Download - A FREE NEW YEAR'S PRESENT - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 2. · VOL. 2. No. 6 . -CRANfORD, UNION COUNTY, N.J., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, /Whole No. 58. A FREE NEW YEAR'S PRESENT AT Ssii I

Page 1: A FREE NEW YEAR'S PRESENT - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 2. · VOL. 2. No. 6 . -CRANfORD, UNION COUNTY, N.J., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, /Whole No. 58. A FREE NEW YEAR'S PRESENT AT Ssii I







*"' 133 Broad "St; Cor. E.<Gran(rStreet, ELIZABETH, N. J.I 'Coinmeiieing on MONDAY,' DKC. 17, we shall PKESEXT to alli :: r- V : buyers of ON K POUND TKAr - -—-^ .-:

A Fine Bottle of Port Wine, Sherry Wine or Rye Whiskey.' Refnemher you can have your Choice of any of the above WINES. •With One Pound of IVJixed, Oolong,

Japan, English Breakfast, YoungHyson or Gun Powder Tea x



Local Hems.

1 works at IJnrwmwl are shutj ^ r"down tem[M>rarily.-. The next Aleaenn Soeiety opera willho prt'seiiteil tm-Jan. 'J:2il.

. The ('raufonl lwnvlin^ liowlin^Plniiilitilil to morrow ni^lit.

••.Thf-.Tasjiin: WliisFiinV will'ineet to-morrow nijjnt at the resrilemv of X. <\V.Powell. ' - .

of Iir*H»klyn. isi-unilv. of East-

Miss (Iran1 Leilfor.1.visiting the Misses Kiiman street. "

The .Town Committee meets nextM, inlay ninht. ( . ' . ' '

There will lie a we-.liiiiy; in" ontln-:ilst. • , . - * r - - • • - . ;

Fnsl Van Smiii sjx-ht . NewlYt^r 'swith his jiareut.-f on Snuh a'venue. ' . -!'

MtsOMiil >Ii:-s ili'liui'tt Will leave NowYork fur the/'Iterniuilas on t'li, " •


Christmas Week I'ull of Joyous SocialInvents.Harry (^nyoii,,Mrs 'Iliii&liiu'u ami ' Lvents.

Mrs. I'i,r.-onare/imthe.Hek li-t. 0 Three ilamvs maile the holi.lay w.vlftinti

vi'sti-nlay one of t••'st. .iolliv-t seasons in lYinfoi-.l's" sociallii.stiiry. I.11. !l|i'..,,,ahiinila]it store,.ofl.leasnre the youiiK.'i" )-e«iile .as_w.ei] a

'7 " I!'T"'"' ! l r< " " . " " • : i " l i l llieailnlti.slnre.l. Tlie tiall of c'ayety~-.-.- was sit a rolling on 'I'linisilay iii>;ht hv

Kev. (ieo. F. (Jreene was MilTerim; M i s s »'arrie Nix of llelly' -stT'eel.-itfnm; a severe cold mult inlay.

jriveii :\ tnw inipi-fim mi Friday by MUsAnnie ("I'iUrim, nCAMi'ii Mr«-et and the

Dec. ',':t, in Trinity church was repeatedlust Sunday. •

ThfKhi'jitliiin* for tin- Athlftir Club

CENTS PER. POUND.!!:*^8""1":1 -,...,1 work isKoi.,fr

Remember we guarantee the quality .of our TEAS/equal to! The i.aiiies1 Ai.r si.ieiv of Trinity

-•• sold at 60 or 70 cents per pound. Come earl /and avoid j^'i-i^lnVr'ailt/..''''''5 ' " ""'-''"""'"'

To nijrht at H oVloek a liieetiiii; of! The Mast's I.ittell will (jive a ilam-e at ,,'t"t'iie Oi"(nu liv'Tlie'ni'irilili'^'-Viii-Hei'ieTrinity I'lmreh vestry will lie-helil at their lioiuc/oti Kustmali ntnit Triilay . ,,,| .„„) sttji.Mv'enteitiiiiiin.nt' i -niiiiiiittiv-' • % _

•veniiii,'. , . ' nf tin-I'mii-fwiirniiutry Cliid ,' ^Irs. K A. Johnson-mul ,1. Iliils.'v ' Miss Carrie Xi.\ r.-eei'veil her (.'iiests in i LOCATION:


Building Lots % r Sale!Why you should-own.-a Home'on thisdill property. -'i'1"'.


The fnu'Christiims UIUMC reiulereil on

' 'tlTCrush. I John F. Daniiin. of Huston, has coin,.! to t'ranfnril to spenil the winter with hi?[ son (it'orge Damon. . " ";

The Parish Cin-le of Trinity elinreli•THE LARGEST; RETAIL. CASH GtiOCERS/IX UNION COUXTY. ; K t K . K hnlu.""!;Store Opin Evenings. ORDERS DELIVERED TO CftANEORD. Mrs H. E. Coehran

.- • • ' • . ' • . • , / • •/•• • ••• ' • ; • . . ' • * < . • . • M r . a m i M r S . . . K u h t ! 1 ; n i k c ' • . •if H a i i i i . ,

• • • • ' • - ' : . . - ' /

,-': Pierson Brothers,• . • * • /

!> •-•: '8'4 Broad St., EllzabctJf.'N. J .

• PH0T0GRftPK>;


: Tlie best olcyerythlnic In our line.


Dargain selling does notM' end with the HolidaySeason at the - - .- •• •*.


description,' "pri""*1 'afrilterms, mi nil property you have

For- Sale, Exchange : o r - : wjliu'

Mr. 'iincl Mr$.-Kti]it!^;Thk("- of? tmi , street, are visiting in I1

TImV exiu'Ct t,'»''i('tiirn home t«i:jii

Call or Writi1 at. Oiii'c:



Chris.: Jensen, jm rniployie of Knlifr't1 one nf his lingers ma-hi/d:iiiK in the 'ynnroti ThnrMlay.

•""3rrs: niiis. S. •-Kittell*i* Vritertirtnuii:;-|h'i- MMI-I-. Miss Mitinir WnllV, nf Haitinnuc jinil Miss Hlimclie (tatliei/- *»fUrooklyn. ' ,- - ' • I •

\ "Tin1 Union Ilnso Cnnip:iny wa/ Wellrepresented nt the ilance on Momliiyniulit <)f thi«l'ninklin JIi»<*('iim]{;iiiy. nfllahway. -•

Work mi the Trinitywas temporarily s

hnrcli rectorylii-t A'l-t'k mv-

t<) the I'ftM weather, hut was resultt-this niurniti^. . /

Tlni CIIHONH I,K has rt'(Vive.WnnnThoinas Janline A: Son, of /the Kaliwavniarhle vnnl. a riclily - ' ' '* - :

dar. Thank vou!

Uortor Ji>l|lih

anil family| K . yri'ini'inht'ivil with /^roat lavishnr>s

hy Santa Cl'.'.us. on Christmas. Ani'mj;tin.' suhstnntial...nift'\-iit'.cvivi'il,:'wi'rf anonyx clot'kLii_Jiniiiiit;sr . vast^antl a i^}\

r l T l i i T '

On .lamiary 1."> pplii.'a.fn'uil will 1M'^ j inai!i',toJlii'.Cij(Miit'_ Ciitirt -for Jhv JJJI':;" pointincnt nf :t i-iiTainission'i'rs to assess





- Individual flcthod of Instruction.

Special Classes in French and Latin.

poiiitiiieiir nf .\ cnninnssioners to as-u-s:-heuelitM ami awanl flamap1* c«)rin*fte»lwith the npeuin^/uf Diiytmt street iimltTtiie. railway trac^i cast uf the station.

f enlivened shortly to make" Minteili.-posi-1/11THIff tinn nf the iH olirt which an* now- reiM).—l l i y l l l J r |"S hehind t)ie-enipty hnxes and barrels

* , ' t»i -tho store. I-(H.UI nf Shaw's ^'roceiv"j"store. • / . ,

D, A Ifeuhi, President of the Il.'ineLife Insurance Co., of New Yorli. is the

PLAINFIELD LATIN SCHOOL,Plninfield, N.Note these offerings In BANQUET


, a ^ r ^ 1 ^ r ^ r S ^ r i 8 9 5 . Cranford Hall, 1895.-. J7J)(.I,,.nt,.....• .•.•.-..•• S4.69 - '

Eh'K»"l Iiwvy 1'iwt haniiuf't I111111) withbeautiful W inch "ilk simile, vnlui> $1"at.. $6-49j Klciiihgton Flour, libl.

Hnnilsnnif nil cust luinqm-t Iiinip, Hug,-48. :.. ;

heavy onyx column with eh'tfiint 311! l'lllsbury xxxx Hour , libl. /¥l.aO.inch crenim sluiile, value ^13, nt.. $9.95 \\arry |i(j. ~

Heavy cn.Ht tahlu larKC onyx top, value$8.00,' at ••'-• • • * 5 - 9 ! *



Eh'Kiuit heavy cast tal:le. onyx topanil under shelf, value $10. a t . : . . $6.98

Elt'Kiint lialHiuet lamp, lii'iivy onyxcoluinu, fancv brans, 30 ini'll silkshade, reff. value fill, at $9-49

We expect boomintc times in Cur-

tain Dep't. with good reason.

Elegant tapestry cnrtiiiiw, friiiKvi top-ainl-hottoin. viiluo^T.OO, a t . . . $

Heavy Cheuilli' I'ortii'ies. i-li-Kiuit put-1 . - ,„ .„ . ,„„„ , ,torn\*i..">(liiii'l*!l.l«l v a l u e s a t . . . $+95. — | a f . - , /

Nottinu'haiu_t:iirtiiiiis. henutiful l>-it-terns, filll width ami l»iu;tli, value $3.."iiln t . . . . . . \ . . - . : • • • - , • $ ' • « » P r -

Smlu C'nii.'kers, He, Ih. /Ginger Biia]is, ;">tlr forti-'ir.' (-oS'ic, Xiics, flHi for 'Z^-/ ' ~ ' '

• New Cimileil String l!i'aiiK,8c can.Now Cim' Corn,'Uolk'cl Wliiti' Oats, 10it.

KickiiRe. -1 / : 'New... Cniiipbi'll it CII'S Jiiiiw.

(iooils, 2()c Jar; all Klavors. :

(Jomli'iiSL'il Milk,JJc: can.Kuglc Iiranil,/]flit can. ,Corn Starch/ tic. package.Ammonia, ,Jt\. Klc'-l-ic, pottle.

Wesley A. Shaw,

>iMiimrcl:as/-r uf the I acre I'lm-li nn < >rch;inlstreet.yeiently Mililliy «IJI I'artriil^e,"Sir. H,eaM intends to set Twvii t -iLi l rehuilil/tlu* nM house, mi his property.

A/tfame nf .hnttle ]MM»1 be^an in tin*Kcjectic C'luhiii IH1)| was lint finished\i\{ IS!i."t; ten men were r i i ^ w l in it amiprttbahly 10 ntln-rs . hM'ked.nn, of coursethe, contest was held on Motuhiy niu'htwhen the old yenr was watcheil nut intho Club's fine headquarters. James <i.'Moon* \vaH.elected tn . int'inlttTship last

church was well 'filled nn 51. unlay after-noon hy the idtiMreit nf Jhe narish,which includen Hnsi'-ITe and Westtield aswell ast'rimfnrd. A delightful jihi»rn*-Kraph entertainint'iit was j , ' ' V t ' n hyJud^'f Genrp- II. lSruj-e, after whichcandies and «ift.s were lavishly distrib-uted to the little folks.

The many lnmiuiiim, \vli<> we're alarmed Knine weeks a^o hv • the report thatWilliam ' Dahcock's luihy rurria^r hadIH'CII ntoloii niiiy cejiso from worrying-It 1I;IH transnired that the vehicla-wasnot Mtolen, hut was hidden ont of sm'tehy a loinestic- with whnin Mr. lt:ih-ccK'k'H kitcheir^irl has quarrelleil. Tlieproperty was recovered two days nfterthe notices nf its removal were (Mist-

Cranford wiis rejire«tin,tM hy Mr. andMrs. Hubert .!. Usmier at the' bam|iietand recejttion iriveii nn, Friday* hy thenfliciTM ttt" thu White Star liner Alaje-itic to the cinnniandcr (.'uptain l*ai*st,*H.

- Real•lnshWiit beautiful open work-r

..oil border.-«, value $!> U0 nt $"-45/

No Branch Stores.YOi; CAN OKIUKIl. HV -MAIL.

' rS,FLAUT&CO.,I707 to 721 Broad St., Newark./

Walnut. Cor. South Ave.• . . / /



• 8 .


Largest) B«Bt Selected and Most Com-plete Stock ol fancy Qrocerles.

Flour, Feed and Grain,•x Baled Hay, Straw,.

Peat MossAnd Prntt's Horse and

Poultry Food.P. TRAYNOR,

W E S T R I E L.D. N . ' <J.

A. II. SI.MONDS, . t. . . - . nnn.a t

•,'•' • . TO-NIGHT.


{*- A NKillT HP HOI.II> Kl!N. ...>.J



The Star Gazer!Nut a ri'liiKr*'! " ' I"""1 Irwllllnn, lint «vrry.

1 \ ihlnir uiituiUti'.


The feastp

in Avon II;ilt .Toptlie orders or ilruici- were souvenirswire attached in tin1 form of liractl"!-.fnr the ladies ami silver penril* for t h»;


viM-:ilt e r i : i n <'h'uri-h i«n S

tin- I'nsliv a hoiili'. ithvavs in-iin(ilul :mil vepli't,ui l l i thiM^H-i-rii-i's ut" ri'lini'-l la-ili'. 1ml '

, . , . ; , , . . , . . , . , (ujlhiTniinnii ' i l tor Ihe I'lv.-isimi \vitli :

At th),>. t-nchri'. helil in the re-- ||utv. ;ri -aiul pliint.,. Mis . 1! n ,.i•I.CI- fi .Mrs -Allcirlnst iv.vl; the hi^t KlirnTilh runii iheil .Hi" miisi, ' i,, » j ,

Five niinntisv v ' i v S t ^ i t i i t l i

in i'riinf.'i.l.



SURROUNDINOS:l i w w . i j i l i r - t | i r i z , ' . ii l ! i . l u i i i i : n i K I I I W ||,-,. t h i r t y i-ijtht j in i ' i - in r i i i in l i l , . . w.-l l ^v ' " - { 1 . / .-. - t r a i i i i ' i l I I I I I IM' .V W I ' I I I M - V . " l i i 'p l T i l n i '

H . - r W r t M a . C i . i i u i ' l I i s l , , . m , - r . . i - - l h , ' : ' \ " 1 " " " . | I V ' 1 - l ' i ; > - " i • « ' . " , - : M i , , , . , • 1 " . , ' T l " f " " il i . . l i , | n y ^ 1 , : i . i - i s . ' i i t r r t a m i i i s ' t w . i . , - u l U w . ; V T " ' " I - ' i V " 1 ' \ " v ' w J l l l l i ' r . ! " . " " « • ' l " « " " " t • "•c h u i i i s . W i n . K i . l . r a m i r i i a r l i - s ( i l l , - } s l | - " " - " ' -M..iit.-I.iir. H..«-i.» l ' l i i m i n e i ' .^ , - i / - - " ' r i . n i ' i i i - i ' l i i ' i u l l e . .M'lniii. I . i i t i ' l l . N . H i , .

T : , . - , , l . i l l . l l . l l h i u c h i ' l i a i l i v r . I-Vmnie C i a i i . -,( ' In r t i i \ v i ^ i i i . - i i i K , ' i i v . i n M i - . - i i - l i . wliiiM- C r a r i ' C i a i i " . l ' n : i K i i i ' i l r i c l i - . l i l a ' T i l l n -

I I I M I K - S n h i l i t y i s i . r - t h i ' A i . X . X X X l i r a . - , ' r . e i l h . n l . r i . i i r . ' l : i , , i l ; ! iui i t M . - M - - : 'n / i h - r . h a - iii-i-4'jiteil a | i . i r l n i - r s h i j i i n t in- Al i r . - . l Id lue . - i i i i i l i-. l . : i \ v n - i n " l'Mi...H i m n f L i n i n g I.a.iii '. .Mr. ,Mi> -ii-k w i l l I I I I M I . I ' , l i n y I ' n w e l l ( I , - , . A inh - i ..,,„iii i ivi- 1 tit.» -Mrs . l l e m m t t ' s L 'u i , . i i n v e i i i n - ( ; , - , , r ^ ' l i n t . - s , . l a n i i v M i l l e r l' 'ri',i l i l a l i e '

- •h in iMK. iU ' i -h . . 1 , . . . . _ ; . ! . ( ' ] : i r . ' i in ' . I M c J f . ' r . i ) la .r . I ' . ^ i a i ; . I

A n i i i . j . - ' . - t , l i ' , s , ,n j u j i l i y s i t s w h i i - h . t h " ' ! ' . i r t - " " r s - l l l i i l , K i ' M ' i i c r i i n t z " a m i . . l u l u ,j a h i l . i i - , . 1 • i l l . . C a - i i n n v i l i r t ' l i l i - n i l - r t i l l ^ ' J - . i , , . , . ,l h i ' . . ' i i . l . i f hi.-; . l a y s w a s iy.- l i ' t i i . L e m - :X'•""•'!• " " . ' ! " ' " > ' . ' " - 1 " " "

I i ) ' -U , ! - , . r l i . . . » l ,-,ii i l , . n i iv , i t< i n - . i i l . l i

m u l I h " I ' l - i inl ' i inl C i i i i n i r y C h i l i .

Al)VANTA(iHS:- ,1 'n ie


1 l l l inlMt. l

s i l i ' | i l y . K i

•.; I'll-" i i r o t r - i - l i m ^ . - •

air , iin-.iu^i:i^with' aveuii-

aliilli'laol win

^ -I Inly MII-II as aril H"I'V«-;.-IM'|O limin-lain tlie i-liinii-ti-i•'nf tlie "Yii'fiiri)ii. 'ishlvih.i..,l.

-e*.. ii'lvaii-•asy teniia

Moui'v for tMiihliiif,' pnrj"i V l l t o p i l l ' i ' l l i ' i M - l ' s o f I , , | s .

"t* re payment imnle.



1r i l i n g t ' i > i z i ' i t m lI t i t l i - K I ' V I I I .

