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A life with my bro

Well I want talk about my brother, It has been interesting live with him, our relationship is not

good . we haven’t spent much time together, we are not close, he live his life and I life mine

so there isn’t to much to say. Well first I talk about him, he is older than me he has 29 years old

he is studying nutrition and he makes music , like electro music some like that !!, my opinion

about him is that , he is a talent guy but he needs work in the focus way for his dream , to rich a

dream we needs two ingredients demand to ourselves and motivation, the person that only

demand himself without motivation never will rich his goals in the seam way the person that

only have motivation without demand himself never rich his dream so he needs work more hardly

he studied at Univac for three years and then applied to UPEMOR but he really didin’t interest to

studied here so he left it. in his childhood he was interested in draw and he was very creative.

He is of an average height, brown skin , black hair and straight and slim guy. Christmas songs