Download - A Grinchmas Carol




Dog: You know, that Grinch sure use to be a mad old guy. Stole the fun out of everything!

Narrator 1: Yeah he did! Up until he went crazy and started seeing “ghosts.” The fool

didn’t even know what hit him!

Narrator 2: (Sees audience and signals for the others to look.) Uh…guys? (Quiet) There

are humans. Right there. Staring at us.

Narrator 1: Well…what do you think they want?

Dog: I don’t know…Someone should try to communicate with them. (To audience) Excuse

me? Humans? WHY are YOU HERE?

Narrator 2: That’s no way to talk to somebody!

Dog: What am I supposed to do? Sit down and tell them a story?

Narrator 1: Why don’t we ask? (To audience) Would you like to hear a story about theGrinch that stole Christmas?

Narrator 3: What you are about to see is a play about how the Grinch stole Christmas.Introducing: A Grinchmas Carol!

 Scene 1

Narrator 1: In the land of Hooville, the Hoos were getting ready for Christmas. But theGrinch didn’t like Christmas. He didn’t like presents, and he did not like to be


Grinch: Look at those Hoos decorating their trees and hanging their stockings! They are

wrapping their presents for each other and putting them under the trees…I never 

got any presents when I was a kid…

Dog: (Bark. To self) That’s because you were on the naughty list.

Grinch: What did you say?

Dog: Oh nothing…

Grinch: Santa never came to my house with presents…That’s it! Why should everyone

else celebrate Christmas when I never did? I’ll dress up like Santy Claus. Then, on

Christmas Eve night, I’ll take everyone’s Christmas spirit! (Leaves stage)

Dog: Oh boy… (Grinch yells “Dog! Come” from offstage.) Ugh!


Narrator 1: So the Grinch and Dog went to work. The Grinch sewed himself up a Santa

Claus costume and stuffed it up with pillows. He even made Dog wear antlers!

When the clock struck 12 it was time to leave.

Dog: (To the Grinch) This is ridiculous! I am a dog! A DOG! Not a reindeer! I do not fly.

And you know why? BECAUSE I AM A DOG!

Grinch: Mmk. Now off to steal the Christmas spirit from all of Hooville!

Dog: (Mumbling to himself about being a dog.)

Scene 2

Narrator 2: Mr. Grinch and Dog arrived in Hooville and were at their very first house, nota creature was stirring…except for that mouse…

Mouse: Why is it always the mice? ALLways expected to be causing a ruckus! Geese!(Exits stage)

Grinch: Ok Dog, this is what’s gonna happen. You take down the wreaths and the tinsel.I’m gonna grab the presents. And…BREAK!

Narrator 2: And so Mr. Grinch and Dog went from house to house stealing all of theHoos’ Christmas goodies. At the last house, right before leaving Hooville with

every last bit of Christmas Spirit, who should appear, but Cindy Lou Hoo.

Cindy Lou: Santa? Is that really you?

Grinch: Um, yes…er…child. It is I, Santy Claus.

Cindy Lou: Santa, why are you taking all the presents?

Grinch: Oh, um, I got some of your toys mixed up with another child’s on the other side of the world. I really must switch them before that little child wakes with the wrong

 presents. So, if you would just go back-

Cindy Lou: Oh Santa! Why haven’t you eaten your milk and cookies?

Grinch: Milk and..? (Recovering) Oh, yes. The milk and cookies. Um, I am on a, uh,

special diet. Too many cookies aren’t good for you. Now, if you would just-

Cindy Lou: Oh Santa! What green skin you have!

Grinch: IT’S A SKIN CONDITION! GET- okay kid, I need you to do Santy Claus a little

favor. I need you to go back to bed so I can put your presents under the tree. Got it?

(Cindy shakes her head yes.) Okay. Good. Now, run along.


Cindy Lou: Santa?


Cindy Lou: Santa can do anything right? Can you please make my brother Tiny Tim well

again? That’s all I want for Christmas this year.

Grinch: Sure kid. Go to bed.

