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A NEW YEAR, A NEW VISION 2018 Annual Report


17 South Street, Cuba, NY 14727

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Table of Contents

Page Report

2 Minutes for the 2017 Annual Meeting - Sunday, January 28, 2018

3 Senior Pastor Report

4 Associate Pastor Report

5 Sunday School Superintendent Report

6 Board of Christian Education Report

7 Diaconate Board Report

8 Board of Trustees Report

9 American Baptist Women Report

10 American Baptist Men Report

10 Grief Support Group Report

11 Missional Report - Love The Little Children, Bundle Up Baby, Pencils & Crayons From Heaven, and Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard

12 American Baptist Men Financial Report

12 JYC Youth Camp Retreat

13 Jolee and Irene Witter Camping/ Youth Conference Scholarship Fund

14 Assets of First Baptist Church held by the American Baptist Foundation

15 Every Member Canvas Committee Report

15 Memorial Committee Treasurer Report

16 Capital Improvement Report

17 Diaconate Fellowship Fund Report

18 Building and Repair Fund Report

19 Current Expense Report

20 - 21 Current Expenses for 2018

22 Benevolence Treasurer Report

23 American Baptist Women Financial Report

24 2019 Current Expense Budget

25 2019 Benevolence Budget by Diaconate Board

26 Church Officers for 2019 prepared by the Nominating Committee

27 Church Clerk Report

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Minutes of the 2017 Annual Meeting

Sunday, January 28, 2018 The meeting was called to order by Moderator Ken Miller who then led in prayer. There were 47 people in attendance. Ken thanked all those in attendance. There were no questions or comments regarding last year's minutes of the annual meeting. Ken also thanked those people who prepared the various reports and for preparing the annual report.

Treasurer's Reports Current Expense-Laverna Stohr noted a correction on Page l6. It should have the word "gas" as the first word. Because of that, the numbers don't add up. Benevolence-no questions or comments Building Fund-Laverna Stohr said that for clarification purposes, she wanted to add that $3,000 came from a transfer, but the bottom number is correct. Laverna also noted (which was also clarified by Kirby Pierce) that under Capital Improvements on Page l7, that of the total of $32,826.95, $17,620.68 has been set aside for expenses that may come up during the year.

Nominating Committee Report Claudia Little gave a summary of those people that are starting a new term, adding that Anne Brungard will continue until 2019. Claudia Little will serve on the Cuba Council of Churches. Ken noted that there is an opening for the 2021 Nominating Committee and also an open seat on the Board of Trustees. He asked if there were any nominations from those in attendance. There were none. He then asked for a motion to approve the nominations as presented. Motion was made by Gary Shaffer which was seconded by Bill Beck. Vote was unanimous and motion carried. Pastor Lynn Sullivan explained the significance of the newly formed Pastoral Relations Committee (Ken Miller, Liz Burrows, Karen Strahan, Gary Shaffer and Faith Stewart) and how it can be helpful in our church.

Grief Support Report Claudia Little thanked those that have attended and those that have supported the group

Missional Report Anne Brungard also thanked those that have contributed and said that 105 children were served through the Pencils and Crayons ministry.

Ken Miller then asked if there were any other questions regarding the reports. Katy Harbeck asked about the Enduring Legacy (page 11), does the money listed refer to interest from the original bequest? Laverna Stohr said that was correct and that interest is figured quarterly. Ken then explained what the Every Member Canvas was about.

Diaconate Report Ann Gross asked about poinsettias (Page 13). There was no income listed. Laverna stated that the money was not received until after the report was printed.

Pastor's Report –no comments

Sunday School Report Bill Beck reported that they are exploring the possibility of creating a new adult class but are in need of a facilitator.

Old Business A question was asked about the possibility of creating one board to cover all the boards. It was under consideration last year. Claudia Little said that it was decided that should be put on hold for further consideration after the new pastor had a chance to settle in.

New Business-None

The Minutes were then read by the Church Clerk, and after clarification, a motion was made by Claudia Little which was seconded by Marion Clark to approve the minutes. Vote was unanimous and motion carried.

Pastor Lynn then closed in prayer, honoring those members that died in 2017, Ernestine Butts, Milt Hubbard and Jeanne Winchell.

Respectfully submitted, Carol Shaffer, Church Clerk

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Annual Report Of The Senior Pastor 2018

“The human mind may devise many plans, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will be established.” Proverbs19:21 (NRSV)

“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 (NRSV)

This year has been full for me as your pastor: full with the many usual pastoral duties of a minister with preaching, teaching, administrating, pastoral care, working with colleagues in our community and our American Baptist region. My heart is also full as I have come to know you better and love you and Cuba First Baptist Church ever more.

Together we have accomplished much this year. Some of the highlights for me have been:

the formation and functioning of the Advisory Council. This group is made up of the pastor, moderator, clerk and Chairpersons of each board (Trustees, Diaconate, and Christian Ed) and auxiliary group (AB Women, AB Men, AB Youth). We have met quarterly to share information and work together on issues and projects that are of interest to and impact the whole church.

The Pastoral Relations Committee has met several times through the year. Its function is to serve as support for the relationship between pastors and congregation.

