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©Polish Histochemical et Cytochemical SocietyFolia Histochem Cytobiol. 2010:48(4): 589 (589-596) Doi: 10.2478/v10042-010-0096-x

Introduction Autogenous bone is believed to be the gold standard inbone repair. However, bone substitute and graftingbiomaterials are becoming increasingly important forall aspects of surgery and dentistry [1-4]. Within thebroad range of biomaterials used in craniofacial bonesurgery [5], calcium phosphate-based bioceramics,e.g. hydroxyapatite (HA) or β-tricalciumphosphate (β-TCP), are the most widely used and considered tobe biocompatible, non-immunogenic and osteocon-ductive [57]. However, due to high temperature sinter-

ing during processing, the material density may beincreased and the porosity decreased. These factorsnegatively influence osteoconductivity and resorptionat the implantation site. These bioceramics may there-fore have a longer degradation time and even inducechronic inflammatory processes [5]. Recently, a gran-ular material consisting of nanocrystalline HA embed-ded in a silica gel matrix [8] with an extremely largeinternal surface and a material porosity of about 60%[9] has been developed and approved. Animal experi-ments using this nanocrystalline HA (ncHA) in themini pig critical size defect model showed a signifi-cantly higher rate of bone formation compared to otherHA and TCP materials or gelatine sponges and a near-ly complete resorption 8 months after implantation[10,11] giving an initial insight into the cellular


A preliminary study in osteoinduction by a nano-crystalline hydroxyapatite in the mini pig

Werner Götz1, Solvig Lenz2, Christoph Reichert1, Kai-Olaf Henkel3, Volker Bienengräber4, Laura Pernicka4, Karsten K.H. Gundlach4, Tomasz Gredes5,Thomas Gerber2, Tomasz Gedrange5*, Friedhelm Heinemann6

1Dept. of Orthodontics, Oral Biology Laboratory, University of Bonn, Dental Hospital, Bonn, Germany 2Institute for Physics, Dept. for Materials Research and Nanostructures, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany

3Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, German Military Hospital Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany 4Dept. of Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany 5Dept. of Orthodontics, Dental Hospital, University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany 6Dept. of Dental Prosthesis, Gerontostomatology and Medical Materials Science, Dental Hospital, University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany

Abstract: To test the probable osteoinductive properties of NanoBone®, a new highly non-sintered porous nano-crystallinehydroxylapatite bone substitute embedded into a silica gel matrix, granules were implanted subcutaneously and intramus-cularly into the back region of 18 mini pigs. After periods of 5 and 10 weeks as well as 4 and 8 months, implantation siteswere investigated using histological and histomorphometric procedures. Signs of early osteogenesis could already be detect-ed after 5 weeks. The later periods were characterized by increasing membranous osteogenesis in and around the granulesleading to the formation of bone-like structures showing periosteal and tendon-like structures with bone marrow and focalchondrogenesis. Bone formation was better in the subcutaneous than in the intramuscular implantation sites. This ectopicosteogenesis is discussed with regard to the nanoporosity and microporosity of the material, physico-chemical interactionsat its surface, the differentiation of osteoblasts, the role of angiogenesis and the probable involvement of growth factors. Theresults of this preliminary study indicate that this biomaterial has osteoinductive potential and induces the formation of bonestructures, mainly in subcutaneous adipose tissue in the pig.

Keywords: Bone graft; bone remodelling; osteogenesis; silica; hydroxyapatite; osteoblast; osteoclast

Corresponding: Prof. Dr. Tomasz Gedrange Tel. +49-(0)3834-86-7110 Fax: +49-(0)3834-86-7113 E-mail: [email protected]

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processes of osteoconduction and early remodelling invivo [11-14]. Furthermore, the recruitment and occur-rence of Runx-2-positive osteoblast precursor cellsand the upregulation of BMP-2 in sites grafted by thencHA in humans suggests that this material hasosteoinductive properties [13]. Osteoinduction isdefined as the process of recruiting and differentiatingmesenchymal stem cells from the surrounding hostinto bone or cartilage [15,16]. Generally, it is believedthat osteoinduction is mediated by inductive sub-stances like bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), abiological process which has been shown to occur indecalcified bone [17]. However, to determine osteoin-duction, a given material has to show ectopic ossifica-tion after implantation into non-osteogenic sites suchas skeletal muscle or subcutaneous tissue [18]. Toprove the hypothetic osteoinductive properties of thencHA, subcutaneous and intramuscular implantationexperiments using the mini pig model was carried out.

