Download - A parish of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of … Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral A parish of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America Weekly


VOLUME 60 JUNE 24, 2018 NO. 25

Ed Vendel IMO Mary Jane.

Rest peacefully!

Altar Boys: Matthew Muntean, Christopher Lateș, Daniel Conțiu, Antoniu Iliaș.

St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral A parish of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America

Weekly Bulletin

3256 Warren Road Cleveland, Ohio 44111

Phone: (216) 941-5550 Office - Fax: (216) 941-3068

E-mail: [email protected] -

Very Rev. Dr. Remus Grama, Parish Priest

Rev. Deacon Nick Neagoe

SPIRITUAL CALENDAR: 4th Sunday after Pentecost. 8:30 A.M. Matins (Utrenia); Tone 3; Mat. Gos. 4;

9:30 A.M. Divine Liturgy (Sf. Liturghie). Epistle: Romans 6:18-23; Romans 13:1-14; 14:1-4. Gospel: Matthew 8,5-13.

(Healing of centurion’s servant); Luke 1:1-25; 57-58; 76; 80.

Darurile Dvs. Sunt O Încurajare

Iubiţilor în Hristos,

Munca pentru comunitate nu este uşoară şi,

deşi are urcuşuri şi coborâşuri, este încurajator

când vedem buna-credinţă ca răspuns din partea

membrilor bisericii. Consiliul parohiei şi

Reuniunea doamnelor muncesc în simfonie ca să

asigure fonduri şi să chivernisească bunurile

bisericii. Nu demult, am trimis un apel cerând

sprijin pentru cheltuielile legate de structura

acoperişului bisericii. Până acum, am observat un

răspuns bun şi vă mulţumim! Însă, nu toată lumea

a răspuns încă.

Am fost bucuroşi să primim donaţii de la

bunii noştri membrii care locuiesc în afara

oraşului Cleveland. Am fost în mod special

încurajaţi să vedem şi donaţii mai mari. Mulţumim celor care le

-au trimis şi îndemnăm pe toţi cei care pot, dar care au întârziat

să răspundă, să ne ajute să menţinem ritmul donaţiilor. Sfântul

Apostol Pavel ne reaminteşte că “Dumnezeu binecuvintează pe

cei ce dăruiec cu generozitate!” Cu cât dăruim mai mult, cu atât

Domnul ne înmulţeşte binecuvântările, comunitatea e mai

puternică şi, prin ea, şi noi.

Cu harul Domnului, trăim zile bune, de pace, când mulţi

enoriaşi au serviciu, merg în vacanţe şi dovedesc o stare

material stabilă. Ca și creştini ortodocşi, se cuvine să nu uităm

Cine este dăruitorul şi să-I fim mereu recunoscători! Imitând

exemplul Mântuitorului Hristos, să mulţumim şi noi pururea

prin dărnicia noastră. Domnul primeşte bunele intenţii şi le

răsplăteşte. Aşadar, să ne arătăm şi noi dragostea de Dumnezeu,

să onorăm pe cei vii şi pe cei plecaţi dintre noi cu daruri către

Sfânta Biserică! Darul nostru va fi primit ca o jertfă şi Domnul

ne va binecuvânta. Dacă încă nu aţi trimis o donaţie pentru re-

pararea acoperişului, vă rugăm să o faceţi acum! Vă mulţumim

şi rugăm pe Domnul să vă binecuvinteze!


Your Donations Are An Encouragement

Beloved in Christ,

Community work is not easy and, though

it has its ups and downs, it is encouraging

especially when we see a good-faith response

from our members. The Parish Council and

the Ladies Auxiliary are working in

symphony to provide funds and manage our

programs. Recently, we sent out an appeal

asking for donations to cover the structural

consolidation of the church building roof. So

far, we noticed a good response and we thank

you. But not everyone has yet answered.

The envelopes are slowly coming and

some of them are from those of you who live

away from Cleveland. It is especially

encouraging to see that some of our members have blessed

us with a few larger donations. We thank those who did it

and urge everyone who was slower to respond to please

help us keep the snowball of donations rolling. Saint Paul

reminds us that “God blesses the cheerful giver!” The more

we give, the more we receive and then the community

becomes stronger and by it we also get more blessed.

