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J Intell Manuf (2008) 19:537–552DOI 10.1007/s10845-008-0136-y

A dynamic workflow framework for mass customization usingweb service and autonomous agent techniques

Daniel J. Karpowitz · Jordan J. Cox ·Jeffrey C. Humpherys · Sean C. Warnick

Accepted: 17 May 2007 / Published online: 18 June 2008© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008

Abstract Custom software development and maintenanceis one of the key expenses associated with developing auto-mated systems for mass customization. This paper presentsa method for reducing the risk associated with this expenseby developing a flexible environment for determining andexecuting dynamic workflow paths. Strategies for develop-ing an autonomous agent-based framework and for identify-ing and creating web services for specific process tasks arepresented. The proposed methods are outlined in two differ-ent case studies to illustrate the approach for both a genericprocess with complex workflow paths and a more specificsequential engineering process.

Keywords Autonomous agents · Product development ·WEB services · Ontologies · Automation


Tseng and Jiao define mass customization as “producinggoods and services to meet individual customer’s needs withnear mass production efficiency” (Tseng and Jiao 2001).Automation of engineering product development processesis essential to the implementation of mass customization.

D. J. Karpowitz · J. J. Cox (B)Department of Mechanical Engineering, Brigham YoungUniversity, 455 CTB, Provo, UT 84602, USAe-mail: [email protected]

D. J. Karpowitze-mail: [email protected]

J. C. HumpherysDepartment of Mathematics, Brigham Young University,Provo, UT, USA

S. C. WarnickDepartment of Computer Science, Brigham Young University,Provo, UT, USA

The objective of mass customization is to provide individu-alized products and services by integrating processes that areagile and flexible (Pine 1993). Production systems that utilizeautomated, reusable processes are becoming an increasinglyimportant tool for improving the efficiency, accuracy, andcost during the product lifecycle as well as enabling masscustomization.

Over the past two decades the development of processautomation tools such as Computer Aided Design (CAD),Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), Computer Aided Man-ufacturing (CAM), Product Data Management (PDM), Prod-uct Lifecycle Management (PLM), and Enterprise ResourcePlanning (ERP) have had a significant impact on processautomation. To realize many of the benefits of advanced CAxtools, company processes must be captured and automatedthrough additional software development. The custom soft-ware development that is often required to extend and inte-grate these tools represents a significant investment of bothtime and money. The risk of such an investment often pre-vents businesses from implementing mass customization.

The key expense in this custom software developmentcomes from the automation system not being flexible enoughto adapt to changes in process tools and product markets.Small changes in the tools, market, or most importantly theproduct development process results in large additionalinvestments in software modifications. The volatility of prod-uct markets and the rapid rate of new technology introductioninto product development threaten the possibility of successin automating product development processes and ultimatelywide spread adoption of mass customization. In addition, fre-quent changes in the market environment or engineering toolsand processes, make it difficult to maintain valid automatedprocesses after they have been created (Lander 1997).

This work presents a potential solution to reduce the riskassociated with the custom software development investment.


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The proposed method is structured around the deploymentof a web service-agent framework. Such a framework allowsproduct development systems to be automated using dynamicmethods which can reroute the path of a process workflowas changes occur to the system.

The development of a dynamic framework involves imple-menting single purpose tasks as web services and control-ling the workflow process execution in a multi-agent system.Using this method, decision and execution paths of the pro-cess framework can be determined dynamically as the objec-tives change. Multi-disciplinary optimization, sensitivitystudies, uncertainty propagation, artifact generation, anddesign studies could each potentially produce different pro-cess systems based upon the paths required to accomplishthe objective. The agent framework must be able to not onlyidentify and construct these different processes, but providea flexible execution method.

The general concept presented in this paper is to developa framework that enables “plug and play” capability for inte-grating automated modules related to specific tasks in anengineering process. This framework is developed once andused for all subsequent automation projects, thereby reduc-ing the software development to identification of task mod-ules within an engineering process and the implementation ofthese task modules in a “plug and play” form. Strategies andmethods for developing the overall framework, identifyingtask modules within an engineering process, and preparingthe tasks in a “plug and play” form are also presented.


The product design generator

The Product Design Generator (PDG) developed by Roachet al. is “a computer-based tool that automatically creates allof the design artifacts and supporting information that arenecessary for the design of a product that is customized tomeet the needs of a specific customer” (Roach et al. 2005).Essentially, the PDG is a systematic approach to the crea-tion of automated design modules for mass customization.This approach requires a complete description of the prod-uct development process, which along with business bestpractices and company knowledge can be used to transformunique customer requirements into a final product.

