

    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, No. 09-30131Plaintiff-Appellee, D.C. No.

    v. 3:06-cr-05504-RBL-1CHARLES NOLON BUSH,

    Defendant-Appellant. OPINIONAppeal from the United States District Court

    for the Western District of WashingtonRonald B. Leighton, District Judge, Presiding

    Argued and SubmittedOctober 4, 2010—Seattle, Washington

    Filed December 3, 2010

    Before: Sidney R. Thomas and Milan D. Smith, Jr.,Circuit Judges, and David A. Ezra, District Judge.*

    Opinion by Judge Milan D. Smith, Jr.

    *The Honorable David A. Ezra, United States District Judge for theDistrict of Hawaii, sitting by designation.



    Gregory Charles Link, Esq., Washington Appellate Project,Seattle, Washington, for defendant-appellant Charles NolonBush.

    Helen J. Brunner, Esq., Assistant United States Attorney;Arlen A. Storm, Esq., Assistant United States Attorney, West-ern District of Washington, Seattle, Washington, for theappellee United States of America.



    M. SMITH, Circuit Judge:

    Defendant-Appellant Charles Nolon Bush appeals his con-viction on twenty-seven of thirty-two counts charged in theIndictment. A jury convicted Bush of one count of securitiesfraud in violation 15 U.S.C. §§ 78j(b) and 78ff(a), eightcounts of wire fraud in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1343, threecounts of mail fraud in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1341, and fif-teen counts of engaging in unlawful monetary transactions(transactional money laundering) in violation of 18 U.S.C.§ 1957. Bush primarily contends that the government failed toprove that his money-laundering transactions involved the“profits” of criminal activities—a distinction he argues is nec-essary under the Supreme Court’s decision in United States v.Santos, 553 U.S. 507 (2008). Because Santos and its progenydealt with money laundering under a different statute, 18U.S.C. § 1956, Bush’s argument that Santos applies to a Sec-tion 1957 transactional-money-laundering conviction is a mat-ter of first impression for this court. Although we hold thatSantos applies to Section 1957 convictions, it provides norelief to Bush because his money-laundering and fraudoffenses do not “merge” as the crimes in Santos did. Accord-ingly, we affirm.


    I. Bush’s Investment Schemes

    Bush’s convictions arise from his creation and operation ofthree different “high-yield” investment programs in the west-ern United States from 1997 until 2006. Over the course ofwhat ultimately amounted to a four-year, $36 million Ponzischeme, Bush lured approximately 400 victims into “invest-ing” with him.

    In 1997, after several years of marketing lackluster con-sumer products, Bush met real-estate developer Duane


  • Christy, who was seeking financing to construct a luxuryresort in Baja California to be known as Cabo San Quintin.Bush pledged that he could provide $800 million in financingto construct the resort. To raise this capital, Bush began pro-moting several high-yield investments to the public. Bushacquainted himself with other high-yield “promoters” by join-ing an organization called Global Prosperity. At variousGlobal Prosperity workshops, Bush was introduced to otherpeople involved in such schemes.

    A. Hulaman Management Services

    In early 1999, Bush paid unlicensed and self-proclaimed“ecclesiastical lawyer” Glen Stoll to start an ethereal legalentity known as a “corporation soul.” Stoll filed articles ofincorporation in Washington state for an entity called Directorof the Cornerstone Institute (Cornerstone). Bush began pro-moting securities known as “mid-term notes” under one ofCornerstone’s auxiliary branches, Hulaman Management Ser-vices (Hulaman). Bush told investors that these notes gener-ated profits from favorable interest-rate movements and thatinvestors could reap substantial gains in just over a month.According to his investors, Bush promised an eight- to nine-percent return per year as well as a high probability of atwenty-five-percent return every four to six weeks. Ratherthan structure the notes and manage the money himself, Bushtold investors that he was a “facilitator for high-yield invest-ments.”

    Using his contacts from Global Prosperity, Bush reinvestedmoney given to him in two trading programs: IFR Trust, oper-ated by Larry Wilcoxson of California, and Mintus, Inc.,operated by Carolyn Mintus of New York. At his trial, Bushexplained his understanding of Mintus’s program into whichhe was placing investors’ money:

    Well, just the—that they made these tranches. Thesetrades were down, and they bought and sold paper.


  • I hear it called “mid-term bank note.” I don’t knowwhat it is. Quite frankly I’m not a financier.

    In addition to a return on his investments, Mintus offeredBush an $800 million guarantee for his planned investment inCabo San Quintin.

