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About Technology CompanyThis U.S.-based multinational corporation, and member of the Fortune 25 list, is dedicated to making high quality products and to leaving the world better than they found it. Environmental responsibility is core to their business. According to their Vice President of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives, “We push ourselves every day to develop innovations that reduce our carbon footprint, use cleaner and safer materials, and show that what’s good for the planet can also be good for business. We continue to put nature at the center of our business and design principles.” As part of their ongoing sustainability efforts, over 93% of their energy consumption comes from renewable resources, over 99% of paper in their packaging is recycled or sustainable, and toxins, such as mercury and arsenic, have been removed from products and manufacturing. Facility improvements made over 2010-2015 are now saving over 39 million kWh a year, and several facilities have earned LEED certification from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), demonstrating their commitment to energy efficiency and decreasing carbon footprint.

The ChallengeAs part of their commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainability, the company was striving to earn the highest possible LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification for a new regional headquarters building. The building had been designed with sustainability in mind, employing highly energy efficient systems. However, as their manager of real-estate & facilities highlights, “There is no such thing as “good enough,” especially when it comes to the environment. The research headquarters building was already designed to be very energy efficient, but a potential area to optimize was indoor environmental quality.

Technology CompanyenVerid Case Study

Research Headquarters Building

Figure 1: The seven-story research headquarters building, has approximately 108,000 ft2 including labs, dining room, open office spaces, shelters, and conference rooms.

Customer: Technology Company

Climate Zone: 2A

Deployed: May 2015

Industry: Technology

Employees: 500 at this location

Challenges: Committed to environmental responsibility, the company wanted to maximize their LEED score to elevate their US Green Building Council (USGBC) LEED certification for best-in-class green building practices.

Solution: Two enVerid HLR modules installed on the roof to remove contaminants of concern in the building and reduce the amount of outside air ventilation required.

Results: • 14 LEED points, elevating the

building from Silver to Gold

• 17-ton reduction in HVAC cooling peak load

• $26,890 energy cost savings annually

• 57% average reduction in outside air (IAQP using HLR vs VRP)

• 103 metric ton GHG reduction

• All contaminants of concern maintained at a healthy level

• Extended filter life

• Water and wastewater savings

• Better indoor air comfort

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enVerid Case Study – Technology Company Research Headquarters Building

The company was evaluating any and all technologies that would maximize their LEED score.”

LEED certification is an internationally recognized green building certification system, developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). LEED certification provides third-party verification that a building was designed and built using green building practices focused on energy savings, water efficiency, greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts. LEED certification is based on a point system to classify a building Certified, Silver, Gold, or Platinum. All Top 10 Fortune 100 companies have at least one LEED certified facility, and an estimated 1.85 million square feet achieves LEED certification every day in more than 162 countries and territories around the world.1

Increased awareness about conservation of resources and global warming is contributing to the increased desire for LEED certified buildings. While in the U.S. many local governments reward or require LEED certification for public-funded or large commercial buildings, LEED certification benefits are recognized globally. In addition to environmentally sustainability benefits, top LEED certification economic benefits include:

1. Lower operating costs due to energy savings, water savings, maintenance savings, and waste savings,

2. Happier employers and employees due to increased health, productivity, recruitment, and retention rates,

3. Higher tenant attraction, resulting in rates typically 20% above average, and lower vacancy rates, and

4. Competitive differentiation, due to market differentiation with sustainability, positive public relations, and improved financial performance.

The company’s primary drivers for LEED certification were environmental sustainability and employee health, satisfaction, and productivity benefits.

The BuildingBuilt in 2015, the research headquarters building is designed for 800 workers with grounds that spread over 4.2 acres of land. The facility focuses on development of new products.

The building was designed from the ground up to be one of the most environmentally friendly buildings ever built by the company. Original design elements, such as solar panels on the roof which provide enough energy to supply the entire building’s hot water requirements, a smart lighting system which reduces electrical usage by 25% compared to buildings of similar sizes, and a highly efficient HVAC system, all contribute to making the research headquarters building one of the “greenest” buildings in the state.