The concept of a PDG is fundamental to the successfuldevelopment of a web service-agent dynamic design system.The formal expression of the design process through the PDGmethodology provides an established approach to mass cus-tomization that has been used as the primary foundation forthis research. The PDG approach allows the existing toolsand methods to be captured and defined in a reusable formthat will improve the productivity of the design process in aconsistent and repeatable manner (Roach et al. 2005).

The development of the PDG and the mapping of individ-ual engineering processes require the creation of a ProductTransformation Schematic (PTS) within a specified envelopeof variation. The PTS is defined by specific sets and processmaps that are used to transform customer requirements intoa range of products. The idea of a PTS is similar to the defi-nition of a mathematical function, a single method extractedfrom an infinite number of solutions for transforming oneset of numbers (the domain) into another set numbers (therange). Like a mathematical function a specific PTS can berealized by an infinite number of different PDGs. As a result,each PDG is a unique implementation for a specific producttype (Roach 2003).

Service-oriented architecture (SOA)

A service-oriented architecture (SOA) is another one of thekey technologies which enable the development of a dynamicframework for product development. In recent years muchof the progress of SOA concepts and technologies has beendriven by a desire to reduce network-based application devel-opment time while also increasing the flexibility and connec-tivity of applications. As a result, much of the informationtechnology industry has embraced an SOA approach, specifi-cally one focused on web service standards, as the solution toincreased productivity in enterprise computing. It is expectedthat adopting an SOA approach will open the door for flex-ible, secure, and reliable communication over both internaland external networks.

Service-oriented architecture is a development approachto connecting applications, often exposed as services madeavailable over a network, so they can communicate and sharefunctions in a widespread and flexible way (Ort 2005). A ser-vice is defined as a specific task or functionality implementedin such a way as to facilitate consumption by clients in differ-ent business processes or applications. One of the essentialcharacteristics of SOA is the idea of loose coupling betweenservices and clients. Loose coupling requires that the servicehave a well defined interface (the “what”) which is separatefrom the implementation (the “how”) (Young 2005). Thisapproach creates a flexible environment where the client isnot required to understand implementation details such as theplatform the service runs on, the language it is programmedin, or what additional processing might be required for theservice to return a result. The client must only understandhow to interact with the service interface. Tightly coupledservices often share semantics, libraries, or state resulting ina system that is difficult to maintain as environments or needschange (Ort 2005).

In addition to the flexibility that results from implement-ing an SOA, applications are also able to more easily scaleas demand increases or decreases. Because loose coupling ofservices results in fewer dependencies between clients and


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services, asynchronous communication is possible. There-fore, services are able to scale to meet required loads with-out introducing the increased lag or delay experienced by atightly coupled system dependent on synchronous commu-nication.

The reusability of services is one of the important bene-fits driving widespread adoption of SOA concepts. Becauseservices separate the interface from the implementation, theactual code exposed as a service can be reused as interfacerequirements change. Functionality that is loosely coupledin this way is more likely to be reused in future applicationsthan tightly coupled functionality built into a specific appli-cation. Also, because the interface is the only part of a serviceexposed to client consumers, legacy applications as well asthose developed by business partners can be used and reusedmore readily.

The flexibility, scalability, and reusability of services cre-ated in a SOA provide a cost effective solution to integratingbusiness applications. An SOA approach allows for reuse oflegacy applications, which could potentially include appli-cations that were previously unusable, by adding a standardservice interface for client interaction. In addition, this SOAcreates a solution for integrating business partner applica-tions with minimal custom development. More important tothis research, however, a SOA contributes to reducing therisk associated with developing a product development sys-tem that is dependent on custom software to integrate variousCAx tools. Product development systems based on SOA andweb service standards require less initial analysis and uniquecode in developing applications custom engineering appli-cations. Loosely coupled engineering services also provideflexibility and scalability necessary for extended applicationlife and reduced maintenance costs.

Web service standards

Web services provide an effective, standards-based approachto SOA. Each of these standards is based on eXtensibleMarkup Language (XML), a general purpose markup lan-guage, which uses “tags” similar to those used by HTML,for describing and exchanging data over a network in anorganized and structured way.

The core web service standards defined in the WS-I basicprofile (Ballinger et al. 2006) include: Simple Object AccessProtocol (SOAP), an XML-based protocol for “exchangingstructured and typed information between peers in a decen-tralized, distributed environment” (Mitra 2003); Web Ser-vice Description Language (WSDL), an XML approach todefining how to communicate with a given web service; andUniversal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI),which defines “how to publish and discover informationabout services in a UDDI-conforming registry” (Ort 2005).

Like UDDI, ebXML is another web service standard thatincludes a registry.