    Although Bush testified that he made no promises about thereturns he could provide and that his trading programs werebased on his “best efforts,” his clients testified that he repre-sented the investments as risk-free. He claimed the principalwould remain in the investors’ own accounts and was securedby real estate or promissory notes. Further, literature distrib-uted by Bush indicated that his investment had minimal riskand could produce up to a 300-percent yearly return. Accord-ing to a letter soliciting new investments, investor fundswould be held “in trust” until the pool accumulated $1 mil-lion. At that point, the pooled funds would be transferred toWilcoxson or Mintus who would then place the money witha “private merchant bank.” After investors sent money, Bushsent them a Hulaman Trust International Trust and FiduciaryAgreement, which catalogued investors’ funds under the reas-suring heading “Assets Delivered in Trust.” Soon after Bushbegan to invest with Mintus, she failed to make her first pay-ment due to Bush. Despite this, Bush testified that heremained confident about the viability of Mintus’s programand continued to place Hulaman-client money with her.

    Bush recruited several individuals to assist him in promot-ing Hulaman. Chief among them was his longtime marketingpartner Marilyn March. Bush also tapped Larry and VickiWebster to work as “financial planners” and promoters, pay-ing them a percentage of any funds they raised. Bush hiredMarch’s friend Tammy Stuckey to work as his administrativeassistant. She was paid $1000 per week in cash. For his part,Bush told investors that he lived an ascetic life and “wasmerely a conduit for charity,” using his profits from the trad-


  • ing program to fund his own charity, the From the HeartFoundation (Foundation).

    Beginning in February 1999, and despite not receiving divi-dends from Mintus, Bush directed Stuckey to prepare andsend client account statements to Hulaman investors showingbalance increases of approximately twenty-five percent permonth. Bush also began paying some investors twenty-fivepercent returns on their initial investments.

    In July 1999, Bush and March purchased a property inWashington state known as View Park Golf Estate (ViewPark). Priced at $1.8 million, this 20-acre property includedan 8,300 square-foot home, a golf course, tennis and basket-ball courts, and a fishing pond. Bush used funds from Hula-man’s bank account to make the $250,000 down payment onView Park and pay the $10,000 per month mortgage. Bushand March used the home as a residence and meeting placefor Hulaman investors and Foundation contributors. Bushhired groundskeepers, a chef, a masseuse, and a personal stafffor View Park. In the summer of 1999, Bush hired new staff,including a personal secretary, to whom he paid a $125,000salary into an offshore bank account. After several employeesobjected to being paid exclusively in cash, Bush began payingthem through Kelly Temporary Services.

    Using Hulaman money, Bush also entered into leases withthe Seattle Mariners baseball team and Seattle Seahawks foot-ball team for luxury suites at their respective stadiums. Bushinvited prospective investors to join him in the suites for vari-ous sporting events.

    B. Global Dominion Financial Services

    In August 1999, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)began probing Wilcoxson and Mintus, executing search war-rants to gather evidence about their offerings of mid-termnotes. One month later, Bush informed his investors that


  • Hulaman had moved its operations to the Caribbean island-nation of Nevis and was now operating under the monikerGlobal Dominion Financial Services (Global Dominion).Under Global Dominion, Bush promoted “high-yield” invest-ments in “international financial institutions.” Again promis-ing an eight-percent annual return, with sporadic twenty-five-percent interest payments, Bush asked investors to wire trans-fer him money at the Bank Crozier in Grenada or to sendmoney to his associate Nigel Grant, an attorney in Coronado,California. Bush told investors that a $1350 payment to Grantwas necessary to establish the Nevis L.L.C., which wouldhold their money. Bush transferred all Hulaman files toGrant’s law office in Coronado. After Bush’s personal secre-tary traveled to Coronado to organize the files, Grant begansending account statements from his law office to GlobalDominion investors.

    Grant began posting investor account statements on GlobalDominion’s new website. For the first eight-week “tradingperiod” under Global Dominion’s watch, client statementsshowed a twenty-five percent return on investment. As wasthe case with Hulaman, neither Bush nor his associates atGlobal Dominion were reaping substantial returns from theirinvestments in Mintus and Wilcoxson. Indeed, of the $12.3million Bush claims to have invested with Wilcoxson andMintus from both Hulaman and Global Dominion, Bushreceived back a pittance of $53,000. Nevertheless, GlobalDominion continued to post new earnings to client accountstatements.

    On October 28, 1999, Bush received a letter from theWashington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI)which questioned the legality of his operations. Bush soughtcounsel from Stoll, his unlicensed “attorney.” Stoll sent a let-ter on Bush’s behalf to the DFI denying that Bush was con-nected to any improper activity.