By God’s Grace, these are good times, of peace, when

many of our people have jobs, go on vacations and display

a healthy economic status. As Orthodox Christians, let us

not take anything for granted, but always remember “Who”

the Giver is and let’s be grateful for all His blessings!

Likewise, in imitation of the Lord, let us all show our

gratitude to Him by giving. God receives our good

intentions and acts on them. Express your love of God,

honor your living members, remember those departed with

your donation to the holy church! Your donation will be a

well-received sacrifice and God will bless you. If you did

not send your donation for the repairs of Saint Mary

“Roof,” please, do so now! Thank you and may the Lord

bless you abundantly!


Altar Boys: (July 1st): Alexandru Ciuta, Matthew Trîmbițaș, Andrew Popa, Alex Șerban.


SUN., June 24th: 9:30 am Divine Liturgy.

FRI., June 29th: (+) Holy Apostles Peter & Paul, 9 am

Divine Liturgy.

SAT., June 30th: 5:00 pm Vespers & Confessions; 6 pm So-

cial Hall Rental.


SUN., July 1st: 9:30 am Divine Liturgy. 11:30 am Parastas

IMO Peter & Larisa Lucaci.

WED., July 4th: OFFICE CLOSED - Happy Independ-

ence Day!

Nursing Home

Radu Petrescu ................................................................................................. Greenbrier Ana Pravitchi ........................................................ Mount Royal Villa (N. Royalton) Angela Netcu ............................................................................................. Eliza Jennings Floare Mălan ................................................................................................. St. Augustin

Assisted Living

John W. & Victoria A. Morin ................................... Greenfield at Oak Ridge, TN Ruth Lazăr ............................................................................................ Royalton Woods Carlotta Miclău ................................................................................. Brighton Gardens Teofana Cristoloveanu...............................................O’Neil Care, Bay Village


Simona Cismas IM tatălui meu Ioan și a tuturor celor decedaţi din familie.

May God rest them in peace! Dumnezeu să-i odihnească!

Lavinia Cozmin-Morris for the good health of brother, Horia.

Marinela Turc pentru sănătatea mamei Elena.


Vicky Stancey IMO parents, Elena & Ștefan Arghirescu.

May God rest them in peace! Dumnezeu să-i odihnească!

Mirela Fărcaș for the good health of my family.

Ana Mohan pentru sănătate, mulțumire Bunului Dzeu. de ziua taților

soțului și fiului meu. Happy Father’s Day!

Maria Diaconu for the good health of family.

Florica Cotrău în onoarea nepotului Alexander Cotrău, la ziua de naștere.

Elena Turc pentru sănătate și ajutor de la Dumnezeu întregii familii.

Mirela & Dan Rudary in honor of mom and grandma, Marinela, on her

birthday. La mulți ani cu sănătate!


Ana Popa IM soțului meu Traian Popa.

Cornelia Bicescu IMO my husband Ovidiu Bicescu.

Ionel & Ana Roșu IMO parents Saveta and Dimitrie.

Simona Cismas IM tatălui meu Ioan și a tuturor celor decedaţi din familie.

Rozalia Buta IM soțului meu drag, Toma, și a neuitaților părinți,Toma,

Eva, Iosif, Maria și a tuturor celor decedați din familie.

Afrodita, Irina, Magdalena & Sophia IM părinților Victor şi Paula


Cristina Hemsoth & family IMO parents & grandparents, Grigore &

Greta Butoi.

Ion Adam IMO Mariana & Gheorghiță (Nelu) Tarla.

Dumitru & Paraschiva Vasu-Family IMO father & grandfather Gheorghe

Vasu. Always in our hearts. Memory Eternal & Rest in Peace!

Antoniu IM lui Magdalena Iliaș.

Marinela IMO father, Iosif, and brother, Adrian Marius.

Inacu Family IMO Ioan, Ion, Adina, Petru, Ștefan.

Elena Keta IM soțului meu Petar Keta.

George & Ana Mohan IM celor dragi trecuți la cele veșnice de ziua

taților. Totdeauna în amintirea lor.

