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A Selection of Readings suitable for Marriage/Civil Partnership Ceremonies

An Apache Blessing

May the sun bring you new strength by day, May the moon softly restore you by night,

May the rain wash away your fears, And the breeze invigorate your being,

May you, all the days of your life together, Walk gently through the world and know its beauty.

Treat yourselves and each other with respect,

and remind yourselves often of what brought you together. Give the highest priority to the tenderness,

gentleness and kindness that your connection deserves. When frustration, difficulties and fear assail your relationship,

as they threaten all relationships at one time or another, remember to focus on what is right between you,

not only the part which seems wrong. In this way, you can ride out the storms,

when clouds hide the face of the sun in your lives, remembering that even if you lose sight of it for a moment,

the sun is still there. And if each of you takes responsibility for the quality of your life

together, it will be marked by abundance and delight.

Now you will feel no rain,

For each of you will be shelter for the other, Now you will feel no cold,

For each of you will be warmth to the other, Now there is no more loneliness,

For each of you will be company for the other, Now you are two persons,

But there is only one life before you. Go to your dwelling,

Enter into the days of your life together And may your days be good and long upon the earth.

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Celtic Blessing

May peace guard The door of your house The door of your heart

May the road rise to meet you, And the sun stand at your shoulder

May the wind be always at your back

And the rains fall softly upon your fields May life itself befriend you

Each day, each night Each step of your journey.

May peace be with you

From the day that we have here today To the day of the end of our lives,

Until the day of the end of your lives.

I will be true to the promises I’ve made, To you and to the one who gave you to me.

I will be here.

I love you because

I love you because you’re my future, My present and part of my past

My world has been turning so quickly And time just keeps moving so fast.

I love you because you have something

no ordinary person can give A warmth that I’ll cling to forever -

hold on to so long as I live

I love you because your devotion is tender and wonderfully rare

Could anyone ever imagine The magic moments we share?

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I love you because you are truthful, Your eyes hold the key to my heart Tell me you share my commitment,

And say we shall not be apart.

I love you because you are wonderful, You give me all that I need

A hug when I seek reassurance, A smile if we have disagreed.

I love you because….. I just love you,

For too many reasons to say And I’ll always be right here beside you,

A breath and a heartbeat away.

Where there is Love (Helen Steiner Rice)

Where there is love the heart is light. Where there is love the day is bright. Where there is love there is a song

To help when things are going wrong. Where there is love there is a smile

To make all things seem more worthwhile. Where there is love there’s quiet peace, A tranquil place where turmoils cease -

Love changes darkness into light And makes the heart take “wingless flight”.

Love is The Reason

Love is the reason why this day was chosen by you both to begin your lives together.

And love is the reason why you both will give with all hearts for the good of each other.

Love is the reason that together you will become one; one in hope; One in believing in life; one in sharing the coming years.

Love Love puts the music in laughter

The beauty in song

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The warmth in a shoulder The gentle in strong

Love puts the magic in memories

The sunshine in skies The goodness in giving

The starlight in eyes

Love puts the fun in together The sad in apart

The hope in tomorrow The joy in the heart.

Ancient Sanskrit Poem

Look well to this day, for it is life The very best of life

In its brief course lie all the realities and truths of existence The joy of growth,

The splendour of action, The glory of power.

For yesterday is but a memory And tomorrow is only a vision

But today if well-lived, Makes every yesterday a memory of happiness

And every tomorrow a vision of hope Look well therefore to this day.


This isn’t sometimes This is always

This isn’t maybe This is always

The real beginning of forever This isn’t just midsummer madness

A passing glow, a moment’s gladness This is love.

I knew it on the night we met

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You tied a string around my heart So how could I forget you? With every kiss I know that

This is always

Valentine (Wendy Cope)

My heart has made my mind up And I’m afraid it’s you

Whatever you’ve got lined up My heart has made its mind up And if you can’t be signed up This year, next year will do.

My heart has made its mind up And I’m afraid it’s you.

What is Love? (Author Unknown)

Sooner or later we begin to understand that is love is more than verses on valentines and romance in the movies.

We begin to know that love is here and now, real and true, the most important think in our lives.

For love is the creator of our favourite memories and the foundation of our fondest dream.

Love is a promise that is always kept, a fortune that can never be spent, a seed that can flourish in even the most unlikely of places.

And this radiance that never fades, this mysterious and magical joy, is the greatest treasure of all

one known only by those who love.

I belong in your arms (Deborah Brideau)

Finally I have found a place Into which I fit perfectly, safely and securely

With no doubts, no fears, no sadness, no tears. This place is filled with happiness and laughter,

Yet it is spacious enough to allow me the freedom to move around, To live my life and be myself.

