Download - A welcoming community of Jewish life, worship & learning ......2018/12/11  · Julie Silbermann, hair, Development ommittee As of November 27, 2018 President’s ircle Randi & Marc

  • Bulletin December 2018/5779

    A welcoming community of Jewish life, worship & learning

    Details on page 7

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    As of November 26, 2018


    Shari & Steven Miller, daughter, Madison, becoming a Bat Mitzvah

    Sara & Jeffrey Grabelle, daughter, Sophie, becoming a Bat Mitzvah

    Amy & Kenneth Nelson, daughter, Jemma, becoming a Bat Mitzvah

    Samantha & David Heskett, daughter, Jamie, becoming a Bat Mitzvah

    Michelle & Brandon Tepper, son, Ryan, becoming a Bar Mitzvah

    Deborah & Gregg Jacob, daughter, Daniella, becoming a Bat Mitzvah

    Diane & Jerry Jacob, granddaughter, Daniella, becoming a Bat Mitzvah

    Marcy & Jon Dakss, son, Miles, becoming a Bar Mitzvah

    Marcy & Jon Dakss, daughter, Sydney, becoming a Bat Mitzvah

    Ruth Ross, granddaughter, Abigail Ryan Nengel, becoming a Bat Mitzvah

    Tina Greenberg, grandson, Zachary Rosen, becoming a Bar Mitzvah

    JoAnn & Steven Lee, on the engagement of their daughter, Rachel Lee to Zachary DeVisser

    Shelly Gelbman, on the birth of her new great-granddaughter, Stella Elizabeth Nigro

    Joel Gelbman, on the birth of his new great-granddaughter, Stella Elizabeth Nigro

    Emily Fried, on the birth of her new grandson, Cameron Charles Fried

    Debby & Ira Gordon, on the birth of their new grandson, Gordon Bastion Bleck

    Adria & Mark Rolnik, on the birth of their new grandson, Theodore Stanley Miller


    Arlene Bookbinder mother, Edith Levin

    Nancy Dinar mother, Mickey Baroff

    Coleman Leff wife, Leila Leff

    Larry Leff mother, Leila Leff

    Lynn Uiberall son, Michael Uiberall

    Pat Sebold husband, Burt Sebold

    Stuart Abelson father, Lester Abelson

    Vicki Halper father, Walter Kreisberg

    Steven Perlman father, Norman Perlman

    Ron Silver mother, Sondra Silver

    Jonathon Farron mother, Sandra Farron

    Bernice Garbade mother, Olga Feuer

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    We thank you in advance for your participation in TBA’s Annual Giving program. Let’s ALL support Temple B’nai Abraham together and be Partners in Leadership! Pledge payments are due by February 28, 2019. Merle H. Kalishman Chair: TBA Annual Giving—Partners in Leadership Committee Julie Silbermann, Chair, Development Committee

    As of November 27, 2018

    President’s Circle Randi & Marc Berson Charles M. Greef & Shawn Lech Susan & Alan Hammer Sherry & Robert Lieb Leslie & Jay Mayesh Sandi & Mark Rosenbaum Sara-Ann & Robert Sanders Julie & M. Steven Silbermann Maya & David Silbermann Trudy & Fred Slater Torah Circle Deborah & Scott Berger Bernice & Kenneth Garbade Ellen & David Hyman Sheila & Lester Kalisher Jane & Alan Mark Marcy & Mark Schwartz Ethel & Bob Singer Ellen & Barry Wagenberg 1853 Society Suzanne & Saul Berkowitz Nancy & Ken Bernstein Joni & Alan Cohen Isabella & Joshua Fiske Susan & Bruce Greene Merle & Martin Kalishman Eileen & Jeffrey Klein ShariEve & Mark Meller Eileen & Marc Mellman Rabbi’s Circle Jaryn & Ronnie Bloom Lucy & Joe Borg Terry & Denis Bovin Nancy & Richard Dinar Nancy & Bob Eskow Iris Fisher Caren & Herb Ford Bethellen & Kenneth Friedman Terri & Mark Friedman Gittlin & Rosen Families