A hcautilulK- illustrated hook, descriptiveiiellaM.^niiriliiv. Thelirc.'iii-ihekiti-h- f"11''-'1,'"'1' '' ,' " ' ' - ' " l ' " " " s l " ' - " ' " ! , V 1) - , . - I. A I ' ' I . .1 ' - c • ' '. - . K r a i w h : , , ! a- . , ; , . . , , , (V . . , , , , ,« . ' .hvsi , , . r , , ,v . •«••:!.•'.• i iayi . , K , ' . i , , t i , ; , i t , , t „ ...Mi,,;(it Ko.osi.'\-clt Alai ioiv a n d o t h e r informat ion•Jlllrtmi--.-l!V.1ri.'!ir.../Ih.v\«Ue[W^ w»"i- - . . • ' ' " "

!:iv.:.!'i!:^.^rvS™l;iIL,s'-'^•Kt-irtetl- ' i t i l ' .* i i i . 1 - w. - i i t i l . n v n «t lit-ri Hie l " t n t . -Mch nf t l i e quests. T h e tiHl-* i : ! " ' * • •

^ h - ' J h ! ; ; . ; . . ; ' ' ! ; ^r in ' ; ,^!,:;:^ - ••»•' frn.-;!...-..t» ^ ^ ^ ,.,.. a p p l y m s r t o-slloo'ctl,,. h.-ihlinu-. in- n,,,, | | , , . , . , , , . s i , , »'•»! r.lMl.ll..,W '_.-..lllil l l i - snM Til,,-.,'-en from

.iin liownstair.- w.-re slinki-^su. Tlie jmiitor ran In

h r f

im-si-nt w in - : Misii'S.l!e-!.ii">WllllllII , ,- i , ' Milh'jr, l-lii. Misiri l . i t tell . Dpi,.KilKcciiliihi'.'' Miiml iliiiiiian. Ct-iir, 'liunkimllt. I'na.Ki'i'iliTii'lis. I.mii-i' \ViIMm. ( i r . i ie Liill'.inl. Illiinche ( iullierIiil7.ii-ll.-llisen. Messrs ,1a s Millerlie,,, lillti-w. .Inllll Nix. ri i ' ,1 Dhlkn. l ie, ,

1 AiiihtfNiii. (Mat1 IVsinc, Ciiiil.hvi.'lir.'irk,'Sam K'l.-iM'. Chirei ll.-li-kei-.'ivn,-,'

1 U.iv I'nwell. Will,,M I.y.m-i• • ;.-m,l . \ i t l i i i r Hi'Kart; nf Kliz.-ilii'th. Mur-

Rusincss Notes . ; ivll H,r^. ,,f l-:aM I Iraiijic. Salan l;,m,nnew «r.«-crv .Unre in Ciaiifiinl ' ' : " " ' ! ? • Irviiijt" llniisen. .,f .New V.irk.

>I;iiRie.«itin- liit.-lieii an,) finiiiil the rra, ':i ,elits nfthe >t. ,v, 'all nvi-r tlii- nmm. ami thet-nals lila/.in^ ;iway mi the ! !" , l \ Wil l ii-ulllllli-llilalile HreseiH-t' nf lllilul. Ijt'in.iii-l put nut the lire. The i l ann ip 'aiimuiiti-.l t,i Slllll. A new rantfe wassu!iset|ut nt ly pui in.



Frank T. Lent ArchitectlUA'UO lllN.IIINUj

Hull i-uli • t he iiaif,!s,m,.-M iu ITuini, 1-1;!;,1 '"'.'""I1-••unity In i> .iiit i,r IiK'ati'in ami ,-lpK-aranee. it is all that can 1M- ili-sireil.

UriM-ers Shaw are tolM.'' 'eiftniiiPTuleil fnrt h e i r .

The Casinowas another

.. CRANFORD, : : : : , ; : NEW JERSEY.if'tl'i.' ni'iny 'a'l'r'i'{rs"tnat Kntlrp AttcMitiun (liven to Suburban Work in this Vicinity.' "' '•' ONI; IllINrtRI-I) KlIII.DISCS INK'IIII worhl • The w,.nie!l wh

l i i l lY I ; A U S !

, , • • > i ' - , : a i i iy i ' i - ,1 it wni i l . l a i t r a e t fuvnnilil. .Mit- iu, h , , i in - I I , - w, . . in, , | , i i-ii.i, I I , , , ! , , . . ii,,. s i l l M , ( | i r , i HI,,, k , !„ . i,, , , , . . . , , , , i • ,.' , „ , .. , . . - , . ,A t . n l i i i < r . t a l i r l i i . n r i n t h - . l ay . f ' r u i i - t e n l i , , n a m - w h e r e in r . - ip ,v t nf . , - r aee . 1 'Nnc. I- \ A . T , w . . n . . i . M. i-. M ,,-,u ,,,,,| , , . . , ' ,r '-,,f ..'i .,1 u v , IH.I , Jl ,',, ^ 1 ' / . ^ - ' ,

fnr.1 l»i l l l l . - llir.y. ]»._ fnlllni- i l l . W . l e h heall t . l a n i l llre>s, whil, ' . „ „ - , , ,yelv....v ! -• — ' i l ' p j ! ; ; , ^ ; . ^ ' ^ - ^ I...),. .VJ..' 11,..,. !•• •>" Urti l.Tt^ .' -y

i t . I I ' i t . ^ _ _ » ! * . _ . . » . . 1 ft . . _ i \ " • . . T ^ . _ . _ . . ' • U, lit tllllliTII. . - 1 . ~ r .tii'ltl l l u r tnwn>piii]ili' liave learn.'il. Aiii.'iiK-t'lie ihiurers wen- tlii--fnlliAvifii.that this'(•iiti-rprii'iiiK lin'•• i s i-iinstantlv Mr ami .Mix S. ,-W. Sharp Mr amin-<eiviii;;.-i.ii.sif;mneiits ..I K,.,,ls.-alcnf- .Mrs 1(." V. llM.w.n,"Mi-. ami Mm. ( i . \V.x ^ ^ r n . S f i a n l Mrs. (atnl tnaihirn ami he;iutily .tin- hi'TiTe..1 Xix. .Mr ainl Mrs. llrewer'.Mr.U i f V t f \ l > V : l ' ¥ j r ' ' f ' T!' f i ) I J t f f 5 r i i f ' V f t

lni.\.-,l paints anil i-verythiiiK in tlmt liiie."Ma,l,l,'.n. -'.Mr. ami MrsliaililiM- ran I

' Xlrji.'

SiiunJ .Sciisc In Siihurliati Arclillrclurc." , , „ ,» It'll t l l i i - ' . lu l i - l i - , , - - s l u n r , ' , , ' K l u l l , ' , ! I ' l i i n i i i . ' U i l i i t l m i u l ll i i v i i l i i i i i . l n :,i A I I : : M : H i l . i i r i n i : f,,,- m i y , , , , , . l , u , . , i , | | i , k . , „ i , , , u , | ,.,.' -A l l . l ' , , - t I ' . l i . l tfi.iUIV , l , | , | M - > .

) |i!iu-.-- hit* n u t, .^ ,,,,,1 H , ri', mul lail, i,l]>. I'Hiec.osii DO™

tast1'. ai '\veMi.-.ii".".. "TIU. l,',',,ai'ity'".';f M.' liiil-Mi'-I'sir mV-i'Mi^ft"'^^-^^ j B l a n k e t s , R o b e s , W h i p s & H o r s e G o o d s .th.'-ir work is always satisfai'ti.rv. Mr. an.l Mrs. .l.'.l Kl.^e Mi- ami Mrs I • " • ' Y "•»*>»»•


- II. L. Fink, nf Westlielil. iuv i t i s th i('aiuf.inl pulilii.* tn iu>pri-t hi-harness, hlalikets anil mlies.


(' L. Al.ry. Mr.Kins.-. Mr '.-iiiil .Mrs.Mr. IIIMI Mrs. V. (I. T.-ivl.,!-. Mr, ami ]

i Mrs I! II11. I.awreme

I i - i r i i e s s l i l - m k i ' t s - i i i t l T M I M ' S T i i i , l - i i , " " .-, , .- ' . • . , , , , , i , i , , i , , , i i . ,11111 :

,l,,,,tci^tanvthin«. ami piirclias.-, are' ).'1:1- ^ ' »"l\">\- " r , : " " ' ""• * *[>? ,«llanmt,,,li;.:;ivesati,lae!i,,l,: s " ' , \ l ' ',',' I '•" *'""'?, H'"^'1\^-<

• » mi,I .Mrs It .1. (iaini-i-, Mrs. ('. , \ . Mar-11 T * * ' ' N. Y.. Mrs: IIIuu '

A in.-rry par ty iiather,-,l a t Ilainptmi ilell, Mrs. .lewelt Miss Kii-hanls. J l iw,Hall nil the Iirst cvellili^ nf !..V.tu- enjny ; WnltT. nf Iialliinme, ,Misi (llai-e Valen IMr. Farrens 'enter tai i i im-nt in -ninuir . ! tine, the Mikes Kichter* nf llrimklvii'iHis sl.iuht nf lmiiil trii-ks wi-re espi-eial -. Mi^s Cr.-iiie. Miss Park. Miss Alirv. -Miss1

ly enjnyalile. The s|M(-ial feature 1,1 the ; Tlminpsii),. Mist l-'IniVme I 'urieli . Mi.s :

evening " 'as the nianiiliir^iie rmt nf : Chirk. Mi-s cliailwiek. nf Ah'turhi'ii Iairy 111 itliiii^'nf (•emian Favers whieh j Mis> Walniai.-in, 'Mis:h e ' .listrilinl.'.l lilM-ially aui.,111; h i s : Tr,i', .Miss ' Hi,l.iiisnn,guests ami the yiunm r,,ll:s weri ' i lrl i i ;hl : , (i,.,,.. W. Littell, S Cnlenian. S._Alislin. I•il with themselves as they ap|K'aieil j I,. Mail.len. Mr. ( 'lane. F. W . l ' a r k . IS. jIrisse.)[hi the eapse te Tlif eiitertaiii : [ Austin,.,!, A. Ililmni, F. ('. II. l'ii|j.., !"

m.-iit was hy refn-sliiueiils aiVtl 1 .Mr. VniiCli-i'f.^J. ,i; Jfarliitii-O~ "AI <i' jilancinn'.' Anmii!; the ^-iiest-.. w . ' r r - s i -v 'Kly . !•'• H. I'ieiMin. Mr.. (.'riiift': It. T. Ieral frnni New Ynrk Ilrimklyn anil | .Mclliisly. W. N. I'arljtt. Allen Siiiith. .1. IMiintilairanil they .-ljir•*" th.-ui^-lves | c. 'IViyli'ir.-Slr U a x l e r ^ W , Ahrv, ,lr:, Imnre tiiiiil .leliijhteil with the I'veuiiiK's | W.'.I. Watir.inan, \V. .1. Dauina'nn. ,1

Miiimz. Miss!Miss-V.mrliis. I


Tlie Trolli-y Illdrr* In ISustou.A story, 1M>KU.S cm tliefaciMtf it, liast'ii KO1I1K tl**J II(;W?|>:|K r rouinln tell

W , .A." Mellriile. (ieo.J'leliinii, Frank-loiies,(' <;_. Voorhees. W. It.tKiiliiiiKiiii, W.II.T!ioin| ainl II A. llerhert

r rouinln tell-til aCa TKIXITV-SLXDAY SCHOOL!been (501'liBiug.hnw n woman Icar and asked thu cuniluctor uri his re-tnrn trip In "pleas.i fit.-p iuto M r Gaf-.fc-y'n tlruf; hloro uail tell hiti tit'KO next [door ami nsk thu woman there to gn! The l.'iiover to my houfe anil HW if I put out j illicit wermy oil slove. " This is popiiycnck, hul , nJK'ht hy tin' <'In i-tinas ea similar inciilent of which I am snru ! t-'ivi'" ' " ""• ' ." 1'S th'1 "Ulcers ami tench-

oceurre.1 in a lirnokliiie. car recently. ! ' ' ^ \ ' ! f ^ f { ' " ^ r iS " | , w r ^ ^ i | " , j , . | U . 1,"'

Christmas Hntertnlnmcnt 'Tn the Op-. era House. ' ;

nf Kei'liir Ivlp'eiimliesiilc happy on Satuiihiy

W:LS a>kin^ tin- rondin-tor to *'^o intutho car stal.h* wlieii 'ymi wt back andtelephone up to my luuuiinat)) to Inuli


fiii-1 tlmt l,irlh,|ay anuiv.-rsariiyi l i v i i t IH4-II a n d w i n i i f i i a r t ' i | i »

of t'r-tivaK in all J;itnls. In End H I i i i



REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES.Jobbing Promptly-Attended to.

DAVID B: LENT,, K a t h ' i i l l i i l l d l n x , C r a i l f i i r J , 1 N . J . .. '••-

REAL * ESTATE * INSURANCE \ LOANS,A^'ctit fur tin- Home Kin- liisiinmc4^^im|>afiy,-oL,N'iiiv?—Ynrk, Pliiniiis-

•Assurance ('iiiii|iiiiiv, Nnrllieni A-^-II'I]iuji»;j*.'<jtiij">ii'ii\. (.'aleiliiiii:,n

iiisuraiice anil .'I'll!.1. T. S. .Mu.hiarAi:iiiileiit .\--uiiiit inn'. , .

MOUJC< Pur Sale and Tu l.ct anil the Cjiukcit llulljlnn Lull In I n n •• tlatliim I ' rk t .

"VVillimn CjJil>s«c>iif'« S o n s .PLAIN .AND

i u l i i y o t l i r i T l n t l H S m u l l i n d T>.c,:nt^ tu ' «lny uf t in- rrinii'inn

]>ay .you f«»r i u y fan*Ltuki1."—li'i^toi


A ijuiiicc is al

trip, as I 'm ; wa\s ri-l<-lirati-«1, just a- iI , * . . . . . « ' : 1 :-- . . ..-.. | , i , t |

: th" most worljili'b.-i

j (••hr'ist.M1 hiltl i i la;

tile j'Hi-





life*-* *>n " I i i ' l i a " n t , till- I ' l i i o i i Clmpt- I j n u t glit ( IIII'WIMKI,- lll'St SlimljlV Jlft'TI in. ut { ta-t** tliat rHiiiin'N you $.f an "M maiil'H

M-wn^^iiri* tli<* i-liihlivn. were wiiitiiiic^' I ;! '?'? Vl-1-1 * '•

kiss. It is simply a .-u..-;:esiii;ii.—Atehison (iloho

t:l."». aftrr tlic'r-V'ssion " n f " t V ." HiH'Srluml. A p i i ^n i i invitatimi i^ t'xf •inl-eil to all tn be |>n>st'iit. Mr. HnMiks i-iiiM'Xt**i.MVt' travcliT iiml ;i np<alc»T nf

lit* has hpi'iit nuii-h. tiim* in Itulia, atnlh.K luldrcss will 1M*-nn his personal i'.\-jii'rij'ni'i's. It is not often that MH-II 1111intiTcstitij; mul iitHtructivc lt>«-turtr i-*IiMiml —li»jn»j—nii4—the— itninMHH»'iH»*ntrihmil'l s'-curo him a l a r p ' aitdi^nc*-.

Tin- HltatiiiK oii thf» river wan m-v»rfiner than it hits hwn ilnriiitf tl» i pa-tfew ilnyn, and it i* tit U- Impeil that tlii-i'old weiitlier nf tli** mirt we urt* now enjfiyinK will rniititiiit!. Humlreils wi-n*cm* th*' if ' ycHtenltiy'aiul Imr nne s"-rintismlsh'iiii iM-i'iirrtHl. KnU-rt F.,ami m>ter while KI'IIUIK ultmt: nni1»*r.Tniiies *4. Moore'rt liliilf'"' t-kntnl into MIL hnU^irjs IHIH hcrr- " '•>'air ho le mid liotli wiis d r e n c h e d to tlie I -,f <j"uf«-r m a l ; ' - .«h'iiilderH. Fo r tunAt f ly t h e y wt-re in-;ir | He.iil I'lljitit1 tan N Im gn-,huine and no ill consequences 1

hlv./iii'Sj»ita; tliiit inoiiM-nl tin* K'>o<l

a r l i i i n n i - v uti l l

nml- just iitftf7.1faint di'iippi-il j


Stained Glass Works. ^

?gl \Vijic?.o\vH

• Opalescent

13th CenturyAirtiqtie - -

*"-'" Glass.

It." tiiiieaml '"no'i.'v il'' rtnllinKly nin"' I '•'''••» V."1"..1"1^ ll0"1""c1 '" ' , i M f '""' ~~' ' : " ' ' ' " ^

&!^rZZ7&X^^££ffilBnm-mE STORE OF -WESTFIELO!p i

K - 111.' Sm z-1-aiiaL.i.—With tliu-ilei-trii: light the j.nirie y is aci.(im|ilisli.jed in i-i^'ht niinnti > nmler 20 hnnrs.Without tlirliulit :;i hours ami '1 min-utis is Uti* time rei|uirttl.—

In III. 1 1 "AtK'll'lant — I'T'.f, -

nlnrnli>t, h:n (!<•' !-'»••4 llll'M MT I

I'ithon, thot. V toliiuht.l,y all unrla

gn-.itly terri-

vet biTii .•sperU'm'.iil bytheiii. A'"ire f"^ N „„ „„,„ „„„,,leiw lmy Htruek Mm. A. K MIHMMHUI . , . . . , , , , , , , "the hea.1 with a Hliiimy »tick,- hut the " " r t l - w i t h a I i W ' " t / " " . l u ° " , h 1 " f a ,0"-blow <liil little injury. olas»ifs:iiK them.-Loiulnn XtileKraph.

Kllitll .lolles. The IlilllIlK, ton. were ri'Kiileil with line i-aniliis hy Santa I'laus

I Crbpl II. »r. No Malliv,LoiiK anil intimately in 1 hnvu known

him, in ami out ilf onh-e, Ihavn neverlnaril him H|i.-ak olio v|ii|eful nr mall,rinim wonl of any man, ami nil niattiir.what may huvo IM-CII IliM IHTMIIIIII ruin-tlijim with in™, if thtlr viinvs on uuli-lio uiattiTK iiKrco, cO'iiiH-raliiiil l» Per.tnin. Tho ranrur ami itumouulity whidifunn HO (UhcnuriiKiiiK nnelrmi'iitlultal-Inn p<)litlrii linvil lio plncn (n Onntarc.r-W. J. Ntlllmuu Iu Uwitury.

Ladies and Cents


Travelling Bags & Trunks.

0 Broad StreetWestfield.

Page 2: A FREE NEW YEAR'S PRESENT - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 2. · VOL. 2. No. 6 . -CRANfORD, UNION COUNTY, N.J., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, /Whole No. 58. A FREE NEW YEAR'S PRESENT AT Ssii I



The .Cranford ChronicleCHANTOBD, H. J. -i"T,



Editor and Proprietor.

TERMS:Sfrlctly Cash In Advance.-

BIX MONTHS........ . . . . J I M "




SIM Chronicle may !»• Fniiml 'on Salaafdrd at Ttiomlnn** Him.* FumMi

Goods filar*, anil at fbr I' Nru« w

SoDlCtllillK ought to lie doneto prevent tlio <lrij'piri^r «>f nu-Iti-LBHOW from the t a w - ami a w n i n g ' i ftho Opera I lmio 'an . l Miller l.loek,.,

, T h o water on .striking the jKiyemi'iilfreezes apiii i . making -the stntie.-

]>ory iinil'ilaiijif'riiiis. ' ll is.


11 Embr.™. » Million .VobK-roen uiq'• Prta !•«•»• Wbo Ara Shopgirl*. "

Russia possesses 050,000 nobles Wlth-ont conntlag 300,000 wliaso titles nronot hereditary. Among tho Ruaslan no-bility thero aro many of foreign origin.,Tlio Rusnian itoclal coda recognizes fourcategories or cstatcR '(^oslovia)—-that into Bay, nobles, priests, town dwcllcmand peasant". Tho character of theiremployment dlBtinguishos theso classesfrom duo another. Each is dependenton tho czar for all its privileges, nndtho emperor has altsoluto power tochange, tlio condition of IrV subjectsfrom a high t on low cKtate. Kimn oftheso classed possesses either a historic-al, a political or a social individuality.

