Download - 'A n,. mi€¦ · 02(S;C3c. IVY COURT Newark Item«. Wholeamouutoffund.....$10.50 isverynoudyofassistanceJust atteuti Newark,Feb.5. The P. A D. R. R. B. is iu order again, the gine

Page 1: 'A n,. mi€¦ · 02(S;C3c. IVY COURT Newark Item«. Wholeamouutoffund.....$10.50 isverynoudyofassistanceJust atteuti Newark,Feb.5. The P. A D. R. R. B. is iu order again, the gine

r. * yv» >*•-• -;;y;





board of the matter until it was brought to tho attention of Council.

Mr Burko then Haul that ho had heard of hi very gravo charges against the Water Comrnit- ‘ - connection with tho building of thoréservoir, that ho had called the attention of the chairman of tho[committee to them and that in­stead of discharging tho guilty parties tho «hair-

had suspended tho work.Mr. Haber moved to recommit the reports

tho special committee with instructions that it pursue

Tile W i UepartmciU Inquiry. Pennsylvania Banditti*COMMERCIAL PRINTING COMPANY. Financial.City Council.HOUSE.

Washington, Feb. 6. crowd is present in tho House, the Civil Rights bill w

ten minuto Bpeeohes against it. Tlio previous question will be called

aboutensue before the voto is token.




. RIGHTSMONEY TAKEN AWAY AND 1IIHWilmor Atkinson,Howard M. Jenkins, INC—ANOTHER AIHJSES STABLEFrancis C. Ferris. New York, Feb. 6.»RDERK.I

Harrisrubg, Feb. 5. hi, last nigut, attacked

Vicksburg,.Union county, d stole twelve hundred dol­

ed and bay horse. Throe hundred

re ry

OF The resumed and

A groat debate

ItESEUVC Gold, to-day, 41.11'raise. John»-

H, «illLondon, 12.30,1». M., Fob. C.

COUNCIL.Second Faye.», etc.,i vr F-< Te 'f- unknownSeveAdam Grove, living beat him badly,Iri s and adollars reward has boon offered for the

Fr . Hauke idtlie Hpocial committee, (Messrs. Ihirko, ind Underwood,) appointed

in tho Water Department ithbeld fr

!■PLANATIO being made for and• i MdikuL Sts.]in'.it was not Cbm lie Koss at ull - that boy in pet- ticoatn. Tho newsboys, bo

id did a lively business.

Biclitu inquir g of Council, last evi tho chair.

Tho Water Committee recommended that tho

Regular mvor, enjoyed it all into alleged ah

whereby 5 per cont. i ploy

minutiou into tho other ah complained of and that Mi. Burton's staloinontu ho taken in commotion with tho roports before Council. [It had boon previously explained by Mr. Can by that Mr. Burton was unavoidably ab­sout from tho city when tho committee w holding its examination and could not bo ore cut except at great pecuniary loss to himsolf. j

Tho motion

resident Mar 1805 n, 107 bj ; 1807V, 107,'•£ ; Ton-forties, 105 ; New Fives of 1881, 102;:.,. Erie common shares, 2l>(q2G%. preforrod 41. Markot easier aud dull.

Frankfort, Feb. 5.

hour's debate will, after whichthe

:jority and minority reports were pre­sented to Council, lost evening. Wo print below both reports, with tho material portions of tho testimony adduced by tho committee, omitting only that portion which has matter at i

contract for furnishing coal for tho Water De- •ded to Geo. W. Bush & Son,

Tho City Council, fear, is getting buck to old hahitH. Much had blood was exhibited,

d tho session was protracted until

of tho property. SECONDpartmont bo i,’llich \v. Tho Pipe l.uylug Trouble*, Mr. Shanks had read tho Democratic platform

preamble to the bill, substitute and it is

hour to be spent

United States 5-20’s of 1802, 98»<.Tho Fmanco Committee deemed it inexpedi­ent to grant authority to tho City Treasurer alter chocks, and tho report was adopted.

On the petition of tho Board of Education for of tho schools, tho same

appropriation had

last night,u very lato hour. Only a short time ago Imsi-

dispatchod in a methodical way and tho city's interests wero preserved without personal rencontres, ebullitions of bilious accusations and political animositios. Can’t that good time

l.o rovivod,

bottling * RUN. PlTTRRURO, Feb. 5.

wero arrested, yeBtorday, cliarg- counoctiou with the Columbia

of 1802 aud offered it}Mr. Butler accepted it

beforo the House with

tin ARREST OF RIOTERSWeather Kccord.. Tho following in the lost, and tho original

to print 100 copies of tho report adopted.■ :i »»ORITY UF.P

which is signed by Messrs. BurkoAbout 40

ed with riot iiConduit Company at Powers’ Run. They brought here and held to bail. Tlxe railroad

n liavo agaiu removed tho pipe laid by tho

Conduit Company at Powors’ Ituu.

OF THE SIGNAL SERVICE.Washington, Feb. 6.

Probabilities : For tlio Middle States, rising ba­th-west winds hacking to soutli-

V70,000 for tliolitten reported That * made. Adopted.

In tho mnltor of brokerage, th too doomed it inexpedient

, hut thoughttho Tre omit paid weekly. Adoptod.

Tho baluuco in bank to tho credit of tho city $21,403.88.

Tho Street Commissioner reported 28 1 horses and e:

id Uuder- iu debate.Gon. Gariield is addressing tho Houbo.

