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Page 1: Accenture Human Capital Management Solutions · Accenture Human Capital Management Solutions helps organizations adopt a more strategic approach to human resources, using leading,

Transforming people and process to achieve high performance

Accenture Human CapitalManagement Solutions

Page 2: Accenture Human Capital Management Solutions · Accenture Human Capital Management Solutions helps organizations adopt a more strategic approach to human resources, using leading,

Powerful people management 5Optimizing performance 6Unrivalled expertise 7Maximizing returns 10Partnering for progress 12Transformation tools 14Strategic success 15

“The sophistication of our products andservices requires the expertise of a specialand talented individual to build, launchandsupport them. In the highly competitivemarket in which we operate, talent is thedifferentiator. With the project managementand implementation expertise of Accenture,we were able to build a state-of-the arthuman capital management system thatnow positions us to more effectivelyidentify key resource needs for theorganization and recruit the talent neededto deliver and service the most innovativeproducts to our customers.” Bill Strahan, Vice President of Human Resources, Comcast



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Powerful people managementAs recent Accenture research hasshown1, the currency of businesssuccess today is talent—anorganization’s people, from its currentand future leaders to its frontlineemployees. Yet in a knowledgeeconomy, the skills demanded ofemployees at all levels are constantlybeing redefined. To deal successfullywith that reality, talent-poweredorganizations are investing extensivelyin technology to accelerate learningand connect people to better shareknowledge and experience. To improveperformance while accelerating talentdevelopment, talent-powered

organizations also use technology to better enable collaboration anddistribute work globally. By buildingindividual skills, knowledge andcompetencies using the right systems,processes, technology and architecture,the organization’s collective capabilitiescan expand and high performance canbe achieved.

1 Source: Cheese, Peter, Thomas, Robert J. and Craig, Elizabeth The Talent PoweredOrganization: Strategies for Globalization,Talent Management and High Performance,Kogan Page, 2007

Accenture Human Capital ManagementSolutions draws on more than 20 years’expertise in human resources managementwith deep skills in leading technologies tohelp our clients achieve high performance.

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In a global climate, successfulorganizations rely on the synergybetween the human resources functionand corporate strategy to multiplytalent and meet the challenge ofsustainable, long-term competitiveadvantage. Typically, between 25 and 45 percent of an organization’s revenuewill be spent on human capital, yetthese same organizations are oftenwithout a definitive means to quantifythe extent to which improved humancapital management turns into betterbusiness performance.

Accenture Human Capital ManagementSolutions helps organizations adopt a more strategic approach to humanresources, using leading, “best of breed”human resources technologies to delivercomplex global transformation andtalent management solutions. We aimto efficiently release the full potentialof complex and powerful systems andsolutions for our clients, enabling them

to sustain strong, effective ITcapabilities, reduce IT spending anddrive higher levels of performance—both for individuals and fororganizations.

Accenture helps organizationsautomate manual processes by applyingportable, Web-enabled services thatoperate seamlessly across theenterprise. We use technology to helpredesign processes and integrate themwith management tools, knowledgerepositories and document and datamanagement systems that streamlineand expedite workflows and reporting.Our solutions focus on employee-centric services—such as portals foremployee self-service or manager selfservice—to give individuals immediateaccess to real-time, accurate personnelinformation. Intuitive user interfacesfacilitate fast ease of access and ensurethat accurate personnel data can beaccessed and shared on demand. As

a result, employee satisfaction increasesand managers are able to make timelydecisions based on accurate workforceinformation (see Figure 1). What ismore, by implementing dedicatedshared service centers or employeeinteraction centers, human resourcespersonnel are freed up from respondingto generalized but time-consumingqueries from employees and able toconcentrate on strategic planning and execution.

Our approach makes it easier totransition existing solutions andservices and scale or upgrade to new solutions in response to businessdemands. Our deep technology skillsallow organizations to gain thebenefits of standardization as well as customization; we leverage ourglobal delivery network and extensivepool of ERP HCM professionals todeliver value-added results.


