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A New Prismatic Series Elastic Actuator with Compact Size and HighPerformance

Nicholas Paine and Luis Sentis

Abstract— This paper discusses design and control of aprismatic series elastic actuator with high mechanical poweroutput in a small and lightweight form factor. We introduce adesign that pushes the performance boundary of electric serieselastic actuators by using high motor voltage coupled with anefficient drivetrain to enable large continuous actuator forcewhile retaining speed. Compact size is achieved through theuse of a novel piston-style ball screw support mechanism and aconcentrically placed compliant element. We develop controllersfor force and position tracking based on combinations ofPID, model-based, and disturbance observer control structures.Finally, we demonstrate our actuator’s performance with aseries of experiments designed to operate the actuator at thelimits of its mechanical and control capability.


Series Elastic Actuation (SEA) is a departure from thetraditional approach of rigid actuation commonly used infactory room automation. Unlike rigid actuators, SEAs con-tain an elastic element in series with the mechanical energysource. The elastic element gives SEAs several unique prop-erties compared to rigid actuators including low mechanicaloutput impedance, tolerance to impact loads, increased peakpower output, and passive mechanical energy storage [1], [2],[3].

A. SEA Design Background

Electric SEAs have been widely used in the fields oflegged robotics and human orthotics [4]. Electric SEAscontain a motor to generate mechanical power, a speedreduction to amplify motor torque, a compliant element tosense force, and a transmission mechanism to route me-chanical power to the output joint. There are many differentpossible implementations for these SEA elements, each withits advantages and disadvantages. [5], [6], [7] and [8] proposerotary designs based primarily on commercially availableoff-the-shelf parts, using a planetary gearbox for reduction,rotary or compression springs as the compliant element, andpower transmission through a bevel gear [7] or chain/cable[5], [6]. For a more compact rotary actuator, other designsuse backlash-free harmonic drives for the reduction andcompact high-stiffness planar springs [9], [10]. [11] also usesa harmonic drive but chooses lower stiffness die springsto increase potential energy storage. [11], [12] use linearsprings coupled to rotary shafts to achieve compact actuatorpackaging. [13] uses a novel worm-gear/rotary-spring/spur-gear design which allows the motor to be placed orthogonally

N. Paine is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712 USA [email protected]

L. Sentis is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universityof Texas, Austin, TX 78712 USA [email protected]

to the joint axis at the cost of reduced efficiency and non-backdrivability due to the worm gear. [14] is similar inthat it contains a spring within the speed reduction phasebut uses two motors in parallel and has a relatively smallreduction through a series of gears and a cable transmission.Both of the previous two designs place the spring within thereduction phase which reduces the torque requirement on thespring compared to designs with the spring at the output.With reduced torque compressing the spring, energy storedin the spring is reduced as well. [15], [16] and [17] proposeprismatic designs which use highly efficient and backlash-free ball screws as the primary reduction mechanism fol-lowed by a cable drive to allow the actuator to remotelydrive a revolute joint. [15] includes a belt drive between themotor and the ball screw which creates an additional speedreduction. Finally, [18] uses a ball screw and directly drivesthe joint with a pushrod style drive.

Variable stiffness actuators extend the SEA concept byadding an additional degree of freedom which is capableof mechanically adjusting the passive elastic stiffness [19],[20], [21], [22], [23]. Other SEA implementations haveexperimented with non-linear spring stretching to maximizeenergy storage [24].

B. SEA Control Background

Many different control architectures have been proposedfor series elastic actuators. Control approaches can beroughly separated into different categories based on the typesand combinations of control structures used. [25], [26] and[8] measure spring force and control motor force using somesubset of PID control structures (P, PD, etc). If friction andbacklash are too large then a pure high-gain PID approachcan suffer from stability issues. To remedy this issue, [27]suggests using position feedback as the inner-most controlstructure for force control. This idea has been adopted andcarried on by many others, treating force control as a positionor velocity tracking problem [24], [9], [28], [29]. Such anapproach relies on position feedback from the motor and thespring which naturally lends itself to position-encoder-basedforce feedback rather than load-cell-based force feedback.Another class of controllers use PID control but also considerthe dynamics of the mechanical system to improve thefrequency response of force control [1], [19]. [7] and [13]use PID, model-based, and disturbance observer structurestogether to achieve impressive torque tracking performance.