    Beginning in December 1999 and continuing through May2000, Bush and his associates directed their office manager in


  • Nevis to transfer money from the Bank Crozier to variousaccounts in the United States. These included Mintus’saccount in New York, Grant’s account in the Bahamas, andvarious Bush accounts in Seattle. Fifteen of these transactionsto Bush’s accounts, each in excess of $10,000, formed thebasis for the unlawful monetary transaction charges in thiscase (Counts 18-32). According to Bush’s office manager,money was never paid out to Global Dominion investors.

    In May 2000, Bush began winding down Global Dominion.When investors called to inquire about the absence of divi-dends, Bush told an employee in Nevis to placate them byclaiming there were delays at the Federal Reserve in NewYork that prevented wire transfers. When investors calledback to see if the money had been freed up, employeesrepeated the lies.

    C. Cornerstone Institute

    In July 2000, Bush signed an installment contract that for-malized his commitment to provide $800 million in financingfor Cabo San Quintin. Thereafter, Bush began operating theCornerstone Institute and recruited new investors for anothermid-term notes scheme, purportedly secured by Bush’s inter-est in Cabo San Quintin. Bush did not inform investors thathis interest was subject to his satisfaction of the $800 millionfinancing obligation. Bush provided prospective investors anapplication packet that included wire-transfer instructions andan escrow agreement. Investors received monthly accountstatements, which again reflected frequent and substantial div-idend returns (sometimes 150 percent of the principal).Despite the good news communicated to investors, Bush wasstill not generating returns from Cabo San Quintin, Mintus, orWilcoxson. By the end of 2001, he had paid less than $2 mil-lion out of the $300 million due under his obligation to theresort.

    Since Bush was unable to find any new investors by 2002to permit him to fund his Cabo San Quintin obligations, his


  • partners in Cabo San Quintin forced him out of the project. InJune 2002, View Park was repossessed by its former ownerafter Bush and March stopped making payments on the mort-gage. In July 2002, Bush moved to Paris.

    In total, between 1998 and 2002, Hulaman, Global Domin-ion, and Cornerstone received more than $35.6 million frominvestors. As noted earlier, Bush placed $12.3 million in thePonzi schemes run by Wilcoxson and Mintus. He also placed$233,500 with Wilcoxson personally and $6.1 million withMintus personally. He paid $8.7 million back to investorswho requested payments of dividends. He paid more than$3.7 million in expenses and salaries. Finally, he diverted$8.4 million to his own accounts, including $1.4 million incash withdrawals, and funds used to purchase and makeimprovements to View Park, and to purchase artwork andmake gifts to friends and family.

    On August 9, 2006, a federal grand jury returned a thirty-two count Indictment against Bush. After being extraditedfrom Poland in January 2008, Bush was arraigned in theWestern District of Washington.

    II. Bush’s Trial and Sentence

    Bush’s two-week jury trial commenced in October 2008.At the close of the Government’s case-in-chief, Bush did notmove for a judgment of acquittal.

    Bush testified at trial about his investment offerings anddealings with Wilcoxson and Mintus. He stated his belief thatboth of their investment programs were legitimate enterprises,even explaining how Mintus took impressive steps to “satisfyhis due diligence.” For instance, Bush claimed that at his firstmeeting with Mintus, she was accompanied by two formerboard members of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.Bush detailed how he had divided investor money into threecategories—transfers to Mintus, transfers to Mexico, and


  • operational expenses. Because he had “sworn secrecy” to hisassociates, Bush was unable to inform his investors about howhe invested their money. When asked why he was usinginvestor money “to buy the house and the SUVs and the mas-seuse and the chef,” Bush responded, “The only reason I amdoing that is because I believe that there is money sitting inNew York that offset [sic] this.” He then admitted he nevertold investors about Mintus’s defaults. In total, Mintus pur-portedly owed Bush more than $200 million.

    Bush shifted significant responsibility for planning theinvestment scheme to Grant and his other associates, claimingthat Grant designed the structure of Global Dominion inNevis, as well as its business plan. Although he stated thatGrant and others had “completely” taken over Global Domin-ion in Nevis, Bush conceded that he could direct wire trans-fers.

    Bush testified that the $1.6 million he and March spent toremodel View Park enabled them to use the property for theFoundation. He claimed that other expenditures amounted to“asset placement,” and that his repeated $9,000 per day bankwithdrawals were for charity and employee salaries.