I led two Bible study groups (the same study offered twice a week for 7 weeks, The Prodigal God by Tim Keller) Baptism Classes and baptisms in May I served as pastor for one week at Camp Vick (what an experience) followed by a wonderful time with Camp JYC.

As I look to a new year of ministry with you, I note that, like many churches today, we are anxious about our future. We have had conversations about how our church seems to be aging out and attendance is in decline; we are not the same church that we used to be. How do we reach the younger generations? Who will carry on the mission of our church? These are very real challenges in a wider culture that has significantly changed. We are in a liminal season, so to speak, stuck between something that has ended and a new thing that has not yet begun. What do we do in this meantime? How do we forge ahead when we don’t know where we are going? I believe the answer is we forge ahead anyway, by asking the Lord to show us the way and to follow. And to trust. That’s not easy either. How do we know what to do? The first step in discerning God’s new thing for us is the formation and training of a Vision Team. Its formation has been accomplished through the cooperative and prayerful effort of the Diaconate. Members of the team are Debbie Beatty, Bill Beck, Lois Lounsberry, Henry Mayo, Deb Stavish, Faith Stewart and Marcia Swenson. The team has met three times and is in the process of learning a corporate discernment process. The congregation will also have a part in this process as the Vision Team progresses. Please keep our Vision Team in your thoughts and prayers as they lay the groundwork for First Baptist Church to discern and embrace the plan the Lord has for us.

I am excited as we anticipate a new year of serving the Lord together. May God be glorified in all that we are and all that we do.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Lynn

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Associate Pastor Report 2018

It is amazing to believe that I’ve been at Cuba FBC for almost 13 years! Even after all this time, there are folks who still aren’t sure what I do! So, let me give you a general recap of my year and what I do on a weekly/monthly/yearly basis.

- Pastoral Care and Visitation

o I make calls and correspond with members and friends of our family on a weekly basis. o I do a great deal of counseling. It can be in person, on the phone, via email or text. When I do

weddings, I require hours of pre-marital counseling sessions. o Correspondence. I’ll shoot a note to people who are on my mind.

- Preaching/Teaching

o In 2018, I preached 7 Sundays. I also conducted the entire Maundy Thursday service as well as the

early Christmas Eve service. o I teach Sunday School. We’ve been studying Genesis for the past 2 years. I create lessons plans and

then do the preparation work to teach those classes as there is no bought curriculum.

- Music Ministry

o I work on new Praise and Worship songs to put in our normal rotation. I try to find songs that are easy to learn, and don’t offend either the older or younger generation.

o I put together songs lists for each week.

- Sunday

o Sunday is a big day. Most people see me ready for worship about 9:45. But there is a lot that happens before that. I tune my instrument, practice through the Praise songs, double check lights, fans, and heat, I assist with microphone checks, I go through the service slides (checking for proper choruses and verses to Hymns and songs and spell check each slide), light candles, often find a person to pick up prayer concern slips, consult with Nettie on songs, go through the bulletin in preparation for leading service, and mark up a bulletin for the person running sound.

That’s it in a nutshell! So if you see me running around like crazy on a Sunday, now you have a bit of a clue why! In HIS mighty grip, Pastor Alex

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2018 Annual Report of the Sunday School Superintendent

Church School and Bible study classes were held regularly during or after worship services with the following teachers:

o All ages youth small group – Bill Beck and Joanne Guild o Bible Basics (adult) – Rev. Alexandra Freer o Wired Word (adult) – Henry Mayo and Ann Scott o Nursery Coordinated by Laurel Comstock o Jr Church Coordinated by Melissa Grover o Club 320 Coordinated by Bill Beck

Feb: Youth retreat to United Church in Canandaigua 7-12 attended by 2 youth and 2 adult leaders.

May: Youth retreat; Bunk with Beasts, overnight trip to Seneca Park Zoo in Rochester, NY.

Baptism classes held by senior pastor Rev. Lynn A Sullivan, 3 people attended and were baptized.

Summer Break: Held end- of- year picnic in church fellowship hall for all ages with games and snacks.

July: Youth severed at Wellsville Community Kitchen preparing and serving lunch.

Sep: Classes resume; 2 adult classes/ 1 youth class. Due to lack of attendance no need to separate youth by age.

Family Fun day; return visit to Seneca Park Zoo to see new exhibits and present a donation to the conservation efforts.

Oct: For “Be the Church Sunday” youth served with various groups on project in the village and at the church.

Nov: Youth returned to Wellsville Community Kitchen to provide a meal at to needy residents.

Attend ABY state convention 1 youth and 1 adult.

Dec: The Sunday School Christmas Program was a joint effort including youth of all ages. The drama took place on Sunday, December 16 following worship.

2019: After consultation with the Board of Christian Education, in an effort to meet the ministry needs of a changing demographic, Club 320 will be suspended. Resources being focused more on individual discipleship. Many of the youth who were a part of this program are staying in regular worship and serving in the church. With the hope that our youth will be welcomed as an active part of our congregation, resources will shift in an effort to encourage youth in this direction.

