Download - AAPOR 69 th Annual Conference 5/16/2014 Casey Langer Tesfaye American Institute of Physics Reporting Data in the Social Media World Panel Title: Practical.

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AAPOR 69th Annual Conference5/16/2014

Casey Langer TesfayeAmerican Institute of Physics

Reporting Data in the Social Media World

Panel Title: Practical Applications for Social Media in Survey Research

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•It has always been difficult to control the trajectory of published data

•Can we leverage social media to increase Awareness of trajectory? Accessibility of findings? Accuracy of interpretations?

Page 3: AAPOR 69 th Annual Conference 5/16/2014 Casey Langer Tesfaye American Institute of Physics Reporting Data in the Social Media World Panel Title: Practical.

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Proposed solution- topical case study

•Twitter search stream Women + physics September + October 2013

At the Solvay Conference on Physics in 1927, the only woman in attendance was Marie Curie (bottom row, third from left).Source:

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Proposed solution- topical case study

•Twitter search stream Women + physics September + October 2013

•Find references to survey data Look for patterns

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Proposed solution- topical case study

•Twitter search stream Women + physics September + October 2013

•Find references to survey data Look for patterns

•Goal: practical, data-driven recommendations

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7 Corey S. Powell ?@coreyspowell Oct 10Men and women really do communicate differently...according to an analysis of old Enron emails. … View summary Reply Retweet Favorite More Olivier DA COSTA ?@olivierdacosta Oct 10Why Are There Still So Few Women in Science? ¦ NYT - Meg Urry, professor of physics and astronomy at Yale View summary Reply Retweet Favorite More Physics ?@Physics360 Oct 10Women: Life Sciences v. the Lifeless Sciences: My current Taki's article reflects upon an impassioned New York... Expand Reply Retweet Favorite More James Holloway ?@grasshapa Oct 9“Data Mining Reveals the Emotional Differences in Emails Written by Men and Women” by @arxivblog … View summary Reply Retweet Favorite More Matthew Feickert ?@HEPfeickert Oct 9For those applying to grad school in physics, you should seriously consider a department's Female Friendliness. | …Expand Reply Retweet Favorite More

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Working with Twitter data

•Twitter data needs a framework or structure•Generalizing conclusions is tricky territory

Completeness Representativeness

•BUT there is much to be learned

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Data Structure

•First goal: transform the data into a usable form

Text 1 url 1 Text 2 url 2 Text 3

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Some basic numbers

•Dataset had 1894 lines, which collapsed down to 251 tweets

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Groom the data

•Isolate relevant tweets Some don’t reference survey data or relevant


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Grooming text data is challenging

•I only want references to pieces that report survey data

but how?

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Some Tweets are easy to remove

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Some are harder to judge

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Automating is the way to go

•In a larger scale data set, manual investigations are impossible

Start with a sample, develop a strategy, hone and measure its effectiveness

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Structure the data

survey data

Original source link auto text

Auto link handle Tweet text date

1 0

Why Are There Still So Few Women in Science?


Only 20% of physics PhDs are awarded to women. And only 14% of US physics professors are women. #STEM #persevere 10/14

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Some metrics

•40% of the tweets containing links led to survey data (n=74)

Only 6 of those tweets linked to original sources

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Looking for a starting point

•How to group Tweets or sources that belong together?

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Link duplication

•Many different ways to look at links Link in Tweet (lowest # of dupes) Full link of referred url Autolink from url

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Link duplication

•By Autotext: 52 of 74 Tweets were in duplicate sets

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Largest set: 25 Tweets

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NY Times article

•Date range of Tweets October 3-20

Oct 3 Oct 5 Oct 7 Oct 9 Oct 13 Oct 15 Oct 200








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The Viral Myth and Justin Bieber Effect

Source: paper:

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Second largest set: 13 Tweets

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Let’s Talk about Autotext

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Why Are There Still So Few Women in Science?Long but interesting. Why there are fewer women in Physics.Why are their so few women in science (and especially physics)? An amazing longform piece by Eileen Pollack.Physics grad ponders, "Why so few #womeninscience?"Women and science still don't mix, and this former physics student wants to know whyAt the Solvay Conference on Physics in 1927, the only woman in attendance was Marie Curie.Before @EileenPollack had an MFA & led workshops in Tent: Creative Writing, she studied physics. #womeninscienceTho useful, this piece tells only part of the story. RT @AliciaMorga My high school didn't even have a physics classFormer top physics pupil at Yale seeks out former classmates and professors to figure out why there are still so...Fascinating read on why, for ex, only 1/5 of Physics PhDs go to women "@nytimes: Why are so few women in science?As one of *very* few women in the physics program @UTAustin in the mid-80s, this hits 2 close 2 home.Excellent review by the NYT of the physics world for women... Challenges we have all faced with stereotypesMy HS biology, chemistry & physics teachers were women. Unusual and fortunate for me. #stem #edu11 girls out of 85 in my college physics class. Trying hard to recruit moreWe need content rich teachers, but no mention of as a career for Yale Physics majors? #WhatitTakes #EducationNationWomen in science: one-fifth of physics PhD's in the US are awarded to women and only half of those are Americans.Interesting read. Why are there still so few women in science? More women in medical research than physics, luckily.Only 14% of US physics professors are #women. Is a change in culture the key to parity?My @Penn physics PhD class was 50% female. #goupenn Why Are There Still So Few Women in Science?Why Are There Still So Few Women in Science?If only one person had said, "You can do this."Only 20% of physics PhDs are awarded to women. And only 14% of US physics professors are women. #STEM #persevereMostly, though, I didn’t go on in physics because not a single professor encouraged me to go to graduate school.Female Physics Professor @Yale discusses the barriers for women in scienceWell that's alarming: "Of all the physics professors in the United States, only 14 percent are women."

