Download - a * ; - S S f s l S — Table Board by the…. .-ozy ilrawing room in a grand house. I r VI11 penetrated through


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Itaaco . l ’uq>sday, J a n u a r y 9 , 1S7S

^ S P i lU S G J i s i •A C liein icaS .% arral5vr.


b iU tr n igh t. T he w inJ hun rcitnV, and brought the snow-

in aiiowera against the1)1. -ft- a hu and e lm up in showers against

' jilate “ lass windows th a t ligh ted . .-ozy ilraw ing room in a g rand house.

I r ■ VI11 penetrated th rough the heavj : foids iifdan iask , and sent a shiver ovei ; the ■.'obust fftune o f th e o ld mai i ii.isKid in Ill's elegantly upholstei ' , h .If tiie may sea coal fii

-n !l‘.

of p i aion or A ho ■ I lu Itif blood'-' Hr-

« « t 5 s s n o t : » i = S 5 '\ud I ir . “ mmi-i'-Kloa -A.-hi --he had a lieeri

rt*a?f>», serift to■* ihon^hl, wl

a * ; -I ’o be 2l on in honor of M ss Pp*\ywO?’ .

tl ft fraojmnce N r -h.-, b8lm;\^hat exhall a from the odorous

; : ; r : r S ) ; r ' “ S

I : ' u*rni"!. nb.'u you ^rniff up Lnhin orPin-

T.'lii- W,'nuToUi'_me would brlshten the ghtfca of

-s i k ' S | k s '' .c , 'S % '. . » i

“U g h ! w hat a n ig h t ! I t tu rn s my blood ta icU. even in th is w arm roo W hat roust i t be o u t in the street ?”

T here came a sharp ring a t th e door ju s t then , and he tu rned to know •who was th e in truder.

A servant entered, bearing a square pa red in her h a n d ,’ w hich she quietly deposited on th e fable, saying, “to r you sir.” and then left th e old man alone.

•For me I W ell, who on earth has opened th e ir heart w ide enough to find a place for me ?” said A dam H artford, as he took up ,the package and u n tied

A squiu-o w hite box m et h is gaze, and w ith m a t cam ion which had a ll his life been one o f th e ch ief regula tors o ' being, he lifted th e cover and p

‘•W ell: WtciiA. perfect bed of fragran t Ho

w ith 'lh e e lip o f tlie tiot house yet upon their, green stems, luy nestlit an elegant basket.

01,1 A dam to-ik it up dai W hat a wealth of tube roses,hyachi camelias, buds, soft creamy sta r flowers and lillies, lay there side by side ! W hy, in all his w-ealth, he had no th ing SO fairnr perfect as one o f these buds.

I wondtr-iwho sent them ? Somebodyth a t knows no th ing of the value of money I ’ll f!o bound. These trifles are almost worth the ir w eitrht in go ld , atth is season.”

lie could not suppress th a t thought. I t was one th a t was ever first in his m ind, and bad been, ever since he had earned his first five dollars. He had, ill early life, denied him self every luxury, .and nearly every comfort, in the world, URtil be had gained enough to tully allow; himself the ir indulgence, w it'aout seeing behind them the dreaded w olf named Poverty. Ifow th a t he had grown immensely rich, he filled his house vfitb p ictures and fine pieces of sta tuary , because o the r folks d id and because they looked well. He carpeted his floors w ith soft carpets, because they were com fortab le ; p u t g rea t downy chairs ' in every corner, because theyr e ^ d h im ; and ea t the very best foodto be obta ined , because his appetite -waspoor, and he could no t ea t any th ing else. B ut buying flowers, g iv ing apen -

m ytliing more.T he iw sket o f hot-house flowers, as,

Irtsh and perfect as when he first saw cbem, sa t on the table, Jind hd w ent and paaai-d his h in d oviir them .' Y ou're a queer s e t ! I f I hadn’t seen you, 'l sbouldn’t be so soft. L ot me see ! I ’m only fifty yetirs o ld --1 can’t bo iu my dotage, and I 'm no t cnizv. S’o ! I am a going to ge t 'n iarried, and I shall marry th a t poor woman. With her beautiful face, and pa tien t manner,■ t she -.viU h ive me. - 'W ouldn’t you !”

The flowers did no t.have tim e to re­ply, for Kilty entered ju s t then, and brought w ith he r a sw eet yonfl^ lady, with spark ling eyes and very red checks, who said .with n iaugh ;

•‘ Oh, H r. H a r tlb fd ! liave you really go t those unfortunate ffowers? How stup id o f Jo h n to Iwing them to the

“ W hy bless me Miss KittW. did you

“ i - v r * " " ' " ' -d o o r - ”

w ould advise you to take i t yourself. ;i-„ Jo h n m igh t m ake another mistake, and .jjg' really, if he. should] not, I th ink i t will

do Fred more good to have vou carry

‘r . - :

red more good to have you carry

iss K ittle w aited until Thomas ! w ith apothet- basket, ana then

ted as Adam advised.Before the long w inter nigh ts ended

— before the snow left the streets, andwant left the doors of the poor—there w asth ft, sweet, womanly face, on the other side o f A dam ’s hearthstone, and he often held in h is arm s th a t same child who was b rough t in unto him half lead from the c'oljl street.

