Download - a fairy tale

Page 1: a fairy tale
Page 2: a fairy tale


“a Fairy Tale”“a Fairy Tale”“a Fairy Tale”“a Fairy Tale” By By By By Helen (FHelen (FHelen (FHelen (Ferryerryerryerry) Boat) Boat) Boat) Boat

Page 3: a fairy tale


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Page 4: a fairy tale


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Page 5: a fairy tale


This is for my friends, who have never been there for me!

God bless you! I love you all!

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I’ll always remember the day I visited that old I’ll always remember the day I visited that old I’ll always remember the day I visited that old I’ll always remember the day I visited that old watermillwatermillwatermillwatermill by by by by

the river bank. At first I was excited because my friends, Tory, the river bank. At first I was excited because my friends, Tory, the river bank. At first I was excited because my friends, Tory, the river bank. At first I was excited because my friends, Tory,

Phil and GeorPhil and GeorPhil and GeorPhil and George, were with me. We were wandering around the ge, were with me. We were wandering around the ge, were with me. We were wandering around the ge, were with me. We were wandering around the

park and ended in the deep, dark forest. We had been there park and ended in the deep, dark forest. We had been there park and ended in the deep, dark forest. We had been there park and ended in the deep, dark forest. We had been there

before, so it felt alright.before, so it felt alright.before, so it felt alright.before, so it felt alright.

It was almost midday and Tory said we should stop It was almost midday and Tory said we should stop It was almost midday and Tory said we should stop It was almost midday and Tory said we should stop

wandering and find a place to eat our lunchwandering and find a place to eat our lunchwandering and find a place to eat our lunchwandering and find a place to eat our lunch----just some toasts just some toasts just some toasts just some toasts

were avaiwere avaiwere avaiwere available and water as well. Phil thought that the old lable and water as well. Phil thought that the old lable and water as well. Phil thought that the old lable and water as well. Phil thought that the old

watermillwatermillwatermillwatermill would be great, so we went there. We had lunch and would be great, so we went there. We had lunch and would be great, so we went there. We had lunch and would be great, so we went there. We had lunch and

made much noise but, who could ever be bothered? We were made much noise but, who could ever be bothered? We were made much noise but, who could ever be bothered? We were made much noise but, who could ever be bothered? We were

alone, right?alone, right?alone, right?alone, right?

George had that stupid idea! He dived in the river while he George had that stupid idea! He dived in the river while he George had that stupid idea! He dived in the river while he George had that stupid idea! He dived in the river while he

knew he justknew he justknew he justknew he just had lunch! He couldn’t get out of the water even had lunch! He couldn’t get out of the water even had lunch! He couldn’t get out of the water even had lunch! He couldn’t get out of the water even

though he was though he was though he was though he was close to the surface. I dived too, to rescue him, but close to the surface. I dived too, to rescue him, but close to the surface. I dived too, to rescue him, but close to the surface. I dived too, to rescue him, but

he seemed very upset when he saw me coming for him. Finally, he seemed very upset when he saw me coming for him. Finally, he seemed very upset when he saw me coming for him. Finally, he seemed very upset when he saw me coming for him. Finally,

we pulled him out of the water. He felt cold and had a strange we pulled him out of the water. He felt cold and had a strange we pulled him out of the water. He felt cold and had a strange we pulled him out of the water. He felt cold and had a strange

look in his eylook in his eylook in his eylook in his eyes. “What happened to you?” Tory asked. “Goblins, es. “What happened to you?” Tory asked. “Goblins, es. “What happened to you?” Tory asked. “Goblins, es. “What happened to you?” Tory asked. “Goblins,

fairies, everywhere…” he answered “They‘re all around us! Can’t fairies, everywhere…” he answered “They‘re all around us! Can’t fairies, everywhere…” he answered “They‘re all around us! Can’t fairies, everywhere…” he answered “They‘re all around us! Can’t

you see them? Now they’re coming for me!” he shouted you see them? Now they’re coming for me!” he shouted you see them? Now they’re coming for me!” he shouted you see them? Now they’re coming for me!” he shouted and tried and tried and tried and tried

to leave. Phil stopped him. “I think you drank too much water” to leave. Phil stopped him. “I think you drank too much water” to leave. Phil stopped him. “I think you drank too much water” to leave. Phil stopped him. “I think you drank too much water”

Phil told him.Phil told him.Phil told him.Phil told him.