Respectfully Submitted, William Beck, Sunday School Superintendent

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2018 Annual Report for the Board of Christian Education

Members: Laurel Comstock, Carrie Frederick, Melissa Grover, Tiffany Linn (resigned), Lori Little, Katie Morehouse, Stephanie Pierce, Greta Wilday, Jenn Williamson

Officers: Chairpersons: Melissa Grover & Greta Wilday Secretary: Lori Little Representative to Music Committee: Jenn Williamson Representative to Memorial Committee: Carrie Frederick

January 19 – Movie Night “Despicable Me 3” – 8 youth and 5 adults in attendance February 9 – GLOW Party – 37 youth and 18 shining in his GLOW February 16 – Movie Night “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids” – 5 youth and 4 adults in attendance February 17 - Canandaigua Lock-In – 2 youth and 2 adults representing Cuba First Baptist March 23 – Movie Night “Wonder” – 11 youth and 7 adults in attendance March 24 - Wellsville Community Kitchen April 20 – Movie Night “Ferdinand” – 10 youth and 7 adults in attendance May 18 – Movie Night “Peter Rabbit” – 10 youth and 7 adults in attendance May 19 & 20 – Bunk with Beasts at Seneca Park Zoo (Rochester) allowed 24 youth and 9 adults to have a private tour of the zoo and wake with the sea lions! June 3 – Family Picnic in Fellowship Hall with numerous families enjoying games, food and fun! June 10 – Children’s Sunday celebrating our youth, adult leaders, and volunteers who dedicate their time and efforts to our church programming ~ Thank you for all you do! June 16 – Dairy Days Penny Carnival June 17 – Dads & Grads Celebration – Donuts with Dads prior to service with a celebration of our graduates, Kelsey Pierce and Jonah Williamson, following service August 3 - 5 – Camp JYC – 36 youth in attendance with numerous teen & adult leaders August 13 – 17 – VBS: Shipwrecked served 35-40 youth, raising over $300.00 for Seneca Park Zoo August 17 - Movie Night “Moana” – 9 youth and 5 adults in attendance September 8 – Wellsville Community Kitchen – 3 youth and 2 adults serving our community September 21 – Movie Night “Zootopia” – Cancelled due to storm forecast September 22 – Family Day at Seneca Park Zoo (Rochester) welcomed 20 from Cuba First Baptist and received our mission gift from Vacation Bible School October 21 – Be the Church Sunday allowed youth to participate in various community needs October 28 – Fall Fest/Trunk or Treat welcomed over 140 youth and adults for Fall Fest with several additional families arriving for Trunk or Treat November 2 – 4 – ABY Convention welcomed 1 youth and 1 adult representing Cuba First Baptist November 17 – Spiritual Life E416 Training at Houghton College – 2 adults in attendance November 25 – Deck the Halls decorating the sanctuary, court, and fellowship hall for the holidays December 1 – Movie Showing during Small Town Christmas “The Star” – 25 stopped in to view the movie throughout the day December 16 – Children’s Christmas Program “The Misunderstood Christmas” – 21 youth gave us lots of laughs in their excitement for the holidays!

Beginning January 2019, Club 320 will be taking a break so youth can enjoy service with their families. Club 320 can always begin again if the interest/need arises.

Respectfully Submitted ~ Lori Little, Board of Christian Education Secretary

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2018 Report from the Diaconate Board

Members: Henry Mayo, Maghen Beck, Sallie Miller, Bert Tidlund Janet Hadden, Ann Gross, Larry Hayward, Lois Lounsberry, Cindy Colley, David Freidly, Esther Hardman, Faith Stewart and Pastor Lynn Sullivan

Our Goal: To develop ideas and programs that intensify our spiritual growth and build deeper relationships and share the Good News with our Community.

The First Baptist Church spiritual leaders for 2019 were senior pastor, Lynn Sullivan and assistant pastor, Alexandra Freer. The diaconate accepted several new members into our congregation by baptism and transfer.

We continue to promote fellowship and closer relationships by hosting the Women’s and Girls’ Breakfast, Men’s Palm Sunday Breakfast, and participation in softball games with the Wesleyan church. Along with the Board of Christian Education, we co-sponsored a Harvest Celebration Family Event and the Dairy Days Penny Carnival. Teaming with the Palmer Opera House, we hosted The Brother’s McClurg along with the OCC (Obi Community Church) Praise Team for a concert lasting over two hours. Many favorite hymns were performed that evening.

The Diaconate again held Prayer Vigils on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. A Maundy Thursday Drama, led by Pastor Alexandra, was a somber and serious event. Easter flowers and Christmas poinsettias decorated the sanctuary during those special times of the year.

“Be the Hands and Feet of Jesus” continued to guide the Diaconate as we held our annual Be the Church Sunday in October. We also made contact with those who have missed several Sundays and sent our greetings to our new attenders.

We continue to believe that supporting and fostering missions is an essential part of what a church does. We are blessed to have a congregation who continue to sponsor two families in mission field, Dan and Sara Chetti, and David and Joyce Reed. The Diaconate sponsored services each month at Underwood Manor and Cuba Memorial Hospital with several members of the congregation assisting Pastor Lynn as she led these. Our missional groups, Bundle Up Babies, Pencils and Crayons from Heaven, and the Table Ministry continued to provide for those in our community. We are grateful for the several members who donated their time to the Red Bird Mission. We monetarily support the American Baptist United Mission, including the World Mission, America for Christ, and One Great Hour of Sharing.

