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March 2008

Dear colleagues,

We’re just days away fromSpring Break, a time which Ihope you will use to rechargeyour batteries, and spend quali-ty time with your family. Beprepared to return to work onMonday, March 24, ready tomeet the opportunities of theremaining school year.

Whether you go on a cross-country vacation, a quick get-away to the beach, or simplystay at home for some springcleaning, please be careful andcome back to work safely. Weneed each and everyone of

you. Every employee at LISD has an impor-tant role in the education of our pupils.

We have less than three months to finishthe 2007-2008 school year. Between nowand the end of May, we will be having TAKStests and final exams, along with severalimportant observances such as TeacherAppreciation Week and National LibraryWeek. Our high school students are planningtheir proms and commencement exercises.Yearbook staffs are doing final edits on theirnext editions. And finally, our grand finale,Graduation Day, which is scheduled forThursday, May 29, at the LaredoEntertainment Center.

It’s easy to get distracted when you haveso much going on at work and every studenthas his or her own learning styles, talents andchallenges. Therefore, I encourage you tostay focused and make every moment count.Picture in your mind the end result which isstated in our mission: The mission of theLaredo Independent School District is that allstudents graduate as bilingual, bi-literate, andbe responsible adults with the necessaryskills to succeed in higher education, theworkforce or the military.

It is a pleasure to work with you and it is aprivilege for me to lead this institution. CaptainEdward R. Tarver, who served as LISD’s firstsuperintendent, would be proud to see how thisschool district has grown and progressed in the

past 125 years.

Yours in the interest ofchildren,

Veronica F. GuerraSuperintendent of Schools







LISD Supt. Veronica F. Guerrahas three reasons to celebrate thismonth. First of all, she successfullydefended and presented her disser-tation at Texas A & M University inCollege Station. She has complet-ed all the requirements for her doc-toral degree in Philosophy inEducational Administration. Sheplans to participate in graduationceremonies in College Station onMay 10, 2008.

Secondly, the Texas ComputerEducation Association announcedthe selection of Dr. Guerra as a

finalist for the Superintendent of theYear award. She was announcedas one of three finalists at theTCEA annual convention in Austin,Texas recently.

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The Webb County School Lands and County Permanent School Fund presented checks to bothLaredo and United Independent School Districts during a recent press conference. Presentingthe checks was Webb County Judge Danny Valdez, shown at center. Joining Judge Valdez atthe check presentation were, from left, LISD Board of Trustees Jesus Guerra, GeorgeBeckelhymer, Board President John Peter Montalvo, Guillermina “Mina” Montes, Webb CountyCommissioner Sergio “Keko” Martinez, LISD Superintendent Veronica F. Guerra and Webb CountyCommissioner Jerry Garza.

Supt. Guerra has many reasons to celebrate

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Over pancakes and syrup, parents shared a nutri-tious meal at Heights Elementary School in celebration ofNational School Breakfast Week. A proclamation wasread by Child Nutrition Director, Margaret Lopez andschool principal, Adriana Padilla.

The National Campaign “Fuel Your Imagination” aimsat educating children and adults about the importanceand benefits of eating breakfast daily.

LISD Child Nutrition Specialists and HeightsElementary staff invited parents to enjoy breakfast with

their children to celebrate this event while creatingawareness.

The campaign is geared to help children learn aboutnutrition and foster their creativity. The district has alsoset up a creative writing contest for all students of LISD.

National School Breakfast Week is March 3 – 7.Breakfast Outer Space menu items included: PlanataryPork Tamales, Galactical Cereal, Space Fuel Juice, Outof this World French Toast and Faraway Fruit.

For more information, you may contact RobertoCuellar at 795-3650 or via e-mail at [email protected].

PPaarreennttss FFuueell tthheeiirr IImmaaggiinnaatt iioonn wwiitthh PPaannccaakkeesspage 2

LISD Campus CrimeStoppers District CoordinatorEstella Quintanilla presented attwo sessions during the TexasAttorney General's Safe Schoolsand Healthy Students Summit.The conference was held in lateFebruary in Corpus Christi.Quintanilla was the onlyLaredoan and the only CrimeStoppers Coordinator who wasinvited to be a speaker.