It was strange because I started to see weird shapes and It was strange because I started to see weird shapes and It was strange because I started to see weird shapes and It was strange because I started to see weird shapes and

figures behind leaves and stones, too but I thought it was my figures behind leaves and stones, too but I thought it was my figures behind leaves and stones, too but I thought it was my figures behind leaves and stones, too but I thought it was my

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imagination. Fairies do not exist. imagination. Fairies do not exist. imagination. Fairies do not exist. imagination. Fairies do not exist. Soon after that we realized we Soon after that we realized we Soon after that we realized we Soon after that we realized we

couldn’t calm George down. He was truly upset! He begged us to couldn’t calm George down. He was truly upset! He begged us to couldn’t calm George down. He was truly upset! He begged us to couldn’t calm George down. He was truly upset! He begged us to

return treturn treturn treturn to the city. We agreed. Another strange thing was that o the city. We agreed. Another strange thing was that o the city. We agreed. Another strange thing was that o the city. We agreed. Another strange thing was that

some of our things were missing: Phil’s car key, Tory’s cup and some of our things were missing: Phil’s car key, Tory’s cup and some of our things were missing: Phil’s car key, Tory’s cup and some of our things were missing: Phil’s car key, Tory’s cup and

my mobile phone. We searched the whole area, but they were my mobile phone. We searched the whole area, but they were my mobile phone. We searched the whole area, but they were my mobile phone. We searched the whole area, but they were

gone. Even ingone. Even ingone. Even ingone. Even insidesidesideside the the the the watermillwatermillwatermillwatermill we searched, though we knew we we searched, though we knew we we searched, though we knew we we searched, though we knew we

hadn’t been therhadn’t been therhadn’t been therhadn’t been there.e.e.e.

Anyway, we made it to our homes by afternoon and George Anyway, we made it to our homes by afternoon and George Anyway, we made it to our homes by afternoon and George Anyway, we made it to our homes by afternoon and George

calmed down a bit. It was I that felt weird now. I heard a voice calmed down a bit. It was I that felt weird now. I heard a voice calmed down a bit. It was I that felt weird now. I heard a voice calmed down a bit. It was I that felt weird now. I heard a voice

singing, coming through the wall: “Fairy’s bath, fairy’s bath, fall singing, coming through the wall: “Fairy’s bath, fairy’s bath, fall singing, coming through the wall: “Fairy’s bath, fairy’s bath, fall singing, coming through the wall: “Fairy’s bath, fairy’s bath, fall

inside and see the path…” “I think I’m crazy” I told myself. Binside and see the path…” “I think I’m crazy” I told myself. Binside and see the path…” “I think I’m crazy” I told myself. Binside and see the path…” “I think I’m crazy” I told myself. But ut ut ut

the voice kept on singing the voice kept on singing the voice kept on singing the voice kept on singing the whole night. Of course I couldn’t the whole night. Of course I couldn’t the whole night. Of course I couldn’t the whole night. Of course I couldn’t

sleep. The next morning, I went to school and told my friends sleep. The next morning, I went to school and told my friends sleep. The next morning, I went to school and told my friends sleep. The next morning, I went to school and told my friends

what I had heard. George said he couldn’t sleep either because a what I had heard. George said he couldn’t sleep either because a what I had heard. George said he couldn’t sleep either because a what I had heard. George said he couldn’t sleep either because a

strange tiny fairy had been jumping on his forehead all night!strange tiny fairy had been jumping on his forehead all night!strange tiny fairy had been jumping on his forehead all night!strange tiny fairy had been jumping on his forehead all night!

“He’s flipped!” Tory commented.“He’s flipped!” Tory commented.“He’s flipped!” Tory commented.“He’s flipped!” Tory commented.

By 11 o’ clock I had discovered that if you dive in a lake or By 11 o’ clock I had discovered that if you dive in a lake or By 11 o’ clock I had discovered that if you dive in a lake or By 11 o’ clock I had discovered that if you dive in a lake or

river where a fairy takes its bath, you can see the fairies all river where a fairy takes its bath, you can see the fairies all river where a fairy takes its bath, you can see the fairies all river where a fairy takes its bath, you can see the fairies all

around you, hear their voices and talk to them! I talked to my around you, hear their voices and talk to them! I talked to my around you, hear their voices and talk to them! I talked to my around you, hear their voices and talk to them! I talked to my

friends friends friends friends and we decided to go backand we decided to go backand we decided to go backand we decided to go back to the to the to the to the old watermillold watermillold watermillold watermill and try to and try to and try to and try to

stop those fairies from torturing us!stop those fairies from torturing us!stop those fairies from torturing us!stop those fairies from torturing us!

It was early midday when we arrived, and the sun was It was early midday when we arrived, and the sun was It was early midday when we arrived, and the sun was It was early midday when we arrived, and the sun was

burning us, so Tory and Phil were brave enough to dive in the burning us, so Tory and Phil were brave enough to dive in the burning us, so Tory and Phil were brave enough to dive in the burning us, so Tory and Phil were brave enough to dive in the

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river. When they started to see what George and I could see, they river. When they started to see what George and I could see, they river. When they started to see what George and I could see, they river. When they started to see what George and I could see, they

finfinfinfinally believed our words. Different kinds of fairies were all ally believed our words. Different kinds of fairies were all ally believed our words. Different kinds of fairies were all ally believed our words. Different kinds of fairies were all

around us. Fairies with wings, with woodaround us. Fairies with wings, with woodaround us. Fairies with wings, with woodaround us. Fairies with wings, with wood----like skin, leaves like skin, leaves like skin, leaves like skin, leaves

instead of hair, with pink, green or deep blue eyes!instead of hair, with pink, green or deep blue eyes!instead of hair, with pink, green or deep blue eyes!instead of hair, with pink, green or deep blue eyes!

