Download -ईस ट प इ ट स क ल कक ष -१ व षय- ह द अभ य स पत र क न म-_____



Name: ______________ Grade: -_______________

Class: - I Date: - ________________

Section:-________ Teacher’s Sign: ____________

Q1.Complete the web.


___________________ _________________

Q2.Fill in the blanks using the help box:

a. We get ________________ from plants.

b. We wear ________________ clothes to keep us warm.

c. We use a ___________________ to protect us from rain.

d. We get ________________ fibre from silkworm.

e. _______________ help us to look smart.

Q3. Match the correct pair:

a. Shoes school bag

b. Shirt gloves

c. Sweater socks

d. Gumboots trousers

e. School uniform raincoat

Clothes protect us


HELPBOX- silk umbrella woollen clothes cotton

Help box- car train boat bicycle aeroplane

Q4 . Which means of transport will you use while travelling:

a. From Delhi to Australia _______________________

b. Across a river ________________________

c. From home to nearby market _________________________

d. To a city 50 km far __________________________

e. From Mumbai to Hyderabad __________________________

Q5. Given below are some vehicles. Can you tell where do they run.

Water Land Air

Q6. Draw and name one land, air and water transport.

Help box- Truck Hot Air Balloon Submarine

Scooter Helicopter Sail Boat Cruise ship

Car Aeroplane Metro Fighterplane Yacht

Water Land Water Land Air Air

ईस्ट पॉइंट स्कूल


विषय- ह दंी अभ्यास पत्रिका नाम-_________ हदनााँक-_________

1. िर्ण लेकर शब्द बनाइए- 2.िर्ण

प ेली में से दस फलों के नाम ढूाँढकर र्ोला लर्ाइए और ललखिए-

................... ...................

................... .................

................... .................

................... .................

................... .................

3.पह़िए और ललखिए-

सं त रा क से

प अं र्ू र ब

पी के जा आ डू

ता ला मु म ची ली ची न ज कू

एक अनेक

1. तारा ............................

2. बच्चा ............................

3. पत्ता ............................

4. चूहा ............................

5. थैला .............................

6. आँख ..............................

7. पुस्तक ...............................

8. पतंग ................................

4. मािा प चानकर स ी शब्द पर र्ोला लर्ाइए-

कक मटर गगरर पीला

का नाला ममल चीनी

की जाल गरम दीदी


Practice Worksheet (Has, Have and Question Words)

Subject: - English

Name: __________

Class: - II Date: - __________

Use of Has and Have

Use has when the subject is a singular noun or singular pronoun.

Use have when the subject is a plural noun or plural pronoun.

The first person singular pronoun ‘I’ also take have.

Q1 Complete the following sentences using has or have.

1. My parents _______ got an old Rolls Royce.

2. She ______ got two daughters.

3. You _____ have a beautiful frock.

4. Alice ______ beautiful handwriting.

5. They ______ party tonight in their house.

6. I _______ sharpener in my pencil box.

7. I never ______ breakfast in the morning.

8. An elephant _________ four legs and a long trunk.

9. I _______ many friends.

10. A rabbit ______ long hair.

11. Do you _____ a balloon?

12. Mary _______ a book.

13. We _____a big house.

14. I wish I could ______ a pet.

Question Words

Q2 Fill in the blanks using question words.

1. _______ are you going?

2. _______ is the party?

3. ______ are you late?

4. _______ old is the baby?

5. ________ is your bag?

6. _________do you live?

7. _______ is your birthday?

8. ________ are you crying?

9. _________ do you want to eat for lunch?

10. _______ is your favourite cartoon?

11. _______ is you new car?

12. ______ are you feeling now?

13. _______ is the party?

14. _______ are you feeling sleepy?

15. ________ is there in your hand?

16. ________ is at the door?

17. _______ are you dancing?

18. ________ is your brother?

19. _______ are you coming?

20. ________ are you wearing for the party?

When Where

What How Why


ईस्ट पॉइंट स्कूल

कक्षा- II विषय - ह दंी अभ्यास पत्रिका

नाम :______________________ दिनाांक : ______________ .................................................................................................................................................................