Materials and Methods Animal experiments. All animal handling and surgical procedureswere approved by the local committee for experimental animalresearch ethics and conducted according to the European Commu-nity guidelines for the use and care of laboratory animals. 18 one-year-old female Goettingen mini pigs (Ellegaard, Dalmose, Den-mark) with an average weight of 20 – 25 kg were used and keptin the Animal Facility Dept. of the University of Rostock. All sur-gical procedures were performed under general anesthesia. Afterintramuscular pre-medication with 1 mg atropinum sulfuricum(Eifelfango®, Bad Neuenahr, Germany) and 5 g/kg azaperon(Stresnil®, Jenssen-Cilag, Neuss, Germany), the animals wereanesthetized intramuscularly with ketamine hydrochloride (Keta-min, Belapahrm, Vercha, Germany) and 0.2 mg/kg midazolamhydrochloride (Dormicum, Hoffmann – La Roche, Grenzach-Wylen, Germany). Each animal received one subcutaneous andone intramuscular implantation through one incision wound. Afterincision of cutis, subcutis and muscular fascia in the neck region,0.1 ml of NanoBone® (Artoss, Rostock, Germany) granulate wereimplanted into the trapezius muscle and subcutaneous adipose tis-sue at the level of the spinous process of the 6th cervical vertebra.Implantation areas were marked with animal marker ink (H. Haupt-ner & Richard Heberholtz, Solingen, Germany) during surgery.After implantation, the wound was closed by layer suture(Ethicon®, Norderstedt, Germany; Catgut, Markneuenkirchen,Germany). The animals received 5 ml Terramycin® (Pfizer AG,Karlsruhe, Germany) as postoperative antibiotics.

3 animals each were sacrificed at 5 weeks, 10 weeks and 4months after implantation and 9 animals 8 months after implanta-tion by intracardiac injection of 8 ml Eutha77 ® (Essex Pharma,München, Germany) after premedication in compliance with anes-thesia. For sample fixation without size changes implants with sur-rounding tissues were harvested and fixed in 4% paraformaldehydein 0.1M phosphate buffer saline solution [19].

Histology. All subcutaneous and muscle specimens wereprocessed and prepared for grinding sections. Specimens from two4-month and three 8-month-old animals were also subdivided foradditional paraffin histology.

Grinding technique. After fixation in 4% buffered formaldehydeand dehydration with ascending ethanol and 2-hydroxyethyl-

methacrylate (GMA) concentrations, the specimens wereprocessed according to the sawing and grinding technique (Donathand Breuner 1982). An ultraviolet light-activated polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA; Technovit 7200® VLC, Heraeus Kulzer,Wehrheim, Germany) was used as the infiltration medium. Embed-ding in a 1:1 combination of GMA and the embedding medium for5 days was followed by 100% embedding in the embedding medi-um. After penetration of the whole specimen with the embeddingmedium, Technovit 7200 VLC® was carefully photopolymerized.Parallel sections 100 to 200 μm thick were cut from the specimensin a microsawing machine (ETS®, Exakt, Norderstedt, Germany)in different directions. The desired final thickness of the specimens(10-20 μm) was obtained by using a microgrinding system (EMS®,Exakt, Norderstedt, Germany). Grindings were stained with tolui-dine blue, Goldner's trichromic stain or von Kossa stain.

Paraffin histology. After fixation, specimens were decalcified inneutral 10% ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) andprocessed for paraffin histology as recently described [20]. Select-ed sections were stained with H.E.