A winged fairy approached us and whispered in George’s A winged fairy approached us and whispered in George’s A winged fairy approached us and whispered in George’s A winged fairy approached us and whispered in George’s

ear: “Give your hair to ouear: “Give your hair to ouear: “Give your hair to ouear: “Give your hair to our Lady and she will forgive you!” r Lady and she will forgive you!” r Lady and she will forgive you!” r Lady and she will forgive you!”

“But I’ve done nothing wrong!” George complained. “But I’ve done nothing wrong!” George complained. “But I’ve done nothing wrong!” George complained. “But I’ve done nothing wrong!” George complained.

“Do it!” the tiny fairy pitched. “Do it!” the tiny fairy pitched. “Do it!” the tiny fairy pitched. “Do it!” the tiny fairy pitched.

Suddenly, all the fairies formed a circle around us and kept Suddenly, all the fairies formed a circle around us and kept Suddenly, all the fairies formed a circle around us and kept Suddenly, all the fairies formed a circle around us and kept

coming closer. “Now you all coming closer. “Now you all coming closer. “Now you all coming closer. “Now you all oooowe something to our Lady…You, we something to our Lady…You, we something to our Lady…You, we something to our Lady…You,

the redthe redthe redthe red----haired haired haired haired girl,” said the fairy and pointed to Tory, “Give my girl,” said the fairy and pointed to Tory, “Give my girl,” said the fairy and pointed to Tory, “Give my girl,” said the fairy and pointed to Tory, “Give my

Lady some of your eye lashes now!”Lady some of your eye lashes now!”Lady some of your eye lashes now!”Lady some of your eye lashes now!”

“What’s with you and hair?“What’s with you and hair?“What’s with you and hair?“What’s with you and hair?” asked Phil. “Is your lady bold?” We ” asked Phil. “Is your lady bold?” We ” asked Phil. “Is your lady bold?” We ” asked Phil. “Is your lady bold?” We

all laughed our heads off, but those creatures were strangely all laughed our heads off, but those creatures were strangely all laughed our heads off, but those creatures were strangely all laughed our heads off, but those creatures were strangely

transformed into vicious goblins who wantedtransformed into vicious goblins who wantedtransformed into vicious goblins who wantedtransformed into vicious goblins who wanted some pay back for some pay back for some pay back for some pay back for

our lame words. “OK that was a joke.” I explained. our lame words. “OK that was a joke.” I explained. our lame words. “OK that was a joke.” I explained. our lame words. “OK that was a joke.” I explained.

All of a sudden, forks, knives, needles and other deadly All of a sudden, forks, knives, needles and other deadly All of a sudden, forks, knives, needles and other deadly All of a sudden, forks, knives, needles and other deadly

weaponsweaponsweaponsweapons appeared in their hands! They were attacking us! I appeared in their hands! They were attacking us! I appeared in their hands! They were attacking us! I appeared in their hands! They were attacking us! I

don’t want to remember the pain I suffered, and neither do my don’t want to remember the pain I suffered, and neither do my don’t want to remember the pain I suffered, and neither do my don’t want to remember the pain I suffered, and neither do my

friendsfriendsfriendsfriends. . . .

They forced us to give way to the river bank and we were They forced us to give way to the river bank and we were They forced us to give way to the river bank and we were They forced us to give way to the river bank and we were

absolutely panicked! A babsolutely panicked! A babsolutely panicked! A babsolutely panicked! A bunch unch unch unch of microscopic flies could make us of microscopic flies could make us of microscopic flies could make us of microscopic flies could make us

surrender to their will! What could a larger fairy do to us? We surrender to their will! What could a larger fairy do to us? We surrender to their will! What could a larger fairy do to us? We surrender to their will! What could a larger fairy do to us? We

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didn’t want to think about that possibility. There, without a didn’t want to think about that possibility. There, without a didn’t want to think about that possibility. There, without a didn’t want to think about that possibility. There, without a

reasonreasonreasonreason, our persecutors pulled back and disappeared. What was , our persecutors pulled back and disappeared. What was , our persecutors pulled back and disappeared. What was , our persecutors pulled back and disappeared. What was

happening? We were supposed to be able to see those creatures. happening? We were supposed to be able to see those creatures. happening? We were supposed to be able to see those creatures. happening? We were supposed to be able to see those creatures.

Some water dropped on my back. I turned around to see what Some water dropped on my back. I turned around to see what Some water dropped on my back. I turned around to see what Some water dropped on my back. I turned around to see what

was going on.was going on.was going on.was going on.