Many of the current registry technologies including UDDIand ebXML standards do not provide a method for autono-mous discovery and integration with web services. This isprimarily the result of a lack of machine understandableinformation in the registry entry descriptions. Potential solu-tions to this issue are discussed later in the context of semanticweb services.

Multi-agent design systems

During the last decade the concept of multi-agent systems hasbecome an increasingly important research field in both arti-ficial intelligence (AI) and computer science. At the core ofmuch of this research has been an exploration of the scienceof agent systems through both theoretical and experimentalresults (Wooldridge and Jennings 1998). As multi-agent sys-tems have become better understood by a wider communitynot limited to just AI and computer science, agents theo-ries have been successfully applied to engineering designsystems.

One of the primary motivations for developing engineer-ing systems that utilize agent-based technologies is the lackof flexibility and adaptability in current process automationsystems. Lander explains that “[d]esign, in particular, is char-acterized by a constant evolution of software tools and tech-niques and by the need to respond rapidly to changes in themarket and industry” (Lander 1997). Such extensive changemakes software maintenance in engineering design a par-ticularly complex and difficult task. It is estimated that tra-ditionally, software maintenance consumes 50–80% of anapplication’s lifecycle cost (Lander 1997). In an attempt toavoid this significant cost, traditional approaches to auto-mated product development have been reduced to a narrowproduct definition that is not as heavily influenced by such avolatile environment.

The need for “diverse, highly sophisticated, and rapidlychanging skills and knowledge” as well as a more flexi-ble approach to engineering design makes multi-agent sys-tems “particularly appropriate for knowledge-based design”(Lander 1997). Agent-based systems require minimal soft-ware changes to existing tools by “wrapping” legacy codewith agent functionality, make process changes without alter-ing system code, vault knowledge and data autonomously,present an open and well defined knowledge representationand behavior model, and are remotely accessible (Feng 2005).These flexible characteristics dramatically reduce the cus-tom software development and future maintenance associ-ated with traditional automated engineering systems.

Like web services, agent technologies are another impor-tant enabler of dynamic product development. Agent-basedsystems are able to solve problems that are too large for a


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single-resource limited system; facilitate the interconnect-ing and interoperation of multiple existing legacy systems;provide solutions where the expertise and information is dis-tributed; and enhance system speed, reliability, extensibil-ity, and the ability to tolerate uncertain data and knowledge.Many engineering systems rely on a vast catalog of legacysoftware, extensive product and/or knowledge databases, andparametric CAx tools for development and manufacturing.Agent technologies provide many of the tools necessary forlinking these elements together in a dynamic, flexible system.

An agent is defined as “a computer system that is situ-ated in some environment, and that is capable of autono-mous action in this environment in order to meet its designobjectives” (Wooldridge 1999). While this characterizationis generic enough to apply to most agent implementations,there is no universally accepted definition for the term“agent”. In fact, “agent” has become a buzzword that isoften applied erroneously to expert systems, artificial intel-ligence, object-oriented programming, and web service con-cepts (Wooldridge and Jennings 1998; Wooldridge 1999;Wooldridge and Dickinson 2005). Despite these discrepan-cies, it is generally accepted that agent autonomy is key tounderstanding this type of agency (Wooldridge and Jennings1995).

Wooldridge makes several important points about agentdefinition (Wooldridge and Jennings 1995). First, it is impor-tant to distinguish between “agents” and “intelligent agents”.The term agent represents a more generic definition that canbe extended by different properties or behaviors. An intelli-gent agent is one such extension defined by flexibility, mean-ing that it is:

• Autonomous—Agents control both their individual stateand behavior.

• Reactive—Agents are able to perceive changes in theirenvironment and respond in a timely manner.

• Proactive—Agents demonstrate goal-oriented behavior bytaking initiative to meet objectives.

• Social—Agents are able to communicate and work withother agents to satisfy design objectives.

It is also important to understand that intelligent agentsare not limited to computer systems. Any entity that canmeet these conditions, including humans, can be treated asan intelligent agent (Wooldridge and Jennings 1995). Forthis research, the basic definition of an intelligent agent willbe used in developing an agent-based framework includingextending agent concepts beyond software applications.

Wooldridge also notes that the general definition ofan agent is not tied to any specific agent environment(Wooldridge and Jennings 1995). Russell and Norvig (Rus-sell and Norvig 1995) characterize an agent environment as:

• Accessible or Inaccessible—An accessible environmentenables an agent to accurately determine the environment’sstate at any given time.

• Deterministic or Non-deterministic—A deterministicenvironment is one in which there is a specific, guaran-teed outcome for an action.

• Episodic or Non-episodic—Agents that react in an epi-sodic environment must determine if its actions will havean impact beyond the current episode.

