Download - A man and his disciplines #14


Sanctus Real, Lead Me

Fall 2016, A Man And HisDisciplinesnaz men


Discipline of PurityDiscipline of MarriageDiscipline of FatherhoodDiscipline of FriendshipDiscipline of MindDiscipline of Devotion

Fall Semester 2015

Discipline of PrayerDiscipline of WorshipDiscipline of IntegrityDiscipline of TongueDiscipline of WorkDiscipline of PerseveranceSpring Semester 2016

Discipline of the ChurchDiscipline of LeadershipDiscipline of GivingDiscipline of WitnessDiscipline of MinistryThe Grace of DisciplinePossible additional DiscussionDiscipline of Strength, JoyDiscipline of Encouragement, Fitnessfall Semester 2016

What are the Disciplines of a Godly Man? They are your Flak Jacket

Your good habits and disciplines guard you against attacks by your enemy. Remember your enemy is real, targeting you and lethal.

From Politics?

From Military?

From Business or Industry?

From the Church? Who would you name as an example of a great leader?

What made that person a great leader in your mind?Can you name a great leader that you were under at some time in your life?

Colin powell on leadership

"It ain't as bad as you think. It will look better in the morning.

"Get mad, then get over it.

"Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it.

"It can be done.

"Be careful what you choose: You may get it.

"Don't let adverse facts stand in the way of a good decision."Colin Powells 13 rules of leadership

"You can't make someone else's decisions. You shouldn't let someone else make yours.

"Check small things.

"Share credit.

"Remain calm. Be kind.

"Have a vision. Be demanding.

"Don't take counsel of your fears or naysayers

"Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier."

Colin Powells 13 rules, cont.

Who are the most well known spiritual leaders today?

Is there a difference, and if so, what are they?

Who were the spiritual leaders of the previous generation?

Is it self-ambition or the call of God? How do you know?

Can a Man be a leader and follower at the same time?Have you ever felt like you want to be more of a leader than you are today?

Why or why not?

Can a person be a great leader without ego?

Do you believe that all men called to be leaders?

What do you admire about that leader?

When I say Leadership in the Bible, What Names come to mind?

Hughes gives us 7 characteristics of Joshua and his examples of leadership. (Im adding one more) Lets look at them together: (1) PRAYER

Prayer: First mention of Joshua is in battle with Amalekites. This is the battle where Moses stood on the hill and raised his hands to God during the battle. LESSON: The power is not in the sword but in prayer.Todays study on the discipline of leadership looks at Joshua

2. Vision: Next mention of Joshua in Bible is when Moses goes up the mountain to get the law from God. Joshua and Moses go part way up the mountain then Moses continues by himself, and leaves Joshua for 40 days by himself. (Exodus 24:10,18). Later, Johsua encounters the captain of the Lords host just before the battle of Jericho. What was his response? Joshua worshipped. Other spiritual leaders have had great vision of God. Isaiah, Peter, James, John, Paul!

Christian leaders need Vision!Joshua, (2) VISION

Consider Joshua in Exodus 33: In this passage, he served in the tabernacle. Even when Moses would return to the camp, Joshua stayed in the tabernacle to be in Gods presence.

For us, true spiritual leadership is born of our devotion to him. It grows as we spend more time with him.joshua, (3) devotion

In Numbers 11, Joshua learns that he ultimately follows God, not Moses. In his zeal to protect Moses, Joshua is concerned about others preaching to Israel, (namely Eldad and Medad) But Moses wasnt concerned, and he tole Joshua not to be jealous for his sake, but to allow others to speak of God to the nation as well.

The lesson to us: There isnt room for ego and position in the kingdom of God. We cannot envy other churches or leaders that are doing well, nor be glad when others fail. True spiritual leaders cannot self-promote.Joshua, (4) Magnanimity

Look at the faith of he and Caleb in Numbers 13,14, when they were spying out the promised land. Of the 12 spies, only Joshua and Caleb thought they could take the land, the others discouraged and feared. But Joshua had faith. For this opinion, the other spies trie to kill them.

Lesson to us: Sometimes leaders stand alone, (or nearly so) The majority isnt always right. Sometimes, you just have to go ahead and believe God will do what he tells you he will do.Joshua, (5) faith

Numbers 27. In this passage, Moses is anointing Joshua to command the people. He receives the Spirit through the anointing and commissioning, and goes on to lead the people.

Lesson for us: We need to be men that are led by the spirit. Spiritual leadership is never self-made.Joshua (6) The Spirit

Deut 34. In this passage Moses is taken away from the people and Joshua goes on to lead. In this lesson, Joshua learn that nobody is inexpendable. God can use you, or he can use a donkey to get his message across. Our job is to be obedientJoshua, (7) expendable

Look in the book of Joshua Chapter 1. Moses is dead, and gone, nobody knows where the body is. And Joshua is told 4 times to be strong and courageous> We must do the same as Spiritual leaders in our homes and churches, We are strong not because of who we are, but because of whom we serve. He can do anything! Its time to believe in him with ALL we are.Joshua (8) strength & courage

Nov 5, 2016

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Things you want to talk about, call me or text recommendations.Next session

It is time for men to rise up and lead!