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A Thesis
Submitted to
In Partial Fulfillment
Master of Science
II Of J­
d for Graduate Council
~ JaS161
I express sincere thanks and gratitude to Dr. Edward C. Rowe
for his invaluable assistance, advice, prompt attention, and extreme
patience in all directions throughout the course of study. A special
note of appreciation and gratefulness goes to Dr. Katherine N. Smalley
and Dr. Gaylen Neufeld who rendered assistance in preparing this paper.
I thank Mrs. Cynthia Brown for letting me use the histological slides.
C. Histological preparations 3
E.Nerve and muscle terminology 4
B. Distinguishing campaniform sensilla from empty
ha i r sockets............................................ 5
C. Campaniform sensilla on the dorsal surface of
the abdomen............................................. 10
the abdomen............................................. 14
17campaniform sensilla
campanl'form senSl'11 a . 17
A. Distribution of the campaniform sensilla
in the cockroach abdomen 22
B. Orientation of abdominal campan1form
sensilla 23
D. Buckling of the cut1cle; another possible
catch rnechani sm 24
'contro1 system 24
sensilla and internal stretch receptor organs 25
SUMMARY. . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27
1. Campaniform sensillum of Periplaneta just anterior to the antecostal suture..................................... 6
2. (A) Campaniform sensillum of Blaberus . 7 (B) Same as Fig. 2A at higher magnification . 7
3. (A) Diagram of appearance of campaniform sensilla . 8 (B) Diagram of appearance of hair socket
containing stump of hair . 8 (C) Diagram of an empty socket of tilted hair . 8 (D) A hair socket containing a hair broken off near
its base................................................. 9
4. Diagram of distribution of dorsally located abdominal campaniform sensilla of Periplaneta americana 11
5. Flattened whole mount of Periplaneta showing campaniform sensillum and nearby structures, including spiracle opening and antecostal suture 12
6. Diagram of dorsolateral campaniform sensilla in relation to nearby structures......................................... 13
7. Diagram showing orientation of ventromedial campaniform sensilla on sternites of a specimen of Periplaneta 15
8. Diagram showing orientation of ventromedial campaniform sensilla on sternites in a typical specimen of Blaberus 16
9. (A and B) Two records showing responses from DN3 in Blaberus to pressure applied to area surrounding dorsolateral campaniform sensilla 18
10. (A) Cross section of the mid-ventral campaniform sensillum in Blaberus 20
(B) Same as Fig. lOA at higher magnification 20 (C) Labeled diagram of the structures seen in
Fig. lOA and lOB 21
11. (A) Diagram to show how ventromedial campaniform sensilla might be activated by contractions of longitudinal intersegmental muscles 23A
(B) Diagram to show how dorsolateral campaniform sensilla might be activated by contractions of dorso-ventra1 muscl es '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23A
A sensillum can be defined as a sense cell or group of sense
cells associated with a sense organ. In insects sensilla often occur
in association with specialized cuticular structures. Sensilla are
more easily classified in insects by their structure than according to
their function and many structural types have been distinguished
(Snodgrass, 1935).
Among the classified sense organs are campaniform sensilla
(Latin campana = bell) which derive their name from their bell- or
dome-shaped cuticular part. They are often seen in groups of 2 to 20
on the legs according to Pringle (1938) and up to 72 on the wings
according to Gettrup (1965). Pringle (1938) was able to record
electric discharges from the nerve associated with the campaniform
sensilla of the cockroach while creating pressure in the neighborhood
of the sensilla. He thus demonstrated that campaniform sensilla are
cuticular stress receptors. Since the receptors he studied are arranged
so they respond to changes in loading on the legs, it is appropriate
to consider them as proprioceptors. He further showed that stimulation
of these receptors triggers an antigravity response similar to the
mammalian stretch reflex (Pringle, 1940).
The distribution of campaniform sensilla on legs, wings,
halteres and palps has been established (Pringle, 1938; McIndoo, 1914;
Gettrup, 1965; Pringle, 1948) but relatively little is known about the
distribution, much less the function, of campaniform sensilla on the
abdominal segments of insects. The main question asked in this
research was - where are the campaniform sensilla located in the
cockroach abdomen and what function or functions can be inferred
from this distribution?