    Sandy & Stephen Greenberg Lesley & Neil Greenstein Randi & Greg Jeddis Ellen & Peter Klein Karyn Klein Susan & Richard Kogan Patricia & Frank Kolodny Jacqueline & Ira Kopito Harriet & Marvin Kirschner Robin & Jeffrey Kollin Michael Lewis Ellen & Richard Lincer Ellen & Scott Loventhal Judy & Eric Perlmutter Marian & David Rocker David Rodin Barbara & Michael Rosenbaum Ruth Ross Ginny & Jeff Roth Andrew Salz & Nyssa Reine-Salz Linda & John Schupper Bunny & Stephen Schwartz Terry & Ken Starr Christine & Wayne Strassman Myrna & Marvin Wertheimer Mitzvah Circle Robin & Richard Bernstein Andrea & Philip Bershad Arlene & Richard Bookbinder Elizabeth Buchbinder Renee & Jeffrey Cohen Ruth Dolinko Barbara Drench Jane & Howard Ehrenkranz Cathy & Bruce Fischberg Andrea & Scott Gillman Barbara Gottesman Fran & Mitch Handman Jayne & James Jacoby Cindy & Shawn Klein Julie & Gregg Klein Leslie & Fred Lavinthal Susan & Andrew Leichter

    Dr. Alyce Sands Miller Helene & David Mintz Christine & Jeremy Neuer Beth & John Schachtel Mindy & Greg Scheier Adrienne & Stan Schwartz Elaine & Stanley Shapiro Lynn & Bruce Schonbraun Harvey & Frances Sonnenberg Bonnie & Harrison Sterling Honi & Bennett Wasserman Staci & Glen Weiss Marjorie Yonteff Marjie & Scott Zucker Circle of Friends Phyllis & Barry Becker Lory & Rick Bernstein Karen & Frank Bisk Joel Bornstein Louise Buchbinder Leonard Cohen Allyn & Larry Cooper Steve Delman Donna & Marc Ellenbogen Helen Farber Sharon & Larry Feinsod Annette & Herb Feldman Marsha & Steven Fiske Rheda & Raymond Folkman Joyce & Bruce Freeman Jamie & Brian Geltzeiler Evelyn & Amos Gern Denice & Arnold Gerst Barbara & Mark Gersten Debbie & Carey Gertler Richard Goldsmith Bonnie & Keith Gurland Madeline & Harold Hoffman Susan Stark & Peter Jackowitz Deborah & Gregg Jacob Sandra & Craig Kantor Valerie & Robert Katz Sloan & Jeffrey Kestenbaum

    Barbara & Warren Klein Karen & David Klugman Antoinette & Michael Koenig Arlene & Dan Kollin Bobbi & Barry Kolton Jessica & Jay Kooper Richard Kosson Alyssa & Avery Kranz Jill & Brett Krasnove Beth & Claude Krause Bette & Stan Kurzweil Esther Laufman Debbi & Max Lebersfeld Andrea & Larry Leff Scott Levy Ilena & Paul Lieberman Debbie & Wayne Locke Evi Meinhardt Dr. Ronald Meyers Cynthia R Pfeffer, M.D. Art & Brandi Podnos Sandy & David Posner Nancy & Scott Ritch Karen & Steven Rockoff Lori & Peter Rosenbaum Marilyn Rosenbaum Renee & Edward Rosenthal Enid & Fred Rothman Anita & Allan Rubinstein Geri & Milt Schaeffer Jay Scharer Luba & Mark Schonwetter Abby & Barry Silverman Sivia & Philip Snow Diane & Ira Starr Arlene & Herb Tarutz Debbie & Glenn Turtletaub Marilyn Wald Allison & Jonathan Wasserstein Phyllis Weingarten Judith & Amnon Weinstock Barbara G. Weisenfeld Randi & Scott Wolfson Naomi Zeitel[email protected]://[email protected]

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    TBA Congregational Learning: These programs are free and most are open to the community. If you have any questions, please call the Temple office at 973.994.2290.