And th rough the loving hands of ihesc tw o, so strangelv given un to him-,

rich m an’s heart w ent ou t and fed hungry, cldthed th e naked, and

and filled

'ell I w a n t t * < ttto proper mrrn

nethint? to fill oat tho

s s f f f j S s s r r . , .. iliatalady may wallz In, or

shHx iihvays taaml iloivn to the earth with these Ar- vm llHtenii’is'i nonsense; itoa’i IJl’.-i -; S w ilglit tliinir, and epacioue, and ".inulMnzTikie^well, in Cidt—.something like tier • -h-* pan-»t!d ; and hero Brown, overcome b

Avtin Allll x^ndeem

/:i lUN rtancram oferienre.—a jubilant aonnd,L’ke fointi elejnent jn>*t from it» irammeU lu

W,1 11,1- crasjl ill lii,i ].»a--ae-e, .mil Iasi lingering

i i s l l s s s r a H : :

’ to anybody in the wide w orld, doinglything bu t for his ow n com fort andse, was som ething th a t never occurred

A dam H artford h a d spent his wholelife in th e accum nlation o f w ealth, and now th a t he had grow n o ld , a ll he had to do was to take care o f himself. B ut hs could no t help touching w ith very tender fingers, the delicate leaves of the flower, and thlniclng, .UxaL hla eU gant.fwWseiiaff never seen any th ing ha lf scbeautiful.

% o w who sent them ? H a ! h a ! ha You don’t suppose th a t I have m ade t conquest ?” and he m ade the room ring w ith his hearty voice. “A dam , are you ge ttin g handsome ? M ust be, or no lady (and surely i t m ust be a lady who sent these) w ould ever th in k o f sending you a basket o f flowers ? H allo ! w hat

T he tid y servant g irl opened once more the door o f the draw ing room, and th is tim e she had a g rea t bundle in


I'-Dce wil’ttW.otw'ti. n it> a|un exportation wa» thrilling the 1,0, the (loorlewnnar its hinges with ntteroneo Mol Pompen'^announced, with trnmpet-llke I he entranc"S’ BrOA\-n and Miss .Addle DeLalni

line of a warm a

i s K i ;

£ i :Ihmmlng of praises aaiVtho glances of

<>ryonr swaot&eftrt, in unu

i l f e f i s i s f e - s s

times of. bronchitis < or frivolous scoff. 1■ ■ n^afjlon,

I their ntomh and i few fthut their

i i i l S'w ben the iffeather Is pleasant, you frequently

■ s s s g i p . '

these tw o, so St the rich m an’s

lifted up^the broken-hearted, his ow n life w ith a happiness o f the ir blessings and prayt

is under bonds for various offt

lam ’s face e tbe basket of ne forw ard and

- K .,e . 1 . ,her here on the sofa, and bring a little wine and some -.varni flannels. She has

A nd fqr the first tim e in his life he opened hiu heart. Better let me say the flowers opened it a lit tle way, and th is poor hbtpless child came before-he had tim e to close it. A t any rate he sa t quie tly dow n, and took tbe frig id 'hand in his own, and rubbed i t sm artly, ffbd when the. wine came he took the spool and fdheed a little o f the liqu id betweeiher closed teeth . In ten m inutes shi

. was w ide awake, her blue eyes ta k in g

furnlKg'oaheroomTaid ^ ^ ^mysterious basket o f flowers on the ta ­ble. She looked a t A dam H artford nex t, and then a t K aty.

‘‘■Where is my m o th e r '“ Y our m other? How d 'e Ibund yon on onr dot

the old“ Ob, y e s!” she looked very thoughfu l

for a^moment. My m am m a is sick, in a cold room , and I was afraid she’d die,

I, and I happened to th ink ho owns our block. I 8 down sta irs say th a t he

was awful r ic h ; and do you know th a t I tb q u g h t I ’d find him , and te ll him that- mamma was dying, becaiwe we d id d ’t have any wood o r any th ing to eat. I found o u t th e s treet where he lived, and I th in k th is is it. I w a s try ­ing to read the names on tbe door,

“ Vifhat is his name“ A dam H artfo rd .”T he old man looked a t the wan face,

the clear, tru th fu l eyes, th e sw eet c h ild m outh, there was no t a single shade of deceptions there, so he tu rned to K aty and s a id :

“Leave ns alone.”“W hat do you w ant

I to ld you mv mamma was sick you know ?”

‘Yes b u t he won’t care.”■ T he grea t tears Bashed ii

^ “6 h , don’t you th in k he will will I do w ithou t mamma ?”

“ W here is your father ?”“D ia d !”T he old, old story, th a t began w ith

the fall,, to end— ah, w hen ? N o t y e t ; no t u n til pride and selfishness s e t ou t to g e th e r ; sm othered by the fire o f char­ity and love I

“ W hat would you do if A dam H art­ford should w rap you up in warm

■ send you home w ith wood, - .in.. or„j nioney to

t my m other ?” ither? How do we k n o w j

into the blue

th in k he will ? W hat

; yau see Mr. Percy r

“ H .was injured a week asO while ou t d r i­ving, and he is so lonely- and f sent the basket to—to—to help- th a t is—”

