Download - Acanthamoeba Keratitis: Synergy betweenAmebicandBacterial ... · Trophozoite attachment Acanthamoeba to contact lens keratitis FIG. 4. Proposed hypothesis to account for the role

Page 1: Acanthamoeba Keratitis: Synergy betweenAmebicandBacterial ... · Trophozoite attachment Acanthamoeba to contact lens keratitis FIG. 4. Proposed hypothesis to account for the role

JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, Sept. 1992, p. 2447-2450 Vol. 30, No. 90095-1137/92/092447-04$02.00/0Copyright X) 1992, American Society for Microbiology

Acanthamoeba Keratitis: Synergy between Amebic and BacterialCocontaminants in Contact Lens Care Systems


Clinical Microbiology Laboratoies, The Mount Sinai Hospital, New Yorkl New York 10029

Received 18 February 1992/Accepted 18 June 1992

We encountered a patient with Acanthamoeba keratitis whose contact lens care solution contained numeroustrophozoites and cysts admixed with Xanthomonas maltophiia organisms, many ofwhich were adherent to thetrophozoite surface and internalized within endocytic vacuoles. Because of this finding, we investigated the roleof bacterial cocontaminants in contact lens care systems as substrates for the growth of Acanthamoeba spp.Individual cocultivation of Acanthamoeba casteUlanii and A. polyphaga with X. maltophiia, Flavobacteriumbreve, and Pseudomonas paucimobiis showed better enhancement (1.5X) of ameba growth after 96 h than thatobtained in the presence of Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, and Escherichia coli, the standardcocultivation species used for isolation of amebae from clinical specimens. Our data suggest that contaminationof contact lens care systems with Acanthamoeba spp. and a bacterial species capable of supporting amebicgrowth may be the first step in the pathogenesis of ameba-induced keratitis by the provision of large inoculaof amebae.

Free-living amebae belonging to the genera Naegleria andAcanthamoeba have been associated with human diseasecausing primary amebic meningoencephalitis and granulo-matous amebic encephalitis, respectively (4, 8, 12). Recentinterest in Acanthamoeba spp. has focused on their caus-ative role in a painful, vision-threatening keratitis that occursmainly in contact lens users (1). While the role of Acan-thamoeba spp. in keratitis is undisputed (1), the exactpathogenesis of the infection remains unresolved. In non-contact lens wearers, it is generally accepted that eyeinfection ensues subsequent to minor corneal trauma withintroduction of amebae from an environmental source (9).As most of these infections occur during warm weather andin warm climates (1), it is tacitly assumed (although notproven) that ameba trophozoites are the infecting stage.Inoculum densities leading to infection are equally unknown.

In contact lens wearers, the role of the contact lens itselfis also unresolved, although it has been speculated that thecontact lens may cause slight corneal abrasions and/or maybecome contaminated with ameba trophozoites and cystsand serve as a vehicle for eye entry of Acanthamoebaorganisms. The latter assumption is supported by the factthatAcanthamoeba organisms have been shown to adhere tonew and worn daily-wear, extended-wear, and disposablesoft contact lenses (5, 7a). Acanthamoeba spp. can also, invitro, adhere to and digest corneal epithelial cells (15), aprocess which appears to be both time and temperaturedependent (11).

Despite these biologic revelations underscoring Acan-thamoeba keratitis, a paucity of information exists concern-ing the role of contaminating microflora in the eye itself or incontact lens care systems as a prerequisite to eye infection.At The Mount Sinai Hospital, we recently encountered apatient withAcanthamoeba keratitis in which ameba tropho-zoites and cysts were seen in Giemsa-stained smears ofcorneal scrapings. Examination of the contact lens case

* Corresponding author.

solution by phase-contrast microscopy revealed numeroustrophozoites and cysts admixed with an impressive bacterialflora, which on culture proved to be Xanthomonas malto-philia. Strikingly, gram-stained smears of the lens caresolution were remarkable for the presence ofAcanthamoebatrophozoites encircled by a mantle of adherent gram-nega-tive slender rods in a parallel arrangement. These findingsraised several questions about the pathogenesis of Acan-thamoeba keratitis. We therefore investigated the role ofbacterial cocontaminants in contact lens care systems assubstrates for the growth of Acanthamoeba organisms andcompared these with the growth-supporting potential ofvarious eye commensals and the traditionally used speciesEscherichia coli (6).


X. malt.

P. pauci.

F. breve

S. epi.

S. aureus

E. coli


0 0.5 1.0 - 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0Total Viable A. castellanni (10-5/ ml)

FIG. 1. Enhanced growth of A. castellanii in the presence (co-cultivation) ofX. maltophilia (X. malt.), P. paucimobilis (P. pauci.),and F. breve, in contrast to that in the presence of S. epidermidis (S.epi.), S. aureus, and E. coli, after 96 h of incubation. Viable cystsand trophozoites were determined by methylene blue exclusion andenumerated by hemocytometer counting.



