Download - A quintessence on the kalyana vaidya praneetam balatantram

Page 1: A quintessence on the kalyana vaidya praneetam balatantram

A Quintessence on the

Kalyana Vaidya praneetam

BALATANTRAMPresented by:

Sumeet Goel

Page 2: A quintessence on the kalyana vaidya praneetam balatantram

Let Us Know something about Bal tantram

Written by: Kalyanaka Vaidya The present book is with the Hindi commentary by Shri Abhay Katyayan From Chaukhamba Publications It is comprised of 14 patals i.e. chapters In first patal: Mangalacharana then definition and treatment of female infertility given. In second Patal: Male infertility Third patal: Vajikarana and method of garbhadhaan and punsvana karma explained. Fourth patala: Purva janm santani nivarna via rudra snana and mantra etc explained 5th to 8th patal have been explained here..

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Pancham Patal : Garbhini Garbharaksha kathan

This chapter explains various methods and aspects of Ante natal care.

Starting from the 1st month to 12th month (Lunar month) of pregnancy

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1st Month

गर्भ�स्थि�तस्य बालस्य रक्षार्थं� कथ्यते बलिलः।औषधानि� नि�लि�त्राणि कथ्यन्ते मन्त्रजापकम्॥गर्भिर्भ( ीगर्भ�रक्षार्थं� मासे तु प्रर्थंमे बलिलः।प्रजापतित( समुद्दि/श्य देयो मन्त्रे मन्त्रिन्त्र ा॥That is Bali Karma is indicated.Also many types of medicines along with mantra should be chanted by an expert.The bali karma is mend to please the deity called Prajapati.

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श्वेत�स्त्रम् पायसञ्� गव्यम् क्षीरम् तर्थंा घृतम्।श्वेतच्छत्रम् �न्द�ञ्� सरत्�ञ्�ाङु्गलीयकम्॥पू �कुम्भो हेमयुक्तो धूपदीपा�यं बलिलः।�ा�े ग�ान्दोह�स्य नि�ःक्षेप्त�यः प्रशान्तये॥ These all are placed near a gau-shala. While chanting mantra prescribed for the process. The mantra should be chanted along 21 times and one should take bath after returning from the


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यद्दिद � प्रथ्मे मालिस गर्भE र्भ�नित �ेद�ा।�ीलोत्पलं स�ालञ्� शृङ्गाटकं कसेरूकम्।शीत्तोये� सम्पिJष््ट�ा क्षीरे ालोड्य तन्त्रित्पबेत्।ए�ं � पतेत गर्भ�ः शूलञ्�ै� नि��श्यनित॥मस्थिOषं्ठ �न्द�ं कुषं्ठ तगरं समर्भानिगकम्।निपष््ट�ा क्षीरे सम्येयमौषधं समुदाहृतं॥ i.e. for pain above mentioned medicines should be taken mixed with milk.

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2nd Month

In second month also bali karma should be done to please Vaidya Ashwini kumar Mantra should be also be chanted for him. For the bali karma here the author has advised for

दध्यन्नपायसं लाजा निपण्याकं कुसुमानि� �।गन्धश्च धूपदीपौ � �स्त्रं पू � घटस्तर्थंा॥ All these are mixed with swarna and to be placed at ashva shala or gau shala. One should bath after returning. Mantra prescribed should be chanted 11 to 21 times along with the procedure.

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If the lady develops pain thenतगरम् कंुकुमं निबल्�म् कपू�रे समन्त्रिन्�तम्॥अजाणिक्षरे सम्पिJष््ट�ा क्षीरे ालोड्या तन्त्रित्पबेत्। This will relief her from pain and also protects the garbha.

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शालूकमुत्पलं �ीलं कशेरंु शृङ्ग�ेरकं।सम्पिJष्टोदके�े� क्षीरे ् सह सम्पिJबेत्॥

शृङ्गटकं कशेरूकं � जीरकं निबल्�पत्रकम्।खजू�रं शीततोये� निपष््ट�ा णिक्षरे ् सम्पिJबेत्॥ These drugs can also be used in second month

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3rd month

In third month the bali karma and the mantra chanting should be done for 11 Rudra.

घृतमन्नञ्� लाजाश्च ध्�जः श्वेतं धूपं प्रदापयेत्॥श्वेतपुष्पाणि �स्त्रम् � श्वेतं धूपं प्रदापयेत्॥ All these with white lotus flower and in the golden pot filled with water Bali should be performed in a ‘eshaana kona’ north-east direction While chanting the mantra 11 times.