Adult cockroaches (Periplaneta americana and Blaberus craniifer)
were raised in 31 by 47 by 20 cm steel cages in the laboratory.
Their food consisted of sliced apples, dog food, oatmeal and water
supplied twice a week.
The wings, legs and head were removed from a living specimen.
It was then pinned dorsal side up on a paraffin-filled petri dish. The
abdomen was opened and most of the internal organs were discarded.
After boiling 10 to 15 minutes in 10% KOH to digest the soft tissue,
the remaining chitinous cuticle was rinsed thoroughly in water. It
was then dehydrated by two changes of 100% alcohol before being cleared
in xylene for 15 to 30 minutes and in clove oil for two to thirty days.
Usually the preparations were mounted in Permount before being observed
under the microscope. An ocular micrometer was employed in measuring
distances between the campaniform sensilla and other nearby cuticular
and frontal sections were observed carefully and repeatedly under light
microscope. (These were prepared by Mrs. Cynthia Brown for Kehler's
1968 Thesis).
To find out which nerve branches carry the sensory information
from the abdominal campaniform sensilla to the central nervous system,
methylene blue-stained whole mounts were prepared using the techniques
of Stark, Smalley and Rowe (1969). Reduced methylene blue solution
(0.2 to 0.5 ml) was injected into the body cavity of the cockroach.
To stop the staining process and to fix the methylene blue, ammonium
picrate solution was injected 30 to 60 minutes later and the animals
were dissected to uncover the nerves in the neighborhood of the
campaniform sensilla. The preparation was flooded one-half to two
hours later with ammonium molybdate solution. After 12 to 48 hours,
the unwanted tissues were removed and the preparation was rinsed in
distilled water, given two 30 minute changes in tertiary butyl alcohol,
cleared in two 15 minute changes of xylene, and mounted in Permount.
In referring to the abdominal nerves and muscles of Periplaneta
the numbering and naming system of Shankland (1965) has been followed.
In referring to the corresponding structures of Blaberus, the independ­
ently devised but similar system of Smalley (unpublished dissertation,
1963) has been followed.
In the KOH-treated cuticle mounts, the thinned out domes of
campaniform sensilla appeared as slightly oval bright spots on a
darker background (Fig. 1 &2). Under 450 x magnification, a distinct
inner ring could be seen (Fig. 1 &2B). These were particularly
obvious when viewed with dark-field illumination. The dimensions of
the oval domes are approximately 8.5 x 11 microns in Periplaneta. In
Blaberus, the sensilla are larger and more oval (approximately 13 x 17
campaniform sensilla, since cockroaches have large numbers of abdominal
hairs and some were inevitably broken off at their bases to yield an
oval transparent area, some of which are about the same size as the
campaniform sensilla. McIndoo (1914) and Snodgrass (1935) have
mentioned the same difficulty. Both the campaniform sensilla and the
hair sockets possess an 'nner and outer ring (Fig. 3A - 3E), but the
resemblance ends here. When the campaniform sensillum is viewed with
transmitted light, the area between two rings is noticeably brighter
than either the center of the dome or the cuticle around the sensillum
(Fig. 1,2, &3A). Also in the campaniform sensillum there is a point,
along the long axis in oval sensilla, where the inner and outer rings
appear to join. Many of the hairs are tilted at an angle from the
Fi g. 1. Campaniform sensillum (arrow) of Periplaneta just anterior to the antecostal suture (acs). Note the orientation of the receptor; the long axis is angled slightly towards the mid dorsal line of the body (towards upper left in photograph). Photographed at 450 x.
Fig. 2A. Campaniform sensillum of Blaberus. Photographed at 100 x.
Fig. 2B. Same campaniform sensillum. Photographed at 450 x.
,,-.. ~ poi nt where the inner and outer ri ng joi n together
outer ring
hollow hair'
Fig. 3A. Diagram of appearance Fig. 3B. Diagram of appear­ of campaniform sensillum. ance of a hair
~ .~-
\., ·i nner ri ng
Fig. 3C. Diagram of an empty socket of tilted hair. (See photographs in Fig. 3E.)