This wonderful place, which I never believed really existed, I have found, finally,

Inside your arms, Inside your heart, Inside your love

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The Bargain (Sir Philip Sidney)

My true love hath my heart, and I have his,

By just exchange one for another given, I hold him dear, and mine he cannot miss. There never was a better bargain driven,

My true love hath my heart, and I have his.

His heart in me keeps him and me in one. My heart in him his thoughts and senses guides,

He loves my heart, for once it was his own. I will cherish his because it in me bides,

My true love hath my heart, and I have his.

I Wanna Be Yours (John Cooper Clarke)

I wanna be your vacuum cleaner Breathing in your dust.

I wanna be your Ford Cortina I will never rust,

If you like your coffee hot Let me be your coffee pot,

You call the shots, I wanna be yours.

I wanna be your raincoat For those frequent rainy days,

I wanna be your dreamboat When you want to sail away,

Let me be your teddy bear Take me with you anywhere,

I don’t care, I wanna be yours.

I wanna be your electric meter

I will not run out, I wanna be the electric heater

You’ll get cold without, I wanna be your setting lotion

Hold your hair in deep devotion,

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Deep as the deep Atlantic ocean That’s how deep is my devotion.

Thank You, My Soul Mate (Marlina Bee Bryant)

What if there wasn’t the internet? Do you think that we would ever have met?

I keep thinking, what would I be doing? What kind of life would I be leading?

I often think about these things

And I always come to the same perception

Without you, I could have been a lonely person,

Living an unfulfilled life I know that we met for a reason

And the definition was Both you and I were meant to be soul mates.

You have given me the strength to move on

I believe that our relationship has been blessed I am so content that things

Have turned out the way they were supposed to be ……

Thank you for loving me, You are my world, my life, my heart and my soul.

Learning to give

Learning to give not always to take, Learning to forgive each little mistake,

Learning to love whatever the cost, Always remember alone you’d be lost.

Trying so hard your partner to please, Trying to save whilst paying the fees,

Trying to smile when things turn out wrong, Always remember to curb your tongue.

Never to think of only yourself,

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Never to say you wish you had wealth. Never to let your temper get hot,

Always be thankful for what you have got.

If you remember all of these things, You will discover the joys that it brings.

Sonnet 166 (William Shakespeare)

Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments. Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds,

Or bends with the remover to remove: O, no, it is an ever-fixed mark,

That looks on tempests and is never shaken; It is the star to every wandering bark,

Whose worth’s unknown, although his height be taken. Love’s not Time’s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks

Within his bending sickle’s compass come; Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,

But bears it out even to the edge of doom. If this be error and upon me proved, I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

Excerpt from the novel “Captain Corelli’s Mandolin” (Louis de Bernieres)

Love is a temporary madness, it erupts like volcanoes then

subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision.

You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together

That it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because that is what love is.

Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, It is not the proclamation of promises of eternal passion….

That is just being “in love”, which any fool can do. Love itself is left over when being in love has burned away,

And this both an art and a fortunate accident….. To have roots that grow towards each other underground,

So that when all the pretty blossom has fallen from your branches You find that you are one tree and not two.

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The Meaning (Kellie Spehn)

To love is to share life together To build special plans just for two

To work side by side And then smile with pride

As one by one, dreams all come true.

To love is to help and encourage With smiles and sincere words of praise

To take time to share To listen and care

In tender, affectionate ways.

To love is to have someone special One who you can always depend

To be there through the years Sharing laughter and tears

As a partner, a lover, a friend.

To love is to make special memories Of moments you love to recall

Of all the good things That sharing life brings

Love is the greatest of all.

I’ve learned the full meaning Of sharing and caring

And having my dreams all come true; I’ve learned the full meaning

Of being in love By being and loving with you.

A Love Poem

Now comes the knitting, the tying, the entwining into one, Mysterious involvement of two, whole separate people

Into something altogether strange and changing, new and lovely. Nothing can ever be, we will never be, the same again;

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Not merged into each other irrevocably, but rather From now on we go the same way, in the same direction,

Agreeing not to leave each other lonely, or discouraged, or behind, I will do my best to keep my promises to you and keep you warm;

And we will make our wide bed beneath the bright and ragged quilt of

All the yesterdays that make us who we are, The strengths and frailties we bring to this marriage,

And we will be rich indeed.