“AAaaa…” that was all I could say. M“AAaaa…” that was all I could say. M“AAaaa…” that was all I could say. M“AAaaa…” that was all I could say. My companions y companions y companions y companions

turned around…turned around…turned around…turned around… We saw the ugliest image ever, standing before We saw the ugliest image ever, standing before We saw the ugliest image ever, standing before We saw the ugliest image ever, standing before

us! us! us! us! “Hhellooo mmy frrieendss!” that thing said. It was a tall “Hhellooo mmy frrieendss!” that thing said. It was a tall “Hhellooo mmy frrieendss!” that thing said. It was a tall “Hhellooo mmy frrieendss!” that thing said. It was a tall

fairy, with pale skin full of spots and scratches. Its hair was a fairy, with pale skin full of spots and scratches. Its hair was a fairy, with pale skin full of spots and scratches. Its hair was a fairy, with pale skin full of spots and scratches. Its hair was a

mix of rotten grey grass, broken branches and messed differently mix of rotten grey grass, broken branches and messed differently mix of rotten grey grass, broken branches and messed differently mix of rotten grey grass, broken branches and messed differently

colored hair. colored hair. colored hair. colored hair. A huge mouth full of dirty, yellow teeth was doing A huge mouth full of dirty, yellow teeth was doing A huge mouth full of dirty, yellow teeth was doing A huge mouth full of dirty, yellow teeth was doing

its best to give us a smile.its best to give us a smile.its best to give us a smile.its best to give us a smile.

Of course we ran as fast as our feet could take us, but that Of course we ran as fast as our feet could take us, but that Of course we ran as fast as our feet could take us, but that Of course we ran as fast as our feet could take us, but that

fairy’s long arms grabbed us and pulled us close to it. “Ii need fairy’s long arms grabbed us and pulled us close to it. “Ii need fairy’s long arms grabbed us and pulled us close to it. “Ii need fairy’s long arms grabbed us and pulled us close to it. “Ii need

youryouryouryour helphelphelphelp. Mmy nname is Claudy. Ii used to be the . Mmy nname is Claudy. Ii used to be the . Mmy nname is Claudy. Ii used to be the . Mmy nname is Claudy. Ii used to be the mmost mmost mmost mmost

beautiful ffairy.” “What can we do about it?” Phil complained. beautiful ffairy.” “What can we do about it?” Phil complained. beautiful ffairy.” “What can we do about it?” Phil complained. beautiful ffairy.” “What can we do about it?” Phil complained.

“You’re going to kill us, I “You’re going to kill us, I “You’re going to kill us, I “You’re going to kill us, I know thatknow thatknow thatknow that” ” ” ” hhhhe continuede continuede continuede continued, certain about , certain about , certain about , certain about

the fairy’s reply. Claudy laughed! “I only need you to give me the fairy’s reply. Claudy laughed! “I only need you to give me the fairy’s reply. Claudy laughed! “I only need you to give me the fairy’s reply. Claudy laughed! “I only need you to give me

some things to undo the spell” “Yeah? Like what?” George some things to undo the spell” “Yeah? Like what?” George some things to undo the spell” “Yeah? Like what?” George some things to undo the spell” “Yeah? Like what?” George asked asked asked asked

her furiously. He really loved his ‘dreadlock rasta’ hairstyle.her furiously. He really loved his ‘dreadlock rasta’ hairstyle.her furiously. He really loved his ‘dreadlock rasta’ hairstyle.her furiously. He really loved his ‘dreadlock rasta’ hairstyle.

“Some of your hairrrr would do” said Claudy and reached “Some of your hairrrr would do” said Claudy and reached “Some of your hairrrr would do” said Claudy and reached “Some of your hairrrr would do” said Claudy and reached

for his hair. George had no time to react! The fairy took out of the for his hair. George had no time to react! The fairy took out of the for his hair. George had no time to react! The fairy took out of the for his hair. George had no time to react! The fairy took out of the

river her scissors and cut a dreadlock off his hair. She didriver her scissors and cut a dreadlock off his hair. She didriver her scissors and cut a dreadlock off his hair. She didriver her scissors and cut a dreadlock off his hair. She did the the the the

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same to Tory’s eyelashes. “Yes, ivvorrry black and gingerrr hhair!” same to Tory’s eyelashes. “Yes, ivvorrry black and gingerrr hhair!” same to Tory’s eyelashes. “Yes, ivvorrry black and gingerrr hhair!” same to Tory’s eyelashes. “Yes, ivvorrry black and gingerrr hhair!”

Claudy blared! My friend’s hair grew up in an instance. “Now Claudy blared! My friend’s hair grew up in an instance. “Now Claudy blared! My friend’s hair grew up in an instance. “Now Claudy blared! My friend’s hair grew up in an instance. “Now

you!”. She turned to me. “Your skin…”I froze. The fairy held a you!”. She turned to me. “Your skin…”I froze. The fairy held a you!”. She turned to me. “Your skin…”I froze. The fairy held a you!”. She turned to me. “Your skin…”I froze. The fairy held a

knife.knife.knife.knife. She grabbed my arm violently and forced the She grabbed my arm violently and forced the She grabbed my arm violently and forced the She grabbed my arm violently and forced the shinningshinningshinningshinning

blade in my skin! I was surprised to find out it felt like a soft blade in my skin! I was surprised to find out it felt like a soft blade in my skin! I was surprised to find out it felt like a soft blade in my skin! I was surprised to find out it felt like a soft

and gentle touch. No pain was there. I recovered immediately and and gentle touch. No pain was there. I recovered immediately and and gentle touch. No pain was there. I recovered immediately and and gentle touch. No pain was there. I recovered immediately and

so did Phil, since the fairy had pulled out some of his did Phil, since the fairy had pulled out some of his did Phil, since the fairy had pulled out some of his did Phil, since the fairy had pulled out some of his teeth.