Rev. Sullivan believed it was time to begin the visioning process. A new Vision Team was formed with seven people serving on this committee. The team has met and begun the discernment process.

This is a sampling of activities offered by the Diaconate in 2018. We look forward to seeing God’s plan for Cuba First Baptist unfold in 2019.

Respectfully submitted, Lois Lounsberry, Diaconate Co-chairperson

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2018 Annual report from the Board of Trustees

2018 was another busy year for the trustees. Meetings were held monthly to address any issues that might come up during the operations of the church. Thanks to technology; email and conference calls were also a part of the process.

The church saw a few improvements and repairs. You may notice new windows on the Spring street side from the basement. These allow the items being sent to the trash to easily be moved out (rather than run up and down stairs with them). Great idea, and the new windows are very well insulated too. New lights are being installed in the food pantry and rummage rooms. The ones in place are very old and pretty inefficient in lighting.

The parsonage garage now sports a new metal roof. There was leakage on one side, but rather than repair that area only, it was deemed diligent (and financially sound) to replace the whole roof.

The Fellowship Hall also received a new roof coating. In the sanctuary, we found several pews that were in dire need of repair, and many more that were close behind. The church family rallied and funded the repairs and renovation of all pews. Thank you to all who donated. You may have noticed how quiet they are now when we all sit.

Outside the church, the 2 trees on South street were removed. The plan is to replace them with low maintenance ones that will not grow as large as the ones that needed to be removed. Although the old ones were pretty, they were creating a safety issue and were also beginning to lean on the church. Discussion was heard about re-doing the landscaping in front of the church. That area was originally done as a memorial to Phil Wilson and Gary Little. Both families have been contacted and have agreed that it’s time for some renovation.

Throughout the year, the board has been discussing cleaning issues in the church. The cleaning company was contacted and “walk-through” was completed to set expectations. As all things these days, the company has asked for an increase which will be addressed in the coming months. Other options have also been discussed such as re-visiting the janitorial position. Any concerns or questions should be shared with any member of the 2019 Board of Trustees.

The board of trustees is responsible for the financial workings of the church. They also negotiate all church employee dealings to include reviews, job descriptions and pay raises. Currently NYS is requiring a plan to be in place to provide a safe environment for our employees. The deadline on that plan is late 2019.

After securing our new pastor and renovating the parsonage, it was deemed prudent to do a parsonage inspection 2 times per year in order to catch possible repairs that might be needed. This was completed in September of 2018 and will be done again in the spring of 2019.

The board also oversees the use of the church facilities. Contact was made with each organization to update the contacts and to make them aware of their responsibilities involved. Individuals who use the church for parties, random meetings etc. are required to fill out the necessary forms before and after the use. Payment is established using the updated guidelines established in 2017.

The Alfred Counseling Service is currently using the small choir room for sessions. So far the process is going well. All appointments are cleared through the church online calendar and the room was furnished by the service and is maintained by the counselor. This opportunity is beneficial to not only the community but also to our church, as clients may find us to be a welcoming church.

Guy Mann has taken over the job of shoveling the church and the parsonage. Dave Fries continues to be contracted for plowing.

Vinnie Tabone, Larry Hayward and Lindsay Scott continue to take on so much of the responsibility of maintaining our church. We offer huge thanks to all of them for their time. Controlling lights, heat, and minor repairs is not an easy job with so many coming and going.

As always, anyone in the church family is welcome to contact any member of the board with questions or concerns. The 2019 board will be announced at the annual meeting. Thank you too, to all who have served this year and many years before. It is only through the time and talents of our church family that we can continue to enjoy our church facilities, and existence.

Respectfully submitted, Claudia Little, Secretary - Board of Trustees

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2018 Annual Report from the ABWM

The women of Cuba First Baptist have had a busy year. We have offered numerous meals to families after funerals, celebrated a wonderful anniversary with the Beards and served a fair amount of foods to our own.

The Table Ministry continues to serve those who are unable to get out, need a hand or are just having a “tough time” In 2018, the ministry delivered approximately 300 meals to church and community family. We continue to ask for donations of soups, casseroles, muffins, small breads etc. that can be frozen and distributed as needed. Containers are available in the church kitchen for anyone wishing to share. Items only need be labeled and dated.

The Rummage Rooms have had a banner year. Great thanks go out to all who work on this mission. Melody Hayward has done an awesome job re-organizing the store and coordinating her helpers. Countless hours go into the sorting, organizing and displaying. As always, we are looking for gently used clothing for infants, children, women and men. Clean household items are also in demand. Unfortunately we no longer can accept upholstered items, or electronics. Items can be left at the south street door, or delivered during “open hours” of Friday and Saturday, 9am -12pm. Thank you to everyone who supports this ministry; it is truly a gift to the community.