If you can love each other

If you can love each other Through the sunshine and the storm, And keep the flame of true devotion

Glowing bright and warm; If you can give each other room To grow and change and learn, Yet still hold one another close

In mutual concern; If you can be both lovers

And the very best of friends, And face together, hand in hand,

The challenges life sends… If you can offer patience, comfort,

and real understanding, Encourage one another’s efforts,

Yet be undemanding; If you can show true love and faith

In everything you do, Then married life will surely hold

Much joy for both of you.


If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when others doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired of waiting,

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Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,

An yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream – and not make dreams your master If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two imposters just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, And stoop and build ‘em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch – and – toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on!”

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings – nor lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ of distance run,

Your’s is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And – which is more – You’ll be a Man, my Son!

The Dawning of the Day

One morning fair when the summer air With the songbirds sweetness rang

While loud and free to flower and tree The streams, their music sang.

I wandering went with heart content And spirits light and gay

But, bade farewell in a shady dell At the dawning of the day.

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As rapt I hung on the notes that rung

From the blackbirds flute of gold A strain more clear broke on my ear

Than ever songbird trolled, And blest my sight two eyes whose light

Aglow with truth’s own ray, Love letters wound my heart around

At the dawning of the day.

And oft since then a fairy glen I’ve sought when the west is bright To hear once more that music soar

And see again that light, For something lies within her eyes

That seem to me to say ‘Twas not in vain I heard that strain

At the dawning of the day.

The Confirmation

Yes, yours, my love, is the right human face. I in my mind had waited for this long,

Seeing the false and searching for the true, Then found you, as a traveller finds a place of welcome suddenly

Amid the wrong valleys and rocks and twisted roads. But you, what shall I call you?

A fountain in a waste, A well of water in a country dry,

Or anything that’s honest and good, An eye that makes the whole world bright.

Your open heart. Simple with giving, gives the primal deed,

The first good world, the blossom, the blowing seed, The heart the steadfast land, the wandering sea,

Not beautiful or rare in every part, But like yourself,

As they were meant to be.

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A Spring Morning

The spring comes in with all the hues and smells,

In freshness breathing over hills and dells. O’er woods where May her gorgeous drapery flings,

And meads washed fragrant by their laughing springs. Fresh are new opened flowers, untouched and free

From the bold rifling of the amorous bee. The happy time of singing birds has come,

And loves lone pilgrimage finds a new home. Among the mossy oaks now coo’s the dove,

And the hoarse crow finds softer notes for love. The foxes play around their dens, and dark

In joy’s excess, mid woodland shadows dark The flowers join lips below; the leaves above; And every sound that meets the ear is love.

Sonnets from the Portuguese

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach.

When feeling out of sight For the ends of being and ideal grace.

I love to the level of everyday’s most quiet need, By sun and by candlelight.

I love thee freely, as men strive for the right; I love thee purely as they turn from praise.

I love thee with the passion put to use in my old griefs And with my childhoods faith.

I love thee with a love I seemed to lose with my past youth. I love thee with the breath, smiles tears of all my life!

And if thou choose, I shall but love thee better after death

I knew that I had been touched by love

I knew that I had been touched by love the first time I saw you, and felt your warmth, and I heard your laughter.

I knew that I had been touched by love when I was hurting from

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something that happened, and you came along and made the hurt go away.

I knew that I had been touched by love when I quit making plans with

my friends, and started dreaming dreams with you.

I knew that I had been touched by love when suddenly I stopped thinking

in terms of ‘me’, and started thinking in terms of ‘we’.

I knew that I had been touched by love when suddenly I couldn’t make

any decisions by myself anymore, and I had the strong desire to share everything with you.

I knew that I had been touched by love the first time we spent alone

together, and I knew that I wanted to stay with you forever because

I had never felt this touched by love.

I Promise

I promise to give you the best of myself and to ask no more than you can give.

I promise to respect you as your own person and to realize that your

interests, desires and needs are no less important than my own. I promise to share with you my time and my attention

and to bring joy, strength and imagination to our relationship. I promise to keep myself open to you, to let you see through the

window of my world into my innermost fears and feelings, secrets and

dreams. I promise to grow along with you, to be willing to face changes in

order to keep our relationship alive and exciting.

I promise to love you in good times and in bad, with all I have to give

and all I feel inside in the only way I know how Completely and forever.

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Love is……..

Love is caring when you’re glad And caring when you’re blue. Love is sharing good and bad

As though it’s part of you Love is feeling tenderness about the smallest things,

Love is glowing in the warmth a special moment brings. Love is finding happiness In just a touch or smile,

Love is everything that counts- It’s what makes like worthwhile.

Shall I compare thee?

Shall I compare thee to a summers day?

Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,

And summers lease hath all too short a date. Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines,

And often is his gold complexion dimmed, And every fair from fair sometimes declines,

By chance, or natures changing course untrimmed, But thy eternal summer shall not fade,

Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st, Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade,

When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st. So long as men can breathe,

Or eyes can see, So long lives this and gives life to thee.


You’re the wind in my branches, the blood through my veins, You’re the spirit within me, my pleasure my pain.

Though the wind may cease, and the blood run slow, You’re my everything.

You’re the sun in my summer, through skies overcast,

You’re the future before me, my present, my past.

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Though the years go by, and the seasons change, You’re my everything.

You’re the smile in my laugh, at an everyday scene,

You’re the strength deep inside me, my purpose, my dream. Though the smile may fade, and the dreams awake

You’re my everything.

You’re the one I will be with, till we reach the end, You’re a child and a parent, my lover, my friend.

Though time touches all, and few things remain true, You’re my everything.

A Chinese Poem

I want to be your friend forever and ever,

When the hills are all flat And the rivers run dry.

When the trees blossom in winter And the snow falls in summer. When heaven and earth mix

Not till then will I part from you.

The Meaning of True Love

It is sharing and caring,

Giving and forgiving, Loving and being loved, Walking hand in hand, Talking heart to heart,

Seeing through each other’s eyes, Laughing together, Weeping together.

For love that is shared is a beautiful thing It enriches our lives and makes our hearts sing!

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A Partnership

A partnership is a promise

That two hearts gladly make. A promise to be tender, To help, to give and take

A partnership is a promise To be thoughtful and considerate,

Fair and understanding. A partnership is a promise To share one life together..

A love-filled promise meant to be Kept lovingly for ever.

Love Is The Most Incredible Of All The Experiences That Touch Our Lives

It creates for us the world that we want to live in.

From the beginning of our lives, we know that love is the power that comforts and protects us;

It is the one feeling that we can depend upon to help us through life’s ups and downs.

Love is the understanding and security that never changes;

It allows us to be ourselves and feel self confident. Today, as the two of you join together and commit your love to

each other, Remember the lessons of love that you have always

known. Let your love comfort, support and encourage you.

Let your love be the best part of your lives; Always know that it will make everything better and it will make your world a place of


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When I look at you now

When I look at you now

I see all the hope and promise of our life together As the love that was always there.

in us grows stronger still. I see the wonder , the mystery, the miracle of love and all our

dreams waiting to be born. I see that we’ve learned what it takes to make a relationship work

and ours does. Thank you for being you,

And making me feel loved, Because what we have is special,

And together, as partners, it will only grow

Love is giving

Love is giving, not taking, Mending, not breaking,

Trusting, believing, Never deceiving, Patiently bearing

And faithfully sharing Each joy, every sorrow, Today and tomorrow.

Love is kind, understanding, But never demanding.

Love is constant, prevailing, Its strength never failing. A promise once spoken For all time unbroken, Love’s time is forever.

True Love

True love is a sacred flame That burns eternally

And none can dim its special glow Or change its destiny.

True love speaks in tender tones And hears with gentle ear

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True love gives with open heart And true love conquers fear.

True love makes no harsh demands It neither rules nor binds,

And true love holds with gentle hands The heart that it entwines

from “Gift From The Sea”

When you love someone, you do not love them all the time, in exactly the same way, from moment to moment. It is an

impossibility. It is even a lie to pretend to; and yet, this is exactly what most of us demand. We have so little faith in the ebb and

flow of life, of love, of relationships. We leap at the flow of the tide and resist in terror its ebb. We are afraid it will never return. We insist on permanency, on duration, on continuity when the only continuity possible, in life as in love, is in growth, in fluidity- in

freedom, in the sense that the dancers are free, barely touching as they pass but partners in the same pattern.

The only real security is not in owning or possessing, not in demanding or expecting, not in hoping, even. Security in a

relationship lies neither in looking back to what was in nostalgia, nor forward to what it might be, in dread or anticipation, but living

in the present relationship and accepting it as it is now. Relationships must be like islands, one must accept them for what they are here and now, within their limits-islands, surrounded and interrupted by the sea, and continually visited and abandoned by

the tide.

Stay Near To Me

Stay near to me and I’ll stay near to you-

As near as you are dear to me will do, Near as the rainbow to the rain,

The west wind to the windowpane, As fire to the hearth, as dawn to dew.

Stay true to me and I’ll stay true to you-

As true as you are to me will do, New as the rainbow in the spray,

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Utterly new in every way, New in the way that what you say is true.

