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  • 8/16/2019 A Royal Trip to London



    This resource book belongs to

    .............................................- A Royal student from Rosa Parks School, Rennes -

    June 2016...

  • 8/16/2019 A Royal Trip to London


    Plans for the royal

    week...Sunday, June 5th :

    Monday, June 6th :

    Tuesday, June 7th :

    DEPARURE IME !!! -->Meeting time : 4:15 pm in front of

    the school (Malifeu site).Boarding and night crossing plannedaround 7:45 pm in Caen.

    First visit to London !!!-->Arrival in Portsmouth at 6:45 (localtime).

    Breakfast on board .Day visit of London.Boat trip on the River Tames from Greenwich to Westminster.Lunch break in St James's park .Departure to Rochester at 5:30.Host families meeting at 7:30. Dinner

    and evening with the host families .

     A day in a British Secondary school !!!Day visit in Oasis Academy , Isle of Shep-

     pey – KentIn the morning, students will attend

    classes in small groups.In the afternoon, sports activities withthe British students.

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    Wednesday, June 8th :

    Thursday , June 9th :

    Friday, June 10th :

     Windsor !!!Morning visit of Windsor castle.Changing of the Guard at 11:00am.Lunch break in the city of Eton.

     Afernoon visit of the city of Eton and Eton college.

    Second day to London !!!Last breakfast with the families.Meeting time : 8:00 a.m with packedlunch and dinner.

    Visit of  Te National portrait Gallery .Second day visit of London.Stroll around London.

     Visit of the Royal Mews !!!Meeting time with the coach driver at5:00 p.m.Boarding and night crossing planned

    around 7:30 p.m.

    Back to school... Arrival in Caen at 6:45 (local time).Breakfast on the way back to Rennesaround 10:30.

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    The royal route...

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    Monday, June 6th

    Discovery ofLONDON...

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    Explore the city of

    London !!

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    Spot some of the most prestigious monuments along theRiver Tames...

    - Westminster Abbey 

    - Te Globe- Saint Paul’s Cathedral- London Bridge

    - Te ower of London

    - Te London Eye- Te New ate Gallery - Te Gherkin

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    Westminster Abbey

     Westminster Abbey , which has been the coronation

    church since 1066, is a treasure trove of art and historyand is the burial place for 17 monarchs and many of themost significant people in the nation's history.

    More recently, in 2011, Prince William marriedCatherine Middleton here. Other special services suchas Commonwealth Day Observance take place hereevery year. Non-religious events also take place inclu-ding concerts, lectures and poetry readings.

    Many famous poets and authors are buried or remem-bered. Te first poet to be buried there was GeoffreyChaucer who died in 1400. Other people with me-morials or graves include William Shakespeare, Jane

     Austen, Charles Dickens, S Eliot and Oscar Wilde.

     We regret that no photography or filming is allowed within the Abbey. Please ensure mobile phones are switched off.

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    Investigate !!

    Walk through the Quire to the High Altar to look at the Cosmati Pavement...

    Find the monument to William Shakespeare. He wrote plays andpoems during the reign of Elizabeth Iwhich are still performed today.Can you name any of his plays ?

    --> See how many names you recognise. Look out for Charles Dickens,

     Jane Austen, Rudyard Kipling and Oscar Wilde.

    Look on the walls, the floor and in the windows !! 

    --> Find the circle in the middle.Kings and queens are crowned hereon the Coronation Chair.Imagine what you would feel likesitting here...

    --> Locate the poets’ corner  wherefamous poets and authors areremembered here.

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    National Portrait

    Gallery...Take out your pens and crayons... Te National Portrait Gallery is an art gallery in Londonhousing a collection of portraits of historically impor-tant or famous British people, selected on the basis of thesignificance of the sitter, not that of the artist. It was thefirst portrait gallery in the world when it opened in 1856.

     Te collection includes photographs,caricatures, paintings ,drawings and sculptures.

    «Behind every frame there is a painting »

    Investigate !

     Te National Portrait Gallery is a huge museum so we will focus on the contemporary collection and 3 rooms inparticular :

    Use the frames on the next page and write the name ofevery historically important or famous person you canrecognize (at least 3 people for every room).

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    Room ...

    Room ...

    Room ...

    Room ...


    GO !!

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    Thuesday, June 7th

    Visit of a BritishSecondary School...

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    A (royal) day in

    Oasis Academy...!

     o make the best of your day at the school, please complete this informa-

    tion chart with as many details as you can.