    Monthly Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Dantowitz Bring your appetite for learning as well as your dairy lunch! Beverages will be provided!

    Love, Lust and Power: David, The Biblical Character Study the Books of Samuel and learn about David and his relationships. Through this exploration we will delve into the themes of love, lust, power and friendship. Thursday, December 20, 2018, 11:30 AM Thursdays, January 24, February 28, March 28, April 25 & May 23, 2019, 11:30 AM

    Rosh Hodesh with Rabbi Dantowitz, sponsored by Sisterhood—The Women’s Connection

    The new moon or new month is a special holiday that women celebrate together. Join Sisterhood in a warm atmosphere of sharing, learning and noshing to welcome each new Hebrew month!

    Monday, December 10, 7:30 PM—Tevet, Hanukkah

    Tuesday, January 8, 7:30 PM—Shevat Wednesday, February 6, 7:30 PM —Adar I

    Thursday, April 4, 7:00 PM—Nissan, A Women’s Seder

    Parashat HaShavuah

    Join the lively discussion of legend and lore, the ancient world and the modern one, the Jewish people’s feelings about its God, and God’s feelings about His people. Through our reading of the weekly portion, and occasional forays into the traditional commentators, we seek not only to understand the profundities of Torah, but also to understand the world and ourselves a little better. Parallel English/Hebrew texts will be used. We hope you’ll stay for services, but even if you can’t, stop by for a weekly dose of Torah! Saturdays, Parashat HaShavuah, from 9:00 AM to 9:45 AM

    TBA Book Group with Rabbi Kulwin 2018 – 2019 Book Group members know that modern Jewish fiction falls mainly into three categories: books about Isra-el, books about the Holocaust and books about Jewish life in the Diaspora. In our twentieth year, we read

    works from each. Some are classics, some are new, and some approach their subject in unusual ways.

    Thursday, December 6, 7:30 PM Let It Be Morning by Sayed Kashuah A young journalist, recently married and a new father, seeks a quieter life away from the city and buys a large house in his parents' hometown, an Arab village in Israel. Reviewers have written that Kashuah, an Israeli Arab who writes in Hebrew, is comparable to Orwell and Kafka in his ability to convey otherworldly futility.


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    History Through Text with Rabbi Kulwin Each class is a stand-alone unit so that an inability to attend all (or even most) of the sessions will not be an impediment to an enjoyable and simulating learning experience.

    Jews, Art and Jewish Art : The Ten Commandments insist that we are not to make graven images. Never-theless, graphic arts—to say nothing of music, litera-ture and other artistic forms—have long been associ-ated with Jews and Jewish life. The Torah itself con-tains prose and poetry of unparalleled beauty; a Re-naissance rabbi “proved” that all orchestra instru-ments were found in the Bible; and Marc Chagall is on anyone’s list of the greatest painters of the 20th Cen-tury. We will examine Jewish writings about art, and works of art themselves, to try to understand Juda-ism’s historic relationship with art, and the promi-nence art enjoys in Jewish life today.

    Art and the Torah—The Torah contains texts about art and many believe it is a work of art itself. We will look at both perspectives. Thursday, January 10, 7:30 PM

    Art and the Rabbis—Through the reading of Tal-mudic texts, we will learn about the unease the rabbis felt about art, even as many of them yet had a sense of aesthetic appreciation. Thursday, February 28, 7:30 PM

    Art and the Jewish Renaissance—Especially in Ita-ly, Jews caught the Renaissance spirit, mining their own past for early examples of the most admired civic culture of the day. Thursday, March 14, 7:30 PM

    Jews and Music—Liturgical music, folk music, Mahler, Schoenberg, Copland…what makes it Jewish music? Tuesday, April 9, 7:30 PM

