Download - A HEALTHY LIFE - Islanders Board of Industry & …...1. Make a sandwich:!Use multigrain/wholemeal/rye bread or roll !Fruit bread or damper!Rolled pita bread or pancake sandwiches!Wholegrain

Page 1: A HEALTHY LIFE - Islanders Board of Industry & …...1. Make a sandwich:!Use multigrain/wholemeal/rye bread or roll !Fruit bread or damper!Rolled pita bread or pancake sandwiches!Wholegrain

IBIS HEALTHY LIFESTYLE GUIDEThe IBIS Healthy Food Program © The Islanders Board of Industry and Service 2010


Page 2: A HEALTHY LIFE - Islanders Board of Industry & …...1. Make a sandwich:!Use multigrain/wholemeal/rye bread or roll !Fruit bread or damper!Rolled pita bread or pancake sandwiches!Wholegrain


Healthy eating for life is about:

?Enjoying the food we eat

?Making good food choices

?Eating appropriate portion sizes

?Setting a good example for our

children, family and friends

By eating a variety of good food, drinking

plenty of water, maintaining a healthy weight

and being physically active, you are more

likely to live a long, strong, happy and healthy

life, free from sickness and disease.

Eating healthy food isn’t difficult and it

doesn’t need to be expensive - it can actually

be a lot cheaper than you think!

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Healthy eating means eating a wide variety of

different healthy foods.

EAT plenty of fruit: Fresh, dried and canned fruit (in

natural juice) are all great options. Pick your favourite

fruit - oranges, apples, mangoes, bananas, grapes,

pears, pineapple, melons and more! Health

professionals recommend eating 2 serves of fruit

every day.

What’s a serve? 1 medium piece (e.g. an apple), 2

small pieces (e.g. apricots) or 1 cup of chopped or

canned fruit.

EAT plenty of vegetables and legumes: Fresh,

canned and frozen are all different ways you can get

your recommended 5 serves of vegies every day.

Eat different types and colours. Tomatoes, carrot,

cucumber, zucchini, beetroot, broccoli, peas, beans,

lentils, sweet potato and more!

What’s a serve? 1/2 cup of cooked vegies or legumes,

1 medium potato or 1 cup salad vegies.

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CHOOSE wholegrain breads and cereals:

Multigrain or wholemeal bread, brown or

long grain rice (like low GI Basmati and

Doongara), pasta and low fat noodles.

Wholegrain (i.e. brown) varieties are better

for you.

CHOOSE lean meat, eggs and nuts:

Remove visible fat from steaks and remove

skin from chicken before cooking them. Eat

fish 2 to 3 times a week.

CHOOSE low fat dairy products: Low fat

or skim milk, yoghurt and cheese. Aim for 3

serves day, e.g. a glass of milk, a small tub of

yogurt and a couple slices of low fat cheese.

DRINK lots of water instead of sugary fruit

juices and soft drinks.

EAT just enough food to satisfy you. Avoid

overeating. Eat more fresh food and less

processed food. Cut down on saturated fat,

alcohol, salt and sugar.

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Being active has many benefits including:

?Have more energy and feel good

?Lose weight and keep a healthy weight

?Feel happy and confident

?Stay healthy, reduce blood pressure and reduce the risk of diseases like

type 2 diabetes and heart disease

?Enjoy activities with your friends and family

?Live longer and stronger

?Sleep better and feel more relaxed - exercise can help with stress

Easy ways to get active:

?Join a local walking group, sports club or team. Play with your local basketball, rugby or football team or lawn bowls club. Start a club. Do something you enjoy.

?Be active at home while gardening and cleaning your house.

?Turn the TV off and get outside: Go for a walk after watching one of your favourite TV shows, try to have a few ‘TV free’ days per week.

?Swim or play outdoor games (e.g. frisbee, cricket, footy) with the kids.

?Walk or cycle to the shops, walk the kids to school, take the dog for a walk. Meet with friends for a walk rather than a coffee or meal.

?Meet a friend for some exercise. Do something fun. Encourage and help each other. Try different things to keep it interesting.

?Any type of regular physical activity is good for you. Aim for at least 30 minutes each day, in one go or in a few goes.

?Form a traditional music and dance group. Learn the drumsor teach dancing.

?Play traditional games or go fishing and diving together.

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Your body needs healthy food to keep you healthy and strong. If you eat unhealthy food and eat it a lot, it affects the body in a bad way, and you are putting yourself at risk of many different health problems.

By eating a healthy diet and being physically active you can help protect yourself and your family from obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, some cancers and many other health problems.

Maintaining a healthy weight is especially important. If you are overweight or obese, you have an even greater risk of serious health problems, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart attack, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease. Women who are overweight or obese, can have problems getting pregnant and can have complications during pregnancy which can harm their baby. To be healthier, lose weight and keep it off over time, try to make long-term changes in your eating and physical activity habits. Do things like: eat more fibre (plant food), eat less fat, exercise more. You are important. Do it for your health, family and life.