.Tho Russian aristocracy is deprivedof political importance, and jt-ciilno'tloast of such chivalrous qualifies as ilis-.tinguished tho French nobles.' Fur thepTesent it lacks suftlcicnt good senso oreducation to playany part, in puliliclifi!.vlRuft<lan aristocrats all deslru tn'lie

J considered as direct .de.iccudiuits of thoijoyat's, niorely liecauso it Is pleasant toho such, and thus getjQyasitjoiiof m.-_

•cl!U~Hipfriorfryf"Th(iIrniiiiiitioii'(<oi«'i!P-higlierv. The. Jiuyars, liko the feii.tSfwestern landowners, nrothedescendantsof tlie^imu who' of old composed thoRussian jirilV-e's army. Tho members<<t tho'Rus.-ian aristocracy hiivo inB l p i y ^

OTcr, unMli'.Wmt ttlilOHfrh if .-liowcr inand einer"i' from the


to ii:i--^part-*refaiiioi! (heir places at court, so" i that there i-an lie vencountered mo<t of

;Jho old hiwtorionauies.. Children of bothxes inherit the titles of their parents.Tho lin^iun aristocracy is distin^'Uish-

'.'. UTTF.1,1. SHU. .s7/./-:.VT- I ,.,i |,y'overweening iirido and ImiiKliti-

A deep 'I.nli'i|iill fo^' ll]>lie:l'.-i .^t"h a v e sett led d o w n iili the •;ciitli>iiieiii n c h a r g e " f .1 !»••; • <Jr.i?)f• • r<j. .!•'•.« c>.-T l i e |in.j>iTty "Wii'-rs . b a i c d m | e t l . r i rp a r t liy iititliori/iii^' I!•»• w o r k ; tin-e n g i n e e r li;i- ' ' . i n u e . ' l m p a nby m a r k i n g .mi l tlie route .a m i - -ilruwirie; .uj» - the

' firulimisl " ' i ' l ie"~c"iilraeto'rs haveilone the i r p a r l l i v eoniphii i f ; witht h e ciiii.litioii-i' s t ipu la ted- l.y" t h er n p i i i ' i T . Vet til,- M-W.T exis ts o n h .«m jiajier imil in t lnv linjici ' of il>fi i tnr . ' . i ienel ie iar ies . ,._»• . • -.-'

' W h a t is t h e mattecV i l Jhe - 'Hues-.. ti<m • i-\>ry.tV.dv is n.-kinj.'; AVliy

docs 'lit (ii-iir^e W . I.tttcll j imcnr .t h e ri^'lil of way »< he was cnl|iliiVc<l

X,'," ' perfWm" the _w..i'k'™l\Vli\iloes'nt_ tin' Town'"Ciiniinittt'i- callf o r a report fr-um Mr. l.iltrll, i-othat the status of the cnterpri-eln'av lie jmhlii'lv known? The~|ieiijile nf ('r.mfoiil . want the sewerbuill :i> .-[Hiililv'.-i-' |i..-i-ilile. not inthe jml"iinito allieit "SHII'I live ami

ness,* aud Tit' thn sahio timo there is of-ten nin'ted to tins, in a bizarre cuntra^t,''a^-i.Ttain nioliliishnehs. Access to thiicircles' of hij,'li Hiciety"is very' dilTieiilt.It is only possible to peiietrale.lTi't'itlleniif.well born and well connected.- TheRussians rarely abandon their titles, be-ing too proud of them to quit them eas-

-sin'i-f- ! ilv. A marriage between a jioor ^('• and a rit-Ti stranger, or>viee, versa,'•is considered m tjiis eountry'as a shame-ful mcsaMiallcr, and tho couple wouidnot IKI the aristocratic salonsof the capital. Tiilstoi, imwell as Prineo^laseliersky, directiir of Jh« newspaper(irajdaiiiue, haa given in hisnuvel very,exaefc-aud Kiajihle descriptions of. Rus-sian high life. lluVwitli ali their innlitoprido thif Russian great folk hav

jiF.rt'i. fTit: n.ixi'iSn ri,.\ss• Olll- at'i'Htioll'lias lu-ell called 1'V

Oiiirinteie'steiiriirTIie I raiifuTH juii.i--lie H'hool to the fact that' the (lisei|-

lilij- am1 heiiclits nf the ihsutution nf

prido thif Russian great folk have neverlooked upon work ns degrading. Thus,if nei-il IMI, they wjll adopt with easo

any jiubl io charges. There is at St. 1'u-Tersburg a pHneuwho serves in tho cus-tom liousc.andi.mnuy nobles and titledmen In'come professors, sehoolniastefs,even actors, in a pastry cook shop at.Moscow some priuci'ssi's of high blijodHTVII liehiiid the niuntef. Others willbi-cunio goveniissrs, eoniiinnfoiis, lumse-kcejHTS, tele^rajih clerks—in fact, willadopt any cluployineu^.that may turnup.—Leisure Hour. 'j. .


I . the.a f t e l l l i

i/H-iimmi ami

,^^.,---. ...,'.!!.1L.." ' louslv inijiairi (I. I

i h i n c i i i ^ ' l ^ s is licld.ii"at :!:.'!(i nVIiiek in the

tho pnlilie si.'liuiil.Ill (irdef tn he jnilirtual at the

Casino, the'yniinjr M k s have liecii" neeustiiuii'il t. . a-k to lie e \ •ii.-eii

from si-lion! Mitue time hi-fiire theiiregular hour f'tr d.i-mi'-al arrives.

., 'Uliat this |inu-tii" interfere.- withthe wink i.f I'liife-sor Clement amihis a-si>'-i-ite.s is nliviiiiis.liiorciiyei', unfair t'i tinremain the full time,leave early a r c of • -our-liaiu|M-ivil in their edmgress.

. I t woiilil lie easy t.i avert all thi-tronl'le. and the ivmedv-•lie< withJ'rorc.-s.n- Walsh. All ilia' is no,-es, to make ...the. Jionrat.wliieJIlls class as-emhlcs four,Ktead of half past t l i rec

- "Yes, (lear," i-aid Airs, (ioodhartnsi-lic- haudi'il her liusliitnd his caji of euf-feu ae^-uss Iho.breakfast table, "IrejU-izethat wo himply must ecoiionii/e, andI'ui willing to do my part, l'vethonght

tlT.'^.-ikJtTilriieJkj tifjjui»Avay-ori«vT.iiiiTi'ii/i7rK';ftlriradyri-*—=^.feWor WalsliV j "How is thaty"'iisl;ed .Mr. (iooilhart.

"Well, I'll tell you. l'havo a goodsewing' macliino anil plenty of time,.Wl'l JX.y <JAL'i|X.lrcleci-tiie cli^Jr I-'41 viit-liltiVlual;o you that new Jiair of trousers you.want niy ownsi-lf and (*a\t—wliy,-"HeTir

ry (Joodhart, what is tho matter withyou)' .Mercy! Tho mall Is going into a



mateiinlhtional |ii'u

lit. Here, .Linii, bring some waterl (iofor til" doetrfr, somebody"! Ilelp mo to

: support him and keep him from falling1 out of his chair. What can thn'imittcr'lie? It looks liiionpopluxy. . Tin re! He; breathes easier and lias opened his eyes.; Now, Henry, dear, what is it?"

"Nolliing. my dear, nothing, ouly_a_; sudden f.;intness. I'll get over it in afew minutes, and 1—I—was just jul;-iug when 1 said that we bad to begineconomizing somewhere, only joIOng.

. my dear. "—Detroit I'rco i'ress.

• Iiiuilli <-»'• l'inll«r«Trrril Tumi).| Iloadicca's touih still remains undis--rovrTcil; - 'Mr-ltcatl df fhe'Itiiiis1i"iuir-"

•'clock ill- I scum • has had the trench dug severalj fit t beyond the center of the tumulus! on Parliament hill without having foundI anything tothiiw for whom that partio-j ular burying mound was raised, Ko farItbo net result of "the comity council's.

. • . J quest'lias been II leaden musket ball andniiiioniii-in^ the e.Malili.shineiit . in Himo rhj|is of chiua, but both of -tlieso.

.\ XK">\"<it.i.\n>iu< Fxrt:itri;i

Tin- CIIKH.MI ii: (ake-i plcasiin

gt'nlnfonl of a ne

-one- which we beli

enterprise,e will lie i



t'litial in promoting the lu'st interestsof the town. This nonsnapcr whichfor u year past lias heeii |irintod forthe publisher by the Standard I'uh-

. ,lishiii^ Ciittt'erii will, within a fort-night at most, he struck oil fromit» own pros-. Already the niachin-L'rv has arrived.ami the plant will hejint in working order witli. the ut-most pos-sibli- ile-pateli. Thet'liitoMi ii: lias pnrehased mi out-

.'-..fitiwhicli it 'fiehi've.- is ade<iil»te to' tlieneeessities oflhe town su far as

thc: htisiness of printing is concern*cJ. It has jmH'inviI- a newspaperpress and a joli press, which are

_ j;uuranttvd bv tlies-lhTs ti;.i(o,salis-' fii('(<irv'wiirk. ' If'has laid in body

and displaytyiK' siillirient to dn neatand attrnotiu1 circulars. juHters.jiro-prains.. bill, letter and unto heads.biiniiie--- cards anil cverv variety of

ahly-oe i'\pee|«-d in a \ill.iLrc printingolliee. .. '

The plant'is i nn\.-nieiitly located.bein^ in'the' store on the oniint;road recently'\acatcd by riiimlier<(JoodlilTe, .\" llollineieiv Craufi.i'd

' business nlen and all other- de.-iiiiii;printing dotii' arc ii(\itcd to obtainestimates on their uork" at theCliAMiiKH (Illiovli |l: nlliic. Itis our ambition In hnild ujifH^priiit-in/j hiisine.M in tlie ]»apcr lias bunbuilt up, by git ing' JI substantialbenefit as :t return for the patimiageit reeeivi-s.

paro moilrrn jetsam.

tlniin;!!, I

Th re are iudica-

ground was disturbed about a c.euturya " ~ - ;For thn rest tho wiil remains ivs ita4 in' tho beginning, heaped -up, as

thero is no doubt waM tho cast1, for thepurpose of interring soimi distinguishedpersonage. It in not ' uncommon, itseems, even in undisturbed "barrowe,"to draw a lilauk. fnr tho rain and thoslow processes of llntuni coinplctel}* de-stroy all vestiges of huninii ri'iiuiiim-thatmay have been buried in thom.—Lon-don Telegraph.

; A <'..!.I Urall.rr Vrll.— A cold weather veil that is. a goodsubstitute for the Iliuisy illusion is ono.of tho llnest cobweb crape.. t h i s mate-rial comes in various .light "hiitle^" f,'vWHrtg' i(n'd'''is~Yiincn'Ynonr'iii'eomingthan net or tulle. These veils may bowashed, if the thrifty wearer desire, in "a light ssjds, made of char' water aud alittlu castil" eiuip.- Don't" rub the deli-rate stuff, hutViiu

pf whito mu.cilage havo lieoii- nthled.Dry can fully pinned down on a i

Krrplnt !•»<•<. ftllli Ilic NrrTlrr. '___- 1'atiwti-1 angrily)—UrihK'~iiuf '-'TiTiinolunch. - --

Restaurant Waiter—l|ut you'vo al*ready ordered a breakfast, sirl

I'atreu—Yes, but it was breakfastlimn then.—Chicago Record.

The baltlii of the,Moat wan n conflictI'cfi'n* Medina lietween Mohammed andAba Siitian. It wan no catTed becaupoaiost of tho lighting was do:io in tliomoat thnt Mohniumcd hud dag to pro-k>ct the city from tbo boilegcr*.


Flnt Hi* IIOHJI. ot m XlamlBt Quaker andThen of • lattery Klus. •

On a tongue of wooded land formedby ib'o '31cbo and UoIiUiboroUBh creeksfo^albot comity ther'u is a honsu witha roWntio story. When, in l(i01. Wen-lock tliristisou, tho Quaker, wan heizedby a Puritan mob headed by thu Rev.yeabom Cotton, tried' und condemnedby Uuvcrnor Kndicott to dio, pardonedby the king and let off with a floggingat tho cart'p tall on tho highway, hofound sanctuary In-Maryland, wheroLord Baltimore granted him usylum onthu tongno of land that cools itself intho plcAsaut,waters of St. Michael'sriver—Miles tliuy call it now. Here tboindomitable Quaker abodn ami prosper-ed, wearing hishat in tho presence ofgovernors aiid magistrates and teHtify-ing fot.''the. truth and tho light"-with-out fe.ur of clubs or .cart-tails. Thosoeasy going eiistcrn sjiorenien actuallymade him a burgess, and ho nnd his d cKcendants long dwelt inpeaco in tho oldbrick lnanor-lionso^of'-whichi a frag-ment still survives.

In-tiiuo by lapse.- of-heirs -tho placeill to tiir possiHsion of Ricliard Krauce,

Ih6 faiiious "lottery king" of Maryland;who ImilMlio tlirreted villa there uiidadorncd'llm ground with fountain's and:.winding walks, eon.servatories and gar-den gods, to .the elluiiiv(i.w6h(ltT-andudmiratiou.of .thu jiatives. But Mary-land, taking up Scruples, net her facengainst lottui les, and Francu-'for a tiiuvcoquctteiKWith Delaware until Dela*wart.^ili liko infiiiiicr 'tumed1 |u"u<Usli,and tho -last wu .bear of tho "lotteryking",is that hu ifad died in n (lebloi-'sprison. •

...'. Thcu.tliu.gmdcu .gixU...f!;H...eii thdrfaces, and thoriis. sprang'ip and chokedthem, anil all wiisjlesolation ami respect-ability. A;;a!n tho"villa waited not invain, for 'imii .day tifo windows wereiipeneil, e,xposiiig_iin_tliii. ghastly (japsin tbeir p;mes, and a Strange man, un-tidy ami shock headed, pottered about,in tho weijdy, seeiiy garden, a griln andrlmrlisli 'recluse. Uiit negro curiosity,<iiico sharply piqued, is persistent audpenetrating, and forthwith Kthiopin be-gan to.gos.sip"about tho,' strange, man;how that ho was ic blaeksinith. fromConnecticut nnd-an oraclo 'in lueiiTpolitical circles, -d'no to whom "l!ig Six"was a spell tq coiijuro with. And pren-

'cully the-.disheveled interloper wasjoined,by a bearded aud venerable com-panion, with a head like a pear, whelurked uiid wailed behind tho closegates and thosclccn of shrubbery. Then'a furtive yacht at night in St. .Michael Vriver took tho huimleil mystery iihuaiiland wns olT to tlai bay and tho sea, andthu police, who went polling about, ihelilucu-n day or twirlater, -looked foolishand asked ono another inane eoiiini-'dniitiH nboiit thn cunuiiig Hitting otllu.-s'XWOQIL.—''01(1 .Maryland llotaesand W.'O's" in Century. : '


Km h - in' tlir Arjili <il.rl>i l!1r..i'.'_Tlii-y Kii"Irr Ilii- Iliiriiii.- . -

' .Arab girls before they enter tho ha; cmaiid.^ako tJ'^iVeLLJ!r^?i..^uum^_^|;^liMo_^lioTnT^Tn! lr ItodleTTamT 1 aL-i.-s arodyeiP"a bright yellow with tiiruii rie. On thisgroiiiurthey' paiiit:black. lilies with aii-

tiVrr>i:ofiif*'rof' tfiii' iios'trifrnr "Ciwynspol^ adorn jjio chirks^ and tho generallLs|icct is "Fotesqun beyond dcscrijitioh. "

.My wifo tells mil. that. ilm belles intho sultan's hareni 'me*arso ]iaiotid ruthis fashjou, ami that tiny also paintgloves on their bawls andshoeson theirfeet, and thus bedizened hope-to set lift'

.ihiiiilVoctiuiisof tin ir lords. At Shieftluniien would not allow my wife to ap-pruaeli or hold any intercourse with theAralnvniiieii, usingoiipinhiiuiH epittii" nil iLti" inalio lriemlly livelytuns, with the quaint result that w hen-ever .Mrs. Hint ndvanceil toward a grojijiof gazing. feni:,'bs tin y Hi d pri cipiiate-ly, liko i('Hod; of hlicep bi'foro^eollielinn. Thr-Mi women wear thejf dn.-.-eshigh in front, showing (livir yellowle 's abnvo tho )im-c,.and.'f[nig beliind.

with lino embroidery and patches ofyellow anil red sewed on in pattern.

It is tbo univcri'al female diess inllailramut ajiil looks as if the fashionhad, not changed hinco tho days whenHa/a'rmaVt th, the patriarch, settled intliis valley and gavu it its nanio ((i»aiu .-lisx, as)," The tall, tapi ring straw hatworn'by these w'onirn tbuileWs

Iladrami females aHcxtelnally ripulsivoas tho most jealous of husbands coulddesire.—Nineteenth Century. _

. A rdil lllratr.Tho people, (if ltelleville, a little, vil-

lage, of l.'iO inhaliitauts situated on thoHt. I.awreiien *iver nearly ;iutl milesfrom Montreal, wem jclu'iitly,«irp-riKcdby a beautilill mirage which hung overtho^owu for nearly im hour. vIt. waslhninia|;irof a six story brick building andwas so clear (*ut and.\yelLdelined - thattho color of, tb/ubricliSjinUinortar couldbe plainly tlfMiii^uisfii'if/'JCverjMiody intho littlo vilhlgetgatjieri'd oil Ihe'fivcrbank and watchcd.r-lfcjjcaiitjful visionas it slowly faihil"away to, the north-warily WheHjcr. JJio^orjjjijjil ,,oj(, thjj,uiin'i^o'ja'iViiiiifdiiig si mated in Mini'(real, Quebec or some city of New YorkstaiVclias not yet been detevniined iindprol>;ibly never will In,1, owing to tho de-insivu character of Mich phenomena.—St. Louis Republic.. _

Nut IVrinntirlit./ ''Timinins says be, is wedded to hisoit. "

"You don't say! It is a wonder to inntliaThii'docMi't sue for divoice on theground of iHiiisiipport, "—I'inciuuutiTribune.

l'.ipt'oru pops because the essentialoil in tho corn is enlivened into gas bybent, and thus an explosion occurs whichtears the keni','1 open and causes a singular inversion of its contents.

_.. .. ..i . . . v \.;",Tin mitt r layii'sof IhuaMlgator'HFkit

nrti ituid Id contain a largo perccntagoof•ilica; heni'u the hardness of thoanlmal'n hide.


Berry&eompany104 Broad St., Elizabeth

RfinNANTS SALEof Fancy Shades in Plush, IOC. and

loc—small ends.