Nick & Maria Muntean IMO dear fathers Ioan Muntean and Gheorghe

Sarsamă, our grandfathers, brothers and brother-in-law for Father’s day.

Memory Eternal! (4)

Al & Gloria Haak in loving memory of father Gavriel Boloca and fathers

Johan Haak, Isaia Nan, for Father’s day.

May God rest them in peace! Dumnezeu să-i odihnească!

Rozalia Buta pentru sănătatea ei și a familiei.

Angela Voiculescu please God look over my daughter Soinia. Protect and

bless her. For the good health of my mother. God Bless her! (2)

Lucica Fogoroș pentru sănătatea familiei noastre, a familiei copiilor mei

din România și pentru cei călători. Dzeu să-i aibă în paza Sa.

Theodora for the good health of family: Theofana, Dan, Dina, Cristina,

Rosie, Sofia,& Theodora.

Al and Gloria Haak for the safe travel of sister Elaine Spencer and her

daughter (our niece) Marie Elaine Spencer, for son and brother Scott G.

Spencer and AnneLee wedding in CA. God Bless all of them.

Uncle Al and aunt Gloria Haak for our nephew and Godson Scott G.

Spencer and AnneLee on their wedding day. May our Lord grant them

many blessings with our love.

Dumitru & Paraschiva Vasu-Family in honor of mother & grandmother

Leonora Vasu on her birthday. God grant her many more blessed, healthy

and happy years. La mulți ani!

NO VESPERS during the month of JULY!

Due to many parishioner’s vacation, during the month of

July there are NO Vespers on Saturdays. For Confes-

sions, please contact Father or the Parish Office for


Have a safe Vacation and, wherever you are, DO NO

forget to pray and behave as a good orthodox-christian!

*** NU avem VECERNII în luna IULIE!

Deoarece mulți membri sunt în vacanțe, în luna iulie nu

vor fi Vecernii. Dacă doriți să vă spovediți, vă rugăm să

sunați pe Părinte sau Biroul Parohial pentru programare.

Să aveți o vacanță frumoasă și, oriunde veți fi, NU

UITAȚI să vă rugați iar comportamentul dv. să arate că

sunteți un bun creștin-ortodox!


For JULY 8 To JULY 22


From 10 am To 2 pm

For any emergencies during the above period, please

call Fr. Remus Grama at (216) 406-3654.

The schedule will return to normal hours beginning

with July 23. Thank you!

From Father

A Special Pilgrimage to Vatra


Dear Spiritual Children,

Vatra Românească is the spiritual center of our Episcopate.

It is not only the headquarter of the Archbishop, but it has

a chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary, a cultural center,

summer camps, a cemetery where many pioneers of our

Romanian emigration are resting and other interesting

facilities. As you may have noticed, on September, a bus

will take us to the pilgrimage organized in honor of the

Virgin Mary. The wonder doing icon of Our Lady of

Hawaii will be brought. Let us use this opportunity to

travel to the Vatra and receive God’s blessings.

Did you make your reservation? If not, contact the Parish

Office today or reserve your seats with the Trustees on



Pelerinaj special la Vatra Românească

Dragi Copii Spirituali,

Vatra Românească este centrul spiritual al Episcopatului

nostru. Nu este doar sediul arhiepiscopului, ci are și o

capelă dedicată Sfintei Fecioare Maria, un centru cultural,

tabere de vară, un cimitir unde se odihnesc mulți pionieri

ai emigrației noastre românești și alte facilități interesante.

După cum probabil ați observat, în luna septembrie, un

autocar ne va duce la pelerinajul organizat în cinstea

Fecioarei Maria. Imaginea minune a Sfintei Fecioare din

Hawaii va fi adusă. Să folosim această ocazie pentru a

călători la Vatra și a primi binecuvântările lui Dumnezeu.

Ați făcut rezervarea dvs.? În caz contrar, contactați biroul

Parohiei astăzi sau vă puteți rezerva locurile la biroul

Epitropilor în zilele de duminică.