The facility includes an ecological fish pond and garden with walking paths and metal bridges, a luxury dining room, and a 3,300 ft2 suspended metal cube that extends from the building without support pillars. The seven-story building, is approximately 108,000 ft2 including labs, dining room, open office spaces, shelters, and conference rooms.

enVerid’s HLR system was a perfect match – it’s an innovative product that takes care of the health of our workers while being good for the environment. On top of that, it increases employee productivity. That’s a huge win-win!

Sr. Manager of Real-estate & Facilities, Technology Company

1 McCadden, L. (2016, Dec 14). USGBC Announces International Ranking of Top 10 Countries for LEED. USGBC, Retrieved from

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The HVAC system for the main building has variable speed fan coil units with two dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS). The outside airflow for each DOAS is 15,000 CFM and DOAS are connected to a central chilled water system, also located on the roof. Energy conservation measures include high efficiency units, and incorporation of enthalpy wheels and daylight harvesting. There is a separate dedicated air handling unit (AHU) for the lab area on Floor 1.

The ProjectThe project was led by enVerid working together with the company’s HVAC and LEED consultant, whose involvement was essential for all technical and LEED certification aspects of the project.

Immediately after the building finished construction, the kickoff began with a site survey to assess the building’s mechanical layout, an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) assessment, and identification of potential locations for integrating the HVAC Load Reduction® (HLR®) modules into the existing HVAC system. The survey measured and planned for the positioning and installation of the HLR modules, ensuring that they would fit and could be easily moved into position.

The team next took snapshot baseline measurements of carbon dioxide (CO2), energy use, air quality indicators, and sampled for contaminates of concern. This information was shared with the facilities management team.

HLR modules were installed into the fan coil system by using the smoke evacuation duct in dual mode, by modifying the smoke evacuation duct to also be the return air duct without compromising the initial HVAC design (see Figure 2). By using the smoke evacuation duct for the return air, installation of an additional central duct, to feed return air to the HLR module, was avoided. The return air was directed through the HLR modules’ sorbent cartridges to remove contaminants of concern, such as CO2, formaldehyde, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (see Figure 3).

The Technology Company is commited to environmental responsibility. HLR modules were the most cost-efficient way to score 14 additional LEED points, elevating the research headquarters building from Silver to Gold certified.

HVAC and LEED Consultant

Figure 3: HLR module operation diagram.

Figure 2: HLR module integration with a fan coil HVAC system

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The scope of the HLR installation included the office space and some lab components of the building; it excluded the dedicated lab space on Floor 1 since this area is served by a separate AHU.

During the installation phase, the enVerid project team selected and supervised electrical and mechanical subcontractors with the customer’s approval. The HLR system went live May 2015 without disruption to HVAC operations to building occupants.

It’s exciting one product can contribute so much to LEED certification. The enVerid HLR system is a quantum leap in building science – ventilation is a big barrier on our way to net zero, and HLR technology helps in an achieving that while maintaining indoor air quality.

Energy & LEED Consultant

“enVerid Case Study – Technology Company Research Headquarters Building

Figure 4: Two HLR modules were installed on the roof. Shown above are the two HLR modules connected to the DOAS units (HLR 1 connected to DOAS 1 on the left, and HLR 2 connected to DOAS 2 on the right).

Energy and Air Quality Measurements By using HLR technology, the technology company could take advantage of ASHRAE Standard 62.1 Indoor Air Quality Procedure (IAQP) and use 57% less outside air compared to using the ASHRAE 62.1 Ventilation Rate Procedure (VRP) thereby increasing the efficiency of their already highly energy efficient HVAC system. As a result of adding HLR modules, the energy savings for heating and cooling of the research headquarters building are calculated to be an additional 13.6% reduction, a $26,890 annual savings on top of an already highly efficient building

Energy measurements were conducted during August 2015 and September 2015. Two energy meters were installed on-site to monitor the DOAS energy consumption. These energy meters monitored the flow and temperature of the chilled water supply going into and out of the DOAS. Outdoor conditions were also monitored.

Energy metering began prior to HLR module installation to accrue baseline performance for the HVAC system without the HLR. The baseline measurements without HLR were done using outside airflows calculated based on the Ventilation Rate Procedure (VRP; ASHRAE Standard 62.1).