New this year is “Kids in the Kitchen”. Any kids from grades 3-12 are invited to come and “cook”. The group is currently meeting about every 6 weeks. They have made all kinds of dessert items, soups, casseroles, and more. Each recipe introduces a cooking skill, but more importantly; the kids get to spend time with some great adults (always looking for more). They laugh, talk and get to know each other. Part of every session yields foods to be used for the Table Ministry, so the kids get to be a part of giving too.

Many of our women are also involved in the NYS ABWM and attend annual conventions and board meetings. These prove to be a great way to see what our sisters across the state are doing, what’s working and for gathering new ideas. White Cross projects are assigned through the state organization, along with scholarship girls, and love gift opportunities.

At this point, our largest fund-raisers (aside from the Rummage Rooms) are the spring and fall markets. The booth rental fees and the proceeds from the lunch and the bake sale help make so many of our activities possible.

The women are also responsible for the flowers (décor) in the sanctuary. There is a sign-up sheet in the court for anyone who wishes to provide items for a particular Sunday.

ABWM is open to any adult women (18+) in our church and community family. Meetings are held approximately every 2 months after Sunday School. A light lunch is provided followed by a business meeting and sometimes a program. All are welcome. If you have any ideas for a program or an event, please feel free to contact Claudia Little, Carol Shaffer, Melissa Grover (Coordinators of Personal Development), Ann Gross or Penny Green (Coordinators of Mission).

We thank all of you for your support and prayers.

Respectfully submitted, Claudia Little – coordinator of Church and Community

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2018 ABMen Annual Report

In 2018 the ABMen invited David Cross to speak about forming a men’s ministry and what the functions of an ABMen’s chapter are. David serves at the state level as a growth consultant and nationally as treasurer. First Baptist Men also worked in conjunction with the Cuba Council of Churches to invite speaker Kevin Devries who served as keynote speaker at a men’s evening of worship. Kevin spoke at the Palm Sunday men’s breakfast and later at an open to the community evening of worship. In August the state convention was held at Keuka College and attended by our church for the first time in several years. At this convention Bill Beck was confirmed as area 1 representative for the state ABMen.

First Baptist Men held 4 meetings in 2018 and discussed reenergizing a ministry group. The group is learning about the functions of ABMen on the state, national, and global level. The ministry has expressed interest in building an inclusive community of Christian men who can gather to encourage each other in our spiritual walk and to serve in our church and community.

Respectfully submitted by William Beck, Area 1 Representative for NYS ABMen

2018 Annual report – Grief Support Group

On the first Wednesday of each month, the Grief Support Group meets in the church lounge. This group offers support and comfort to anyone experiencing a life-changing event. (loss of a loved one, divorce, job loss, or family upheaval). It also is not an “immediate” response. Many times it takes weeks, months and sometimes years to surface and begin to affect the lives of those who have been through such events. Anyone, in any stage of grief (from whatever consequences) is welcome to attend. Also, some of our members attend regularly, others come when they can….we strive to offer an outreach that meets the needs of our church and community family.

Over the course of the year, approximately 20 people have attended the group at one time or another. In a confidential and comforting setting, members find support with each other. This group holds a Christian approach, yet it is not Biblically based. Grief is an ongoing emotion that although cannot be “cured”, it can be hopefully be managed by interaction with others experiencing similar feelings, talking, listening and understanding the affects that a person may be feeling. Resources for counseling are always available too.

Any member of the area is welcome to attend. Contact Claudia Little for more details. Anyone interested in participating but not able to attend the afternoon group should please let Claudia know. Other options are available.

Respectfully submitted by Claudia Little, Coordinator

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2018 Missional Report – the Hands and Feet of Jesus in our Community


2018 saw missional outreach to our community through Love the Little Children/ Bundle Up Baby, Pencils & Crayons from Heaven and dissolution of Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard.

In the eighth year, Love the Little Children and seventh year of Bundle Up Baby, during the months of October – December 2018, 55 WIC children were served. 144 packages of diapers and 80 packages of wipes along with handmade hats, mittens/gloves, blankets, scarves and booties were given out. With the support of the Dr. Lyle F. Renodin Foundation affiliated with the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, NY., Cuba First Baptist was able to give each parent at least two packages of diapers along with a packet of baby wipes – one diaper package from our church and one from the Renodin Grant. In December all diapers and baby wipes available at the church were given to WIC clients. Each child also received a little donated book. The parents were in awe of the beautifully knitted and crocheted hats, mittens/gloves, blankets, scarves and booties which were all free – made with love. And the diapers and wipes were a blessing at holiday time. We are very thankful as blessings abound for our little residents!

The seventh year of Pencils and Crayons from Heaven saw 97 participants carry over 1750 individual school supply items plus backpacks out the door during our school supply distribution on August 11, 2018. The parents/caregivers and children were grateful for the variety of backpacks and supplies. To top off the school supplies, each child received a new toothbrush and toothpaste. 12 volunteers assisted with set up and/or assisted with the distribution of the school supplies. 36 backpacks were purchased with funding provided through the Dr. Lyle F. Renodin Foundation affiliated with the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, NY. The Cuba-Rushford Elementary PTO donated funds to purchase supplies for students. Cuba First Baptist Church truly appreciates these partnerships. Sincere thanks to our community and congregation members who donated items and money.