Specal for loc., ioc, 29c and 50c.PLUSH PILLOWS,


CHRISTMAS" BOOKS,Books for the Baby, •

. - - - • . . Books for the Boys,Books.for the Girls,

-.•--••".- '•'••- . a n d l i o o H s f o r : " ' " "•'.'•

• •'- :; Older Girls and Boys.CHRISTMAS CARDS

AND CALENDARS.White Hetal Goods, Celltipid Ar-

ticles, Fancy Baskets,! Colognes... •..,

Also, plenty of the u.-icful, everydajrarticles, suitable for Christmas, sucha s ' \ -,---". • ' . ' . , -

BLANKETS, at speciarprlces,DOWN QUII.TS,IJKHSS (iOOI)S, in cotton or wool

,.<il.OVI:Sand LliATHEK articles, "UNDERWI-AR and HOSI1-RV,


Monuments, HeadstonesANii.CE»iJ-:TKttv >vniuv-


StiNini (icniiitc v\ Marlilc \Vorl.s,

St. Georges Ave., wear Grand 8t-,' 'KAMWAV. * L


MlliiV in Ii»v. Until Iluil«liiik'.Nnrf(h ^Av.-imi1.'

li.sM.-N.v: Sliln St.. J.i-tujTii J-Jistmitii ionl

Ollic.' -'.-.p.m. '


C:nrrylnff the ItrimilriH of Dtfnnrt I'llcrliusto the fiiitVit 4>f-I'ur»iiiM<.

• Suvin^' nii-occnsitiiial "Yalrkliak!"from tliu throat (if om- itt* tlio tan^lulu.':.(U'-tl uuii-AviVil r3"»-fl <I;:rvinIit'.s* £t:(.k-iu^ aluiiK -barcfoui "'in' tins sand, not a^JUIMI breaks the stillm'.-s nf tin* liri-iit

r, that leads to thotuwn of Khanukili,tliv custums and Kiitiitarj* station of tho.

froin the Tiirkn-I-VrMnn fnm-tiff./It is uhiii^ulurcaijali-adowu iorm/U>o, a veritable 'Varavan of tlio (Ifad,'*!j±»V. !u>,;tJWi« iiiluruRA inufjii*fiw nut itrttit^ly defunct IVrsiiuis, wlKisMrriimiusi.roluMriii.A'on.vcyud-tiircct An djVmi(itrtlit>"^'ati'.s of paradise, " at tliyfrc^Vf. (heirgrt'at_s;iint IU|d Afja, tliu lniali Hussein,at Ivcrbrja. In.fnuiUxand jitTt'lu'd nk;h*uji <"i tlii) bi^p'st S&AIHVI that couldJUu

horrowed or hired fur tin! jour^ju*y, rides niir tslunisli, or cnmlui'tor,wartlwr an.d^turbaiiiied, the blue in hisijaHi U.-HiriK-Liiniiii ' him a said or de-

reiitliMlt ot (lie proiihet. The prophet, Iiiay-Temaik in passing, lias » scorn nfn('h in every IVr?*inu villap1. nn"!inld5

tiluft the royal ensign "f tlie empiro ufmi and lion, bearing the nanio of

tho shah and his own lielovy it in lettersf p>ld. Following him inurch tlju

naashkesh, vr "earrierri of tho dead,"each at ..tho head of \i lon^ t-triui; of

Jadou with tho remains-intrusted

r<v (hem/"" , "21'."r-' '" --••-••—•-The anifnafs aro led by cjiarvadars-^-

inuh teei-fi—and each bears two bodies,riluiif^oii either side where llitr ]»;in--s would ordinarily be. The .corpses,

when intact, aro carried in hermetical-ly closed casis, but eo'nipurativley fewof tlieso aro to bo found, ns"u rule,

iif4 theso defunct pilgrims. Thu ex-pense would In; too preat._i,So tho pious

last wish of his departed parents waitsuntil nothing of their ronmilm is Ieft(but tho Kkeleton, which is, tlicn swathedin banda^L-s, mummy fashion, and hand-ed Mm naas-likes'li to bo taken t»ttlio #nti) of paradise-, which every piod

l lirmly iH-lie.ves is at theexact t*p«twhere thn sainted Hussein is buried in

Far the, greater number of thomules comprised in-our caravan aroladen with" such bandaged bonVs andswathed Hkelrtdns shm^ on each side,

showing distinctly thTotighj us 'thoy KwiiiR to -anti fro

with tho measured pacing of tho oui-l '—Loiiduii .Staiidjir'd.^ • •' ( -

cr* Iu <.rrniftny.

In Oerinaiiy. Tbo brutal husband lias towork all thrnu^h the weL'k.turu overhid wap-s to his wifo mi pay duy nniltH> to jail Saturday night anil Sunday.About two weeks of this sort of" funtakesj\\ I t jiy.: yii:K»-d,!!ii.s?»fttit;af-:»:(i1.lJoWi-.T—New; Yo'r^ Wnrld.

•"i'liU hhnpo doenn't heem to bn as lie-coining an n email hat; do you thinkso?''

Milliner—Oh, mf,'yv*. • You can'tctm how mueli of your'fnco it covers up.—Chicago Inter (Veai'l.

Tim lndiim nanio of HackctiRack, N.J., wan Hauc(|iiauriauki or hook month,from thn w iuitiiKri of tho river cro itemptied into Newark bay. v

It is iM liovcd by niicnwcopifitfl thattho highcHt powers of their iiiRtrumontaImvo not yot revealed tbo t^ost mlnatoforms of oninml lifo. . ,

USEFUL vs. ORNAMENTALThis Chrlstmiui Season the useful In preference to the ornamental

' the more appropriate gifts. Below find a few suggestions.FillowTnK's. .'1 for 25c. fo best qnnlitv- Plain nnil H'eiiiBtUched.- ' 'S l S 40c or ,.» murh bi-tter »« deHirea; also Plain and Hemstitched.Comfortablen, cottou filled, 75c. to beat quality. . ; •Down filled Comfortables. 8'J.50 np. - - , 'Down Pillows, Plain and covered with batine. ;Feather Pillows. _ k ' : ' . " .Iiltfnkets, 45c. Jier pair, or any quality desired.10 yardH good Calico, nt Me.Presn Patterns that wero*lt:00, now fi..)O. .

Central Bailroafl of New Jersey,Time Table In Effect NOT. 18. JHI>(


A. M.-3 53, fi 63i 0 4T, 7 16. 7 47, 817. »!tl, iHi|9 W, 1(14-1.

P. M.-W SI. 1 35,'i 45, 4 08, fi 07, fl 12, 7 IP, « {l,

g l K r a ^ . S . l k ; Plain, Bordered, with or withontinitials. :_ ' , '

Silk Mnflleru. black and colored. - • ._In onr C»n>et Room may be fomid Hnper-Extra IiiKrain, best quality at ..Oc,

p e r v a r d . . ' , " - " • •Tapestry.-BruKselii, Mmilietuud Velvet Carpets —

Wi^'baviMi Keli'it'ion'of Plnsli and Leather Seated and Solid Wood Rqckers forth(! Children and nlso for Older People, that nro snre to please. • - • , . . • • >

For tho Toilet imtnitifr prettier or. more iitefnl than onr fine selection orAtomizers. . . ' '

Brie-ii-Brac in 'rndlfwi v.iricty. • •Bruwiiiex, Animal", Dolls. Fairy A\Tatdrol»es. etc.Ljuvs. Kid (ilnves. Corsets, etc. .-• , . ' T " ' ' . . 'For GfUtli'iucii—Wii'llAliK Gloves. Driviiijf Gloves, I'tr. r

IS niir MI wsli'in.ri^'rirdiiw thi'-nspfnl .in Jireferoneu to tlie nnianicntal W ac-.•epted, no dillicnlty in supiil.viiiK your iiii'ds at . ., ..' • " ' . ' .

81'XIIAY TRAINS FROM KIJZAHKTIIA. St.—Ii w, I « . ii 15,•« «'. n iir.Jinm. _

J. II. (li.llAI'KKS, II. I'. IlALUWl'-i,til'll. .Suiil. . (it'll. Pasri. An lit

118 BrpadSc., Elizabeth.

244 North Broad St., Blizabeth^ N. J.Good value Tor youjr£|iioiicy lii. the followinjj prices:

IIi'i'li'i'rV s:iprrlativi- 1l<inr ".'1.1 11M !>•'•<:('iiuire fiiinily llniir. •l.'ic;T lbs lunv-proefss biK.'ku'lu'UK . ..'ivC1 lbs liiiiiciviimui'v li'nltur..-. •'•jjjj'O•l-'llis Kniiil'tiilijc lmltt'i\- ' i . . .llTil:(, jicr- Hi'.-.\'j\. .' '. .<!(:Su^ar Mirrai:,!>!ioHl(lpr!j.:".v ••'•'^'. .-:'.'T.f;

Ainlii'i1 ilrip syrup, pur jjnl..•iv swi'i-t rider, per ^ul . .

Qimii'lidttle ninplc syrup. .'.o Hi jars iipplf ijiittcr") 111 jars iiii'iirt! mi'iil"i II) p:iils.e(y;niiit jellyii His new "eiirr.mlsi'.lbs ne«'' (':ilifurnia prune:.' lbs cviipuniti'il aprients.. .

. ; . . l o e

. . . .?•£(••

|:!c.. . . . • ; A '

tl;111. trim - e ^ ' pluiiH. . . .". *. . K ' I ''1 II) can "pineapple./. . . . . . . . ./'. lOe•i II) ran barllett penrs. . . . .'./.., . I Orii_Jl' (>'l" Vlioi(.'o peaelics. v^-.. • •' • lirK!"ilb can white elierriusy^. loo'I vans aprients for. •/•'••...._,'.... ."iflr

Xew sweet (.'(irii.-'per eiui. . . . . .Choice new tortiatoes, JUT c a n . .New star .-almoii, jicr c a n . : . . .JS*i;w stiijvlijlintdi' per can: . . . . . . . ,.'! packages- niince. ;neat •;'•! |i;it-kn«j«"S Cnojler's f, 'eliitine....1 ,'li) can I!. & .It.' plum |iinl<lingi lb cui i i ! . it ](. pliini jimlilinir1 Ilii'caii baking pii'.viler.... . . . .

,\l\v\ 'I e.ans KIVIKOI jicas

.7c. .7c. Hie



. ISc



".ii'iiy "win) are Joeatoilon thi'sevrnil>4tr.cets

mains ure laid, .with

- - p i s --for- j ifj l i t ; and

r fuel i .u i ' l io^ . :^ , :

Ilnuse coiiiiec'tiofi

ch.irgcs at 'JOe. jier

JKT foot from curb,

extra eluir^'e.

Gas Heaters and Ranges placed Readyforuse al Cost.

ice for Gas, $1.75 per Thousand Cubic Feet.

Elizab^thtown Gaslight Go.„ iM..Brpad.Streett..Elizabelh,N.J..-.-.- - ,

EVANS & WHITE CYCLE CO.n8a Elizabeth Avc. Elizabeth, N. J.


f a M a c t m r t T i ? ^ wneeis to order• Matfriiil sclt'ctwl iint\.tostt'il by ns iH'rsoiuul ', ami wnrnu,t<'(l to 1M* of

th l t litthe very (junlity. . . .

Al l W h e e l s a n d W o r k ( l i i a r a n t e e d for O n e Y e a r I

WKKiHTM KllOM HITonil I . l i s \ ' .

Agents for the Stearns


,• "' -•-• LAGdltEX ,)'• CLEVELAND. -._.,--'-"-"AVitli new management unil incrt'iiscd faoilitiofl we are'jii'epared to drt

all liiunjlrj^.y<)r,!v'.,ii>^.a^^.f;iHUJ.cj*tl)iuuui*t.- .••t>''>ll!irsiiiHlii'ilffffic»m>cmHy^'tyomTs-t'ii'trnsted to us aro insured. '"""SSt'iitl nsword iind wo will call .Mdn-liivs unil Tliursdavs. . • . . ."

GEO.H.DAVEY, Manager,

H T O l 1 ' A'J1 T H U

Union County Hotel,GARWOOD.N.J.

. Midway lielween .Criinfiinl and Wcstlitlil. Thu flnest irahljc hoiiRe on tho

Cimiity Hoad. Accommodations for jiernuiucut anil transitnt guvstfl.




A. M.-3 » t IT. Win' 1H5. :. ,1>. M.-K i0, -' 10, »4». 5 63, 7 S8, 8 « , 10 Jr.

FROJt NEW YOnK TO*CRAKF0RDA. M.-13 15,100, 430, 000, 715,840, lu(n

1145.. ' * - "


SUNDAY TRAINS FROM NEW YORKA. M. - l - 15.'100.430.7 15. H30,0 15. ISI« \rI'. .M.-l IKI, 2 15, 4.IHI. 5:«), 7 Ul, II00, 10 «l.

p?'M.-no,iai,2an. 3 30. 4 00, 43a. sno, -,1,Vicept Sotunlaral 5 311. OU), (115, (130, 71,1SOU, 830, 0 15, 1015,1130.


. . Lehigh Valley B. R.HIM" Tiihll' ln_KnVrl .1 tm«? 3 a 1KI>|


ll.W, Him, 10 It1.; 2 4(1. 7 55p. in.. Klinilnyi. - .1iu ill., -" S!, II i",j •'" !'• in- , __TRAINS LEAVE XKW YORK FOR SOI Til1 CHANKOHI).

7(11, Iinin, in.: 12»l. l.:«llSalurilii)-»fin])) 4JiU' Siililnlny^t 5P1, II ;IO p.'in.; Similiij^7im,'ll|IHii.iii.;|i.iii. :

CRANFORD MAILS.Arrlvi' fmni NVw Ynrk-TlKm. ni.. C(11 n. m

^'li. in..-Hli ii. in. .J.11HC fur XMV Yurk- Bllil n. m,, '-'."" |i. m

i\n\f fur (In: frtjl-7 Wl n. in., 4 411 p. in..1. I,. llKllltr. I'D.stiiiit^ltr

.1. ('. CHAM:. >Ks-istnnt I'oMmiistfr, 'll. T. 1'icluiii.v", IlMrlliutlliK (.'JiTk.-. '


K.'l-'. H.ll. Hail, H.1H, Kill imil Hi'l llroml SI.

Best Shorthand anil Type-Writiiif,' Dujiartinent in the State.

1 -A " RATES LOW. . . . ' _ _Aililn-s.^ fur Culiilnu'iifiir Cnlli'k'e.lon'rnnl.

II. COI.KJIAN. Prrshlinl.

Business Oollege323 Jefferson Avo., Elizabeth.

The New Rapid Easy Short-hand and Typewriting . 1

l $75 TYPEWRITERTRIEJ-l~t!~ Every., student who . enters midpays promptly' will lie presenti'ilmi ^niiluatinn, with

A $ 7 5 TYPEWRITER FREE!A;i| i ly fi.i rlr.-lllar- ,,r iu l ln i^ l i . l i In

J. HJLANStEY. Ph.Jp._Prinoipal


Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnish,

Wall Paper, &c,


M. .1. Sl' Fruits anil Vegetables,uarnnlN'il fnsh i.v.ry iln>-.

HI:ASO.VAIH.K ruie^>*.i-rli-ri in Cnmfiint TurMliiyH, Tlinrs-

93 Broad Street. Elizabeth, N. J.•10c. .Men's Natural Wool Underwear,

extra heavy, wnrth. (i!)e^_ J

18e. Ladies' Kihlieil Vests, worth 2.1c.15c. Children's How, fast Mack, valno

• »>c.Extra value in Driving OIOVI'H, -Out-

inffiSJiirts, Comforters, Iilankels.i'tc.

T i


• Miss C. D. Squlor's,«O HrnHil 81., nrar JVO.,;EllralK'lli.'N: J.'

Agency Universal PiittvriiH.AIMP Ijulli-a' OwiiMiilnrlalH MIUIF (« Order.

Carpets Cleaned,REFIHED ANDLAID.


New Carpels, Mattings Oilcloth

R M. FRENCH,El a: Stroot, n u r dopat, Woatflold, H. J


Page 3: A FREE NEW YEAR'S PRESENT - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 2. · VOL. 2. No. 6 . -CRANfORD, UNION COUNTY, N.J., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, /Whole No. 58. A FREE NEW YEAR'S PRESENT AT Ssii I

801 ,

'1 AM) ',

•32. (l«l, j





*>. 515 I

« :



Tin i%N ,

A He l i t



' \ • • ~ • "

The American Constitution, theAmerican Idea, the American Spirit.These first, last, and all the time,forever. ; •Dally, by mail, - - .* SOayearDally and Sunday, by mall, 88 a yearTho Weekly, - - - - s I a year

4 The Sunday Sunis the greatest SuinlaJ Newspaper in

the world.

Price 5C a copy. By mail,$2a year

-Add rt»Tli"l;«l>VMTr -Turk;-- " : -

JOHN J. REID- • . Uf-ul iT III

Good Building Brick.l. >". .1.


- . • - . - • ' |

I have fnrni-liiHl'lirifk in WosthVHl-for tin- Wrsttu-M CinliHou-e. StandardliuiMili;;. lieim-cke. 'Darsh ami Knrz-lijl'.'Tmililim;* and inaiiv^.rivate resi-ill mi - and .lr*in- to EXTEND MYUL'jalXE&vXU CKANEiiKD. --••

Estimates furnished an all work.


AMOS l l f i i ,1 73 Market Street, near Plane Street.

W e fiiicH"after BtocK-tjiking,..:dCV.i;ru! -stvlus-'of UKIHJUOM -SI ' ITS ,UIiOli S U I T S atid different patterns of CAIil 'K I'S that. Vvc ,h< not in-

ul to keep any more, and wii! cbsc them out at iiearlv vnnr IIHII jiricc.

'."'. Parlor Suits-- •.•••• v . . . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$20.00.

- "Bedroom Suits-":"%:77777:Tr:T^:X--:^T-^-S^60?

Brussels Carpet^per yd .1 50 els.

Extra Super Ingrain Carpet, per YJDU^J — 5 0 els.

Cotton Chain Ingrain Carpel, per yd •'••• • '$"-25 els.

G o o d B e d L o u n g e s •••--.-. • • . . . - •••-. • . . . . ; S 7 0 0 ,

Parlor Stoves-: -AT YOUR OWN PRICE.


• ' • - . - N E W A R K , IM. J .

We-have made Decided Reduction-; in

ALL CLASSES OF \fINTER WEAR!In many instances ""these reductions all amount to "over

•53 1-3 per cent, and,they include . ~- , ' ' ,

Men's furnishings, Ladies' Hosier_y--an(l—Un-•denvear. Dress Copds and Silks, Uphol-

stery Goods,Boy's'Clothmsj, Cloaks,Suits, and Furs, and many



147 & 149 Market Street, Newark, N. J .