Once HLR modules were installed, energy metering was done for the HVAC system with the HLR modules on. When the HLR system was on, the outside air volume was reduced by 16,950 CFM based on calculations according to the Indoor Air Quality Procedure (IAQP; ASHRAE Standard 62.1). After the HLR modules were installed, the meters were connected to the enVerid Cloud, an Internet-of-Things (IoT) online

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Our building was already designed to be highly energy efficient, in fact it’s one of the “greenest” buildings in our state. By adding the enVerid HLR modules, we are getting an additional 13.6% energy savings and a 103-metric ton Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reduction.

Technical Manager, Technology Company

“enVerid Case Study – Technology Company Research Headquarters Building

monitoring system for remote monitoring and tracking of IAQ, HLR operation, energy consumption, temperature, and humidity.

For indoor air quality (IAQ) verification, contaminant concentrations were measured in January 2015, before the installation of the HLR modules and before occupancy. Since these baseline measurements were conducted immediately after the building finished construction, elevated levels of VOCs and formaldehyde were expected. IAQ contaminants concentration measurements were again taken after the HLR modules had been installed and running for at least one week, June-July 2015. IAQ monitoring was performed according to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards and the LEED IAQP EQpc68 Pilot Credit testing requirements, and all results were analyzed by a third-party certified lab.

This investigation included environmental and indoor air quality sampling of temperature, relative humidity, total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs), a full scan of speciated (separated by species) VOCs, aldehydes (acetaldehyde and formaldehyde), and four inorganic compounds (ammonia, carbon monoxide, CO2, ozone), and particulate matter with an aerodynamic size of less than 2.5 (PM2.5). Sampling was done at various locations throughout the building (for example locations, see Figures 5, 6, and 7) and tested per requirements of the LEED IAQP EQpc68 Pilot Credit. Instruments used were calibrated before each use and functioned within the limits of performance specifications appropriate for pollutants measured in indoor environments.

Subjective evaluation of indoor air quality was also conducted for this project, which is a requirement for the LEED IAQP EQpc68 Pilot Credit. Prior to HLR system operation, 20 volunteers completed surveys at various locations within the building indicating if air quality was acceptable after 15 seconds and again after 6 minutes. With the HLR system on, more than 30% of the 524 building occupants were surveyed after 30 minutes of entering various spaces, indicating on a seven-point scale their satisfaction of the indoor air quality.

Figure 5: IAQ sampling locations for the 1st floor of research headquarters building. The lab on the 1st floor was out of scope for the HLR system since it is serviced by a separate, dedicated AHU.

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Figure 6: IAQ sampling locations for the 2nd floor of research headquarters building. The 2nd floor includes the dining room, atrium, and an outdoor terrace.

enVerid Case Study – Technology Company Research Headquarters Building

Figure 7: IAQ sampling locations for the 6th floor of research headquarters building. The 6th floor is mainly offices and conference rooms.

In addition to scrubbing the air of indoor molecular contaminants, the HLR modules provide 24/7 indoor air quality management and monitoring. This service is made available via the enVerid Cloud, which reads the TVOC and CO2 sensors embedded in each of the HLR modules. The HLR module reacts to these sensors to determine when to clean the air, the amount of outside air required, and when to regenerate (i.e. self-clean) the sorbents.

Outdoor Air Reduced

57% from 30,000 CFM (using VRP) to 13,050 CFM (using HLR and IAQP)

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enVerid Case Study – Technology Company Research Headquarters Building

The Impact14 LEED Points

The research headquarters building earned a total of 62 LEED points, filing under LEED 2009 for Commercial Interiors. Adding HLR modules earned 9 LEED points for Indoor Environmental Quality, and 5 LEED points for Energy and Atmosphere (see Figure 8).

A third-party energy and LEED consultant conducted building simulation modeling, and upon adding HLR modules to the HVAC system design, the building showed a LEED CI EAc1.3 energy savings of 40.9% over the ASHRAE 90.1.2007 baseline, earning 10 LEED EAc1 points for LEED CI Energy and Atmosphere credit 1, the maximum points for a commercial interior building (see Figure 9).

The energy and LEED consultant concluded the enVerid HLR modules independently contributed 13.6% of the 40.9% energy savings, and 5 of the 10 LEED points for energy and atmosphere (see Figure 10). In total, the enVerid HLR modules earned 14 LEED points, elevating the building from Silver to Gold LEED certified. If the building had been able to file under NCv3 for new construction energy efficiency, an additional 2 points would have been awarded, totaling 16 added LEED points by the enVerid HLR system.

