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Similar Product Analysis – Selena Gomez ‘The Heart Wants What It Wants’

‘The Heart Wants What It Wants’ is pop song by Selena Gomez, I have decided to analyse this video as for my actual music video I will be using Selena Gomez’s song ‘Good For You’ this way I will be able to see the type of music videos she produces and if there are any common traits between her videos.

Textual Analysis

Camera Shots

The video starts off with a close up of her side profile but her hair is covering most of her face. By starting with a close up it shows the main focus is on her and shows her importance. Close ups are the main camera shot throughout the video as it allows us to see her facial expressions in more detail, we can tell she is hurting for example when she sings the line “and every seconds like torture” it shows a close up of her and we can see her hands are over her face and she is crying. This shows that she is in pain and cant help that she loves him even though it seems like it’s a toxic relationship.


The style of the music video is a narrative, we can tell that she is trying to act happy and strong in front of her friends and boyfriend, as she is hugging him and smiling, but is hurting on the inside and doesn’t have the courage at first to walk away as ‘the heart wants what it wants.’ Also there are scenes in the video where she is reminiscing and getting flashbacks of the two when they were happy and in a good place. We are able to tell it is a flashback as the effect that has been used looks like an old video that has been recorded on a camcorder, as it is pixelated. The song itself is about a breakup and how she cannot help whom she loves and the title itself indicates that she isn't to blame for whom she fell for and she couldn’t control it.

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The lighting used throughout the video is low-key lighting and is in black and white, which reflects on the sad mood of the song and her emotional state. By this video being in black and white it suggests that her life is dull and empty at the moment due to her breakup and now she has been left without colour. Also photos used to be black and white and shows they are dated which connotes that the video is based on memories she is thinking about and holds dear to her as she is disappointed her relationship failed, this links the lyrics with the visuals which is apart of a theory by Andrew Goodwin tat explores music videos. The video is shot in a social gathering environment, as there are drinks and people socialising and talking also the video consists of close ups of Selena Gomez lip singing the words.

There isn’t a costume change within the video and the video starts with Selena Gomez getting ready, doing her hair and make up. This connotes she is trying to hide and cover up the fact she is saddened by the situation as she wears a erotic outfit, she wears black shorts with a see-through black top with a black bra like top under and a leather jacket, which could suggest she is trying to get her boyfriend to be interested in her and notice her. As she is in an all back outfit this suggests she feels like she’s in a dark place at her time as people wear black to funerals so it shows how the end of the relationship feels like the death of her.

The Male Gaze – Laura Mulvey

This video and song will mainly attract females as they are more emotional during breakups and may relate to how Selena feels during the course of the video and connect with the lyrics. Also they may be enticed by Selena’s outfit as it is very stylish and fashionable and would attract the female gaze. Not only her outfit but also the guy who debuts in her video could attract females as he has an edge to him and they may be attracted to him. Whereas the males gaze wouldn’t watch it to relate to Selena’s feelings but watch it for Selena as they may find her attractive. Her provocative outfit will entice males more as they would be more interested in her looks and figure. Girls would respond to it by sympathizing with her whereas guys would respond to it by commenting on her looks and make her feel better about herself. Dancing in The distraction Factory – Andrew Goodwin

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1) Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics (e.g. Stage performances in metal videos, dance routines for boy/girl bands)Selena Gomez’s video to ‘The Heart Wants What It Wants’ demonstrates genre characteristics for example and common characteristic of Pop videos are close ups of the artist shown lip singing which is included frequently in this video.

Another common convention of a pop music video is using quick cuts when editing which can also be seen in many different pop videos such as ‘Thinking of You’ by Katy Perry. Many jump cuts and some match cuts are used within this video, which sticks to the genre characteristics. Selena also used these common traits within her other videos.

Match cut showing her opening a door and then cuts to a shot of showing her walking into the room

2) There is a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals (Either illustrative, amplifying or contradicting)During the video there are visuals in relation of the lyrics for instance when she sings the word ‘wants’ it shows scenes of her and her boyfriend smiling at one another and kissing, which reiterates the fact she cant help but love him and want him. Even though it seems like he doesn’t pay her that much attention or that she is 100% happy.

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Also when she sings the words “this is a modern fairy-tale” it shows us flashback of a scene of the artist and actor kissing which shows they are happy and in love just like how people are within fairy-tales. However, when she sings the next line “no happy endings” its cuts to a close up of the artist crying and looking back which shows a illustrative link between the lyrics and visuals as it connotes she is looking back and reminiscing about the flashback to a time when they were in a good place in their relationship.

3) There is a relationship between the music and the visuals (Either illustrative, amplifying or contradicting)The relationship between the music and the visuals in this music video is both amplifying and illustrative. It is amplifying as there many shots that are in the same scene for example majority of the video is set one scene and keeps going back to close ups of Selena lip singing in the same environment. Within the song we can hear a constant clicking of fingers in the background and at certain points the shots jump and change accordingly to the beat of the clicking.

4) The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close-ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (e.g. A visual style)The demands of the record label for lots of close ups are met in the music video for ‘The Heart Wants What It Wants’. We see many close ups of her facial features which will allure in the audience as we are able to see her face clearly. By using many close-ups we are able to see the artist’s facial expressions and by their different expression it tells a story to the audience, which the record label will want as it will attract a larger audience. Generally Selena Gomez’s videos are bright and colourful, use high-key lighting, but this video challenges that motif as it is in black and white the whole way through.

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5) There are frequent references to the notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes, etc) and particularly voyeuristic (sexual) treatment of the female bodyWithin this music video there is no reference to the notion of looking, however there is voyeuristic treatment of the female body to some extent, which is portrayed through her clothing style within the music video. Selena Gomez is wearing tight shorts and a see-through top, which shows off her bra and body. This style of clothing makes her body stand out and will be a main attraction for the male gaze.

6) There is often intertextual references (to films, TV programmes, other music videos, etc)The video for ‘The Heart Wants What It Wants’ has no intertexual reference nor does it include any product placement.

7) Whether the video is primarily performance-based, narrative-based or concept-based and how elements of each is used in itThis video is primarily narrative-based, the video implies that she is simply following her heart about what she as she thinks it’s the right thing to do and even though she seems strong and happy she is actually heart broken and torn up about the failure of their relationship.