Quintanilla spoke on vio-lence prevention along withDorothy "Dee" Spinks, Chair ofthe Governor's Texas CrimeStoppers Advisory Council andDr. Betty Bosarge, Director ofTexas Crime Stoppers Programs.

Quintanilla became a co-sponsor of the Martin HighSchool Crime Stoppers programin 1996. She became the LISDCampus Crime StoppersCoordinator in 1997 and won theTexas Campus Coordinator of theYear Award in 2002. She is oneof twenty members on the TexasCrime Stoppers Training andTechnology Work Group whoteach at adult and campus stateconferences and Basic CrimeStoppers Training Courses.

In 2003, she taught aCampus Operational GuidelinesCourse at the Crime StoppersInternational Conference inAustralia. She has been vicepresident and president of thestate-wide Texas Crime StoppersAssociation, and is a CrimeStoppers USA, Inc. member ofthe board of directors for theState of Texas.

Under her guidance, theLISD Campus Crime Stoppersorganization has won 38 interna-tional and 18 state awards. As aresult, the program is used as amodel in the Texas CrimeStoppers manual.

She also dedicates her timeto community service, having

served as a teacher ofConfraternity of ChristianDoctrine at St. John NeumannChurch, vice president and pres-ident of LULAC Council 14,and director of LULAC District14, vice president and presidentof the Laredo Crime StoppersBoard of Directors, and treasur-er of the Laredo InternationalFair and Exposition Board ofDirectors.

Though she retired fromteaching in May, 2004, she con-tinues as district coordinator forthe LISD Campus CrimeStoppers program.

Quintanilla shares expertise at Safe Schools Summit

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March 2008

Your source for AdministrativeNews... Plus a whole lot more!Produced monthly for district employees by the Office ofCommunications and the Printing/Creative ServicesDepartment. Information may be submitted by calling theOffice of Communications at 795-3295.

Board of Trustees

John Peter MontalvoPresidentJesús J. GuerraVice PresidentGuillermina MontesSecretaryJorge L. RodríguezParliamentarianJosé A. ValdezTrusteeGeorge M. BeckelhymerTrusteeDaniel RigalTrustee

Veronica F. GuerraSuperintendent of Schools

Office of Communications

Veronica Castillón, APRInt. Executive Director of Comm.Public Information [email protected]

Maribel “Mimi” ValdezCommunity Relations [email protected]

Armando X. SaldañaWeb Services [email protected]

Jeannette G. MartinezITV [email protected]

Mario S. PerezPrinting [email protected]

Paola ArcosPublications [email protected]

It is the policy of the Laredo Independent School Districtnot to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national ori-gin, gender, religion, limited English proficiency, or hand-icapping condition in its programs.

NEWSExemplary Writers

Curriculum Specialist from Left to Right are: Margie Quiroz,Maria G. Villarreal, and Marcia Solis.

Curriculum Specialist host writingworkshop for LISD educators

The Department of Curriculum and Instruction recentlyheld a writing workshop for fourth grade teachers. TheExemplary writing workshop was designed to focus on bestpractices while teaching creative activities that would stimu-late effective writing. The focus was to define and identifythe traits of exemplary writers within students.

Fourth grade teachers from various campuses attendedthe workshop in preparation for the upcoming TAKS test thatwill be administered beginning in March.

The Curriculum Specialist that hosted the workshop cre-ated hands-on activities that the attendees could use in theclassroom to teach their students.

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Superior Counselors are: Ramona Montemayor,Ana Laura Salinas, and America Gutierrez.

Three outstanding counselors were recently honored as“Counselors of The Year” and were given a plaque in recognitionof this honor. These counselors have demonstrated superiorwork ethics and are highly involved with students at their respec-tive campuses.

page 4HR WelcomesMartha Walker

Martha E. Walker is the newHuman Resource Specialist forLISD

Walker holds a Bachelor ofArts in Sociology with a minor inpsychology. She brings 28years of experience in theHuman Resources field with aspecialization in OfficeManagement. Walker will bemanaging Employee Absences,COBRA Insurance, and NewEmployee Orientation. She isparticularly enthusiastic aboutworking with substitute teachers.Walker states, “I hope to make adifference and hire the mostqualified substitutes for our dis-trict.”