Histomorphometry. The slices or grindings were scanned (AgfaHorizon Ultra®, Agfa, Köln, Germany) for documentation and his-tomorphometric evaluation. The original images were prepared forhistomorphometric analysis using Adobe Photoshop®software 6.0.The area where Nanobone® granules could be localized wasdefined as a region of interest (ROI) and completely colored inlight blue. Corresponding to this ROI, a second pseudo-colorimage of the same area was created in which the area of bone wascolored with red and the area of biomaterial with yellow. Thesepseudo-color images were analyzed using AnalySIS® software(Münster, Germany). This analysis calculated the bone and bioma-terial content as a percentage of the ROI. The histomorphometricevaluation gave the percentage of bone, Nanobone® biomaterialand soft tissue per ROI. 33 slides were analyzed (16 stained withtoluidine blue and 17 with Goldner's trichrome stain) for subcuta-neous and 39 slides (15 stained with toluidine blue and 24 withGoldner's trichrome stain) for muscular tissue. No statistical eval-uation was done as the varying number of specimens and resultingslices which were available for the histomorphometrical analyseswould have meant the validity of the obverse data would have beendoubtful.

Results Macroscopy After preparation, bony tissues were palpable in thesubcutaneous region of all 10-week and 4-month-oldanimals and in 4 of the 8-month-old animals, but neverwithin the muscles. However, all former transplanta-tion sites were excised in toto on a large scale.

Histology 5 weeks. Aggregations of undegraded ncHA granulesensheathed by a connective tissue capsule weredetectable in the implantation sites of all animals (Fig.1a). The matrix of the granules had porosities of vari-ous sizes. The intergranular connective tissue appearedloose and contained vessels and fibroblasts subcuta-neously (Figs. 1a-d), but was more fibrous and col-lagenous in the muscles. All granules were covered bymultinucleated giant cells probably representing osteo-

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clasts (Fig. 1d). In two of the three animals, osteoblast-like cells identified by a longish or cuboidal phenotypeon the outer surface of the granules were apparent(Figs. 1b, c). Under these osteoblasts, a thin osteoidcould be seen, thus representing early desmal osteoge-nesis (Fig. 1c). Few isolated cells and small fibrovas-cular extensions or protrusions as well as few vessel-like structures were cut focally within the granules(Figs. 1c, d). Surfaces not covered by osteoblasts werepopulated by osteoclasts (Fig. 1d).

10 weeks. Neither ncHA granules nor bone tissue weredetectable in the muscle implantation sites. Specimensfrom subcutaneous implantation sites of all three pigsshowed increased osteogenesis (Fig. 2a). Small bonyspiculae and larger bony trabeculae which partly hadbegun to coalescence had developed around and with-in thegranules (Fig. 2b). In contrast to the 5-weekspecimens, the number and size of the granules wasdecreased indicating increased degradation. The inter-granular connective tissue now appeared highly cellu-lar and vascularized. Single granules were partly cov-ered by osteoid or by newly formed woven bone (Figs.2b, c) and populated by seams of osteoblasts indicatingactive form of matrix secretion (Figs. 2b, c). Intra-granular finger-like and vessel-containing intercon-necting protrusions as well as single cells or vesselssurrounded by osteoid were cut. . Focally, mineraliza-tion fronts within the osteoid matrix and incorporationof osteoblasts to become osteocytes were visible (Fig. 2c). Larger areas of mineralized bone were alsoalready visible (Fig. 2d). ,Areas with increased osteo-

genesis were characterized by a clearly visiblemetachromatic cement line in toluidine blue-stainedspecimens. On the granules' surfaces as well as onnewly formed bone, osteoclasts were cut. Typically, anosteoblastic and an osteoclastic compartment could beobserved. In sections from the specimen of one animalof the 10 weeks group, newly formed bone occupied alarger area than in the other animals. Bony trabeculaewere partly arranged in a parallel manner and focallytransformed into a lamellar bone structure. In theseareas, osteocytes were visible within lacunae as wereHaversian-like canals (Fig. 2d). NcHA residues wereincorporated into bone.

