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Page 1: A Few Music Videos I Like[1]

A few music

videos I like…

Page 2: A Few Music Videos I Like[1]

The EnemySing When You’re In Love

I really like the 60's style mise-en-scene in this video; theMOD bikes, the 60's style inspired clothing, the vintage

cars & the record shops. The lyrics of the song are being showing through narration

with the 60's style actors.The song is about love and the narration is obviously based

on love scenes and couples. There is use of close-up intimate shots. I like the use of quick cut editing, from

The Enemy’s live performance, to the narration of the 60's love story.

The producer of the video has used an after effect in order to give the video a 60’s style feel with a grainy and

pixallated image.

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The Pigeon Detectives This Is An Emergency

The main reason I chose this video is the split screen which is featured throughout the video. The screen is split into quarters, in each screen the camera focuses on different members of the band and different instruments are focused on in

the relevant part of the track. e.g. At the start of the video the guitarist

strumming the guitar, then the drummer hits the base pedal then the vocals being sung. I think

this idea of split screen could be a possibility for the vidoe which I’m going to be producing.

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The BeatlesHelp!

I chose The Beatles because they are a massive influence on the band I’m going to be working with and because they are one of my favourite bands,

the most important part of a music video which engages the viewer is obviously going to be the song!

I think this is a brilliant video considering it was produced in the 1960’s, when they had nowhere near as much access to technology as we have

nowadays when producing a music video. You can see and hear Beatle’s influences in many music videos and music itself nowadays; the 60’s inspired look is hitting the indie/alternative scene at

the moment.I like the opening camerawork of the video which features; a close-up of Ringo

on the drums, the camera then draws back to reveal a shot of the band as a whole. The video has a very happy feel to it and shows how full of life the

band really were. My favourite camerawork in this video is Lennon and McCartney singing, the

camera has Lennon in focus in the foreground while McCartney is out of focus in the background.

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The Last Shadow Puppets Standing Next To Me

This video is a fantastic example of Beatle’s inspired music and video. The artists are wearing blazers and polo neck which

was popular Beatle’s fashion, the background of the video is plain black, another feature used in The Beatle’s videos.

The main reason I chose this video is because I love the song, but after watching the video a few times, I realised the idea

behind the video is actually very well thought out. The title of the song ‘Standing Next To Me’ is literally illustrated

through Alex Turner and Miles Kane standing next to each other throughout the video, and the bands name ‘The Last

Shadow Puppets’ is played on in a clever way through the use of shadows being created with the two spotlights on the

artists. The use of these two spotlights and the circling motion of the camera creates a more dynamic feel more the


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ColdplayLife In Technicolor ii

I chose this video because the first time I watched when it came on a music channel, I thought it was a really

original and interesting idea for a video, videos like this usually get more attention than typical video because

people see them then go away and say “have you seen this video?” which is exactly what I did! Coldplay feature in this video as plaster sine models of themselves on a

Punch and Judy style stage. The camera shots are still common music video shots and

the vidoe has been shot as if it were Coldplay themselves. I love the originality and the effort that has

gone into this video.

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The reason I chose this video is because of the bright colour and use of the big, bright, bold lettering used at

the start spelling out the name of the band ‘Alphabeat’. The backgrounds and also bold and colourful and the

artists also wear bold, colourful clothes. The video has a really happy, energetic feel to it, this is

through the energy and liveliness of the band. I like the closes-ups of the peoples feet when they're dancing. There is the typical close-ups of the drummer and a lots of quick cuts in the editing from vocalist to


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Lily Allen Not Fair

This idea behind this video is vivid, I don’t really understand the relevance to the song or to Lily Allen but maybe this is why she wanted such an ‘out there’ video

to send peoples mind racing. The mise-en-scene of a barn, cowboys, etc all give this

barn dance feel. Its obvious that the main focus of the video is all centered

to Lily, who is the main focus throughout. She follows the camera around with her ‘seductive’ eyes and dances around her microphone stand, the floaty,bright white

jump suit which she’s wearing making her appear ‘goddess’ like..