Walker may be reached at795-3291 or via e-mail [email protected].

LISD Director of Tax Collections and Special Projects was bestowed the SilverBeaver Award by the Boy Scouts of America South Texas Council. The SilverBeaver Award is presented to an adult leader demonstrating the “highest ideals” and“leadership” of the Boy Scout program. The BSA South Texas Council covers 17counties in the area. In the 76 year history of this award (1932 to 2008) there haveonly been 10 recipients from Laredo to be bestowed this honor. Pictured from leftare Sanchez with John Beauregard, Chief Executive Officer, South Texas Council,BSA and Abraham Reyna, local District Executive of the Aztec District, Laredo, andactive parent volunteer at Alma Pierce Elementary School.

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March 2008Meza headsassessmentsMaria del Rosario Meza, Directorof Assessment and Evaluationbrings a wealth of knowledge tothe school district.

Meza has extensive computerprogramming and analyticalexperience from the LaredoNational Bank. She worked atLNB in the conversion, designand implementation of the bank-ing systems from direct depositsto loan escrow analysis. In addi-tion, she also served LISD withthe Information TechnologyDepartment.

Meza is looking forward to work-ing with a new online testingapplication, “TELPAS”.

She states that, “We need tomove along with technology andgo paperless”.

She is eager to implement heranalytical skills to the departmentand assist the district in meetingits goals.

Maria del Rosario Meza may bereached at 795-4612 or via e-mailat [email protected]

Lozano leadsscience efforts

Science Coordinator, ChristopherLozano is the newest addition to The Curriculum & InstructionDepartment

Former J.W. Nixon High SchoolTeacher, Christopher Lozano hasbrought his years of experience tohis new position as ScienceCoordinator for LISD.

Lozano holds a Bachelor ofScience Degree in Biology with aminor in Chemistry. In addition,he also holds a ScienceComposite teaching certification.

As Science Coordinator, his rolewill be that of a mentor. His job isto lend his expertise within hisfield to help improve instruction aswell as make recommendations toenhance student performance.Other job duties include dailycampus visits and teacher obser-vations.

Christopher Lozano may bereached at 795-4142 or via e-mailat [email protected].

Nutritionistjoins CNPWith a Bachelors of Science inFood and Nutrition from TexasState University in San Marcosand her experience as a dietet-ic intern in Boston, CynthiaSaenz is sure to be an asset tothe Child Nutrition departmentand to Laredo ISD.

Saenz worked as a dietician atSpecialty Hospital prior tobecoming a member of ourschool district.

Her responsibilities as a nutri-tionist will include being incharge of: special diets for stu-dents, nutrition education andpromotional awareness, as wellas supervising school menusby visiting the campuses andmaking sure that the menusare being implemented andthat USDA regulations are met.

Cynthia Saenz may bereached at 795-3650 or via e-mail at [email protected].

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Deer Oaks offers helpful tips andresources for all LISD employees

Visit their website at This isa friendly reminder that services and counselorsare available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.For more information, contact (956) 712-8820.

Award winning floatThe LISD float commemorating the district’s 125th anniversarywon top honors at the Washington’s Birthday CelebrationAssociation/International Bank of Commerce Youth Parade Underthe Stars. G&H Logistics provided the flatbed while ArguindeguiOil Company provided the tractor and chauffeurs. Among thosewho decorated the float were, from left, Rafael Lopez , ArmandoSaldana, Paola Arcos, Maribel “Mimi” Valdez, Claudia Rodriguez,float designer Armando Hinojosa, Luis Davila, Cipriano Martinez,Jesus Alvarez, Martin Rodriguez, Arthur Raymond, Jose de JesusHernandez and Evaristo Jimenez.

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Upcoming Eventall employees are encouraged to attend

“Zumbando Under The Stars”a Latin-dance inspired fitness event for employees

Wednesday, March 26, 2008United Independent School District

Student Activity Complex6:00 - 7:45 p.m.Free Admission

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City of LaredoMayor Raul Salinas andWebb County JudgeDanny Valdez along withDirector of Library andMedia Services, MelyPaez and AdministrativeAssistant to theSuperintendent MargieCoronado recently helda proclamation in honor of“Read Across America Week.”

