Download - A patron saint is supposed to speak to God on a nation’s behalf.


New Beginnings

St Andrews DayPatron Saint1

ScotlandThe music you listened to is a famous folk tune called Speed Bonny boat.

From Where?Where is Scotland?

Scenery?Capital city?

Their famous poets

MusicPatron Saints

St Andrew

Christians believe that a saint is a holy person.

A patron saint is supposed tospeak to God ona nations behalf.The story of St Andrew

Andrew was one of Jesus first disciples.

Who was Andrew?

Andrew was already a friend of John the Baptist and had heard about Jesus. When Jesus called him he immediately left his nets and followed Jesus.Andrew became one of the twelve disciples. One day Simon (named Peter) and his brother Andrew were fishing on the lake when Jesus called to them.He said,Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. Matthew 4:19 How did he become a friend of Jesus?How did he become a friend of Jesus?We know that Andrew was one of Jesuss disciples because we read about him in the Gospel.

In the story of the feeding of the five thousand it was Andrew who brought the boy with the loaves and fishes to Jesus.

Andrew was very sad when Jesus died. He wanted to tell everyone about Jesus. He travelled to lots of countries including Russia and Greece.

How do we know about AndrewSome people were cross with Andrew for teaching about Jesus.

ConflictAndrew was tied to a big wooden cross with ropes until he died.Andrew carried on talkingabout Jesus for two wholedays before he died. He is saidto have died on November30th.

Andrews deathMany years after St. Andrew had died a man called Regulus had a dream which told him to carry the bones of St. Andrew to the end of the Earth.

Patron Saint of ScotlandScotland was so far from Greece that Regulus thought it was the end of the Earth.

Scotland/GreeceHis boat landed on the East Coast of Scotland.

He buried St Andrews bones and built a church on top.

BurialToday there is a town at that place called St. Andrews.

In memoryThe Scottish people made Andrew their Patron Saint and chose as their flag a Saltire (Greek) Cross on a sea blue background.

The flagOn November 30th every year people in Scotland, Greece and all over the world remember and celebrate the life of St. Andrew.

When is Saint Andrews Day?St. Andrews Day is connected with Advent, which begins on the nearest Sunday to 30 November.St. Andrews Day marks the opening of Christmas Markets.How do people celebrate?Peoplecelebrate theday by going toa ceilidh,where they doScottishCountrydancing.

How do people celebrate?The eveningbefore St Andrewsday it istraditional for girlsto pray to StAndrewfor a husband.

Recap Who is St Andrew?

The thistle.

A group of Scots were sleeping in a field when a group of Vikings crept up to attack. Fortunately one of the Vikings stood on a thistle and was pricked by its thorns.

He yelped in pain, waking the sleeping Scots who were able to fight off their attackers.

So the legend of why the thistle has been adopted as Scotlands national emblem.What is the national emblem of Scotland?

EmblemsMake links here with the WELSH emblems and also to the emblem and meaning of the poppy.22Please help us to be like St Andrew. Open our ears, our hearts and minds so that we can learn and grow in your love.

Help us to show all of the good qualities of a Patron saint. Help to be kind and helpful, thoughtful and considerate and respect the people around us.

May your faith support you.Reflection