Stay near to me, stay true to me. I’ll stay

As near, as true to you as heart could pray. Heart never hoped that one might be

Half of the things you are to me- The dawn, the fire, the rainbow and the day.

Us Two (A.A.Milne)

Wherever I am, There’s always Pooh, There’s always Pooh and Me,

Whatever I do, he wants to do, “Where are you going to-day?” says Pooh:

“Well that’s very odd ‘cos I was too. Let’s go together,” says Pooh ,says he.

“Let’s go together,” says Pooh.

“What’s twice eleven?” I said to Pooh, “Twice what?” said Pooh to Me.

“I think it ought to be twenty-two.” Just what I think myself,” said Pooh.

“It wasn’t an easy sum to do, But that’s what it is,” said Pooh, said he.

“That’s what it is ,” said he.

“Let’s look for dragons,” I said to Pooh. “Yes, let’s,” said Pooh to Me.

We crossed the river and found a few- “Yes, those are dragons alright,” said Pooh.

“As soon as I saw their beaks I knew. That’s what they are,” said Pooh, said he.

“That’s what they are.” said Pooh.

“Let’s frighten the dragons,” I said to Pooh. “That’s right,” said Pooh to me. “I’m not afraid,” I said to Pooh,

And I held his paw and I shouted “Shoo! Silly old dragons!”- and off they flew. “I wasn’t afraid,” said Pooh , said he,

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“I’m never afraid with you.”

So wherever I am, there’s always Pooh, There’s always Pooh and Me.

“What would I do?” I said to Pooh, “If it wasn’t for you,” and Pooh said “True,

It isn’t much fun for One, but Two Can stick together,” says Pooh, says he.

“That is how it is,” says Pooh.

Two Hearts As One

To one and all this verse imparts

A welcome, warm, with happy hearts, For on this day will be united

Two people sharing love requited.

Their lives have known both joy and pain, But over all their pledge will reign,

Unto each other thus to give The strength and trust by which to live.

Together now they both shall stand

To face the future hand in hand, And constant as the sky above,

Their guiding light will be their love.

And so, this hour, begins their life Of happiness as man and wife,

And all who stand beneath the sun Bear witness now, the two are one.

Shakespeare Sonnet 29

When in disgrace with Fortune and men’s eyes, I all alone beweep my outcast state,

And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries, And look upon myself and curse my fate, Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,

Featured like him, like him with friends possessed,

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Desiring this man’s art, and that man’s scope, With what I most enjoy contented least;

Yet, in these thoughts myself almost despising, Haply I think on thee, and then my state,

Like to the lark at break of day arising From sullen earth, sings hymns at heavens gate;

For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings That then I scorn to change my state with kings.

Celtic Wish

May peace guard The door of your house The door of your heart

May the road rise to meet you, And the sun stand at your shoulder

May the wind be always at your back And the rains fall softly upon your fields

May life itself befriend you Each day, each night

Each step of your journey.

May peace be with you And with your children,

From the day that we have here today To the day of the end of our lives,

Until the day of the end of your lives.

From "The Velveteen Rabbit" by Margery Williams

"What is REAL?" asked the Rabbit one day, when they were lying side by side near the nursery fender, before Nana came to tidy the room. "Does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stick-

out handle?"

"Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real."

"Does it hurt?" asked the Rabbit.

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"Sometimes," said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful.

"When you are Real you don't mind being hurt."

"Does it happen all at once, like being wound up," he asked, "or bit by bit?"

"It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You become. It

takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully

kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the

joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who

don't understand."

Love is...

More beautiful than roses Much deeper than the seas Stronger than a hurricane

But timid like a breeze

Real as in a picture But yet it can't be seen

More beautiful than anything As vivid as a dream

Precious as rare jewels

A bond between two hearts A symphony of feelings

When time is spent apart

Sharing common interests Working through all fears

Looking at yourself As if two were in the mirror

Finding common ground

On issues not agreed Giving into arguments

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Tending all your needs

Being there for always Is all I want to do

Holding you forever Because our love is true

These I Can Promise

Author Unknown

I cannot promise you a life of sunshine; I cannot promise riches, wealth, or gold; I cannot promise you an easy pathway

That leads away from change or growing old.

But I can promise all my heart's devotion; A smile to chase away your tears of sorrow;

A love that's ever true and ever growing; A hand to hold in yours through each tomorrow.

Have You Ever

Jody Beck

Have you ever just met a person

Who made your head turn Have you ever met a person Who made your heart burn Have you ever met a person

That let you be you Have you ever met a person

That made you feel love true Have you ever met a person Who touched you so deep

Have you ever met a person Without whom you could not sleep

Have you ever met a person

that brightened your life Have you ever met a person

That made you want to be a wife

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Have you ever met a person Whose eyes promise you'll never feel blue

I know you have Because that person is you.

