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A Very Italian Selfacy

Chapter 4-Babies!

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Hello and welcome back to A Very Italian Selfacy!

This chapter marks the furthest I have ever gotten with a legacy family, wooo go me!

Determination at its finest.

So to celebrate I built the Costellos this laarvely new house :D

Tour? Kai!

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Here’s upstairs.Elder room, heir couple room, nursery, girls room, boys room, bathrooms and a spare room

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Aaaand downstairs.Living room, dining room, kitchen, bathrooms and spare rooms.I’m sure I’ll find some sort of use for them.And yes the house is very, erm, sparse at the moment but they spent all their money on remodelling D:Hopefully this will be all the room they need for the next few generations, until they have oodles of lovely money and I can build them a ridiculous legacy mansion.

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So when we left off Sadie had just popped at her rushed marriage to our heir, Agosto.She has 7 creativity points so I set her to painting her husbands legacy portrait.I think it has more sentimental value if the spouse paints it.

Notice the drawing of me and Stu still hanging on the wall there ;]

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Stu: So son, dropping out of college to get married and have a baby. Agosto: Um, yeah. Well it was an accident dad. It’s not like I planned to have a baby at all, ever. I am romance.Stu: Oh please son, I know what’s in your want panel. Remember there’s a RealMe too. I gotta admit, I expected better for my only son.Alii: Oh Stu go easy on him, after all I’m quite proud of our son. I mean he’s romance and yet he’s manned up and accepted his responsibilities, cut our boy some slack.

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Agosto: I’ll show them! I’ll make lots of MONEYYYYY muahahahahaa!!

Wow Agosto, this is kinda...scary. I think I’ll leave you to it, I’ll just place a fire alarm and be on my way...

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Alii: Oh Stu, don’t you think it’s lovely that our youngest is expecting? It might have happened at a bad time in his life but this means grandbabies! You’ve had that want locked since they all went to college.Stu: But Alii how can we even be sure that he’ll be a good father? He’s only a kid after all.Alii: I think you’re forgetting Stu, your sister had your niece when she was 19 and she’s a wonderful mother! Stu: I just never wanted this for my son...-sigh-

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Stu is CONSTANTLY calling his daughters, like every single day. Still, I’m not complaining, aspiration points is aspiration points.

Stu: Amadora! Ohh how’s my littlest twinny doing? Pregnant? That’s wonderful! At least you are married to a rich man and actually graduated, with honours at that! Daddy is proud of you sweetheart.

Hmm, I think he’s going to need time to get over this.

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Now here’s a conundrum, the Costellos have no enemies whatsoever, and no mean neighbours. And yet every night I find the trash can in this state.

Sadie: Ohh no not again, who could possibly hate our trash can this much? What did we ever do?! D:

Aww poor family sim, she’s not taking the possibility of not being loved by everyone hard.

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And then Stu did what Stu does best, acted like an idiot.So he got sick.Then ACR decided Alii should be sick too.She passed it to Agosto, who passed it to his pregnant wife.

Why me maxis? WHY?!

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I had Alii whip up some of Grandma’s comfort soup to make everyone all healthy again :DThank God for that...perk? Aspiration reward? What’s it called?

Alii: Ahh perfect, can’t have my hubby and my baby boy being sick.

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She then proceeded to cough and hack all over it.Ewwww Alii, ewwww.Somehow I don’t think that’s going to be curing anyone.

Alii: Ohh my! -COUGHHACKCOUGH- Oh, I’ll just mix that in and pass it off as soup skin. Nobody will know any different.

Oh God, RealMe would have a fit if she saw this kind of terrible hygiene being practiced around food.

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Amadora came over to visit! :DYaaay! I like her so much more now that she’s grown up and not splashing in frickin’ puddles xDTypically she’s thinking of money, while Agosto is ermm...Agosto, what are you doing to your sister? O__oAgosto: Oh, ummm it’s a new greeting! Yeah. Yeah.

Looks like his romance ways are surfacing , I’ll have to keep my eye on him from now on.(Amadora had her baby, with Vincent the college dude and for some reason doesn’t recognise Agosto as family, though she does everyone else. Weird.)

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Here comes the college baby!

Stu: No! I’m not ready for this! I’m only 50!Alii: Darling you have no choice, you’re about to be a grandpa! Spin and twirl Sadie dear!

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And then there was Bella!Yes, a girl which means more babies have to be born. Sigh.She has a mix of both her parents skintones, brown eyes and BLONDE hair!! Finally some of Alii’s genetics show through. :DBella of course means beautiful, which I’m sure this child will be.

Agosto: Hi baby! I’m your daddy!

And NO she is NOT named for Bella from the Twilight saga. Grr.My step-dad’s sister named her daughter Bella because of that and it makes me aaaaangry.

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But a boy is needed!Get to it guys, hopefully now you’re married Stu won’t object.

Agosto: Raaaawr...

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Stu: Oh who am I to judge Agosto. I remember Alii and I in our youth, so high on love. I can’t tell him when he’s ready for a wife and a baby, that’s his deicision. Besides, Bella is so beautiful! Babies! SQUEE!

Looks like Stu has gotten over it :P

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And Agosto was quite obviously ready to be a father.He is the only one so far to actually change the babies nappy when it’s smelly rather than just feeding her another bottle. He cuddles her and everything, he’s giving Stu a run for his money at being the best father ever.

This family just gets better and better.

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Agosto also seems to be rather glitched up.Not only are he and Amadora apparently not family, but after one day at work he was suddenly at the top of his career track.Not that I’m complaining , the money is nice, but it kind of feels like cheating. But guess what? He can’t quit! Fantastic...

Notice Alii and Sadie studying lifetime happiness together, Sadie complete with silly skilling hat.