DEBATE close the debate at 20 miu-

o’clock. So far his speech has been

d : LOCAL AFFAIRS. hA..I. Maxwell stated that he had voluntarily signed tho paper at tlio request of Mr. Hyde,who said ho did not wish any ono to sign ag will ; uIho signed tho namo of A. J. Cain directitlio works at tho ti among tlio

Robert Stewart considered himsolf able to give pleated to

sign l>y Mr. Burton ; had ho boon askod by :tsido party would bave given what ho w

able.W. II. Baker said that lie signed under protest

for four of dismissal, aud found who didtribute until informed by tho wiriioss ; on or January witness received notice that his

not ho

commit- paying tho an Id report

The Beached Bras schooner Brandvw

t of tlio„ , Atlantic City,

landod safely. Tlio vessel Hprang a leak,

ne.—The c retractor,west, higher tomporaturo and generally elcar


ntes tovery modorate.

cease ror she

, ashtainsi his k at tho

of Mr. Hyde, Caulk being absent frcompluints

Aid Relief K-iHubacriptions to tho Union Aid Itnliof Fund

iu slowly. Tho fund

tli purposely ruHeard !«•ports.

MARKETS.Philadelphia, Feb. 6.

stoady at Flour dull;family, $5 25@6;higli grades, 40.-

Wlieat dull; red, $1.18ft)1.20; amber, •bite, [email protected]. Corn, yellow,

Oats steady; white, 05(S)66c: mixed, Provisions unchanged. Whiskey 90c.


C<as statedResumption.—The repairs A Delaware canal locks at Chosapnnko City hav­ing boon completed, tho Rumcd, and communication iu op

Loan Kales.—At tho monthly mooting of tho Citizens Loan Association, lost evening, $3,000. was sold at 53,'por cent.

At tho Germania, $2000. was at }.J of 1 por cont.

Dissolution. —Marshall A Maroncy, harness makers in the Commercial building, liavo dis­solved. Mr. Marshall goes to Koimctt Square, where ho will engage in tho same business. Mr. Maronoy will continuo at tho old stand.

High Wind.—YeBtorday afternoon, a gust ol wind lifted a show case filled with different plus of merchandise at tho store of J. Wainwright, 007 Markot stroot, and throw it in tho street, completely bhattoring the glass and spilling tho oontonts._______________________

Wilmington Navigation Co. —Tlio annual mooting of tho Wilmington Navigation Co. was hold iu this city yostorday, wl directors was held Win. McCaulley, Chau. W. Howland and E. T. Richardson.

City Treasury Rec statement furnished

, and which wo could receipts into tho citv treasury during wore $103,983.94. The increase in the debt since Jon. 1, 1874, is $194,737.30.

Water .Stopped.—Last night, the water supply was suddenly stopped at the water works on tho Brandywine. Engineer Caldwell notified Chief Engineer Hydo, and early this morning a force

ras sent to investigate aud remedy tho difficulty. Tho trouble is supposed to arise at tho upper dam, a milo up the

Hard Frozen.—Tlio frost, through tho long cold spoil, has ponctratod tho earth to a greater depth than usual. Chief Engineer Hyde that iu repairing a water they found tho ground frozen half feet. Thcro frost penetrates foot.

tho Chcontinuo the State Capital.Fl J SENATE NOT IN SESSION.andids : a mark of respect toTho Senate adjourned

Senator Buckingham’s death.irts employed, aud.tho Chief En- Vliter Works 21 men.



[Special Correspondence of the Commercial.JDover, Fol». 5.

Tlio bill providing for tho education of colored children of Wilmington was read iu the House, yesterday, I give you the following synopsis of tho bill that tho readers of the Commercial may

exactly what it is :Section 1st prohibits any poison from voting

at tho school eloctiou who has not paid a school tax during tho year preceding tho election.

Section 2nd strikes out of the old hill the fol­lowing paragraph: ‘Tho school Assessment shall not includo the persous and estates of col­ored persons.”

Section 3d requires tho assessor to keep a parate assessmeut of the colored people, aud the collector to keep a separate account of taxes collected.

Section 4th requires tho Board of Education to report to tho City Council the amount required to carry on the colored schools and tho City Council to levy tho amount required upon tho colored people.

Section 5th prevents the taxes collected from colored people to be applied to tho support of wliito schools, and that collected from wuite peo­ple to bo applied to colored schools.

Section Gth provides for a special assessment and collection of taxes of colored people before tho school election on the first Saturday in April.

CITYTho bill to incorporate the city of New Castle

has been forwarded to the Capital. It is a vol­uminous affair aud will consume considerable

reading. It provides for a Mayor and five Councilmen, an Assessor and a Treasurer be elected annually on the second Tuesday in April. All the other requirements of a young

provided for, and it is claimed that New Castle will start in lier future career of ity with a population not far short souls.

tho amount ho subscribed ; wd.......... ......... 42.00........... 1.00...........13.50

AfriFeb. 4.•‘ 5. A friend.....................

iously reported

gincur of the W STATE I'ENITEN- COLOREDThe Registrar’s collections for January wero

17,105.05.ere presented : from tho butchers

asking the remittal of rent for stalls in 4-th street •kot ; for tho levelling up of tho crossing

15th ; for the grad- d tho Marsh

Coit !I P . ext

2607.25. $1.2215)1.24; 76<&77o. 02(S;C3c.

IVY COURT Newark Item«.Whole amouutof fund......................... $10.50

doty is very noudy of assistance Just call atteuti

Newark, Feb. 5.The P. A D. R. R. B. is iu order again, the

gine and tender coming down, last evening. The train was stopped

employee f ;Tho lkir.w Lhut ho w quired to the side of Mark lug of llth street between llealdI :., -: 20th


QUOTATIONSmoans of rendering help.; I ru d. be-account of the iîded after

requested to give acharged with keep-

his continuance sooincd to do- olinquishment of that business ;

complain of tho collection of tho 5 per cont. and thought it not right.

M. Farley voluntarily siguod tho paper, considered liimsolf justified in so doing ; had hoard of no complaints, and hod askod before to sign such a paper.

Joliu Gill siguod tlio paper when asked by Mr. Burton of his own accord, but would not do so if ho had boeu working auywhore elso ; did not wish to bo the only ono who did not sign ; could

t afford to give tho money ; had heard of complaints.