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! Avoid croissants and pastries as they are high in fat

! For variety, try different types of breads or crispbreads (e.g. pita bread, Lebanese flat bread, grain rolls, baguettes, sourdough, rye bread and fruit loaf) with healthy and varied toppings

! Choose brown or long grain rice like Doongara or Basmati which have a lower GI

! Use egg or wheat noodles instead of high fat or high salt instant noodles

! Include a variety of pastas like spaghetti, macaroni, fettuccini and penne. Try wholemeal varieties. Top with tomato based sauces rather than creamy ones

! Try making your own muesli for breakfast with different grains, e.g. rolled oats, bran, fruit. You can also add these ingredients to your baking and meals

! Add tinned, pre-cooked or dry lentils, different vegies or beans to casseroles, curry, pasta sauce, soup and other meals. It’s cheaper and healthier than just using meat. It helps thicken the sauces, and makes the meals go further

! Use frozen vegies in cooking, they are as good as fresh ones and keep longer

! For healthier chips, make your own wedges by cutting sweet potatoes into chunky pieces (wash and leave the skin on), spray with cooking oil and bake in the oven. Add herbs, spices or vinegar for flavour

! Avoid adding butter or salt to cooked vegetables

! For a quick snack, try baked beans on multigrain toast

! As a meat alternative, try making curries based on legumes and vegetables

! Try snacks of vegetable sticks with dips, e.g. carrot, celery, capsicum, mushroom, broccoli with hommus, tzatziki or avocado dip

Choose wholemeal, rye or multigrain bread

Eat most:



Try this:

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on hand as it has a long shelf life

! Add low fat yoghurt or skim milk to your cereal

! Try skim milk as a cool drink, e.g. drink a glass with your dinner every day

! Try using low fat ricotta or cottage cheese. Use as a dip, on top of crackers, in

sandwiches or with pasta dishes

! Sprinkle low fat grated cheese on pasta

! Use low fat cheese in sandwiches

! Eat low fat or ‘diet’ flavoured yoghurt or add fruit to low fat natural yoghurt. Try it with

frozen berries or fresh bananas for dessert

! Freeze little tubs of low fat yoghurt for cool snacks

! Choose lean meat/mince and skinless chicken/poultry. Trim off all visible fat before

cooking it to reduce the saturated fat in your meal

! Use approximately 100g (palm size) of raw lean meat or skinless chicken per person for

the main meal of the day (i.e. dinner)

! Limit added fats when cooking meat, chicken and fish by using low fat cooking methods,

such as, grilling, barbecuing and stir-frying. Add flavour by using herbs, spices, onion, and

tomato based sauces and marinades

! Cook meat based casseroles in advance, cool and skim fat off with a spoon

! Use lean meat in sandwiches, e.g. lean ham, chicken and turkey breast

! Try baking fish in the oven wrapped in foil. Add lemon juice and herbs (e.g. parsley) for

flavour and to keep food moist

Use low fat or skim milk in cooking. Skim milk powder or UHT is fine and is good to keep

Eat some: Try this:

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2. Protein Power:


chicken breast (skin off), canned fish

! Hard boiled egg

! Baked beans or 3 bean mix

Lean meat e.g. shaved ham,

1. Make a sandwich:

! Use multigrain/wholemeal/rye bread or roll

! Fruit bread or damper

! Rolled pita bread or pancake sandwiches

! Wholegrain crackers e.g. Ryvita, Vita-Weat or Corn Thins

! Increase variety with different sandwich fillings, including salad and vegies

3. Quench that thirst:


the best drink for thirsty kids

! Freeze water bottles

Choose WATER! Water is

4. Fun Fruit:


banana, apple, orange, grapes, pear, kiwi fruit

! Cut into bite size pieces and put in a container: rockmelon, mango, watermelon, honeydew melon, pawpaw

! Goulburn Valley fruit tubs

Easy to eat fresh fruit, e.g.

5. Delicious Dairy:



! Tub of (frozen) yoghurt

Piece of reduced fat

6. Vegies:!

! Cherry tomatoes, snow peas! Corn cob! Mixed salad or potato salad


Tip: You can freeze left-over pasta or rice and stew in

little containers for future meals and snacks. It makes

great lunch box meals.

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! Low fat ricotta cheeseand tomato

! Beetroot, ham, tomato,lettuce and avocado

Ham and cheese


cucumber, grated carrot

! Canned tuna or salmon

! Sliced lean cold meats, e.g. ham, turkey, chicken or beef with salad

! Mashed boiled egg

! Baked beans

! Grated carrot and sultanas

! Creamed corn

! Peanut butter and celery

! Vegemite and cheese

! Chicken, lettuce and pesto sauce

! Add an extra serve of salad to your sandwich

! Variety is good - experiment with different fillings

Simple salad - lettuce, tomato, Try using avocado or low fat cottage or cream cheese

as a spread rather than butter or


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Some healthy snack ideas include:!

