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International journal of scientific and technical research in engineering (IJSTRE) Volume 1 Issue 1 ǁ April 2016

Manuscript id. 371428192 Page 15

A Survey on Mobile Relays in Wireless Sensor Networks

Linu Sherin Issac* , Sruthy K S* , Soumya Sara Koshy** *Final year B.Tech student,Computer Science and Engineering,MBC College of Engineering and


**Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering,MBC College of Engineering and


Abstract- Wireless sensor Networks (WSNs) area unit progressively utilized in data-intensive applications like

micro-climate observance, preciseness agriculture, and audio/video police work. A key challenge round-faced by data-intensive WSNs is to transmit all the info generated inside associate degree application’s life to the

bottom station despite the very fact that detector nodes have restricted power provides. we tend to propose

exploitation cheap disposable mobile relays to scale back the energy consumption of data-intensive WSNs. In

this approach differs from previous add 2 main aspects. First, it doesn't need complicated motion designing of

mobile nodes, therefore it are often enforced on variety of cheap mobile detector platforms. Second, tend to

integrate the energy consumption as a result of each quality and wireless transmissions into a holistic

optimisation frame work .Here tend to gift economical distributed implementations for every formula that need

solely restricted, localized synchronization as a result tend to don't essentially cipher associate degree best

topology. However, the algorithms considerably crush the most effective existing solutions.

In this project text files as well as image can be shared using nodes.

Index terms- Data mules, Mobile Relay, wireless sensor network,

I. INTRODUCTION In this project 3 completely different approaches, mobile base stations, data mules, and mobile relays, that

use quality to scale back energy consumption in wireless detector networks are used. A mobile base station

moves round the network and collects information from the nodes. In some work, all nodes are forever

playacting multiple hop transmissions to the bottom station, and also the goal is to rotate that nodes are near the bottom station so as to balance the transmission load.In different work, nodes solely transmit to the bottom

station once it's near them (or a neighbour). The goal is to figure a quality path to gather information from

visited nodes before those nodes suffer bufferverflows In many rendezvous primarily based information

assortment algorithms are planned, wherever the mobile base station solely visits a specific set of nodes said as

rendezvous points among a point and also the rendezvous points buffer the information from sources. These

approaches incur high latencies owing to the low to moderate speed, e.g. 0.1-1 m/s of mobile base stations.Data

mules are just like the second sort of mobile base stations. They devour information from the sensors and

transport it to the sink. In mule visits all the sources to gather data, transports information over a ways, and so

transmits it to the static base station through the network. The goal is to search out a movement path that

minimizes each communication and quality energy consumption. just like mobile base stations, information

mules introduce giant delays since sensors got to anticipate a mule to travel before beginning their transmission. within the third approach, the network consists of mobile relay nodes in conjunction with static base station and

information sources. Relay nodes don't transport data; instead, they move to completely different locations to

decrease the transmission prices. we have a tendency to use the mobile relay approach during this work.

Goldenberg et al. showed that AN unvaried quality algorithmic program wherever every relay node moves to

the centre of its neighbours converges on the best answer for one routing path. However, they are doing not

account for the value of moving the relay nodes. In mobile nodes attempt to move only moving is helpful,

however the sole position thought-about is that the centre of neighbour. in contrast to mobile base stations and

information mules, our OMRC downside considers the energy consumption of each quality and transmission.

Our approach additionally relocates every mobile relay just one occasion forthwith when preparation. in contrast

to previous mobile relay schemes , we have a tendency to contemplate all attainable locations as attainable

target locations for a mobile node rather than simply the center of its neighbours. Also in our project the data

shared can be text files as well as images.

II. EXISTING SYSTEM [1]R. Szewczyk says that (an Associate in Nursing analysis of an outsized scale environment observation

application) there in paper an analysis of information from a second generation device networks deployed

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throughout the summer and time of year of 2003. Throughout a four month readying, these networks, consisting

of one hundred fifty devices, created distinctive datasets for each systems and biological analysis. This focuses

on nodal and network performance, with a stress on period of time, responsibility, and also the static and dynamic aspects of single and multi-hop networks.