Fig. 3D. A hair socket (arrow) containing a hair br.oken off near its base. Photographed at 450 x.
Fig. 3E. Empty hair sockets (arrows). Photographed at 450 x.
plane of the cuticle surface (Fig. 3C &3E), and these are quite easy
to distinguish from the campaniform sensi11a. Hair sockets (Fig. 3D
&3E) may also be oval and possess inner and outer rings but there is
no point where the inner and outer rings join and the space between
the rings does not appear brighter than the surrounding cuticle.
Campaniform sensi11a on the dorsal surface of the abdomen:
On each of the abdominal segments from 1 through 9, there are
two campaniform sensi1la on the dorsal surface, one near each lateral
edge (Fig. 4). The term dorsolateral campaniform sensi11a (DLCS) is
hereby suggested for those receptors. In Periplaneta they lie
0.63 ~ 0.14 mm from the lateral edge and 0.072 : 0.027 mm anterior to
a transverse intrasegmenta1 ridge of cuticle ("antecosta1 suture" of
Snodgrass, 1935). The long axes of the sensil1a incline 25 to 60
degrees from the long axis of the body, with the anterior ends
pointing in toward the midline (as diagrammed in Fig. 4).
Three types of cuticle preparations were made: whole dorsal
surface, whole ventral surface, and flattened lateral region. This
last preparation was made by cutting animals parasagittally about
2 mm in from the lateral edge. After digesting soft tissue with KOH,
the cuticle of the lateral edge was made into a flattened whole mount
so that both the ventral and dorsal structures in the region of the
• pleural fold could be viewed in the same plane. The photomicrograph
of Fig. 5 shows the area around a single DLCS in such a preparation.
The diagram of Fig. 6 shows the relationship between the DLCS and
adjacent structures in several segments.
~e., ~~~~
Fig. 4. Distribution of dorsally located abdominal campaniform sensilla of Periplaneta americana. Campaniform sensilla are indicated by dots. Lines through the dots indicate long axes of DLCS. Dashed ~ines indicate antecostal sutures. The following structures are segmental, but are shown only in a representa­ tive segment: 29 (see segment 2) = zones of dorsal attachment of large tergosternal muscles. 30,31, and 38 (see segment 5) = dorsal attachments of 3 smaller muscles; dotted area (see segment 3) = region of cuticle involved in catch mechanism. Numbers from Shankland, 1965)
Fig. 5. Flattened whole mount of Periplaneta showing campaniform sensillum (arrow) and nearby structures, including spiracle opening (sp) and antecostal suture (acs). See Fig. 6 for diagram which shows orientation of these structures within a larger area of the abdominal cuticle. Note large number of (tactile?) hairs, especially along margins of tergites and sternites. Photographed at 100 x.
__ -­ T _
Fig. 6. Diagram of dorsolateral campaniform sensilla in relation to nearby structures. Drawn from flattened whole mounts of lateral cuticular structures. Area surrounded by dashed lines represents field of micrograph of Fig. 5. acs = antecostal suture; t = tergite; st = sternite; sp = spiracle; ab = anterior boundary of tergite or sternite; DLCS = dorsolateral campaniform sensillum. Numbers refer to abdominal segment.
fold , \
Observations on the ventral surface of the abdomen showed one
to fbur campaniform sensilla are located on each segment (Fig. 7).
In Periplaneta sensilla lie within a 2.5 mm wide midventral band and
within 0.08 mm anterior or posterior to the antecostal suture. In
contrast to the DLCS, none lie close to the lateral edge. The term
ventromedial campaniform sensilla (VMCS) is hereby suggested for these
receptors. The orientation of the long axes of the VMCS varies some­
what from animal to animal. Fig. 7 shows how they were oriented in
one particular specimen of Periplaneta. In general the long axes of
the receptors point in toward the midline.
The situation is similar in Blaberus (Fig. 8) except the
anterior ends of the campaniform sensilla on the first few segments
point laterally rather than toward the midline and the sensilla were
always found anterior to the antecostal suture.
The observations showed that the VMCS are more variable in
distribution and orientation than the DLCS.