Optimizing performance

Figure 1: Human Resources Workforce Transformation Service Delivery Model

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Unrivalled expertise


Whether we provide process definitionand design, technology consulting,solution development, implementationor application maintenance, ourknowledge in all areas of human capital management enables us tooptimize and customize the solution for maximum business benefits. TheAccenture Human Capital DevelopmentFramework (Figure 2) provides acommon language to drive all talentprocesses, from recruitment todeployment, learning and performancemanagement. An innovative analyticaltool, the Accenture Human CapitalDevelopment Framework enablesorganizations to better assess their corehuman capital capabilities and identifythe human resources processes that will enhance those capabilities andprescribe the process interventionsneeded to improve overall performance.

We enjoy strategic alliances with leading vendors such as SAP. With more than 23,500 SAP-skilledprofessionals globally2—and a 30-yearhistory of working closely with SAP—wedeliver projects that focus on practicalsolutions that can accelerate talent and provide valuable input to business planning.

Accenture Human Capital ManagementSolutions is one of the largest andmost experienced global providers ofhuman capital management servicesand solutions, successfully completingglobal end-to-end transformationalprojects across a broad range ofindustries.

2 as of August 31, 2007

Accenture Human Capital DevelopmentFramework applies common, objectiveperformance metrics to assess theimpact of HR programs on key businessresults. The framework offers aninnovative analytical tool that enables

Illustrative Business Measures

Human Capital Processes

Figure 2: The Accenture Human Capital Development Framework

organizations to better assess their corehuman capital capabilities. The tool alsoidentifies the HR processes that willenhance those capabilities and prescribethe process interventions needed toimprove overall performance.

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Workforce studies and theexperience of Accentureprofessionals has shown that the issue of attracting,engaging and retaining theright talent is at the top of the corporate agenda, withmany organizations feeling theimpact of an aging workforcenow or expecting to feel itover the next five years.

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The Accenture portfolio of intuitivetools, methodologies and applicationsspeeds implementation whileincreasing security, functionality andproductivity. Organizations can thenrealize improved data consistency andaccuracy, streamlined administrativeprocesses and reduced costs to supportthe human resources business case anddrive return on investment.

Focusing on operational synergy, wecan help you develop a completehuman capital management solution—from design and implementation ofhuman resources systems, businessintelligence solutions, e-HR andemployee portals to the deployment of the latest Web-based solutions.

Based on a functional approach thatemploys a logical operating model tofocus on talent management, wecombine best practice experienceswith an organizational and process

framework to address all criticalelements of your human capitalmanagement implementation—frominitial feasibility planning, delivery andongoing support, through to projectedreturn on investment.

It is the unique combination of ourinterdisciplinary expertise in bothhuman resources and IT that offers the greatest benefit to our clients. Byadopting a holistic approach, we helpcompanies and governments addressthe entire human resources and ITprocess life cycle to transform theiroperations. End-to-end delivery indesigning, implementing, measuring,monitoring and optimizing humanresources business processes and thesupporting infrastructure releasespowerful efficiencies.

Clients benefits

Close partnering and knowledge transferWe work closely with our clients,harnessing existing resources to buildproject teams with the required blendof skills to transfer knowledge andsuccessfully deliver the project withinthe agreed timeframes.

Scalable sourcing and global reachOur experts deliver leading human capital managementsolutions worldwide. We have more than 7,500 dedicated humanperformance professionals andaccess to a pool of nearly 60,000SAP and Oracle specialists tosupport large-scale solutions.


Maximizing returns

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Integrated human resources systemsand information—a consolidated databaseof information providing “one truth”for human resources information andintegrated systems to support integratedprocesses—is one of the key pillars inimproving the value of human resources.3

The Accenture Global Delivery NetworkComprising more than 83,000professionals at more than 50 delivery centers worldwide, we deliver systems integration,application outsourcing,infrastructure outsourcing, businessprocess outsourcing and technologyconsulting services and solutions. The Global Delivery Network enablesAccenture to mobilize the rightpeople with the right skills andcapabilities to deliver solutions forour clients in a cost-effective andefficient manner. Since our deliverycenters consistently use provenAccenture assets, processes, methodsand tools, our people are able tocollaborate seamlessly toward acollective goal of helping clientsachieve high performance.