“Are you the tooth fairy?” he asked ironically.“Are you the tooth fairy?” he asked ironically.“Are you the tooth fairy?” he asked ironically.“Are you the tooth fairy?” he asked ironically.

“Well, you “Well, you “Well, you “Well, you kkkknownownownow I used to be” Claudy answered. She had I used to be” Claudy answered. She had I used to be” Claudy answered. She had I used to be” Claudy answered. She had

that miserable look in her cruel and nasty eyes. We almost felt that miserable look in her cruel and nasty eyes. We almost felt that miserable look in her cruel and nasty eyes. We almost felt that miserable look in her cruel and nasty eyes. We almost felt

sorry for her. “Why do you think that the last 30 years almost sorry for her. “Why do you think that the last 30 years almost sorry for her. “Why do you think that the last 30 years almost sorry for her. “Why do you think that the last 30 years almost

every child had to wear braces? It’s not only because of cakes and every child had to wear braces? It’s not only because of cakes and every child had to wear braces? It’s not only because of cakes and every child had to wear braces? It’s not only because of cakes and

sweets! They’ve alwsweets! They’ve alwsweets! They’ve alwsweets! They’ve always been available! Braces were invented ays been available! Braces were invented ays been available! Braces were invented ays been available! Braces were invented

because I was missing!because I was missing!because I was missing!because I was missing! Why do you think the fairy never came Why do you think the fairy never came Why do you think the fairy never came Why do you think the fairy never came

for your teeth?for your teeth?for your teeth?for your teeth?” she continued.” she continued.” she continued.” she continued.

From that moment on, I convinced myself I started losing From that moment on, I convinced myself I started losing From that moment on, I convinced myself I started losing From that moment on, I convinced myself I started losing

it. To tell the truth, I was absolutely certain!it. To tell the truth, I was absolutely certain!it. To tell the truth, I was absolutely certain!it. To tell the truth, I was absolutely certain! “I don’t get the “I don’t get the “I don’t get the “I don’t get the

spell and I don’t get you! spell and I don’t get you! spell and I don’t get you! spell and I don’t get you! Why on earth did you do this to us and Why on earth did you do this to us and Why on earth did you do this to us and Why on earth did you do this to us and

why the hell do you exist?” I yelled!why the hell do you exist?” I yelled!why the hell do you exist?” I yelled!why the hell do you exist?” I yelled! Claudy didn’t react to my Claudy didn’t react to my Claudy didn’t react to my Claudy didn’t react to my

words. She obviously couldn’t understand the meaning of the words. She obviously couldn’t understand the meaning of the words. She obviously couldn’t understand the meaning of the words. She obviously couldn’t understand the meaning of the

word ‘hell’. She finally spoke. “I didn’t mean to hurt anyone of word ‘hell’. She finally spoke. “I didn’t mean to hurt anyone of word ‘hell’. She finally spoke. “I didn’t mean to hurt anyone of word ‘hell’. She finally spoke. “I didn’t mean to hurt anyone of

you. You accidentally swam in my bath. It was an opportunity you. You accidentally swam in my bath. It was an opportunity you. You accidentally swam in my bath. It was an opportunity you. You accidentally swam in my bath. It was an opportunity

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for me to undo the spell. As you can tell, nobody ever comes here for me to undo the spell. As you can tell, nobody ever comes here for me to undo the spell. As you can tell, nobody ever comes here for me to undo the spell. As you can tell, nobody ever comes here

for a swim. Please put me out of my misery!” she begged. for a swim. Please put me out of my misery!” she begged. for a swim. Please put me out of my misery!” she begged. for a swim. Please put me out of my misery!” she begged.

“You know, Claudy, we can’“You know, Claudy, we can’“You know, Claudy, we can’“You know, Claudy, we can’t trust you that easilyt trust you that easilyt trust you that easilyt trust you that easily. How . How . How . How

can we be sure can we be sure can we be sure can we be sure you won’t harm anyone?” George stated. “You you won’t harm anyone?” George stated. “You you won’t harm anyone?” George stated. “You you won’t harm anyone?” George stated. “You

must explain to us what happened to our belongings and why you must explain to us what happened to our belongings and why you must explain to us what happened to our belongings and why you must explain to us what happened to our belongings and why you

need to use our hair!”need to use our hair!”need to use our hair!”need to use our hair!”