    Jews and Painting—Jewish themes, like Abra-ham’s near-sacrifice of Isaac, have long been subjects of the greatest western artists; many of those great artists were Jews. How did this happen? Thursday, May 16, 7:30 PM

    Art and the Holocaust—From before the war, from the camps, and certainly since, the Holocaust has inspired artistic works beyond number. Does this say something about the im-portance of art to the Jews? Thursday, June 13, 7:30 PM

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    A Historian Reflects on Israel’s Past and Future Professor David N. Myers

    Sadie and Ludwig Kahn Chair in Jewish History, UCLA

    Thursday, March 28, 2019, 7:30 PM, at TBA

    Israel was founded 70 years ago, but its future is as unknowable today as it was in 1948. Israel’s army is the most powerful in the region. Recent governments have sought new strategic alliances, making friends with former enemies, and alienating longstanding allies. Its economy is one of the most robust in the world, even as economic disparity widens. The Occupation, majority-minority relations, a serious housing shortage, in-numerable matters of “church and state” and other domestic matters fuel ongoing tumult. The struggle to remain both democratic and Jewish grows more and more complex.

    What is Israel’s future? Prof. David Myers, a frequent visitor to Temple B’nai Abraham, believes that to un-derstand Israel’s future, it is important to understand its past. Author of numerous definitive works on Jewish and Israeli history, a frequent visitor to Israeli universities, and commentator on contemporary Isra-el, Myers will explore what Israel’s history can teach us about its future, both that which we can know, and that for which we hope.

    Prof. David Myers has been on the faculty of UCLA since 1991, and has served as both Chair of its Depart-ment of History and Director of its Center for Jewish Studies. For the year 2017-2018, Myers was also Pres-ident of the Center for Jewish History in New York City. One of his generation’s most respected Jewish his-torians, Myers is the author or editor of fifteen books, has written hundreds of scholarly and popular arti-cles, and has lectured at universities throughout North America, as well as in France, Germany, Russia, The Netherlands, and, of course, Israel.

    Supported by the Bloom Family Memorial Fund

    Free & Open to the Community!


    Prof. David N. Myers

    Photo credit: Scarlett Freund

    Rabbi Kulwin with journalists Matt Katz,

    Mary Alice Williams & Tom Moran Matt Katz, WNYC; Mary Alice Williams , NJTV & Tom Moran, Star


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    On Sunday, November 4,Temple members and guests enjoyed a musical interlude celebrating and welcoming our new Johannus Ecclesia Organ to TBA. Our organist, Sandor Szabo, and Cantor Jessica Epstein were joined by cellist Andrew Kim and violinist Christopher Collins Lee . The generosity of the benefactors who funded the purchase of the new organ were acknowledged at this event.

    photos courtesy Gary Hecht, Bruce Greene and Cantor Epstein


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    photos courtesy Larry Agron

    Rabbi Clifford M. Kulwin

    Dov Ben –Shimon reading names of victims of shooting at

    Tree of Life Synagogue, Pittsburgh

    2,000 Attended the Observance

    NJ Governor Phil Murphy

    Governor Murphy & Rabbi Kulwin

    Dov Ben –Shimon, CEO Federation

    Greater MetroWest NJ

    Cantor Jessica Epstein


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    photos courtesy Ethel Singer and Ruth Ross

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    photos courtesy Ruth Ross

    Gil Hoffman, the Jerusalem Post’s chief political correspondent, spoke to a crowd of 200 at Temple B’nai Abraham on the Israel/US relationship in the age of Trump and Netanyahu. Hoffman noted that Israel and the United States have recently followed similar paths, quarrelling with traditional friends while increasing contact with countries with who have historically been considered “unfriendly.” As he told those gathered, such an approach opens new doors of opportunity, but it also poses new and significant risks.

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    MITZVAH DAY 2018

    Dear Friends,

    What. A. Day. Mitzvah Day 2018 at Temple B’nai Abraham was one for the books and it truly took a village to pull off an amazing day.