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C. Actuator Performance

In this paper we define actuator performance by a combi-nation of metrics which include measured power-to-weightratio, force tracking accuracy and bandwidth, position track-ing accuracy and bandwidth, force and position resolution,and efficiency. We summarize performance with the power-to-weight ratio and efficiency metrics since they are depen-dent on the performance of the other metrics and are easilyrepresented with a single numerical value.

Detailed data on these performance metrics is not cur-rently publicly available for most existing electric SEAs. [4]provides experimental data for peak power output for theactuator described in [30] and is able to achieve 64 W/kg.[31] provides the power exerted during a hop for the kneejoint of [11] (close to 60 W), but because the actuators areintegrated into a three degree-of-freedom leg, the actuatorpower-to-weight ratio is difficult to calculate.

D. Contributions and Paper Structure

This paper highlights research in development of theUniversity of Texas Series Elastic Actuator (UT-SEA), acompact, light-weight, high-power actuator designed to en-able energetic and high speed locomotion in electricallyactuated legged systems (Figure 1). Our contributions in-clude 1) a novel mechanical design that is more compactand lightweight than previous ball screw SEA designs, 2)an improvement on controller design and implementationmethodology for force and position control of SEAs, 3)achievement of leading experimental results in the fieldof electric SEA performance (94 W/kg, 77% mechanicalefficiency) which we believe may serve as a performancebenchmark for other fixed-range-of-motion, passively cooled,high force electric actuators.

We first describe the design motivation behind the elec-trical power system and motor operation, followed by ex-planation of the actuator drivetrain and mechanical design.We then develop controllers for force and position based on adynamic model of the actuator. Finally, we validate the entiresystem in hardware through a series of high performanceexperiments.


Nature provides many examples of well designed actuatorsfor legged applications. An average human adult male canproduce 1500 watts of mechanical power during pedalingexercises, which corresponds to a whole-body power-to-weight ratio of 19.5 watts per kilogram [32]. To achievesimilar performance in man-made legged machines, greatcare must be taken during the actuator design phase tomaximize mechanical power output while keeping actuatorsize and weight small. Excess actuator weight reduces thewhole-body power-to-weight ratio while large size limitsa modular actuator’s applicability in dense high-degree-of-freedom legged robot designs. Hydraulic actuation is oneapproach which achieves these goals but suffers from ineffi-cient operation as discussed in [33].

Fig. 1. UT-SEA operation for a fixed-displacement variable-force scenario.Actuator displacement is defined as the distance between points A andB. This distance remains constant while spring deflection (x) depends onactuator force.

Fig. 2. Motor operating range for Maxon EC-powermax 30 as taken fromthe datasheet. A motor is capable of operating inside of the area belowthe speed-torque curve for a given applied voltage. Increasing voltage to80V greatly increases the operating range of the motor, particularly in thecontinuous operating region.

We began the design process with a set of loose per-formance specifications (peak joint torques around 70Nmand maximum velocities around 15 rad/sec) obtained fromsimulations of legged locomotion in rough terrain and fromdiscussions with other designers in the field. These valuescan be easily changed to design a similar actuator addressingalternate performance specifications. This flexibility is due tothe high dimensionality of the UT-SEA design parameters.

A. Motor

High bus voltage is desirable to maximize achievablemotor velocity and torque. Motor manufacturers typicallyprovide a ”rated voltage” for each motor which keeps tran-sient motor current within reasonable values for commonPWM frequencies (10 to 20kHz). However, larger voltagesand thus greater mechanical power is possible as long astransient current is limited. For the UT-SEA we chose a

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Fig. 3. Cross section of the UT-SEA showing drivetrain components including a) Maxon EC-4pole 30 200W BLDC motor, b) 3:1 pulley speed reduction,c) low backlash timing belt, d) angular contact bearings, e) piston-style ball screw support, f) high compliance springs, g) miniature ball bearing guides,h) absolute encoder, and i) incremental encoder. The compression load path is depicted as well.