“ Ob, yes; I understand ! F red is a very nice sort o f a fellow. B ut K ittle, I can’t give up these flowers, aome-

w they fell on toy heait lasthow they : and d id me tfiore gi dozen o f sermons me, bu t I

cannot p a rt e end o f thei

id- ge t you ould advise

lore good than a ron ions. ,Yon won’t bell qu ite changed in hoi

w ith them . I m ust s B ut I’ll send Thomas,

lother basket, and 1

Tbe House of Tweed. 'Since T w eed has come to g rief and

Dffenqes civiland crim inal, i t is a m utter o f almost sub lin tj astonishm ent th a t he ever rose to the he igh t he a ttained . Considefa-

chan a year ago, one of his daughters was m arried and the occa­sion was m ade for the presentation of b rid a l g ifts to a lgiost fabulous amounts. L ot th e honest dem ocratic farmers o fT om pkins county read over the lis t o f g ifts and then refleclr th a t they belong

po litica l party which has been ow ned, controlled and managed -by asaan who In ISftl was a bank rup t, b u t in ISTtcrfraltUbiniself, and th rough his wife and rem aining children, presenV h is daugh ter w ith f G.5,000 p f bracelets and ear-rings, w ith a camel hair shawl

iting 11,000: w ith lace handker- iefs costing $1^)00; w ith a bank

book contain ing the paltry sum ot |5 ,0 0 0 ; w ith a fan w orth $150. Some

;nred people 'nave advised the “ Boss” him self to borrow the fan, he

yet need i t a t Sing Sing. B ut to 1st, as published in May last, when

the w edding o c cu rre d :Cornelioa Corson, coral set, il,000Cornelins Corson, wateh in finger ring. i,oooCharlesE. Loow, pearl set 700M ts .^ B. Qarrett, diamond locket, gold ^Fete?s!*’Sweeaey, diamond and enamel ’’’

bracelet, 1.000James M.'Sweeney, diamond bracelets 1,000 Mr. and Mrs. Tweed, two walnut chests ofBllver ware. 1,000Mils Jahe Tweed, bracelets, 1,000Mrs. Tweed, diamond and gold bracelets, 25,000 Mrs, Tweefl» brooch opals and diamonds 15,000

Xhefe are ten feet o f enow onlevel in; th e L ittle C ottonw ood minii „ d is tric t, U tah , and i t was still Snowing a t last accounts. T he f re igh ting o f ore frbm the mines is wholly .suspended. T he sun has no t been seen lor a week.• -Saginaw. M icbigan, has one letter-carrier ; a skating llu g | a woman who stole th irteen umbrellas, and a ju stice wlio regarded i t ns a crim e, and daily sparring and w restling exhibitions.

A t a recent su it a t law in Central City, Col., between tw o Chinamen, Ah How and I’ea Son Tankoe, the parties insis. ted upon being sworn according to theChinese-custom, viz., b ringing a chicken into court & cu tting off its head. The judge asSented, bu t would not lurnishthe ch icken, and the su it fell through.

It is rum ored th a t .a loving couple\ in Utica, e-xchanging a good n iglit kiss a t th e I root gate Prld-iy evening, were frost bound, and uaalile to get the ir lips ap-irt. Tho old lady Went out and heaped coals of fire on the ir heads. Kissing iu the open air such weather is dangerous. Better invite the

Thjj Odd Fellow s in the U nited States ivc added nearly th irty thons.ind to leir num bers and donated more than

a m illion o f doll r.s to tho afflietecl

frigh% Chicago Jou rnal aptly observes,th a t the coquettino now going on be­tween discouraged dem ocrats and weak- kneed republicans m ight be compared to a courtsh ip between a wounded fox th a t is on tlio verge o f starratiOD, a.nd a poor, lit tle orphan cliicken, th a t would raiher be eaten up than not.

McGehan, in whose, delence Y alland-' ingham lost his life, last samnier, has finally been acquitteiT of the charge o f murder against him.

A call lias been issued for a N ationalP rohib ition Convention, to meet in Col­umbus, Ohio, on the 22ii of February, to nom inate candidates for President and Vice President.

Enoch Arden went back on the regular program m e, and calmly bu t firmly insi.sted on clothing his

----- ................and line linen.

A Norw ich

wife’.s eyes in purple

Cut l>y llie

meapt o f NiProm -the Journal of j^ppllei

stook pepr' per sauce for cliam pigne un til fiejS’if tl- low ed tt c o p iiu s dTj^ilglvt. ’ .

—H ydrophobia b,as carried off a C hb eago policem an wdib’doviugly fondled a little dog two y.tisis ago.

—A IT bceilng young woman took th e sraall-pox from a Settee mailed a t P i ttsb u rg h , , . . .

K entucky girl “don’t 'low no fellers ’round her th a t haih’t rid on the.

^ —D arw in ia chatiipjon d J - J " " Ind -aniji c a t who has chills 'and fever like any human.

— The R ichm ond Vfhlg tnduVus be­cause V irg in ia has tw o em igrants to one im m igrant.

—In apprehension ot the small-pox, a W estern paper says; ‘•V accinate! Po ­liteness never hurts anybody. Sm all­pox will not a ttack jAn ifyo-,: allow vyic- c ination to take your arm .” ' !'

save money

h S r ^ I a l wana what fim


of Its late proprietor,SaD.TH O r----------

s S S C e 'chain, necklace gold and

S^tor Norton, gold cfliln and diamond

_______________________ alefs, 1.000:B. .foto j . Bllrtr, cameo, dimnoadand

neck' chain, gold, getBoU” diamond wheat spray

ss?»'S!'!KKS,“' s i s ' s < i ;ollpEias, gold and diamond ncck-

A Barnard, gold, diamond and pearland diamond setl.OOO

■ ■" 1, diamond

A Girl’s Tliroat- FatidlyCore of an Apple.