IlicT Trll T»l<-» Almtit ihe Intnatri or lbf>

In n.™i • .-ti."t y;;.il of Iiroadw.iyis a "J don>t km,w anything nlxi.ut tho*ign ifimi, i.\i.R- "Novelties In SiRu ! 'runt nf.» hoi>o that clearly indi-Paintiug. College Work u Specialty':"'; " " ' * " " ' ch:ir.i.-«;rau.l condition of the,Not having in a four years'course lcini- : i " 1 " a t " 1 " ' " " "•",w""Kl>v * h ; " 1 ' " \ s a i l i

. - . , 1 1 , , • a young wmiiin nf. nh-i rvufiim. if yovc.l what need cnllcg.vhavc for any eon- , Jt tll(, sl,;,,,,,, ,„„.„ ,,,„„. , „ . ^siilcrnblo nipply <if s ip i s th«-writer en- !.c i s,, |y ,|,,, B:inl,. i()V(., h l ,,y,.ry wimlow, 'teroil tho ihojito inuko iiii|uiry. Tlrti ; y,,,j ,".,„, toll i,t. miro that tin-.lumso «jiroprk'tnr was a'fiiiiillGinnaii, anil 1m ^N-r'aptril by q inifl.. family ami tha t ,lind two as«istnni». "In rcjily tivn ftnv.'l thn ini^trrs.s is .of-a la-vrivly,onli-rly'qneKtioiiH-liti tnlil.thi- fiillowiiiK-facts: ! |iirit.'- TIHTO'II nut l»-.a tiring niit of i ts

•'I Ftartcil in tin' liur-iiH'sa uf tii^i! : arawtmni'il Ii)n™ in tliatjiuusi-, ynu i-anpil'iutiiiK olmut flvi- j-.ars nKa Before I ; " s t "^»r!'<l..; If '!"•. sliarl.-ji of all thahart b « n at it l,.iiK- I ha.l num.T.j.w ' "I' M " l r ' 1 »n..l..wsnr,o.lrawM .l.nv.i tocallrt from (•"Mop, htuuYms wh N l < • ' " '"I1 "' " " ' l " u " ' > l i j jcalls from r.dlogo students who wanted

ial sign.-! painted. They were in llt'.of

-unch-plnnrtfr ' .„...,poles, advertising thermometers, etc.,Hid wuun'of -them hit upon the id.-.vufhaving special 'signs painted. ; Most ofmy business came fronu Columliiu attirst, btit if soon''spreadir,'i Neu-'Haven, 'rambridge and I'linootoli, so that I nowhave two li-l-iHaiils. , •

"Of. cour.-c" cardboard are tho cheap-est siglis, and tin, more ordinar.V'kinds

"are ilutili>-wiIiW'Vti-in-iI, Mich as '.MenlsAt All Hours'mid Tiiy ill ihe l).-k.'Hoard signs, as 'Keep 1)11 Ihe Cra-s, ' ,

tin. top of Dm bottom KI-II, while tjiosoif. the parlor are drawn cb-ar down, youan'safely judg.. the family of JjiaGinTr=(V to b.ron., ".if tlin-.iTesTehtialJy;jlo-nestic ones th-.t ]iv(. -mostly up stairs'; 111., !,< flr<..ii'u3i:«*at.once th.i wifVu-cwing ri'liiirand t!io*-1i''s library

iipls m (hiwii \vliiFr

(lit1 jcirlf

i' ^t•'ry :rrt» IcilT w a vDM th<' top il(*ir ;.ii(lu\v;iv up, ynu .v.*nn't^

JOHN J. REID,Xctlierw,H>d...\. .T.I"'"1

PORTLAND RANGED' P i n ' I r a i l i n j j K u i i . ' i ' i r i t J i i ; . " h i ' , :»rrr) n c ; u i i l - J

' I < ' f t l ' " ' 1 I ! i M ^ ' < * , t ! i a n ; I I I V . . I I I . T r n t l i " : *-it>:-rt ! ia t" 1 !iv .• i-

.si-ti|ilv- - !•••-

k i

. v - , . ™ « « , , A . . i . | _ . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . o ^ . n a o a . n . o n . ' , - rn I J I . . : , - H y , . ) ) b y ' : S i - , , , , l v - - I , -• •-. . • -~:. ^ "_ c a n s . . ' i t . i.s t h e .•heajuV.-it. ( ! l i ( . i | , i ' - t I ,-,- i n - . 1 it I- Hi • l i e s ' ; ; . , i - l i « i v - r , « i i >,i

- - • , . • • • ' ( I n i u . ' l i t i i n i l s e v e r a l i i n | > n , V c n u ' i i l s .• . : n i . : r : : i', I .',v i i ' i i i m . i k e i t i h e i n . - IJOHNH. SAYRES coin'|ilc | K I { 1 .


i l s t .

.•\:.uxnjs./...•:;, ..'. ..!•'-. . ".,.,.,.:• : :J;AT »& 0»>ainl^2 RANK -STREET. : -"- ~"-

V l 4 8 - 1 5 2 E . I V o i i t S l _ P I a l n B . l d . N . J . ^ " a W l 1 ' ' ! l 1 , ",' l l l | 1 K ' ' s t - ' » " ' ni, . ' , t . r , : : i p l - t o S o n - , . . , . j ! i i i \ | . . , . , r ,,, t e s t a t e .: : :-::. 1 A l l l o c K w l I ' I U H I I . - I a t I T I S . H I I J . I . . r a N ' s . - . | . M r n jr•• •'•• >,;i •».• I a n . I

Taylor's Dress Cutting School. . " - d - n , , , „ . : „ ,-it.v ,.,• ,.v «t .,1.1,1.^,;. ,•:,,:•„,.,.Ami Itr.-* MaUni: 1'arWs. KMiit*.'li-hwl f..r two\»-rir*ni 41 IfpculNUvt-t.

. }'• KlizaUtli, N. J. Kvt-r>iliitii: IHIIUIHI I ' |MTlairiiri£ to fir~t-<'!;«— drt—ni;ikili^r.

liui'It- nt tvn-4iti:tM»- i-ric*—. . ll;iy mid ;*-\fiiin^«!a-*-«-r-. "l"y>rin-ni«ni;i'lft-asy." f

« Hito.ur snoiET. Ki.17. M=e.J.N.P.B;ii>k3!tiT AlMt.AU llr>u<l Strr*-l. NV«;irk. , |


TELEPHONE' 580 ; if,.

are dearer have to b.

riilcrt by ti, young loll;-, win,are goingt o h. ' ivn a ll>*.<l o f s u n . - l i i n . ' i n t i n i r b e d -r o o m s r y , i l ' iY ii uu,' - ' f a . ! . ' o u t tin.1 m a t - .

- d n u d n r n e n n - ' " " - ' • ' l v l : " a r e n o ; 14 g 1,1 h a v e t h oa - s i m p M I , - , p a r h . r sis:, l l i r g l i l . e a n r n - i y i i i d r h u r ' - l i .

. „ „ , „ „ , . „ , e e d o n e b y h a n d . ' " T " 1 ' r o , . : : . w n l l t h a t .•!..- w i m h . w -

1 o f t e n h a w , s p e c i a l o r d e r s , a n d s o n i o o f l ' 1 " " 1 r " " ! ! ' • " " 1 ' ' " I h " ' ' ! " • • ' '"""1"'•>'tin,, s t u d e n t s h a v e o r i g i n a l i n . a s . | - \ . r >'y l l - m a l i , a n d i ( ,v ll:.- v . m d o w

i n s t a n c e , t h e r e in „ • j i . i r f o r wl i i . - i i I g . 1 s l l ! " ' ' " » ' l h - " " ' " ' i 1 ' 1 - 1 "*L'«-,. T h i s is l o b e a r , c e n t l u i i c l u , for | .Tan : . - . ! l l . u l t in y h a v .s i g n w h i c h i.-i Hi ippn-cd t o b i v o 1.,-vn l i m e . i r i i . , n | i . , . | | . . u . : . . . |

b r o k e n r,IY I r n a i - ; t l l , t • po-r- 'Oi i w H i . V i r c n l c l l v t r •::-:-• ViKir.i.-t.:-i. ; , „ .

W a s U s e d . It i s t o !„ , s u p p l i e d W i t h l e g s " " ' - ' 1 ' '1 '1- ••''•"<:••')• l . : d l ' - : l t a . ' - h a . l . s 1a n d i - n n v . i l e . l i n t o a c a r d a n d " 1 : » v^'<- '••"•- d n K , n i . i l l y n - r . - s t in

. p r o l f a h l y lh.., l iwi l i - r w i l l i j i a n y l i m e s b e ' » ' » ' d " W , wrl-Ji ••:.,• , - ,c ,n r c l . , . - i indei

. i , b l i ^ , d | . , - i , - , - , , m i t - t l i n - i l : i r i i i K w a y i n ' h , - r . . l l - r . M m H l n - r a i . - - t e > ! W . : r v ".ivrwiw h i . - l i l i e ' e l u d e d t h e • p o l i c e w i i h ' h i - " •" • • ' - ' - ' ' • T i ' , ' w . . n : : < n . - . . - i <

y e n tak.. '"itl-l.l. Iglllg-.i,M- if 11.1,-

plunder. Th, re is Ti g,,o, I deniand forj barber pules. l!..-er signs I b,uy lo ur.brI aiid.siiuply'niake ioy-eoiuhii.-,-iriii.j "Another fiuc.-r tad is.tlial ».f i-iju-essi Ial '

t h a i t i n . i a . .v . : , . : - is m"

d i c a l i , . ! . - . , ,f lh,

ri.-. s o Unit 1 h a v e a , ' l u a l l j i . h ] , r i i i t ; -'"''-vj ' " ' . ' • ' ' ^ ' [i i i ~ e . - l a ! , l i s | i n i i lit'. ' M a i i y i i iei i , . ' s p e c i a l - ' '.' - " " ' ' - * ' ! ' ( ' .l y g l e e . c l i i l v i n . - m l i c r s , l i k e t",. h a v e ih . ' . i r l t l s ' ' " " 7 ' ' ' " ' u

dre.-.-i - s u i t p l a s t e r e d w i t h Ia l ' . Is. " a y t h a i il t l . -c s p , v i i i l l y i .f w e s t e r n a n d ' M . I I I I ) . r n j 1 ' " ' " * " '•"—'•r o a d s , t , , I ' n - a t . ' t l m i n i p r c s s i o i i t h a t l l n y ," ' ' " ' ' ' I *'h a v e I.e. u g n a t t r a v e l e r . . . Y o u c a nh a r d l y s-.-e t h i ' - l e a t h e r o n -<,in»> ol t in - e

. . . \ - c a s e s . ( I f CMUI-SJ. t l i i s i.s a i l w r y f o o l i - h ,

A , l , ' l i ^ l i i ! ' u l h o l i n g f o r I'eli l i e . I L ' I I I * - ' - - . l l o i i - ' e I j i r^w . u i ' l i i n . i l i ' r n . - A l l , b u t i t i s v e r y p r o f i t a b l e t o m e . A . f o o l

• n i i ' c r e s . ' r . r o a . l p i a z z a s . sh . - i . lvM' . i ivn a n . ! r i v e : 1 , l i n e (, . a i i n u ' f a c i l i t . - - . a n d h i s ; i n o i i , y

lai-L'c, w e l l f u r n i . - l i e . l a m i .v i t l i i - X l . - ! • • - . ; - . | : V \ - . V J ! I . . I I - l i i - l - c l . i " . . ' Y o r k T r i b u n e .

•l,.ii..i-i ili,- i,

Illply tll.Te. '•:ily' l ln ' h"ro.i.i .r r, adiuu ' that':i. 'i. and \\ai--

.' , y . , V . r •,. ami ,:.,i

•n i


i . ; - i ' u i

AlJlOS H,I K v . ' o l l e l l l l a l i i c a m i s - ' i v i - ' c .

j l i o o r . - - . :VS |"M»]- \ v f ' i ' l \ . . . , n l l l i l ' . l .

'I'.-i i JI'...J'ivi'.'k i ! . I I I - I s o

I :riiE


an.! "fnrv v ' lThe .hs'iline


I parted. "—New


linl.l,. lo llruw ll I'l.lur.' l-:ira.|>l In It..-I'll-,.,'!!.',- ..I •» < .-rlnlii l'l|;»r,-.

Waller r.iirridge, the aili-t , I. Us

ink. " — \.-,v V, rl: Sun. ,• - ; ' ' . . •


Hum l.ic 1'iu I" C..|.t,,r» II.Illl.


nw- H ' V i n s i ; t i V i u e e t t i n , ' K " " d h l ' " ' . v "'•' h l n . i s . - l f a n d p r o v e s H b y: . " \ . ^ . - - - > : - - tjl l ; . I A I U U I ; (spill-., . . 11 III '

.I..HV (..r Nat.-il, S . m l i Afr i . -a , 'a l ' . u i i i d s i n h , i ( • i . i i s i r i e t n r . - . u i n l p y : ' n n i s .

W l i i i . ' i l n \ d o n o ! i t i t . i ' L l i i ' - n t i i y . i r e

e s p e c i a l l y <!i t r t n l i v e o f . " t i t l e ,

a l n l o \ i i i , i i n . l f . r t t . i - . l e a - ' . n p

a r . ' f i ; M i . i . ( l l i y h i i n l ' i s a n d n a t i v

l i n m H I M I . . i . l i a n d f o r — ; i n . m l e r I


• x r i i i i i i y i i i - . M i ! . . I t i s s e i n ' I ' o ' a u e n g r o s s - . . s h o v v i n ; ; tin. ' . I J a u k s p i n ' . . . r n ,t lie. W . J j . . ' • . j ini . i .Mtii I h

• i i .g c l . r k . -.1-IJ.J p r . K - n d s t . i " f e c i t (•• c u n - - w n . - r e t i n . p i c tu i - , . , - e n , , o f t h e a c c e s s ,- .! : . i - ' a l I ' i e t e r i n a r i t / i . i i r g w . - r . . r,-,-. n t l v

-'luu.-ailM.i.--. '-lik,-- l-ilni !:t 'lrrl;making i ri.-<-,f 1!,,. t:,l,., u-e,| to I n , , ^ , inionn'.-il by a parly ..f n.-i/dir'.'.nv'- Zi*--.-•- up-n pr.—.r.ip'Vou.- Then- are rule-: to l»-, {--• --H'1 w.-nl-en,-. .lay t,, : tj | , , stndih of i i 1 In-, .if lh,.«-.„ rrnhnui .-.-.f „ !,„,,,. jTCrti'.-.n* «nd


"New"^tore" •Jifiled""wu1i"'Ne^T't""t^j'"'••---' ---.-Goods.—------ r-

s cl. 'iti. fnsl i , .Iaintv|

ami sol.I for CASH,' i t !»»• ju-ii-ci. j

Ten to tivi'iity-livi' JUT ie:it. savr.l i

on nil ]>iirrli:L-ts. • ' ]

I f VOl l l l - . IH- H u t y i - t U - . ' i l O l i r ;

'cotijioii ii(Hik.s. p-t ati'l M-C liowi

"BatisfaeroriK it"w..rlr.~"V."~ ' J

J. C. JIl .MMKR & SOX. I

J . l i . IRVING,

1 "\vi*itt"t'Htv(Iny-

rVfi-vwii! ir 11 • \v:is••l.-k. I , , A.MMif,,,, ,„ ,,,„„ ,„ A11 c , , , . , , , „ , , , : , ; , . ,-,,,,,r;,l ..,„ "..nj.-.l pape>k-; every v.-i,,"re " It'-was a good' . * , " « ! , i-,1 •.,l',:,.H-'"1!1',

!,,'n? Vl',,' Knau'i'anTiMvinli^r:..yh^j;"xv^.v^^?iwu_.t:ai^^ Jus ",.,;,,. |,:i,| lo.-at, . I - : ! . . ^ : ' ^ . . ' . ^ ^ ' - ! - - ' " •'-.—i!-,,.,»I .TO.i.-<iifrrai£:.i 1 - a p T T S n n ^ i ; " ~ " )^''»>>'i^tn^-^^^nl^^^T^K^n.ntrrr^TI,- .Tpn-'s-Ta" ,i ,i,'.,,-,.'i,,'T'mii.:. ^ ' m n m T S u T ' - a n ' " ' ^ ^ ' ; ' ^ ' ; ^• 'Th, 'concoct in, of 'l I f r 1 ,'•' ".'•',' J"'"1,"1" capital-.-,-r,pl announcing . have it, tin- arti.-'f fii.'.nd wnuldn'l h:a in,- I, ,,, |.n viou-lv dn'- „, t,,u-, mli,, . „ / . . t':.p'l , '"'J1 '1,1 '™ : A ' ' ' - « ! - ^ i ' M . l e v t r , , , l - r . ' s i d , , , , , o f t | u , g i v e i t n p f , , - miynryjey. . l , , v a s | , j - . . t h - ,-,-,.„ r of .he incj,,:,..i -W,,,. W ^ ,

I l i on , w h i c h s a i k f o y h a n n u a l l y a s t h e h a - n e t v . : i . : i u - . , , v v i , - i - . - i tu . )es d u r i n g ' f " r t h " c . ,Mp, , s i t i , ,n , ,1 ' j , | , . | , , r . "Ai,,!. :',S "I ' t h e K.iKirs l i n y M '.i"ii , l : , n , . :t | , , . r , ' , ,

I i m p r o m p t u e x p r e s s i o n ' o f the._iial i in. :Ti ( h e tr . i ' . . -! . . .f l i r d r a f t . • ' ' f " r d r a w i n g i t i i v l l n n g in Ih . -Jni , , , - , , , ii u l . . ' | . . M - . , , . I t l , , , ,',{, , , i , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , " . ' " ' - , t h i ' l r ' . 1 i.f i ' ' . . , ' l r - i f ( ' ' ' - l o r t i r a w i n i ! i t i i v l lmig in ilieJni-iuMii li • u l " t'.-w.n-.l t l i " p U t - K h - : r L . c l u - u i g n .i ^ i ^ ' I ' i n ^ p r e s s i n a of ; j k o j v , , , u n a l _ .'• r: v , " ; p t o , s ^ ^ r d i - i i i l v i l , . , r ' ^ ; « » ' " ^ i '^U.: .< w a s M i n p l y 'iiTij,,.- '"»i h i m . They f . , , e .d b u n i n . . , , . . T h ,

I tr-rr/.-r-nf t h e s t a t e d e p a r t m e n t . I .v, r y l l l i l l l T ,,..,,;-, ,j •1M,,.1.,-i,,|,s u i , i e i , c r a w l S.i-ISiu-'idg'. . we i . t aw: .y . l i n t a n o t h e r 1,,-im; :•-' f. • . l- .ng and i I in --In - „ . c i r -I y, :ar i t i.-; c a l l e d u p o n t o p r o d u c e ' s o m e - m ,. ,..lf, , t , i ! . r ^ . ,n . .v . r n . . . . i.....'. ' •>-- d--'v w l , i l . > . . . >' >.*-......, • . • ' '1 t i l i n g n e w . i n t h a t l i ne , a n d i t s .-IToris t o

say t h e .'•ame t h i n g in a d i l l ' e r . n t w a y ,t o ' a v o i d if p o s s i b l e v e r h a t i l


W. I). .

Real Estate and Insurance,Office at CKAM-OKl) HAl.l.

p r a t i m topyin^f l:i-t year's Jetii.r, is oni. of the vener-

| able ;jol;eM of the diploiuati i ' j , ' r ienr,n^n.j About the fir.-t orv-eornl Week of No-jvelnbi r , everylniny l;i:fi\vin.i,' that tli.t

-f-rlay-faris an—rhf-lh^i—^'hrrr^nyTTf^TMTiI ni.intli, tin- ehiif ei, :k or .soini 'assi- t .

a:.I s . r r i l ; . : y « i : - ; r - i . that it-is ti tothink abi.n;-ihi ' ••pr-ei 'ainarii .u:"

cat. rpil ' lar-all ov. r the sin e't. liy-tau-iiu:: < :: hi- In ad, yiiuinting on the'•.lias <.r tliuiiijiinL,'his giie--ing bump to:ts.uf:::.~: :.Lr.- . n g i o - i n - clerk at la-tfun, • nut a highly r. -]-,--l:iblo and di c-i> lo,,:.-:,^ d.-.i um. nl.

II" s:i!.;n:t- It to tin.• chief clerk.

Pork, Corned Beer,

Ham, Shoulder,

^ Poultry, &cOpera House Block,

L.. L.. MANNING,Plainflold 'Opp* Mr^l Ifor-iM <*nun-Iil


' Mon . in . e i i t s : u j | I I . a . N t . r i j i fo r < ' . i , n t . rI ' l n U . A l t O n l r r . I K I n . r c . l A : s , l t | , .

