Download - A Few Tips for the CS Freshmen

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Who am I?

• My name is Ahmet Bulut, I am the department chair.

• My professional profile is at:

• I tweet at:

• My personal blog is at:

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A code of Speech

• Use Sir to address your professors.

• Always be formal.

• No Abla, Abi, or Amca instead use:

• Hanım

• Bey

• Miss.

• Mr.

• …

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Where are we at?

• Istanbul Sehir University

• Sehir University



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You are here because …

• You consciously made a choice and decided to be a Computer Scientist.

• You consciously made a choice and decided to be a Computer Engineer.

• Your father told you that you should study an Engineering discipline.

• You just don’t know.

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This is a snapshot

of myDesk

in myOffice

West 2047

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My Kütahya Porselen Mug :-)

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An uneaten şeftali

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My keys. I leave

my keys on the door in

the keyhole.

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That’s right!

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Keep it simple!

• (exact) same

• (new) invention

• (natural) instinct

• (originally) created

• (new) recruit

• (over) exaggerate

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Command of English

• Adverbs weaken your writing, because these excess words are not adequately descriptive.

• The girl runs quickly vs. the girl sprints.

• The cat walks slowly vs. the cat tiptoes.

• The door didn't shut noisily vs. the door banged shut.

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Do you manage your time?

• Keep a calendar.

• Be systematic: I even put a calendar event “Make a bad face to the gatekeeper of my apartment complex for not giving me the garage key”.

• Don’t count on your memory: Your memory will fail you.

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Fast forward to 2018

• Where do you see Istanbul Sehir University?

• in the National Top 3 Universities list.

• in the National Top 10 Universities list.

• Academic awards and achievements of the highest standard.


• a Peace Medal?

• a multinational community:1/2 students as foreigners.

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• I think, in 2018, Istanbul Sehir University should be a place where no-one cheats …

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Have you cheated before?

• I have seen and heard blunt acts of plagiarism. (FACT)

• In an exam, I would like to leave the class to themselves with a peace of mind. (TRUST)

• If you don’t trust me and if I don’t trust you, how can we cooperate for your personal growth?(EDUCATION)

• Do you see cheating as an act of play?

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How can we cope with cheating?

• Dr. Ali Çakmak: lets change our assessment criteria and methods to force students into no-plagiarism.

• Dr. Mehmet Genç: We need a national propaganda for demeaning publicly any acts of plagiarism.

• Dr. Tarık Arıcı: Let’s study Behavioural Science for getting enough experience on how to cultivate positive behaviour.

• Dr. Ahmet Bulut: I will trust you.

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The goal of education

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Have empathy!

• During the course registrations, I get at least 10 emails per day from each one of the students that I advise.

• The number of students that are under my academic advisory is 88.

• 88 x 10 emails = 880 emails.

• (880 emails x 30 seconds) / 3600 = 7 hours.

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Could you be a Talebe instead of a Student?• We are planning to teach you Structural Thinking.

• We are planning to teach you Problem Formulation.

• We are planning to engage you in Problem Solving.

• We are going to force you to speak in English using a technical jargon.

• You need to follow my footsteps so that:

• you don’t need to do the same mistakes.

• you can gain time (and energy).

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Today’s Last Advice

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