Miss Mary Ellen Foy, a young lady iu the N orm al Schdol in New Y ork, had her th ro at cut by the core o f an apple a few days ago. She was eating the apple and while iu the act o f swal­low ing a portion o f the core. It cu t the lin ing of her th roat aiid several arteries, likealkn ife. H er classmates were as­tonished to see her fall over on the floor and vom it quan tities of blood. She was carried to the police station, b u t lit tle could be done for her beyondkeeping her perfectly quiet. H er m oth­er, •who had been summ oned, was notallow ed to remove her un til nex t morn- ng for fear o f fatal consequences. The >oor woman sa t in the station house all

n ig h t W atching her. N ex t day she took her home, where she has lain ever since, slow ly w asting awav. I t is. im possiblefor her to swallow any th ing w daterer,and her stom ach has become so con­trac ted th a t no th ing can enter it. She is so weak from loss o f blood and starv­ation th a t tho phyaiciana in .attendancerefuse to perform any operation on heror even to insf‘5t a silver feeding tube below the w o jp d , as has been success­fully done in other instances where them outh or th ro at has been injured. They say th a t she could no t survive an in­stan t. She was a b righ t, amiable young woman, very much esteemed andi be­loved by all her acquaintances.

T h e AumiiiN R. R. W ar .— About one hundred residents of the tow ns ofGenoa, Venice, and Scipio, Cayuga county, have published an address to the Citizens ot A uburn nlmut the loca­tion o f the Buffalo line o f tho M idland R. R. These tow ns are on the “Mur­dock Line,” which is preferred by Mr.Littlejolw , and they-liase gone on andbonded virtua lly under assurances th a tAubUTIl would bond for any line the M idland m anagers m igh t select, bu tth a t now the sim e men who have here­tofore encouraged them to bond, •' d a re th a t A uburn will no t consent bond for the M urdock line. T liey i

; th a t the M idland managers In ! adopted the ir line and have made cer­ta in pledges, which they are p roceeding in good faith to fulfil.and they in tend to b u ild —.ire to-day bu ild ing—a railroad, as a pa rt ot the M idland, extendingfrom New Y ork c ity w estward, and in ­tended to reach the N iagara River, and th a t the only question for the tax-pay­ers ot A uburn to decide is, i f they' will aid by the sum o f $350,000 to bring tin M idland to A uburn, or will they forci th a t line from Scipio sum m it to Cayuga. Bridge. T hey also in tim ate th a t ill will not be well lo r 'A u b u rn to ^ tu rn them off and force the ir local trade to some other point, [Oswego Press.

'rU c SaPU m e Socie ty o r l>eeliBteiali.s.

e Beefsteak ,Cl,ab, an old society of vivants which drfginated in the

roopi of the actor R ic h ,-a t Covent G arden, and w hich since th a t tim e had num bered among its toembers' some of the m ost celebrated names o f tlie day.

illihm H ogarth was one o f the o r ir ’I tw enty-four members o f tbesociet;

J to th e r B rougham ” presented i t wi a p ip e o f p o r t w in e o n becom ing Lo. C hancello r; B rother Charles Mon w rote and sung some o f his best songs for a n d a t its m eetings; and the E ttr ic k

’hen P ersperatio n is suddenly checked the pores Mose, the blood in the superficial v iss tls ot the chest is throw n upon the lurjgs, and a congest­ive Cough or Cold is of the consequence. For these com plaints there is no known remedy equal to Hide's Honey of Horc- hovnd and Tar. I ilmue, ^old'by’all’u ra ^ sw « » ‘cenu

IIhI.’s Vegetable aiciliuii Iliiir Renew-r U no new prepaniitiou tor the pubUc [) experim ent w ith , its success is un-

paralleled for rcstorjii^ gray hair to its imtHtal color, pron^otiiig its grow th , and producing new ha ir on bald heads.

J T I I A C A S A V I N G S H A N K .O F F I C E S .

__ e z r a J o | n ei.l.

I ^ S d n '

S S f s l S —Deposits received of'any snm from 25 cents to OiwicB 78 East State Street. Ithaca, N. Y.

M O N E Y T O L E N D .

sdt, l^ o ld an^lassbox

Yngeraoll, French clock• $153,300

.\, cusli i l l u s t r o U n g r i^ i I ly o f litiga- Uun has ju s t been c o n o lu d d in a Mass- '.ebasettli court. F o u r years ago, tw t bidies were rid in g w ith about a dozen

. u-otive i t i d g e gavo-wTay and precipUa-

; r ; V i i5v” »“n a ' '; r 5r . S j o n 'Si.nvn seifmed,UU'10.nbtert. One o f thel-ad-iea olTered: i.> Settle for $1,500, b u t >i»-i selectmen refuseti. T he m a tte r ■aent itito co n it. and no'w; after tou r U- iTSf ofi lit igation , the tow n ia mfli^cted

s s a s s s ®counsel] T he re su lt'ia .r ith er 'an ex

f S o t V A - S s !'y o u r sick m o th e r?”

“ fifess hito!^ A nd mamm would pray for him all th e da j

sive k'.s- nt

"ad not. . ‘8 w cfur I

I k l


A dam touched th e bell, [aty answered i t he said :

“ Bring a shawl i f you ca^ „ can find one, isket w itji provis

to run a round i

' '’W onldyA U ^on her lips yvM drowned-ia tears, and all she could do y her wap cheek on the old m

There f there*! nWer mind. Here is five dollars. That will last until to­morrow, 'ttiifdr then r i l c<!iBie,jnyMl£

(ear me 1 i t is a dreadful night out.”Adam kept his word and made hJB | ry

Ingeisoll, French clock

A small ch ild In Illino is clim bed upon a chair to wipe Its face upon a ha nging towel. T he chair slipped , and the child catch ing in th e tow el w as hanged by th e neck and died.

