Download - Acct120 Class #14 Microsoft Excel Features

Page 1: Acct120   Class #14   Microsoft Excel Features

Introduction Introduction toto

Accounting Accounting 120120

Mr. Binet Mr. Binet

Moncton High SchoolMoncton High School

Class #14: Microsoft Excel Features Explained

Page 2: Acct120   Class #14   Microsoft Excel Features

1. This will be your guide for how-to use Excel for the remainder of the course!

2. Once you are finished ensure ALL assignments we’ve done thus far are finished and submitted to me!

In Today’s Class…In Today’s Class…

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A spreadsheet is a computer application that simulates a paper, accounting worksheet. It displays multiple cells that together make up a grid consisting of rows and columns, each cell containing either alphanumeric text or numeric values. A spreadsheet cell may alternatively contain a formula that defines how the content of that cell is to be calculated from the contents of any other cell (or combination of cells) each time any cell is updated. Spreadsheets are frequently used for financial information because of their ability to re-calculate the entire sheet automatically after a change to a single cell is made.

Electronic SpreadsheetsElectronic Spreadsheets

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Visicalc is usually considered the first electronic spreadsheet (although this has been challenged), and it helped turn the Apple II computer into a success and greatly assisted in their widespread application. Lotus 1-2-3 was the leading spreadsheet when DOS was the dominant operating system. Excel now has the largest market share on the Windows and Macintosh platforms.


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lectronic spreadsheets are software applications designed to perform a variety of mathematical and formatting tasks. Accountants often use them to display and manipulate data in rows and columns.

Throughout this course, you will learn and use Microsoft Excel. Excel is a spreadsheet program from part of the Microsoft Office suite of productivity tools. Excel is probably the most widely used spreadsheet in the world.

The following pages will demonstrate how to use Excel to prepare an account form balance sheet. It is recommended that Excel be open while you are reading and taking notes. As you read about the features, use the program to practice the skill.

Electronic Spreadsheets: ExcelElectronic Spreadsheets: Excel

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Let's examine some of the features you will see when Excel is opened.

Title Bar - indicates the active application and file name. Book1 indicates the sheet has not been saved.

Main Bar - contains Excel command options organized on drop-down screens. Standard Toolbar - contains frequently used commands. Formatting Toolbar - contains frequently used formatting commands. Name Box - indicates the address of the selected or active cell. Formula Bar - displays data entered in the active cell. Cell - is the intersection of a row and a column. Data is entered into a cell.

The Spreadsheet EnvironmentThe Spreadsheet Environment

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The cell address/name A1 is displayed in the Name Box.

Column/Row headings do not appear when the document is printed.

Active cell - is the selected cell. You can enter or edit data in an active cell.

The Spreadsheet EnvironmentThe Spreadsheet Environment

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To enter information into an Excel spreadsheet, simply click the cell in which you want the data to appear, and type.

It may happen that the information entered does not "fit" the cell. When you type, you will see the data in the formula bar, but some of it may disappear in the cell or it may override into the next column. The information is still there and the adjoining cell is still blank. Cells can be altered to accommodate the length of data.

It is recommended the widths of columns and the heights of rows be left unaltered until all data is entered; otherwise, you may find that you are altering and re-altering numerous times.

Entering DataEntering Data

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There are multiple ways to change the width/height of a column/row.

You will be introduced to and utilize a few of the methods as we progress through the example.

Examine Excel, noting the division line visible between each column/row.

This division point allows you to either alter the size of a column/row manually or to alter the size using the "best fit" approach.

When you move the mouse pointer (arrow) over the column/row headings, it becomes a black two-headed arrow.

Altering Cell SizeAltering Cell Size

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The Visual/Manual Approach: Move the mouse pointer over the right division line of the column to be

altered. When the double-headed arrow appears, left-click, hold and drag to the

required length. The "Best Fit" Approach: Move the mouse pointer over the right division line of the column to be

altered. When the double-headed arrow appears, double-click. This will expand the width of the column to accommodate the longest

entry in that column. The Specific Approach: Column widths and row heights can be set to a

specific number using the main menu commands. This feature will be explained later.

Altering Column WidthAltering Column Width

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Changing row height is generally for aesthetic purposes, as Excel automatically accommodates the height of the font size being used.

To alter the row height, use the manual/visual approach. There will be little (if any) need to alter the row height in this

course. Altering All Rows and Columns It is also possible to change the row heights and columns widths

of the entire spreadsheet. Click the small square located at the top corner of the

spreadsheet. This selects the entire sheet. Change the widths and heights using

the manual/visual method and "click-away" to deselect.

Altering Row HeightAltering Row Height

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It is possible to insert rows, columns and cells. Insert Columns/Rows:

Click the row header below or the column header to the right of where you want to insert rows or columns.

Right-click in the selection and click Insert on the shortcut menu.

Deleting Columns/Rows: Click the row header or the column header to select

the entire row or column. Right-click in the selection and click Delete on the

shortcut menu.

Inserting/Deleting Rows/ColumnsInserting/Deleting Rows/Columns

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Inserting/Deleting Rows/ColumnsInserting/Deleting Rows/Columns

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Select the cell(s) that are to be moved below or to the right of the cell(s) you insert.

The cells you select will be moved to make room for an equal number of new cells.

Right-click the selected cells and then click Insert.

On the Insert dialog box, select Shift cells right or Shift cells down.

Click OK.

Inserting CellsInserting Cells

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Most users are familiar with the cut, copy and paste commands. Select the cells to be cut or copied.

Right-click and from the pop-up menu, select cut or copy.

A moving border indicates the area has been activated.

Right-click the cell(s) where the data is to appear.

Select paste.

Cut, Copy and PasteCut, Copy and Paste

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Go to the O:\Binet drive and open “Unit II, Assignment 4 – Setting up a Proper Spreadsheet.doc”.

Follow through the guide below to create a proper spreadsheet for accounting purposes. It is vital we understand formatting and get it right! Follow the steps and create this spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel INDIVIDUALLY! I need to know everyone can do this right. Please save it on your U drive as “Setting up a Proper Spreadsheet.xls” and e-mail it to me with the title “My Proper Spreadsheet!”

Setting up a Proper Spreadsheet!Setting up a Proper Spreadsheet!