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ABPH Exam Study Guide Questions

I. Theory/Conceptualization: (General understanding of theories of hypnosis, ability to conceptualize hypnotic phenomena in relation to general psychological theory).

II. Research: (Knowledge of research related to understanding hypnotic phenomena, responsiveness, and applications).

III. Case Formulation: (Understanding of diagnostic and treatment variables related to the clinical work sample and to the specific applications of hypnosis demonstrated; understanding of the hypnotherapeutic process evidenced by the work sample).

IV. Hypnotic Technique: (Appropriateness, precision of techniques, and understanding of indications/contraindications of a range of standard techniques; quality of technique demonstrated in work sample).

V. Professional Issues: (Understanding of and adherence to guidelines of appropriate professional and ethical practice of hypnosis in research, clinical and training situations).

VI. Professional Contributions: (Evidence of significant contributions to the field of hypnosis through teaching, academic/scholarship productivity, professional association activity, etc.).

1. What is hypnosis? Briefly describe the positions of Spanos, Sarbin & Coe, E. Hilgard, J. Hilgard, and Orne.

2. Discuss whether hypnosis is a normal or pathological phenomena.

3. Discuss manifestations of hypnosis as normal or pathological phenomena.

4. Discuss the hypnotic behavioral changes and developments from childhood through old age.

5. Discuss the methods of trance induction you use and why.

6. Discuss the importance of semantics, word choices, etc., in hypnosis.

7. Discuss the methods of determining whether a patient/client is hypnotized.

8. Discuss the role of indirect vs direct suggestion in clinical hypnosis.

9. List induction and deepening techniques and indicate what methods you use. Discuss your reasons for or against particular methods.

10. Indicate how you would determine the presence or absence of hypnosis.

11. What is the significance of resistance to hypnosis and how you would deal with it.

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12. Discuss whether hypnosis is contingent on a formal induction.

13. Discuss the applicability of hypnosis in different treatment approaches, eg. behavioral, analytically, or client-centered therapy.

14. Discuss issues in the use of hypnosis for symptomatic treatment and give an example(s) where symptomatic treatment may be indicated.

15. In what circumstances might you expect to observe substitute symptoms in place of a symptom that has been removed by hypnosis.

16. Discuss the arguments for and against evaluating hypnotic susceptibility in clinical practice.

17. Discuss a case of in which you have not been successful with hypnosis. What have you learned from that case.

18. What were your reasons for the failure described above.

19. Describe the social policy and practice implications of your major area of hypnosis work (eg. research on hypnosis confabulation and use of hypnosis in forensic settings).

20. Discuss your conceptualization of hypnosis as a vehicle for therapy.

21. Is your theory of hypnosis the same as your theory of psychotherapy?

22. Discuss the indications and contraindications for hypnotherapy.

23. Discuss the problem areas where the use of hypnosis is the treatment of choice. Justify your position from the research literature.

24. Discuss circumstances where a patient/client could become to dependent upon hypnotherapy.

25. Discuss in what circumstance you might expect to observe symptom substitution related to hypnotherapy.

26. Discuss the nature and significance of regressive experiences and behavior emerging during hypnoanalysis.

27. Discuss the issues of using hypnosis with psychotics, obesity, pain, phobias, witnesses to a crime.

28. Discuss the main therapeutic element in hypnosis.

29. Discuss the significance of depth of hypnosis in hypnotherapy. What, if any, is the difference between hypnotic susceptibility and hypnotic depth.

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30. Discuss ethical issues related to hypnotherapy. How do these issues compare to other therapeutic approaches.

31. Why are ASCH, SECH, ISH opposed to lay hypnotists.

32. Discuss individual differences in hypnotic responsivity. What do they appear to depend upon.

33. Discuss some of the implications of debriefing hypnotic subjects.

34. Compare and contrast two theories of hypnosis.

35. Discuss examples from the literature on hypnosis with children.

36. Discuss hypnosis in the context of state/trait, relationship, role playing, etc. theories.

37. Discuss significant recent contributions to the clinical hypnosis literature.

38. Discuss examples of literature on dreams and hypnosis.

39. Discuss why simulators are used in some experiments using hypnosis.

40. Discuss the sense that hypnosis can be understood as role playing.

41. Discuss the view that there are states of hypnosis.

42. Discuss whether hypnotic age regression is genuine or an artifact.

43. Does hypnotic age regression lead to a literal reversion to childhood? Does behavior of a hypnotically regressed subject differ in any way from that of an actual child of the same age?

44. What contributions have been made by leading clinical hypnotherapists of the present time?

45. Does hypnosis enhance memory?

46. Are there any physiological correlates of hypnosis?

47. If a crime victim or witness recalls additional details in hypnosis, how should this information be evaluated?

48. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the HGSHS:A, SHSS:C, CURSS, and the HIP to evaluate hypnotic susceptibility?

49. Discuss the main features of post-hypnotic amnesia. What distinguishes this from normal forgetting?

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50. Is hypnotic ability modifiable? What logical considerations are relevant to this issue? Present empirical findings to each consideration and to any promising procedures to enhance hypnotic ability.

51. What are the primary features of people high and low in hypnotic ability. Under what conditions can one or more of these features have implications for psychopathology and pathophysiology?

52. What are the differences between primary and secondary suggestibility, hypnosis, and social compliance?

54. Demonstrate the importance of integrating hypnosis research, theory, and practice.

55. Compare and contrast the use of hypnosis, relaxation, imagery, and meditation. Note and evaluate the significance of similarities and dissimilarities.

56. Discuss the practice, theoretical, and legal implications of using hypnosis with witnesses and victims of crimes.

57. Describe five major contributions that experimental hypnosis has made to the clinical practice of hypnosis.

58. How would you reply to the allegation that hypnosis research based on a college student population is not representative of the general therapy population.

59. Discuss two or more significant problems in contemporary hypnosis research.

60. Discuss methodological issues in hypnosis research. How do these compare with other psychological research.

61. Discuss research on hypnotizability in different age groups.

62. Discuss research on personality correlates of hypnotizability.

63. Discuss hypnosis and antisocial behavior.

64. Is it possible to coerce hypnotized subjects into acts contrary to their moral beliefs.

65. Discuss research on hypnotic age regression.

66. Discuss the contributions that have been made by leading clinical hypnotherapists of the present time.

67. Discuss the methodological problems in hypnosis research.

68. What are demand characteristics? Can they ever be eliminated from the experimental situation?

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69. Following hypnosis, an experimental subject reports a headache that developed during the session. What should the experimenter do?

70. During the administration of the SHSS:C age regression item, a subject relives a painful experience, and expresses considerable affect. What should the experimenter do?

71. Discuss reliability and validity in the measurement of hypnotic ability. What are the applied implications of these empirical findings?

72. State a hypothesis about hypnosis and design an experimental test of it.

73. Select one research study. Describe the study and critique the research design used.