Here the results collected to expectations set throughout the look part. it's in a position to accurately

predict period of time of the single-hop network, however the impact of multi hop traffic overhearing and also

the nuances of power supply choice area unit completely different. whereas initial packet loss information was

coterminous with research lab experiments ,over the length of the readying, responsibility of the backend

infrastructure and also the transit network had a dominant impact on overall network performance.Finally,they

evaluated the physical style of the device node supported readying expertise and a post mortem analysis. The

results shed lightweight on variety of style problems from network readying, through choice of power sources to

optimizations of routing selections. however this has some drawbacks that the sensors get broken because of the


[2]. Y. Gu. D. Bozdag (Mobile part based mostly differentiated message delivery in wireless device

networks).They have introduced new technology that mobile components (MEs) are projected as mechanical

carriers of information to prolong the period of time of device networks and to beat network partitioning

downside. A planning approach is projected certain MEs to gather sporadically generated information,

conjointly referred to as regular messages (RMs), from close device nodes with no buffer overflow.

However, augmented delay in message delivery with ME-based communication compared to multi-hop

communication might not be tolerated in some cases. Some messages may be a lot of imperative than others

because of vital values of the detected information. Such messages perhaps needed to be delivered to the Pine

Tree State inside a given point in time. Here new downside of Differentiated Message Delivery(DMD)

considering each regular and imperative message assortment is addressed . The projected answer incorporates

multi-hop communication into the Pine Tree State planning downside. device nodes sporadically monitor the

encircling environmental phenomena, method and save this data in their own buffer. we tend to decision these sporadically generated messages regular messages (RMs). Associate in Nursing Pine Tree State collects RMs

from close device nodes it approaches throughout its motion via short vary wireless communication. one among

the most benefits of utilizing MEs is that the reduced quantity of wireless communication that interprets into

augmented device period of time. What is more, networks now not have to be compelled to stay connected and

sensors may be deployed solely at the regions of interest, while not reference to maintaining property.

But the most disadvantages are unit the augmented delay for messages compared to multi-hop



[3].S.R. Gandha (Energy economical schemes for wireless device networks with multiple mobile base

stations).In this paper the most style problems for a device network is conservation of the energy out there at

every device node. A deploy multiple, mobile base stations is projected to prolong the period of time of the device network. Split the period of time of the device network into equal periods of your time referred to as

rounds. Base stations area unit resettled at the beginning of a spherical. This methodology uses Associate in

Nursing number linear program to work out new locations for the bottom stations and a flow-based routing

protocol to confirm energy economical routing throughout every spherical. Propose four analysis metrics and

compare the answer exploitation these metrics. supported the simulation results, show that using multiple,

mobile base stations in accordance with the answer given by the schemes would considerably increase the

period of time of the device network. A device network could be a static unintended network consisting of many

device nodes deployed on the fly for unattended operation. every device node is supplied with a sensing device,

an occasional procedure capability processor, a short-range wireless transmitter-receiver and a restricted battery-

supplied energy. device nodes monitor some encompassing environmental development, method obtained and

forward this data towards a base station set on the bound of the device network.

Base station collect from the device nodes and transmit this data to some device station. The disadvantages area unit Some applications may tolerate a loss of sizable range of nodes and still be deemed

useful, whereas in others losing one device node can render the network negligible.

[4]. S. Jain(Exploiting quality for energy economical information assortment in wireless device networks)In this

Associate in Nursing analysis of multi-resolution storage for device network is completed. Wireless device

networks modify dense sensing of the surroundings, providing new opportunities for observant the physical

world. Centralized information assortment and analysis adversely impact device node period of time. Previous

device network analysis has, therefore, targeted on in network aggregation and question process, however has

done therefore for applications wherever the options of interest area unit notable a priori. once options aren't

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notable a priori, as is that the case with several scientific applications in dense device arrays, economical support

for multi-resolution storage and unvarying, drill-down queries is crucial.