    Prior to charging the jury, Bush requested that the districtcourt give an instruction predicated on an advice-of-counseldefense to fraudulent intent. Finding no factual basis in thetrial record, the district court declined to give the instructionand, instead, gave an instruction that good faith is a completedefense to those charges where intent was at issue.

    The jury convicted Bush on the securities-fraud count,eight wire-fraud counts, three mail-fraud counts, and all fif-teen money-laundering counts. Bush was acquitted on fivewire-fraud counts that did not involve financial transactions.

    The district court sentenced Bush to 360 monthsimprisonment—240 months for the securities fraud, 120


  • months for the money laundering to run consecutive with 240months, and 60 months for the wire fraud to run concurrent.The district court ordered Bush to pay $30.1 million in restitu-tion and the $2,700 mandatory special assessment. Thisappeal followed. We have jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C.§ 1291.


    Bush asserts two errors. First, he argues that there wasinsufficient evidence to convict him of engaging in unlawfulmonetary transactions under 18 U.S.C. § 1957 because thegovernment did not prove that his bank transfers included the“profits” of his criminal activities. Second, he assigns error tothe district court’s refusal to give a jury instruction he pro-posed. Both contentions are without merit.

    I. Sufficiency of the Evidence for 18 U.S.C. § 1957 Convictions

    This is the first proceeding where Bush has objected to thesufficiency of evidence submitted by the government to con-vict him of transactional money laundering. Evidence is suffi-cient for conviction “if, viewing the evidence in the light mostfavorable to the prosecution, any rational trier of fact couldhave found the essential elements of the crime beyond a rea-sonable doubt.” United States v. Mincoff, 574 F.3d 1186, 1192(9th Cir. 2009) (quoting United States v. Dearing, 504 F.3d897, 900 (9th Cir. 2007)) (internal quotation marks omitted).While we normally undertake such reviews de novo, becauseBush failed to move for acquittal before the district court, wewill only apply plain error analysis here and examine the con-viction to ensure there was no manifest miscarriage of justice.United States v. Green, 592 F.3d 1057, 1065 (9th Cir. 2010).

    Bush’s argument is two-fold. First, he claims that his wire-fraud convictions are not distinct crimes from the fifteenmoney-laundering convictions. Bush asserts that “proceeds”


  • in the money laundering statute must mean the “profits,”rather than the “receipts,” of predicate crimes. He proffers thelegal hypothesis that whenever a predicate offense to moneylaundering necessarily involves the payment of the crime’sreceipts, the money-laundering offense “merges” with thepredicate crime. Assuming his premise is sound, Bush pro-ceeds to his second argument that the government did notpresent evidence to allow the jury to distinguish which moneyhe laundered for his personal “profit” and which he launderedto pay the “costs” of his Ponzi scheme.

    A. Money Laundering “Proceeds”

    [1] Enacted in 1986, the Money Laundering Control Actadded to the Criminal Code two substantive offenses for laun-dering monetary instruments—18 U.S.C. §§ 1956 and 1957.Pub. L. No. 99-570 § 1352(a), 100 Stat. 3207-18, 21 (1986).Both statutes prohibit conducting monetary transactions withthe “proceeds” of criminal activity, albeit in different ways.Section 1956(a)(1) uses “proceeds” twice in its substantivetext, which provides:

    Whoever, knowing that the property involved in afinancial transaction represents the proceeds of someform of unlawful activity, conducts or attempts toconduct such a financial transaction which in factinvolves the proceeds of specified unlawful activity. . . with the intent to promote the carrying on ofspecified unlawful activity . . . [shall be guilty of acrime].

    By contrast, Section 1957(a) provides:

    Whoever, in any of the circumstances set forth insubsection (d), knowingly engages or attempts toengage in a monetary transaction in criminallyderived property of a value greater than $10,000 and


  • is derived from specified unlawful activity, shall be[guilty of a crime].

    18 U.S.C. § 1957(a). While “proceeds” does not appear inSection 1957(a)’s description of the offense, subsection (f)(2)incorporates the term into the statute when it defines “crimi-nally derived property” to mean “any property constituting, orderived from, proceeds obtained from a criminal offense.” Id.§ 1957(f)(2) (emphasis added). At the time relevant here, Sec-tion 1957(f)(3) provided that “ ‘specified unlawful activity’has the meaning given that term in section 1956.” Id.§ 1957(f)(3).1

    [2] The meaning of “proceeds” in Section 1956 hasreceived significant judicial attention in recent years after theSupreme Court’s plurality decision in United States v. Santos,553 U.S. 507 (2008). Two of our decisions—United States v.Van Alstyne, 584 F.3d 803 (9th Cir. 2009), and United Statesv. Moreland, 622 F.3d. 1147 (9th Cir. 2010)—have wrestledwith the meaning of Justice Scalia’s four-judge plurality opin-ion in Santos, as well as Justice Stevens’s concurrence.