A proven track record and enduring relationshipsWe have delivered more than1,300 human capital managementIT-enabled implementation projects sofar for the world’s leading companiesand government organizations.

Above all, Accenture is committed to helping our clients achieve thegreatest return from their humanresources and IT investments andtransform their business performance.

3 Source: Cheese, Peter, Thomas, Robert J. and Craig, Elizabeth The Talent PoweredOrganization: Strategies for Globalization,Talent Management and High Performance,Kogan Page, 2007

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We work with leading players such as SAP to deliver innovative businessprocesses and human capitalmanagement solutions that aretailored to an individual organization’sneeds. We combine Accenture assetsand core competencies with a clearindustry focus to deliver optimizedhuman capital management, takingadvantage of our deep humanresources and IT functional expertise.

Accenture offerings

Business process design and optimizationBy re-engineering and automatingbusiness processes, managers are freedup from routine administrative tasksto proactively shape the organizationwhile reducing costs and improvingservice quality. Once the businessblueprint for the IT implementationhas been delivered, work content, roles and training needs are defined, with process tracking to control the achievement of objectives and continuous improvement.

Technology consultingWhen investing in IT, yourorganization needs future-proofstandards, making sure that thesoftware supports your existinghuman resources requirements but has the flexibility to enable you to respond to new businesschallenges. Our technology consultingservices team specializes in definingthe global or local human resources IT architecture, while taking intoaccount the required functionality and the human resources processesthat must be supported.

Solutions implementationRecognized as a global leader insystems integration,4 our approachfacilitates organizational redesign, risk assessment, training needsanalysis and change management,with tools and templates tailored toyour business needs. We thoroughlyevaluate the project scope andrequirements to build the right project team. Our consultants takeevery opportunity to transfer

knowledge and share responsibility to deliver, enabling early self-sufficiency and a quick return on investment.

Upgrade experienceWe use all our enterprise solutionscapabilities to deliver upgrades thatgenerate operational efficiencies andachieve high performance—includingdeep SAP and Oracle upgradeexperience; industry, functional andtechnical skills; strategic acumen andstrong execution capability; the abilityto help drive business processes toachieve competitive superiority; andan innovative delivery approach.

Application maintenanceComprehensive support facilities are designed with a specific focus on enterprise resource planning,combining human resources processes and SAP solution supportwith problem diagnosis and recoveryexpertise to offer the maximumadvantage from your investment in a flexible and cost-effective manner.

Partnering for progress


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Business warehouse and business intelligence solutionsData integration is a significantchallenge for data-driven humanresources functions because data from human capital management isintegrated with many other enterpriseresource planning areas, such asfinancials and operations. There is alsoa need to integrate data from legacysystems and external data such assalary surveys or spreadsheets.Business warehouse solutions enhancehuman capital management, bringingtogether accurate data from acrossyour organization for informeddecision making. Accenture helpsorganizations make the right humanresources decisions based onconsistent quality of information by transforming data from across the enterprise into usable, timelybusiness information.

Workforce analyticsA complete, out-of-the-box solutionthat provides companies with thetools and metrics needed to managethe workforce as a competitive asset.Accenture workforce analyticscombines Accenture’s functionalknowledge, tools for human resourcesbest practices and workforce metricswith leading enterprise resourceplanning business intelligence suitesthat deliver a full range of analysisand reporting capabilities. The resultis a business and technology solution that offers businesses enhancedvisibility into workforce performance.Using Accenture Workforce Analyticscompanies can take a more fact-based approach to managing the workforce—and look beyondefficiency to achieve greatereffectiveness. It provides the tools and insights needed to understand

what drives workforce performanceand keep talent and overall corporatestrategies in step with the company'sbusiness goals—factors that areinstrumental in the ongoing pursuit of high performance.