Tho body of a ja d y w hich was placed in a tom b a t D nxbury, forty years ago. has been found in a petrified state, and the robe and hair were in a rem sta te o f preservation.

How many of our lady readers ever dream ed th a t we send to G reat Brita in annually., fifteen m illion dollars in gold for th e single article of spool cotton.

T o th e remarka o f a ’ contem poraty

upon th e w r e a d !”

■We d o ’n o t cred it the story in tlie New Y ork Com m ercial A dvertiser th a t H orace Greeley has eloped w ith Mrs; W oodhuH. I t 18 doubtless an inven­tion o f th e evepiy^—w hether th e enemy, o f Mr, Greeley o r Mrs. ■WoodhUllcanniOe ye t be to ld .

~ ■ e in -


P fO W A R D & C L E M E N T

^ P F E n great Imlucements this season to

'y^HOEVER wishes to pavchase lieautlAil

useful Goods for HOLIDAY OIPTS.

J^OUKD and Oval Boqnet Stands,

jy N IN G Chairs of Various Patterns.

Jj NTIQUE Teles, Sofas and i'liai,-.

p^EWpaUe-us l.adies’ Desks.J^iy.\N8;7^toma:i-, Reccpti..irt'hsirs,

^ O A T Dook.s, Towel Racks-nil klmi-,

J^OUNGES, Couches ^nd Rockers, in

jgNDLESS Variety, folding Cliai rs ol

JI^ANY Difl'oi-ent Sty os and Pattern?.;

JILEGANT Wash Statid Cornice#-Patent.

jJ^OT time or room to eiiiimoral.' or

name hull tho noil Ihlnja at

H O n A R D tO C L E M E N T S ,

N o W e s t S t a t e S t r e e t , I t h a c a .

Shepherd, a fter v isiting i t w ound up a long account o f its glories w ith “O, i t is a joyous club.” A t the sum m it of its p rosperity the society saw strange sights. Royal dukes were m ade to do m ock penance in w hite sheets for offen-penance in w hite sheets for of

;ainst a rb itra ry^ onv ivM laws, or,

made when the cup was a t the 'lip the tender morsel r jady . ' TUei e wei'e m ock oaths, too, taken on a slunbonp o f beef, and silver badges and gridirons, and qua in t caps for the president to wear when try ing a cu lp rit or admon- ish ing a novice, and all used by aniT de­ligh ted in by men o f fashion and emi­nence in the ir several walks. A little volume has ju s t been published underthe tit le o f “T he Sublime Society of Beefsteaks,” w hich was the real name of th e c lu b ; and th is describes tbe gay d lings of the body in a manner w hichmay in terest those who o n l y ---------ber ithe club in its la st declint

Tbe “ Ai-kanaaw Traveler” Turn* 17p a t XiMt.

“T he “A rkansaw T raveler” is Univer­sally accepted as a m yth. T his is a mistake. T he original “A rkansaw T raveler” was, and is, flesh, blood, bones and marrow. He still lives, and yesterday s ta lked into the Avalancheoffice, bowed, th rew his ancien th a t in to a corner, and to ld hia HjB name ie G w rg? Benson, and strong enough to balance a stern-wheel steam boat f n the pb ln t o f his Ohm, w ith bo th hands tied behincl him. Uncle Benson is a native o f New Y ork, but: som ething less than a Iimndi years ago emigrated, to w h a t is n Jzaid county. A rk,, w here be at'p resi

i n ; .

()8f ego, N ptl|l first o, He’madc tl ah Average of S atday. fle coi

J ^ E A T H E R & F I N D IN G S .

permanently located in tho Brick Store,6 S o u t h A u r o r a S t r e e t ,

Casli F o ld F o rDES, CALFSKINS, PELTS.

F i/m & M a r in e I n s u r a n c e

IthAoa. -Ntwemhur n . ' —

HEATERS ilSD COOKERS.Buy Uu- Late.t Improved and you get tha BEST .


•‘AnU-C'llnker’' parlor coal burner.

The "Nevf American,”T H E N E K FE M P I R E .

No OB East State Street, Ithaca.O O R N E L L U N IV E R S IT YK J LANDS

Ezra CoRNpu. holda for saled o , o o 6 a c r e s !•y cU oiee a n d e a re ru lly se lec toiriuite W mcI T Jm b e f K h n d s , '

C L O T H IN G !



For winter wear, may now be ionm1 at

S I T G E R M A N ’S


nigh prices Dlaycd out. He is selling clolliing ready made, cheaper than you can buy the bare cloth. He proposes to sell it to the people ol -Tompkins County and vicinity at prices to enlL tho times. In fact, you will And Sngdfman tl working and poor iman’a friend. Coine with little money and he will dress you op in good style. Just Ihiiik, a good woolen suit and over coat for the small slim o{ $15.. It will pay you to come 50 miles to bnv of 8u.erman. Boys and children’s clothing at prices that will astonish you. Good underaliirts arid drawers at 50 cents;

' woolen eocks 25 cents; suspenders, neck-tie and collars will not cost you anything, they all go ■with your suit.

Be sure and call for bis $1. overcoats, worth $10 ■ In any other store west of New York.

Kemember the place, 03 East State Street, Itli

Engine.___ ______tQ td Infofm tho public crTthuca

and adjoining tov mu tbat I am Agent for the

B a x t e r ’s C le le 'D ra te d S t e a m


i raging^

.J E W E L R Y S T O R E .

