Download - Abi

  • 1. Happy Birthday Abhi

2. TransformationHow she was How she became at IIMB 3. Bird watching fundaes Abhi: Hey nithya, watch 4 O clock Nithya: What? Abhi: He looks exxactly likeSIMBU!! Nithya: Is it? Abhi: Arre look in this angle Nithya: Ooooooh Abhi: Lets TRACK him! 4. Her enthu for Social Service 5. Incentives to him in her room!! 6. Private ConsultingCounsellor forOUTLIERspersonalproblems!! 7. A secret Sec C admirerBehind her name plate in class 8. But her heart longs forsomeone else inChennai.... 9. In spite of all this,her true love isfor.... 10. Cometo hoosh meat D-base