A. J. Caulk said that ho would not have know-lodged his signature as signed by Mr. Max­well had ho not foarod dismissal, as ho able

rook, but written

W. M. Cauby read a communication from tlio k i ùiting that so long as tho city’s do-

aits exceeded tho amount of loan asked the tod without interest until

ixt. A voto of thanks was returned. Tho President nresentod a communication jin Mr. Adams asking to bo relieved from tho

chairmanship of tho Fmanco Committee and membership in tho Revision Committco, sug­gesting Mr. Lichtonstoin be placed in tbo first position and Mr. McMonamin m tbo socoud.

Mr. Fobiger objected to the granting of Mr. Adams' request ns he said ho “ was a man who elected himself as the only man fit to occupy tho place,” and besides thought that Mr. Adams had no right to dictate to Council who should

He suggested a division of the sub- liuglv Mr. Adams was relieved

d Mr. McMen-

. .47.75® 8.75Family Flour . what is called Chambers' Mea-tho 28tli was resignation ; thought'ho ing a saloon, pend ujhad hoard other

ing piled upUniNonlctlo*.

MEETINGS THIS EVENING.Fairfax Lodgo, No. S, L Ü. O. F., at Odd Fel­

lows's Hall.Columbia Lodgo, No. 20, I. Ü. O. F., nt Odd

FolioDelawaro Tribo, No. 1, I. O. R. M., at Rod

Men’s Hall, 415 Market.Washington Council, No. 4, O. U. A. M., at

MeelIunies’ Hall.Rescue Council, No. 3, Jr. O. U. A. M., at Hall

511 Markot stroot.i.eiiapo Tribo, No. G, 1. O. R. M.. in Kavillo

Building.Wilmington Mutual Aid Society, at 404 Market

stroot.Kxcolmor Lodge, No. 7, K. of P., at Euights of

Pythias Hall, 211 Market street.’Washington Camp, P. O. K. of A., atMoClary's

Building.Pioneer Council, No. 1, Sovereigns of Indus­

try. nt McClary’s Building.

G.50® 8.25 .. .. 4.75@ 5.75

Ext.Hu per lino Flour.. Whoa......................

called in and after work-dow. ThePcleared l time for tlioing all day the track

come down, but without passenger1.20

July 1st 78oCorn, N traind mail agent.Joel Thompson, Esq.

bank, who has boeu sick getting better.

Tho Roseville bridge the bridge is impassible for carriages at present.

, President of Newark for some time, isaud (gntcmtuumits.’ Hall.

been Bale, but the road atLECTURE,AR. L. S.—Tlio members of the Rugby Literary

Society mcr, yesterday, iu their room at the Ma- temple. It being the regular day for the

election of officers, all the literary exercises dispensed with, except the debate, and the

election took place with the following result : President, D. Wilson Jordan ; Vice President, Win. N. Soidel ; Secretary, Hobt. W. Smith ; Troa., R. A. O’Byrue ; Lib.,Chas. M. Townsend; Editor of liuqby Monthly—Lewis Hilles; busi-

ss manager—C. G. Phillips,who.was re-elected to tho above offico by an unanimous vote of the Society. Tho manner in which he has endeav­ored to promoto tue interest of the Rugby, i truly worthy of thanks. After quite —

the question, Resolved, “That church and State should bo united," which was decided iu the negative, tho society adjourned.

d K V . Li 1 Ü II P BECKER, ider the Auspices of

U T.

the Benefit of the Fcelection for

itli the following result : For



ulutlon of Mr. Gladstone........ ............................ 25 CENTS

jd him.d accon

from tho Revision C(tin was substituted in his place.Mr. Fobiger then moved that Mr. Adams ho t excused from ilio Financo Committee, pend­

ing tho adoption of which the subject was post­poned ono week.

Win. M. Canby moved that a special commit- bo appointed to investigate alleged abuses

iu tl»e building of the now reservoir, from tho commencement of the same.

Mr. Burko offered as a substitute that the committco already in cxisteuco extend their in­quiry to that subject, two additional members being added.

Thou ensued along and slon in w ted, old feuds rmade, until finally, near 11 o’clock reached and Mr. Burke's

The original motion was the Council refused to snspond tbo rules committco might bo appointed, when tion was undertaken and of Me number ballots

jeot,tprs.—According to a yostorday by Mr. Vin-

lind rnot

givo tho money ; hod heard Gill. Baker d Maxwell complain ; would not have giveu

had ho been elsewhere employed.requested to sigu by Mr.

from fear of dissniissal ;

I thescT—The V •ent Fxp


Surfor, tho January bondedtu • 'y. o'clock.Doors openfeb4,!itPatrick JIanly

Burton and did afterwards informed that tho money would not have

J. G. Smith voluntarily signed the paper at quest of Mr. Burtun,aud had hoard of

plaints but did not converse much with employ­

ai EVENTH STREET VARIETIES.O 7th below walnut.

.........Manage;«.Odoiia items bu paid. JOHN O. CLARKE.........

To-night, Testimonia! Benefit EMERSON A CLARK.

amma-Odehha, Feb. 4. tod discussioncastle.

Our people have filled their ice houses. Tlio protractod meeting lias closed

oi so little interest being Tho stroots Navigation is still closed.

mill is talked of, to he erected

ofA powerful bill of Novelties. Brilllaut reception of MISS NELLIE NELSON

Come early to se Over hours of Solid Fun. Ov

Acts.Popular pr.ces of Admission 2ft and 15 cents.

Next Monday evening First Appearauce of the HALEY Brothers’ Acrobutic,Kong and Dance Artists.

accountFisher Amos also signed voluntarily, although

miahlo, but would have given the wouey under other circumstances.

Jos. Hydo said that ho had suggested the plan and that. Mr. Burton had d

signing without objection. He do- niod the statement that the employ get their full wages, and denied that Mr. Baker's discharge resulted from this affair. Askod Ba­ker for his resignation as a polite way of getting rid of him, although had him, ho being faithfully at his post.

W. W. Wilson and J. T. Quigley subscribed willingly, and had hoard of no complaints.

P. F. Wilson siguod without asking aud with­out foar of discharge.

Tlios. Brown put ids name down for fear of discharge, and would not have given if employed elsewhere.