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पद्मकं �न्द�ोशीरं तगरं सम्भानिगकम्। These drugs should be churned into fine powder with cold water To be taken with aja dugdha will relieves from pain protects & the

garbha. Similarly उशीरं �न्द�ं मुस्ता पद्मकं पद्म�ालकम्॥ These drug can also be used with cows milk

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4th Month

In third month the bali karma and the mantra chanting should be done for 12 Aditya gana.

आरक्तान्नं गुडान्नं � रक्तगन्धध्�जौ तर्थंा।रक्तपुष्पं धूपदीपौ रक्त�स्त्रं � काञ्��म्॥ All these in the mud pot filled with water and a piece of gold in it. Bali should be performed in a eshaana kona north-east direction near a

river. While chanting the mantra 11 to 21 times.

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शृङ्गाटकं कदलीपत्रं द्राक्षञ्�दानिडमोद्भ�ं।बीजन्तु कदलिलकन्दं शीततोये� पेषेयेत्॥ All these are taken mixed with aja milk Similarly अजाणिक्षरे संलोड्य निपबेन्नारी सुखप्तये।उशीरं कदलिलमूलं तर्थंा �ै पद्म�ालकं॥ Compound can also be used.

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5th Month

In third month the bali karma and the mantra chanting should be done for Vinayak (Shri Ganesha).

In a clean place (dik shudha) The cow Dung should be applied in a square shaped area.

Now place a idol of lord ganesha should be made with cow dung and atta. अनं्न पक्�म् ………………………………गुडोद्भ�ं॥ All the drugs described should be taken While chanting the mantra 11 to 21

times. Bali should done beneath a mango tree.

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नि�लोत्पलं मृ ालम् � पद्मकेसरसंयुतम्॥अजाक्षीरे सम्पिJष््ट�ा क्षीरे ालोड्य तन्त्रित्पबेत्॥These drugs should be used with aja milk.

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6th Month

In sixth month the bali karma and the mantra chanting should be done for 8 Vasu.

घृतान्नम् � हरिरद्रान्नं तण्डुलांश्चै� पायसम्।पीत� �प्रसू�ानि� तर्थंा �ीलोत्पलानि� �॥ All these with lotus flower and in the mud pot filled with water and

some piece of gold. Bali should be performed in a near a river. While chanting the vaksyamana mantra 8 times.

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तदा��ैला मृनिgका �ोत्पलं केसरं निपबेत्।निपप्पली निपप्पलीमूलम् उत्पलम् तु सकेसरम्॥All these drugs should be used with milk.To get relief from pain and to protect the garbha.

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7th Month

Bali karma Should be done in 7th month as adviced in 6th month.

But the mantra and bali here is done to please lord Kartikay.

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कनिपत्थम् � प्र�ालं � लाजाः शक्रय�ान्त्रिन्�ताः।निपष््ट�ा दुग्धे� दातव्यं गर्भिर्भ(णि सुख हेत�े।कनिपत्थं शालुकं लाजाः शक्रम् � तोयेपेनिषतं।क्षीरे ालोड्य दातव्यं गर्भिर्भ(णि सुखहेत�े।

Used with milk after churning them properly into fine powder.

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8th month

The bali karma in this month should be performed to please Lord Durga.

The bali karma should be performed near a pond.And mantra should be chanted along with.

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पद्मकं हस्तिस्तनिपप्पल्यं उत्पलं धान्यकं। These medicine should be used with milk. alsoपु����ा � शृङ्गाटं बेलपतं्र कशेरूकम्।अजु��फलम् पद्माक्षं रक्त�न्द�मे� �॥ These should be mixed with milk and to be taken for 7 days.

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9th month

In this month bali karma to be done for devmatrika aditi (will be more fruitful if done in punarvasu nakshatra).

Here the bali should be done near river taking all the bali dravya in a earthen pot with some gold pieces.

Mantra should be chanted along with the procedure.

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एरण्डमूलकाकोलीपालाशं बीजकं तर्थंा। This compound should be used with purana Anna. Also following drug can be taken with milk

पालाशबीजं काकोलीलि�त्रमूले� संयुतम्।उशीरमुदके निपष्य जी ा�न्नं �ै� र्भोजयेत्॥

�ागरम् ब्रह्मपत्रं � एलाम् �ै� नि�ड्ङ्गकम्।जीरकम् गजनिपप्पल्ल्या छागीदुग्धे� तन्त्रित्पबेत्।

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10th Month

Bali karma should be performed for Niratrahati devi. Along with the chanting of mantra.

The bali karma should be performed in south direction with the material tied in blue colored cloth.

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शक� रां �ोत्पलम् �ै� मधुकं मुद्गमे� �।These drug to be used with milk.