VAN COURT INNA llrst-.-l.L-s fumily Hotel: sl-«j rvrry fxm

Tc-lii.-iiee fur i.f |"f rfll«- |n»rti.--onsln.rt not I.-i-.'

Telephone Call. IN! M. H.«Ue.

| J. A. OAKLEY, Jr.


Elizabeth, N. I.

Special SaleFor the rie\t:!.) DAYS'

MEN8' SUITS TO ORDER.Sinxlc or Double-llrcastcd Coats.

FULL SUIT FOR $13.George B. Doty,

•Opera Mouao Block.

II..W I.. Ilt-lp < l>ryl.,K ..ri'loll.."..Tlie ijuicker I hi! \drying, tin, better.

To help this keep oii hand a dozen bitsof Ft.-el uu inch and a quarter i-ipum1.,aud ' lS inclies long. Kxacliy midwayscrew* ill a good sized hook. To '"use.these hang a shirt, or a pair of drawers


I'rrinillr i t . . lirr. no- <.rj .tliinhtl hy Will. I.II.u ra l i rn t l.l>is.Tlir... l.lvr». .

Th(n> is a fpeeiul form of mental dis-ease first de.-eril.ed in Franee, whose.dtilim'U!. eharaelcr is piveii "lo it by itsperiodicity, and In-net*- ifc".is called j'olie-

' ihiuk ill.- "pr..eii;iiii:iri.,u:" • " If-'i. The chief \ clerk - nc.-nrilin^ly mils j ^ ir.-:*,'i1 .l.iwn the list of -draftiirg clerks, :,-.-. r-

tains y.-hieli of I'ln-le S:im's s*-iv-iuts isat the time husking in iimoeuuiis de-in>-tuit.i irn.r ttfsnjnciies ' t'oflio' i|ITin<iii'-nt'by messenger an order to get up a draftfor the proclamation.

•waistliaud. Then catch tho hook overyour line. Pull the garment in shapeand leave it to dry. .Tho hooks need notbe more, than six inches apart on tlline, thus enabling you to dry halfdozen garments, in less than the spiuotherwiseoro.piired for one. It is ahthus iMissiblo to dry each garment i.shajM' and to avoid the wrinkles no iron out of wool or Rilk without i..jury to,the fabric. • Use vhito nilk uuderwear as IIIMJVC, with tin, addition oa little bluing and liquid gum nruhiito tlfoJast rinsing water.

Kconmiili'iil Mr.

T h o most ticiinoinicat man 1 .know' Raiil Mr. (ifateb.-ir, "in my frien'i

; - - ; ' - ;™;. i iv; . - ;" ; .vi ' . ' i ,w. . - _•-,... - - -. ..-.-.smol;ea. a. cigar. In, lightn-it carefullyand completely, so that it will bumjxTfoctly' aluVw'Itliout wast'e7'aiu'PTiav-":ng M> lighted it he blows out the match.Jf course ho knows Ihatfa match oncegnitcil is of no further use, bul;jiisialii."nT"rhi'riir1s h'ucfi'ihaf he hatesi't.!ee any waste, of material whatever.

Home men blow out a lighted match be-fore throwiiik.' it away, so that no harmcan .cuiuc. fi-um it. Mr. Staybolt may'lavothat in luiud, too, but his actual-ug impulso no douht snringH froni his

jpirit.of economy."—Now Vork Hun.

< l.arltr.Tho lady was making sonln remarks'

ib,,ut the kind, of clothcH 1.1111111 otherladies at churt-hiha>! on.

"The llncst garment 11 woman can-:ir," Hai.l her husband, "is thn mail'

lo of charity. ""Yes." HIIII Kiiappeil, "and it's about-

ho only one FOine husban.lH want their•ivcH to wear."—Exchange,

irrrrlittrc.' -M'ft'inero aft. three sectioh.-<,f tho mental circl.i tliat thejialientinoveH in—viz, elevation, depre-.-ion andhiitiity—and in thi.s round ho spends hislife, passing out of HIIIO into tho other,for it is, when fully.established, a veryincurable disease.

The patient takes an uttack of mania,durinj; which he is joyous, restless,troublesome, . extravagant and oftenvicious. lie eats voraciously, Hleepslit-tle an.f never >eems t(» tire. His.'teni-pcrature is ft degre,, or so abovi. the nor-mal, his. eye is bright and glistening,lit) is enamored of the other se.VjJiiiHhowH'diminished Keif control and nocommon KCU.SL1.

This lasts for a few weeks, or a fewmouths moru commonly, and then he•jsaw**' wrmrti'nfe^RWririirry'.iTid "'MlrtTfl-'tiliitis rather suddenly int., a condition.uf.ili'fici.'S.'iijJU.jluxiux-JvJiicirJie JH.plwK-gish, dull, looking dillereiitly, dressingdinvrently, eating differently, fearful,iiur.cliaut and sedentary in.liahits,J T l i

p e n - . I--r ii i - n 'nmt',1 wi ld a r c p n - ilor mi.':-.- :.'• •;•:•• ,.r be d.i.-l:,.-i t, ,1 by the

.!•• eoli.I.,1 c..|. l'pill:irs.-..I c,.|,v 1, approv. ,1, it

i> IV.-:.. 11 1" i l l - Wlnli . II,iii-e. T h e 1 -x. .-.titi\<. l.iay >.r iu:iy u o l r e a d it. H ' s l a . l -ty s:il. to -ay In- d.j-s imt, lint he ii-v. rfails-!... M L-.> -i!.~-\yii!rI!k»--}1irrvi7}<'rir!V'signal ure it r» turn- I,, the s t a rodepa r l -m.'iit

d a y , w h i l e i n t in- s i n n X s t i u l i , , a n d inI h e ab. - . -nc . , o f Hie o w n e r , a l l i i i . l a r t i s t ,w h o c o m m o n l y s h a r e d t i n , p l n e x a n d\V, i l l : , d t i n l e , s : u d l l i i i r i d g e , , . n ! , | h a v eI h o m o d . I if I : - w a u l e d i t . T i n , n V j i . rh a d c l n - J m l , d t u g> l . a l o n ; ; w i t l n . u l i lN

A n d a l iu t l t a n h o u r n l : . r l hc a m e ba'e.I, . . I I " s a t l i n w u :n: , l t i n »

i d r r l . t . - i • : , l

K t h a i ,: .IO In

A n J i • 11»" i ii i • •

halt w

i p d t o b , . l n i

:.\ i : i^ ' ° j i i i , a t e n a ,\ ' i m ^

o I. ,1 1UU< f i t " H i ' ! ' - U P ' .i - e a ^ > ' , v . n l i r u n b a r s

' 1*

A n d a l . o u t a n I n m r n i l . r I h o - o w u u r ^ H j " I 1 " •''• 'c a m e b a c k , . . . J l " s a t I ! L , \ V U u i i d t i n d t o i ^ U - . - U — .

d r a w a w i - . n i . ' d i r t I n - c o u l d n ' t , l i e J->y !"!> '•'• '•

I r i , d ' l . i y i i l i . a I , ' H e r t ' h i i t l i a d b . n g ' " - ' i v ; K , n

can't do

man 1 11 1

I : . : t i n . e o u l d n o t g . - l h i

^ h l s | . . ;• ; i n r .

- t i l i n g i s . " :.i i,| In.ili.-.-lllng. I have 1,..|

•af :,,Vk i l ! . . l l o r

w h . 11, I r

'11 The 11..-ir. ha- . ' in ; : Ui n'I:'.', s , M : , , . w , , . , . ; . , , , „ , ; j (-ii. , 11 I " . \ l . - i r i t / i , , , rg 111 l l n .ti-.l.,|.| . , ; . - , :„- : : , , , , , ,ua n d 1; 1- l e d I- .- . - . . , . ; , «- . - , -k

• a ' - :>l ' - I " 1 , ' i n - . 1 . , | l vi 111

i n : ; I l i n I-,:-.- b - . - n - a , r , a d y

. p i , f e r - r i m : r... k i l l i t . f.,,,,|

,,| th

bis ,, ••|;,,,T;,|K,, s pnw

! . , . , - j i r u e i a i u a i i i ,11. V l i t - l n i ' - r i l h C i p v i . U r n c k n f f a n d ' " T h " l i g i u ' - e , " c r i , d I h e a r t i s i . . ' V l m t n n . - t n n 1

T h i s l - u u s - : t h e c l e r k f r o m h i s . 1 c t h ; , r : . ' ; '.,; , , - ; , - | > > ( • „ „ • „ , „ , „ , „ „ , , « ; „ . - j i s i t . " A n d b - i l a r l . d 0 1 : 1 . W i n 1 h e » ' " a l t . - . , ' --, H e r i s e s l o I h e s i t i m l i o i i i v i . l . •.!•..•-Ef He rises lo Mi,' siliialion with alao-

rijy. His lirst inspiration is to tarii >mta paper.ditTerent from its pre,heess,)r.--.Th., second arrests tin, divine atllatus.What on earth can lie pay that has notb id?

Tim original i- in tin. "Iiook/if• r, vein rablo Voluli,.'

rxhal :ng an «-ld-tiu.... aioiua from its

came bae]And In- t t a r l i d .'.HI. Win

1,'roitgltl Jn,l only

'• 1 li-'iu wi th a l ill. rp lief

• i t ' l latt.- i i - lln in out l.vand Hi. n - , , i lb .wj tin

l i r e , b u t . a w:r t . r e . i h . r .-!„ I, h ' a- juv.- l l . Ku lp . A n , r t i n . . t h e p y l l n . n gI t h a d l a l . - . - i r l l u i r i d g e i luvs ' '

I'-'i-Wiinl uinl--,!'.!. I- Aft-• !; -liine .ill •-\\;|! I',)\vi|,^',. .•-/.ing tin in

at a .to s ! , , p

„ , , ,„ , , „ , , , , 1 T 1 ( 1 p . ciavs l.i'Couipl.-l " • • "oi «waK Mil it is tiui.- tui n , , s e c o , n l a r r e s t s lin, d i v i n e ul l la tus . ;^i.:Li^wr"~=..^ .M^in ' . , % ' a i , ! 1 na" ' fn ,u i" i ! s «'»•. i d c l u r e . and it marked . , , . , of . tho • ' '<' ' a K . , i n . - l . n n . h . n Tel, g r a p h .Y\ ha t on e a r t h can he nay t h a t has not , . , . „ „ „ . t i l , , , , s | : | j l l , , , . . . , v , , j r | | „.- pleasant.-.-t e v e i i t ^ n ^ h j s ^ s ^ o i i n ^ i a ^ ^ . ^ , .. r ,r^=±:,~.-.i~*~=~~~-

IhT writes "T^B, word "whereas and | I U S r , , . r a | , | j , . , | n . | i rwlamati .ms of a l t I ! l l t ' ' M i ! l ; i r f l 1 him.—ChK-ago II, r- ' -Mis-i I r.inees Tower I '.dilm tells a st,,-pauses. In despair, at length, he turns ,„„. , . ! , . , .„ .( ; . , .<(„ ( . x , |U i . j t i , W T i i , t for n I (1- " ry in her aiilol.iograpliy which well i l :

for help t.l thu class ic--- that is, ho con- ( h o , v | 1 , , v r i , , , r , i , ; 1 , cruel clectrnc'ulor ' " 'sultHWhat Van lluren, Tyler and t i l l - ( ) f ,£,.. ,.v^,,,h<rv , l r l i i , :w v , . t , , u , , . . , . .iiuiro in past years and makes (, r : i,.,4_ t | ,,, ;,.ar,. (-.c,U:i jijj^uf.. tho Male ar-that a .groundwork for a draft. This , . t , j v , . s _.._.*;„.. .-.einhryo rroclaination in tin,,. .--...,1 1 ' -

rTliis,,itJ«;ill.,htit..4i-:fowv\vi'f'!<s:uiniith^s, and tin. patient-will brightfiujj 1111.1 wTiat seems recovery and in toall intents mid purposes in his normalstate. This again lasts fur affc-\y weeksor monllis, iin.l'ili.gradhally gets mor-bidly elevated. You find ho is passing'through every miniito mental phaso andhabit hedid attirst. Dcpriv-ion follows,is before, and then sanity, and this-mind of tlllco states of feeling, of iutel-.'{'t, of volition, and of nutrition, goes

in, circlupafter circle, till tin. patientlli'«. lln lives three lives.—Hospital"

1.1.1 II, r Hot.Jlis.s Klderly—I shall never marry.Laura—I'lobably not, hut you miirlobravo light.—I'lilluik'lpliiii TuncK. '

- , . , . , , , , , 1 - m a n : , \ i iilin o l t l i e p l e a s a n t g a t h e r -

birch bark by. itself.'.well inacraled, , ii|gi at .Mrs. I', ter Taylnr's. which will

, h th clerk has,forgotten" in the throes of composition.:

h 'gh n

linns. And in.t only tlie bark of the pini th i l d f

minds to thegreat cans., of Hi., nge, beeaus.-if they

ld l d lt ' ^ ^ ' v ^ - •vu'-:^:h- -".M- ...nhi ^r;;;;Zb,e,Mv3y, g i

remiss in -pious -fervor, proceeds' loint i s o f S iher iacu to l f the ' What, is th,, great cai

; I l conversion • • ( t l i o worl. l tliread mitliif the very ht.mos1. " • He '• Th, isin1;' said i. ' in lh,, .mid-t of thohcrTipes a lichen—thn Iceland—otf J nlanmr^Mis-s CarjM-nler 1,Hiked serenelythe riiekj" aiiM.grinds nJnlof iN, i l lmi^

hoiu., tin, point dawned on him, and hmogul of the. diplo nthe riiekj" aiiM.grinds ,.n,Jnlo..which' hi b h f

;mr,.,jcuiwd,-...!\VJ»y,.Uiu-iiidiD.trisb!u-!i»Kil liiilj.him both for bread and ' if coiirse.' No 011.. inj, ,y.d the joke,

puddings, ami also as a thick,'iiiug for uiien wn all began to laugh, unit., thaitin. r, forinor herself.'

that the Deity has Injn duly att.nd. .tu homething complimentary JH duo th.i ! his- broth. Thus, truly, has stern exp,d S.illi.. .M.Kiin'y. and wh.-n sin, did

finds that it i* too KeneraUaiTsto'lden':) fri"ll1

li<- " W " » M » " ' « u;;•"'"'•". *'"tifytho venr, fo l.u bring.-: in a 'few ™» l l"""1 '•' ' " l m " ' ","';.>' ?r":

hookH alluding to tlio "(loudly march of ,pestilence." "afllictlvo diHpcnsation" j *'

i f V , I , » : I V I '

i l ? * ' — ' I i i ' l i . i n ' i p <)i-; . l c i i r n . i l .

mnn- i n t . - n - than that rmitti-d by urdi- !• Fri. n,l—H ; i,; your husbiuifl's Inary /III-1 und i-mct a wiving i»f «no- ; -»)vw «n»\vii culd? , j

<• Wife*—Oh, n a llv lovewiuilf' tin) finUniiry ijuantity of ninlH,wliilti n 11 ro thus niudr up will rt(]iiirn

lutiitkifr BtirriiiK not frrwli furl for ci^fhti r Um liourH.—^Xi;\v York I)i>pati*h. '

iJiusrlf just as nmcli now JVH lio did?irlH'ii WO wiiro in 1*0 yi>aKnK°-—3oni«rvillu Jour/idl.


Page 4: A FREE NEW YEAR'S PRESENT - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 2. · VOL. 2. No. 6 . -CRANfORD, UNION COUNTY, N.J., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, /Whole No. 58. A FREE NEW YEAR'S PRESENT AT Ssii I

. %-IIP-.-I


Tun are p«>inff fur a la**i*\ ' ' './ But I vdvyt>tiun>im i-ir 'On tin* n m n i $)>:$* >'*'•* »"••!•,• taki-n

Htiw t f i o K j t i i ;••>-.-linn.,'.- IllL u r k y S-.'l! I f . i i ti»l!--i< r i . i l a ".

T l u t lu- ttirni-il :.u ii.v.m Jmn.TVht a Li* fvnlrtii't. rai.-li t l . . . <-.ii.»r

Of ytit ir w i r i H J i n i ' i " V V ! ' • ! ' i - -

Death the effects of tlio How lio had re-ceived, and in a tliort time tho robber*canio'op. . • .

"Ah. Ronil tuorniUK'. K<utlunion,"sniil the ap-nt IM ho reiiie<l in his, at the KimVtimu raising his hat

! witjl allahl*. poHlcm-**. -\SotJ it heems,'you, too. art* tin d of .tlm luiubcriu^.di

t* uj*"n mir f. atr.r •*-.— .

W'V \ i . u l . | » n v t!i / I'uj' i ! ' • i-'U > w ; i l i l : ' ; i i i y J---1? V. .:: r.- .

P i v t t y - j - o . - t u r > I '*• i ; . • I >.> .-It. •I a m t . m j . t ••! r..«: U t . . k i . < W . J

l>h, y i t u u i t » ! » : » « i>ij.r'.-<.;r t ; ' V

A l l U u * ' ' \ \ . . r M lir.H fctTii., j ,- . i .•!..,I t j i u . l l l - i : ~v i . i t M..1 •

Y « t » lnr*- t - . t i l . - k : i t» .u i y . . «'Wiiktw u ! } ' ;.!:>' f ' . r I): ' V- i - .n* .

Y o u i w * ' * : l l » :<l ")i ii t!-.; i r lit iA n d t i n i r \v•••iiw!.•* j ' - u -•• •. •.*. *•

A m i y o u ' r e l;i'*l;iu>: i n «'>.;ir,i-j j .• F o r t i n : l « iM(; s« )« j i i i : i v -r I« • I

' m t n i v r i i i n tJ>]i-:;iii.A n d y o a ' i v i h i i i h t « . i - w . - - t t .

' T h a t I t i s l l ' i t K v l u r l ' l ' i M r' L U t o t b * !•<**»•>« n m l t in - l i l i ' v .

^ I ':trf ti- ! * ' LT

. " V i s , " plw..i im'ii;"ihi- ililii;i'iinMliil notmiactly'

mit m:rri.nvi-!i!| i.i,i^ Bn.wotofitliorM-rt."

•••Ami vim an- li..uni| tu (.'Inininoiit';".

• • • • - - . - • ! . -FOR H I S BRAVEBV. -

IIow KUwsrd. Prince of Wales, W.n th«Tills of lll.rk Prlner.

Iu the summer of tho . year 1310 Ed-ward l i t crossed thu KiiRlifih clmunelvyith JIO.OOO IIKU to invade Franco. AtC'rocy. not far from tho Hoitie, Im was

a-k..l Lai

- i met <J)I' thu t'litli of 'Angust by Kiuuthu fnieinwt of tho'] Philip with I:io,iii|O. , . '

' - r . Whilv thu Frcnvh wtro comiui? on|il (jrfat ilinihlc-r^tlir-ni wa.s a lotal!

w-lip'se. nf'th'u huri;'nccoiui>aiiir<l Ijy attrrililo KtOTin^.'iftirwhivlitlicTsnncaiiii'out -|"' KliiniiiK •ilirc-':tly ill till'.

b ' f l l k f

. ^ t > n . W T O I i r i l tA n d t h o m e n , lilt" filly ni<

' • ' fijjonltllji! Uui:7r: i !» ir in.••.