“As built, the building was a candidate for a U.S. Green Building Council LEED certification for best in-class green building practices, however the company’s commitment to energy efficiency and reducing carbon footprint was a key driver for incorporating enVerid HLR modules to realize even greater savings,” said the company’s HVAC and LEED consultant, “HLR modules were the most cost efficient solution for securing 14 of the 62 LEED points awarded to the building, elevating the research headquarters building from Silver to Gold.”

14 LEED Points Elevated Building From Silver to Gold

Figure 8: enVerid HLRs contributed to LEED categories shown.

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Excellent Indoor Air Quality

9 LEED points for Indoor Environmental Quality were awarded to the building based on measured results showing all contaminants of concern are below LEED IAQP EQpc68 Pilot Credit limits, illustrating the building has sufficient ventilation and adequate filtration.

Figure 10 compares CO2 levels before and after HLR technology is installed. With HLR technology, and full building occupancy, CO2 levels are below the LEED EQpc68 Pilot Credit limit of 1,000 ppm (700 ppm + local outdoor concentration).

enVerid Case Study – Technology Company Research Headquarters Building

Figure 9: Excerpt from the energy and LEED consultant’s LEED point summary report. The research headquarters building earned the maximum LEED EAc1 points for commercial interiors, 10 points. Without the enVerid HLR modules, the building would have received only five points.

One thing I love about the enVerid HLR system is the enVerid Cloud’s online Indoor Air Quality Management. I can see our air quality in real-time, and can easily provide air quality and energy consumption reports to Building Management. Environmental responsibility is key to the company, so it’s important to demonstrate how our building is continuously meeting environmental goals.

Technical Manager Technology Company

Figure 10: Comparison of CO2, TVOC, and formaldehyde with and without HLR technology. Please note that measurements taken without HLR were directly after building construction which contributed to elevated levels of TVOC and formaldehyde.

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In addition to CO2, enVerid tested four other inorganics, particulate matter with an aerodynamic size of less than 2.5 (PM2.5), ammonia, carbon monoxide, and ozone. Prior to the HLR modules installation, ammonia, carbon monoxide, and ozone were found in near-zero concentration, therefore they were omitted from further testing (per approval by LEED USGBC). PM2.5 concentrations were estimated from airborne particle counts of particles 0.5 μm and larger and 2.5 μm and larger. All sampled locations showed PM2.5 concentrations maintained below the LEED IAQP EQpc68 Pilot Credit limit, 15 μg/m3 (see Figure 11).

enVerid Case Study – Technology Company Research Headquarters Building

Figure 11: PM2.5 concentration testing for LEED certification, with HLR. LEED IAQP EQpc68 Pilot Credit exposure limit for PM2.5 is 15 μg/m3.

Normally additional HVAC optimization takes place years after a building has been constructed. In this case, the value proposition of LEED points and energy savings was so compelling we installed enVerid HLRs immediately after the building was constructed.

HVAC and LEED Consultant

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CAS Exposure Limit


Measured Results with HLR (μg/m3)

Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 140 6.2

Benzene 71-43-2 60 3.7

Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 40 0.3

Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 2,000 3.3

Formaldehyde 50-00-0 33 23

Hexane (C6) 110-54-3 7,000 6.1

Isopropanol 67-63-0 7,000 9

Methylene chloride 75-09-2 400 0.3

Naphthalene 91-20-3 9 0.9

Styrene 100-42-5 900 0.6

Toluene 108-88-3 300 17.5

m,p-Xylene 108-38-3; 106-42-3


o-Xylene 95-47-6 700 6

Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 800

Undetectable: contaminant not

present, or concentration too low to be measured.

Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 1,000

Chloroform 67-66-3 300

Dichlorobenzene (1,4-) 106-46-7 800

Dichloroethylene (1,1) 75-35-4 70

Dimethylformamide (N,N-) 68-12-2 80

Dioxane (1,4-) 123-91-1 3,000

Epichlorohydrin 106-89-8 3

Ethylene glycol 107-21-1 400

Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether

110-80-5 70

Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate

111-15-9 300

Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether

109-86-4 60

Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate

110-49-6 90

Isophorone 78-59-1 2,000

Methyl chloroform 71-55-6 1,000

Methyl t-butyl ether 1634-04-4 8,000

Phenol 108-95-2 200

Propylene glycol monomethyl ether

107-98-2 7,000

Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene)

127-18-4 35

Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 600

Vinyl acetate 108-05-4 200

enVerid Case Study – Technology Company Research Headquarters Building

VOC measurements included TVOC and a full scan of speciated (separated by species) VOCs identified by the USGBC for the LEED IAQP EQpc68 Pilot Credit as VOC contaminants of concern. The results, shown in Figure 11 above and Figure 12 below, demonstrate the air scrubbing effectiveness of the HLR technology.

Figure 12: All measurement samples of VOC contaminants after one week of running the HVAC system were well below their established limits by cognizant authorities documented by the USGBC’s LEED IAQP EQpc68 Pilot Credit.

This was our first project with HLR technology. enVerid’s people were professional, responsive, and razor-sharp. I especially value how much support they gave us for the IAQ and LEED aspects of the project.

HVAC and LEED Consultant

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Mixtures of Concern (MOC), introduced as part of ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2016 IAQP, are two or more hazardous substances that have a similar toxicological effect on the same target organ or system. Their combined effect should be considered additive, as exposure to low concentrations of MOC may cause adverse effects to human health2. Figure 13 shows the identified MOC and the organ-impact related characteristics of each.

To show compliance, the ratio of the measured concentration of each contaminant to its exposure limit is determined, and the sum of these ratios for each MOC group should not be greater than one. The result of these calculations is shown in the bottom row of Figure 13. The threshold limit of each MOC is below 1, therefore each one meets the limit.

Ongoing IAQ Measurements

Ongoing measurements are done by enVerid Cloud’s 24/7 Indoor Air Quality Management system using TVOC and CO2 sensors embedded in each of the HLR modules. Results of the continuous monitoring, presented below in Figure 14, align with the detailed lab-analyzed measurements and indicate that when the HLR modules are on, the air quality of the building is excellent.

MOC 1, Basis Upper Respiratory


MOC 2, Basis Eye Irritation

MOC 3, Basis Kidney Damage

MOC 4, Basis Central Nervous


MOC 5, Basis Liver Damage

MOC 6, Basis Fetal Damage

Acetaldehyde Acetaldehyde Dichlorobenzene (1,4-)

Acetone Carbon tetrachloride


Acetone Acetone Ethylbenzene Chloroform Chloroform Toluene

Diethyl phthalate Dichlorobenzene (1,4-)

Hexane (n-)

Ethylbenzene Formaldehyde Methylene chloride

Formaldehyde Hexane (n-) Nonanal

Naphthalene Ozone Octanal

Octanal Xylene (m/p-, o-)v Phenol

Ozone Styrene

Phenol Tetrachloroethylene

Styrene Trichloroethylene

Xylene (m/p-, o-) Xylene (m/p-, o-)

0.879 0.778 0.002 0.038 0.008 0.058

enVerid Case Study – Technology Company Research Headquarters Building

2 Cognizant Authority: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), 2017, “TLVs and BEIs - Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents & Biological Exposure Indices”

Figure 13: All MOC calculations are below a value of 1, and therefore below the threshold specified in ASHRAE 62.1-2016 IAQP.

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Occupant IAQ Survey

Subjective evaluation by building occupants deemed the building had satisfactory indoor air quality. Per the LEED IAQP EQpc68 Pilot Credit, building occupants were surveyed to access indoor air quality with the HLR on. With HLR technology, 88% of respondents were satisfied with, or neutral about, indoor air quality, see Figure 15.

The HLR system has been operating for about two years now and we have not received any complaints about IAQ or comfort.

Technical Manager Technology Company

“enVerid Case Study – Technology Company Research Headquarters Building

Figure 14: Snapshot from the enVerid Cloud real-time monitoring system, showing CO2 and TVOC for June 6, 2016.

Figure 15: The majority of building occupants were satisfied with, or neutral about, the building’s indoor air quality when the HLR system was on.

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IAQ sampling and survey data documented compliance with LEED IAQP Pilot Credit ACP 68 during HLR operation.