    Morning activities :1st period :

    2nd period :

    3rd period :

    Afernoon activities :

     What sports did you practice ?................................................................Did you get any opportunities of speaking English ? ....................................

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    A presentation of OasisAcademy from Year 9B2

    “We are very excited to welcome you to our school on the Isle ofSheppey. It is the only secondary school on the island so is very big – wethink there are about 2000 students. Te building is modern with a big

     Astrourf where we like to play football at lunch time, but it isn’t sunny very often. Tere is also a dance studio and a theatre. 

     We live close to the school so we normally walk or get the bus. We arriveat about 8.15 in the morning so we can chat to our friends before thelessons start at 8.30. At break and lunchtime there is a big canteen where

     we buy our lunch (if we haven’t brought a packed lunch!). Te food isreally nice and the dinner ladies are friendly. We have lots more time atlunch to hang out with our friends before afternoon lessons start. Teteachers are mostly really fun, although sometimes they can be quite strict.

     If we could change any part of the school, we would like a swimming pool

    or maybe a cinema! Tat would be really cool.

     We can’t wait to meet you in June, but we are quite nervous about spea-king French to real French people for the first time!"

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    Sixth FormCollege

    Primary school

    Secondary school with sixth





    Upper schoolor

    High school

    Nursery school

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    Wednesday, June 8th

  • 8/16/2019 A Royal Trip to London


    Bring royal history

    to life ...! Introduction to Windsor Castle...

    What there is to see...

     Windsor Castle is an official residence of TeQueen and one of her favourite homes. It is theoldest and largest inhabited castle in the worldand has been a royal home since the first wooden

    fortress was built here at the time of William theConqueror.

     Te Castle has been transformed over time intoa splendid palace, while still retaining much evi-dence of its turbulent past...

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     Te changing of the guard takes place in theLower Ward, close to St George’s chapel orin the castle quadrangle in the upper ward at11 a.m. every day !!

    ... Be there on time !

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    Thursday, June 9th

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    Back to London !!

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    Next stop : BUCKINGHAM PALACE !!

    Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official and mainRoyal London home, although the Queen regularlyspends time at Windsor Castle and Balmoral in


    It is used also for the administrative work for theMonarchy. It is here in the state apartments that herMajesty receives and entertains guests invited to thePalace.

    Look closely at the map on the lef page. Follow the route

    rom Bruton Street and take us to Buckingham Palace !

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    Exploring the royal

    MewsWhat there is to see...

    Originally a Mews was a place where falcons were kept.Periodically, falcons were shut away while they shed theirfeathers. Tis loss of plumage was known as “mewing”,

    hence the name Mews.

    Te Royal Mews is one of the finest working stables in theworld and is home to many of the men and women whowork here as grooms, coachmen and carriage restorers.In preparation for an event, horses in the Mews need to betrained and carriages cleaned and restored.

    Te Royal Mews is a working stable and is responsiblefor travel arrangements by car and carriage for membersof the Royal Family. Te mews is particularly involvedin major state occasions such as Coronations, Jubilees,the State Opening of Parliament, Te Queen’s BirthdayParade and State Visits by foreign heads of state.

    Name some of the different famous carriages on display :

      · ..............................................  · ..............................................  · ..............................................  · ..............................................  · ..............................................

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    Stable routine

    05:00 - Stables duty.05:30 - Exercise the horses in the riding school.06:30 - Groom and set tail bandages on the horses.07:30 - Breakfast.08:15 - Groom and harness the horses.09:30 - Bridle the horses and attend to any final preparations.10:00 - Horses put to carriages.10:30 - Departure of Queen Alexandra’s State Coach and own Coach fromthe Mews to the Quadrangle at Buckingham Palace.10:37 - Queen Alexandra’s State Coach conveying the Imperial State Crown todepart Quadrangle for the House of Lords. Te own Coach to follow with the Sergeant-at-Arms and the Crown Jeweller10:45  - Departure of Te Queen’s procession of State Coaches from the Mewsto the - Quadrangle.10:52  - Queen Alexandra’s State Coach and own Coach to arrive at theSovereign’s entrance of the House of Lords.

    11:00  - Her Majesty Te Queen, accompanied by His Royal Highness TePrince Philip, Duke Of Edinburgh, departs the Quadrangle in the Irish StateCoach for the House of Lords, followed by her Majesty’s Household.

    Return to Mews

    13:00 - Wash down the horses as necessary. Harnesses are cleaned and returnedto the State Harness Room and uniforms returned to the Full Dress Store.14:00 - Return to normal duties.

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    Notes :.................................................................................................................



























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