/ I l l s t h e i r s t.» kit.-. 1 1 - fi.iv.>-.-:•. I t I* y u n r s t-> K* wW<- : . •*.'- 'Bat tin* I ^ M U X :m> Kfi.j.'.J I.. m.

";. A n d Tin j u r e > " " ' " ' •' ; . ' ' -S o f o r f t ^ r l , t - . . 11.i> U.r- j 1

" J lU t r. wi - l i . iiiTj tin 11 u:\. :.,

- "Yi--; 101 itr.imrtant 1m«iiics.s." . out | K l i n K y"T.';::t i- fi.rtuiiatf. " .'aiil Lafunt,- ! farrs b( llm Fxi'lifli, but on tlm liarks of

wilil li:^ nlnif.-!1 la'rlicstncs.-,-"for you ; tho Klijilisli. :! . - ;i ' • 'j Tlui liiit cHorKU was miiilo by IS,000

towm™,"'iwlio <-aino forward

A WANT. _ •

-** Tin looking for name prftty Bid,"" • Of mixli-ht, quirt IDli-tl, . '

Win a'rt^-sm wi-11. known hovr to «pellAiul Im- a wit that's ki-»-n. . „

I want nn fliklc u-i-i.lhi-r vani». Tlmt turtiH with fviry wind. .I think u MVjnd wuulj na'it ijn-l>0Ht.

Bhirlilust I*. »w. II, n -flni •&. . . .

Bhu niti-l In riniHUmt n» u i*tar—No Im-tcir woulil <l(.-7

Ami. l i l c l i .r own1 KW. .'t llttli-'aclf,H .r nnnum:ir mint I*? trn»-.

. •". Vet men., if uli • v-uultl lil- with mcj -. IV.X' U"i- tIn- wl:.r.L'i ri^'lit V(n i t ," - -

Shi' inn.-,! !»• alii' to talo'' ilmva-~ . (Ill'- linmlrrd w.irtN a liaiittli-.

• —J. II. l*.rjmaim ia :m<U'<,uutry.-


I'lir Ijtttir VVu> Kept / „ < m.imaii.l lto-ruiw <if 1' IY.1IUR.

in:iy, lfynsi^': lit, ulu mo it great favor.1. tu... .iii|i!.ifi:itliu>iil''liau-"mi-lit. l't:t 1 !.-ar,.lliat without a«M.stHlico | with.a shunt, as th'iuifh t o sdmi till'1 Mi.ill r.'.r l«.:il".l..,i.iai'i'.oiiiiilif.lrit.- 1 > KUKIINII.V . T|ii\latter, .who1 had him or-have. L'.ntl-ui.-.'i. in my I«ISS.-^I,OII, a ; derod to liu liar on tiro earth, now artiso, j , ., , , . , , ,.. (.i,.m,.,. l lc)r,,va-t ;,«„.».» of v.ilnaldo pa,,,rs a,,d In- , s,,.,,p,,l forward »,,,;,«, auiMciVthcir v i ^ r v " ^ - ^ , u f ^ P ^ "

I tlifiii-t<» r u . . ' ' ' ' w n . H o t l i a t L , ^ — , i ,.i,,i., „j S i lUr t in l,«runr.-iti of i


A i i K u ^ t i i H * I j i t f ' i t j t v r i ^ l l . " < • " ' u V i y n t i a l .

f r o m I ' . ' iri .s w i t h Hi l l . - , m i l — , < h ; i f i - , M • ,

t o t i n - u ' l i i i iuut* o f l .<<nu, i i : - ' i i r . : : r - - . f . ' r

• ; n in <I i a i t t x M I ul'.s. r v o l i l l t i l " ]U<'>>;|..

o f h i s j o n r i M V , a-.r t i l l ' l .n i^ l '> .M ^••:l-. :it

t l m t t i m e i n h •"» d l y a ^ ' i I H i ' : , ; . . " j / ; i -t i un nt t l i i . !•

jJ.iifunt h i i ' l ' t h " I!M

! in

• N o t . l i i i ^ ' v / " r l ! : y n f ( ! - / • • i - ' i ; j r p . < l ' .,-

n r r c r I . . . i . : n t ' . v a M i - n l s ' i n i : i . ! i l h - - l : . : - i

j w - " l i i i - : i r | y l l i i i i i i . : l i t i i < - (!• j .11 t ' i i i . j i t

(>f i ! i r S i m \ ' - l - . M : i r : . " . w i n i i j i : - t -.'if

n i ^ h i t i . l l l V v « i w v l l i i i i . ' - ' d j ' ! i | i l - i ; | . n

l l i i i l x l t i l l ' - l l ! i l ' M i r r : m < t > ! : i l l i i ' . l ] . ' ^

f<;i( ," ' (*i ( ' h n u i i K i i i t . I l \ v ; i < ; t l ( - < - : ; * ! y t . . < i

" i l i i r l ; ; f i i r t i n - : i i : i - i i r - t n i l i ^ t i n ^ t i i - t i t l . i -

f c a l u n -i o f t i n * j i - U ( ; i i i i : i r - , i n i t y« r f r * i i . n

w l i i i t U t l l i ' h " n . u ! i l . M M M I n - : i t « u i ' - n i : i : i « l c

. t i p ) i i ^ i n i i n l ( l i n t 111 *• i t v r i i u n t t • j ( ; n n i » - ^

wun* not unLiinifiTsTfii UTfitij^5'l havingcuniH ti) t i i is fiiiii'lTi-ion IK- "M"1 • *<• r 111 in 1»!t o wa tc l i t h i i r nnivritifJity, f-H; it v. i^ in 'h»s]ii«'i«'n t ha t th«-y h:nl hy Mmtv ni'-.m-iwi'n'iH1']n•.--.•: ••.!•)I'pf Ills >> 'Ti t |ih-il;>-~to»i!c ].u-;M^=itm -*f MH n.iu.I.. Tin- il'i!iuwi(V ••)"—»•<! t he S . i i f j . f \ ' . . 'Kent aiirHlit 'M- t'i i i ia imi l fur t i i " ni^itf.Ah_>«">n " ^ J ^ 1 ^ 1 ^ liiuJ^jjtjiMMunity 11 • J

J-«TS lit t l ' f MIJIpl1!' tllblp l)t4-jH-<Mll|i>sl^ lii.i Ur.v-,t itijj»n;>-i(•!!•- \v<r.

" li«'.iaii*!i-i 11 l i i ' P i . n s DM tlii-Tl.ty 1.'-fmliis ('..•]i:ivttiriv iimt In* i-iiil'l m.'t )>ut n>

Aft- r Mippr r iJic up -u t liL,Iitt >1 hi-- c i .• ijEiir.-;iv.<\ w.ilkiil-utiL* t;n t-.i tin- lifi t ln-vwin r»- lie ii mai iu-d , ins i r ly lutl! :vu Inmr ,


t«>wnr<l tin* i n n , ;.n<l iJiWt m, h e a r r i v f t llit tli>« (Ini.r iii' ctilit'i «1 )tU t w o r<t!ii]Mti-iciiiN i n l r r i i i - t h f t.t;ilili> "I'^ir.

I ' ruiupti ' f l l . y a t\< lin,- uf r u r h i - i t y , h efollu^ t h e m , nml us In1 c:\uv i>u:inl

""['.Mil 1 ih;i:ik v f i i iiinst I n a r t i l y , "-:ii<t j . - i ! - ' : ! 1 , ;ti:*l ;:s In-<pofco hn tinik" U."•J'\-'-'ly, M J ' <t ] iarkcr f rum liis Imsninin.I h.ud< I i.t «vi ;r . " I n I h i s , " im t-'aiil," t l n t f ar,- v.i lualt ld pajMis,. a m i 1 t rus tyiHI \ \ i l l u-«' a l l i l i n T u t i n n in y n u r earn.Niiw tin- rfl i l* 1^ m a y o v e r h a u l 11m as*<«m a - Ih.-y !i!;«.-."

Aft«r 'Miuii ' i u i t l n r d i n r t i ' u i s , n i v i n ,111 ;iu limit t, o t i i t i f l in^ n \ a t i i n r , Lafuiitt*i:;ilc Iii-;-ni-v.* ijii-NM-iipTH ^ml^ni-cil,.ilirl « l'i- hnii* tin v w i - l e d'lit nf M^llt . Tlld•infill tTiriH-ii h i s IIIJI\-M*K ln-ail ha r l : l«»-w a n l - N 1 ^ ' n t , WIMT*1- Im a r r i v a l in safe-*y, HIM) (»:I t h o m - \ t i i n i r n t u ^ li<)

Tho- ro l . l . cM.s tnpp , . , ! a t t l i / ! . ••. '•nmrhoHy's d . -a t l , " Kiild His wife.(irsiM'i'MVi'Kitiit j . / a f - . l ^ r x a m i n . - ' r t ^ i r •• | u t h . n i i r a n t i j n u .a M-rvaiif >vas r e t u r n

. I ' .n r h o i i . n t i l j u - t • . . - t h u

mt- l i t i i j ; u w ; \ y i n a n . n i p t y

' ' •

( ' . liy t i i o ; t a l . |: ; twt i liicn i'i• . '..' Mall.""1 V , " ' W i t h a i t . altliy." rat l i l iM' Ir.'.-v-l iri:"Up""*- ; jirotn-hftl, n in l In* \V;H f«ii!un:it«'' t u m i u h

1 t o m a l a ' ou t d m pjsf of t l i r i r r o n v i r v a -tiuii.

' . i , .Whi-n "I.nftmt l i f t t ln 'h la t .1 . ' , l io ' l : ih ' \v '[>*}'•-•• • > - • t ha t tin* twt i i:i:*n h a d l^ft I ' a r i s fur tin*

• I ' pnipo-cnf ruUunj; him, IIIKL that th y. j ' ^ u int< iidi [i to put th t i r |I!;UI in rxi-rutitm

. ; . n> ;-i.f'iii a1* th^'oTliptnohlioViVil JiiivY'iiV"

tvnd tho ili-jiurtuifiit ef tin- 1 "pi" rM a n n 1 . ' ' . ' . . • • . - , '

1I<> r e t u r n e d t o t l u u u n , t t u d nf t« r <<>i\-> n t l . r t i i . u h ^ ' d c t c r i u i i h - i l t oj i ro i -urna luusc . a n d w r i r t l y cut ' i t inijc iuV

;•; j o u n i i ' y . Ilaviiif* cohm t^i ' thif 4-.IIM>1U-. !'. Hinii, Im w e n t tn t lm i l i i w r of t l i t - d i l i - -

: • - p-ui ' f . i i u d u n d e r . t|u> p1ra of ~'haviii t . ' ' to—y —rrHintrr-^tri~NTT?ftmfr--Tm-T'pT*H?tt" hn>Tniis"*«'ai

*s. . .. f o r , : * , i l ay o r t w o |u> hctth-*! h i - f a n ;** t h u s f a r . T l n - n h o w e n t t o ' - H I M s t . i l ih -

_ ' a n d t m U t r d a liniM> t o \><> i n ii-:.iliiif>.<; f o r h i m h y It o V l o r U i n t in- i u n i n i i i ^ , a t

" ' t l u ' h a i u i ' t i n i i ' i ' n j u i n i i i ^ ' u p " i i t in - j ; a r i v i ' i i

U i e j - t r i f t t >t ••• '• ' ' rny w i t h u K - « ' 1 t t l hi-' '. "rf - . i n o v t meu t . s . ' . . .

• \ A s MKHi-iiH th* *••' a r r a n y i M i H i i t ^ \vt*r»-ina-1.- I . a fnn t r . - t i r r d | u h i - " i " " : i i . IJ«> i.f

rour.-M t u i ' W t h a t h K M I-I , t li . i ' l I ak i -1;' vu\, a n d t'Vi-n ill _LM- ( f r " | n ' - i i l r n j i r - v

f * w a « lH.t r i i i i r e l y I r i e In - iu l i . tn .n : . A*: n i i l l i i m f i .u l f* Wii- a l a i ^ e Mini , an*i if

'ir . t in- t w o . P a r i s i a n iV.lilur* h a t M I llii i r'\ l i t ; « H s u p r t i i t s | i . t ^ - . > ' \ < > n h i - I t ; . I y . t

"•' . r - i t - h M V ' . l ; t>i p i . r l o i i n M e h» \ \ \ i i i l i l l i» :

'.'I ' e n t i M l y U-'-y f i u u : t h i - i ! i . I . . i - t f f ^ i M , :t' .- n e w i i l i a M i u i ' U l i i u i , ai:<l u l i i a n i K i L , ' ^

n u n i l n r o f j-ajM ).s h e i n - a t i v f " ! - 1 n l t h < m

*t-,—;*"rnr;fiivfi\r.'T''-p r 'hi^rrrt^-vvtoVr 'y^r.rr.;r;' ' ^ a n d b o u n d w i t h i\ M m - n l t / ( .n .t •', • •- ~ - > A t i(.-4-t**'J *;<\i i n t !»'• n u n I I I M ^ . « ' . > ii '.]<• i (

*'ll'iii«t -tart, Ki ' i i t lr i i ifu^fn^whatl H h c y woVdil not Jiinder tlio rv-t of tb« Ijtfll.vou is rme.1- Ami for- tJiafriason I arniv " - ' ' ' • »* • .1 •** tins alon.-, hut ,»y |,..r,e h^,...,T7-Si? tho ,n«.anllWo E.1wW.fc.thb priiico ^ ' - S ^ ^ r o n Z , n r l iv^w i i l i i i ^ miM.(1p,.a:nl I f .ar tin-r>»h- • 1(f W : i M . who w;,, in , , . . I . . . : I I .<1 of one I m ' ; u i l ' I l t ^ ^ " ) l l l I l l " l l l l ' l M U !

1J. rs, -wh... '""' '


confidential moodaiiftiliM'ii.-si-d tliuniil-Kittiatioii. .with much freerfoim

l i i f r-.Til-trs w i l l f ind imi l i i t i t ; ,» • • i ; i - i - V u i l v . " i l l I i ' i T . ! » • s t l r - l ^ i . - c l -

v . i i w i l l t i i i i - i n ! ' r i > i i i n i ( ) ( t a t i ! n u 1 .

"No, iiii thn reply." W v i r H i m , " said tin; l:in^t " n t u r u

.... . ; t('( t !» l M I t l l i l t ^ l l 1 y m t ' " I ' 1 " ' " t h " ' " '"! Iwsvilluuii.l li.-fcri.tii.ll.attl.

tht* linalt'otHsctf tint w a r . " ; >•Vi-ry HKIII aiti'V'thc lV'iftlit of ('liaim-i-

ami struel; to the^iniind, _.lmt. mm of'his i 'Lvllor^'illn ajiil tho hlnw Wliiih hismilitarypresti^'w luid h'uflVp' run -e-fjuenrf ^av-e puljlir ^ipinimi u decidedly

t ian^.r- , s-ir.." --uli. .mi ;1r t i l l . - i r / ' re lorNjU^ifont , j Welsh knights,, who <'iirrit-il J.ln- tffwit\r^rh a fr..:il: . n i i l e . ' - I wm.ild iiuich i l rapm htaiii'lard, tlin-w i t ' ove r him asr. t 'h . r iriirt Immst travttlcis than urn |^. h»v ami slnod.upon it jilTtliO enemy • '','" " " V i r " -lTu'" " | J"' ';"" "''i~ r 1 r(Wlii..»:- ' ; . . t HIM rinu with rnhi, ,-,. Y..11 i was fn^-n 1-aH; ' • \<hiiTl> hil}J? •.O|IM '^""'Ifi.^1"1"-11^.^• .v^^i i ;^ : v,«^i iV. t* .n ; - i in ,Yr^

vc iVul l *i'.i; n-ar-t it.. Jfil.ullMi.pat : i hi^h lull overloukin,. thu field and V T I I ( ! u r > l f t I i r ' ! ^ l ( l l l ' M l : 1 ^li.iu^e my hoisM.aud then ; t ( , ( | ] - | , j s > u nJi i his unn.snnd kissed him;f..l|..w y.:.].'1 i "Vnii a;o my truo HHI;?' Lin still:, "\Y. II,1", -aid niif of tho melt, "we .j "Uij>iit nryally haveyoiMinjuiltird your-ivtMii. y.,:ir wi-li ami nn et you'at M. ) ,«.|r and s'ln>\vii yourself to IKIQII svvVr-

Vomif* Kdward 011 thiiuiccasjo'ii won-a suit of Mael; armor, wJiii'li^firuutrast-cd with IiU <irinison n in l^ i ld sureoatand tho hrilliantly faiiy&implexiuii ofhis round, boyish faeiythut ho was call-ed from that timo tlio Hlack J*rim'o.—Maslou ILernhl. / • •

_•_.. yf. _

miHlncs* Competition.

nilllinard/leonipetitioii runs prettyhijih,tio\vifiUiyrt iiv-tlvtv iui(trop*jlis, .j\nowner «f .si'iiiio down town property wasawaj>ein-d .hy thu loud rin^iiiK' of hi*do'ivin'11 reeently in llarlein.

lit tl.e M i

:h»y tTati*t u«.t pa-h tin.1 il'iatter further.h

Whi'ii .Ale.v.itidre Dumas tho ymiuIT, \V:is- j iM nut of -i-ullvKi-*. TlW fallierH.k liiia 1.11a hiiiiiiiiK tilp. They put Mmd went below. Two»at 'u rariuhnn<uaud»»emipied tw» lit- j i , i m | n thivliall.-

. V . "jtuportunl liu'sitM'ss'tlu'y says, hir."- • "Wel l , 1 should think it would" ho,~^-j-waking a . niaii up this t i im-o ' night.

I ' l l liavn t» no down', I suppose. "Ho ipiiekly threw on_tionio

it.s" awaited

opi'ned into cadiof

»d: liat-k and forth.

y n u r l'iirdon, Hir.'for knockingt hi h b t I t k

whirl)In tin- middle of tho ni^lit thn j . y m i U]) j l t this Inmr, hut I want to nmlu.

awak.nrd and >;»w liis father ; y, ,u ,\ proiK.sition for liiUljoanls'iupundtlm corner nf your place-on ltlatik titreetwhiln-yon^nn''TfhntMinp.~'Nain[T~yfTTirlimifes, including two thontor tiekutsovery niKht of-tlm nt'iison," . -

"And, s i r , " bc^an thu other "

LNIV. .-

"Y'liiM-c. I am walk tn,"You arc Mek.'"."Yty, U «reat pain, luit l a m

s^l 10 it. 1 liuvt* it every ni^Iit.".*'N th» re in.thin^ tiM'iircjj1:""It i- incur I1.'!*-. "

i tip mid -"No. Wh.11 it taki s me. 1.valk. If it is v«ry had, I p i to reading; "

"And when it is iiiMipixirtahle."**I wu.rk." . ' i; '• ' • ' •*••

It win true, and in laU>r yearn hin son>ftvu .SUV linn ii i . ihf ni^ht sitting iUlisdok writing withoiio hand arid hold-ing up<>u his .vttituach with the other.

"my company wouM liko to-iiiukv you] n.proposition for tho usn of tint walls"I that m a y remain standing after tho! lire,;1 _ ; ^ .,.*.,..,...,, '.,.^..,^^,.,,..^

""" ^Viu'V^Vin*? Wliiit aroyou talkingabout?" Tho nhl man was completelynonplused.