Maxon EC-powermax 30 BLDC motor with a rated voltageof 48V. To increase mechanical power, we instead supplythe motor with 80V (see Figure 2). We regulate transientmotor current by using a 32kHz PWM servo drive (ElmoOcarina 15/100) and additional high-current series inductors.Calculations provided by the drive manufacturer indicatedthat a series inductance of at least 0.082mH would keeptransient current within reasonable values. The small addedmass of the inductors is justified in that they allow thecontinuous force of the actuator to be increased by 66%without sacrificing output speed.

The high motor speed produced by high bus voltageenables the use of a large speed reduction which increasesboth intermittent and continuous torque capability comparedto designs with lower voltages and lower speed reductions.These considerations indicated that a design using a speedreduction of approximately 175:1 would allow the actuatorto meet the specified torque and speed requirements.

B. Drivetrain

To maximize mechanical power at the joint, energy mustbe transmitted from the motor to the joint with as few lossesas possible. We chose a pulley/ball-screw speed reductiondesign similar to [15] for several reasons. A pulley/ball-screw reduction is efficient (typically above 90%), impactresistant, and backdrivable while the pulley ratio reduces thehigh motor speed to a speed more suitable for driving theball screw.

Unlike [15] and other ball screw SEA designs, our designdrives the ball nut instead of the ball screw ([34] usesa similar ball-nut-driven design but is a non-series-elasticcable-driven actuator). Driving the ball nut enables two keyfeatures which reduce the size and weight of the UT-SEA.First, ball screw support is incorporated directly into theactuator housing using an innovative piston-style guide (seeFigure 3). This feature replaces the long, bulky rails usedto support the output carriage in conventional prismaticSEA designs. Secondly, the compliant element is placedconcentrically around the piston-style ball screw supportwhich gives series elasticity without adding to the length ofthe actuator. These two features combine together to definethe compact form factor of the UT-SEA.

The ball nut is supported by dual angular contact bearingswhich allow the ball nut to rotate within the housing whiletransmitting axial force from the ball nut to the housing.Custom preloaded die springs (manufactured by DiamondWire Spring Co.) transmit force from the actuator housingto the chassis ground. The die springs are supported byfour miniature ball bearing guide rails (Misumi) which aremounted to the housing using grommets that allow for slightmisalignment during operation. The miniature ball bearingguides offer both lower friction and higher tolerance to tor-sional loads than bushing style guides. Force is sensed usinga 20,000 count-per-revolution incremental encoder (AvagoAEDA 3300) along with an absolute sensor (NovotechnikVert-X 1302) to remove the need for startup calibration.A low stretch, low creep Vectran cable is attached to thechassis ground and is routed around the two spring deflectionsensors using pulleys and an idler. Overall actuator positionis measured combining readings from the motor encoder andthe spring encoders. An absolute rotary sensor on the drivenjoint is used to initialize actuator position.

C. Spring Placement and StiffnessThere are two common arrangements of components found

in SEA designs. The first arrangement, which we will referto in this paper as Force Sensing Series Elastic Actuator(FSEA), places the compliant element between the gearboxoutput and the load. The second arrangement, which we willrefer to as Reaction Force Sensing Series Elastic Actuator(RFSEA), places the spring between the motor housing andthe chassis ground.