C . B . B ^ W N ,

?b“e''rn?fieNew Jewelry Store, C

N o. 15 F a s t S ta te S tre e t , I th a c a ,(In tho west part of Luce & McCormick’s

D. B. STEW ARTNo. 7 E. ^ a t e S tf s e t , I th a c a :

B A K J m £ ' 'Q R O C E I l V ,A n d I * I tO V IS IO IV I S n s f u e s s ,


SCTGAF, TEA ANB COFFEE,Til be fcinnd pure as represented. Their

F a m ily G roceries syProvisio

'^'rh^aUn manufactnro their choice brands of


g A R E R Y ,Q R O C E R Y ,P R o v iK .o .v

Gonfeptiongry Esi'ablishment,

C.AJrja'S' JSSfJSIJi'‘ES8.(tnd will hereafteii continue tho B akery^ Grop e ery a.fAd*€joxun3Ctioii.er3r iStUsiness in all their various branches at

W S io lc s a l c a n d S 3 .s ta i l ,

’J 'R U S S E F .

’o r ^ a « \ ^ l ! a ^"-tlN L.W niT O N ._



Furniture Works!

B u re a u s ,

Wash Stands,T o i l e t S t a n d s ,

T a b le s ,G-lass Frames,

S o f a F r a m e sThey also make to order Book Cases, Desks,

House Brackets, and doPlaning, Scroll Satvlng & Turning.

___________________________B- WORSE.

■incipal offlee; 1<H "W. Fifth SI., Cl le oii'y Eoliable Gilt Distribntl

Innatl, C

8 6 0 , 0 0 0 IW v a l u a b l e GIFTS!


153(1 Megvlcbv M onth ly

Gift InteipriseTo be drawn 872-

TWO GEAISP CAPITALS OP$5i000 fiacb in Greenbacks I

YftoriejfcBuesy.tyflh Silvoi'.monttteft Harness,

L ife a n d F ire in su ra n c e Cd>s.

e in « « 6 t l« u ^ re « jn ^ u r» n c . Co.

’ ,.^00,000.Me tns. Co

Cipltil.......................'..*S60,000.C uafcH an l.lfe I n u r a n c e Co.

IV T I . c i r a T O N & C O .,■m X * . Have opened theirOyster and P ining BalDen,

No. 3 N. A u ro ra S t. . I th a c a .Vnd have taken much interest In. fitting it np in irst-class style, and makinsit convenient for


To get hot meals at all hours on the European

Steaks, Ham and Eggs, Vogeiables, Tea and Coffee, Hot Cakes aad Pastry*, Cold Hams,Boned Turkoy, Fork ana BeauB,

o u s t e r s I n E v e r y S t y lo

Table Board by the WeekC b a in p a g n e C idor, H o t Jk C old


j ^ R E Y O U I N S U R E D ?

E D W A R D STO D D A R D ,Agent Cor liie following first-class stock

Fire and Dlarine Insurance Co*s.Is prepared to InsOre every kind of lasurable property oh the most Ikforable terms:Continental Ins. Co.JT.Fork.

Assets, $2,000,009.Com . U n io n L o n d o n In s . Co.

Assets, $4,(530,000.*Y, timertcan Ins. Co., Philo.

• Assets, $2,600,000,^ ra tio n a l In s , Co., B a n g o r .

- Assets, $400,000Home or Columbus Ins. Co.

Assets, $900,000.

$10,300,000.Losses promptly adjusted. Apply to 4;lie sub-Bcrlljer, wbo 1b agent for Itliaca and Tomp”k in s <Io, Office No. 6 South Aurora street.


Hardware Store.)


S. L . r O S B L B G H ,Has Bemoyed tos JBWBLBY ^TOBE, to

IN T O . 8 -4i S I . iB 't 'A ' t e iB r e s r e e iUppoBito the Tompkins Co. National Bank,

Wkere Re lias op^ed a very larveand well sclOctedfissortment of

Gold, Silver, *dmeriean ana Stvias Watthes.

THE SINGERSPAoing M achine;! !

Still T r iu m p h a n t I

^J^^rwltothebost work Of o t h e r . K l n t

a S «


Wholesale and EetanBealers In

D K Y a o o r > s ,


Larffe stock ol all the leading makes oi

Carpets Oil Cloths,

!VIATTu4g , &c.,

At Low est M arket P rices.

60 and1\ East State Street.' J 'H E i

■ pt-T 3¥B ra6 j ^ o ) G ^ F i ’raE N ai*

a n d

to raaU ^.!.., BBO^

Asriculturl Works I

i r o r k i F la

oftlie . .luXiiDder

i signed th e

^ F J r s v i ^ . a j r c E .

C A M H T L E g - A ^B p O O K S

. p K O B O N O P U B L I C O .

M A N L E Y IT W A N 2 ER ,No.S North Aurora Street,

Dealers inO R O c s ja i J E :^ a n ® p h o v i s -

constantly on baud a complete ajsort-

Chotce Family droceries,

Ithaca, April 24. ’69 tfS8 D.' H.’ W A N ^k '.

I T n i E , M A R I N E A N D L I F E IN - -L' StTBANCE.

H . J . GK AN ’T,Companies :

trance Co. of N. IT..$28,000,000.

IiorriUard Fire Ins. Co. of New York.), and large surplus. Insurer

HinoveVFlie IM . Co. of New Fork.Capital...........................$600,000

Losses promptly adjnsted,and bMiimsB^^^lted

Agent for the following fiifiln tn^ Lffe Insnrai


E sta b U slie d 1850 .

