Download - Accenture From The Cloud


Accenture from the cloud

Hugo Messer

The past couple of weeks, Piotr and I have been brainstorming about the vision we have for Ekipa. As we’re both fans of thinking big and putting up massive challenges, we see our challenge as building ‘Accenture from the cloud’.

Check out the newsflash we made here

So that’s the mission we’re on: doing for the IT industry what airbnb did for hotels. Airbnb gathered the same amount of hotel rooms in a couple of years as large hotel chains did in over a century. Ekipa gives access to over 5000 high skilled IT people all over the world, since its inception in January 2015. In a couple of years, we’ll match the offering of companies like Accenture. This requires both teams of smart people + local consultants who can face clients. This ‘expert’ area is currently under development in our platform, so in a couple of weeks, local experts will be able to add their profiles.

As a rep of Accenture wrote me recently in Twitter:

“Ekipa is a concept we’ll first laugh about, then acknowledge and then fear!” @ekipa_co – CLICK TO TWEET

Let me know your thoughts on the mission we’re on!

About hugoHugo Messer is CEO of Ekipa and is a Global IT Staffing Expert. Hugo Messer has been building and managing teams around the world for over 10 years. His passion is to enable people that are spread across cultures, geography and time zones to cooperate. Whether it’s offshoring or near shoring, he knows what it takes to make a global cooperation work. Read his articles here to know more about Hugo and his global team building programs visit

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