Hamuel B. Baylis signed without being asked ho thought that ho must do

not do so if tho matter was to do had heard Mr. Baker say ho intended to liavo his money back again.

In summing up their report tho committee • that each witnosH was examined separately,

being present at any of the examinations but tlio committco and the witnoss. It will ho

from tho evidence that some of tho state positively that they gave tho 5 por from fear of being discharged. And almost all


d MR. GEO. HARRIS.iTested iu them..-aningloBB discus-

vontila- uy explanations

roteutituto was lost.

adopted, but that tho

elec-sulted in tho choice

•s. MoMeuamin and Farrell. Tho third three other

dccted.Mr. Burke sent to tlio clerk’s desk a copy of

tlio Kerry Evening in which statements reflect* ing upon his character, Ik: said, wero printed, and asked that the articlo alluded to be read.

After tbo reading Mr. Burko sut., er libel or greater falsehood hod published. lie denied that ho had been bought bv the “ Ring,” as alleged, but claimed that bis 'hole course hud proceeded from a clear mind d with tlio purest of motives. “No

ho said “ is ho poor an lie who is destitute of tho grnc.o of God, and no man who was not dcstimto of tho grace of God would publish such an arti- clo” as that just read'. “ J denounco it as false, in dieiotiM and wicked." Ho claimed, however, that tho article was inspired by would-be leaders in

n (tho Democratic) party.Mr. Farrell also commented upon tho article in

its reflections upon him,hut was satisfied with the rocautatiou which had been published in tho paper tho next day.

At 11.20 council adjour The following orders wero dr

ovoning : Joseph Teas. $47.25; II. «V H. Go., $20. ; Geo. G. Macau, $18 75: Gawtlirop A Bro., $18.45; Joliu MoClnsky, $14.25; pay roll Street Department, $118.12; pay roll of Wat

; Wm. Stilly, $100; E. 1*

in a bad condition.rbicli old political grudg cuds revived and mar

15 First Class


Stars. Over a dtho\ up the petitioncreek bank.Trapping is poor on account of the

The entertainment under tho auspices of tho Indies of tho M. E. church (and gents) will met of acting charades, Ac., after which tho prominent feature will ho a Martha Washingti tea party, and judging from tho iuteiiHO intorost manifested at tho mootings a raro chance for a pleasant evening may he expected by all. It will bo hold ou tho evenings of tho 17th aud 18th of Febr

iu a du y or t’ fully two rioters that the

X'.all thodid not prospor-

of 4,000but few a greater depth than


öpr.65 NUT, $0.35 STOVE COAL,ej> screened and dellvered^bj?

South of Market Street Bridge.

A STATE WORK HOUSE.A bill has boon introduced by Mr. Bird to pro­

vide for a Stato Work House, h Stute Penitentiary, for the safe keeping of all persons convicted of crimo. Tho bill provides for the appointment by tho Legislature of uino commissioners, throe from each county thorized to secure a place of

■es upon which to locate and build a work House. Tho Judges of the Courts and tho Sheriffs of the State tuted a Board entrusted with tho power on the second Tuesday in April of electing seven Diree-

s, three to l»o from Now Castle and two each from the other counties, to liavo snpervision of tho work and erection of suitable buildings. Tho Mayor and Justices of the Peace aro author­ized to commit all drunken and disorderly per-

aud vagrants to tho Work House for i nore than 90 days aud for tho double tho number of days.


fault to find with Educational Meeting.—The Educational Committco of tho - Philadelphia Yearly Mcctiug moots, to-day, at Race street meeting, Philadel­phia. The mombors of thiH committee, resident of Wilmington, aro Alan Gawtlirop, Catharino Garrett, Lucy Smyth aud Wm. I*. Bancroft. Tho first throe uamod aro m attendance at the meet­ing to-day.

. J. BROWN,I REGISTER’S OFFICE,_I Y New Castle County, .Ian. :;nt»i, 1S75.

Upon the application of Tamar A. Anderson, Ad­ministratrix of Levi Anderson, lute of Wilmington Hundred in said County, deceased ; it is ordered aud directed i»y the Register that the Administratrix

, give notice of the graining of Letters of upon the Estate of the deceased,

rtth tlie date of granting thereof, by causing adver- j posted within forty days from the

sucli letters, in six of the most public places w Castle, requiring all persons

Is against the Estate, to present the .ly in such c

t having boon chosen taken and Mr. Maris w

•, iu othor word»*, febis-lyof

NTERPR1SE COAL!EPersons who have been cheated In laying iu their

should go to Fout and boy a y have already

not loss tuan 50 supply ofof the buterprlse,

done, tills will Help you through tho

vafore Admlnlst ratiid that a gr : D ■i

Political Note*. beThe Brandywine.—Tho Braudywii— —

aidersbly turbulent tho must of yesterday, tlio Hood from tho Pennsylvania hills having mostly passed down beforo tho day was dosed, and tho extreme cold of last night again I'rozo the stream over. The mills aro still stopped, and but littlo headway can bo mado with the repairs while tlio sharp weather continues.

tlsements tc dateof the County of Ne having del

o, or at»Ido by d pmv

inserted within


d Railroad

tho dectioNew Iluiupnhiru o] and wouldGovoruor, G

groHsman, and othor officers a;o to bo chosen. There are tlirco candidates in tho field. Republi­can, Democratic and Prohibitionist. Tho Re­publicToinpcranco pe.vplo would feci confident.