O H O . \ \ . SCHITVILJCR, A g en t,

H artfo rd Fire In s u ra n c e Co. ^ t n a In s u ra n c e C om pany .H o m e I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y . P h oan ix in s u r a n c e C o m p a n y .Niagara Insurance Company.

Cash Capital and Resources,


F X X 1 . B .

A D JCrSXED AND F A ID a t t i l ls O F -

8 I3 9 ,67’7 4 9 .Bates not higher than are consietant with a safe

and moderately rcnumeratlve business, suebag wlUinenre'Soundness to the Companies and safe­ty to their policy holders.

Losses, as heretofore, fairly and liberally ad lasted.______________ ________________



T R A V E L E R SLife and Accident Insurance Co.


in America ifsnlng the General Accident:al Accli

t i t has Cash Assets of $1,T4S,648.89>.It has issued 2 1 9 ,1 8 9 General Accident Pol

I t insures against General Accidents, by the monto or year, to men of all trades, occn- patlons, and professions

Itbaspaid $1 ,6 0 3 ,8 3 2 .3 3 iu benefits lolders, for di

pffst seven 3*ears.T he T RA V ELER S issues all forms

ol toll LIFE and ENDOWMENT policies, at Low Cftsli Rates.

AaN. 17T7N G SRFO R0,A g en t, I tltaca*

C. B . B A L D W INjust opened an Undertaking establishment


COMMON FURNITURE,Oval Frames, Mouldlns*.

Looking Glasaes.He win make a speciality of

TOT 3XT D H . T - a . H : I jx r C3-

S l r 3SRepairing of all Kinds

Done Promptly.

P O R T R A I T S I N O n . ,

I » I x c > t o s r ^ : p 2 a . sOF BVEBY DESCEIPTION, AT

P U R D Y F R E A R >8S r a . I l o s E ' y o > JT j& jxr-t,>s. 4 0 a n d 4 2 E a s t S t a t e S t . ,(Opposite TompKns Copnty Nat. Bank,)


, p l C T U R E s t u f e f

51 B. State 8/., 1-uAOa, N. r .

E. Hollisterf t&acceeBor to1 lioilister '& Dan-


full assortmentP ic tu re s a n d P ic tu re F ram es

L ooking C la s se s , W indow S h a d e s a n d F ix tu re s ,

Cord and Tassels, Brackets, Wfndpw

C o r n ic e a n d R o o m ■ M o u ld in g s .Also a beautltol assortment of

SEA SHELLS, „containing some of the most rare ahd curious


Photograph Albums a t Cost.r.u E. H. HOLLISTER.Ithaca. Aug. 9.1870

,to j.jP u Frames of aVrvari'ett'es kepf _______ WM. f b e AR.

Phoenix Iron Works,ITHACA, N. T.

BOSTWSCK & WILLIAMS,(Snccespor? to TLtns'& BOTtwick.) mannlacinrera

Ithaca W heel R ake and Sower,

Planlne, Sawing, Jobbing, and Eepairing done W. L. BOSTw4cie R. WILLIAMS.

j y f E R C I I A N T T A I L O R !

C H A R LES F . BLOOD?^1fontton“es^S notifying the public that h

uatomei?^® ‘


NO. 93 State S treet, ltbaca»,,N. 1StUl eontinite tihe Business of

M erchant Tailors and F u rn ­ishing Goods,

COATS, VESTS, PANTS, &.C.,Made to order In the most fashionable, durableand genteel style.

They have also on hand a small snpply of

R E A D Y M A D E C L O T H O G .manufactured in their own sriop, as good as cus tom work, and will be sold cheap for cash. A1 80 agents lorH owe’s Sew ing M achines.

which were awarded the Great P r ize oftlie Sold Rfedal cross

ot tke I.cs;Ion of the World’s Fair of 1867, and -was tiiumpbont

The Family Machine Complete, with emmer, Feller, Braider, t uilter. One Doz, Nee-Hemmer, Feller, Braider, <

dies and BottleofOn.A. PHIHHIP

Allkindsof m a c h in e li in e n a n d C o tto n T lir e a d ,on hand at all times.

, &c.\

p m W A I ^ E !

F il l in g h a m , T o w n s e n d &. B r u s h ,Successors to

LANET, FnilNGBAJt & Co.,N o .J i l F a s t S ta te S tre e t , I th a c a ,

Manufacturers ofT in , C o p p e b & S h e e t I r o n 'W a r e ,

and Dealers inGlass, Wooden, Japanned and

stamped T in Ware.^ "Jo b b in g promptly attended to. Hags

ftud all kinds of Barter taken in exchange for goods or Cash. Please give us a call. tf27


lowerl ^ Druggisla.

g U M M E R C A M P A I G N !

lONABLBW hite H eaver a n d S ilk H a tsPANAMA and SUMMER HATS,

Lower til)

and SUMMER Hvhlch will be sold

tew Fork.B o y s J B l a t s

from a teen cents to a aonai CALLANH SEK.______________■

a l l k i^ b o f nA m rbnkv^ r ^ ^ ^

J th a c a S a s h , D oor a n d B l in d

FACTORY.F . S I S S O ] ^ ^ ■ & C o . ,

BUCB8SQR8 TO N. S. KENYON & SON. old stand at the Ini

Circle and Segment Head Sash, lash of all styles, made to order.


also Common


- . . - S Y o b L . . -Of any pattern m^ oi^er.


fln>S^*Src?e a n T l e S ^PramesandSash

at reduced pricesPL A N IN G .