    The defendant in Santos was convicted, inter alia, of oper-ating an illegal lottery and Section 1956 money laundering.553 U.S. at 509-10. After he received money from gamblers,Santos paid a commission to his employees and then paid lot-tery winners. Id. Those payments formed the basis of themoney-laundering charges. Id. In post-conviction habeas pro-ceedings, Santos challenged the propriety of his money-laundering conviction, claiming his transactions were merelythe distribution of receipts from gamblers—in the form of

    1In 2009, after the events at issue here, Section 1957(f)(3) was amendedto provide that “the terms ‘specified unlawful activity’ and ‘proceeds’shall have the meaning given those terms in section 1956 of this title.” Id.§ 1957(f)(3) (emphasis added). Pub. L. No. 111-21, § 2(f)(2), 123 Stat.1618 (2009). Our discussion here is thus limited to the pre-amendmentcontext.


  • payments to runners, winners, and collectors—as opposed tothe profits of the illegal lottery. Id. at 510. The district courtand Seventh Circuit agreed and vacated the money-launderingconvictions.

    [3] The Supreme Court affirmed, although no opinioncommanded a majority of the Court. In the four Justice plural-ity opinion, Justice Scalia held that because “proceeds,” asthen defined under Section 1956,2 could fairly be interpretedto mean either “profits” or “receipts,” the rule of lenity meantthat “the tie [went] to the defendants.” Id. at 514-15. In San-tos, accepting the government’s proffered interpretation thatproceeds meant “receipts” would yield a peculiar result—every person who operated an illegal lottery would, bydefault, simultaneously commit money laundering “becausepaying a winning bettor is a transaction involving receipts.”Id. at 515-16. This created a “merger problem.” Id. at 516.The plurality went on to note that this “merger problem” wasnot limited to transactions in furtherance of an illegal lotteryand noted that “[f]or a host of predicate crimes, merger woulddepend on the manner and timing of payment for the expensesassociated with the commission of the crime.” Id. JusticeScalia highlighted that “[t]he Government suggests no expla-nation for why Congress would have wanted a transaction thatis a normal part of a crime it had duly considered and appro-priately punished elsewhere in the Criminal Code to radicallyincrease the sentence for that crime.” Id. at 517.

    Unwilling to categorically define “proceeds” to mean“profits,” Justice Stevens concurred in the judgment and lim-ited his opinion to the illegal gambling context. Id. at 526-28(Stevens, J., concurring in the judgment). His concurrenceendorsed the plurality’s view on merger as applied to illegalgambling prosecutions. Id. at 528 (quoting plurality opinion).

    2In 2009, Congress amended Section 1956(c)(9) to expressly define pro-ceeds to include “gross receipts” of unlawful activity. Pub. L. No. 111-21,§ 2(f)(1), 123 Stat. 1618.


  • [4] In Van Alstyne, we considered the import of Santos forthe first time. See 584 F.3d at 813. There, we overturned twomoney-laundering convictions committed in furtherance of aPonzi scheme when the evidence at trial showed the transac-tions were merely putative dividends paid by the defendantfor the purpose of encouraging further principal contributionsby investors. Id. at 809-10, 815. We posited that “ ‘proceeds’means ‘profits’ where viewing ‘proceeds’ as ‘receipts’ wouldpresent a ‘merger’ problem of the kind that troubled the plu-rality and concurrence in Santos.’ ” Id. at 814. We reasonedthat Santos did not examine the money-laundering statuteitself but, rather, inquired into the elements and purpose of thepredicate offense from which the laundered funds werederived. See id. at 814-15 (considering the elements and pur-pose of the mail-fraud statute). Because fraud statutes prohibitthe broader “scheme to defraud” as opposed to the completedfraud, id. (citing Neder v. United States, 527 U.S. 1, 25(1999)), the appropriate test was whether the money launder-ing “was a central component of” the defendant’s criminalscheme. Van Alstyne, 584 F.3d at 815. Because two of VanAlstyne’s transactions furthered his fraud by encouraging newinvestment to the Ponzi scheme, we adhered to JusticeScalia’s reasoning that a defendant should not be punished for“[t]ransactions that normally occur during the course of run-ning a[n illegal scheme].” Santos, 553 U.S. at 517. Consistentwith this view, we upheld Van Alstyne’s third money-laundering conviction because it concerned a transaction torefund an investor’s principal outlay and thereby left fewerfunds “available to lull other investors into maintaining theirinvestment.” Van Alstyne, 584 F.3d at 816.