17 tons Peak HVAC Load Reduction

The HLR modules reduced peak HVAC load by 17 tons, which corresponds to a 11.5% decrease in peak HVAC load, to the building’s already highly energy efficient HVAC system. This savings impacts the “demand charges” on a utility bill, which in many locations, has a major impact on the overall cost of electricity. In addition, when the company replaces the HVAC equipment in the future, the peak capacity required will be 17 tons less, providing significant savings in capital expense.

Energy Savings of $26,890 per Year

Based on building simulation for reducing outside air by 16,950 CFM (57%), adding HLR modules resulted in an annual energy savings of 146,975 kWh (13.6%). Using state energy rates for cooling days, annual energy savings are projected to be $26,890. Cooling days are assumed to be 8am-8pm, Sunday through Thursday, May through September.

Energy metering of the summer months, as shown in Figure 16, demonstrates an average daily summer savings of 1,342kWh, a 33% reduction. Energy measurements for when the HLR system was on were taken with 13,000 CFM outside air (OA), which was a 57% reduction compared to VRP.

Energy Cost Reduced

$26,890 Annually

enVerid Case Study – Technology Company Research Headquarters Building

Figure 16: Snapshot of measured daily summer HVAC energy consumption. Data for each bar represents the cool-ing power for each 12-hour period (800am to 8:00pm), as determined by integrating the readings on the chilled water meters. “Without HLR” measurements were taken with 30,000CFM OA (using ASHRAE 62.1 Ventilation Rate Procedure). “With HLR” measurements were taken with 13,000CFM OA (using ASHRAE 62.1 Indoor Air Quality Procedure).

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enVerid Systems, Inc. is committed to improving energy efficiency and indoor air quality in buildings worldwide through its innovative HVAC Load Reduction® (HLR®) solutions. Awarded the prestigious 2016 R&D 100 Award, enVerid is the only solution that helps commercial, education and government buildings remove carbon dioxide (CO2), aldehydes, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and particulate matter (PM2.5) from indoor air, reducing the outside air intake required for ventilation. enVerid’s HLR technology is ASHRAE-compliant and has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. General Services Administration’s Green Proving Ground Program, and the U.S. Green Building Council. For more information, please visit

© Copyright 2017 enVerid Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. HLR and Load Reduction are registered trademarks of enVerid Systems, Inc. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. | 11.17 [email protected]

Compliance with ASHRAE 62.1 IAQP

Additional Savings:

• Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions: An average annual energy savings of 146,975 kWh reduced company’s annual CO2 emissions by 103 metric tons (19%).

• Water Savings: A reduction in outdoor air often results in a water make-up and wastewater savings since less cooling is required. A separate water meter specifically for this was not available and so not included in the overall project savings.

• Filters: A 57% reduction in outside air can extend the lifetime of the outside air filters and lessen the impact of pollen and dust on maintenance.

• Reduced Corrosion: A reduction in outdoor air intake provides several secondary benefits that include extending the useful life of the existing mechanical equipment and ductwork.

ConclusionThe Technology Company is dedicated to making the best products on earth, and to leaving the world better than they found it. They continuously deliver on their promise of environmental responsibility, designing new buildings with the environment top of mind.

The research headquarters was designed to be one of the “greenest” buildings in the state, and their commitment to continuous improvement drove them to evaluate even more innovative solutions to receive highest possible LEED certification. Installation of two enVerid HLR modules was the answer.

Results: Reduced HVAC capacity, Improved Energy Efficiency and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

• 14 LEED points, elevating the building from Silver to Gold• 17 tons reduction in HVAC cooling peak load • $26,890 energy cost savings annually• 57% average reduction in outside air (IAQP using HLR technology vs VRP)• 103 metric ton reduction in Green House Gases (GHG) • All contaminants of concern are maintained at a healthy level• Extended filter life• Water and wastewater savings• Better indoor air comfort

enVerid Case Study – Technology Company Research Headquarters Building

By adding HLR modules, the Research Headquarters Building achieved 14 additional LEED points - 9 for Indoor Air Quality and 5 for energy efficiency. If the building could file under NCv3 for new construction energy efficiency, an additional 2 points would have been awarded totaling 16 added LEED points by the enVerid HLR system. This is particularly remarkable given the HVAC design was already highly efficient.

HVAC and LEED Consultant