In 2018 Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard was not accessed as it had been hoped. As a result, the purchased supplies to be made available to those affected by homelessness or desperate need such as small size personal hygiene items for women, men and infant/children hygiene items, First Aid/medical supplies and everyday items such as chapstick, hand cream, disposable razors, safety pins, nail clipperrs, nail file, sewing kits, tissues and toilet tissue were donated to sister organizations who could make use of the supplies. These organizations were as follows: Love the Little Children – CFB, Rummage Room – CFB, Kids’ Closet – a non-profit housed in Olean with the same mission we pursued, DAR program for homeless female vets, Genesis House and DKG Soroity which supports a home for spouse abuse victims. We are thankful for the opportunity to pass these much needed supplies to others and for the donations received from the congregation and community. Through a May 2018 letter to the Trustees, the request was made to transfer any donated funds to Love the Little Children and Pencils and Crayons from Heaven.

Respectfully submitted, Anne Brungard & Sandra Lathrop

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2018 American Baptist Men Financial Report

Balance: As of 1/1/18 per financial records $1,611.07


Offering: Mother’s day breakfast $40.00

Total: $40.00


Reimbursement: Mother’s day - $75.35

Giant charge: Mother’s day - $7.47

Total: - $83.09

2018 Change: - 43.09

Balance: As of 12/31/18 per financial records $1,567.98

Respectfully submitted by William Beck, Area 1 Representative for NYS ABMen


JYC funds on hand per annual report $3,282.22 (1/1/18)


Renodin Foundation Grant $ 585.00

Camper Registrations $1,285.00

Witter Fund Scholarship $ 65.00

Total $ 1,935.00


Crafts/Activities -$ 397.17

Grocery -$ 680.40

Lifeguard -$ 50.00

Camp Rental -$ 750.00

Total -$ 1,877.57

2018 Change $ 57.43

JYC funds on hand $ 3,339.65 (12/31/18)

Respectfully submitted by William Beck, Youth Leader

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2018 Jolee and Irene Witter Camping and Conference Scholarship Fund

Witter Fund balance invested in the American Baptist Foundation (ABF)

As of 1/1/18 per annual report $19,927.52

As of 12/31/18 per LaVerna Stohr $18,387.74

Witter Fund balance funds on hand $ 3,556.06 (1/1/18)

Income: interest and registrations

ABF distribution $ 685.20

Bunk with Beast retreat $ 696.00

Seneca Park admission $174.00

ABY retreat $ 60.00

Total $ 1,615.20

Expenses: payed out for events

SOLD OUT retreat -$ 100.00

ABWM retreat -$ 40.00

Bunk with Beast retreat -$ 1,109.00

Camp Vick -$ 300.00

Bliss Summit Bible camp -$ 150.00

ABW girl’s camp -$ 150.00

Camp JYC -$ 65.00

Seneca Park Zoo -$ 165.00

ABY retreat -$ 480.00

Total -$ 2,559.00

2018 income/expense -$ 943.80


Void check 1820 $180.00

Reimburse trip -$140.00

Total $ 40.00

2018 Change - $ 903.80

Witter Fund balance funds on hand $ 2,652.26

Due to cancelled events and scheduling conflicts 2018 saw several deposits and reimbursements that do not reflect a balance change in the Witter Fund. These are recorded in the financial journals and available for review upon request.

Respectfully submitted by William Beck, Youth Leader

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Report of the Every Member Canvas Committee

18 Financial Contributions Received for 2019 as of 1/6/19

Current Expenses Missions Building Repair

2019 Budget $ 154,478.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 10,000.00

Non-pledged Income $ 10,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ -

Amount to be raised by

Financial Commitments $ 144,478.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 10,000.00

Financial Commitments

Received $ 50,256.00 $ 3,748.00 $ 1,416.00


Still Needed $ 94,222.00 $ 2,252.00 $ 8,854.00

2018 Report of the Memorial Committee

Checking Account Balance On Hand January 1, 2018 $3,978.06 Receipts: Gifts $1532.00 Total Receipts $1532.00 Total Balance $5510.06 Disbursements: Nov. Major Improvement Fun (Organ Restoration) $877.00 Major Improvement Fund (Black Top Driveway) $200.00 Cuba Food Pantry $ 25.00 Chrismon Tree (Sanctuary) $610.93 Dec. Major Improvement Fund $ 50.00 Popcorn Machine $140.06 Popcorn Utility Cart $159.00 Two Roaster Ovens $ 92.20 Postage Stamps $ 50.00 Total Disbursements $2,214.19 Checking Account Balance On Hand January 1, 2019 $3,295.87

Respectfully submitted by Katy Harbeck, Memorial Committee Treasurer

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BALANCE ON HAND December 31, 2017 $32,826.95 Transferred from Current Expense $20,000.00 BALANCE ON HAND January 1, 2018 $52,826.95 INCOME Black Top Driveway $200.00 Organ Restoration Fund $937.00 TOTAL INCOME $1,137.00 EXPENSES BF Parking Lot Expense $150.00 Major Improvement Expense $151.39 Parsonage Update $2,435.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $2,736.39 TOTAL IN FUND $51,227.56 Balance in Ann Swift Memorial $5,096.36 Balance in Blacktop Driveway $200.00 Balance in Organ Restoration $7,401.57 Balance in Defibrillator $776.95 Balance in Lift Fund $2,567.00 $16,041.88 BALANCE AVAILABLE FOR MAJOR IMPROVEMENT ON January 1, 2019 $35,185.68 Respectfully submitted, Glenn Smith, Cunningham, Stauring, & Assoc.