“Well,” the fairy started, “as you see I have no hair. I used “Well,” the fairy started, “as you see I have no hair. I used “Well,” the fairy started, “as you see I have no hair. I used “Well,” the fairy started, “as you see I have no hair. I used

to have long, dark hair. That’s why I took some of your ivory to have long, dark hair. That’s why I took some of your ivory to have long, dark hair. That’s why I took some of your ivory to have long, dark hair. That’s why I took some of your ivory

hahahahair. My eyelashes were as red as the burning fire. My skin ir. My eyelashes were as red as the burning fire. My skin ir. My eyelashes were as red as the burning fire. My skin ir. My eyelashes were as red as the burning fire. My skin was was was was

clear and shinning and I had a bright smile and wonderful teeth. clear and shinning and I had a bright smile and wonderful teeth. clear and shinning and I had a bright smile and wonderful teeth. clear and shinning and I had a bright smile and wonderful teeth.

A wicked pixie cursed me. He really loved iron and every kind of A wicked pixie cursed me. He really loved iron and every kind of A wicked pixie cursed me. He really loved iron and every kind of A wicked pixie cursed me. He really loved iron and every kind of

metal. He was the one who helped this doctor invent braces! You metal. He was the one who helped this doctor invent braces! You metal. He was the one who helped this doctor invent braces! You metal. He was the one who helped this doctor invent braces! You

see, everything see, everything see, everything see, everything waswaswaswas against me! First I lost my beauty and then against me! First I lost my beauty and then against me! First I lost my beauty and then against me! First I lost my beauty and then

my job!my job!my job!my job! I’m extremely ugly and unemployed!” Claudy cried. Her I’m extremely ugly and unemployed!” Claudy cried. Her I’m extremely ugly and unemployed!” Claudy cried. Her I’m extremely ugly and unemployed!” Claudy cried. Her

tears fell like the rain on a homeless person’s butt. That was tears fell like the rain on a homeless person’s butt. That was tears fell like the rain on a homeless person’s butt. That was tears fell like the rain on a homeless person’s butt. That was


We all felt some sort of compassion for that poor, ugly We all felt some sort of compassion for that poor, ugly We all felt some sort of compassion for that poor, ugly We all felt some sort of compassion for that poor, ugly

ffffairy, so we thought she should be free. After a while the tiny airy, so we thought she should be free. After a while the tiny airy, so we thought she should be free. After a while the tiny airy, so we thought she should be free. After a while the tiny

fairies appeared before us and gave us back our things. “You will fairies appeared before us and gave us back our things. “You will fairies appeared before us and gave us back our things. “You will fairies appeared before us and gave us back our things. “You will

be fully rewarded for helping our Lady. Follow us and she will be fully rewarded for helping our Lady. Follow us and she will be fully rewarded for helping our Lady. Follow us and she will be fully rewarded for helping our Lady. Follow us and she will

come.” One of them said to us. Hesitatingly, we followed them. come.” One of them said to us. Hesitatingly, we followed them. come.” One of them said to us. Hesitatingly, we followed them. come.” One of them said to us. Hesitatingly, we followed them.

TTTThey led us to a wonderful gardenhey led us to a wonderful gardenhey led us to a wonderful gardenhey led us to a wonderful garden, full of wild roses, laurels, , full of wild roses, laurels, , full of wild roses, laurels, , full of wild roses, laurels,

daffodils, blue bells, other kinds of flowers and bushes. Claudy daffodils, blue bells, other kinds of flowers and bushes. Claudy daffodils, blue bells, other kinds of flowers and bushes. Claudy daffodils, blue bells, other kinds of flowers and bushes. Claudy

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came a few minutes later but she had totally changed. Our eyes came a few minutes later but she had totally changed. Our eyes came a few minutes later but she had totally changed. Our eyes came a few minutes later but she had totally changed. Our eyes

could see one of nature’s wonders walking among us, tall, divine,could see one of nature’s wonders walking among us, tall, divine,could see one of nature’s wonders walking among us, tall, divine,could see one of nature’s wonders walking among us, tall, divine,

a true beauty. “You can’t judge a book by its cover” I mumbled. a true beauty. “You can’t judge a book by its cover” I mumbled. a true beauty. “You can’t judge a book by its cover” I mumbled. a true beauty. “You can’t judge a book by its cover” I mumbled.

“This is my home children. You’re welcome any time “This is my home children. You’re welcome any time “This is my home children. You’re welcome any time “This is my home children. You’re welcome any time here” here” here” here”

she said.she said.she said.she said. “What happened to the evil pixie?” Phil dared to ask. “What happened to the evil pixie?” Phil dared to ask. “What happened to the evil pixie?” Phil dared to ask. “What happened to the evil pixie?” Phil dared to ask.