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11th month

Bali karma should be performed for Lord Vaasudeva . Along with the chanting of mantra.

The bali karma should be performed beneath a pippal tree or in a lord vishnu temple.

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पद्मोत्पलम् � मधुकं �ालके�ानिप संयुक्तम्।These drugs are used after churning with cold water

along with milk

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12th month

Bali karma and mantra chant should be performed as advised in 11th month

Medicineपदं्म शृङ्गाटकं �ै� उत्पलन्तु स�ालकम्।These drugs are used after churning with cold water along

with milk

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6th Patal This chapter deals with the

perinatal care and management

Both adravyabhoota and dravyabhoota treatment is described here

6th Patal

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Sukha prasava

For achieving sukha prasava following tantra have been advice.

गोकरङ्कतन्त्रम् Head part of Skeleton of a dead cow should be secretly kept over the roof top of a sutika


करOपत्रतन्त्रम् This plant’s leaves and seeds kalk should be made and boiled with an oil. This preparation

made into a pichu and placed in yoni while chanting mantra. Given in lepan mantra


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कण्टकारिरतन्त्रम् This plant grown in north should be taken and made into kalk and

applied over yoni. Similarly kalka of following plants can be used-धत्तूरमूलतन्त्रम्गुOामूलतन्त्रम्अपामाग�मूलतन्त्रम्

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सप�कञ्�ुकतन्त्रम् The snake skin burnt into ashes and the bhasma made mixed with honey and given as

anjana to the prasuta. श्वेतशरपुंखामूलतन्त्रम् Its root is tied around the abdomen. धूपप्रयोगः Fumes by burning guggulu and snake skin used for fumigating the vaginal part. इन्द्र�ारू ीप्रयोगःIts Fine powder is sprinkled over vaginal part.

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कलिलहारिरमूलप्रयोग Its used as a paste applied over yoniपुष्य�क्षत्रतन्त्रम् On Sundays during pushya nakshatra the dhatura root should be

tied round abdomen of motherलिसन्दु�ारपत्रप्रयोगः Used as a kalk, applied over yoni

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लांगलीकाक्म�ीप्रयोग Its paste applied over abdomen रूबुकाद्दिद प्रयोग Rubuka, eranda, pippali and vacha paste to be applied over abdomen after mixing

with an oil. मयूराद्दिद �ाणिर्भ प्रलेप शालिलप tमूलप्रयोग This along with rice water made into paste and applied over yoni. This can also be

used as Vasti. Or can be applied over umblical area also.

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सप�कञ्�ुकाद्दिद प्रयोगः Snake skin, human hair, sarshapa and kritvedhana all boiled in oil and the fumes

were given गुOामूलतन्त्रम् White variety of gunja made into small pieces and tied in a red thread and tied

round abdomenमातुलुङ्ग�ू �म् Matulunga along with madhuka made into kalk and with madhu and ghrita given

orally to her.

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बलाद्दिद तैलम् This should be used for abhyanga. अश्वत्थ मूल प्रयोग The root of tree grown toward north of tree should be taken

orally along with rice water. This even let mudagarbha to come out easily.

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Now some general guidelines have been given for sutika graha.

Many ladies who are efficient in work should be appointed for taking care of prasuta.

And proper mantra should be chanted all time for the welfare of the newborn and the mother.

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The mantra prescribed should be chanted and a red thread should be given 7 knots

And the length of the thread should be equal to the height of the mother.

Tied at the door of sutika graha.

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In this chapter early neonatal care of child have been described Following both adravya bhoota and dravyabhoota treatment

7th Patal

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1st day: Nandini

First day as per author Nandani named matrika attacks the child Symptoms: तद ्गृहीतस्य बालस्य ज्�रः स्यात्प्रर्थंमं ततः। गात्रशोषस्तर्थंास्�ेदो �ाहारे �ाणिर्भ�न्द�ं॥ छर्दिद(मूछा� � कJश्च शोषोदीन्स्�रस्तर्थंा। नि�धा�ं तत्र �क्ष्यामिम ये� मुञ्�नित �न्दिन्द�ी॥ Fever, body becomes thin or weak, sweating (?) Child vomits, gets unconscious, weak with tremors. Voice become feeble.

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Treatment Bali to be done near a riveri n the east direction early morning. Dhupan should be performed with rai, sarshap, shiv nirmalya( bel patra, dhatura etc),

hairs of a cat and human etc. all with nimb patra and ghrita. Dhupan should be done for three days followed by bath with medicated water. Then brahmin and bhikshuka should be given supper. To please nandini matrika.