Sensors have the capabilities of doing sensing, processing, and wirelessly transmission collected information back to base stations by manner of multiple-hop relay. device itself provides necessary operation

with restricted battery energy. Those operations that consume energy area unit transmission and receiving

information, running applications, measurement power, and even staying in standby mode. Among others,

information transmission consumes the foremost energy.A wireless device network (WSN) consists of spatially

distributed autonomous sensors to watch physical or environmental conditions, like temperature, sound ,

vibration , pressure , humidity, motion or pollutants and to hand in glove pass their information through the

network to a main location. The a lot of fashionable networks area unit bi-directional, conjointly analysis in

device networks has been targeted at various scientific applications, as well as micro-climate and environment

observation, earthquake and building health observation et al. Such networks area unit primarily meant for long-

run readying, to get information concern antecedent unperceivable phenomena for careful analysis by specialists

within the field. Information analysis in such applications typically involves advanced signal manipulation, as well as modeling, looking for new patterns or trends, probing for correlation structures etc. as an example,

researchers building health observation hope to be able to correlate dynamic vibration patterns of buildings to

information about little earthquakes.Standard approaches to such observation have concerned wired and sparsely

deployed networks that transfer all information from sensors to a central information repository for persistent


The main disadvantages of this paper area unit impact of irregularities, Irregularities in spatio-temporal

sampling of information impacts various aspects of our style. on the spacial axis, this description presently

assumes that nodes within the network are organized in a very grid, or otherwise uniformly deployed. on the

temporal axis, information from completely different areas within the network would wish to be synchronal

before our techniques may be used. Data Correlation Statistics, during this work, they create the idea that

summaries at constant level area unit of equal size. It impose 2 restrictions on the creation and storage of

summaries in current work which may amendment in future versions. First, they assume that each one summaries at constant level area unit of equal size. whereas this constraint has the advantage of constructing

communication balanced between completely different elements of the network, this might not be ideal for

question accuracy, since it ignores the particular variations within the information in several regions of the


III. PROPOSED SYSTEM Here a cheap disposable mobile relay to cut back the full energy consumption of information intensive

WSNs. completely different from mobile base station or knowledge mules, mobile relays don't transport data;

instead, they move to completely different locations then stay stationary to forward knowledge on the methods from the sources to the bottom station. Thus, the communication delays is considerably reduced compared with

mistreatment mobile sinks or knowledge mules. Moreover, every mobile node performs one relocation in

contrast to different approaches that need recurrent relocations. The network consists of mobile relay nodes at

the side of static base station and knowledge sources. Relay nodes don't transport data; instead, they move to

completely different locations to decrease the transmission prices. we have a tendency to use the mobile relay

approach during this work. Showed that Associate in Nursing reiterative quality rule wherever every relay node

moves to the centre of its neighbours converges on the best resolution for one routing path. However, they are

doing not account for the price of moving the relay nodes. In mobile nodes arrange to move only moving is

helpful, however the sole position thought-about is that the neighbours. The sink is that the purpose of contact

for users of the detector network. every time the sink receives a matter from a user, it initial interprets the

question into multiple queries then disseminates the queries to the corresponding mobile relay, that method the queries supported their knowledge and come the question results to the sink. The sink unifies the question

results from multiple storage nodes into the ultimate answer and sends it back to the user. This approach takes

advantage of this capability by forward that presently an outsized range of mobile relay nodes are out there. On

the opposite hand attributable to low producing value, existing mobile detector platforms are usually battery-

powered by batteries and solely capable of restricted quality.