A Selection of Readings more suitable for (currently) for Marriage Ceremonies

Flowers (Wendy Cope)

Some men never think of it You did. You’d come along

And say you’d nearly brought me flowers But something had gone wrong.

The shop was closed. Or you had doubts, The sort that minds like ours

Dream up incessantly. You thought I might not want your flowers.

It made me smile and hug you then. Now I can only smile.

But look, the flowers you nearly bought Have lasted all this while.

Chapter One of One Thousand

For two people this dawn brought on

A magical day Now husband and wife they head on their way As a boat setting sail may their journey begin

With the calmest of waters, most helpful of winds.

And if they should stumble upon turbulent sea May it pass them unharming - leave them be.

For here are two people

whom love has well bitten. Here opens their book

which is yet to be written.

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As the first page unfolds and their life inks its’ path, May it write a true story where forever love lasts. Let their journey be happy till death do they part. Of one thousand chapters may this be the start.

Marriage Joins Two People In The Circle Of Its Love (Edmund O’Neill)

Marriage is a commitment to life, the best that two people can find and bring out in each other. It offers opportunities for sharing and growth that no other relationship can equal. It is a physical and an

emotional joining that is promised for a lifetime.

Within the circle of its love, marriage encompasses all of life’s most

important relationships. A wife and a husband are each other’s best friend, confidant, lover, teacher, listener and critic. And there may come times when one partner is heartbroken or ailing and the love of the other may resemble the tender caring of a parent for a


Marriage deepens and enriches every facet of life. Happiness is fuller, memories are fresher, commitment is stronger,

even anger is felt more strongly, and passes away more quickly.

Marriage understands and forgives the mistakes life is unable to avoid. It encourages and nurtures new life, new experiences, and

new ways of expressing a love that is deeper than life.

When two people pledge their love and care for each other in marriage, they create a spirit unique unto themselves which binds

them closer than any spoken or written words. Marriage is a promise, a potential made in the hearts of two people who love

each other and takes a lifetime to fulfil.

The Owl And The Pussycat (Edward Lear)

The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea in a beautiful pea-green boat

They took some honey and plenty of money wrapped up in a five pound note.

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The Owl looked up to the stars above, and sang to a small guitar,

“O lovely Pussy, O Pussy my love, what a beautiful Pussy you are, you are, you are!!

What a beautiful pussy you are!”

Pussy said to Owl “You elegant fowl, how charmingly sweet you sing.

O, Let us be married! too long we have tarried: but what shall we do for a ring?”

They sailed away, for a year and a day, to the land where the Bong -Tree grows.

And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood, with a ring at the end of his nose, his nose, his nose

With a ring at the end of his nose.

“Dear Pig, are you willing to sell, for one shilling, your ring? ”Said the Piggy, “I will”

So they took it away, and were married next day by the Turkey who lived on the hill.

They dined on mince, and slices of quince, which they ate with a runcible spoon;

And hand in hand on the edge of the sand, They danced by the light of the moon, the moon,

the moon, They danced by the light of the moon.

The Promise (Eileen Rafter)

The sun danced on the snow with a sparkling smile, As two lovers sat quietly, alone for a while. Then he turned and said, with a casual air

(Though he blushed from his chin to the tips of his hair),

“ I think I might like to get married to you”. “Well then, she said, “Well there’s a thought,

But what if we can’t promise to be all we ought, If I’m late yet again, when we plan to go out.

For I know I can’t promise that I’ll learn to ignore Dirty socks and damp towels strewn all over the

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floor. So if we can’t vow to be all that we should

I’m not sure what to do, though the idea’s quite good”

But gently he smiled and tilted his head Till his lips met her ear and softly he said

“I promise, to weave my dreams into your own, That wherever you breathe will be my hearts’ home.

I promise, that whether with rags or riches I’m blessed

Your smile is the jewel I’ll treasure the best. Do you think then, my love, we should marry –

do you?” “Yes “ she said smiling “ I do”.

A Personal Thought

Remember that our lives are made up of three tenses – the past, the present and the future. To be happy in our lives, we must pay attention to each one and your wedding day is a perfect time to do


You reflect as a couple on the first time you met and the roads that you have travelled to arrive here today. You remember the past when you see your family and friends, you forget and ignore any old disagreements you may have had and instead you reminisce

and talk about the good times you have enjoyed, sharing old stories and memories.

