reduce or eliminate intake of refined sugar and flour products, coffee, soft drinks, margarine, commercial cooking oils, dairy and other animal products. In processed foods, heat destroys some of the nutrient value, including destroying enzymes and reducing vitamin and antioxidant content.


pH of Living Systems on Wikipedia pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of a solution. The pH of different cellular compartments, body fluids, and organs is usually tightly regulated in a process called acid-base homeostasis. The pH of blood is usually slightly basic with a value of pH 7.4. This value is often referred to as physiological pH in biology and medicine. Enzymes and other proteins have an optimum pH range and can become inactivated or denatured outside this range. The most common disorder in acid-base homeostasis is acidosis, which means an acid overload in the body, generally defined by pH falling below 7.35.


Dietary Potential Renal Acid Load and Renal Net Acid Excretion in Healthy, Free-Living Children and Adolescents

PRAL (mEq/d) = 0.49 x protein (g/d) + 0.037 x phosphorus (mg/d) – 0.021 x potassium (mg/d) – 0.026 x magnesium (mg/d) – 0.013 x calcium (mg/d)SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH

Page 45: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

Key words for internet research: pH, high pH therapy, acid and alkaline, alkaline diet, alkalizing diet, acid-forming foods, alkaline-forming foods, pH paper, pH test strips, saliva pH, urine pH, potential renal acid load, PRAL

*Statements on this website have NOT been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease; research is ongoing. The information provided on this website comes

from a variety of online sources. Please refer to the "More Information On..." links near the bottom of each of our website pages to view these information sources. READ FULL DISCLAIMER HERE






Food consumption in the most advanced countries of the world has changed from nutritious raw foods

to highly processed foods very low in nutritional value. New chemicals have been introduced to our

foods, air, and water, which have put even greater stresses on our system's ability to control the

chemistry of our body fluids, and therefore functionality of our inner biological terrain is at risk. As a

result, we see huge increases in the incidence of life-threatening or chronic diseases. That’s why it is of

utmost importance to our healthiness to finding the ideal balance of alkaline and acid forming


Page 46: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

Have a look at the table below to identify various foods' pH-level. Each one is assigned a number which

mirrors its approximate relative potential of alkalinity (+) or acidity (-) existent in one ounce (28.35g)

of food. The higher the number, the better it is for you to eat.

Healthy Alkaline Foods- Eat lots of them!


Alfalfa Grass +29.3

Asparagus +1.3

Barley Grass +28.1

Brussels Sprouts +0.5

Cabbage Lettuce, Fresh +14.1

Cauliflower +3.1

Cayenne Pepper +18.8

Celery +13.3

Chives +8.3

Comfrey +1.5

Cucumber, Fresh +31.5

Dandelion +22.7

Dog Grass +22.6

Endive, Fresh +14.5

French Cut Green Beans +11.2

Garlic +13.2

Green Cabbage December

Harvest +4.0

Green Cabbage, March Harvest


Kamut Grass +27.6

Lamb's Lettuce +4.8

Leeks (Bulbs) +7.2

Lettuce +2.2

Onion +3.0

Peas, Fresh +5.1

Peas, Ripe +0.5

Red Cabbage +6.3

Rhubarb Stalks +6.3

Savoy Cabbage +4.5

Shave Grass +21.7

Sorrel +11.5

Soy Sprouts +29.5

Spinach (Other Than March)


Spinach, March Harvest +8.0

Sprouted Chia Seeds +28.5

Sprouted Radish Seeds +28.4

Straw Grass +21.4

Watercress +7.7

Wheat Grass +33.8

White Cabbage +3.3

Foods you should onlyconsume moderately


(In Season, For Cleansing Only Or

With Moderation)

Apricot -9.5

Bananna, Ripe -10.1

Bananna, Unripe +4.8

Black Currant -6.1

Blueberry -5.3

Cantaloupe -2.5

Cherry, Sour +3.5

Cherry, Sweet -3.6

Coconut, Fresh +0.5

Cranberry -7.0

Currant -8.2

Date -4.7

Fig Juice Powder -2.4

Gooseberry, Ripe -7.7

Grape, Ripe -7.6

Grapefruit -1.7

Italian Plum -4.9

Mandarin Orange -11.5

Mango -8.7

Orange -9.2

Papaya -9.4

Peach -9.7

Pear -9.9

Pineapple -12.6

Rasberry -5.1

Red Currant -2.4

Rose Hips -15.5

Strawberry -5.4

Tangerine -8.5

Watermelon -1.0

Yellow Plum -4.9

Non-Stored Grains

Brown Rice -12.5

Wheat -10.1

Unhealthy Acidic Foods- Try to avoid them!