The proclamation was heldin honor of creating awarenesson the importance of readingand literacy. Librarians, teach-

ers, parents and students wereon hand to help promote theevent. In observance of theweek and Dr. Seuss’s 104thbirthday, the school districthosted numerous events atvarious campuses.

March 2008

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David Garza, former Superintendentfor Premont ISD, has been with LISD foralmost seven months. With over 25 yearsof experience in the field of education,Garza has already made an impact withthe Curriculum and InstructionDepartment implementing new ideas andstrategies. Following his graduation fromTexas A&I University in Kingsville,Garza began his career in education as ateacher. He later served Premont ISD asan assistant principal, principal and even-tually superintendent. He double-majoredin journalism and art at Texas A& MUniversity at Kingsville and earned hismaster’s degree in art and educationaladministration. In addition to his exten-sive educational background he also holds aprincipal’s certificate and has completed hiscoursework for a superintendent’s certifi-cate.

1. What are your responsibilities as Executive Director forCurriculum and Instruction?

My main responsibility as the Executive Director forCurriculum and Instruction is to develop and maintain the bestpossible curriculum and instruction programs to achieve quali-ty student performance for all students at LISD.

2.Who is part of your department and what are their roles?The following programs fall under the supervision of the

Executive Director for Curriculum and Instruction:

Billingual / ESLSpecial EdFederal Programs504 / DyslexiaLibrary and Media ServicesAssessmentInstructional TechnologyCareer and Applied Technology Education ProgramGifted and Talented / Advanced ProgramDirector of Elementary EdDirector of Secondary EdReading FirstDeans / Math, Social Studies, ELA,Science and Early ChildhoodInstructional Specialist / Math, Social Studies,Reading, Writing and Science

By working in collaboration, each of these programscontribute to the over-all education of each student at LISD.

3. What are your future goals for your department?Some of my future goals for the Curriculum and

Instruction Department include:

Be proactive in finding innovativeapproaches in the areas of reading andwriting for all students in pre-kinderthrough 12th grade.

Make sure that each student thatgraduates from LISD is a well-roundedstudent.

The Curriculum and InstructionDepartment will become the catalyst thatallows for an Exemplary Status for all ourcampuses.

4. What does Curriculum andInstruction do to ensure student suc-cess?’

The department ensures that each stu-dent is successful through constant monitor-ing of district data. In addition, the depart-ment has Secondary Academic Deans and

Elementary Instructional Specialist assigned to each campus toprovide support in each of the core subject areas.

5. What roles and responsibilities does the Curriculum &Instruction Specialist have?

The primary purpose of the specialist is to assist all teach-ers in the improvement of student achievement in the core areaof assignment. The specialists each work closely with theprincipal of every campus to identify and target areas of need-ed improvement.

6. What roles and responsibilities do the Secondary Deanshave?

The primary purpose of the Secondary Deans is to provideleadership, technical support and coordination for an alignedand articulated program in each of the core areas. The deanswork very closely with the instructional specialist, teachers andprincipals of every campus to ensure student success.

Curriculum and Instruction Departmentpage 8

David GarzaExecutive Director of

Curriculum and Instruction

Jesus J. GarciaDirector of

Elementary Education

Gerardo CruzDirector of

Secondary Education

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March 2008


DIRECTORS:David Garza- Executive Director of Curriculum & InstructionJesus J. Garcia- Director of Elementary EducationGerardo Cruz- Director of Secondary Education

DEANS:Maria Teresa Guardiola- Early Childhood CoordinatorCynthia C. Cruz- Language Arts CoordinatorChristina Dancause- Social Studies CoordinatorMargarita Taboada- Math CoordinatorChristopher Lozano- Science Coordinator


Mustang TeamFelisa Eveland- Math (Temp.) Instructional SpecialistRene Meza- Social Studies Instructional SpecialistGene Ovalle- Science Instructional SpecialistMarcia Solis- Writing Instructional SpecialistMartha Zamarripa- Reading Instructional Specialist