! Grilled sweet potato slices with herbs or spices, served with low fat ricotta/cottage cheese

! Fruit smoothies with low fat yoghurt, soft fruit and ice

! Toasted sandwiches with baked beans or canned fish

! Reduced fat cheese with wholegrain (i.e. brown) crackers

! Fruit kebabs (cut up bite size pieces of fruit and put on a skewer), serve with yoghurt

! Fruit scones (add mixed dried fruit, rolled oats, bran or sultanas to your scone recipe)

! Top toast with tomato paste, diced vegies, sprinkle with low fat cheese then grill for quick mini pizzas

! Top mushrooms with ricotta cheese and sliced tomatoes, tuna, leftovers or herbs, then grill

! Cook vegies, egg and low fat cheese then serve on toast or rolled in pancakes

! Wrap leftovers in little cabbage leaf parcels then reheat

! Fruit muffins - make your own (see recipe)

! Frittata Fingers (see recipe)

! French toast topped with tinned fruit

! Dried fruit boxes (50g size)

! Fresh or frozen fruit pieces

! Freeze little yoghurt tubs

! Vegie sticks with dips

! Popcorn (air popped - no oil)

! Omelette with vegies

! Cob of corn

! Cheese sticks

! Unsalted nuts

Rice crackers or corn thins with avocado and sliced tomato

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There are some foods which are best left out of kid’s lunch boxes. These foods can make kids fat, rot their teeth and increase their risk of diabetes. These foods are usually high in fat, sugar and salt. Some of these foods include:

! Muesli bars and chocolate bars! Potato crisps and oven baked savoury biscuits, e.g. Arnott's Shapes and ‘In A Biscuit’ varieties! Instant noodles, e.g. Hachiban! Sweet drinks, e.g. fruit juice drink, cordial, soft drinks! Cakes, sweet biscuits, donuts, lollies, ice cream! Fried food, e.g. hot chips, fried chicken, dim sims! Processed or fatty meats, e.g. in hot dogs/sausages,

pies, salami and Strasbourg.

These foods should not be eaten every day and are best limited to celebrations like kid’s parties.

REMEMBER FOOD SAFETY!To keep cold food cold:?Keep leftovers e.g. stew/pasta/rice dishes in the fridge.?Put lunch in an insulated bag or with a freezer block. If available, put food in a fridge. ?Wrap a frozen water bottle or yogurt tub in a tea towel and put it in the lunch box to keep the food cool. ?Freeze food, e.g. sandwiches or leftovers, then let them defrost slowly in time for lunch.

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Food such as fresh fruit and vegetables, eggs, lean meat, wholegrain bread and cereals, low fat dairy products and water are automatic healthy choices.

The problem starts when food gets processed and packaged. In order to work out healthy choices among packaged products we need to learn how to read the information on packages very carefully.

In order to choose the healthiest foods from all the different types of packaged food on the shelves we need to look for foods that are:

?High in fibre?Low in sodium (salt)?Low in sugar?Low in fat including saturated fat?Low in energy (kilojoules or ‘kj’)

Remember automatic healthy choices?

?Lean meats and eggs?Wholegrain breads and cereals?Low fat dairy products?Water

Fresh fruit and vegies

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What to look at:To work out which foods are healthy choices on the shelves you need to read the food labels and look at:

The nutrition information panelThe ingredients listClaims from manufacturersThe “use by” date

1. The Nutrition Information PanelThe most important thing on the label to read and understand is the Nutrition Information Panel. All packaged foods should have a nutrition panel. The nutrition panel shows the amount of energy (kilojoules) and nutrient content (protein, total fat, saturated fat, carbohydrate, sugar and sodium/salt) of a food per serve and per 100 grams. The nutrition information panel is usually on the back or side of apackaged product.





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1. Choose a food product.

2. Find the nutrition information panel on the back or side of the pack.

3. Look for the “per 100g” column. (It’s usually the last column on the right).

4. Check the amounts of fat, sugar and sodium (salt) and see how they compare to the healthy choice criteria (below).

5. Compare the 100g column of the nutrition information panels of different products to find the healthiest options.

6. Compare any other relevant nutrients, (e.g. energy, fibre for breakfast cereals, calcium for dairy products. Each day aim to get a total of 30g or more of fibre and 1000mg or more of calcium*).

Aim for the Healthy Choice Criteria:

Healthy packaged products generally have:

?10g of fat or LESS per 100g*

?LESS than 5g of saturated fat per 100g*

?10g of sugar or LESS per 100g*

?300-400mg of sodium (salt) or LESS per 100g*

?The more fibre the better

The healthiest products will have the best combination of these values.

* These are general guidelines only. Seek more nutrition advice for specific foods and medical conditions.

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2. The Ingredients List

Ingredients in a food product are listed in order by weight from the largest

to the smallest, i.e. the largest ingredient is first, the smallest ingredient is

last. If fat, sugar or salt is one of the first couple of ingredients, then the

product is not likely to be a healthy choice.

Hidden Ingredients:

Sometimes it’s tricky to find fat, sugar and salt on the ingredients list since

they may have different names. Check for these in the ingredients list

using the table (below) which lists different names for fat, sugar and salt.

Beef fat/tallow, butter, shortening, coconut, coconut/palm oil, copha, cream, dripping, lard, mayonnaise, sour cream, vegetable oils and fats, hydrogenated oils, full cream milk powder, egg, mono, di- and triglycerides.

Corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, glucose, golden syrup, honey, lactose, malt, maltose, mannitol, maple syrup, molasses, raw sugar, sorbitol, sucrose, xylitol, treacle, mono and disaccharides.

Sodium, baking soda/powder, booster, celery salt, garlic salt, meat extract, monosodium glutamate (MSG), stock cubes or powder and yeast extract.




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3. Claims From ManufacturersManufacturers often make claims on labels to make a product seem healthier than it really is. For example, ‘light’ or ‘lite’ doesn’t have to mean a product is low in fat. It may mean it is ‘light’ in colour, texture and/or taste. It is important to read the Nutrition Information Panel and Ingredients List to make sure that a product really is healthy.