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Page 2: Acanthamoeba Keratitis: Synergy betweenAmebicandBacterial ... · Trophozoite attachment Acanthamoeba to contact lens keratitis FIG. 4. Proposed hypothesis to account for the role



X. malt.

P. pauci.

F. breve

S. epi.

S. aureus

E. coli

FIG. 2.cultivatiorthat in the

Axenicand A. jProteoseused to awith sele

in-use contact lens care cases. These included X. malto-philia, Flavobacterium breve, Pseudomonas paucimobilis,Staphylococcus aureus, and S. epidermidis. Prior to cocul-tivation, amoeba suspensions were diluted 1:2 in 0.3% basicmethylene blue and the numbers of viable cysts and tropho-zoites (methylene blue excluding) were determined by hemo-cytometer counting and confirmed by eosin staining (14).With either staining technique, nonviable Acanthamoebacysts and trophozoites were stained within a few seconds,while viable cells remained unstained for 15 to 20 min. Theameba counts were adjusted to approximately 4 x 105 cellsper ml in normal saline. One milliliter of the Acanthamoeba

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 suspension (containing approximately 70% cysts) in salineTotal Viable A. polyphaga (10-5/ ml) was transferred to individual tubes to which 1 ml of a saline

Enhanced growth of A. polyphaga in the presence (co- suspension (1.0 McFarland unit) ofX. maltophilia, F. breve,n) ofX maltophilia (X. malt.) and F. breve in contrast to S. aureus, S. epidermidis, and E. coli was individuallypresence of the other species tested. added. Final ameba concentrations yielded approximately 2

x 105 amebae per ml and a 0.5 McFarland unit suspension ofbacteria. Acanthamoeba organisms in normal sterile saline

MATERIALS AND METHODS served as an unsupplemented growth control. Cultures weremaintained at 35°C, and ameba counts were determined in

c cultures ofAcanthamoeba castellanii ATCC 30010 triplicate by hemocytometer at 24-h intervals for 96 h.polyphaga ATCC 30461, maintained in a Difco For semiquantitative assessment of adherence and intern-Peptone yeast extract-glucose medium (6), were alization of the selected bacterial species byAcanthamoeba

issess their growth characteristics by cocultivation trophozoites, Acanthamoeba organisms were cocultivated.cted bacterial species isolated from a survey of 20 at 35°C with these species as described above, and at hourly

FIG. 3. Gram-stained smear of contact lens case solution showing an Acanthamoeba trophozoite encircled by adherent X. maltophiliaorganisms, several of which are contained within endocytic vacuoles. A similar presentation was observed by cocultivation ofAcanthamoebaorganisms with suitable bacterial substrates.



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Page 3: Acanthamoeba Keratitis: Synergy betweenAmebicandBacterial ... · Trophozoite attachment Acanthamoeba to contact lens keratitis FIG. 4. Proposed hypothesis to account for the role


intervals for 8 h, a drop of the mixture was examined byphase-contrast microscopy and Gram staining.


Cocultivation of A. castellanii and A. polyphaga withbacterial species obtained from contact lens care systemswas noteworthy because of the specificity ofAcanthamoebaorganisms for the bacterial species present and for theenhanced growth-promoting potential of environmental spe-cies.

In the presence of X. maltophilia, F. breve, and P.paucimobilis, there was better enhancement (1.5 x) ofgrowth of bothAcanthamoeba species than with E. coli. By96 h of cocultivation, counts of A. castellanii cysts andtrophozoites in the sole presence of X. maltophilia and P.paucimobilis increased considerably compared with the un-supplemented control or E. coli (Fig. 1). For A. polyphaga,F. breve appeared to be a better growth-promoting bacterialsubstrate than X. maltophilia or P. paucimobilis (Fig. 2). Itis interesting that E. coli, the recommended microbial spe-cies for cocultivation (6), was essentially equivalent to thestaphylococcus species in growth-promoting potential. ForneitherAcanthamoeba species was E. coli equivalent to theenvironmental species as a native growth substrate.