    The Men’s Club began early with Rabbi Kulwin leading an 8:30 am Minyan Service that was well attended (I sat in for about 15 minutes – I never attended one before). After eating breakfast, Men’s Club (enthusiastically spearheaded by Andrew Halper and Peter Rosenbaum) took on the task of managing the Toiletries Collection. They outdid themselves with the sorting and packaging more than 1,000 kits for distribution to Franciscan Charities Inc. /St. Anne’s Soup Kitch-en in Newark.

    The Community Blood Services organization met their blood drive goals by the generosity of TBA members collecting donations from 9 am to 1 pm. We thank Brenda McEntyre-Saunders and her team for all of their compassion and hard work.

    Donna Ellenbogen (Sisterhood co-president) organized and enthusiastically orchestrated a successful Lunches of Love program. What a popular station for all ages to participate! Before the end of the event, Donna had Nick from CHOW come to collect and distribute the lunches to those in need a nice sandwich, water and snack. We also shared with Nick a case of soap for the homeless. I believe this struck him deeply as did the sandwiches explaining to me that we simply forget about the simplicity of a bar of soap was as welcome as a handful of cash, perhaps more. I was deeply moved.

    Loaves of Love (Community Challah Bake) was very well received by all ages participating! We had two excellent co-chairs for this event (Tara Heyderman, co-chair Membership committee and Deborah Jacob, co-president for Sister-hood). As it is truly a Mitzvah to make a challah, it is a greater mitzvah to give one away. How cute to see the little ones getting their tiny hands covered with sticky dough, kneading and making challah. You just had to be there! Well done!

    Caryn Epstein and her daughter Ellie took charge of another wildly popular project for Mitzvah Day—the MSTERIO Pro-ject, where we took 160 handcrafted dolls designated to travel around the world to other children. Each doll had a tag and ID number so its travels could be tracked. How amazing is that! The entire time was spent decorating the dolls which included messages on the back of the doll, accompanied by a card telling the recipient a little something about the doll’s decorator. The age range for this project went from two on up, up, up. The president of the organization was also in attendance and was thrilled with all of the activity and participation. Thanks to all!

    While everyone was in a coloring mood, we were able to successfully achieve the task of decorating cards for the Lone Soldier Program, thanking Israeli service men and women for their much needed service. We also had Thanksgiving and Happy Hanukkah cards for residents at the Daughters of Israel. We hope to put a smile on everyone’s faces!

    Two other collections were quite successful: Diaper Drive for Mom’s Helping Mom’s and The Period project, col-lecting sanitary napkins and tampons for those in need. Ruth Ross (Social Action Committee co-chair) took charge of these two collections along with being the best partner I could ever ask for! Oops, Ruth also took care of helping the Sisterhood with bagging Hanukkah Dreidels and chocolate.

    Not to overuse a cliché but it really does take a village. None of this could have been possible if it were not for the enormous support of so many people at our beloved Temple. Please allow me to be specific: Gail Milchman, Laura Wold, Tina Greenberg, Tracey Bent, Rabbi Kulwin, Rabbi Faith Joy Dantowitz, Cantor Epstein, Debbie Ziering, Melissa Weiner, Arleen Lichtenstein, Bruce Greene (and the Board of Trustees) all support staff and all of the various Temple committees, Temple members and Temple volunteers. If I have forgotten anyone, it was not intentional— my apologies.

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    MITZVAH DAY 2018

    The Turkeys and all of the Trimmings collections came in strong, and were delivered to Newark Emergency Services for Families (NESF). They really count on us for this Mitzvah. Thanks to Bob Singer for coordinating that collection!

    And then…I took a nap!


    You have lifted me with your volunteer spirit and for that I am forever changed and in your debt.

    Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving. I am thankful for knowing you all.