You enjoy the present, becoming man and wife, exchanging your

vows of eternal love. You share good food and wine in the company of those people you care about most and with whom you

want to share your special day.

So now you are looking to your future lives together and your hopes and aspirations, all of which we hope will be fulfilled. You have planned for today and you have planned for tomorrow. You

now have new roads to travel as husband and wife.

A wedding message

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To love is to share life together. To build special plans just for two.

To work side by side, And then smile with pride

As, one by one, dreams all come true.

To love is to help and encourage With smiles and sincere words of praise.

To take time to share. To listen and care

In tender, affectionate ways.

To love is to have someone special On whom you can always depend

To be there through the years, Sharing laughter and tears

As a partner, a lover, a friend.

To love is to make special memories Of moments you love to recall.

Of all the good things That married life brings,

Love is the greatest of all.

Yes, I’ll Marry You (Pam Ayres)

Yes, I’ll marry, my dear, and here’s the reason why; So I can push you out of bed when the baby starts to cry,

And if we hear a knocking and it’s creepy and it’s late, I hand you the torch to see, and you investigate.

Yes I’ll marry you, my dear, you may not apprehend it,

But when the tumble-drier goes it’s you that has to mend it. You have to face the neighbour should our Labrador attack him,

And if a drunkard fondles me it’s you that has to whack him.

Yes I’ll marry you, you’re virile and you’re lean, My house is like a pigsty you can help to keep it clean. That sexy little dinner which you served by candlelight,

As I do chipolatas, you can cook it every night!

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It’s you who work the drill and put up curtain track, And when I’ve got PMT it’s you who gets the flak,

I do see great advantages, but none of them for you, And so before you see the light, I do, I do, I do !

A Marriage (Mark Twain)

A marriage makes of two fractional lives a whole It gives to two purposeless lives a work

And doubles the strength of each to perform it.

It gives to two questioning natures A reason for living, and something to live for.

It will give new gladness to the sunshine A new fragrance to the flowers

A new beauty to the earth And a new mystery to life.

The Art of Marriage

A good marriage must be created. In the marriage, the little things are the big things.

It is never being too old to hold hands. It is remembering to say “I love you” at least once each day.

It is never going to sleep angry. It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives.

It is standing together and facing the world. It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family.

It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways.

It is having the capacity to forgive and forget. It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow.

It is a common search for the good and the beautiful. It is not only marrying the right person,

It is being the right partner.

On your wedding day

Today is a day you will always remember The greatest in anyone’s life

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You’ll start the day just two people in love And end it as husband and wife.

It’s a brand new beginning, the start of a journey

With moments to cherish and treasure And although there’ll be times when you disagree

These will surely be outweighed by pleasure.

You’ll have heard many words of advice in the past When the secrets of marriage were spoken

But you know that the answers lie hidden inside Where the bond of true love lies unbroken.

So live happy together as lovers and friends

It’s the dawn of a new life for you As you stand there together with love in your eyes

From the moments you whisper “I do”.

And with luck, all your hopes and your dreams can be real May success find it’s way to your hearts

Tomorrow can bring you the greatest of joys But today is the day it all starts.

Marriage is….

Learning to give not always to take, Learning to forgive each little mistake,

Learning to love whatever the cost, Always remember alone you’d be lost.

Trying so hard your partner to please, Trying to save whilst paying the fees,

Trying to smile when things turn out wrong, Always remember to curb your tongue.

Never to think of only yourself,

Never to say you wish you had wealth. Never to let your temper get hot,

Always be thankful for what you have got.

If you remember all of these things,

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You will discover the joys that it brings, Then you’ll have what so many folk miss,

Always you’ll have a marriage of bliss.

He Never Leaves The Seat Up….

He never leaves the seat up Or wet towels upon the floor The toothpaste has the lid on And he always shuts the door!

She’s very clean and tidy

Though she may sometimes delude. Leave your things out at your peril

In a second they’ll have moved!

She’s thoughtful when he looks at her A smile upon his face

Will he look that good in 50 years When his dentures aren’t in place?

He says he loves her figure

And her mental prowess too But when gravity takes her over

Will she charm with her IQ?

She says she loves his kindness And his patience is a must

And of course she thinks he’s handsome Which in her eyes is a plus.

They’re both not wholly perfect

But who are we to judge? He can be pig headed

Whereas she won’t even budge!

All that said and done, they love The time they spend together And I hope as I am sure you do

That their happiness will last forever

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He’ll be more than just her husband He’ll also be her friend

And she’ll be more than just his wife She’ll be his soul mate ‘til the end

A Happy Marriage

If you can always be as close and as happy as today, Yet be secure enough to grow and change along the way. If you can keep for you alone your love as man and wife,

Yet find the time to share your joy with others in your life. If you can be as one and walk through marriage hand in hand,

Yet still support the goals and dreams that each other of you have planned.