Meat, Poultry, And Fish

Beef -34.5

Chicken (to -22) -18.0

Eggs (to -22)

Liver -3.0

Ocean Fish -20.0

Organ Meats -3.0

Oysters -5.0

Pork -38.0

Veal -35.0

Milk And Milk Products

Buttermilk +1.3

Cream -3.9

Hard Cheese -18.1

Homogenized Milk -1.0

Quark -17.3

Bread, Biscuits (Stored

Grains/Risen Dough)

Rye Bread -2.5

White Biscuit -6.5

White Bread -10.0

Whole-Grain Bread -4.5

Whole-Meal Bread -6.5


Cashews -9.3

Peanuts -12.8

Pistachios -16.6


Butter -3.9

Corn Oil -6.5

Margarine -7.5

Page 47: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

Zucchini +5.7

Root Vegetables

Beet +11.3

Carrot +9.5

Horseradish +6.8

Kohlrabi +5.1

Potatoes +2.0

Red Radish +16.7

Rutabaga +3.1

Summer Black Radish +39.4

Turnip +8.0

White Radish (Spring) +3.1


Avocado (Protein) +15.6

Fresh Lemon +9.9

Limes +8.2

Tomato +13.6

Non-Stored Organic Grains

And Legumes

Buckwheat Groats +0.5 

Granulated Soy (Cooked Ground

Soy Beans) +12.8

Lentils +0.6

Lima Beans +12.0

Soy Flour +2.5

Soy Lecithin (Pure) +38.0

Soy Nuts (soaked Soy Beans,

Then Air Dried) +26.5

Soybeans, Fresh +12.0

Spelt +0.5

Tofu +3.2

White Beans (Navy Beans)



Almonds +3.6

Brazil Nuts +0.5


Caraway Seeds +2.3

Cumin Seeds +1.1

Fennel Seeds +1.3

Flax Seeds +1.3

Pumpkin Seeds +5.6

Sesame Seeds +0.5

Sunflower Seeds +5.4

Wheat Kernel +11.4

Fats (Fresh, Cold-Pressed


Borage Oil +3.2

Evening Primrose Oil +4.1

Flax Seed Oil +3.5


Hazelnuts -2.0

Macadamia Nuts -3.2

Walnuts -8.0


Fresh Water Fish -11.8


Coconut Milk -1.5

Sunflower Oil -6.7


Artificial Sweetners -26.5

Barley Malt Syrup -9.3

Beet Sugar -15.1

Brown Rice Syrup -8.7

Chocolate -24.6

Dr. Bronner's Barley

Dried Sugar Cane Juice -18.0

Fructose -9.5

Honey -7.6

Malt Sweetner -9.8

Milk Sugar -9.4

Molasses -14.6

Turbinado Sugar -9.5

White Sugar -17.6


Ketchup -12.4

Mayonaise -12.5

Mustard -19.2

Soy Sauce -36.2

Vinegar -39.4


Beer -26.8

Coffee -25.1

Fruit Juice Sweetened

Fruit Juice, Packaged, Natural -


Liquor -38.7

Tea (Black) -27.1

Wine -16.4


Canned Foods

Microwaved Foods

Processed Foods

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Marine Lipids +4.7

Olive Oil +1.0

Table: pH scale of alkaline and acid forming foods

(Source: "Back To The House Of Health" by Shelley Redford Young)

The more alkaline-forming foods you add to your nutrition, the stronger will be the results. Should

you not be able to completely avoid acidic foods, you should at least try to consume as less as possible

of them, and instead put more green food and veggies on your plate. Remember that every little step

to a more alkaline diet is an improvement to a healthier way of life.

Moreover, you can add green plants nutritional supplements to your diet, which can support you

in attaining pH balance in a natural way. Such supplements were developed by Dr. Young, a

microbiologist and nutritionist. Over many years he has researched the interrelations between acid

wastes inside the body and the development of unhealthy conditions and disease.

His assignment is not only to promote a stronger awareness among people for a proper acid alkaline

balance within the body, he has also developed the InnerLight products to support the body to

naturally decrease its acid levels by alkalizing the cell system. Two of his cornerstone products are

called SuperGreens and Prime pH.


Get Information about Symptoms of Acidosis

Get Information about The New Biology and pH Miracle by Dr. Young

Get Information about Alkaline Nutritional Supplements


Alkalosis refers to a condition reducing hydrogen ion concentration of arterial blood plasma

(alkalemia). Generally alkalosis is said to occur when arterial pH exceeds 7.45. The opposite condition

is acidosis.  (Source: Wikipedia)

Acidosis is an increased acidity (i.e. an increased hydrogen ion concentration). If not further qualified,

it refers to acidity of the blood plasma. Generally, acidosis is said to occur when arterial pH falls below

Page 49: Acidic Alkaline Food Chart

7.35, while its counterpart (alkalosis) occurs at a pH over 7.45. Arterial blood gas analysis and other

tests are required to separate the main causes.  (Source: Wikipedia)