    Warm regards,

    Janet O. Penn

    Social Action Committee Co-Chair

    photos courtesy Janet Penn

    Working on the Lone Soldier Project Creating dolls for the Msterio Project

    Packing toiletries

    Preparing dough for Loaves of Love

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    The TBA Midday Run Rode Again

    The Temple B’nai Abraham’s (TBA) Midday Run, the distribution of donated clothing and food to those in need in Newark’s community at St. Rocco’s Church, took place on the Sunday, November 18. This annual event, sponsored by TBA Teen Tikkun Olam Group (TTO) is preceded by a two month–long food and clothing drive/collection at the temple. On the morning of the Midday Run, at temple, the students packaged and sorted the abundant amount of food, clothing and blankets generously donated by the TBA congregational family as well as local businesses and restaurants. Then under the supervision of Jewish Learning Program Special Projects Coordinator Arleen Lichtenstein and parent volunteers, the students were transported to Newark., with the van filled to the top driven by TBA member Adam Reisboard. The teens assisted in the distribution of food, baby items, clothing, coats and household goods to the people in need who come to the church location. Last year they served over 525 recipients which was almost double the amount of recipients from previous years and a sign of the times of the growing need in the community. TTO Coordinator Arleen Lichtenstein noted, “Through meaningful interactions with patrons of the Annual Midday Run, students gain insight and understanding about the way each of us can contribute to those in need. This yearly program inspires the young people to recognize that poverty and need is a chronic prob-lem facing our country.”

    MIDDAY RUN 2018

    Sorting and packaging of donated items at TBA

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    MIDDAY RUN 2018

    Leaving TBA for Newark At St. Rocco’s Church

    Distributing items at St. Rocco’s Church

    At St.Rocco’s Church At St.Rocco’s Church

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    Mark your calendar as we celebrate

    Rabbi Kulwin on his retirement!

    TBA Annual Gala


    Rabbi Clifford M. Kulwin

    Saturday evening

    March 30, 2019

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    All funds as of November 26, 2018

    ONE FAMILY FUND In honor of Zachary Rosen becoming a Bar Mitzvah Gail & Barry Milchman In memory of Leila Zuckerman Rebecca Novin-Cannon In honor of Cooper Gallinson becoming a Bar Mitzvah Alla Glaz In memory of Mickey Baroff Helen Farber Betsy & Ron Ladell & Family Anna M. Derry In memory of Leila Leff In memory of Mickey Baroff In honor of Zachary Rosen becoming a Bar Mitzvah Julie & Max Silberman In appreciation of sitting on the Bima on Rosh Hashanah Allyn & Lawrence Cooper In memory of Leila Leff In memory of Burton Sebold Marion & Allan Maitlin In memory of Burton Sebold Ellen & Scott Loventhal & Family Lois & Frank Dyer Shari Weiner Deena Goldsmith Bernhaut Helen Farber Nancy & Richard Dinar Adele & Sid Bernstein Beverly Schuhalter Staci & Glen Weiss & Family Dr. Joseph M. Juliano Paula Litzky Alice G. Goldfarb Anita & Steven Kaplan In memory of Burton Sebold In memory of Lester Abelson Ron Meyers With appreciation of Arnold Gerst Julie & Max Silbermann In honor of the marriage of Madeleine Kahan & Ilana Lee The Leff Family & Four Legged Friends In honor of Daniella Jacob becoming a Bat Mitzvah TBA Sisterhood In memory of Olga Feuer Alyce Miller Debbie & Ted Pearlman Helen Farber

    In memory of Lois Greene In memory of Charles Greene Dr. Joan B. Chase In memory of Norman Perlman In memory of Olga Feuer In honor of the birth of Cameron Charles Fried In memory of Michael Uiberall Merle & Marty Kalishman