Other abdominal campaniform sensilla:
In ad~ition to the repeating DLCS and the VMCS there are four
dorsal and four ventral campaniform sensilla on the terminal segment,
in pairs near the base of each cercus (Fig. 4 &7). In addition, each
cercus has approximately 35 individual campaniform sensilla, most
occurring laterally in pairs at folding points in the cerci.
lr­ -- --\-\----­
. Fig. 7. Diagram showing orientation of ventromedial campaniform sensi11a (VMCS) on sternites of a specimen of Periplaneta.
Fig. 8. Diagram showing orientation of ventromedial campaniform sensilla (VMCS) on sternites in a typical specimen of Blaberus. Note: campaniform sensilla were not found in first two segments.
Using methylene blue techniques, whole mounts of flattened
lateral region were prepared to find out which nerve branch innervates
the DLCS in Periplaneta. A branch of nerve A3 (Shankland, 1965; see
Fig. 2 in appendix) innervates the DLCS region in Periplaneta and a
branch of nerve DN3 (Smalley, 1963; Kehler, 1968) innervates DLCS
in Blaberus.
Using the information reported here on the location of the
DLCS, Smalley (Personal Communication, 1973) has found it possible
to record activity from a mechanoreceptor which is probably the DLCS.
After cutting all but the branch of nerve DN3 which serves the area
in Blaberus, gentle prodding of the tergal cuticle resulted in
responses from two or three fibers, as seen in the spikes marked by
dots in Fig. 9A and 9B. In addition, spikes of a much greater
amplitude (marked by XIS) could be recorded under the following
special conditions which suggest that the DLCS was stimulated. In
each tergite in the area surrounding the DLCS there is a circular
region (dotted area in Fig. 4) which, when depressed with gradually
increasing pressure, noticeably "buckles" downward, and when released
buckles back up into position. When the cuticle pops downward (or
occasionally when it pops upward) the large amplitude spikes are
produced. The behavior of the cuticle around the DLCS suggests a
"ca tch ll mechanism such as has been described for the movement of
insect wings. The possible significance of this observation will be
left for the discussion.
Fi g. 9B. .- 100 1"ISeG. •
Fig. 9A &9B. Two records showing responses from DN3 in Blaberus to pressure applied to area surrounding DLCS. The large amplitude spikes (marked by XIS) occurred when cuticle buckled. Small spikes (marked by dots since they are hard to detect in the 60 cycle interference) occurred in response to gentler prodding as well as in response to buckling. Records courtesy of Dr. K. N. Smalley.
...... co
Even after an extensive search of the available cross sections
no evidence could be found of the DLCS. It is very difficult to get
consistently good sections of cuticle and it is probable that the
crucial sections were lost in preparations. However, a typical
campaniform sensillum was found during histological examination of
cross sections of the midventral region (Fig. lOA and lOB). There
could be seen a dome-shape body, the cap of which is surrounded by
cuticle. The thread-like distal process of the sense cell could be
seen to run down through a transparent canal. The structure is very
similar to those described by Snodgrass (1935, see diagram, Fig. 10C).
It was not possible to trace the distal process of the sense cell to
anyone of the cell bodies shown in the photograph.
Fig. lOA. Cross section of the mid-ventral campaniform sensillum of Blaberus. Photographed at 450 x magnification.
Fig. lOB. Same as Fig. lOA, photographed at 1000 x magnification.
14ft _distal process of the sense cell
Fig. lOCo Diagram of the structures seen in Fig. lOA &lOB. Parts labeled as in similar diagram of Snodgrass (1935).
A. Distribution of the campaniform sensi11a in the cockroach abdomen.
Compared to previously described campaniform sensi11a, the DLCS
and VMCS of cockroach are somewhat unusual in their distribution since
they are found as single, isolated receptors. Isolated campaniform
sensi11a have been described but it is more common for campaniform
sensi11a to be found in groups in areas where compressions and stresses
are most likely to occur (Pringle, 1938, 1948). In contrast to the
small numbers of sensi11a reported here, McIndoo (1914) mapped very
large numbers of campaniform sensi11a on the honey bee. On the drone,
he found 1,998 on the wing bases and 606 on the legs. On the worker
bee he found 1,510 on the wings, 658 on the legs, and 100 on the sting.