Smart shopping tips to help you make healthy choices every time you shop:?

you’re more likely to stick to the list and not buy unnecessary items.

?Look out for weekly specials, e.g. IBIS fortnightly fruit, vegetable and grocery specials. IBIS only puts healthier choice items on special.

?Buy automatically healthy choices: bread, cereals, fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes, e.g. beans.

?Choose fruit and vegies that are in season. These are usually better quality, fresher, cheaper and tastier.

?Don’t shop on an empty stomach - it can make you buy more.

?Don’t take the kids with you!?Look at the food labels on packaged products to

compare the nutrition information, e.g. fat, sugar and salt.

?If you wear glasses remember to take them with you so you can read the food labels.

?Shop more frequently for fresh food, especially fruit and vegetables.

Write down a list of foods that you want to buy -

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Cooking healthy food can be cheap, easy and a great way to get kids in the kitchen. By making a few changes to the recipes and meals you make everyday you can improve your family’s health.

Making meals healthy can mean using or changing recipes and ingredients so that they:

Are low in fat, especially saturated fatContain lower or moderate amounts of added sugarContain lower salt ingredients (i.e. use salt sparingly)Include lots of fruit and vegies!

Healthy cooking methods include:SteamingBakingBoilingGrillingMicrowaving

Increasing variety (e.g. trying different things) is good for your health and stops you getting bored with the same meals.You can make substitutions for everyday foods and cut out a lot of fat, sugar and salt in the process (eg. add beans and use less meat). See the next few pages for ideas.










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Eat Less: Try this instead:

Butter, margarine,

oil and dressings

Cream, custard and ice cream

Coconut cream


as olive, canola and sunflower oils. Avoid saturated palm and coconut oil

! Use low fat cooking methods such as steaming, stir-frying, grilling or microwaving

! When baking or using a non-stick pan, try using canola or olive oil cooking spray

! As an alternative to butter, try spreading bread with a thin layer of avocado, ricotta cheese, cottage cheese, hommus dip or low fat mayonnaise

! Avoid deep fried food. A lot of oil can go into the food during frying

! On salads, try using an oil free dressing or make your own using a small amount of olive oil mixed with balsamic vinegar or lemon juice

! Instead of using cream in savoury recipes, try low fat evaporated milk, low fat natural yoghurt, low fat milk thickened with cornflour or use skim milk powder made with a third of the usual water

! Try low fat yoghurt. Try freezing it instead of ice cream

! For desserts, use a mixture of reduced fat ricotta and natural low fat yoghurt. For flavour add lemon, vanilla essence, fresh fruit, cocoa, cinnamon or coffee

! Make custard using custard powder and low fat/skim milk

! Choose low fat ice cream or cream instead of full fat ones

! Make frozen fruit block snacks with an ice cube tray and 100% juice or freeze slices of banana or mango

! Try making drinks or desserts with yoghurt, milk and fruit (e.g. frozen berries, bananas, mango)

! Use low fat coconut milk or better still try low fat coconut flavoured evaporated milk

! Add skim milk powder to make meals taste creamier

! Add a few drops of coconut essence for more flavour

In cooking, only use small amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such

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Eat Less: Try this instead:


and pastries



! When baking cakes or biscuits, use polyunsaturated or monounsaturated margarine (e.g. canola, sunflower, olive oil based ones) instead of butter

! Use low fat or skim milk in recipes

! Try fruit based scones, muffins and slices

! Substitute half the white flour with wholemeal flour or oat bran

! Use less butter, margarine, sugar and oil

! Add rolled oats, bran, oat bran, nuts, seeds, dried, fresh or frozen fruit

! When baking cakes, try using fruit, fruit puree or juice to sweeten and decreasethe amount of sugar needed

! Artificial sweetener can be used instead of sugar. Check to make sure it can beused in cooking (e.g. ‘Splenda’ can be used in baking)

! When shopping, look for products that are sugar reduced, sugar free or have “no added sugar”

! Add less (or no) sugar to your meals, snacks, baking, cooking and hot drinks

! Avoid putting salt on the table

! Use less or don’t add salt, soy sauce, or fish sauce in cooking

! When shopping, look for products that are salt reduced or have “no added salt”

! Instead of using salt to flavour foods, try using spices, such as, pepper, garlic,chilli, mustard, curry, mixed spices and paprika

! Add herbs like parsley, basil, oregano, chives, rosemary, coriander or mint

! For extra flavour add lemon juice, onions, ginger, shallots, vinegar or salt reduced stock

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• 2 teaspoons of olive or skin on for extra fibre)canola oil • 1 cup red lentils (pre-soaked

• 2 onions, finely chopped in water for a few hours)

• 2 cloves of garlic, chopped • 3 cups chicken or vegetable stock (salt reduced)• 2 tablespoons curry powder

• 2 cups water or low fat milk • 2 carrots, chopped(if needed)

• of a pumpkin, chopped

• 3 large sweet potatoes, chopped (wash and keep

~ ~ ~

~ Make a big batch and freeze leftovers

~ Next time add extra lentils, water or sweet potato, add yams, herbs/spices (e.g. nutmeg, cinnamon, coriander or ginger), milk and coconut essence, beans, tinned tomatoes or tomato paste

~ Garlic in a jar or garlic powder can be used instead of fresh garlic

~ You can serve it with a dollop of plain yoghurt or sprinkle some herbs or cheese on top

Low in fat Lots of vegies Cheap to make


1.Heat oil in a large saucepan 4.Take off heat, mash and stir and fry onions and garlic until vegies through liquid. soft. Return to stove and reheat.