From a design standpoint there are several trade-offsbetween the two arrangements. RFSEA style actuators havethe advantage of being more compact since the compliantelement does not have to travel with the load but may beplaced statically behind the actuator (or it can be remotelylocated as shown in [11], [12]). Prismatic RFSEAs alsohave greater range of motion for a given ball screw travellength compared to prismatic FSEAs as shown in Figure4. The primary drawbacks of RFSEAs are less direct forcesensing, reduced force tracking performance, and decreasedprotection from impact loads. An RFSEA style design waschosen to minimize the bounding volume of the UT-SEA.However, this design decision was heavily influenced by the

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Fig. 4. Range of motion comparison between prismatic (a) FSEAsand (b) RFSEAs. For simplification, we assume that springs are fullycompressible, spring plates have zero thickness, and the FSEA carriagetravel is constrained to the length of the ball screw. The notations represent:B: ball screw length, C: carriage length, N: ball nut length. Range of motionis then B − C for the FSEA and B + C −N for the RFSEA.


selection of the pushrod/ball-screw drivetrain. The drivetrainexhibited strong radial symmetry and possessed long, narrowball screw support structure which allowed die springs to beintegrated without excess bulk.

Spring stiffness for UT-SEA was chosen to maximizeenergy storage. For a given force, soft springs are able tostore more energy than stiff springs. Peak force, desired de-flection (maximum possible deflection to minimize stiffness),and the geometric constraints of the actuator were given asdesign specifications to Diamond Wire Spring Co. They thendesigned and manufactured a spring with a stiffness rateof 138 N/mm which effectively doubles to 277 N/mm forthe actuator spring constant since two springs are used withprecompression.

D. Design Summary

The end result of the design process is a pushrod RFSEA-style actuator that is compact enough to be placed at eachjoint of an articulated leg. Such small size enables a modularleg design similar to those seen in hydraulic robots [35], [36].Articulated leg designs using linear actuators benefit fromthe nonlinear linkage kinematics created at the joint (referto Figure 8). Torque generated by such a linkage has anangle dependent moment arm which can be used to providehigh torque and high speed capability where they are needed(high torque when the leg is bent, high speed when the legis extended). A summary of the design parameters for theactuator can be seen in Table I.










P bsN







bsN K-1

P bsNn

JE s2Qa



Fig. 5. PID force controller used for closed-loop system identification. Thephysical actuator is denoted by the ”UT-SEA” block, which takes an inputof motor torque and produces observable outputs motor position and springposition. Nbs is the actuator speed reduction and K is the spring constant.Qa is a low-pass filter defined by (5).


Legged systems experience periods of high outputimpedance during stance phase and low output impedanceduring swing phase. A class of controllers that takes advan-tage of this discrepancy are Raibert-style controllers whichuse force control during stance phase to servo body attitudeand position control during swing phase to regulate forwardcenter-of-mass velocity [37]. This strategy suggests thatactuators for legged systems should be capable of controllingboth output force and position.

A. Force Control

The goal of force control is to make measured actuatoroutput force track a desired force profile using motor torque(τm) as the plant input and measured spring deflection(Xmeas) as the output. Not all of the torque generated bythe motor produces force at the actuator output. Duringacceleration of motor angle (θm), a portion of the motortorque must accelerate the actuator’s own effective internalinertia (JE). The rest of the motor torque (τL) producesforces on the external actuator load.

τm = JE θ̈m + τL (1)

τL is the only component of motor torque that goestowards producing actuator output force, so a compensatoris used to maintain τL at some desired torque, τdes (seeFigure 5). The compensator consists of a feedforward termand a feedback term. The feedback attempts to keep thedifference between desired force (Fdes) and measured springforce (Fkmeas

) small. Fdes is calculated using τdes multipliedby the force amplification due to the speed reduction of thegearbox (Nbs). For the UT-SEA, the speed reduction resultsfrom a pulley reduction (Np) and a ball screw, which isparameterized by drivetrain efficiency (η) and ball screw lead(l). The speed reduction defines the relation between actuatorforce (F ) and motor torque (τ ).