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DIACONATE FELLOWSHIP FUND REPORT 2018 BALANCE ON HAND January 1, 2018 $338.52 INCOME DF Other Income $1,194.00 Secret Place $7.00 Easter Offering $956.00 Easter Flowers $439.95 Poinsettias $840.40 TOTAL INCOME $3,437.35 EXPENSES Books $310.64 Honorariums $200.00 Guest Speakers $500.00 Poinsettias $441.55 Easter Flowers $383.58 Printing/Publications $112.64 Community Events/Dinners $150.00 Miscellaneous $563.29 Secret Place $185.00 Special Programs $82.40 TOTAL EXPENSES $2,929.10 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE @ 12/31/2018 $326.00 BALANCE ON HAND January 1, 2019 $1,172.77 Respectfully submitted, Glenn Smith, Cunningham, Stauring, & Assoc.

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REPORT OF THE BUILDING AND REPAIR FUND 2018 BALANCE ON HAND December 31, 2017 $7,603.58 Transferred From Current Expense $175.00 BALANCE ON HAND January 1, 2018 $7,778.58 INCOME Pledges $3,401.00 Donations $1,467.00 Adopt-A-Pew $5,655.00 TOTAL INCOME $10,523.00 EXPENSES Repairs $3,012.36 Supplies $46.63 Equipment $535.44 Furnace $629.00 Organ $670.00 BF Parking Lot Expense $485.00 Piano Tuning $260.00 Extinguisher Service $61.00 Adopt-A-Pew $4,412.50 Parsonage Repairs $1,750.00 Office Supplies $191.07 TOTAL EXPENSES $12,053.00 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE @ 12/31/2018 $22.59 BALANCE ON HAND January 1, 2019 $6,271.17 Respectfully submitted, Glenn Smith, Cunningham, Stauring, & Assoc.

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BALANCE ON HAND December 31, 2017 $82,817.03 Transferred to Mission Fund $0.00 Transferred to Building Fund $0.00 Transferred to Major Improvement Fund -$20,000.00 BALANCE ON HAND January 1, 2018 $62,817.03 INCOME Pledges $60,890.00 CE Sunday School $140.44 Loose Offering $6,958.45 Building Use $1,706.00 CIF Interest CE $2,069.64 Donations $73,715.14 TOTAL INCOME $145,479.67 EXPENSES Pastoral Ministry $85,325.83 Worship and Service $30,597.10 Church Building Care $26,963.88 Parsonage $47.58 Christian Education $3,376.50 TOTAL EXPENSES $146,310.89 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE @ 12/31/2018 $1,635.03 BALANCE ON HAND January 1, 2019 $43,620.84 Respectfully submitted, Glenn Smith, Cunningham, Stauring, & Assoc.

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PASTORAL MINISTRY Salary $50,678.19 Retirement $9,968.16 Utilities $3,826.80 Auto Expense $883.55 Education/Convention $39.00 Professional Expenses $1,124.74 Ministries Specialist $17,469.00 Ministries Specialist SSI $1,336.39 TOTAL PASTORAL MINISTRY $85,325.83 WORSHIP AND SERVICE Honorariums $100.00 Choir Director/Organist $6,126.84 Choir Director/Organist SSI $468.70 Music Supplies $933.38 Church Secretary $9,628.44 Church Secretary SSI $736.57 Office Supplies $740.40 Postage $1,188.98 Bulletins & Toner $2,606.63 Miscellaneous $174.00 Worship $657.95 Machine Repair $60.00 Audio-Visual Technology $360.00 Direct Deposit Expense $422.52 Payroll Expense $547.92 Equipment Leasing $946.44 Choir Director/Organist NYSPFL -$7.89 Church Secretary NYSPFL -$12.28 Bookkeeping $4,918.50 TOTAL WORSHIP AND SERVICE $30,597.10 CHURCH BUILDING CARE Gas $4,140.71 Electricity $1,838.76 Water & Sewer $324.50 Telephone/Internet/Spectrum $1,853.78 Insurance $6,413.83 Supplies - Custodial $847.28 Snow Removal $1,820.00 Advertising/Web Maint. $69.93 Fire Alarm Maint./Insp. $510.00 Cleaning & Maintenance $8,340.09 Lawn Mowing $805.00 TOTAL CHURCH BUILDING CARE $26,963.88

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PARSONAGE Parsonage Repairs $47.58 TOTAL PARSONAGE $47.58 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Special Programs $1,728.62 Curriculum $422.09 Supplies - Christian Ed $1,225.79 TOTAL CHRISTIAN EDUCATION $3,376.50 TOTAL EXPENSES $146,310.89

Respectfully submitted, Glenn Smith, Cunningham, Stauring, & Assoc.