On the queen bee he found 1,310 on the wings, 450 on the legs, and 100
on the sting.
Having small numbers of receptor cells in insects is not
entirely unprecedented, the best example being the moth ear with only
two sense cells per ear (Roeder and Treat, 1961). But having only
single receptors eliminates one possibility for handling the range of
possible stimulus strengths, that of having several receptors with
different thresholds. This suggests that whatever may be the specific
function of these receptors, they are not able to report detailed
information on stimulus intensity.
B. Orientation of abdominal campaniform sensilla.
The DLCS and VMCS are also unusual in that their l6ng axes
showed (with a little var1ab1lity)a definite pattern of orientation
(see Fig. 4, 7, and 8) so they are probably selectively responsive
to shearing stresses applied in specific directions. This does not
fit with an earlier conclusion of Pringle (1948) who found that where
single isolated, , . campaniform sensilla are found in the cockroach leg
they tend to be circular rather than oval. This suggested that
isolated campaniform sensilla are non-specific as to the direction
of mechanical deformation they detect.
C. Position with respect to the antecostal suture.
The campaniform sensilla studied here are closely associated
with the antecostal suture, being found within 0.08 mm of the suture
in the case of the VMCS and 0.03 mm in the case of the DLCS; The
"suture~ which is a narrow, transverse structure providing strength
to the tergites and sternites might be better termed a rib. When
forces are put on the cuticle, maximum bending could occur just anterior
or posterior to these transverse stiffeners. The VMCS lie under
longitudinal muscles and might be activated by their contractions,
which cause telescoping movements of the abdomen (Fig. llA). The
DLCS lie close to the attachments of several muscles which compress
the abdomen dorsoventrally (Fig. llB). None of these muscles seems
ideally situated to trigger a response in the DLCS. However, 31 has
'an attachment close by, and 29, though somewhat more distant, is the
strongest of the abdominal muscles and its contractions might well
VMCS Ventral antecosta1 "suture"
Fig. 11A. Diagram to show how VMCS might be activated by contractions of longitudinal intersegmental muscles. Diagram represents tergites and sternites cut sagittally near the midline.
DLCS _dorsal antecosta1 "suture"
ventral antecosta1 "suture ll
Fig. 118. Diagram to show how DLCS might be activated by contractions of dorso-ventra1 muscles such as the large sterno-terga1 muscle (29) or the smaller intersegmental muscles (30 or 31). Diagram represents tergites and sternites cut sagittally near lateral edge.
stimulate the DLCS. The orientation of some of these muscles is
also shown in Fig. 4. Muscle 31 is particularly interesting since
the orientation of its fibers is similar to that of the long axes
of the DLCS.
The preliminary electrophysiological experiments on the DLCS
(Fig. 9) suggested that it was necessary for the cuticle near the
DLCS to undergo buckling before the receptor would fire. For this
to happen, the cuticle would have to be depressed quite strongly,
either by outside forces or by internal muscles. If it is true that
this receptor fires only when the cuticle buckles, then the receptor
has one very definite threshold. One possibility is that this receptor
ordinarily tells the central nervous system when a critical level of
dorsoventral compression has been achieved by contraction of a muscle
such as muscle 29, the sternotergal muscle, an important muscle
producing the ventilation movements.
The last thoracic and the six abdominal ganglia comprise a
respiratory control mechanism in cockroaches (Case, 1957; Smalley,
1963.) These central ganglia control the frequency and strength of
contraction of muscles which pump air through the tracheal system.
They also cause the spiracles to open and close in coordination with
the compression movements so air is drawn in posteriorly and pumped
shows parallels with the vertebrate mechanism. The respiratory
movements increase in frequency and depth in response to higher CO2 concentrations (Case, 1957; Smalley, 1963). Also, the respiratory
control mechanism is evidently influenced by feedback from a mechano­
receptor. Farley et!l. (Farley, Case and Roeder, 1967; Farley and
Case, 1968) recorded respiratory-induced activity from a peripheral
mechanoreceptor and also showed that the frequency of the respiratory
output could be modified by artificially increasing the input from the
periphery. It is tempting to identify the receptor with the DLCS.