Nbs =F




Measured spring force is calculated using spring deflectionand Hooke’s Law: Fkmeas

= kx.Due to stability limitations, PID gains can only be in-

creased up to certain values. To improve force tracking

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Fig. 6. Frequency response of incremental improvements to the forcecontroller beginning with simple PID (Figure 5) and ending with theproposed controller (Figure 7). The black line is the mass-spring-dampermodel obtained using experimental system identification. Both PID + DOBand the proposed control greatly improve force tracking at low frequenciescompared to pure PID control as shown in the detail view. The proposedcontroller improves on the PID + DOB control by removing large amplituderesonant oscillations, creating a response that stays close to 0 dB. Allresponses represent Fkmeas/Fdes. Note that the detailed view is plottedon linear axes in the time domain but represents the same data shown inthe main figure.

performance further and to remove steady state error anothercontrol approach is required. As demonstrated by [38], adisturbance observer (DOB) may be used to 1) measureand remove disturbances and 2) reduce the effect of plantmodeling error. In particular, to use a DOB a nominal plantmodel is required. For this application, the DOB plant isthe closed-loop transfer function (PnNbs) created by thePID controller shown in Figure 5 acting on the physicalactuator (PNbs). To obtain an accurate representation of theplant, we implement the controller shown in Figure 5 inhardware and perform system identification of PnNbs usingan exponential chirp signal for Fdes and fixing the actuatoroutput. Plotting the frequency response of the magnitude andphase of Fkmeas

/Fdes (red line in Figure 6) clearly identifiesa second-order system, which we model as a simple mass-spring-damper. With k measured before actuator assembly,the only unknowns are mk and beff . Fitting the mass-spring-damper model to the experimental data results in mk = 19.75kg and beff = 500 Ns/m and a damped resonant frequencyof 18hz. This model is shown as the black line in Figure6. Dividing the model’s transfer function (which representsFkmeas/Fdes) by k yields the Xmeas/Fdes transfer function:









JE s2






P bs





P-1n Qm


τdes +UT-SEAP bsNn





Fdes F meas

P bsNn-1K( )

P bsNn-1( )


Fig. 7. Block diagram of the proposed force control structure. The physicalactuator is denoted by the ”UT-SEA” block. The Q functions are low-passfilters defined by (5).

Pn =Xmeas(s)



s2mk + sbeff + k(3)

Combining (2) and (3) fully characterizes the dynamics ofthe nominal DOB plant from τdes to Xmeas:

PnNbs =Xmeas(s)





With the nominal DOB plant defined, the DOB is in-corporated into the force controller as shown in Figure 7.Measuring the frequency response of the controller with theDOB added shows improved tracking performance comparedto PID control (green line in Figure 6). In fact, low frequencyforce tracking error is reduced 93% by adding the DOB tothe PID controller (Figure 6 detail). The DOB forces theclosed-loop response to fit closely to the mass-spring-dampermodel. The DOB includes a filter (Qτd) which is requiredto make the inverse plant model realizable and to attenuatehigh frequency disturbances. Qτd, with the rest of the Qfunctions depicted in Figures 5, 7, and 9, is implemented asa low-pass Butterworth filter and has the following transferfunction:

Q(s) =1

(s/ωc)2 + 1.4142(s/ωc) + 1(5)

The cutoff frequency of each filter (ωc) was determinedempirically and in general should be set higher than thedesired closed-loop control bandwidth of the application.

Ideally, the magnitude of the closed-loop transfer functionof the force controller should be close to one (0 dB) oversome desired bandwidth. As can be seen in Figure 6, the PID+ DOB controller amplifies spring force by 20 dB (a factorof 10) for excitation signals close to the resonant frequency.To remove this resonance, a feedforward filter is introducedwhich is created using the inverse nominal plant dynamicsmultiplied by the spring constant ((KPnNbs)−1 in Figure 7).A low-pass filter (QFF ) is again used to make the inversetransfer function realizable. Finally, although output force isnot used in the force feedback loop, a filter is used to generateactuator force from spring deflection measurement (P−1

n Qmin Figure 7) which is used for observation purposes.