Tho Louisville Courier-Journal a (firms that the numbor of illiterato votors iu Kentucky is rapidly on tlio increase, and that this iucroaöo is m a groator ratio than the incroaso of population this, too, in face of tho fact that there aro few

of foroign birth in tho State, and hut fow immigrants. There aro about 5,200 districts iu tho Stato, and not more than 100 aro properly

, witli school houses.

our ou Tuesday next, when Office, Orange Street :aprta-iyof __

•it. And also cause io same period in

if 000,000Daily Com- Wilmlngton aud

d Seal of Office • Register aforesaid, at New Castle, iu Castle County aforesaid.

rspnper published rein three weeks cod


Bought and Soldedd but for thovery hopful, •1er the hand(live .1 LAll kinds of Stocks

Commission. Any amount of money raised specialty.


no-Tue Railroads—Tho Wilmington and Wcsto Railroad put a largo force of workmen on y< terday and had tho damage to bridges injured by tho freshet temporarily repaired in time for tlio regular afternoon train to pass. At Chadd’s Ford, on the Baltimore Central, the c; to tho bridge and the passengers and take trains on tho opposite side.

[L. 8.] of pro-:day cityor security. Promissory

for saleLi.: - K. C. BluGS, Register, s having claims against the must present the same duly

the Administratrix ou or before Jan. 20th •h case made

ond ofl’eab<ycjjAll pl­

ot them had cases of charity i fainilios to whom thoy would liavo preferred to givo tho money thus withhold. The testimony goes to show that ono man (A. J. Caulk) did sign tlio first paper as ho was at homo sick and had not been at work for Homotime previous.

The committco, further, whilo approving the extension of help to the poor, hold that ercive,measure should bo employod to oxtort

who holds

j of the deceased rjlHE MECHANICS’ SAVINGS BANK,

six perday evenings, and every Treas. J. 1\ Wales, M. D.Clerk.

past a bill has boeu pending iu incorporate a Benevolent Associa*

of Sons and Daughters of Smyrna. Con­siderable opposition was at first manifested but it gradually wore off until yesterday when the bill passed the House by a voto of 14 to 2,—ab-

indication that tho deal justly with all.

bccomo a

For Homo tho House

attested1S7G, or abide the Act of Assembly in and provided.

TAMAR A ANDERSON, Administratrix. Philu.

upNO, 4 WEST THIRD KTRRBT cent. Interest, open Tuesday ind Satur­

day. A. U. Grimsliaw, , Fres’t, John F. Miller,


rail; d.•n during tho :V.Addre

provided, ov REGISTER'S OFFICE,New Castle County, Dec. £3d ,1S74.

Upon the application of Elizabeth B. Floyd,Samuel Floyd, late of Wilmington

Hundred in said county, deceased ; it is ordered Register that the Admims-

of Let- the do­

of eigh-Plyraouth church rep< tv members during tho past year, and declar that tho congregation “were confident that tho ministrations of tlioir pastor wero blcesod by God."

sent 5. This is hailed Legislature is determined The bill has yet to pass tho Sonate law, when it will rank as tlio first charter ov given by a Delawaro Legislature of colored people.

the DemocraticAmong tho carpot-bagge si lo of tho United States Seuato are Gold th wait, of Alabama, a native of Boston; Ktevonson, of Kentucky and Thurman of Ohio, both of whom went from Virginia; and Boroman, of Wo.-t Virginia, who is a Pennsylvanian by birth.

There is a fear provalont in Ohio that Goyer Allen's prospects for “ rising up”■-ratio nomination for tho Presiuoi dimmed by tho suddon way in Johnson has leaped into popularity.

ORDERS OF DELAWARE R. R.HDepart-•oat.tho poor laboring

his place at tho pleasure of tlieJChiof Engine his employer,, whoever ho may ho.It is therefor» rocommoudod that Chief K

•r Jos. P. Hydo bo censurod for tho, thus affording him

without Mr.


money fr ment. $160.$200; Jas. G. Aiken, $1,000. First Mortgage Bonds due July 1, 1876, c

receive payment therefor with date upon presentation Insurance Trust delphln.

•crued iuterestd directed by tho -•Haiti give

nssooianoiiTho rain of Wednesday caused numerous-------

slides from the roofs of houses in Boston, and Hovcral persons woro injured by them. Ono uamod James Doyles, hail his skull fradtured, and will probably die.

Hamuel F. Horsey, Congressman from tho Fourth District of Maine, and Ropiesontativo eloct to tlio next Cougross, died on Wednesday ovoning, at Bangor, in tho 63d year of his ago.

grantingAdministration upon tho Estate of

late of granting thereof, by causing . be posted, within forty days from

:h Letters, in six of the most public cs of the County of New Castle, requiring all oils having demauds uguinst tho Estate, to pre-

Act of Assembly in And also c

co of thex ufi the office of the Fidelity d Safe Deposit Company, Plilla- • S. M. FHLTON, President.

UST liKCElVED,-F8 ITOINTMENT8. r lias appointed tho following

aids with tho rank of colo-

ceosed, with tlio • advertisements t<has pursued in this

a protoxt to dischargo somo of his sulfioioiit oause, and who according Hyde's testimony wero good, faithful

their post of duty and capable of discharging their dutios, especially tho fireman. Tho com­mittee also recommends that the Water Commit­tee bo censured for allowing tho Chief Engineer,


tho Dnmo- :y liavo been riiich Aiulr

Tho Finest. Lot of SING IN

Tlio Govthe date of.'ANARY BIRDS('• ()!( named persons

uol :Anpoquinimiuk, Theodore F. Perry.Christiana, Robert C. Justice,Ht. Georges, Thos. J. Craven.Rod Lion, Goo. F. Brady.Dagsboro’, Sussex Co., E. W. Houston.Gumboro’. Sussex Co., John Gumby.Henry R. DuPont bas boon ‘commissioned by

Governor Cochran a Notury Public for tho City of Wilmington.




d. And for sale ve:»y cheap.iver lmp»The-.e are all YOUNG BIRDS.

That was abide by an id provided.

to be inserted, within the same period, iu the Daily Commkkcial, a newspaper published In Wil­mington, and to be continued Hierein three weeks,

t!"'•h ein Winter.Mlngara I-'

ospondent of tho Rochester Express Niagara Falls : “Tho ieo-bridgo is

than it has


subject to tlioir orderss tlio levier and collector

of tlio Water Do-

who i himself conspie of a

Market Street.liptdJ-»

N™R. C. FRAIM, (late of Hobotham A l’raim.)