"Why, your jilactt raught ilro nbuuttwo hours a^o," Kaid tho llrst "gout,"

"And iaigiitti'il hy t|iiajtimi% •* nd(Jwltho Ku?mnl "K»'iit."

"(J( course you'll j?ivo ino tho refusal

•Vend (•.all/l's AV'cTe iisseni^ffed, wheu.anjndif-firia't y«»un . lady di-n 11 ly altni-ked Lincoln with tlMMtxtnmr*binary <ju',i--tii)n:. *

"Mr. I'r.'siden't, is McClellan «'»>"«tu hn rei-alled to tlm- command of theArmy ot the I'otomai'?"

The president k'nod naturedly parriedthis Inmii' thrust,'but L'avn no satisfacto-ry answer. Afterward joining in theI'ouversation, 1 intiinatecl to thu.presi-lent that as'h(> had not settled the mat /ter there probably mi^'ht be someground for this! general suspicion thatMcCh'llau would (JU recalled.; Lint'iiliijwho sat near,.nu\ put on-a very severeInofc.-and tiirniuysaid in aii uiUieirifne,"And you too;" . 1 instantly recalled>ur cmivi r.-u(ion Ion tlm steamer andinol.^iy.idinrniylnck of faith, lie then*ltli HH 'I • r-t-tt: you -<-eim:nilnn*~thc talk-irn ha(l"oir*tho'Carrir'~Alartiit "-^-NoiiliBrooks: in Centurv. '. . •'

(Jeneral Van Wahl, Wuef-coi)stableofir

'ho iiulini «if St. I't'tcrsliurg, when he'.j^vr;. ;iiv*'j'iHir_jifcr--

::l£i<"!v;-*efi.-iY'tid- a'Visit' jme day from a jh>or woniat, -widow of1 police, n^t'tit who liadfallen a> vietliu:o duty. For a I»ing tjnm s|n! had Milie-ituUilie pension \v'.hli:h \v;is due her.riit' head iif tho pulieirfowliom she."hadiildressedjier demand paid no attentiono her plex

In her distress tho widow went to:hu Koverimr and told him \m story.

"Ah, yes,; we'll see what ran ..belone," said.fieiieral \Vahl. "Sit down:here and write what I tell you, " point-







- For Pleasure orProfit,Should cce that the -Journal thfcy"subscribe

to is the btst aiiU inost reliablo ' "%"authority obtainabjb


It deals practically with friiits an 1] vegetables,* trces;>hrul« arid; flonVrs, and iroverstho

-Jield of _hortjcuitn^e ^ystcmatJcaIIy_ . . ,' ' '..t and tKoriJuyhly. It illustrate;, and

** describes methods of cultiva-tion, i in proved varic t les and ,. t .'

' *• - Jabor-saving devices.It is. without doubt, • '

The Paperfor the People!$1.00 a Tear (?* numbers).

Specimen copy nnd fApago catalogue othorticultural boots FREE on application.

American Gardening, 170 Fulton St, N.Y.

A Few Hinfs^rorChristmas Shoppers.

Stop in nnd MM onr iininenw HoliJny Stock ofHighest Gmile FURNITURE at LOW.

PRICES. Onr now etock of



Are tht» ihiist iicceptuble for ]>resontH ever ' Hliovrnin tills city.

pa r l o r uiiil Bed Rociin Furnitnro in endlessirfy. Lnce Ciirlulus,- Portieres and Window

Retail Furniture Dealers in jtlie

23-T-& 233 Broad Street, Elizabeth, IM. J.

O Floors. ROOMS FOR STORAGE. Elevator to Each Floor.


.•* WHBPPLE & SOW, •!$• •'., DEAliEKS'lN-' / •

Hew. York and Pennsylvania Bluestone.MHHIMF.S \T ' State Lino & E. Windior Brooms Co. N.Y.

.l!.lJA.K'V»..VV-•»•',.L - MclroRO. Susquclinnnn County, Pa .

I'luiiuiiiK. t'niiiiiK, Sills, Liiiicls, Cnrliniut Ontlers of nil (lesi'rii)-tiuns. T'lii^^iii^ luiil. l.'url) umH.iutterM set.

All Stout! Wuilc ilime livV.\]ii'riencTil workmen. ,r r i l t * CHlCJl |><»Kt J-it€>||t^ \ ' m ' l l III t !l<- tS tUlc* . ' '

YARD No. 001 ..East Grand Street, ELIZABETH, New Jorsoy.K^tliimlcs cheerfully Kiveii I'1."' vviirk lii-twerli .Irrsoy Thy unit KiUtiin. , '•

_Agent, H. S. BACHIWA«(, Roselle, N. J.

: Fine Family Groceries• SUPPLIED & DELIVERED PEOJd^TLY.

Airt'lit for tho MAUTIIA" JJAKINOPOW-HKI:. Just as pK>d iisnny utln/r, ami atout- half tln'])ri<v. (live it a tidal.

Opera House Block.Next In jnwt Oflli-i'. • Oranford. N. J.

w: H. CLUM,

For househald "furniture ;•

~5f--"efeG^y--db3crip1icii [.. _

tiicie is no .place| .

" 7~nls:e"s — - ~" • —*—^-**

No. 150 North Avenue,

Plalriflcia, N. J.,1 .

K .Tho willow todk u ^eat nnd wrote

.'rum the governor'*! dictation a lonj;tfipplicatiitii. "Now addrcsH i t , " he'aid, "and wait for me in tlm next

A ftw minutes:i ralltul, and th»»

Inter tho woman wasK^ncral j»avo into her

ltt'iui'iiilicr tho two thu-.'.HI you work ulwiiys;lf wiim j n t O T tiola-'ts!" yoHtnl tlio first V » * «wl Iiim mi siirh an »HVi i»ii, | t | H , o j , | ] n : i u \M\Ull fbr thoHtairs.-r.Cor.

, Plttsburt* I>|sii»tcii." I liavo nothing <*1,1 Dumas —V.-uth's

A High C«llinK.

A r«uittu« Artn-M. | JudKo HulzhiTKer'hpokt'ntnith whichMrs. .11-.Ini Iftn-w KIVS: "On Sept..!!«; "\ \H tno oftfif forj,n)ttt>h when hoKaUl.i"

is,*;, at the Walnut. Street theater, • : l HJH-ITII at the hij;h m'liool, that "thcruid not a teaelier in tlie land that linn aIMnla.l. Ipluu. :i> the little . Dtlkn uf

:o her, "Tukq thin letter to tluihcad.'onstahh1, tuko caro not to open it, and;oino back to inuja.s noon as you havu a•eply." . •

A wtck afterward tho woman appear*sd at tlie palace n^'niii. Her pcujririii had;HM*II granted, and sho thanked the 'Rtiv-.•rnor. with joy. . - ~^~ • •,_ " I t is usele^rt to thank mo. Finn nutti-ng in thu affair," said ho, and imme-liati'ly Ki»vo thn fullowiiiK order:

"Th» head of tho polico at Kiev islifinissed- from hi* post mid sent intotxihr, tho reason,.hecu'usu ho granted aletinind after receiving a sum'of money'or so doing." -.

(teiural, Wahl had, nnlcnown to th

V"rt. ».SlMl..-i»Mr..vY.lay,»f 'ltirhanl -|,iKl,,r fum-tinn ' tlmu lms tl,,i Imve.t v i ; l m l " ' , s l 51 '1"1,'," T ' ' ; "*"*,III.-ai..|«iil...liii1iu«llr«lii !.l!,H.tl1, th,' t. 'a.'li..riiitli.,l..w.'st l-lasH*.ftlio I.rii, l i |- ? " ' " / " ' J " "Ml*- i l"-"m ' " ' ( 1

:r.':.t VI.1.T 1I...H,. 'f. .tl , ,r ,.f il,.. lat.. rv s,l.,>ul. Tl,,v l , a v U . , u l s l , , ' f , J t h , m , V l>",r l.,.nK Kra.iU',1—IMwin H.».tli. :.- th,' i-r.K.k 1.a.-k tyrant, aiul 111,' faiMllii't'S of tluwii•lli-tivc, list- » 0 U " " 1 " " " l l ; " '• . •

I-v-:i'i i,.v M;I-,- ,-:m,r, au,l us I 1I:IVI> |,.ss s'otllrt liavo ..all t" In- callwl for th ." \—-'.,"!!tmui'«:]Y It fcr,' thr f"'»tli(;iits . In thesr f,'\v litti'j;t word* nrot'inbrni't'il-t

\. r -'.ii. ,• I II.IVM a l,.ii|;, l>ta;;,' ra- .. thn wlmli' fniyr l.liil jui^iliilitiis nf I'll-'

-Vllli; I'HlruUtion In U*itti-r.

Thn nceail, t-ea and l.'ikt' ^ur'filf'v,-rM... , ' I l1 . ,v. . r M 1 | a l . M i ^ - r M a ^ - a : . . , | U M V h , , l , Y M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l"k" "ilrtai'i; «>t | &, , : ,!,.,„ a : , y f my .•.,i1t,',u,,lll-ari.'S. . ,, ,ati, .». au.l thi'V luak.r tl», , i rii..:.rr ^ " r •' a " ' " '" '-• '•»• '»• ' ' " ' / " " " : ' "»K ' C

Cabinet Furniture,

Upholstered 'Furniture,Parlor Suits,

Lounges,- Couches,

Entiles:: variety, at

Real Estate &. Insurance.' 3 Opera House Block.

Geo. +H. Bruce,

GOAL,Sash Blinds, Doors and /louldlng.

Lime Plaster, Canada Ashes, Etc



Will (llvo Tlie ('llllnMCl.K IUinh'nrl~I)o:ien,I'jiliini't 1'Ari»lii".'ll!i'i;uliir]'rli-of'i.lKl)fiirllilj(Ail. unil S.'l.c«IOisli." • ' . :

'•- JOHXrRi

Electrician j n £fiii Biro.\p"st.V£

KU-ilrli'liiHl.luhtlAliirnw. I.a»,i/.Mm


COLLARS I D RIDING SflDdLESATPECIflLTV.U«'piilrliii;N«.|itly unil I'mmplly ll'uiti*....

Orders taken for Hand-Made harness.Elm Street. Hear Button, WcsthflJ, N, J,

iAttorney & Counselor at Law;- A-,& F - : . P L A R K 'ASH


Everything manufactured in

Reed and RattanGoods,

on the floor of the Show- jrooms at v


fprest Avenue, Grnnfortl, N. J. | F.IHK Ktnu.'s Luiil ami Curl. Stones Set!

.irSTlCK. fNKIS CUl'NTY, X. J.MASTKIV IN" ri'AsV'Kii'v Si:\v JKKVK

('iiiii|ik'ii''iilnl nu t s «r nil < •mnfiinl t ItU-s.

Mimti'lM, Ili'iirtli.i,'Sills nnd Sti'iEas t Broad St.. ElUaboth. IT; J . '



O n jStoves, j

Ranges,Bedding, -1- .. I

Baby Carriages,Prices are the lowest at-



K1WDLIWC WOOD.iljliif. l:""inn, DiKin JIIIMM /II.W..

r m i l . Cuff (infill .Irillir,


• n j - 1

| . i W l r f , i lw,,.lti.-f,,r.-..n,nl-,,,.vr;m'lis.n

». IV 111... :1 unl i t wliirru'iuil -.wi'i'iiiiiKill I- f. t.- it I liavo II. 'V.T wi'ii iiur I'MII)•I-.« in that '|i.irt wli'i MT'IIII'II tn'rimi-ij-ti'lv j ) . i t e? 11. .Jx •1<!Hi^4.i»<lh'iu«!i.

~t "intl"l«..n wtittvn fiirliiin'11

WHS y i t vi'i-y dul l , and In'l.n..I 'KM w a ^ i - t i r r i n ; : . I.;if'»iit i"iiu, t !y it d f r o m l i is i " " i n at id w n t tntl i<

,,,Jtl;i!,4;;Hi:yi : .\v ;x-: Il.ii-lllyaluii^ . i t ^ m d .ux^s.

fi'W inol iu lit-^ t h e af,'» lit \v;i- o n ITM w. iyt o Cl ia iu i iu i l t . -

l ' u r t \ m l)'Hir-» In' ru, | , ' nu Iii* w a y , f'iit

h i » l , a d of ]r.n--uiii^' t l i r lii^lii'>:iil iroMi" T r r T r s - l i t ' - n p ^ i ' i ' r T r c ^ ' i V ' i l i i ' S i - i i v . r ^ i f i r

kcjit ciU<iu; h y tin- l i a i i l i - ' i [ t i i " Aulr,-, U ' l t i v i r . i i l y ,<f I V n i i ^ y l v a u i a . ftI > a y l i ^ h t w a s ju^ t 1» p inmi i^ ' r.i s!i-, n l ; .[ >riKinali-,l w i l l i th,v.,> In K i n u m * of.r i-v-

tlii, l i i a i f i i i whi ' i i Lalo'iit tlii 'iiu'lit h o | ' r > t l i n i i ; . i lm«- | i iu ,- i<. . M r . C u l i i i liiw n ,.f l .~.ti . . l l .

war tcn l i i i . tlm ciirn-


of Hi,'I'arth aivi'-tiiiialcil tCii t icui i l WafiMih..,.™ .„„.,.. j-luYv..iuiMdiI'«/.io.,,'uv*tr;,.."«'!i.^ukii>. mi It's

Tli imilnr nf. OIIO'H I'lcilliiiiK' has dill- ' if th,-al'iivn l u r a inch day. Now, it all" niili'riililii to iln with OIIO'H cuiufurt in • •''•' WI'IIIM W I W - suilik>nly driiil anil tlm, .-iumiiii'ror winl ir . Wlu'ii t>x]Hisi'il tutftt, ./iviTs rnnld k i r p ' u p their pii'si'iit rate

j .li'iirotH t".; jiiiii1.-triiw rnliir, 10'J; ilark vitimiit oi'i'an cvaporatioii.T it wouldly.'llow, U 0 ; • Iijjht Kr,;eu, • ISfi; ilurk ! ako :i,;,0ll years to rilill <h,' luiriu.—KriTii, ii)S; turkey ri'il, I (IS; bluo, Ills, 't- LIHIIH Ii.'public.anil blat'k, iON. A"->umilif» that thin ta- j ~' ^^—" *'

h i a r i l t h ' mi'iiul _,;f i l m ] - l - I ' t l n m l h i na n d it w a % n it [ i i i i ^ i r i ' h<- lai,:>v . t h a t h>-Mas I ' in.u' i ..•. -u 'il, a n d m t i n n i i n u t , bi> w ::••;'•• i n , J 1.1 hat t l i n t w i i r n l i W r s \'-»f!ir bin:. _ V :

Iu it inoniint tln< ii|.;i'iit '|e:i|i>'il fmintho haildlr, and pi-ixiii^ a lii-iivy KtoiuiIM, iulli,'ti-d fl Krvt-ri' t'l'ui)',' tiixiti on,, yf

• in tli.'dr,—tiif upr ime mill

li^bl I'olom duriiin thu MUIIIIIUT Inn j "Answer by return ma le" was tlioinbuilt ilimblo the .protei'tiuu from tin, ' W 'I'11 ••'•••'f wuund u]. that Missheat that tlio man or woman in black ! Awtlitcs received from Mr. Kuihlwirn*.

•lia-t.—I.ancastiT llomeoiiatlik-Kiivoy. I ' 1 wonder , " siiul-hho, v.whetlier hej — ^ > ! iieaiis by tlio messenger l)uy or by] l)ornne, tlio naiuo of a Louinlnnn ,'ioiit."—IniliaimiHilis Journal.

bin tvrv hKf. - Tl\i'uuitnnl r»arc*lUlil plutiK*1*!. but Khold him, itKniti iniunitcd and nnlu «n.<tu t tho liortu liTiipt-il mid hta^i-uri'd W

i"!'!,. :.n'.l livn of till.'l.' III.OM- MUli' 'I . • .'leventh o n t u r y , i..,i ^' . i j ; li'f:he (,'altie was cultivati-d as uu . _ _ . ..mitalde f.<r Ihu trainiiiK^of KoldlerH.MHIUI the ,iulilli c intnry it was Intro-luctil inti. Japan, whero it Un-amo very

From theso two ruuutriod it

iatnUTlainii. '"ti;'. h " l^tho tenth or i n,f •«'» .UJ'."- . was applied to

"J *" i tlio lake because of a wonderful moilhter vas• ...ji *o j iaV(» iH.t.|| s , . r Ii in itrt waterd.


o*i-r tho c vf'w*«*.

llsiMiwry of America inui/uby thn Indian t r i l , s from

^ata^onin to Mmtson bay. In Mexico• - -• • juid Pvru i t s origin was nttributeit to

Weroit i iotfort l iomult i tUiloof atorka [ho HIM)».kthat throiitf to Egypt every wiutur | .iherv would bo uo liviiiK hi tho conn* Elizabeth, N. J, , wai» BO culled aftertry; fornftcr cvejy inundation frogs op- ,{»« L a ( l T KU*aU»th. wifo of Sir Ugorgupear iu most incredible uuuiborn. Jartorot, i , ', •



87 Bfoad Street, Elizabeth..yj-^y ."/. ' . 'y f*"i^J<tay.»' ' 'K1 ' . ' j.«j.*k",K*'." •..-..•> ,v«'«»-' ,,.»-,. r *•..(**« • ' • » i ' . ' i " ' t "••

oT a l f k inds , — • . •" " • -

M 0 T t t e , 7 IcENTRAt tWTELBody Brussels,) _. , ,ETKK

Oil-cloth and Linoleum

CASH ...or "


».r.,,l"l.,|r«l. , • •

The llo^toii 'I'rau-criiit has beanl ohnu tcoiMiu.'icliI 'man. ' l i o is a IiK-kMtiitli,lUld Ul'lillll^' a r-ih'U 111' Wellt t't.'l.hi^ll

]iaintir anil p i t an <stimate for letter-in}?. Then U\l nailed two locks tu aboard ami a*kctl the juiinter to paintafter thi'Ui tliuworil "niitli ." TbePbil-mlclpliinlA>dKt'rsug|iest.s howevir, thatit would havo been rheajH-r to Imvo uu.iluuljr ouo lock . aiitl paiJ tbv painter for



, ({IHHIS rnlli'il fur iiml ili'livi'i'od InCranforil. Tiirwlayit uml Frliiiiy.% or tunyIn- .1. <'. IIuiiimcr'H

Gco. "W. linker.

C. VREELAND,City Surveyor & Civil Engineer

IIAVONNK, N. J . AH1> CllANIOltl).

J. WATERSON,Carpenter & Builder,


. Opera House Block.

Lockrf KTUIII.S, ButtH. ScreWH, Nuil.s oall kinds, atnl

(Icmral Ilanltrttre- fur Sale,A( Itriu^nin))!)1 Prii'os.


SnrdlhSawing and Turning.

Doors and PariOTWorfc*

North Rlslnrield, N.J.



Harness & Horse GoodsAt t In.I'M > i

".t )irlii'» ciiiu.lst.lli.hl,' unmix.

Boots, olioes, Rubbers.-ACIKNTR KOIl-

WMIiam.i & Clark's Fertilizers.OnttU ind Poultrj Taoii of «11 Kinds.

155-157 Main St Kahway.N.J.