Download - Acid Rain Pamphlet



When youre writing a brochure, write it so that someone who has never heard of your company can understand what youre offering as quickly as possible. Stay away from using jargon, acronyms, or complicated terms. If youre not sure what to write, make a list of what we do and then a list of why our products or services are the best. Use that information to create your brochure.Acid Rain PamphletDELETE BOX, OR PLACE TEXT OR LOGO HERE

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One of the reactions that occurs is when nitrogen oxides ( What are the actual chemical reactions involved in the production of acid rain?In one sentence, we humans are the cause of acid rain. Most factories and cars from the industrial age up until today have used fossil fuels that give off lots of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. These chemicals are extremely harmful to the environment polluting the air. Sadly, polluting our water is another way we humans cause acid rain. Once again the factories are to blame. The bad chemicals get evaporated into the air through the water cycle and get combined with other chemicals in the atmosphere. Later when it rains you get acid rain.What causes acid rain?