Bcza leave to infi public, that he has opened a general


Now Advertisements, To-«*ay. d Seal of Office ofder the hand[l. s.] tiie Register aforesaid, at New Castle, in New

Castle county aforesuid, the day and year B* GIBBS, Register.

NOTICE.—All persons having claims against the Estate of the deceased, must present tho same, duly attested to the Executrix, on or before Dec. 23,1875.

abide tho Act of Assembly in such case made and ELIZABETH B. FLOYD, Executrix.

!ec28 3w

Given BYformed in all its perfections,

for tho past twelve ice columns

NEW GO DS.upon tlio employ lurtmeut. Tho coutompt shown by Mr. Charlos

Burton, Jr., Registrar, iu boforo tlio committoe, deserv coivo, tlio ooiumittoo thinks,tlio unqualified domuution of this Couuuil woro hut tlio reprosoutativ should havo received at loant tho respect of

of this


ind Market Streets, Wilmington, Del.

Funeral notice Centennial Journal Notice—Maronoy & Marshall Seventh street varieties Coffees. Robinson's, Brevity 'Pomatoes and salmou, at 2d and Kiug Hardward—W II Billany Oysters—Fu.lmer, Brevity confection—Maxwell, Brevity New huts—Webt», Brevity cigars—Singles A Son, Brevity Hats—Dubell, Brevity Patent chairs—Enterprise Co, Breilty New gloves—Morgan, Brevity Homluy and dried fruits, at Bowoiau’s, brevity

! ru. Thefifteen y • their heads in all their majesty

I aboveappearing and should Fourniids friecds and the general ‘Y COURT

Tho Levy Court of Kent county, which has been in session all tho week, mado the following appointments yesterday :

County Treasurer, Thomas J. Dor pillion.

County Collectors : Duck Creek, W. E. Spru- ; Kenton, George F. Hawkins ; Dover, E.

L. Wharton ; North Murdorkill, E. K. Smith ; South Murdorkill, Georgo’W. Anderson ; Mis- pillion, Elijah Happ ; Milford, Josepli H. Hill. No appointment has yet been made for Little

k hundred.

KENT COUNTYbelow tho American and Horsoshoo Falls to tho Jmjghi of over 100 foot. Those at tho base of

’lylno American Falls roach nearly to tho top of the rails, aud aro as clear as crystal. On visiting Table Rock tho visitor passes between tbo ice columns and tho falls, aud they prosent to tho

of tlio beholder a magnificent spectacle. The ioo-bridge above tho falls extends at. least a mile or moro up the river, aud varios in tliiek-

from two iuchCB to livo or six loot. .Monday a party of sovou young gentlemen started from tho hoad of tho Third Histor Island, which iu about a milo from tho starting point, aud stopped at tho old scow which is anchored in tho rivor above tho rapids ; returning they went

«1er tho Second Sister Island bridge down •McCullough’s Rock, broke some of tho rock off

a memento, wont ovor to tho old scow hob I io Third Sister Island and returned homo.

tho ice bridge will bo romembered. is

a portion of tlio swiftest rapids tlio cataract. It is said

t boon frozen boforo iu twelve or tiftoon years. In some

places the ice seemed frozen to tho rocks,leaving littlo room for tho wator to ilow botwoon the

ice and tho bed of tho river. Tho ice gorgo be­low tho falls is very rugged ; it is

places piled up to tho twenty or thirty feet. Ono gontlonu

jorrospondont thatforty foot thick, but

took the story in with a good deal of allowance. The bridge below the fallH is very rough, mak­ing traveling tiresome iu the oxtromo to pedes­trians, though this does not deter people from crossing and rccrossing tho river up to within a a stone’s throw of the groat cataract. The scenery, from both tho Fark and Goat’s Island is magnificently gruud.”



Mabket Sts., Wilmington. Del.

the committee of this body and provided.

Address, Wilmington, Del.Ü ■ IbeliAt No. 314 Kinget, where there may be foum

or oiiina, Queenaware, Glass, a brushes, Baskets, tablo and pocket c etc. Also, gentlemen's furnishing good

)en til! u o’clock In the evening. Ludl^

general assortofficer holding his position by tho v Council.

I Fixtures, erv, spoons,

sVie invited

aiXTflrglHE AKT JOURNAL.An mteruatlonal gallery of eugraviugs, by distin­

guished artists of Europe and America, with illus­trated papers ou picturesque places and objects In the various branches of art.

The undersigned will begin iu January, is t5, the publication of a monthly Journal specially devoted to the world of art—painting, sculpture,architecture, decoration, engraving, sketching, enamelling designing in all its branches—having in view tho double purpose of supplying a complete Illustrated

• of affording a among

ill be richly and abuudantiy pains

HE MINOR ITMr. Bickta protuntod tlio following minority

report :I regret exceedingly that i, from a sense of

my dutv as a Councilman, cannot approve of tho report of tho majority of tho committee appoint­ed for tho investigation, and respectfully offer this as a minority report.

Tho committoe mot at tho Council chamber, January 29th, and Feb. 1st. anil examined tho following witnesses :

A. J. Maxwell, W. II. Bowman, W. W. Wilsou, J. T. Quigley, I'. Hanley, M. Farley, Z. Taylor Wilson, W. II. Bakor, A.’J. Caulk, J. G. Smith, Fisher Ames, U. Htowart, J. Gill, I*. F. Wilson, aud Joseph Hydo.

After a thorough examination, nothing ascertained that any irregularities had been practiced on the part of any official or employ of tlio Water Department.

