Download - AA Big Book

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Way back in the 1930s began a revolution that brought a new ray of hope in the life of an addict who was quite literally drowning in the clutches of his dependence on alcohol. This ray of hope brought with it a new light that could show a person the path to come out of that quick-sand-like clutches that alcohol possessed, dragging him down even further whenever he tried to escape or come out of it. The cloud of alcoholism has always been like that, bringing darkness, blocking out the warmth of happiness and looming over the life of the addict like an impending storm that would be his doom. But then, this revolution, this new found way to bring the light back came forward with a promise of better things in the future. And that revolution was the AA Big Book.

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This book has been the bane of existence for raging alcoholics the world over. This book has shown millions upon millions of people the way to come out of their substance dependency issues, not just in case of alcohol but also for drugs, chemicals and even sex. This book has even shown people the way to look forward and meet the challenges head on that substance withdrawal throws at you so that once you are out of the addiction, you are out of it for good. The AA Big Book has truly been a revolution like no other!

The thing with this book is the way it deals with the problems of addiction. Ever since alcohol was discovered, people have been becoming addicts and have been trying to fight their dependencies on it in all kinds of ways. But no other format of addiction recovery has been as effective as the one that was spelled out in the Big Book. And that method is the twelve step way to an addiction free life. This sure shot method of dealing with addiction has been like a breath of fresh air in a world where sham strategies and unhealthy practices for managing substance dependencies dominate the scene.

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Another thing that sets apart AA Big Books from the rest of the addiction recovery aids that are available in the market is the way these books tend to connect with people. Talk to any recovering addict who has ever given the Big Book a read and he will tell you just how easy it was for him to relate to every single word that was mentioned in it. The stories, the examples, the simple yet powerful narration of it all – the Alcoholics Anonymous group has done a lot more than just creating a recovery aid for addicts. They have created a literary masterpiece.

So if you are dealing with addiction issues of your own or have someone close to you who is going through these battles, place your trust upon the AA Big Books. You can buy these easily from websites like

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