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Fig. 8. UT-SEA mounted on a test bench with the prismatic linkagegeometry shown. The notations represent: L: linkage moment arm, c:distance between the actuator pivot and the arm pivot, b: distance betweenthe arm pivot and the push rod pivot, F : actuator force, τa: torque exertedon the output arm, θa: output arm angle, Ja: inertia of the output arm, φ:offset angle. Values used during testing of the actuator are: b=0.025 [m],c=0.125 [m].

B. Position Control

Fast, stable position control is crucial for high speedlegged locomotion, especially during swing phase. By usingthe aforementioned force controller as the innermost com-ponent of the position controller, we are able to treat theactuator as a nearly ideal force source. This force sourcegenerates a torque through a mechanical linkage with amoment arm (L) as depicted in Figure 8. Actuator force(F ) generates arm torque (τa) depending on arm angle (θa)according to the following equation.

τa = FL(θa) = Fcb sin θa√

b2 + c2 − 2bc cos θa(6)

The dynamics relating τa to θa with arm inertia (Ja) andjoint friction (Ba) are:

τa = Jaθ̈a +Baθ̇a + τg(θa) (7)

where τg is the torque due to gravity and is parameterizedby the mass of the output link (ma), the distance from thepoint of rotation to the center of mass (lm) and an angle(φ) to correct for c in Figure 8 not being orthogonal to thegravity vector.

τg(θa) = −maglm cos (θa + φ) (8)

Combining (6) (7) and (8) the full dynamics from F to θaare then represented by the following nonlinear differentialequation.

(9)F =

√b2 + c2 − 2bc cos θa

cb sin θa


+Baθ̇a −maglm cos (θa + φ)]

Our position control approach first considers the problemof controlling θa given τa. The relation between τa and θais given as:



s2Ja + sBa(10)

Fig. 9. Block diagram of the control structure used for position control. Thenotations represent: τg : gravity compensation torque, L: nonlinear linkagekinematics, Fcntrl: the force control block shown in Figure 7. The Qfunctions are low-pass filters defined by (5).

Inverting (10) provides a desired arm torque (τades ) givena desired arm angle (θades ) and is used as the initial blockin the position controller (Figure 9). Because (10) doesnot consider gravity, the desired arm torque signal must besummed with a gravity compensation torque (8) to producethe expected motion. The resulting torque value is thenconverted into desired actuator force by multiplying by theinverse of the nonlinear kinematics (L−1 from (6)). Thisdesired force is then passed to the force controller.

Without some form of feedback the position controllerwould not be able to track a desired position due to modelingerror and external disturbances. A DOB is placed in an outerloop around the model-based position controller to resolvethese issues. The DOB treats modeling error and exogenousinput as a disturbance and counteracts this disturbance withinput to the model-based position controller. Qp in Figure 9is a feed forward low-pass filter to smooth position response,thus reducing required torques. Qpd is a low-pass filter thatattenuates high frequency disturbance signals of the DOB.


Our goal was to design hardware and controllers thatwould maximize performance, but how do we know if wehave been successful? One way of measuring the success ofthe control design is to attempt to reach the mechanical limitsof actuator components in a safe and controlled manner. Tothis end we performed an experiment to push actuator speed







4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6Arm



ty (




Time (sec)

Arm Velocity(rad/sec)



4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6



le (


Desired Arm Angle(deg)Arm Angle(deg)

High Speed Test

Fig. 10. High speed position tracking test. The actuator output followsa reference signal that changes 60 degrees in less than 0.2 seconds. Theactuator is able to track the reference signal closely and reaches themaximum mechanical speed of the ball screw of 15 rad/sec.