Not ono of tho witnesses, seemingly slightest degree, gave any evidence that tho act of contributions to assist tlio poor aud hungry of

forced measure ; but on tho other their part, after



!1 uud examine•ewliere. Liberal discount

s. Having also taki n oat , Iüloneer’s liecall saloa of Real Estate

roperty, both in ihe city . solicited,I paid for

:offer my servi Cr1 country.Sales :iguaranteed. All goods

LEGISLATIVETlio Legislature lias got into a religio

and havo provided for at least thr sermons. Tho first Wednesday oveuing Rev. E. Htubbs, pastor of Anbury M. E. church. Tlio socoud takes place on Thursday evening, the 18;h inst., by the Rev. C. \\. Huntington, pastor of tho Dover Presbyterian church, anil the third is to be preached by the Rev. G. D. Watson, of tho Dovor M. E. church, at somo timo yet to be designated by him.


irithiu t.UURnT.-OH the 4th intt., Mrs. Rebecca Hurst,

d friends of the family arc respoct- ttio funeral from her late

Brandywine Banks,2 o’clock. To proceed

Teicgruftiic quotations received constantly duringoodprospective

lie preached ct, the 10th instant, by

Tues-c. P lieaged C5y 'I’ne relatives

fully invited residence,

the ilsy.Every lacllity aflorded for persons desiring


iv, Friday and haturday evenings./eb2-3tn H. C. FRAIM, Aiicthnec- dealirecord of progress Iu

means for the cult v people. Each muni Illustrated un both steel will he spar d to render the ART JOURNAL tho

varied, elegant and valuable publication of the it will contain the steel plates

of the London “Art Journal." a

olSaturday after- Mr. S

• invest in Stocks, Bonds,PUBLIC !QAHD TO THECeme- Janl.lyTho distance traveled livo miles, aud this, i located approaching tlio district traversed lias


guv ^flmtismnits. W’JtLLSY A VAN ’i LUMP’S kind in t lie world.and illustrât'.-- , , , ,.publication of world-wide fame, (the exclusive right of which for Canada and the United Mates has been purchased by tho publishers) with extensive addi­tions devoted to American ait and American topics.

•lily. Each part will contain three ud illustrations,printed


Particular attention given to filling orders lor OAK, WHITE, AND YELLOW PINE.






keep the cold ai the door. For sale'by M>. 1 JOURNAL BUILDING ADJOINING ri’N

CITY BALL,Wilmington. Delaware.



HAVINGCASH ASSETS OF OVER........................9100,0(tU,000.

f property within tho State Dwellings and Farm Pro-

the Tho Legislature keeps a sharp lookout for all corporation acts that havo 7 por cent, covered up

place. Ono of tnem yesterday purged and had to come back to ü per cont.

Th House bill making dogs personal property tho town of Newark was read in tho Senate,

yesterday, tho first time, and was amusingly noted for a repetition of tho word “ dog” forty-

timoB besides tho use tof tho pronouns, ho, she, it and thoy, almost an innumerable number of times. Tho Senators say it is tho “ dogoudest" bill thoy ever heard.

Mr. Btockloy appeared and took his scat to­day for tho first timo this week. This is the

account of absent all the

Published •el plates

in the

script ion.

WM. H. BILLANY, Tlmlngton. 1 numerous

legal manner upon . .per number. Sold only by sub-

814 Market Street.KE ed paper.■ I NOW IS THE TIME TO REGULATE tiie heat in 3 our room by having a thermo:assured

localityWe PROMPTLY REASONABLE PRICES.hand was a voluntary ae

being solicited by tho Chief Engineer and Regis­trar ; and tho amounts so donated as por vouchors

tlio Committee by Chief Engineer

> iu It. For Bale by 1>. APPLETON A CO., Publishers. II. MCINTOSH,


Also a large stock of SAWED SHINGLES, SPOKES, AND

WM. II. BILLANY’,214 Market Street, Wlimiugton.

S. — A FULL Marseilles, lloney-

l Bates’ Quilts, at less than formerW. B. SHARP,

<1 Market F.

presented Jos. llydo.

Therefore, I rc Resolved, That

aud Ilogistr

Marseilles quiltline of the liest makes of PHILADELPHIA.Jau2i-2teod

milE COMMERCIAL PRESS.PICKETS ALWAYS ON HAND.tfully offer tho following :

act of the Chiof Engineer assist tlio p

S Wo meure Rll kinds o d adjoining counties,

uerty taken at very low rales.We make a specialty of taking entire cli:

slneus, thereby relieving thed settle all losses

Wo call Ice Dealers attention to large lot of dust, for sale cheap.

their effortsimployod with tho necessaries of suste­

nance, lie and tho same is herony commended, t liât Council approve of their action, and that tho chargos ponding bo aud the same aro hereby (tibmissed.

FourthI H. W. GAUSE,

Foot West Street, Wilmington, Delaware.


Cor. SIXTHE. I :


fourth week of Mr. Sapps,absence sickness, and Mr. Riddle lias been week.

Old pictures aud bolls preciateil. The old State House bell i sent to tlio Gentenuial exhibition and the old portrait of Commodoro Paul Jones is either bo touched up or a new 0110 painted fr original.

During tho past thr storms havo prevailed the thermometer marking 20 to 2U degress below

Janl8d&wfpid MARKET ST. expense.y, without extra charge.

guarantee for riic dcntly assert it. will be to yo

d exiiuiim oar Bat of Compu- mewfeg

Another Scene In the,Washington, yesterday, tho

Civil Rights bill was debated, and*Mr. Brown, of Kentucky, iu tho course of a passionate speech against tlio measure, said, “If I was todosire

pusillanimous iforbidding in morals and infa­

mous in politics, I should call it Butlerizing." Groat excitement followed these remarks, ami Mr. Hale, of Now York, offered a resolution of censure upon Brown. Mr. Dawes, of Massa­chusetts, ott ered a substitute expolling Brown fromSthe Houso. After considerable discussion

. Hale's resolutionthereupon escor

chair, whilo tiie presiding officer “administered tiio censure of tlio Houso” in some appropriate remarks.