4 months. In the subcutaneous implantation sites,osteogenesis in 2 animals was in a very advanced stage,while there was no or only minor osteogenesis in theskeletal muscle . In one of them, the newly formed bonehad a more compact structure (Fig. 3a), in the other itappeared as if a long bone had been cut transversallywith a central cancellous structure surrounded by a com-pact cortical structure. This cortex was covered by alayer of connective tissue resembling a periost. In bothcases, the bony tissues appeared as woven bone withsome lamellar areas and cement lines. Osteocytes,Haversian-like canals, osteoblast seams with underlyingosteoid and osteoclasts were frequent (Fig. 3a, d).Residues of the ncHA granules had been incorporatedinto the bone. A further peculiarity in both cases con-cerned the arrangement of the interbecular and peritra-becular connective tissue: Focally, bundles of tight col-lagenous connective tissues had an undulating appear-

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Fig. 1. Histology, 5-week old ani-mals, subcutaneous (s.c.) speci-mens, grinding sections. a. Aggre-gations of undegraded NanoBone® (NB) granules (NB) withinintergranular connective tissue,toluidine blue (tb) stain, originalmagnification ×10; b. UndegradedNB granule covered by osteoblasts(black arrows); tb stain, ×20; c. NB granule covered by osteo-blasts (black arrows), small osteoidseam (black asterisks), openarrows = fibrovascular extensions;tb stain, ×40; d. Accumulations ofosteoclasts (circled) on the surfaceof NB granules, open arrows =fibrovascular extensions; tb stain,×40 .

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ance and blended into bone. Longitudinally cut orground, longish extended fibroblasts looking liketendinocytes were intermingled (Fig. 3c). A cartilage-like structure consisting of single chondrons within afibrous interterritorial matrix could also be observed inone animal. ,Chondrocytes in the center resembledhypertrophic chondrocytes (Fig. 3b).

8 months. In 4 of the 9 animals investigated,advanced subcutaneous osteogenesis was visiblemicroscopically (Fig. 4), while undegraded agglom-erates of the ncHA granules could be observed in theothers. In one pig, bony pieces had also developedintramuscularly. In 3 cases spongy bone, in one casecompact bone had developed. The cancellous bone

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Fig. 2. Histology, 10-week oldanimals, s.c. specimens, grindingsections. a. Implantation site with-in s.c. adipose tissue beneath cutis(c), undegraded NB granules withfoci of early osteogenesis (whitearrows); tb stain, ×1.25; b. Samespecimen as in b, undegraded NBgranules covered by osteoclastssurrounded by newly formed bone(b) covered by osteoblasts; tbstaining, ×10; c. Newly formed,mineralizing bone substance (b)containing embedded osteocytesdeposited on the surface of NBgranules covered by osteoblasts(black arrows); tb stain, ×40; d. 10-week old animal withincreased osteogenesis, large bonytrabeculae (b) containing osteo-cytes and Haversian channel-likestructures (open arrows), whitearrows: osteoblasts, NB =NanoBone® granule; tb stain, ×20.

Fig. 3. Histology, 4-month old ani-mals, s.c. specimens. a. Grindingsection, advanced osteogenesisforming cancellous bone structure(b), residues of NB granules;trichromic stain (tc), ×5; b. Paraf-fin section, cartilagineous struc-ture (black asterisks) within newlyformed bone (b); H.E. stain, ×40;c. Paraffin section, tendon likestructure with longish fibroblastsnear newly formed bone, NB =NanoBone® granule; H.E. stain-ing, ×40; d. Grinding section;large osteoclasts (open arrows) onthe surface of a NB granule,osteoblasts (black arrows) secret-ing bone matrix (b); tb stain, ×40.

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formation was partly bordered by a cortical collar(Fig. 5a – d). Focally, a periost-like connective tissuecovered the bones (Fig. 5d). In one case, skeletalmuscle fibres probably running from deeper layersinto the subcutaneous region inserted into thisperiost-like sheath (Fig. 5d). The structure of thebone was mostly of the woven type, but lamellarareas with an osteon-like appearance could also beseen (Fig. 5b). Residues of the bone substitute wereintermingled into the bone tissue (Figs. 5a, b, d). Insome cases, there were also undegraded granulesoutside the bone area in the periosseous connectivetissue. Some of the granules showed signs of osteo-genesis. In the center of the bony pieces between the

trabeculae, loose vascularized connective or adiposetissues resembling bone marrow were to be seen(Fig. 5).