Tiger TeamMaria Elena Estrada- Social Studies Instructional SpecialistSandra Herrera- Reading Instructional SpecialistRosie Quirino- Science Instructional SpecialistMargie Quiroz- Writing Instructional SpecialistMaria Teresa (Terri) Sierra- Math Instructional Specialist

Toro TeamGerardo (Jerry) Chavera- Social Studies Instructional SpecialistCordy Salinas- Science Instructional SpecialistCordy Nieto- Reading Instructional Specialist Maria Villarreal- Writing Instructional SpecialistMario Zaragoza- Math (Temp) Instructional Specialist

Melissa Garcia- Instructional SpecialistAnna Garza- Instructional Specialist

COORDINATORS:Sandra G. Rodriguez- Gifted & Talented/Advanced Placement CoordinatorHelen Edewu- Reading First CoordinatorElsa Barron-Secondary Reading Coordinator

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Sleep and Sleep DisordersTired? Insufficient sleep is associated with a number of chronic

diseases and conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases,obesity, and depression. Sufficient sleep is increasingly being recog-nized as an essential aspect of chronic disease prevention and healthpromotion.

How you feel and perform during the day is related to howmuch sleep you get the night before. If sleepiness interferes with yourdaily activities, more sleep each night will improve the quality ofyour waking hours. Yet many adults report experiencing a sleepingproblem one or more nights a week.

Insufficient sleep is associated with a number of chronic dis-eases and conditions—such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obe-sity, and depression—which threaten our nation’s health. Not gettingenough sleep is associated with the onset of these diseases and alsomay complicate their management and outcome.

Sufficient sleep is increasingly being recognized as an essentialaspect of chronic disease prevention and health promotion. Howmuch sleep is enough? Sleep needs vary from person to person andchange as people age. Consider these sleep guidelines for differentage groups (and note that the total hours recommended for children5 years of age and younger include naps).

How much sleep do you need each night?*


• Birth–2 months need 10.5–18 hours• 2–12 months need 14–15 hours


• 12–18 months need 13–15 hours• 18 months–3 years need 12–14 hours• 3–5 years old need 11–13 hours• 5–12 years old need 9–11 hours

Adolescents need at least 8.5–9.5 hours

Adults typically need 7–9 hours*Data from the National Sleep Foundation

Sleep Hygiene

The promotion of regular sleep is known as sleep hygiene. Here aresome simple sleep hygiene tips:

• Go to bed at the same time each night, and rise at the sametime each morning.

• Sleep in a quiet, dark, and relaxing environment, which isneither too hot nor too cold.

• Make your bed comfortable and use it only for sleeping andnot for other activities, such as reading, watching TV, or lis-tening to music.

• Remove all TVs, computers, and other "gadgets" from the bedroom.

• Avoid physical activity within a few hours of bedtime.

• Avoid large meals before bedtime.

Sleep Disorders

“… Sufficient sleep is not a luxury - it is a necessity - and should be thought of as a vital

sign of good health.”Wayne H. Giles, MD, MS, Director, Division of Adult and Community Health,

National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

Sleep-related difficulties – typically called sleep disorders – affectmany people. Major sleep disorders include:

• Insomnia – an inability to fall or stay asleep that can resultin functional impairment throughout the day.

• Narcolepsy – excessive daytime sleepiness combined withsudden muscle weakness; episodes of narcolepsy are some-times called "sleep attacks" and may occur in unusual cir-cumstances.

• Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) – an unpleasant "creeping"sensation associated with aches and pains throughout the legsthat can make it difficult to fall asleep.

• Sleep Apnea – interrupted sleep caused by periodic gaspingor "snorting" noises or momentarily suspension of breathing.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a sleep disorder, itmay be important to receive an evaluation by a healthcare provider.

Sleep and Sleep Disorders: A Public Health ChallengePerceived Insufficient Rest or Sleep -- Four States, 2006,

MMWR, 29 Feb 2008. American Sleep Apnea AssociationHow Sleep Works, National Sleep Foundation Restless

Leg Syndrome Foundation Sleep Research Society

Content source: Division of Adult and Community Health

Content owner: National Center for Health Marketing

URL for this page:

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Four of LISD’s men in blue have been promoted tohigher rankings within the LISD Police Department

LieutenantDavid Medina has beenemployed with LISDalmost four years.Medina helped initiatethe Parents on PatrolProgram and has beenpart of the Navidad EnEl Barrio. He has alsobeen nominated by LISDand the Kiwanis asOfficer of the Year.