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Tweets come from a variety of sources

•Text comes from: Autotext Title photo caption article content from the user themselves

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Tweets use a variety of strategies

•Strategies include Summarizing the story Personalizing the story Pulling out key points Commentary about the article

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Women and science still don't mix, and this former physics student wants to know why

Women and science still don't mix, and this former physics student wants to know why: It's been more tha...

Women and science still don't mix, and this former physics student wants to know why

Women and science still don't mix, and this former physics student wants to know why - It’s been more than...

Women and science still don't mix, and this former physics student wants to know why

Women and science still don't mix much & this former physics student wants to know why -

Women and science still don't mix, and this former physics student wants to know why

Women and science still don't mix, and this former physics student wants to know why

Women and science still don't mix, and this former physics student wants to know why | The Verge

Yahoo News Tech : Women and science still don't mix, and this former physics student wants to know why

Women and science still don't mix, and this former physics student wants to ... - The Verge

Women and science still don't mix, and this former physics student wants to ... - The Verge

Women and science still don't mix, and this former physics student wants to ... - The Verge

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And yet only one Tweet used the autolink:

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None of the autotext included stats

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32#USA: #Women earn 60% of B.A.'s - but only 20% in computer #science, 20% in physics & 18% in engineering@Physicsupdate20: All-Male Physics Departments Are Not Proof of Bias Against Hiring Women11 girls out of 85 in my college physics class. Trying hard to recruit moreAll-Male Physics Departments Are Not Proof of Bias Against Hiring Women ... - Lab Manager Laboratory NewsAll-male physics departments are not proof of bias against hiring women, analysis findsAs one of *very* few women in the physics program @UTAustin in the mid-80s, this hits 2 close 2 home.At the Solvay Conference on Physics in 1927, the only woman in attendance was Marie Curie. Fascinating read on why, for ex, only 1/5 of Physics PhDs go to women "@nytimes: Why are so few women in science?Girls in communities with women in #STEM are more likely to take Physics —a key indicator of interest in engineeringGirls who grow up in communities with many women working in #STEM fields are more likely to take Physics classes:In communities with large numbers of women employed in #STEM, more females take high school #physics.Interesting read. Why are there still so few women in science? More women in medical research than physics, luckily.MT @ASCETweets: Girls in cities w/ women in #STEM more likely to take Physics—an indicator of engineering interestMT @SkanskaUSA @ASCETweets Girls in communities w/ women in #STEM are more likely to take Physics.MT @skanskausa: MT @ASCETweets Girls in communities w /#STEM women more likely 2take Physics- interest in engineeringMy @Penn physics PhD class was 50% female. #goupenn Why Are There Still So Few Women in Science?My HS biology, chemistry & physics teachers were women. Unusual and fortunate for me. #stem #eduMy retweets by gender: 40% women, 60% men. #tweeqOnly 14% of US physics professors are #women. Is a change in culture the key to parity?Only 20% of physics PhDs are awarded to women. And only 14% of US physics professors are women. #STEM #perseverePer the chart with this article, only physics has fewer female PhDs than philosophy :RT @ASCETweets Girls in communities w/ women in #STEM are more likely to take Physics — interest in engineeringRT @ThePublicSquare: Why women earn only 39% of chemistry, 34% of economics and 20% of physics PhDs.The American Physics Society released ranking of 145 most female-friendly depts.Tho useful, this piece tells only part of the story. RT @AliciaMorga My high school didn't even have a physics classWell that's alarming: "Of all the physics professors in the United States, only 14 percent are women."Why Don't Girls Grok Physics?: I am from India and went to a high school where 60 percent of the girls ...Women earn 60% of bach deg but 20% of comp sci deg, 20% of physics deg, 18% percent of eng degWomen in science: one-fifth of physics PhD's in the US are awarded to women and only half of those are Americans.Women who study science less likely than men to end up working in physics, maths & eng but much more likely to teach

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•Easy to spot large scale misinterpretations

•But how to catch small? What do misinterpretations look like?

Case study? Corpus? Comment streams or a variety of searches can

provide more data

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People of Twitter

•Tweeters are independent content curators We can’t control what they say or how they

say it or even necessarily be aware of all of it•But maybe we can afford the kind of talk we want

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In summary

•Twitter behavior patterned, but far less streamlined than we might have assumed

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In summary

•What are the key metrics?* Timeline of Tweets Twitter handles (counts, networks)

Source of text

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Some guidelines•Consider your goals:

To be credited with analysis To spread correct information

•Make sharing easy Link to specific article, not a dynamic page

stream Prime headlines, captions, autotext, and links

for sharing•Be aware of key players

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Potential areas for future work

Monitor Tweets over time Set up API & web crawler Generate and check custom metrics (e.g.

dashboard)•Store whole articles and compare text to Tweet

Isolate & compare citations of stats?

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Potential areas for future work

•Network structure of dissemination for stories Find key nodes in your network

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Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

•Email me: Casey Langer Tesfaye: [email protected]

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Extra slides start hereReally? There’s more?I’m not amused.

Really? There’s more?I’m not amused.

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•Can we know our networks?•What kinds of searches can or should we monitor and how?•How can we set up our research results in the most shareable way?

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Research Questions

•Research questions can evolve from the data Timeline of dissemination Network of dissemination Use of autotext Original sources? Correct interpretations?

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Network analysis?•Only one account tweeted links to survey data more than once