Download - A journal of medical humanities



1. Cover page:Author(s) names

Biography of author(s): no more than 100 words

Contact Information

Location (as you would like it listed in the journal)

Professional affiliation


2. ArticlesTitle and page numbers in the document header

Full text of the article in Times New Roman, Font-size 12, Double-spaced

Format in Chicago Manual of Style (www. or

AMA style (

References for quoted and cited material formatted according to the Chicago style

or AMA Manual of Style, with the endnotes in numerical order

Save article as follows: AuthorLastName_ArticleName.doc

3. IllustrationsWord document with Caption(s) and Source (including address of website where you

found the image). For Artwork, please provide the title and date of work, the artist’s

name, and the location of the artwork (museum of private collection). Save as follows:


High quality images in JPG format

Save each image as follows: AuthorLastName_ArticleName.jpg

* add the picture number(s) at the end (AuthorLastName_ArticleName#.jpg)

if you are including several images.

All Blood Contest submissions should be emailed to [email protected]. Please refer to our website ( for specific rules and guidelines.

We will consider essays on pioneers in hematology (such as Herrick, Minot, Murphy, Whipple,or Land-steiner); history of venesection, barber surgeons, use of leeches, and vampires; as well as historic aspects of blood transfusion; artificial blood, blood groups, blood preservation andblood banks, blood in surgey; blood diseases (pernicious anemia and liver extract, sickle-cell disease thalassemia, leukimias, hemophilia, chlorosis and iron therapy); and the achievementsof the Red Cross, its history and work.

Submitted articles must be unpublished, original work on the subject of Blood and honoring the achievements of the Red Cross. No more than 1,600 words in length. Articles may be accompanied by images, however, final image choices will be determine by our journal staff. Rights to images must be acquired by the author prior to submission.

Deadline (January 15, 2020, at 12pm Central Time)