However, Farley et!l. recorded from a point near the base of the
segmental nerve and did not identify the branch involved. Since
there are several other mechanoreceptors, including the tonic stretch
receptors (Finlayson and Lowenstein, 1958) and two sets of phasic
receptors (Kehler et !l., 1970; Florentine, 1967, 1968) additional
recording will have to be done on the nerve branches to establish
which of these receptors is the one Farley and Case (1968) found to
be activated during ventilatory movements.
F. Relationship between the abdominal campaniform sensilla and internal stretch receptor organs.
Each of the campaniform sensilla described in this study lies
close to another type of mechanoreceptor, a stretch receptor of the
scolopophorous (chordotonal) type with sensory endings embedded in
a strand of fibrous connective tissue. Near the VMCS lie the ventral
attachments of a receptor (Kehler et !l., 1970) called the ventral
phasic receptor (VPR) because it responded phasically to displacements
1 i 26
t of the abdomen. Near each DLCS lies a receptor called an abdominal,
I vibration receptor by Florentine (1967, 1968) but recently called
the lateral phasic receptor (LPR) by Smalley and Keh"ler (in preparation).
Both the LPR and VPR respond phasically to stretching or bending of
the abdomen. The LPR also responds to airborne sounds (Florentine,
1967, 1968) but the threshold levels for most specimens are so high
as to suggest that sound reception is not their normal function.
Campaniform sensi 11 a are also found in close associ atidn with
chordotonal organs in the wing bases of many insects and in the
halteres of flies (Zacwilichowski, 1933, 1934; cited in Pringle, 1957).
It is tempting to think that these close associations of campaniform
with chordotonal sensilla are of functional significance. One
possibility is that these two kinds of receptors respond somewhat
differently to particular mechanical inputs and that the central
nervous system can compare the two inputs centrally. The vertebrate
central nervous system is thought to make such a comparison between
the output of the golg; tendon organs, which are responsive to muscle
contraction and external stretch, with the output of spindle organs,
which are responsive only to external stretch (Granit, 1955). However,
until more is known about the response characteristics of both the
abdominal campaniform sensilla and their associated chordotonal
organs, this remains a highly speculative idea.
tergites and sternites of the cockroaches, Blaberus crani;fer and
Periplaneta americana. On each side of each tergite a dorsolateral
campaniform sensillum (DLCS) is found near the pleural margin. One
to four ventromedial campaniform sensilla (VMCS) are found more
centrally on each sternite. Both DLCS and VMCS are closely associated
with the rib-like reinforcing structures ("antecostal sutures") of the
terg;tes and sternites. The DLCS are at the edge of a region of
cuticle which undergoes buckling movements. While there is little
doubt that these are mechanoreceptors their function in the animal
is not yet clear. It is possible that they function as receptors
for muscle contractions, possibly providing sensory feedback for
controll ing ventilatory movements.
1 j
t I
Case, J.F. 1957. The median nerves and cockroach spiracu1ar function. J. Insect Physio1. 1: 85-94.
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Kehler, J.G., K.N. Smalley and E.C. Rowe. 1970. Ventral phasic mechanoreceptors in the cockroach abdomen. J. Insect Physio1. 16: 483-497.
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Smalley, K.N. and J.G. Kehler. In preparation. Studies on the lateral mechanoreceptors of the cockroach abdomen.
Smalley, K.N. 1973. Personal Communication.
Snodgrass, 1935. Principles of Insect Morphology. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Stark, M., K.N. Smalley and E.C. Rowe. 1969. Methylene blue staining ofaxons in the ventral nerve cord of insects. Stain Technol. 44: 97-102.
Zacwilichowski, J. 1933. Uber die Innervierung und die Sinnesorgane der F1uge1 von Schnabe1f1iegen (panorpa). Bull. into Acaa. Cracovie, B, II, 109-124. Cited in Pringle, 1957.
Zacwilichowski, J. 1934. Die Sinnesnervene1emente des Schwingers und dessen Homologie mit dem Fluge1 der Tipula pa1udosa Meig. Bull, into Acad. Cracovie, B, II, 397-413.
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