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2nd day: Sunanda

ततो र्भ�ेत ज्�र पू��म् संको�ो हस्तपाद्योः। दन्तान्खादनित श्वलिसनित नि�मीलयनित �क्षुषी। आहारं � गृह्णानित द्दिद�ारात्रौ � रोद्दिदनित॥ अणिक्षरोगम् छद��ं � र्भ�ेत र्भीनितः पु�ः पु�ः। कृशत्�ं जायेतेऽत्यन्त लि�ह्नमेतत्प्रकीर्तित(तम्॥ Tightens his jaws, tachypnea, fever, limbs tightening and rubbing eyes. Not taking meals, cry is continuous with vomiting soon after feeding .

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Treatment Bali karma should be done by making a small doll of sunanda

matrika with rice and bali is given at evening hours for three days along with chanting mantra.

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3rd day: Ghantali

तया स्यात्कंपमुgेगं कासं श्वासं रोद�ं।Shivering, with Respiratory tract symptoms.crying

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TreatmentThe elephants tooth, and the tooth of a cow, the soil of

anjani named keeta, mixed in goat’s milk and applied all over the child.

Dhupana done with nimba patra, nakha dravya and sarshapa. Along with mantra chanting.

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4th day: Katakoli

तचे्चष्टाऽरूलि�रूgेगः फे�ोद्गारौ द्दिदगीक्ष म्। Restlessness, frothing from mouth etc. Treatment Lepan done with hasti danta, sarp kechula and rai. Dhupana done with sarshapa, nimba patra, hairs. And all the mantra, bathing process, bali instructed in day 1,2,3

should also be followed here.

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5th day: Ahankari

तच्चेष्टा जृम्भ ं श्वासं मुमिष्टबन्धोध्���णिक्ष म्॥ Yawns repeatedly, fisting, and upward gaze Treatment Lepana with manasheela, haratala, vacha,lodhra and meshashringi. Dhupana with lashuna nimba patra, sarshapa and ghrita. Here also the treatment of day 1 should also be performed.

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6th day: Khatwaangi

तचे्चष्ता गात्रनि�क्षेपो हास्यरोद�मोह�म्। Shivering or tremors with throwing away of limbs, cries and start

smiling again and again. TREATMENT Lepanam: Hasti danda, Guggulu, Ghrita.

Dhupana also of same drugs. Rest all rituals as per day 1 protocol

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7th Day: Hinsika

तचे्चष्टा जृम्भ म् श्वासं मुस्तिश्तबन्धम् तर्थंै� �।TreatmentLepana: With Meshashringi, vacha, lodhra, harital,

mensheela powderAnd rest all treatment protocol of day one to be followed.

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8th Day: Bhishani

कासते श्वसते �ै� गात्रम् सङ्को�ते रृ्भशम्।TreatmentLepanam: Apamarga, Usheera, pippali, chitraka with Aja

MutraDhupanam: Shringa of Cow, Nails and hairs1st day treatment

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9th day: Mesha

तच्चेष्टात्रास�ोgेगः स्�मुमिष्टgयखाद�म्। Treatment Lepanam: two types of Vacha, Chandana, Kutha, sarshapa Dhupanam: Nails and hairs of a Vaanar

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10th day: Rodana

तच्चेष्टकास�ं �ै� रोद�म् मुमिष्टबन्ध�ं। Here coughing and crying is more prominent. Treatment Lepanam: Kutha, Rai, Raal Dhupanam: Same drugs along with Nimba Patra Snanam: Apamarga,Vacha, Chandana decoction should be used

while chanting the mantra

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प्र �ो र्भु��ेशानि� खं खः स्�ह षड्क्षरः।ए�म् कृते� बालस्य सुखम् अ�नित �ान्यर्थंा॥ This mantra initially indicated in day 1 disease but eventually

indicated later for nearly all ten days afterwards.

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8th Patala

Here the author has described the management of BAL-GRAHI effecting the child during first Year of his life.

Month wiseThis treatment he has described as ‘gopniya vidhi’

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1st Month: Kumari

In the first month after 10 days of age Kumari named Yogini attacks the child

Symptoms are as followsउgेगज्�रशोषाद्दिद �ेमिष्टतं तत्र जायते। Treatment: Bali: A idol should be made of kumara on both sides of a river using

soil or preferably black soil Worship her with flowers, dhoopa and deepa

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Treatment Cont.

Then vataka, mushtikapupa, dadhi,guda etc should be taken for bali karma.

In the evening hour or in night along with chanting of mantra.