    CLERGY DISCRETIONARY FUND In honor of his Bar Mitzvah with thanks to Rabbi Kulwin & Rabbi Dantowitz Ben Epstein In memory of Al Isaacson, father of Lory Bernstein Rick Bernstein In honor of the wedding of Matthew Baredes & Brittany Berkowitz Roz & Soly Baredes In memory of his father Milton Kukoff, with thanks to Rabbi Kulwin Michael Kukoff In memory of Edith Levin, mother of Arlene Bookbinder Mary Levine & Alan Goldstein In memory of her mother, Mickey Baroff, with thanks to Rabbi Kulwin Nancy Dinar In honor of their daughter, Amanda becoming a Bat Mitzvah Rebecca & Todd Bialick In memory of her mother, Edith Levin, with thanks to Rabbi Kulwin Arlene Bookbinder In memory of Stanley Schorr, father of Alison Halper In honor of Luke Seidman, grandson of Betty Ende becoming a Bar Mitzvah Elaine & Harris Cahn In memory of Burt Sebold, husband of Pat Sebold Debby & Jack Gillman In honor of Benjamin Epstein becom-ing a Bar Mitzvah In memory of William Rubin Sariece Rubin & Jonas Family In memory of Mickey Baroff, mother of Nancy Dinar Shari Weiner In memory of her son, Michael Uiberall Lynne Uiberall In honor of their wedding anniversary Aliyah Renee & Edward Rosenthal

    In memory of his mother, Sandra Farron Jonathan Farron In memory of her father, Robert Low-enstein Debbi Lebersfeld

    BARRY FRIEDMAN CREATIVE SERVICE FUND In honor of Ruth Ross’ granddaughter, Abigail Ryan Nengel, becoming a Bat Mitzvah Honi & Bennett Wasserman In memory of Burton Sebold Bobbi & Roland Berrebi

    CARING CONNECTIONS In memory of Edith Levin, mother of Arlene Bookbinder Marianne & Bernard Tulman In honor of Sophie Grabelle becoming a Bat Mitzvah Evelyn & Amos Gern In memory of Michael Uiberall Beth, John, Jeff & Brie Schachtel

    THE RUTH & HERMAN GOLDEN COLLEGE OUTREACH FUND In memory of Burton Sebold Susan & Alan Hammer

    SHEILA GROSSMAN EARLY SCHOOL FUND In honor of Ryan Friedman becoming a Bar Mitzvah In honor of Zachary Friedman becoming a Bar Mitzvah Mara & David Silber In memory of Mickey Baroff Patti & Barry Roberts

    THE FREDERICK W. KAMIS EARLY SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In appreciation of Rabbi Kulwin Jenna & Matthew Garrett In honor of Zachary Rosen becoming a Bar Mitzvah Sheila Grossman

    JEWISH LEARNING PROGRAM SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of Walter Kreisberg Brooke, Adam, Michaela & Jay Glanzberg In memory of Sondra Silver Shari, Roger, Shayna, Zach & Gabe Turbin

    KEREN OLAM In honor of Larry Cooper’s 80th birthday Adele & Sid Bernstein


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    YAHRZEIT FUND It is a traditional duty of Jews to recite Kaddish for a deceased parent, child, spouse, or sibling (daily during the first year, annually thereafter on the anniversary of death). We thank those who have contributed to the Yahrzeit Fund in memory of their loved ones. May their memories forever be for a blessing…

    ELLEN & PETER KLEIN GARDEN FLOWER FUND In honor of Tina Greenberg’s grandson, Zachary, becoming a Bar Mitzvah In memory of Edith Levin In honor of Sophie Grabelle becoming a Bat Mitzvah In memory of Mickey Baroff In memory of Olga Feuer Ellen & Peter Klein In memory of Mickey Baroff Tina Greenberg In honor of Tina Greenberg’s grandson, Zachary, becoming a Bar Mitzvah In memory of Mickey Baroff Merle & Marty Kalishman

    ALBERT MEINHARDT FUND FOR LEARNING In honor of the engagement of Rachel Lee to Zachary DeVisser In honor of Zachary Rosen becoming a Bar Mitzvah In honor of Abigail Ryan Nengel becoming a Bat Mitzvah Evi Meinhardt