“Oh, he died a few years ago. That’s why I didn’t need any “Oh, he died a few years ago. That’s why I didn’t need any “Oh, he died a few years ago. That’s why I didn’t need any “Oh, he died a few years ago. That’s why I didn’t need any

humhumhumhuman sacan sacan sacan sacrifice to break the spell” she kindly explained. “He had rifice to break the spell” she kindly explained. “He had rifice to break the spell” she kindly explained. “He had rifice to break the spell” she kindly explained. “He had

an accident. He was trying to help the doctor with his teeth, but an accident. He was trying to help the doctor with his teeth, but an accident. He was trying to help the doctor with his teeth, but an accident. He was trying to help the doctor with his teeth, but

believe me, he never had a gentle touch. The doctor overreacted believe me, he never had a gentle touch. The doctor overreacted believe me, he never had a gentle touch. The doctor overreacted believe me, he never had a gentle touch. The doctor overreacted

because of the pain he felt, and hit the pixie which ended up in because of the pain he felt, and hit the pixie which ended up in because of the pain he felt, and hit the pixie which ended up in because of the pain he felt, and hit the pixie which ended up in

the the the the toilet. As a result, its wings were wet, it couldn’t fly. A toilet. As a result, its wings were wet, it couldn’t fly. A toilet. As a result, its wings were wet, it couldn’t fly. A toilet. As a result, its wings were wet, it couldn’t fly. A

young boy, that could be you,” she pointed to George, “came young boy, that could be you,” she pointed to George, “came young boy, that could be you,” she pointed to George, “came young boy, that could be you,” she pointed to George, “came in in in in

the toilet, peedthe toilet, peedthe toilet, peedthe toilet, peed and flushed his urine along with the pixie.” and flushed his urine along with the pixie.” and flushed his urine along with the pixie.” and flushed his urine along with the pixie.”

“Poor creature! What a miserable way to die“Poor creature! What a miserable way to die“Poor creature! What a miserable way to die“Poor creature! What a miserable way to die!!!!” Tory ” Tory ” Tory ” Tory told told told told

herself, out herself, out herself, out herself, out loud. We looked at her with the eyes of a predator loud. We looked at her with the eyes of a predator loud. We looked at her with the eyes of a predator loud. We looked at her with the eyes of a predator

about to catch its game. “If that pixie was alive…” I started but about to catch its game. “If that pixie was alive…” I started but about to catch its game. “If that pixie was alive…” I started but about to catch its game. “If that pixie was alive…” I started but

I never spoke the rest of my thoughts before that fairy. Soon after I never spoke the rest of my thoughts before that fairy. Soon after I never spoke the rest of my thoughts before that fairy. Soon after I never spoke the rest of my thoughts before that fairy. Soon after

that, Claudy decided she wanted to be left alone and focus on her that, Claudy decided she wanted to be left alone and focus on her that, Claudy decided she wanted to be left alone and focus on her that, Claudy decided she wanted to be left alone and focus on her

currecurrecurrecurrent problems. She had to be back on the game and search for nt problems. She had to be back on the game and search for nt problems. She had to be back on the game and search for nt problems. She had to be back on the game and search for

the next tooth lying under the pillow.the next tooth lying under the pillow.the next tooth lying under the pillow.the next tooth lying under the pillow.

“What about our reward? You promised!” George asked “What about our reward? You promised!” George asked “What about our reward? You promised!” George asked “What about our reward? You promised!” George asked

angrily the winged fairy we had already met. “Your reward is angrily the winged fairy we had already met. “Your reward is angrily the winged fairy we had already met. “Your reward is angrily the winged fairy we had already met. “Your reward is

that! Our Lady is back! That should be a rewathat! Our Lady is back! That should be a rewathat! Our Lady is back! That should be a rewathat! Our Lady is back! That should be a reward for everyone!” rd for everyone!” rd for everyone!” rd for everyone!”

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was the reply. “You ugly, little fraud!!” George screamed and was the reply. “You ugly, little fraud!!” George screamed and was the reply. “You ugly, little fraud!!” George screamed and was the reply. “You ugly, little fraud!!” George screamed and

caught the fairy in his hand so tight, that it was almost squeezed caught the fairy in his hand so tight, that it was almost squeezed caught the fairy in his hand so tight, that it was almost squeezed caught the fairy in his hand so tight, that it was almost squeezed

to death. “Enough! You humans deserve a huge reward for what “Enough! You humans deserve a huge reward for what “Enough! You humans deserve a huge reward for what “Enough! You humans deserve a huge reward for what

you did. Go back to the water mill and dig a holyou did. Go back to the water mill and dig a holyou did. Go back to the water mill and dig a holyou did. Go back to the water mill and dig a hole as deep as you e as deep as you e as deep as you e as deep as you

can out of the front door. Your reward will be there. I’m afraid can out of the front door. Your reward will be there. I’m afraid can out of the front door. Your reward will be there. I’m afraid can out of the front door. Your reward will be there. I’m afraid

your ‘gift’ must be taken back.”your ‘gift’ must be taken back.”your ‘gift’ must be taken back.”your ‘gift’ must be taken back.” Claudy said and everyone calmed Claudy said and everyone calmed Claudy said and everyone calmed Claudy said and everyone calmed

down.down.down.down. George released the fairy. “Thank you” Claudy said. George released the fairy. “Thank you” Claudy said. George released the fairy. “Thank you” Claudy said. George released the fairy. “Thank you” Claudy said.