Add some milk or water if it's 2.Add carrots, pumpkin, lentils, too thick.sweet potato, curry powder

and stock. 5.Serve with wholemeal bread. Serves 8. 3.Bring mixture to the boil.

Cover, reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes or until vegetables are soft.


Note: If any of the recipe ingredients are not available, please enquire in the IBIS store, and they can be ordered in. You can also change ingredients and amounts next time. Variety is good.

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• • 1 teaspoon grated lemon rindmashed • 1 large onion, finely chopped

• 3 cups cooked mashed fish • 1 cup frozen diced mixed or tinned fish in water vegetables and/or corn(drained)

• 3 eggs, beaten• 3 tablespoons lemon juice

• 3 cups oatbran (or • 1 tablespoon fresh or 1 breadcrumbs)

teaspoon dried chopped • Canola or olive oil to grease

parsleybaking tray

• 1 teaspoon fresh or dried coriander

2 cups cooked sweet potato,

~ Low in fat, sugar and sodium (salt)

~ Next time try using other herbs/spices (e.g. chilli, black pepper, sweet chilli sauce or pesto sauce, ginger, curry powder, basil or garlic)

~ You can try using other seafood or chicken instead of fish


1. In a large bowl, mix sweet into the beaten eggs and then potato, fish, pepper, lemon roll into the oatbran. juice and rind, herbs, onion, 4.Put balls on a lightly greased ½ cup oatbran, one egg and baking tray and cook in a mixed vegetables. 180°C oven until golden

2.Use the palms of your hands brown. (If you don't have an to roll mixture into little balls. oven, you can cook them in a You can flatten balls into frypan with a tiny bit of oil).patties if you like. 5.Serve with salad, lemon

3.Put two beaten eggs into one wedges, sweet chilli sauce bowl and remaining oatbran and/or vegetables. Serves 8. into another. Dip each ball


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• • 1 cup green beans, freshcanola oil or frozen

• 1 onion, chopped • 1 red capsicum, sliced

• 2 garlic cloves, chopped • ¼ of a cabbage, roughly chopped• 1 teaspoon ginger, chopped

• ½ head broccoli, chopped • 1 tablespoon lemon juice or lemon rind, grated • ¼ cup of nuts

• 1kg chicken thigh fillets, • 2 tablespoons salt reducedremove skin and fat, cut into soy saucesmall pieces • 1 tablespoon sweet chilli sauce

• 2 medium carrots, • 1 teaspoon of cornflourchopped finely (to thicken)

2 teaspoons of olive or

~ Low in fat and sugar

~ Next time try adding more vegies, a chopped apple, some basil, chilli and coriander

~ Roll up portions of stir-fry in pancakes or wrap portions in lettuce leaves then serve


1.Cook rice or noodles. and cook for 2 minutes, Set aside. stirring.

2.Heat oil in a wok or large 5. In a small bowl, mix pan. Stir-fry chicken until cornflour, a little water, almost cooked (3-4 minutes). sweet chilli sauce and soy Remove chicken and set sauce. Add sauce mixture aside. into stir-fry. Cook for

2 minutes, stirring.3.Cook garlic, ginger, onion, carrot and broccoli for 2 6.Serve immediately with minutes. Basmati, Doongara or brown

rice or Hokkein noodles. 4.Add chicken, lemon, nuts, Serves 6.cabbage, beans and capsicum


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• 500g blade steak, remove fat, • 1 x 400g tinned red kidney cut into cubes beans, drained

• 2 onions, chopped • 4 x 400g tinned tomatoes

• 4 garlic cloves, chopped • ½ cup of nuts

• 2 apples, chopped • ¼ cup of sultanas

• ¼ of a pumpkin, chopped • 3 tablespoons curry powder

• 2 cups of frozen peas • Pepper and chilli to taste

• 2 carrots, chopped

• 2 zucchinis, chopped

~ Low in fat

~ Source of dietary fibre, iron and zinc

~ Cheap to make

~ Next time add extra vegies, coriander, tinned apricots, lentils or frozen spinach

~ You can serve this with some plain low fat yoghurt as well


1.Cut the fat off the steak and 4.Bring to the boil slowly and cut into cubes. cook over low heat for 1

hour. Add a bit of water if 2.Chop the apples, onions, the mixture gets too dry.pumpkin, carrots and

zucchinis. Put them in 5.Serve with Basmati, a big pot. Doongara, long grain or

brown rice. Serves 10.3.Put the peas, beef, tomatoes, beans, nuts, sultanas,curry powder, garlic and pepper into the pot with a little water.