    PRAYERBOOK FUND In memory of Harold Silverstrom In memory of Michael Uiberall The Jeddis Family In memory of Michael Uiberall Cathy & Bruce Fischberg & Family In honor of the birth of Theodore Stanley Miller In honor of Daniella Jacob becoming a Bat Mitzvah In memory of Burton Sebold Merle & Marty Kalishman

    PRIME TIME In honor of Zachary Rosen becoming a Bar Mitzvah In honor of Abigail Nengel becoming a Bat Mitzvah In memory of Edith Levin In memory of Olga Feuer Ethel & Bob Singer

    DR. JOACHIM PRINZ MEMORIAL LECTURE FUND In memory of Leila Leff Tina Greenberg

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    For Information:

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    300 East Northfield Road

    Livingston, New Jersey 07039

    mailing address: PO Box 46, Livingston, NJ 07039

    Temple 973.994.2290 Fax: 973.994.1838

    The Early School 973.994.7016 Fax: 973.994.7999

    Jewish Learning 973.994.3950 Fax: 973.994.7999

    Program (K-12)

    December 2018

    The Temple B’nai Abraham Bulletin is published monthly.

    Bruce H. Greene, D.O., President

    Jeffrey Klein, Vice President Jeffrey Kollin, Vice President

    Scott Loventhal, Vice President Kenneth Starr, Vice President

    Stacey Rosenberg, Secretary Isabella Fiske, Asst. Secretary

    Carey Gertler, Treasurer Craig Kantor, Assist. Treasurer

    Julie A. Silbermann, Immediate Past President

    Jakob B. Halpern, Counsel

    Clifford M. Kulwin, Rabbi

    Faith Joy Dantowitz, Rabbi

    Jessica Epstein , Cantor

    Lee Coppersmith, Cantor Emeritus

    Gail Milchman, Executive Director

    Debbie Aronson Ziering, Director of Early Childhood Education

    Melissa G. Weiner, Director of Jewish Learning

    Tina Greenberg, Communications Coordinator


    Friday, November 30 6:30 PM Shabbat Service. Third Grade Consecration Service Toby Singer, composer and musician, will join us for services. Saturday, December 1 9:00 AM Parashat HaShavuah: Vayeshev 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service Alexander Weiss, son of Donna Weiss and Barton Weiss, will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. Jackson Weiss, son of Donna Weiss and Barton Weiss, will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. 10:00 AM In the Brody Youth Lounge Benjamin Aronson, son of Larry Aronson and Suzanne Aronson, will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. Friday, December 7 Hanukkah, 6th Candle 5:45 PM Tot Shabbat & Hanukkah Service, Pizza Dinner 6:15 PM Temple-wide Hanukiyah Candle Lighting 6:30 PM Family Shabbat Service, Fourth Grade Hanukkah Service. Toby Singer, composer and musician, will join us for services. Saturday, December 8 Hanukkah, 7th Candle 9:00 AM Parashat HaShavuah: Miketz 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service Noah Shangold, son of Susan and Edmund Shangold, will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. Sean Smolyanskiy, son of Zina and Gary Smolyanskiy, will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah.

    Friday, December 14 6:30 PM Shabbat Service Ilya Maslov, pianist, will join us for services. Saturday, December 15 9:00 AM Parashat HaShavuah: Vayigash 9:00 AM Jr. Congregation 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Services Harrison Lipstein, son of Stacy Lipstein and Peter Lipstein, will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. Mia Meykler, daughter of Maya Zilbert and Boris Meykler, will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah. Friday, December 21 6:30 PM Shabbat Service Toby Singer, singer and composer, will join us for services. Saturday, December 22 9:00 AM Parashat HaShavuah: Veyechi 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service

    Friday, December 28 6:30 PM Shabbat Service Saturday, December 29 9:00 AM Parashat HaShavuah: Shemot 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service