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Report of Benevolence Treasurer 2018

Income Pledges $5,307.00 Sunday School 46.81 Interest 40.32 America for Christ 205.00 One Great Hour of Sharing 620.00 World Mission 762.00 Retired Ministers and Missionaries 238.00 Christmas Eve 2013 180.00 Total Income $7,399.13


American Baptist United Mission Program Undesignated $164.13

A. Special Offerings World Mission 762.00 America for Christ 205.00 Retired Ministers and Missionaries 238.00 One Great Hour of Sharing 620.00

B. Institutional Budget Fairport Homes 500.00 Cameron Community Ministries 500.00 Springbrook (Upstate Homes) 500.00

C. Other State Benevolences Regional Ministry ABC NYS 800.00 NYS Community of Churches 210.00 Camp Vick 700.00 D. Cuba Council of Churches 200.00 E. Daniel and Sarah Chetti 1,000.00 David and Joyce Reed 1,000.00 Total Disbursement $ 7,399.13

Respectfully Submitted, Amy Freidly, Benevolence Treasurer

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Benevolence Budget for 2019 by Diaconate Board

Expenses 2018 2019 Increase (Decrease)

American Baptist United Mission

$7100 $2500 (4600)

Specific Missionary Support a. David and Sarah Chetti b. David and Joyce Reed

$1000 $1000

$1000 $1000

0 0

Other State Benevolence a. Regional Ministry ABCNYS b. NY Community of Churches c. Camp Vick

$800 $210 $700

$800 $100 $500

0 (110) (200)

Other Local Benevolence a. Cuba Council of Churches




Special Offerings a. World Mission b. America for Christ c. Retired Ministers and Missionaries d. One Great Hour of Sharing

$1000 $1000

$650 $1000

$500 $500 $300 $500

(500) (500) (350) (500)

Institutional Support Process a. Fairport Homes b. Cameron Community Ministries c. Springbrook (Upstate Home)

$500 $500 $500

$300 $500 $300

(200) 0 (200)

Grand Totals $16160 $9000 (7160)

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Church Officers for 2019 as prepared by the Nominating Committee



Terms ending January 2020 Lois Lounsberry Greta Wilday Skip Wilday Janet Hadden Melissa Grover (filling vacancy) Bob Gleason Larry Hayward Laurel Comstock Deb Stavish Ann Gross

Terms ending January 2021 Esther Hardman Carrie Frederick Eric Grover Faith Stewart Jenn Williamson Marcia Swenson David Freidly Katie Morehouse Gary Shaffer (filling vacancy) Maghen Beck (filling vacancy)

Terms ending January 2022 *Joanne Guild * Bill Beck *Henry Mayo *Ann Scott *Carol Shaffer *Lee Stewart *(vacant) *(vacant) *(vacant) *(vacant)

MUSIC COMMITTEE NOMINATING COMMITTEE MEMORIAL COMMITTEE 2020 – Donalyn Swier 2020 – Sue Hillman Permanent – Sue Hillman 2021 – Yvonne Radloff 2021 – Karen Strahan Permanent – Marie Lewandowski *2022 – Faith Stewart *2022 – Lois Lounsberry At large 2020 – Sheila Burnett Nettie White Ann Gross, Sallie Wild


Claudia Little 2020 – Liz Burrows 2020 – Karen Strahan

Terms ending 2019

*2019 Church Clerk - Carol Shaffer

2021 – Gary Shaffer 2021 – Faith Stewart

*Superintendent – Bill Beck

*2019 Current Expense Treasurer - Cunningham, Stauring & Associates Inc

*2022 – Ken Miller

*Secretary/Treasurer – Cindy Wise

*2019 Assistant Current Expense Treasurer – Kirby P and Gary S

*Nursery Coordinator – Laurel Burdick

*Benevolence Treasurer – Amy Freidly

*Grades K-6 – Bill Beck

*Current Expense Secretaries – Sheila Burnett, Janet Hadden

*Bible Basics – Rev Freer

*Financial Secretary – Glenn Smith of Cunningham, Stauring & Associates Inc.


*Wired Word Henry Mayo and Ann Scott

Head Ushers – Penny Greene, Bill Beck

CHURCHES Terms ending January

*Jr. Church Coordinator – Melissa Grover

* Historians – Lori Little, Marie Lewandowski

2020 Claudia Little *2021 Carole Place

*Club 320 – Bill Beck

Respectfully Submitted,

The Nominating Committee: Maghen Beck, Sue Hillman, Greta Wilday, Skip Wilday, Rev. Lynn Sullivan

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Report of the Church Clerk MEMBERSHIP – January 1, 2018 407 MEMBERS RECEIVED: By Baptism 3 Todd, Katie and Madison Morehouse By Transfer of Letter 1 Joanne Guild MEMBERS REMOVED: By Death: 9 Wayne Wright Beverly Abbott June Enos Carol Halstead Fred Dean Esther Wright RoseAnn Botens William Rose Fred Goldthwait Total Gain: 4 Total Loss: 9 TOTAL MEMBERSHIP – January 1, 2019 402 Respectfully submitted, Carol Shaffer, Church Clerk