ÎN PERIOADA 8 - 22 Iulie


De la ora 10 am La ora 2 pm

Dacă aveți vreo urgență, vă rugăm să contactați Pr. Remus

Grama la numărul de telefon (216) 406-3654.

Programul va reveni la normal începând cu data de 23 iulie.

Vă mulțumim!


June 24 - Nativity of St. John the

Baptis / Nașterea Sf. Proroc

Ioan Botezătorul (Sânzienele)

June 29 - Holy Apostles Peter & Paul

Sfinții Apostoli Petru & Pavel


Parish Council


Vasile Peicu

(216) 240-3299

Ladies Auxiliary


Mariana Miron

(440) 360-0839


Marian Ciuta

(216) 513-5535

Choir Director:

Gheorghe Lateș

(216) 973-8812

Financial Secretary: Simona Sarsama

(216) 533-4636

Hall Rental:

Italian Creation (216) 226-2282


Are you planning an event this year or next year?

Our social hall is at your disposition! Contact the

parish office for more information!


Planificați un eveniment în acest an sau pentru

anul viitor? Sala Socială a parohiei noastre vă

stă la dispoziție. Pentru informații, contactați

biroul parohial.

Thank you! **************** Mulțumim!

A Church in Action As we are getting into the hot summer days and vacation time, our

church property requires a lot of attention and care. We like to

thank and acknowledge those who helped us during this period.

Festival – The committee meets frequently and plans every intri-

cate details of our upcoming festival. This will be the 13th consecu-

tive such event. The ladies of the parish spent almost one week

preparing sauerkraut and sarmale.

The New Walk-in Freezer is now installed and ready to be used.

Mulch Completed – 40 yards of mulch have been spread over the

flower beds by Alexandru and Irina Mezin and the property looks.

The shrubs in the centennial park were nicely trimmed.

Romanian Pavilion in Veterans Gar-

den Sealed. Our Vice-President, Dr.

Mark Davis and his son, Brandon

Davis enhanced the garden by sealing

the roof of the Romanian wooden pa-

vilion in the interior garden. Tables

and chairs were set, flowers planted

and this refreshing space of our church

is ready for the summer.

Troitza work continued. After a thor-

ough cleaning it will be repainted by

Ovidiu Vatamanu.

Gutters Cleaned. Every season the

cutters of the church, school, hall and parish house must be

cleaned. Many thanks to Ion Dinca, who did this job this year!

Flowers – Mrs. Victoria Ciuta planted flowers in front of the

church and church school.

Street Sign Painted. The corner property

sign was repainted and the area around it

was de-mulched and covered with stone.

New Lamps Activated. Many thanks to

Gheorghe Lates who installed and acti-

vated the new decorative lamps by the

entrance of the hall and the drive way.

Finally, we wish to send a huge THANK

YOU to those who care about the daily

needs of the church and sent donations to

help cover the cost of it. Without you,

dear members and friends, all this work couldn’t have been ac-

complished. We hope every member and supporter will send a gift

of love to help us continue our ministry to our community. When

you come to the church, we hope you will like it. Come and see!




Trevor M. Vălescu, grandson of Eleanor Vălescu

and the late Mircea Vălescu, who graduated with a

B.A. in Media, from University of Wisconsin-






I Live Again, by Mother Alexandra, Reprinted

The sisters of Holy Transfigura-

tion Monastery in Ellwood City,

an Orthodox spiritual oasis estab-

lished by Mother Alexandra

(Princess Ileana), tirelessly pray

and labor. Recently, through their

efforts, the memoir of Ileana,

Princess of Romania and Arch-

duchess of Austria, titled “I Live

Again” was reprinted, after al-

most 70 years. The first hard cover edition was published

in London by Victor Gollancz LTD, in 1952. It was then a

great joy and encouragement to the Romanian exiles. To-

day, I hope, the news of this new edition will bring a simi-

lar and even greater joy to all Romanians, now free of

communism, and to all those who admired the Princess-

Nun and were inspired by her life, faith and character. The

book appeals to the Orthodox and non-Orthodox as well

and to all who love to read. It takes the reader into a world

bygone and it does it with a royal class. It is lively and in-

viting, it is inspirational and dramatic, it is strengthening,

uplifting and it builds character. I strongly recommend it.