Histomorphometry (Fig. 6) 5 weeks. The amount of biomaterial was quantified insubcutaneous tissue with 25.6 % (±2.3) and in musclewith 20.3 % (±11.2). The percentage of soft tissueamounted to 74.4 % (±2.3) in subcutaneous tissue andto 79.7 % (±11.2) in muscle. As described above, onlyosteoid and no mineralized bone was detectable.

10 weeks. The mean value was 17.8 % (±6.0) bioma-terial, 2.2 % (±1.5) new bone and 80.1 % (±6.9) softtissue subcutaneously. As already outlined, neitherNanoBone® nor bony tissue were found intramuscu-larly in these animals.

4 months. NanoBone® amounted to 6.0 % (±1.6),newly formed bone to 53.3 % (±23.7) and soft tissue to40.7 % (±22.6) in subcutaneous tissues. Appreciablymore NanoBone® (16.2 % ±3.2) was detectable inmuscle. Here, the percentage of newly formed boneamounted to 12.4 % (±13.3) and the percentage of softtissue to 71.4 % (±13.3).

8 months. The histomorphometry results were as fol-lows: 10.8 % (±4.0) NanoBone®, 47.5 % (±13.6) newbone and 41.7 % (±11.6) soft tissue for subcutaneousimplantation sites. 19.2 % (±7.6) of NanoBone®, 11.2

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Fig. 5. Histology, 8-month old ani-mals, s.c. specimens. a. Grindingsection, transversally cut ossicleconsisting of cancellous bone (b),rests of NB granules; tc stain, ×5;b. Grinding section, newly formednearly cancellous bone with perfo-rating channels containing connec-tive tissue (black arrows), blackasterisks: small NB rests; tb stain,×5; c. Paraffin section, newlyformed cancellous fibrous bone tis-sue (b) with remodelling intolamellar osteons (black arrows),intertrabecular connective and adi-pose marrow-like tissue (blackasterisks); H.E. stain, ×10; d.Grinding section, muscle fibers(m) inserting via periost-like struc-ture (p) into subcutaneously newlyformed bone (b), white asterisk =small NB rests; tb stain, ×5.

Fig. 4. Histology, 8-month old animal, grinding section, large can-cellous bony ossicle (black arrows) developed in the s.c. space andextending into a superficial muscle bundle (m), residues of NBgranules (red asterisks); tb stain, ×1,25.

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% (±19.1) of newly formed bone and 69.6 % (±17.0)was measured in muscle.

Discussion The bone substitute tested in this study represents anew degradable nanoporous bone grafting materialconsisting of synthetic nanocrystalline HA embeddedin a porous silica gel matrix [8, 9, 11]. Histological andimmunohistochemical findings obtained after implan-tation in mini pig jaws and findings in bone biopsiestaken from patients after implementation for jaw aug-mentation revealed its osteoconductive nature andearly remodeling in the host [11, 13, 20]. The appear-ance of osteoblast precursor cells and the upregulationof BMP-2 also indicated probable osteoinductive fea-tures [13, 20]. To evaluate the osteoinductive capaci-ties of the material, it was tested after ectopic subcuta-neous and intramuscular implantation in the mini pig.In this animal model, signs of early osteogenesis wereseen histologically after just 5 weeks of implantation.This is earlier than described after ectopic calciumphosphate implantation in the pig, where osteogenesisappeared after 45 days intramuscularly and 60 dayssubcutaneously [21, 22]. Early osteogenesis wasrevealed by the observation of osteoblast-like cells andosteoid seams on the surface of the ncHA granules andfibrovascular extensions and vessel-like structurespenetrating the biomaterial. From a descriptive pointof view, the early events observed in ectopic ncHAosteogenesis are similar to those described for osteoin-duction by synthetic calcium phosphate ceramics insheep, dogs, goats and pigs histologically [21, 23, 24].How materials induce the very first stages of osteoge-nesis is still a matter of debate [25]. Physico-chemicalinteractions with the material surface such as dissolu-tion and reprecipitation, e.g. of carbonate ions with

proteins, are seen as important [26, 27]. Furthermore,the early and late stages of osteogenesis in bone sub-stitutes like cell or vessel invasion depend on the microand macro porosities of the material [26, 27]. Recentinvestigations into osteogenesis after augmentation byusing the ncHA biomaterial in animals and humanshave demonstrated that the different porosity dimen-sions ranging between μm and mm may promote theseprocesses [11-13, 20].