    More recently, in Moreland, we again applied the “centralto the scheme to defraud” framework where the defendantused a pyramid scheme to obtain in excess of $73 millionfrom investors. Moreland, 622 F.3d at 1153, 1165-66. But cf.United States v. Webster, 623 F.3d 901, 906 (9th Cir. 2010)(“We . . . read Santos as holding that where, as here, a moneylaundering count is based on transfers among co-conspirators


  • of money from the sale of drugs, ‘proceeds’ includes all‘receipts’ from such sales.”). We reversed two money-laundering convictions that corresponded to “wire transfersfor the purpose of paying commissions . . . central to carryingout the scheme’s objective of encouraging further invest-ment.” Moreland, 622 F.3d at 1166. On grounds not relevanthere, we upheld several other money-laundering counts inMoreland because the jury instructions did not require a spe-cific showing of “proceeds,” and it was thus irrelevantwhether “profits” of the illegal activity were involved. Id. at1167.

    B. Applicability of Santos to 18 U.S.C. § 1957

    [5] Because Bush was convicted of engaging in unlawfulmonetary transactions under 18 U.S.C. § 1957, while Santos,Van Alstyne, and Moreland all concerned money launderingunder the companion Section 1956, we first consider whetherBush’s convictions are covered by Santos and its progeny.The government briefly notes that Santos’s applicability “isnot clear and obvious” in this context. We decline to drawsuch a superficial distinction between two coordinate statutesand hold that Santos applies with equal force to transactionsprosecuted under Section 1957.

    [6] As noted earlier, Sections 1956 and 1957 contain dif-ferent elements but have a common genesis. For purposeshere, the statutory differences do not concern the usage ormeaning of “proceeds”; instead the crimes differ with respectto the “knowledge” element. Section 1957 “does not requirethat the defendant know of a design to conceal aspects of thetransaction or that anyone have such a design,” while Section1956 has that requirement. See United States v. Wynn, 61 F.3d921, 926-27 (D.C. Cir. 1995) (citation omitted). Both sectionsmake explicit use of the word “proceeds,” and since they wereenacted together in the Money Laundering Control Act, wefollow the “ ‘normal rule of statutory construction’ that ‘iden-tical words used in different parts of the same act are intended


  • to have the same meaning.’ ” Dep’t of Revenue of Or. v. ACFIndus., Inc., 510 U.S. 332, 342 (1994) (citations and someinternal quotation marks omitted). Our reading of the terms assynonymous across these statutes is supported further by thecross-reference in Section 1957(f)(3) that “ ‘specified unlaw-ful activity’ has the meaning given the term in section 1956”and further buttressed by the fact that both sections targetmoney-laundering transactions. 18 U.S.C. § 1957(f)(3); seeBrown, 513 U.S. at 118 (“Textual cross-reference confirmsthis conclusion.”); cf., Envtl. Def. v. Duke Energy Corp., 549U.S. 561, 583 (2007) (Thomas, J., concurring) (“When Con-gress repeats the same word in a different statutory context,it is possible that Congress might have intended the contextto alter the meaning of the word.”) (emphasis added). Like-wise, the Sixth Circuit, in holding that Santos applies to Sec-tion 1957 concluded that “[i]t makes particular sense [to givethe words an identical meaning] here because the two statutescover the same subject matter in a common way.” UnitedStates v. Kratt, 579 F.3d 558, 560 (2009).

    [7] The statutory symmetry between Sections 1956 and1957 is but one reason to extend the meaning of Santos. Evenmore important is that Santos and its progeny are less anexamination of the money-laundering statutes and more aninquiry into the predicate crimes which generate funds to belaundered. See Santos, 553 U.S. at 516 (“For a host of predi-cate crimes, merger would depend on the manner and timingof payment for the expenses associated with the commissionof the crime.”). As we highlighted in Van Alstyne, the importof Santos is its requirement that a court evaluate whether thegovernment has been redundant in its prosecution of a fraudu-lent scheme—that is, whether the charges separate necessaryparts of the whole and treat them as independent bases forcriminal liability. See Van Alstyne, 584 F.3d at 815 (citingSantos, 553 U.S. at 515-17). For Santos to have run his lot-tery, he had to pay his employees and the lottery winners—indeed, without such payments his crime was nothing but sim-ple theft. Thus, the Santos merger problem is not limited to


  • Section 1956 because the “merger” problem is not so con-fined. See Iannelli v. United States, 420 U.S. 770, 772-73, 791(1975) (considering merger in criminal conspiracy context).