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2nd month: Mukuta devi

Symptomsग्री�ा नि��ृणित्तर्न्निन्न(ष्पन्दो �पुषः पीतशीतता।�क्त्रसंशोष ोद्गारारो�कानि� तदाश्रयम्।Neck lags downs, body become pale and cold, dryness in

mouth, hiccoughs.

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Bali: an Idol should be made and Bali should be given of kheer, black flowers, black cloth

Kasturi and chandana.Dhupana: kusumbha, Lashuna and nimba patra used.

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3rd Month: Gomukhi

तचे्चष्टा रोद�म् नि�द्राबहुमूत्रपुरिरषकम्॥नि�मीलयनित �ेत्राणि Excessive Crying , sleeping, passes frequent urine and stool. And keeps

rubbing his eyes. Treatment Bali: Gogandha, Madhuka,dhava, tila etc should be made into a modaka. Four of such modaka and japakusum flowers given as Bali in the noon

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4th Month: Pingala

Symptomsपयः पा�ारूलि�ः श्वैत्यं रु्भजस्पन्दास्यशोष ेपूनितगन्धस्तु तत्रेष्टात्र�ास्तिस्त प्रनितनिक्रया। Treatment � मन्त्रम् �ोषधम् तत्र बलिल( तत्र � कायEत॥ Hence it is incurable.

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5th Month: Vadva

Symptoms:तचे्चष्टाऽरो�कं कासो मुखशोष रोद�े।सीदन्त्रिन्त स��गात्राणि नि�श्रान्तो � निपबेत्पयः॥ Child become very weak and emaciated. Looks lethargic and refuse to

take feed.

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Bali: audana, shaka, roti and matsya, mansa, ghritapakva etc all given as bali in south direction.

During noon.

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6th Month: Padma

Symptomsतचे्चष्टा रोद�म् शूलम् स्�र्भ्रं�शस्तर्थंै� �। Bodyache with crying, depressed voice Treatment Bali karma with Kulatha, shikhi-kukkuta-mesha meat used. As per the commentator the one who are vegetarian can go for just

vegetable and the meats instructed above are for the non-vegetarians.

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7th Month: Puatana

Symptomsक्षीरं निपबनित नि�सृष््ट�ा कृशो रोदनित छर्दिद(�ा�्। Not taking feed propery and getting more emaciated day by day

with vomiting Treatment: Bali Karma: Bhaata, Krishra,Maams, fish, milk and sura and

kulmasha all collected in a plate made of leaf or bamboo pot along with perfumes and flowers and bali karma done

In east of their residence. Done in noon.

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8th Month: Arjika Devi

Symptoms:गात्रर्भंगो ज्�रोऽणिक्षरुक्प्रलापश्छर्दिद(रे� �। Weakness and pain in body, fever, pain in eyes, vomiting Treatment: Bali Karma: Done in the north of residence of the baby. Done with

material same as In first month.

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9th Month: Kumbhakarnika

Symptoms:तचे्चष्टाऽरो�कं छर्दिद(ज्��रः पातालगन्धता।Treatment:Bali: Kulmasha,palala, ksheera,fish,meat used.Done in eshaana kona (North-east) done in noon.

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10th Month: Taapsi

Symptomsतचे्चष्टा गात्रनि�के्षपः क्षीरgेषोऽणिक्षमील�म्।Treatment:Bali: with Kulmasha,Tilpishta etc and Perfumes,Flowers,

swastika, shashtika (rice), all taken together Done in noon in north of the residence of baby.

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11th Month: Sugrahi

Symptoms: तया ग्रहीत मात्रस्तु स स्��ो � प्रजायते॥ Baby attracted by sugrahi never ever becomes healthy again Treatment:� मन्त्रम् �ौषधम् तस्य बलिल( �ानिप � दापयेत्। i.e. Its incurable. But still if one wants to go for Bali, then it should be given as

prescribed in for 1st month child.

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12th Month: Baalika

Symptoms:तच्चेष्टा रोद�ं छर्दिद(ः श्वासतृष् ा पु�ः पु�ः। The child cries and vomiting with repeated episodes of breathlessness

(shwas) and trishna. Treatment: Bali: Dadhi, Bhaata, tila, Lobia all made into a modak, along with

chanting of mantra Bali karma done in noon time in the east direction.

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At last the commentator has given a shloka for reciting all twelve grahi month wise :

कुमारी मुकुटा �ै� गोमुखी निपङ्गलानिप �।बड�ा पद्मादेनि� पूत�ा �ार्जिज(का ततः।कुम्भक ा� ताप्सी � सुग्रही बालिलका तर्थंा।जन्मतः �ष�पय�न्तं ग्रसन्त्रिन्त बालकं सदा॥

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