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Fig 1: Proposed network

Mainly four modules square measure delineate during this paper. every activity totally different functions, that

square measure the premise of this planned theory. the restrictions of all the prevailing theories square measure resolved mistreatment this.

a)Mobile Relay

The network consists of mobile relay nodes alongside static base station and knowledge sources. Relay nodes

don't transport data; instead, they move to totally different locations to decrease the transmission prices. The

mobile relay approach is employed during this work. Goldenberg showed that AN repetitious quality formula

wherever every relay node moves to the centre of its neighbours converges on the best resolution for one routing

path. However, they are doing not account for the value of moving the relay nodes. In mobile nodes plan to

move only if moving is useful, however the sole position thought-about is that the centre of neighbours.


The sink is that the purpose of contact for users of the sensing element network. whenever the sink receives question from a user, it 1st interprets the question into multiple queries then disseminates the queries to the

corresponding mobile relay, that method the queries supported their knowledge and come the question results to

the sink. The sink unifies the question results from multiple storage nodes into the ultimate answer and sends it


c)Source Node

The supply nodes during this downside formulation function storage points that cache the info gathered by

alternative nodes and sporadically transmit to the sink, in response to user queries. Such a specification is

according to the look of storage central sensing element networks. Our downside formulation conjointly

considers the initial positions of nodes and also the quantity of information that must be transmitted from every

storage node to the sink.

d)Tree Optimization

Here the sub downside of finding the best positions of relay nodes for a routing tree only if the topology is

mounted. we have a tendency to assume the topology may be a directed tree within which the leaves square

measure sources and also the root is that the sink. Here a tendency to conjointly assume that separate messages

cannot be compressed or merged; that's, if 2 distinct messages of lengths M1 and money supply use constant

link (si, sj ) on the trail from a supply to a sink, the full range of bits that has got to traverse link (si, sj) is


IV. CONCLUSION In this project, a holistic approach is planned to attenuate the full energy consumed by each quality of

relays and wireless transmissions. Most previous work unheeded the energy consumed by moving mobile

relays. Once they model each sources of energy consumption, the best position of a node that receives

knowledge from one or multiple neighbours and transmits it to one parent isn't the center of its neighbours;

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instead, it converges to the current position because the quantity of information transmitted goes to eternity.

Ideally, begin with the best initial routing tree during a static atmosphere wherever no nodes will move.

However, this approach will work with less best initial configurations together with one generated mistreatment solely native data like greedy geographic routing. This approach improves the initial configuration mistreatment

2 repetitious schemes. the primary inserts new nodes into the tree. The second computes the best positions of

relay nodes within the tree given a set topology.

This enable to doubtless extend our approach to handle further constraints on individual nodes like low

energy levels or quality restrictions attributable to application necessities. This approach may be enforced during

a centralized or distributed fashion.In this project text files as well as images can be shared between the

sensors.This will be a great benefit.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors thank Alpha Vijayan, Annie Chacko.

V.REFERENCES [1] R. Szewczyk, A. Mainwaring, J. Pilaster, J. Anderson, and D. Culler, “An analysis of a large scale

habitat monitoring application” , 2004.

[2] Y. Gu, D. Bozdag, and E. Ekici, “Mobile element based differentiated message delivery in wireless

sensor networks” ,2006

[3] S. R. Gandham, M. Dawande, R. Prakash, and S. Venkatesan, “Energy efficient schemes for wireless

sensor networks with multiple mobile base stations” ,2003. [4] S. Jain, R. Shah, W. Brunette, G. Borriello, and S. Roy, “Exploiting mobility for energy efficient data

collection in wireless sensor networks”, 2006.

AUTHORS Linu Sherin Issac-Final year B.Tech student ,Computer Science and Engineering,MBC College of Engineering

and Technology,Peermade,Idukki,Kerala,India, [email protected]

Sruthy K S-Final year B.Tech student,Computer Science and Engineering,MBC College of Engineering and

Technology,Peermade,Idukki,Kerala,India, [email protected] Soumya Sara Koshy-Assistant Professor ,Computer Science and Engineering department,MBC College of

Engineering and Technology,Peermade,Idukki,Kerala,India [email protected]