In the study presented, osteogenesis increased qual-itatively and quantitatively and mineralized bonecould thus be detected histologically and morphomet-rically after 10 weeks. Woven bone had developed onthe surface of and within the granules. In one animal,larger bony trabeculae consisting of lamellar bone withosteocytes and Havers' channels were already to beseen. These findings show that after subcutaneousimplantation of the ncHAdesmal osteogenesis occursas is the case for heterotopic osteoinduction by dem-ineralized bone or calcium phosphate ceramics [17,28]. According to recent findings from previous ani-mal experiments and human testing [13, 20, 29], mult-inucleated osteoclasts were identified as cells populat-ing implanted ncHA granules and also participating inremodeling the newly formed bone. These findings inthe ectopic implantation situation support the view thatthis biomaterial is specifically degradaded by osteo-clasts and that it is later integrated into the physiolog-ical remodeling processes of the host organism [13].Osteoclastic resorption was observed for all stagesinvestigated revealing continuous but not excessivedegradation the ncHA. Faster degradation leading tothe destruction of the biomaterial geometry may be arisk for osteoinduction [30]. The later development ofthe bony structures formed around the granules wascharacterized histomorphometrically by a strongincrease of newly formed bone and histologically by

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Fig. 6. Histomorphometric findings in subcutaneous (a) and muscle (b) implantation sites for bone, biomaterial (NanoBone®) and softtissue areas, ROI = regions of interest.

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remodeling of the originally formed woven bone intomature lamellar bone. The bony formations developedafter 4 and 8 months even showed outer cortical andinner cancellous trabecular structures containing bonemarrow and were covered by a periost-like structure.A tendon-like structure extending to the bony surfacewas also observed in a 4-month-old animal. There arefew descriptions or discussions of such well-devel-oped structures arising from ectopic bone formation inthe relevant literature. However, Kondo et al.[31]observed the development of bone marrow withinbony structures after β-TCP implantation in the dogdorsal muscles after 4 to 6 months. Obviously, in theexperiment presented here, bone formation and differ-entiation was much better in the subcutaneous thanintramuscular area, although we also discuss the factthat subcutaneous tissue may be less osteoinductivethan skeletal muscle [32]. However, there are alsoseveral reports on failing osteoinduction within backmuscles, e.g. in the rabbit [33]. Biomechanical condi-tions should be considered as one possible reason forthis finding: micromovements between the ncHAgranules may be more likely in the muscular implantbed than subcutaneously. This can lead to impairmentof ectopic osteogenesis or to the deposition of onlysmall amounts of bone around the periphery of thegranules.

Conclusion The results obtained after ectopic implantation of ahighly porous nanocrystalline bone substitute into themini pig showed early signs of osteogenesis and thelater development of bone-like structures, mainly atsubcutaneous adipose tissue sites. Because of thesefindings, this ncHA biomaterialfulfills the conditionswhich are said to be responsible for the osteoinductivecapacities of calcium phosphate bioceramics, namely alow sintering temperature and a high porosity. Howev-er, due to the small sample size and the mainly quali-tative evaluation of this study, further experiments arenecessary to obtain a larger database.

Acknowledgments: This research was partly funded by the Ger-man Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBZ01EZ0729). The authors would like to thank Mrs. I. Müller-Bay, D.Gütschow and S. Niemierski for technical assistance.

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Submitted: 22 April, 2010Accepted after reviews: 11 July, 2010

596 W. Götz et al.

©Polish Histochemical et Cytochemical SocietyFolia Histochem Cytobiol. 2010:48(4): 596 (589-596) Doi: 10.2478/v10042-010-0096-x