PUnlns anfl MatcUng, E«-*awlnE and SUttlng,

s i D i a g ^ i u . .


c u i n p i N C ,

'• - gr*.':-?;'.;! Iic.5.1.

' J 'H E P L A C E T O B U Y Y O U R

Hats, Caps and Furs,3 B H . O O : O L J B ,

(OPPOSITE Toxpkiks CbuiiiTT Bank.) Hc ha on hand c:j of the

I 6W and. '. "OYel Sty' F

as soon as issued. Algo a good etock ofT T XX ±-V7- o m s i - t y

always on hand.

FU R B O D Y S IL K H A l ,ind at Ma SjTORE may be found this same hat.

8tf , _____ F. BROOKS.


_ O F F E E .ONE POUND FOIL PACK/IGES. «0 LB. CASES.Itctail Price, Cents a poniUL.


TRY JT !Grocers Send for P rlee XJet. JSK


^ U R O R A S T R E E T L I V E R Y .

AMOS~SMITHHas purchased of Lcwi« & Pringle, their


(OPPOSITB ITUhCX HOTEL.)mages single or double with or without drlv* 8 loTet by the hour or day. Parclcnlar atten­

tion given to attending Puuoralfl, £xciu*« OrderflIforHackpromptlyftttendedto. We al

so run a Carriafir® to and Irom theCARS AAID BOAT.


MEADOW m o MOWEE!!(Ywrantott to do tho

Sim p lest, C heapest & M ost D u rab leM O W E R IN U S E .

Is very strung and light of dralt. Manufactured



BRANCH OFFICES:S. L. Siielflon, Maciison, ^ ’is.J", D. E aster & Co., 68 S. Canal St.,

Chicago, 111.P re d A tw ood, 'W interport, Maine.A. H. Gregg. Ithaca. N . Y._________

vVholecalt gud Heta. dealen it

H E .4 W A1%S> § M E l,r

lA R D W A R E !!

Iron , steel, Atn-ils, J H -e.s .

F i l e s , S u u 's , 4 i i i l e r j . Xnil.*., h a s l i ,




W O O D E W W A R E ,

H ouse F u S iis h in g G oods /

d everjibinn I'enalim g lu u c-tcaae

aUf, maiiiifaciuio

T i n , S I icc t-K r o n & C o p p e r W a r e


J . D . C A R P E N T E R & C o.■Wholesale and retail dealers in all kinds of

TT I I K T I T XJ H . ES,S p r in g B eds, M airesses,

Upholstery o f all k inds.

GENERAL PNDERTARER8,1 an d 13 S on tb Aurora

O O D F ’ 3 F 'X a s r ® ,a n d R O W E S A TW f A Y S o n l i a n d

E I B E R L I N G ’S


and m akes d a ily s t o p s AT

JOHNSON BROS.,Bringing with hlm'at every trip, a freeb supply

G m O C E J R I E S

The animal may be seen at all honrg of the lay and evenlug.


jlne lot ol

* 3 ;^ X e3 . a . s .

Clothes Lines, Canned Frwits,


. But aothtag to wear.

com e »iid see tlie Animal unpeek


C om er State and Cayuga St.

Reaper and Mower.ilannfactnred by the

J . F. S e ib e rlin g C o m p an y ,AKRON, OHIO.


i m i m mJ. 8. HEYNOLDS & CO.'S

FOUNDRY AND MACHINE .SHOP,East Green Street, Ithaca,



Howard &ClementiManufaeturerg of and dealerg In every degcrip-

H o u s e M d E u r n i t i i r e ,offara $S0.000 worth of Parlor, Dining Boom, LI

brarj, and Chamber Suits, of PaBhionablo


Parlor Suits in Walnut, $75 to $400, embracing the newest and most desirable style.

_ Tblrti different styles of

C h a m b e r S u i t s .

conetantly In stock,' ranging frpm the tasteftiCottage Set to the MatiVc Poitsbed

Walnut at $400

Tbe U ndertaking Department^


F I X T U i l ^ .

^m andeU ers,’ P e n ^ B , .f fc Blights. Brdchm, Sivam, dg..

P * ^ j ! B ! c ^ S A g .a O N -V n OTa'i...

■ p a ^ y o ‘B;§5®fek»“.itSOJJ,‘I89t«U

J P A B M E R S O A L L A T T I I i i

A g n 'c u ltu ra l W a re h o u

S J E I E X y 3 S S T 0 3 E 1 . e s

TfOe JO Or 12 treat State sire'et Uiioea

1 and see tho grrafest vsxieiv


A g r ic u ltu ra l and H o r tic u ltu ra l

T 0 0 3 U S ,


iialtivators, ’

rH^YER^S IROW 1l|lOWER.lettolnemnttpn^f jttoY^eMacbinep

Pleld“ BoHers, 'Wh^el U altivatoPamiiiiffMlls. GomlSbellerBjFee

Ciitfors, Hoi«e H'oes. COra. Cul- tiyatorB, Cpjm PJowi ' T-wo affdTJireeHoreeCflg^Iowp, ■

Steel' 'H d ^ f n m U g Plows, PloyH.Ga8twB8

& Fixturetr, 'Wfigon Jacks, liooft ScrapelSrilffiamee]

_Barrow»>-GiMtait(>BeB,yieaper 3irioa’0r% Lawnjiflowers,

Scoops,3psdes, S0j38,E|itk8, Band

\ J

r '........