Page 25: A HEALTHY LIFE - Islanders Board of Industry & …...1. Make a sandwich:!Use multigrain/wholemeal/rye bread or roll !Fruit bread or damper!Rolled pita bread or pancake sandwiches!Wholegrain

• 500g of macaroni, spirals or (Dressing)penne pasta • 2 teaspoons olive oil

• 2 eggs • 2 tablespoons lemon juice• 2 large tomatoes, chopped • 1 small bunch of fresh herbs - • 185g can tuna, in water or parsley or basil (if available)

vegetable oil (drained) • 1 tablespoon balsamic • 12 pitted black olives vinegar (to taste)


• 1 green or yellow capsicum, chopped

• 1 small cucumber,chopped finely

• ¼ of a lettuce, chopped

~ Low in fat, sugar and sodium (salt)

~ Good choice for diabetics

~ Add beans, black pepper, garlic, chilli, corn, celery or low fat cheese if you want


1.Hard boil eggs. Wait for eggs Mix together and pour over to cool, peel and cut eggs pasta. Alternatively, each into quarters. person can add their own

dressing.2.Put pasta into a large pot with plenty of water and boil 5.Add tomatoes, tuna, black until soft. Drain pasta and olives, cucumber, lettuce, put into a large serving bowl. capsicum and fresh herbs

(if used). Mix.3.Drain tuna and mash witha fork. 6.Put the egg slices on top.

Serves 6. 4.Put all the dressing ingredients (olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice) in a small bowl.


Page 26: A HEALTHY LIFE - Islanders Board of Industry & …...1. Make a sandwich:!Use multigrain/wholemeal/rye bread or roll !Fruit bread or damper!Rolled pita bread or pancake sandwiches!Wholegrain

• Canola or olive oil spray • 1 capsicum, chopped

• 1 large onion, chopped • 2 carrots, chopped

• 1 garlic clove, chopped • 1 cup mushrooms, chopped

• 1 tablespoon ginger, • ¼ pumpkin, choppedchopped • ½ cup frozen or fresh beans

• 3 tablespoons curry powder • ½ cup water (as needed)• 1 tablespoon lemon juice or • 1 teaspoon corn flour (to

rind, grated thicken)• 1 kg chicken thigh pieces, • 1 x 370g tin low fat coconut

diced (remove skin and fat) flavoured evaporated milk • 2 sweet potatoes, (or low fat coconut milk)

peeled and cubed

~ Low in fat, salt and sugar

~ Good choice for diabetics

~ Cheap to make

~ Next time add extra vegies, banana,mango, nuts, skim milk powder, coconut essence, coriander or chilli


1.Lightly spray pan with oil and 4.Add the mushrooms, cook chicken until it's capsicum, beans, browned. Set chicken aside. lemon and chicken.

Cook for 10 minutes.2.Lightly spray pan with oil and cook onions, garlic, ginger 5.Add the coconut evaporated and curry powder on a low milk and cornflour. Stir and heat, stirring until onions are cook for 2 minutes.soft. Add a little water or 5.Serve with Basmati, coconut milk if it gets too dry. Doongara, long grain or

3.Add sweet potato, pumpkin, brown rice. Serves 8. carrot and a little water. Cook until vegetables are nearly soft.


Page 27: A HEALTHY LIFE - Islanders Board of Industry & …...1. Make a sandwich:!Use multigrain/wholemeal/rye bread or roll !Fruit bread or damper!Rolled pita bread or pancake sandwiches!Wholegrain

• 2 onions, chopped • 1 cup mushrooms, sliced

• 2 garlic cloves, chopped • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste (salt reduced)• 500g lean beef mince (i.e.

premium mince or look for • ½ cup oat branmince with less fat) • 1 teaspoon mixed herbs or

• 3 x 400g cans of diced dried basiltomatoes • Pepper and chilli to taste

• 1 carrot, peeled and grated • 2 x 500g packets of spaghetti• 1 medium zucchini, grated

• 1 capsicum, grated, remove seeds

~ Low in fat, sugar and sodium (salt)

~ Source of iron and zinc

~ Next time try using tinned beans and less mince

~ Sprinkle parmesan or low fat cheese on top

~ You can hide healthy ingredients in the sauce,e.g. mashed vegies or bran

~ Eat leftover sauce on toast, in pies or wrapped in lettuce leaves, pancakes or tortilla bread with salad


1.Place meat, tomatoes, 4.Spread the spaghetti on a tomato paste, onion, garlic, larger serving dish, cover oat bran, vegetables and with the meat sauce mixture. herbs in a saucepan. 5.Serve with a side salad.

2.Bring to the boil and simmer Serves 6.gently for 1 hour

3.Before serving, cook the spaghetti: place into boiling water, boil gently until tender (about 12 minutes) and drain.


Note: If any of the recipe ingredients are not available, please enquire in the IBIS store, and they can be ordered in. You can also change ingredients and amounts next time. Variety is good.

Page 28: A HEALTHY LIFE - Islanders Board of Industry & …...1. Make a sandwich:!Use multigrain/wholemeal/rye bread or roll !Fruit bread or damper!Rolled pita bread or pancake sandwiches!Wholegrain

• 2 teaspoons of olive or • 1 cup corn, canned or frozencanola oil • 1 cup chicken or vegetable

• 4 medium carrots, chopped stock (salt reduced)thinly • 2 x 400g packets fresh

• 4 medium zucchinis, chopped Hokkien noodles

• 2 brown onions, • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce chopped finely (salt reduced)

• ¼ of a cabbage, chopped • 2 teaspoons ginger, chopped

• 1 red capsicum, chopped • 2 garlic cloves, chopped

• 1 stick of celery, chopped

• 1 cup green beans,fresh or frozen

~ Low in fat

~ Contains lots of vegies

~ Cheap to make

~ You can also include lean meat, chicken, fish, extra vegies, lemon juice or rind, basil, chilli or coriander in this dish


1.Chop the vegies. 5.Add the noodles and cabbage to the pan. Gently stir so 2.Heat the oil in a saucepan and they separate and mix with stir-fry the onion, garlic and the hot stock. Heat gently ginger for 2 minutes. Add the for 2 minutes.carrot, zucchini, celery,

capsicum, beans and corn 6.Stir in the soy sauce. then stir-fry for a further Remove from heat and serve. 2 minutes. Serves 8.