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4 5 6 7 8 9 10




al P




Motor Power(W)Arm Power(W)




4 5 6 7 8 9 10






Actuator Force Error (N)Spring Force Error (N)




4 5 6 7 8 9 10


ce (


Desired Force(N)Spring Force(N)

Actuator Force(N)

Time (sec)



4 5 6 7 8 9 10



le (


Desired Arm Angle(deg)Arm Angle(deg)




Arm Angle (deg)



d A

rm A





rm A






d F















Force Error (N)



r F



or (





ce E








rm P



(position control w/ 4.5kg weight on 0.23m moment arm)

High Power Test

Fig. 11. Data from the high power test. Accuracy of both position andforce tracking can be seen in the top two graphs. The third graph showsforce error of both spring force and output force. The bottom graph showspower measured at the motor (desired torque time motor velocity) and atthe output (measured torque times measured velocity).

to the limits of mechanical and control capabilities. A 5thorder spline was used to generate a smooth position referencesignal for high speed transitions between a large angledisplacement (60 degrees). Figure 10 shows the experimentalresults. The arm is able to track the reference position closelyand achieves a velocity of 15 rad/sec which is the mechanicallimit of the ball screw. In this test, the motor reached aspeed of 22,600 rpm which is 3,000 rpm below the maximumpossible motor speed. Acceleration from rest, to maximumspeed, and back to rest occurs within less than 0.2 seconds.

Arguably one of the most important metrics for perfor-mance is power output. To maximize achievable power wedesigned an experiment which would require high speed andhigh torque simultaneously. Figure 11 shows the experimen-tal results. The actuator generates peak mechanical outputpower of approximately 110 watts, which corresponds to apower-to-weight ratio of 94 watts per kilogram. Comparingwith [4] this represents a 47% improvement over previousattempts. While these are strong results, we believe that theactuator is capable of much higher output. We plan to testthis hypothesis in future design iterations.

We present one final experiment aimed at measuring ac-tuator efficiency. We designed an experiment to measure theefficiency of power transfer from the output of the motor tothe output of the actuator. Figure 12 shows the experimentalresults. Efficiency in the forward direction from the motorto the output (ηf ) was measured to be 77% while efficiency










0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



cal P




Motor Power vs Arm Power

Motor Power(W)Arm Power(W)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



le (


Time (sec)

Arm Angle(deg)

η = 77%η = 70% f


Actuator Efficiency (motor power vs arm power)(position control of 9kg weight on 0.23m moment arm)

Fig. 12. Test to measure actuator mechanical efficiency. The arm is trackinga sinusoidal position reference with weight added. Motor power is calculatedfrom desired motor torque times measured motor velocity while arm poweris calculated from measured arm torque times measured arm velocity. ηfand ηb represent forward and backward efficiency, respectively. On upwardswings, motor power is greater than arm power because the actuator mustwork against gravity. On downward swings, arm power is greater than motorpower due to gravity backdriving the actuator.

in the reverse direction (ηb) was 70%. This experiment doesnot consider the efficiency of converting electrical power intomechanical power of the motor. However, efficiency of themotor drive’s H-bridge and the efficiency of the motor canbe very high, mostly depending on motor torque and speed.We plan to measure this efficiency in future work.


This paper introduced the UT-SEA, a compact, light-weight, high-power actuator designed to empower the nextgeneration of electrically actuated legged machines. Unlikeother prismatic SEAs, the UT-SEA features a tightly in-tegrated pushrod design which allows the actuator to behoused within a robotic leg and use a nonlinear mechanicallinkage to drive a rotary joint. High motor voltage and currentfiltering enable the use of a large speed reduction whichsignificantly increases both continuous and peak torque capa-bilities. Placement of the elastic element between the actuatorhousing and chassis ground creates a design with increasedrange of motion and compactness.

We presented a SEA controller design based on model-based, PID, and disturbance observer structures and validatedthe controller in hardware. The proposed force controller wasable to track forces with 93% less error than conventionalPID-based control for low frequency signals and removedharmful spring resonance associated with RFSEA designs.We also presented a model-based position controller whichincludes the proposed force controller as the innermost loop.We performed high speed tracking experiments with thiscontroller and achieved speeds of 15 rad/sec which is themechanical limit of the hardware. Additional tests showedpeak actuator power of 110 watts and mechanical efficiencyof 77%.

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