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Stu has rediscovered his passion for art, and has set to painting Sadie’s portrait

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Which she obviously approved of, she got so excited by how pretty it was that she popped! :D

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Unsurprisingly it was Stu who brought baby Bella to her cake on the big dayLook how much she looks like she loves him already, I get the feeling these two are going to be close.Be ready for more Stu and child cuteness! :D

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Bella grew up pretty! :DShe’s a Libra2/7/2/7/8Hmm, a nice, playful sloppy sim.Seems just like every child in the world to me.

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Agosto earned 5,000 simoleons.

Well, he is earning 3,000 a day.I don’t like this :/I might make him stop going to work so he gets fired.WHY ARE YOU SO GLITCHED AGOSTO?!

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Oh look!Biiiig surprise here, Alii potty training a toddler.She must have some sort of OCD thing about being the one to potty train, she ALWAYS does it. Although she doesn’t look too thrilled here.

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Alii: Ahhh I can’t take this anymore! Stinky bottles and plates everywhere! NOT AGAIN!

Poor Alii, she can’t stand all the compulsary legacy mess. I think it might be time to get a maid. Not like they can’t afford it now.

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Stu is still our little handyman. Fixing everything for us.When he’s gone everything is going to go to hell.

What joy.

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Sadie: Oh wow! I mean I knew grilled cheese wasn’t the healthiest option but I didn’t know it’d have an effect THIS quick!

Haw haw Sadie, you know as well as I do that baby's popping.Make it a boy ok, I can’t be doing with loads of kids this generation (:

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OH LOOK!Stu teaching a toddler to talk!OH WOW HOW SURPRISING![/sarcasm]

I don’t think this poor girl has had a single interaction with her parents since she grew up.

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Speaking of her parents...Looks like another baby is on the way :D

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Sadie: Look Alii, it’s another girl! So many girls in this family...I’ll name her Brunella.

Alii: That’s nice dear but I’m kind of busy being accepted to a secret lot here...hello complete stranger that has let herself into my home!

Yes, ANOTHER girl. Ugh.Brunella is a variant of Bruna (Italian) and means ‘brown-skinned, brown-haired’. Fitting, as although she has the lightest skintone she has brown hair and eyes. How boring.

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Notice the lovely new brown bedroom I’ve made for the heir and spouse :3I like it.

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And apparently Alii likes it too.Seriously all she does is sit on that bed, daydreaming away.She sits on it so long she ends up almost starved to death.

This is what I get for not controlling the elders.

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Sadie: My first interaction with my eldest! TAKE A PICTURE!

This actually was the first time they had seen each other since Bella’s birth. Poor Sadie doesn’t do too well with pregnancy and is pretty much on permanent bedrest.

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Aaaaand apparently we have a ghost.I have no idea who this is, when she was here, or how she died. But apparently it happened.

Hello weird ghost lady, you are obviously upset about being tied to our lot for no apparent reason. I’ll just be selling your tombstone now. :D

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OH LOOK!Really, where are this kids parents?

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Sadie popped while I was in 3xSpeed so I missed the actual thing.Buuuut you get the idea.

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It’s a double birthday!What does this mean?

Stu&Alii: So intense!

Not that they actually look all too bothered.So much excitement in this family.

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Here’s Brunella!She’s an Aquarius6/7/4/5/6Hmm fairly balanced really.And still boring colouring.

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And Bella :DStill living up to her name

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Bella: Daddy! I’m all grown up now so I can hug you when you get home from work! And we can be bestest buddies too!Agosto: SQUEE!!

Like father like son. Stu and Arianna anyone?

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Brunella was smart milked.

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Potty trained.(by Alii, biiig surprise)

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And learned to talk.Although OMG her daddy actually taught her a skill!

Alii is just gegging in, trying to look all good.

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Poor Bella. Her dad is at work, her mother is on bedrest, her sister is a toddler and her grandparents are off on free will. No doubt not taking care of themselves at all.So she is forced to eat family meals on her own D:Bella: It’s alright. I don’t mind being this big...empty house...Don’t worry Bella, your sister will grow up soon and then you can do everything together :D

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SADIE!Stop popping when I’m in supa speed.

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I get the feeling I will be saying this for the rest of the legacy, but DAMN IT MAXIS!A C+ is a good grade!!


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So because of maxis’ over the top standards we teach Bella to study.Actually, HER DAD does!My god Agosto you are so amazing. :D

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Oh, hello Alii.Relaxing on somebody else’s bed I see. Big surprise. You know you do have your own, and it’s the best in the house. Why do you hate it so much?And WHY are you daydreaming about people you’ve never even met?

Frikkin’ weirdo.

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And Sadie goes into labour in the brown room, everyone’s favourite room in the house xD

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A BOY!Finally, I hate dealing with loads of kids when I can’t cheat. So this is Bruno, he has... Ugh brown hair and eyes, and the lightest skintone.Bruno means brown. Fitting.

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Sadie: Agosto sweetie could you hold this for a while? I don’t think I’m done.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Sadie! Funny you are.Sadie?

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WHY?! D:Ugh, this game likes to torture me I swear.So this is Bianca, she has exactly the same colouring as her brother. I smell the possibility of identical twinsies!Bianca means ‘white, pure’. Would have been fitting if she’d inherited blue eyes / blonde hair.

Oh well.

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And just in case you were wondering, yes Agosto DOES get positive memories of his children and he has wanted every single one!This is where I shall leave you, because every time a pair of twins is born I need to take some time to go and have a bit of a mental breakdown and cry. Just to prepare myself.Next Time: Raising twins, AGAIN!Thanks for reading and as always comments make for a happy Alii. :D x