Species specificity with regard to the preferred bacterialsubstrates could also be judged by the number of bacteriaadhering to the surface of the amebae as a prerequisite toengulfment. As assessed by phase-contrast microscopy andevaluation by Gram-stained smears of bacterium-amebacultures, the gram-negative environmental species, espe-cially X. maltophilia and F. breve, were markedly adherentto cysts and trophozoites of both Acanthamoeba species(Fig. 3). Further, many phagocytized bacteria were seen asearly as 2 h post cocultivation in the cytoplasm of tropho-zoites enclosed in endocytic vacuoles (Fig. 3). Although E.coli and staphylococci also adhered well to ameba cysts andtrophozoites, the degree of adherence and trophozoite inter-nalization of these species was more time dependent. Eval-uation of 10 consecutive trophozoites after 2 h of cocultiva-tion showed irregular adherence and random internalizedbacteria, in contrast to X. maltophilia and F. breve. At 8 and24 h post cocultivation, the environmental species saturatedthe ameba surface and were readily found intracellularly,whereas with E. coli and staphylococci, random internaliza-tion still prevailed.


It has long been recognized that free-living amebae displaya differential feeding pattern on bacterial substrates theyencounter in their natural environment (13). Transposition ofthese findings to ameba-bacterium interactions in otherenvironmental niches, such as might exist in a contact lenscare system, indicates that the nature of the bacterial cocon-taminants either ensures or aborts ameba growth. Thisprinciple is germane to Acanthamoeba-induced keratitis.Although we did not use a nonnutrient agar plate seeded

with the test bacteria, our findings on the equivalence of S.epidermidis and E. coli as nutrient sources for Acan-thamoeba growth parallel those of Larkin and Easty (7).These investigators inoculated 100 amebae on an agar lawnof the two bacterial species and compared the migrationdistance of the 50th trophozoite at the end of 6 days ofincubation as an index of the growth suitability of the twotest species. These researchers showed that Acanthamoeba

Swimming in pond Removal of lens

Trophozoite attachment Acanthamoebato contact lens keratitis

FIG. 4. Proposed hypothesis to account for the role of bacterialcocontaminants in contact lens care systems as a factor in Acan-thamoeba-induced keratitis. A suitable bacterial substrate cocon-taminates the contact lens care system with Acanthamoeba cystsfrom an environmental source. Excystment takes place, and tropho-zoites feed on bacteria, multiply, adhere to the contact lens (5), andinvade the cornea subsequent to trauma, resulting in keratitis.

organisms migrated with equal speed on lawns of E. coli andS. epidermidis.The results reported herein also confirm the early findings

of Singh (13) on selective bacterial feeding by Acan-thamoeba trophozoites, especially against species whichcohabitate in aquatic and soil environments with amebae.This finding is not only reflective of the natural predatoryactivity of free-living amebae but is also of clinical impor-tance, as the bacterial species tested, e.g., X. maltophilia, F.breve, and P. paucimobilis, are common contaminants ofcontact lens care systems (3, 7a). As noted herein, earlyinternalization of these species may favor rapid amebagrowth.

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Page 4: Acanthamoeba Keratitis: Synergy betweenAmebicandBacterial ... · Trophozoite attachment Acanthamoeba to contact lens keratitis FIG. 4. Proposed hypothesis to account for the role


The initial stage in the development of Acanthamoebakeratitis is thought to be contamination of a contact lens caresystem with an Acanthamoeba cyst(s) introduced from theenvironment, in which they are widespread (9). By itself,this event does not pose a particular problem to the lenswearer, either because ophthalmic solutions used to cleancontact lenses are not growth promoting for amebae (2) orbecause in the absence of a cocontaminant, excystment maynot take place. However, in the concomitance of a bacterialcontaminant (usually introduced through homemade saline)which is capable of supporting ameba growth, excystmentdoes take place (14), liberating the amebic trophozoite.Continued feeding on the bacterial substrate results in amebamultiplication. Attachment of Acanthamoeba trophozoitesto the contact lens surface (5, 10) may then appose numerousamebae on the corneal surface. Minor trauma to cornealconjunctival cells may then facilitate eye invasion by amebae(1, 5). These events are summarized in Fig. 4.There is perhaps a secondary role for bacterial cocontam-

inants of contact lens care systems in the pathogenesis ofamebic keratitis. In our patient, the degree of bacterialcontamination in the contact lens case system was prodi-gious, as evidenced by smears and cultures and by themantle of gram-negative slender rods (Xanthamonas sp.)encircling Acanthamoeba trophozoites observed directly insmears of the contact lens care solution. These bacterialcontaminants may incite small lesions in the conjunctiva, asa consequence of either their accumulated metabolic toxinsor a minor infection (3). Once scarification of the cornea hasensued, the amebae may gain entrance and continue to feedon the adherent-ingested bacteria, thereby facilitating earlyestablishment in the corneal stroma. Subsequent to invasionand exhaustion of the bacterial food source, amebae maythen degrade corneal cells as a food substrate (15) andbecome firmly established in the corneal stroma. The con-sequence of these events is clinically apparent keratitis.


This research was partially supported by grant 5T35 DKO7420from the National Institutes of Health.

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