निम्ि िाक्यों में स ी विशेषण शब्द भरिए-

1. बाहर .....................बच्चे खेल रहे हैं। (कुछ, एक)

2. अब वह ..................हो चुके हैं। (बूढे, बच्चे)

3. अनार ......................होता है। (लाल, लंबा)

4. मााँ ने...................साड़ी खरीदी। (संुदर, मूखख)

5. गाय का रंग .........................होता है।( सफेद, पााँच )

6. गुनगुन ने एक........................ग़ीत सुनाया। (मधुर, गुलाब़ी)

चिि देखकि िीिे हदए गए िाक्य पूिा किें। (ििि)

आसमान में ...........................उड रही है। मेरे पास बहुत–स़ी...................हैं।

बाजार में कई प्रकार की........................ममल रही है। ……......………….नाच रहें हैं।

िीिे हदए गए चिि को देखकि अपिे शब्दों में इसका िणणि किें ।






Practice Worksheet

Subject: English Grammar

Name: ____________ Date: - __________

Class: - III Section:-________


Q.1 Fill in the blanks with correct form of the verbs in simple present tense:

1. I usually _________ to work by car but my friend ____________.

a) go-walks b) goes-walks c) go-walk d) goes-walks

2. Appu never __________ breakfast.

a) eat b) eats c) ate d) has eaten

3. She __________ the piano and her brother _____________.

a) plays-dances b) play-dance c) plays- dance d) play-dances

4. They _________ in a very big house but we __________ a small house.

a) lives-has b) live-have c) live-has d) lives-have

5. Arun __________ near us. We often __________ him.

a) lives-sees b) live-see c) live-sees d) lives-see

6. She ____________ to the cinema a lot.

a) go b) goes c) went d) has gone

7. I _____________ Tennis and my brother ___________ football.

a) play-plays b) plays-plays c) plays-play d)play-play

8. We __________ eight hours a night.

a) sleep b) sleeps c) slept d) had slept

Q.2 Fill in the blanks using correct prepositions of time (in, on, at)

1. I came to school ________ Wednesday.

2. Are you going to work ____________ the summer holidays?

3. My exam is _____________ 8th August.

4. I have lunch ___________ 1:30pm.

5. I always go out ___________ Friday nights.

6. I get up late __________ weekends.

7. My birthday is ________ June.

8. I sometimes work ___________ Sunday.

Q.3 Read the passage and answer the following questions:

Bees live in a house that is called a hive. There are three kinds of bees: workers, drones, and

queens. Only one queen bee can live in each hive. If she is lost or dead, the other bees will

stop their work. Bees are very wise and busy little creatures. They all join together to build

cells of wax for their honey. Each bee takes its proper place and does its own work. Some go

out and gather honey from the flowers; others stay at home and work inside the hive. It is not

safe for children to handle bees. Bees have a painful sting that they use in their defence.

I. Answer the following questions:

a) How many queen bees live in a hive?



b) What happens if a queen bee is lost or dead?



c) Why is it not safe for the children to handle bees?



d) Find out synonym (same meaning) of the given word from the passage:-

collect: _____________ (line 5)

e) Find out antonym (opposite meaning) of the given word from the passage:-

painless: ______________ (line 6)

East Point School

Social Science Practice worksheet

Topic-India : Political

Name: ___________ Class-III ______ Date:___________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

I Choose the correct answer:-

1. The central government of India is located in

a. New Delhi b.Bengaluru c.Hyderabad

2. India is located in the southern part of the continent of

a. South America b. Asia c.Africa

3. The ____________________mountain act as a natural boundary of India

a. Alps b. Himalayas c.Rockies

4. Which of the following is the neighbour of India in East ?

a.Pakistan b.Sri lanka c. Bangladesh

5. Chennai is capital of which state of India?

a.Tamil Nadu b.Punjab c.West Bengal

II. Name the following :

1. The smallest state __________________

2. The largest State __________________________

3. The Most populated state _____________________

4. The least populated state ____________________

5. A state where most of the people speak Malayalam ______________

6. The northern most state _______________________

7. The smallest Union Territory __________________________

8. The Largest Union territory _________________

9. National Capital Territory __________________________

10. The capital of this state is Shimla ________________________.

III. label the diagram (mark the three water bodies surrounding India )

IV. Mark the following on the map given below :

1. India’s neighbor in south _________________

2. The state where many people speak Gujrati ._____________________

3. The coldest state____________________________

4. Mt Everest is located in this country __________________________

5. The place where your school is located. .

V. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the two official languages of India? ____________________________________________