SergeantErnesto Camarillo hasbeen employed withLISD for almost fouryears. Camarillobelongs to The TexasGangs InvestigatorsAssociation. In addition,he annually helps withthe WBCA Parade andSpecial Olympics.

SergeantJaun Esquivel volun-teers endless hours tohelp assist families andis an avid supporter ofAutism. Esquivel waselected President of hisclass during his PoliceAcademy training in2001.

SergeantWilliam Simpsonserves as an instructorfor the G.R.E.A.TProgram and activelyparticipates with TheKnight of Columbus.

“The promotions were longawaited and were given to out-standing officers that have exem-plified safety,” said LISD PoliceChief Juan Garza. “The sergeantshave been designated a teamaccording to the three LISD highschools and will be assigned tothose campuses--the Red Team atMartin, the Green Team at Nixonand the Blue team at Cigarroa.”

Currently, the LISD PoliceDepartment has 27 officers thatinclude one chief, a lieutenant andthree sergeants. The departmentprovides K-9 services at all cam-puses along with a special investi-gations team assigned to variouslocations across the district includ-ing the Human ResourcesDepartment.

March 2008

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The winners and finalists werepresented with plaques at a pri-vate awards ceremony and werealso honored during the keynotesession. The winner received$1,000 from TCEA and the twofinalists each received $500. Dr.Guerra donated her $500 to anLISD scholarship fund for a gradu-ating senior.

“All the praise and glory goesto God because He has guidedme and strengthened me to facethe many challenges and opportu-nities,” Guerra said. She alsothanked her husband and familyfor their unfailing love and sup-port.

Dr. Guerra was selected by acommittee of TCEA membersfrom among the nominees. TheSuperintendent of the Year Awardis given to a superintendent whorecognizes the importance oftechnology in the teaching andlearning process, and actively pro-motes the use of technologythroughout the district.

TCEA chooses teachers andadministrators from across Texas,based on their dedication to theintegration of technology into theclassroom curriculum, and honorsthem at its annual convention.Awards are presented to a class-room teacher, librarian,technology administrator,instructional technologyspecialist, administrator,superintendent and techni-cal support person of theyear. TCEA also awardsscholarships every year todeserving teachers and stu-dents who desire to furthertheir knowledge of technol-

ogy education. The winners andfinalists were presented withplaques at a private awards cere-mony and were also honored dur-ing the keynote session.

The Texas ComputerEducation Association is a non-profit organization dedicated tofurthering the integration of tech-nology into curriculum and instruc-tion. It has more than 9,000 mem-bers in the state of Texas.

More than 13,000 peopleattended this year’s convention.TCEA 2008 participants attendedmore than 500 educational ses-sions: 135 paid workshops andmore than 300 free presentations.They visited an exhibit hall with700 booths displaying the latest incomputer technology and educa-tional software. TCEA hosted prin-cipals, superintendents, teachers,technology specialists, and cur-riculum specialists from acrossTexas and the nation, and evenfrom other countries.

Along with this latest honor,Dr. Guerra was also given theTejano Achievement Award lastOctober by LULAC Council #12.

Last but not least, Dr. Guerracelebrates her birthday onSunday, March 9. Happy birthdayto our superintendent!


The Instructional TechnologyDepartment welcomes MarcoRamos as their new WorkflowSpecialist.

Workflow Specialist, MarcoRamos holds a Bachelors inBusiness Administration withan emphasis in InformationSystems from Texas A & MInternational University.

Ramos worked as a computertechnician for a local real estatecompany and as a media spe-cialist for TAMIU prior to hisemployment with LISD.

His responsibilities as work-flow specialist will be to: plan,develop, maintain and supportan efficient and effective auto-mated workflow system withthe Instructional TechnologyDepartment.

Marco Ramos can be reachedat 795-1021 or via e-mail [email protected].