Scene 3

Narrator 3: The Grinch got back to his house on top of the hill with Dog to behold all of 

the stolen Christmas wonders he had collected that night.

Grinch: Dog! We did it! Look at all of these presents and decorations! This is truly the

 best Christmas ever!

Narrator 3: As the Grinch and Dog celebrated their success in ruining Christmas, someone

awaited their attention.

Past: Grinch. You disappoint me.

Grinch: (Stops celebrating and looks around) Who is that?

Past: I am the ghost of Christmas Past.

Grinch: …Welp…sir Past…You’re kinda ancient history now aren’t you? So…you shouldleave.

Past: I will leave once I have taught you the lessen I bring to you.

Grinch: Listen. I just out-smarted a whole town. I don’t need a lessen of the past.

Narrator 3: But Christmas Past just touched the Grinch’s shoulder. Suddenly, they were

looking at the Grinch as a small boy.

Grinch: That’s me!

Past: It certainly is.

Grinch: But, why do I look so ill? I was never this sick as a child.

Past: You didn’t stop believing in Santa either. Not until you were ten years old.

Grinch: You mean, this is me when I was ten years old? I was sick because I stopped

 believing in Santy Claus?


Past: Make of it what you will.

Grinch: But… Whatever. I’m dreaming. This never happened to me. I was never sick andyou are not real! …But…if you were real…how would I go back home?

Past: Just close your eyes, and count to three.

Narrator 2: Mr. Grinch opened his eyes and was back home. But he wasn’t alone.

Grinch: WHO ARE YOU?

Present: I am the ghost of Christmas Present.

Grinch: …right…

Present: I want you to look into my mirror.

Grinch: Okay, I know I’m green. Alright? It’s a skin condition-

Present: In this mirror you will see all Hoos in Hooville.

Grinch: So…curious…must…resist…okay! I will look in your mirror!

Narrator 2: Mr. Grinch saw nothing out of the ordinary. All of the Hoos stood in a circle

holding hands and sang their carols.

Grinch: No one seems…sad…or mad…or angry. Why not? I took away their Christmas


Present: You can take away all of the presents and decorations in Hooville, but the love for 

friends and family can never be taken away.

Grinch: OKAY! I’VE SEEN ENOUGH! I’m leaving! One, two, three!

Narrator 3: The Grinch didn’t escape. He found one final visitor waiting for him.

Grinch: GOOD GRIEF! Everywhere I go you guys are following me! What do  you want?

I already saw my past. I have seen the Hoos in the present. What else is there?

Narrator 3: But this ghost was silent.

Grinch: You sir- You’re the ghost of Christmas Future aren’t you?! Well I don’t want tosee it!



If you’re here to tell me to give back the toys, I’m not going to!

Fine! I will give the toys back! Happy?! … But I’m keeping the tinsel…

What if I give everything back except the-no? Okay…I’ll put everything back. But

why? It’s not fair!

Narrator 3: But the ghost of Christmas Future did not say a word.

Grinch: Because…Christmas is about being with the ones you love. It doesn’t matter how

many presents you get or how you decorate your house. It’s about caring for the

 people that care about you, and letting them know they are special.

Narrator 1: And the Grinch’s heart,

Narrator 2: Grew 10 times,

Narrator 3: In size.

Narrator 1: But then,

Narrators 2 and 3: Mr. Grinch began to fall!

Dog: And landed right next to me. Yeah. The Grinch woke up and started talking about

ghosts. I thought he was crazy. To this day he still thinks that happened. But I


Grinch: Dog! Help me! We need to put everything back! All of it! Now, before it’s too

late! HURRY UP!

Narrator 1: And so the Grinch returned everything, including the tinsel.

Narrator 2: Mr. Grinch was forgiven by all of the Hoos, and Christmas spirit surrounded

the air. Little Cindy Lou Hoo had even received her favorite gift, Tiny Tim felt

 better than ever!

Narrator 3: And as the Hoos all gathered together, singing their carols, and exchanging

their thanks, the day drew on and down went the light, Tiny Tim could be heard

in the distance…

Tiny Tim: Merry Christmas to all!


Everyone: And to all a good night!