    [8] Finally, because Section 1957 does not contain aknowledge requirement and, thus, likely prohibits a broaderscope of criminal activity than Section 1956, an interpretationwhich unduly limits Santos’s context could allow the govern-ment to sidestep its holding by charging money launderingunder Section 1957. Accordingly, we hold that under 18U.S.C. § 1957, where a transaction in criminally-derivedproperty creates a “merger” problem of the kind that troubledthe plurality and concurrence in Santos, or our court in VanAlstyne, the “proceeds” transacted must include the “profits”of the predicate criminal activity.

    C. The Absence of Merger in Bush’s Conviction

    [9] We next consider whether Bush’s money-launderingconvictions present the merger problems of Santos or VanAlstyne. Because the district court did not specifically instructthe jury that “proceeds” must include “profits,” if such amerger problem exists, then the jury instructions were errone-ous.

    The eighteen monetary transactions at issue here occurredduring a finite period of Bush’s overall scheme—fromDecember 29, 1999 to May 24, 2000. All involved transfersfrom Bank Crozier to bank accounts controlled by Bush inWashington state. The transactions occurred during the sec-ond phase of the overall Ponzi scheme when Bush and Grantoperated under the Global Dominion name. The stage of thetransactions in the context of the larger fraud is particularlyimportant because the timing reveals their irrelevance to theoverarching fraudulent scheme.

    [10] The circumstances surrounding the securities, wire,and mail-fraud convictions were all distinct from the money


  • laundering, thus alleviating any merger concerns. First, thesecurities fraud conviction (Count 1) related to a January2002 attempted sale of an investment contract in Cabo SanQuintin—a fraud that occurred more than 18 months after thelast money-laundering transaction charged in the Indictment.Likewise, the mail-fraud convictions (Counts 15-17) have noconnection to the transfers—rather the mail fraud was basedon Bush’s promotional activities and the sending of false doc-uments to clients. With respect to two of the wire-fraudcharges (Counts 12 and 13), the transactions involved trans-fers from a bank in Oregon to Bush’s accounts in Washingtonafter the money laundering was completed.

    [11] This leaves only six wire-fraud charges (Counts 2-7)which could present “merger” problems. Unlike the casesanalyzed earlier, however, none of the transactions from BankCrozier to Bush was “central to carrying out the scheme’sobjective[s].” Moreland, 622 F.3d at 1166. The necessity ofthe transfers from Bank Crozier was limited to Bush’s per-sonal interest in veiling the sources of his income from publicauthorities. Unlike Moreland, the Government showed thatBush engaged in the transfers from Bank Crozier primarily asa means to benefit himself. This was evidenced by the factthat Bush operated his scheme for several years without mak-ing these international transfers from Bank Crozier. Notably,the overseas money transfers began after authorities beganinvestigating Hulaman, Mintus, and Wilcoxson. Rather thanrisk investors sending money directly to his Hulaman account,Bush deflected attention by steering the investments overseasfirst. While this is not as detrimental to the Ponzi scheme asthe defendant in Moreland refunding an investor’s principal,it also did not directly assist Bush in generating new invest-ments. Taking additional steps to hide completed criminalactivity is not central to the solicitations necessary for a Ponzischeme to continue operating. Further, we decline to endorsea merger rule that would reward criminals for increasingnefarious behavior by taking additional steps to avoid justice.


  • Bush’s argument that the government did not distinguishwhich of his transfers from Bank Crozier to the Washingtonaccounts were “costs” and which were “profits” is a red her-ring. In a period of six months, Bush moved more than $2.48million from overseas accounts to pay approximately $9,000in weekly costs. These “costs” included “business necessities”like his home, personal bills, and suites at football and base-ball games—all outlays which benefitted Bush as much asthey did his clients or associates. Bush’s profligacy is not abasis for weaving money laundering into a Ponzi scheme.

    Finally, we note that in Kratt, the Sixth Circuit also consid-ered whether the inclusion of the money-laundering chargeunder Section 1957 led to “a radical increase in the statutorymaximum sentence” for the underlying offense. 579 F.3d at562. Bush’s money-laundering convictions, only some ofwhich even present the possibility of merger, had the possibil-ity of adding ten years to his overall sentence. 18 U.S.C.§ 1957(b)(1). By contrast, his mail and wire-fraud convictionshad thirty-year statutory maximums. 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341,1343. This is quite distinct from Santos, where the operationof an illegal lottery carried only a five-year sentence whilemoney-laundering under Section 1956 could have led to anadditional twenty years of imprisonment. See 553 U.S. at 516.In the end, Bush received five additional years for his moneylaundering—hardly a “radical” disparity from the twenty-five-year sentence for his various frauds.