3.Add the stock. Bring the mixture to the boil, stirring.

4.Reduce the heat, cover and cook for 3 minutes.


Page 29: A HEALTHY LIFE - Islanders Board of Industry & …...1. Make a sandwich:!Use multigrain/wholemeal/rye bread or roll !Fruit bread or damper!Rolled pita bread or pancake sandwiches!Wholegrain

• 2 teaspoons of olive or • 1 sweet potato, chopped • 1 teaspoon paprikacanola oil • 2 zucchinis, diced • 1 teaspoon curry powder

• 2 onions, finely chopped • 2 x 400g tinned diced • 1 teaspoon coriander, • 2 cloves of garlic, chopped tomatoes fresh or dried (if available)

• 1 cup of chicken or • ¼ cup tomato paste (salt • Chilli and black pepper vegetable stock (salt reduced) (to taste)reduced) • 2 x 400g tinned red kidney

• 1 carrot, chopped beans, drained

• 1 capsicum, chopped • 1 x 400g tinned chickpeas or (remove seeds) 3 bean mix, drained

~ Low in fat and sugar ~ High in fibre

~ Good choice for diabetics ~ Cheap to make

~ Next time try using lean mince meat, lentils or other beans instead of chickpeas

~ Add parsley, lemon juice, nuts, pumpkin or corn if you want

~ Try serving with avocado, low fat sour cream, rye crispbread and a sprinkle of cheese on top

~ Eat leftovers on toast, with rice, in pies or wrapped in flat tortilla bread


1.Heat oil in a large saucepan and fry onion and garlic until soft.

2.Add stock, herbs, spices, capsicum, carrot, zucchini and sweet potato to pan. Bring to the boil. Reduce heat andsimmer until vegetables are soft.

3.Add tomatoes, tomato paste and beans. Cook on low heat for 10 minutes, then serve. Serves 6.


Page 30: A HEALTHY LIFE - Islanders Board of Industry & …...1. Make a sandwich:!Use multigrain/wholemeal/rye bread or roll !Fruit bread or damper!Rolled pita bread or pancake sandwiches!Wholegrain

• Olive or canola oil spray (remove seeds)

• 425g can pineapple pieces, in • ½ cup chicken stock (salt natural juice reduced)

• 500g lean chicken, remove • 1 tablespoon vinegarfat and skin, diced • 1 tablespoon soy sauce (salt

• 1 clove of garlic, chopped reduced)

• 1 teaspoon ginger, chopped • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

• 1 onion, chopped • 1 tablespoon brown sugar or honey• 2 carrots, chopped

• 2 tablespoons of corn flour • 1 stick of celery, chopped(to thicken)

• 1 capsicum, chopped

~ Low in fat

~ Contains fruit and vegies

~ Next time add a little grated lemon peel, sweet chilli sauce, apricot jam, chilli, orange slices or different vegies

~ Instead of fresh garlic or ginger, you can use it as powder or from a jar


1.Spray pan with oil. Cook 4.Add the can of pineapple onion, garlic, ginger and pieces and juice. Cook over chicken slices for 2-4 minutes a low heat until mixture boils. until meat is browned. 5.Serve hot with steamed

2.Add vegetables and stir-fry Basmati rice. Serves 6.for 2 minutes.

3.Add stock, cornflour, vinegar, lemon juice, soy sauce, and sugar to the pan. Bring to the boil, reduce heat and cook for 2 minutes, stirring.


Page 31: A HEALTHY LIFE - Islanders Board of Industry & …...1. Make a sandwich:!Use multigrain/wholemeal/rye bread or roll !Fruit bread or damper!Rolled pita bread or pancake sandwiches!Wholegrain

• ½ cup red or brown lentils, • ½ cup low fat cottage cheese(pre-soaked for a few hours) • ½ cup bran, oat bran or

• ½ cup brown rice rolled oats

• 1 teaspoon curry powder • 1 tablespoon low fat cheddar cheese, grated• 1 cup vegetable or chicken

stock (salt reduced) • 1 teaspoon paprika

• 4 baby nugget pumpkins or 1 medium pumpkin

• 1 cup sliced mushrooms

• 1 stalk celery, chopped finely

• 1 onion, diced

~ Low in fat ~ High in fibre

~ Try stuffing other vegies, e.g. capsicum, eggplant

~ Add/substitute some creamed corn, eggs, mushroom soup, skim milk powder, nuts, seeds, beans, meat, garlic or different spices if you want

~ Next time try brown rice, apple, raisins, tinned peaches or pineapple, nuts, (ginger, nutmeg) and cinnamon as a stuffing


1.Place lentils, rice, chicken from top and scoop out stock, curry powder and seeds. onion in saucepan, bring to 4.Combine cooked lentils, the boil, cover and simmer mushrooms, celery, bran/oats for 30 to 35 minutes. Add and cottage cheese. Use this water if it gets too dry. The mixture to fill pumpkinsliquid should be absorbed

5.Combine some oats/bran, when cooked.

cheese and paprika, sprinkle 2.While lentil mix is cooking, on top of pumpkins.

pierce pumpkins in with a 6.Bake in a moderate oven

sharp skewer and bake in a (180ºC/350ºF) for 25 mins.

moderate oven (180°C) for7. Serve with a green salad or 25 minutes.

steamed green vegetables. 3.Remove from oven, cut lid

Serves 4.