She and her companions started to fade away, untiShe and her companions started to fade away, untiShe and her companions started to fade away, untiShe and her companions started to fade away, until they l they l they l they

became transparent and then disappeared. Our gift, the ability to became transparent and then disappeared. Our gift, the ability to became transparent and then disappeared. Our gift, the ability to became transparent and then disappeared. Our gift, the ability to

see fairies was gone for ever. I don’t think we will ever miss it! see fairies was gone for ever. I don’t think we will ever miss it! see fairies was gone for ever. I don’t think we will ever miss it! see fairies was gone for ever. I don’t think we will ever miss it!

We did as Claudy said. We dug a hole one meter deep and two We did as Claudy said. We dug a hole one meter deep and two We did as Claudy said. We dug a hole one meter deep and two We did as Claudy said. We dug a hole one meter deep and two

wide. wide. wide. wide. Nothing was there. By sunset it was miraculously Nothing was there. By sunset it was miraculously Nothing was there. By sunset it was miraculously Nothing was there. By sunset it was miraculously filled filled filled filled

with gold, diamonds and silver! We were the happiest people on with gold, diamonds and silver! We were the happiest people on with gold, diamonds and silver! We were the happiest people on with gold, diamonds and silver! We were the happiest people on

the earth! the earth! the earth! the earth!

We went back home with a huge smile on our faces. The We went back home with a huge smile on our faces. The We went back home with a huge smile on our faces. The We went back home with a huge smile on our faces. The

next day we quit school. next day we quit school. next day we quit school. next day we quit school. Tory took her share and became a Tory took her share and became a Tory took her share and became a Tory took her share and became a

famous explorer. She presents her own shows on TV. She’s been famous explorer. She presents her own shows on TV. She’s been famous explorer. She presents her own shows on TV. She’s been famous explorer. She presents her own shows on TV. She’s been

everywhere on this planet. everywhere on this planet. everywhere on this planet. everywhere on this planet.

Phil went out to be one of the world famous dare devils and Phil went out to be one of the world famous dare devils and Phil went out to be one of the world famous dare devils and Phil went out to be one of the world famous dare devils and

has starred in countless movies. He lives in Hollywood now and has starred in countless movies. He lives in Hollywood now and has starred in countless movies. He lives in Hollywood now and has starred in countless movies. He lives in Hollywood now and

makes dollars a year. He now owns 15 studios makes dollars a year. He now owns 15 studios makes dollars a year. He now owns 15 studios makes dollars a year. He now owns 15 studios

and Warner Bros as well.and Warner Bros as well.and Warner Bros as well.and Warner Bros as well.

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George started George started George started George started his own cult in Mexico. A few thousands his own cult in Mexico. A few thousands his own cult in Mexico. A few thousands his own cult in Mexico. A few thousands

have converted to this new religion. Mostly they are people who have converted to this new religion. Mostly they are people who have converted to this new religion. Mostly they are people who have converted to this new religion. Mostly they are people who

believe in supernatural phenomena. They pay huge sums of money believe in supernatural phenomena. They pay huge sums of money believe in supernatural phenomena. They pay huge sums of money believe in supernatural phenomena. They pay huge sums of money

to take part in the rituals and they have founded the “Tooth to take part in the rituals and they have founded the “Tooth to take part in the rituals and they have founded the “Tooth to take part in the rituals and they have founded the “Tooth

Fairy Institute” which manufFairy Institute” which manufFairy Institute” which manufFairy Institute” which manufactures braces. actures braces. actures braces. actures braces.

As for me, I bought some land and built houses, factories, As for me, I bought some land and built houses, factories, As for me, I bought some land and built houses, factories, As for me, I bought some land and built houses, factories,

ports and boosted the local economy by allowing visitors into one ports and boosted the local economy by allowing visitors into one ports and boosted the local economy by allowing visitors into one ports and boosted the local economy by allowing visitors into one

of my houses, the Great Pyramid. I also have my cute little army of my houses, the Great Pyramid. I also have my cute little army of my houses, the Great Pyramid. I also have my cute little army of my houses, the Great Pyramid. I also have my cute little army

which makes sure visitors come and go safely in mwhich makes sure visitors come and go safely in mwhich makes sure visitors come and go safely in mwhich makes sure visitors come and go safely in my land. I also y land. I also y land. I also y land. I also

do some trade with aliens from planet 9. They usually buy do some trade with aliens from planet 9. They usually buy do some trade with aliens from planet 9. They usually buy do some trade with aliens from planet 9. They usually buy

condoms and sand.condoms and sand.condoms and sand.condoms and sand.

There is no moral in this story. Just take the money There is no moral in this story. Just take the money There is no moral in this story. Just take the money There is no moral in this story. Just take the money

whenever you can and spend whenever you can and spend whenever you can and spend whenever you can and spend itititit on whatever you want. on whatever you want. on whatever you want. on whatever you want.

The end The end The end The end

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GeorgeGeorgeGeorgeGeorge &&&& HelenHelenHelenHelen

Phil & ToryPhil & ToryPhil & ToryPhil & Tory

HelenHelenHelenHelen & & & & herherherher sonsonsonson PhilPhilPhilPhil & & & & HelenHelenHelenHelen

Page 17: a fairy tale


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