    [12] Since Bush does not dispute that he executed thetransactions in question and because those transactions did notmerge with his predicate frauds, we hold that there was suffi-cient evidence to convict Bush of transactional money laun-dering under 18 U.S.C. § 1957.

    II. Advice of Counsel Instruction

    Bush’s second claim on appeal concerns the district court’srefusal to give an “advice-of-counsel” instruction. We review


  • a district court’s determination “that a factual foundation doesnot exist to support a jury instruction proposed by the defensefor an abuse of discretion.” United States v. Daane, 475 F.3d1114, 1119 (9th Cir. 2007) (quotations omitted).

    [13] Bush requested the following instruction:

    As I have explained, one element which the govern-ment must prove beyond a reasonable doubt is thatdefendant had the unlawful intent to [commit] secur-ities fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud. Evidence that thedefendant in good faith followed the advice of coun-sel would be inconsistent with such an unlawfulintent. Unlawful intent has not been proved if thedefendant, before acting, made full disclosure of allmaterial facts to an attorney, received the attorney’sadvice as to the specific course of conduct that wasfollowed, and reasonably relied on the advice ingood faith.

    Finding no basis in the record to support the advice-of-counsel instruction, the district court gave a broader good-faith instruction:

    An intent to defraud is an intent to deceive or cheat.Good faith is a complete defense to each count,because good faith is inconsistent with an intent todefraud. Good faith means a belief or opinion hon-estly held without an intent to mislead. However, thedefendant’s belief that victims of any fraud will bepaid in the future or will sustain no economic lossdoes not constitute a good-faith offense [defense] ifthere is an intent to defraud.

    The defendant does not have the burden of provinghe acted in good faith. The government must provebeyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant actedwith the intent to defraud and did not act in good


  • faith. Proof that the defendant acted with recklessdisregard for the truth of material misrepresentationshe may have made is inconsistent with good faith.

    [14] “A defendant is entitled to have the judge instruct thejury on his theory of defense, provided that it is supported bylaw and has some foundation in the evidence.” United Statesv. Bello-Bahena, 411 F.3d 1083, 1088-89 (9th Cir. 2005)(quoting United States v. Fejes, 232 F.3d 696, 702 (9th Cir.2000)). An advice-of-counsel instruction requires the defen-dant show that he made a full disclosure of all material factsto his attorney and that he then relied “in good faith on thespecific course of conduct recommended by the attorney.”United States v. Ibarra-Alcarez, 830 F.2d 968, 973 (9th Cir.1987). We have repeatedly recognized that the failure to givea requested instruction is not reversible error “if other instruc-tions, in their entirety, adequately cover that defense theory.”United States v. Mason, 902 F.2d 1434, 1438 (9th Cir. 1990);see also United States v. Crandall, 525 F.3d 907, 912 (9thCir. 2008).

    As applied here, Bush needed to present evidence that hefully advised his attorney of his plan, received advice regard-ing that plan from the attorney, and followed that exact advicein good faith. The district court found none of these predicateswere met, and we agree.

    [15] The district court found that, for his “legal advice,”Grant was “paid almost $2 million, which is a pretty good feefor corporate advice.” We agree with the district court thatGrant was “up to his eyeballs” in the fraudulent scheme andnot serving in the role of Bush’s legal adviser. Grant waspositioned as a business partner, sending out account state-ments and retaining investor account files at his law office.Moreover, Bush never revealed to anyone his own fruitlessinvestments in the schemes run by Mintus and Wilcoxson—essential facts necessary to convey a full and accurate story toGrant. The record is replete with evidence on which the dis-


  • trict court could have, and did, base its decision not to giveBush’s requested instruction, and we find no abuse of discre-tion.

    [16] Finally, even if Bush had established a basis for theadvice-of-counsel instruction, the broader good-faith instruc-tion given by the district court subsumes Bush’s proposedinstruction. Because “[a]dvice of counsel is not regarded as aseparate and distinct defense but rather as a circumstanceindicating good faith which the trier of fact is entitled to con-sider on the issue of fraudulent intent,” Bisno v. United States,299 F.2d 711, 719 (9th Cir. 1961), and the district court gavea good-faith instruction, there was no error. See also Ibarra-Alcarez, 830 F.2d at 973.


    For the foregoing reasons, Bush’s conviction and sentenceare AFFIRMED.