2. How many regional languages are spoken in India?________________________________________

3. How many states and union territories are there in India ? ________________________________

4. India is divided into states because



VII. Write the capitals of these countries AND STATES :

1. Afganistan ________________

2. China _________________________

3. Sri Lanka ____________________

4. Madhya Pradesh ______________________

5. Rajasthan _____________________________





Q1 Multiple choice question:

a) River _____________ divides the peninsular plateau into Central and Deccan plateau.

i) Tapi ii) Narmada iii) Godavari

b) The ____________ plateau is the largest plateau in India.

i) Central plateau ii) Malwa plateau iii) Deccan plateau

c) The _____________ plateau is a mineral rich plateau.

i)Chhota Nagpur ii)Chhota Malwa iii) Nagpur Malwa

d) ________________ is the common plant found in The Thar Desert.

i) Cotton ii) Sunflower iii) Cactus

e) A plateau is also known as _________

i) Mountain ii) Tableland iii) Plains

Q2. Answer in word of the following:

a. The place where crude oil or petroleum is taken out from deep under the sea.


b. Coal, crude oil and natural gas are known as ___________________

c. A natural resource that, once used, is not available again is known as?


d. The heaviest metal.____________________

e. The metal used for making ornaments.__________________

f. Digging out minerals from the surface of the earth is called as?


g. Coal is mainly used to generate ________________.

Q3.Write any two states name were the given minerals are found:-

a) iron ore - ______________, ___________________

b) coal - _________________ , ___________________

c) petrol /natural gas-___________________, _______________________

d) copper- ____________________, _______________________

e) mica- ______________________, ______________________

f) aluminium- __________________, ______________________

g) manganese- ______________________, ________________________

h) gold- _______________________,

Q4. How are canals useful for the people of Rajasthan?



Q5. Complete the given Abbreviation:-





Q6. Mark the places on the political map using the following hints:

a. Kolar mines are found in this state.

b. Manganese is found in this state.

c. Petroleum and natural gas is found in this state.

d. Aluminium is found in this state.

e. Which state is known as the largest mineral reserves state in the country?

f. Cotton Industries are found in this state.

g. Automobile Industries are found in this state.

h. Iron and steel Industries are found in this state.

i. Electric goods Industries are found in this state.

j. Ship building Industries are found in this state.

k. Oil refining Industries are found in this state.




TOPIC: PAST TENSE (Yesterday Words)


I. Choose any three verbs and make sentences from their simple past form.

(by adding –d or –ed)

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________

II. It is not always that the past form of verb has –d or –ed at the end.

Here is a list of simple past form of verbs. Some have been done for you.

Please complete the list.

1. sing Sang 9. make

2. say Said 10. cry

3. are Were 11. carry Carr

4. understood 13. bring

5. run 14. fly

6. go 15. marry

7. study 16. swim

III. Circle all the past tense verbs given in the passage.

walk laugh wait dance smile pick move

Last weekend I visited my Aunt Anne. She lives in Washington D. C. and owns a big

farm in the countryside. My Uncle Steve likes cattle. He went to a cattle market last

month and bought five new cows. My Aunt celebrated the new purchase and baked a

cake as a surprise for my Uncle Steve. We ate the cake together. It was delicious!

Tomorrow I will bake a cake myself for my family. I know they will love it.

IV. Complete each sentence by changing the verb given in the bracket into simple past tense.

One has been done for you.

a) The birds flew (fly) in the sky.

b) The boys ___________________ (run) in the field.

c) The girls___________________ (decorate) the room for the surprise party.

d) Mother ___________________ (tells) me a mystery story.

e) Father ___________________ (goes) to park for his morning walk.

f) I ___________________ (watch) the birds quietly.

g) Mohan ___________________ (wears) a red cap.

h) I ___________________ (understand) tenses well.

V. Rewrite each sentence by changing the verb to the past form.

a) She waits for me at the bus stop.


b) They try to solve the problem themselves.


c) The monkeys jump from tree to tree.


d) The goldsmith thinks of a clever plan.


e) I see a lion in the forest.