The new edition was published, in 2018, by “Ancient Faith

Publishing,” Chesterton, Indiana and it may be obtained

from for $24.95. It contains an epi-

logue by Archbishop Nathaniel and an introduction by

Very Rev. Mother Christophora, Abbess, as well as a pro-

logue by the undersigned, a foreword by Ileana Hapsburg-

Snyder, and a Postscript by Fr. Laurence Lazar. Don’t de-

lay to act on this editorial news. Order your copy now. It is

good for you but it also makes a perfect gift for someone

you love. It is a great support for the Monastery but the

real benefit will be yours. Above all, the prayers of Mother

Alexandra, who left the glory of the world for the true

glory of God, will bless you with her smile from above.

Fr. R. Grama

Be a Friend of the Festival!

Any gift of love will be deeply appreciated and donations will be listed!

Your Name & Address

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

$50____ $100___$200___ $300___ $500____ $1,000 Other______

Please, write check payable to St. Mary Cathedral (with the specification “Festival”) and mail it to:

St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral 3256 Warren Road

Cleveland, Ohio 44111

Phone: (216)-941-5550 E-mail: [email protected]

Thank You and May God Bless You!


If you are planning to bring small items (to

fit in a brown lunch bag), please do so

before June 30th. Mark them for Marie

Sandru - Festival. You can bring them to

the Parish Office or give them in person to


With your help, for the past couple of years, we contribute to

raise money for our church.

Thank you in advance for helping me help our church!

Marie Sandru


Veți călători în Romania în

această vară?

Dacă mergeți, vă rugăm să aduceți și

să ne donați suvenire. Toate vor fi

puse spre vânzare pe perioada

festivalului. Vă sugerăm următoarele

iteme: costume populare românești

ori piese separate (ii sau cămeși

toate mărimile, brâuri, fote/fuste,

poale, baticuri de lână, opinci, etc.),

albume turistice cu fotografii ale

reliefului și a clădirilor istorice,

iteme religioase, etc.

Orice donație ajută. Mulțumim!


Doamne ale parohiei vor organiza un butique cu lucruri făcute de mână (împletituri,

croșete, broderii, hăinuțe de copii și șorțuri, mici vase încrustrate din lemn sau lut,

decorații, etc.). Dacă aveți asemenea iteme și doriți să le donați, vă rugăm să sunați pe Dna. Becky

McLaughlin la (216) 262-6194 ori să le aduceți la biroul parohial. Toate vor fi puse spre vânzare la Festival.

Vă mulțumim!

The Festival Is Coming

Many details are needed to stage the festival. We will be in need of many volunteers for preparing the food and setting

up the festival as well as for the following:

Volunteers for all departments. (Watch for Volunteer Registration Form which will be displayed by the candles

and in our July issue of the Good Shepherd)

Pastry baking and help. (Contact Psa. Elena Grama)

Langoși (contact Maria Tent)

Cashiers for all departments (contact the parish office)

Church & Museum Guides (contact Fr. Grama or the parish office)

Children and adults to wear Romanian costumes for the Romanian Costumes Parade. (contact Mihaela Hetruc)

Sponsors (ADS will be received until July 20th, contact the Parish Office).

Please, plan to be available on August 17, 18, & 19 when we have to welcome our guests!

Thank you!



For those interested in volunteer-

ing as a cashier to the festival this

year, please call Ms. Kathy

Dragomir at her new phone number

(440) 799-1661.

Thank you!




Cine este interesat să voluntarieze

ca și casier la festival în acest an,

este rugat să se înscrie la doamna

Kathy Dragomir, care poate fi

contactată la noul ei număr de

telefon: (440) 799-1661.

Vă mulțumim anticipat!




Summer attendance is low,

but the needs of the church

are the same. At this time of

the year, the preparation for

the Festival requires money.

For this reason, we kept

inviting every member to please send a donation as a

sponsor. Any donation is accepted but certainly, the

larger, the better. Gifts under $50 will be announced in the

Bulletin, and those over, in the Festival booklet. Thank

you for hearing our pleading!

Deadline for Festival ad book is: July 20