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Page 1: A2 Media Studies | 'No Comply' Documentary Advert Research (Incomplete)

The images above show adverts newspapers, showing screenshots from the programs in which they are promoting or an image of the product, for example. Conventionally, alongside the images is a short summary of the show or episode that is being advertised, or a short product description.In regards to TV programs, many mid-season programs with large followings/viewers usually get advertisements in newspapers for specific upcoming episodes, in order to promote and attract viewers to watch it. Mid-season programmes are treated using subtle advertising in order for them to reach their viewer target, whereas newly launched or pre-launch programs conventionally get larger coverage in order for them to achieve a positive launch. Programs prior to launch conventionally obtain a larger area in order to maximise the attention that they get and usually helps the viewer remember. In order to advertise my documentary – No Comply, I plan to produce an advert similar to the ones used in newspaper in order to engage the viewer.

PS4 advertisement – “Now is the time, the world’s greatest players are going to entertain, create and amaze on the ultimate stage. This year a new generation will push the boundaries of play and share in moment of wonder. This year players will become legends.”The advert introduces the PS4 prior to launch using a very persuasive paragraph, which entails that if a person was to buy it, that they would be part of a ‘new generation’ in which they will become ‘legends’. The simple use of text and imagery is very effective and surprisingly eye-catching. The PS4 controller is shown at a secretive, mysterious and at an almost teasing angle and does not show the main features of the Playstation that is so well known and recognised, for example – the buttons on the face of the controller.I find the minimalist nature of this advert to be intriguing because of its simple layout and use of three components – the product, the selling point and the logo and it doesn’t boast anything ‘different’ or boast any extravagant features that would usually catch somebodies eye.I would like to follow a similar style to this advertisement, keeping it simple but effective. Fortunately for Sony and Playstation as a product, they are both recognised worldwide and when an advert such as this is seen, it would be enough of an advert for any fan of the console and would indefinitely stand a chance at selling it to them. Whereas my product – No Comply, is not well known, nor recognised by anyone and having such a simplistic advert would not benefit the reach of my documentary. If I was to make an advert of this nature, the product branding would not be recognised and because of the lack of finesse on the original ad, I feel the viewer would not see it or just not bother to engage in it even if they did.

Research into similar products

Page 2: A2 Media Studies | 'No Comply' Documentary Advert Research (Incomplete)

Kate Moss: Fashion Victim? advertisement – “Has Kate blown it?.”This advert is for a documentary on Kate Moss and her lifetime in the fashion industry – using her use of cocaine as the main subject. When Kate Moss was caught snorting cocaine on film, it caused a media frenzy. Almost immediately, Sky One announced that it planned to go to air with a documentary that revealed the controversial footage.The imagery is made up using cocaine, stylising the imagery in a monochrome style, contrasting the white of the drug against a plain black background - the contrasting colours make the whole image and specifically, Kate Moss clear to see. Along with the line ‘Has Kate blown it?’ written in the powder, it is a clear reference to her use of cocaine without even stating it in a form of text.I really like the simplicity of this advert, the monochrome effect along with the use of the metaphorical cocaine is very effective and catches the eye of the viewer. I also think that the advert is effective because although the poster does not directly state that the documentary is about Kate’s drug use it is clearly entailed with its use of the material. Even though I can not use an effect such as this, I really like the monochrome effect and if possible, would like to incorporate it into my design purely for aesthetic purposes.The advert also shows the channel logo in which the programme is being aired on and is a popular convention TV show ads, usually stating the show title and airing date. I will use this in my advert, as I will need the viewers to know where to find the program when it is aired and this is possibly the most conventional and attractive way to do it.

Newspaper application advertisement –“Feel the news.”This advert is for a news reading phone application, using an image of the app running on an iPad and a hand with ink running down the finger. The ink obviously indicates the interaction the app enables the user to have with the news – hence the slogan being “feel the news”. ‘Feeling’ the news shows that the application gives a very personal experience to the user, maybe allowing them to customise their feed to how they want it.I really like the simplicity of the images used on the almost non-existent background of radial white to grey. The message is strong but potentially not obvious to a passer-by but on closer viewing, becomes clear. I think the image intrigues the viewer as it is a very odd assortment of things in relation to each other – a hand, inked finger and iPad, although, when metaphorically brought together they express the message which the slogan implies.I also like the layout of the advert, with the hand taking up the majority of the page , rather than the product itself and therefore showing the importance of the user to the application, rather than the other way around.I plan to use a simplistic but stylish layout much like the one used in this advertisement as I feel the components used to make up the final image are very effective.