5 Source: New Growth from Enterprise Systems:Achieving High Performance throughDistinctive Capabilities, Accenture, 2006

4 Source: "Worldwide and U.S. SystemsIntegration 2006 Vendor Shares: Top 10Vendors for 2006", IDC, February, 2008.

In an era of increased economic pressures,organizations that have implementedenterprise solutions are looking for new ways to leverage their investments and create tangible value. Indeed, as AccentureHigh Performance Business researchamongst 310 CIOs has shown, topperformers realize much more value from their enterprise systems and usethem in distinctly different ways than do their less-successful counterparts.5

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Accenture uses the latest technologiesand standards to help our clientsmove their human resources functionstoward high performance throughplanning and delivering the right ITsolutions and offering a supportinginfrastructure.

Accenture’s human resources softwareportfolio comprises assets to enhancequality, reduce risk, gain speed-to-market, and introduce cost-effectiveness and predictability across the human resources function.

Accenture solutions

Tools and assets designed to enhanceand improve the standardfunctionalities of leading enterpriseresource planning systems, reducingimplementation time and costs,improving the ease of implementationand decreasing complexity.

System optimization tools:• Accenture HR Productivity Suite

including Accenture Audit andCompliance Tool, Accenture HR PatchAnalyzer and Accenture Clone andTest Human Capital Management

• Accenture Accounting Clone and Test

• Accenture Data Comparison Manager

• Accenture HR Connectivity Suite

Human resources applications andtools to manage, innovate and createhuman resources processes andworkflows, including correspondence,archiving, transformation and datacleansing solutions. Solutions include

Process and workflow design applications:

• Accenture Cost Manager• Accenture Digital Personnel

File Solutions—aconso for SAP®• Accenture Time and

Attendance Suite • Accenture Quick Document Builder

Process and workflow design tools:• Accenture Workflow Engine

Visualization and user interfaceapplications to facilitate betterdecision making and management viareporting, access, simulation, chartingand presentation applications.Solutions include

Visualization and user interfaces applications:• OrgPublisher for SAP® Solutions• Accenture HR Management Suite

Transformation tools

Accenture uses the latest technologies and standards to help our clients movetheir human resources functions towardhigh performance through planning anddelivering the right IT solutions andoffering a supporting infrastructure.

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Strategic successWhatever the demands of an ever-changing marketplace, people are at the heart of your organization’sperformance. The business challengeis to manage this key assetefficiently and effectively using anapproach that combines pragmatismwith performance.

As Accenture research has shown, high-performance businesses are ableto respond to changing marketconditions, find and develop talentedleaders, attract and retain skilled staff,and generate superior business valuefrom technology investments. Indeed,organizations with effective humancapital processes that align humanresources initiatives with the businessstrategy deliver better financialperformance than their competitors. By partnering with Accenture to alignprograms that achieve overall workforcetransformation, organizations have areal opportunity to both achieve humancapital mastery and drive greater valuefrom business performance.

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About Accenture Human CapitalManagement SolutionsAccenture Human Capital ManagementSolutions provides consulting servicesand assets to help optimize theperformance of a broad range of humanresources activities. We combine thedeep functional skills of more than4,900 professionals with strongexpertise in human resources strategyand the implementation of IT systems.Alongside a portfolio of software andassets that help improve quality andreduce timelines for both theimplementation and maintenance ofselected HR IT applications, AccentureHuman Capital Management Solutionsdelivers global, complex, IT-enabledhuman resources transformationinitiatives to help our clients achievehigh performance. For more informationabout Accenture Human CapitalManagement Solutions,

*as of September 1, 2008

About AccentureAccenture is a global managementconsulting, technology services andoutsourcing company. Combiningunparalleled experience, comprehensivecapabilities across all industries andbusiness functions, and extensiveresearch on the world’s most successfulcompanies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses andgovernments. With more than 186,000people in 49 countries, the companygenerated net revenues of US$23.39billion for the fiscal year ended Aug.31, 2008. Its home page

ContactsMartin BraunGlobal Managing DirectorAccenture Human CapitalManagement Solutions [email protected]

For more information about AccentureHuman Capital Management Solutionsvisit

For more information about the Accenture Human CapitalManagement Solutions softwareportfolio