•d aOffer a lino assortment of line goods

comprising iu pan

Fine Bronze and other Thcrmouio ower V Violet. 8

Cut GlassCo'.ogno Bottles,Flam Cologne Bottles,

Cologne Toilet Sets,1 raveling Cups lu Russia leather,

Baud aud Toilet Mirrors, Cologne Flasks.

offer future,tercet to callnies in all departments before insuring elsewhere.Ai r. KINDS OF INSURANCE TO ANY AMOUNT




surpassed by any other house In this olty tn ability to do good work


beginning to be up-in tho House emu printers of the City Directory, “Ihe Way­side,” Opera House “Programme," amt

many other Publications.

< I N-'ll..A- ! 1 " •-beMotions for tho adoption of each report hav­

ing boon mado, Mr. Mclntiro said be deemed it important that all tlio members should examine tlio roports carefully, aud as tlioro was no hurry in this matter ho movod that tlio consideration of tho Aubjoob ho laUUovnr two weojmand tlio reports bo printed for tho uso bf tlio mctnWirs.

Mr. Burko arose aud said that mon hail come to him voluntarily with complaiutB of other abuses in connection with tlio building of the

basin, and asked that his committoo bo in- investigato these abuses also.

Mr. William M. Canby objected to tho print­ing of tlio evidence as reported by tho as he had roason to believe it deuco brought out before tho committee.

Mr. Burko, iu reply, Haid that tho testimony was taken down as giveu and that tho report was a verbatim ono. ... ,

Mr. Farrell regarded tbo whole thing as much ado about nothing, and claimed that if the -- port of eousuro was adopted no ono would bo much hurt. . , , ,

Mr. Bickta had heard the wholo Ho could not bo bought, ho said, object to tho majority report becauso founded

tho statements of a discharged fireman who had himself given three separate statements, at aoparato timos, all of which wore different. Ho wanted justice done “ botwoon man and somebody else.” , , .. .

Mr. Canby roso to a personal explanation and thought it very discourteous that Council should bo asked to censure tho Water Committeo when not a single member of that oommittoo had been

F. : moxpross all that in 1

• IB, S. II.EFFECTED AT ONCE AT CURRENT RATI».is by mall will receive Immediate Books au.l Pamphlets,

Betiool Circulars 1 Weekly 1

0( id Cutalqgnes, r Monthly Publications,

Amateur Journals.

days terrible Kansas and Iowa, with

AM'!attc> fill large orders.Expressing oar acknowledgments f*

re have enjoyed and soliciting a continuai: Wo remain, very respectfully,



A SPECIALTY.. VAN THUMB The jewelry storo of Joseph W. Fritchoy, at Lancaster, Beuna., was robbed ou Tuesday night of $2UU0 worth of gold watchos and othor valua-

Flne.R French Hair Brushes,Finest English Hair linn lies.Finest American Hair Brushes,(la ivory, buffalo,inlaid,rosewood,Butlnwr Tortlse-shell Dressing Combs,Ivory Dressing Combs,Buffalo Dressing combs.India-rubber Dressing Combs, Dressing Cases,Smelling Bottles.Freuen, English and America

(for the Handkerchief.)

COMMERCIAL PRINTING COMPANY,adopted, and Mr. towards tlio

III H Ml.'t'-d rjUIE COMMERCIAL PRESS.Brown w ADDRESS,>d,*c.)•ity MARTIN JOHNSTON, Rt., Wn.snnoton. Dbl

bios.the Corner Fifth id Market Htreets.youth-wet


A fresh supply ofJ Notice—book of corrections.

We have hanging in our business office a copy of the last City Directory in which are noted all

CongrcMKional Committee Report*.TI10 Senate Committee on Chou]) Transporta­

tion bas decided to recommend au appropria­tion of $1,500,090, in tbo Rivor and Harbor bill, for the improvement of the mouth of tbo Miss­issippi, by tlio jotty syetom.

Tho Senate Committeo yesterday to report in fav the Territory of Pembina half of Dakota.

Bxtracts Cc ereial Printing, ALL VARIETIES OF PRINTING EXECUTED errors and omissions that come to our notice, In dor that they may not occur next year. We appre­ciate the great need of accuracy in a work of this kind and request all subscribers and others who tice any defects to advise os of tnem that they may be noted and corrected.

circulant. Cards, Labels,Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads,

Tags, Statements, Price-Lis Check Books.

8. F. WHITM VN A SON’S FINE CONFEC TIONSBesides an extensive variety of Foreign and Ameri­

can Colognes, T Hot Snaps, Cosmetics, Hao!:»' Powders, Cloth, Hat, Nail and Tooth

Broshes,Ac. .comprising one of tlio largest assortments of F IN 15 TOILET

GOODS, ever offered in this city.E. BU1NGI1UKST A CO..

Apothhcauies,Comer Sixth and Market Streets.

Legal Blanks of All Kinds,Bouds, Mortgages, Summonses,

Quit, Executions,Deeds for Cemetery Lots,

Blank Note Books.

testimony. But ho did

New Dchesa London Layer, Sultana Muscatel, Seed­lessTerritories agreed

of tho creation of of the northern

d Valencia Raisins, Now Currants, Fresh citron, Lemoi

AO!,''. - COMMERCIAL PRINTING CO., Publishers and Steam Printers,

Fifth and Market Streets.d Orange


Peel, Puro Spices,Jyaa-tf



The House Committee ou Appropriations will probably report tiie Sundry Civil bill next week. It will appropriate about $22,000,000. Table linens and napkins.—a

complete assortment of Barnsley, Irish, and Table Linens and Napkins direct from the

will be found

W. B. SHARP, ^Fourth and Market Streets.

Magistrates’, Conveyancers’, and all other Legal Business Blanks.rnoWELS—THE LARGEST AND MOST

A desirable Bne of Damask and Hock Towels weGerman Importers, among win elegant patterns.




John Phair, convicted of the Ann Froeze, was terday, to bo hanged

offered, from C if cehave up.•der of Mrs sentenced at Rutland, Vt., y

tiie 21bt of April.V/. II. SHARP,

Fourth and Market Street COMMERCIAL PRINTING COMPANY.EighthSouth-West Corner Fifth and Market Streets. man-iy