Research into similar products

Page 3: A2 Media Studies | 'No Comply' Documentary Advert Research (Incomplete)

Target AudienceThe target audience for my advertisement will be skateboarders or anybody attracted or interested in extreme sports. Due to my documentary being skating based I will publish it in the Metro newspaper because of its large readership of over 10,500 per month and the ease of accessibility and a very broad reader base of various ages – varying from 14 year old school children to old aged pensioners.As the Metro is largely distributed on public transport, such as buses, the newspaper is really easy to access due to the large number of passengers a day, leading to the number of readers to be such high number in comparison to other local papers in our area. Having the Metro on buses and trains etc, means that people using the facility can easily pick one up on their travels until they need to get off, probably leaving the newspaper on the seat they were in or nearby. This is a largely effective way of distributing the paper and increases the accessibility, as it will already be in an area of immediate attention. As a person is about to sit down, they may see the newspaper and take a seat nearby simply to read it. The Metro is usually located in a box at the front of public transport, especially buses – this is an area where it is often overlooked but throughout the day regular readers pick them up and end up scattered all around the bus.

Page 4: A2 Media Studies | 'No Comply' Documentary Advert Research (Incomplete)

Advert AnalysisOut of the Furnace –This advert goes across the bottom of two-pages, taking up around 1/5th of the spread. Due to the advert spanning across such a large width of the page, I would expect that it is the first thing that the reader would see even without the intention of viewing it. I find this method of advertising very effective because it distracts the eye from the articles inside and draws the viewers attention to the advert rather than the writing in the remaining area of the page. The intention of the advert is to entice the viewer and for it to be seen and I feel that using a small segment of a page for the advert, surrounded by articles is more effective than other methods.In this instance, the reader is presented with a page of articles and news for them to read with the Out of the Furnace advert subtly placed at the bottom. When the reader turns onto this page of the newspaper, they were almost immediately see this first, despite it taking up a short percentage of the page. The movie title will also be seen instantly, due to the fact that it is on the right-hand side of the page and will be the first place revealed when the previous page is turned. I feel that this is because the image stands out amongst the remainder of the page and the eye will automatically concentrate on that bolder area. Alternatively, a full page advert gives the reader the immediate option to skip the page as soon as they recognise what it is, making the advert ineffective and losing its purpose. Whereas, this advert (Out of the Furnace) will be in the readers peripheral vision for the entire duration that they are on the page and they will undoubtedly remember it.I would like to follow a similar style to this advert, by spreading it across the two pages of the newspaper and to take on the same effectiveness as the advert I have analysed. I will try and replicate the layout of this advert, placing the title on the right and the less memorable information on the left, such as the documentary description.

SkyThis advert is placed in the bottom right corner of the page, taking an area of around ¼ of the page. The article on the page that the advert is placed on, surrounds the image and frames it, making it more noticeable to the viewer. Despite the subtle colour scheme, the advert is still easily seen, using an eye-catching yellow to blue gradient on the slogan – ‘The Sky Difference’. Although the ad doesn’t boast many outstanding features, it still catches a viewers attention due to its 3 uSwitch awards in the centre, promoting honours such as Best TV Provider, Best Customer Benefits and most boldly and largely presented – Best Broadband, TV & Home Phone. These genuine awards given to Sky promote three positive accolades in which they take pride in and publicise accordingly in order to catch the viewers attention and in entitling themselves to be above and beyond their competitors. Although the advert doesn’t exactly catch my eye, when I saw it, I felt the advert was very effective in selling its service without even promoting any offers, showing prices of products etc.The advert is placed on the bottom corner of the page on the right side of the spread, meaning it will be the very first thing that the reader see’s whilst turning the previous page and therefore gaining attention towards its advert straight away. I intend on placing my advert in the bottom quarter of the page for the same reasoning as this, therefore it will be seen before anything else on the page is, thus increasing its reach and acknowledgment.

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Advert AnalysisNatWest –This advert is placed in the centre of the left page, taking up an area of around 1/3 rd of the space. This advert for NatWest takes up quite a large portion of the page and will be in direct sight of the reader when turning the previous page. As the main article of this page starts on the left hand side of the spread, the advert is very cleverly placed – this is because the ad cuts between two sections of the article, separating 3 columns above and below it. As the advert is centred and separates the article directly through the middle, the viewer cannot help but subconsciously recognise its placement. I think the reasoning behind the placing of the advert is very tactical for these reasons but in the long run, makes the page look unappealing and detracts from the article sharing the page. Also, due to the scale of the image, it would be hard to visually ignore or simply not see the advert because of its placement on the page. This method is highly effective as it increases the chance of the reader seeing the promotion for NatWest, therefore making it more memorable.The image features a slogan, stating “Everyone has their own way of saying thank you”, showing a picture of two women hugging to the right, depicting their way of saying thank you . I would like to follow a similar style to this advert, regarding the relation between the picture and the text and due to my choice of name for the documentary – No Comply (the skateboarding trick), it can be easily be related to any image of a skateboarder or anything showing the sport. One feature I do not like about this advert is the placement and general layout, as I feel that the area in which it is placed will not benefit the purpose of my advert and the NatWest layout is really simple and in my opinion, ineffective.