Then a happy marriage shall indeed be yours.

A Good Wedding Cake

4lb of love 1lb butter of youth 1/2lb of good looks 1lb of sweet temper

1lb blindness of faults 1lb of self forgetfulness

1lb of pounded wit 1lb of good humour

2 tablespoons of sweet argument 1 pint rippling laughter

1 wine glass of common sense 1oz of modesty

Put the love, good looks and sweet temper into a well furnished house. Beat the butter of youth to a cream and mix well with the

blindness of faults. Stir the pounded wit and good humour into the sweet argument, then add the rippling laughter and common

sense. Work the whole together until everything is well mixed and then

bake gently for ever.

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Marriage is

Marriage is a dynamic process of discovery.

Marriage is a journey, not an arrival. In marriage, being the right person

Is as important as finding the right person. Marriage is starting to love

Over and over again.

Marriage is a life’s work

Marriage is an art – and like any creative process, It requires active thought and effort.

We have to learn how to share on many different levels. Proceed to practice talking from the heart,

And understanding attitudes as well as words. Giving generously and receiving graciously

Are talents that are available to anyone. All these skills need to be developed If the marriage picture that we paint

Is to be anything approaching the masterpiece intended.

When you marry

“When you marry her, love her. After you marry her, study her.

When she is blue, cheer her. When she is talkative, by all means listen to her.

If she dresses well, compliment her. When she is cross, humour her.

If she is jealous, cure her. If she is lonely, comfort her.

When she looks pretty, tell her so. Let her feel you understand her.

But never let her know she isn’t the boss.

When you marry him, love him. After you marry him, study him.

If he is secretive, trust him. If he is sad, cheer him.

When he is talkative, listen to him.

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When he is quarrelsome, ignore him. If he is jealous, cure him.

If he cares nought for pleasure, coax him. If he favours society, accompany him.

When he deserves it, kiss him. Let him think you understand him.

But never let him know you manage him.”

On your wedding day

Today is a day you will always remember The greatest in anyone’s life

You’ll start the day just two people in love And end it as husband and wife.

It’s a brand new beginning, the start of a journey

With moments to cherish and treasure And although there’ll be times when you disagree

These will surely be outweighed by pleasure.

You’ll have heard many words of advice in the past When the secrets of marriage were spoken

But you know that the answers lie hidden inside Where the bond of true love lies unbroken.

So live happy together as lovers and friends

It’s the dawn of a new life for you As you stand there together with love in your eyes

From the moments you whisper “I do”.

And with luck, all your hopes and your dreams can be real May success find it’s way to your hearts

Tomorrow can bring you the greatest of joys But today is the day it all starts.

A Marriage

A marriage makes of two fractional lives a whole; It gives to two purposeless lives a work,

And doubles the strength of each to perform it.

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It gives to two questioning natures a reason for living And something to live for;

It will give a new gladness to the sunshine, A new fragrance to the flowers,

A new beauty to the earth And a new mystery to life.

A Walled Garden

Your Marriage, he said, should have within it,

A secret and protected place, open to you alone. Imagine it to be a walled garden,

Entered by a door to which only you have the key. Within this garden you will cease to be a mother, father, employee,

homemaker Or any other roles which you fulfil in daily life.

Here you are yourselves, Two people who love each other.

Here you can concentrate on one another’s needs.

So take my hand and let us go back to our garden. The time we spend together is not wasted but invested.

Invested in our future And the nurture of love.

Marriage is one long conversation

Marriage is one long conversation, Chequered by disputes.

The disputes are valueless But they ingrain the difference.

The heroic heart of woman prompting her at once To nail her colours to the mast.

But the intervals, almost unconsciously, And with no desire to shine,

The whole material of life is turned over and over, Ideas are struck out and shared. The two persons more and more

Adapt their notions to suit the other, And in the process of time, without sound of trumpet, They conduct each other into new worlds of thought.

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Extract from “Virginibus Puerisque”

Love should run out to meet love with open arms. Indeed the ideal

story is that two people, who go into love step for step, with a consciousness, like a pair of children venturing into a dark room. From the first moment when they see each other, with a pang of

curiosity, through stage after stage of growing pleasure and embarrassment, they can read the expression of their own trouble in each other’s eyes. There is no declaration properly so called; the feeling is so plainly shared, that as soon as the man knows what it is

in his own heart, he is sure of what is in the woman’

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