Page 32: A HEALTHY LIFE - Islanders Board of Industry & …...1. Make a sandwich:!Use multigrain/wholemeal/rye bread or roll !Fruit bread or damper!Rolled pita bread or pancake sandwiches!Wholegrain

• 1 cup grated zucchini • ½ cup oat bran

• 1 large onion, finely chopped • ¼ cup skim milk

• 1 cup grated carrot • ½ cup shredded tasty cheese (reduced fat)• ½ cup tinned creamed corn

or frozen corn • 5 eggs, lightly beaten

• ½ cup mashed, cooked • Canola or olive oil spraysweet potato or pumpkin

• 1 cup self raising flour (choose wholemeal forextra fibre)


1.Combine all ingredients in a 4.Remove from oven and leave large bowl, mix well to to cool. combine. 5.Cut into fingers for a great

2.Place mixture into a kid's snack. Makes 10 snack lightly oiled slice tray fingers.or casserole dish.

3.Bake in a moderate oven (180˚C) for 30-50 minutesor until lightly brownedon top.


~ Great after school as a snack for kidsor in school lunch boxes

~ Cheap to make

~ Next time mix in some leftovers or other vegies, or make a pie out of these ingredients

~ Wrap and freeze fingers separately for later

Page 33: A HEALTHY LIFE - Islanders Board of Industry & …...1. Make a sandwich:!Use multigrain/wholemeal/rye bread or roll !Fruit bread or damper!Rolled pita bread or pancake sandwiches!Wholegrain

• ¾ cup margarine spread • 1 teaspoon mixed spice(reduced fat), melted • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

• 2 apples, peeled and cut • 1 cup self raising flour into small cubes

• ½ cup oat bran or• 1 egg rolled oats• ¼ cup brown sugar

• ½ cup reduced fat milk

• ¾ cup sultanas


1.Peel and cut the apples into over mix as this causes small cubes and place in a tough muffins.mixing bowl. Preheat oven. 4.Grease a muffin tray with a

2.Add the egg to the apples. little margarine. Spoon the Using a wooden spoon, stir mixture evenly into the tin. in the rest of the margarine, Fill each about full. along with the sugar, 5.Bake muffins in a 200˚C milk and sultanas. oven for 20 minutes or until

3.Add flour, oats/oatbran, cooked through and golden cinnamon and mixed spice. brown. Makes 12 muffins.Gently stir until just combined - be careful not to


~ Wrap individual muffins in plastic wrap

~ Put them in the freezer to keep for longer and use in kid’s lunch boxes

~ Try mixing some bran, nutmeg, bananas, grated orange or lemon peel, grated carrot, chopped nuts, frozen berries or tinned apricots (diced) in thisrecipe next time

Note: If any of the recipe ingredients are not available, please enquire in the IBIS store, and they can be ordered in.

Page 34: A HEALTHY LIFE - Islanders Board of Industry & …...1. Make a sandwich:!Use multigrain/wholemeal/rye bread or roll !Fruit bread or damper!Rolled pita bread or pancake sandwiches!Wholegrain

The IBIS Healthy Lifestyle Guide contains information from a variety of resources.

Check out the following organisations and websites for more information:

Your local health care centre: Indigenous health workers, community dietitian,

community nutritionist and maternal and child health nurse.

Australian Breastfeeding Association ?

Australian Dental Association ?

Better Health Channel ?

Dairy Australia ?

Diabetes Australia ?

Diabetes Queensland ?

Dietitian’s Association of Australia ?

Find your 30 (minutes of exercise a day) ?

Go for 2 fruit and 5 vegetables a day ?

Go for your life - Child Nutrition, Nutrition and Recipes




Page 35: A HEALTHY LIFE - Islanders Board of Industry & …...1. Make a sandwich:!Use multigrain/wholemeal/rye bread or roll !Fruit bread or damper!Rolled pita bread or pancake sandwiches!Wholegrain

Living Strong Cookbook


Huggies - Pregnancy, Parenting and Baby Care ?

Nutrition Australia - Exercise, Healthy Eating ?


Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne ?

Sport and Recreation ?

The Children’s Hospital at Westmead ?

The Heart Foundation Healthy Living ?


Page 36: A HEALTHY LIFE - Islanders Board of Industry & …...1. Make a sandwich:!Use multigrain/wholemeal/rye bread or roll !Fruit bread or damper!Rolled pita bread or pancake sandwiches!Wholegrain

IBIS - The Islanders Board of Industry and Service149 Spence Street, Cairns

Queensland, Australia, 4870P: 07 4051 3343 F: 07 4051 3465

IBIS - The Islanders Board of Industry and Service149 Spence Street, Cairns

Queensland, Australia, 4870P: 07 4051 3343 F: 07 4051 3465