Q1. Choose the correct option:

a. Gandhi ji gave the name ‘Harijans’ to _______________

i. Priests ii. Social Workers iii. People who were regarded as ‘Untouchables’

b. Satyagrah means_____________

i. Speaking truth ii. Violent protest iii. Fasting

c. Gandhi ji came back to India in the year __________

i. 1919 ii. 1922 iii. 1915

d. The army formed by Subhash Chandra Bose was _______________

i. Azad Hind Fauj ii. Indian National congress iii. Indian fighter army

e. The world war II began in the year ________

i. 1935 ii. 1939 iii. 1945

Q2. Identify the freedom fighters:

_________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Q4. Picture based questions:

a. Identify the incident in the given picture.

b. From where did this march begin?

c. What was Civil Disobedience movement?

Q3. Describe the Jallianwala Bagh incident:

Q5. Mention the year in which the following incidents took place:

a. Chauri Chaura incident- _______

b. Quit India Movement- ________

c. Simon Commision- ________

d. Civil Disobedience Movement- ________

e. Jallianwala Bagh Incident-_______

f. return of Gandhiji to India-_______

g. World war II ends-__________

h. India gets freedom-_________

Q6. ‘Gandhi ji called off the Non-Cooperation movement.’ Why?





East Point School


Revision Worksheet - I

Name : Class: - V

Q1 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below.

(10 marks)

I. The Panchatantra is an ancient Indian work of political philosophy, in the form of a

collection of interrelated animal fables in Sanskrit. These stories have originated

around 300 BCE. The stories author is unknown. It is believed that Vishnu Sharma

may have written it, but nobody is sure. It is likely a Hindu text, and based on older

oral traditions with "animal fables that are very old.

II. The Panchatantra discusses various topics like philosophy, psychology, politics,

music, astronomy, human relationship, etc., in a simple yet elegant style. This makes

it a rare piece of literature, and a unique book. It teaches how to understand others,

how to choose reliable and trustworthy friends, how to overcome difficulties and

problems through tact and wisdom. Moreover, it illustrates how to live in peace and

harmony even in the midst of dishonesty, hypocrisy and other pitfalls in life.

III. It is certainly the most frequently translated stories and the most widely known in the

world. There is a version of Panchatantra in nearly every major language of India.

1.1 Choose the correct option to complete the statement. (1 X 6= 6)

a) The ………….. is an ancient Indian work of political philosophy.

i) Panchatantra ii) Jataka iii) both a and b

b) Panchatantra stories originated around ………….

i) 300 BCE ii) 400 BCE iii) 500 BCE

c) The author of Panchatantra is ……

i) Gautam Buddha ii) Vishnu Sharma iii) Unknown

d) The Panchatantra discusses various topics like, …..

i) philosophy, psychology. ii) politics, music iii) maths

e) It is certainly the most frequently ………….stories.

i) Translated ii) written iii) taught

f) Panchatantra is ………. fables

i) animal ii) people iii) both a and b

1.2 Answer any one of the following questions. (1 X 2= 2)

a) Panchatantra stories were originally wriiten in which language?

Ans _________________________________________________________________

b) Do you like Panchatantra stories? Give reason.

Ans _________________________________________________________________

1.3 Give the word synonym to ‘conquer’. (para II, line 3) (1 mark)

1.4 Give the word antonym to ‘unsure’ from para I, line 4. (1 mark)

Q2. Fill in the blanks with correct present or past perfect tense of verbs given in the brackets.

1. The boy has ______________ (broke) the window pane.

2. We’ve ____________ (get) leave early.

3. The party had ____________________ (start) at 7 p.m.

4. Have all our friends ___________________ reached assembly hall?

5. He had _______________ (lose) the keys at office.

6. She has _________________ (sing) song.

7. I have ___________________ (buy) a gift.

8. Everybody ____________ (heard) about Internet by 1990.

9. Why haven’t you _____________ (take) any snacks?

10. Had everybody ___________ (watch) the movie?

Q3. Change the following sentences into indirect speech.

1. Mother said, "Tony hates mushrooms."


2. They said, "This is our book."


3. Mother said, “You must have had a terrible time.”


4. Ranu said, “I am very hungry.”


5. Rahul said, “I am travelling to around America.”


6. Arana thought, “I can ride bicycle faster than my her sister.”


7. She told her teacher, “I was working with my mother.”


8. Mayank said, “I will work hard.”


Q4. Punctuate the following sentences.

a) don’t insult me ________________________________________________________

b) she set a new record ____________________________________________________

c) detective stories are more interesting _______________________________________

d) yes i agree with that ____________________________________________________