• Static or Dynamic—Dynamic systems require the agentsto adapt to change.

• Discrete or Continuous—A discrete system has only a lim-ited set of potential agent actions.

Because agents can exist in a wide variety of environmentscharacterized by properties similar to those listed above, thecomplexity of implementing an agent-based systems is nec-essarily coupled with the agent environment.

Providing for agent communication is essential to devel-oping more complex multi-agent systems. Several standardlanguages have been proposed for use in multi-agent systems.One of the more common languages is the Knowledge Queryand Manipulation Language (KQML) that was developed aspart of the ARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort (Shen et al.2001). This messaging protocol allows agents to communi-cate information by annotating messages to describe specificrequests. Another language in wide spread use in the AgentCommunication Language (ACL) (FIPA 2002). ACL is stan-dard maintained by the Foundation for Intelligent PhysicalAgents (FIPA) that functions similarly to KQML. The workpresent in this paper does not attempt to employ a standardlanguage for use in the case study examples.

Web services and agents

The W3C Web Services Architecture specification definesagents as, “…the running programs that drive web services—both to implement them and to access them as computationalresources that act on behalf of a person or organization” (Brayet al. 2006). This definition of an agent identifies one of theprimary motivations for implementing multi-agent systems.According to Wooldridge, agents are primarily “responsiblefor mediating between users’ goals, and the available strat-egies and plans” (Wooldridge and Dickinson 2005). Agentsaccomplish this by creating composite web service work-flows and consuming individual services that satisfy designobjectives and goals.

Although web services and agents both provide a meansfor encapsulating business or application knowledge, theydiffer in that agents “do not simply expose functionalityas methods over a fixed protocol” (Greenwood and Calisti2004). Rather, agents “offer multiple services, or behaviors,


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that can be processed concurrently and activated specifyinggoals” (Greenwood and Calisti 2004). The abstract, goal-driven behavior is unique to the definition of an agent. Unlikeweb services which provide functionality through simpleexecutable methods, agents that act intelligently use knowl-edge to react to and act on their environment autonomouslyand proactively.

Web service-agent systems have recently become the focusof a significant number of research activities. One of themore apparent issues with web service implementation isthe creation of a framework that provides autonomous selec-tion and consumption of the services. As agent technologyhas matured, many have begun to address this problem andinvestigate the use of an intelligent agent-based system as apotential solution.

JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment Framework) is one of themost pervasive agent development platforms in usetoday (JADE 2006). JADE is an open source, middle-waresolution for developing peer-to-peer agent applications thatcomply with FIPA (the Foundation for Intelligent PhysicalAgents) specifications for agents and multi-agent systems(FIPA 2006). Recently this platform has been extended byGreenwood and Calisti to provide development tools for webservice-agent interactions through the Web Service Integra-tion Gateway Service (WSIGS). The primary goal of theWSIGS extension to JADE is to provide a “transparent, bidi-rectional access form/to web services to/from agent-basedservices” (Greenwood and Calisti 2004).

Dickinson and Wooldridge have expressed concern overthe confusion that ultimately results to the core definitionsof web services and agents with WSIGS style bi-directionalintegration (Wooldridge and Dickinson 2005). On one hand,in order for web services to invoke agent behaviors it isimplied that the agents must expose a fixed, deterministicbehavior. This approach “violates the presumption of theautonomy of the agent” and brings into question the validityof referring to this component as an agent (Wooldridge andDickinson 2005). Likewise, if the agent behavior is not fixeda web service must adopt ability to respond to the agent’sautonomous responses. Conceptually this is closer to the def-inition of an agent rather than a web service (Wooldridge andDickinson 2005).

Along with their critique of WSIGS, Dickinson andWooldridge identify some important behaviors of web ser-vices and agents in an integrated system. First, agents andweb services share motivation to create flexible and adapt-able systems, but are nevertheless distinct in their implemen-tation and functionality. Second, agents are the responsibleparty for composing complex service workflows from theindividual, atomic web services. Third, autonomy is onlyrepresented at the agent level. Finally, agents are capable ofplanning by decomposing high level goals in specific subgoals (Wooldridge and Dickinson 2005).

Other important research focused on web service-agentinteraction includes the concept of extending UDDI withthe DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML) presentedby Maximilien and Singh (Maximilien and Singh 2003); anapproach to adaptive workflow that uses the Business Pro-cess Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS) todefine the initial structure of a multi-agent system (Buhleret al. 2003); a system that uses a workflow agent to dynam-ically compose web service workflows by using semanticdescriptions of the services to find and match service inputsand outputs (Laukkanen and Helin 2003); and the use of theWeb Ontology Language for Semantic Web Services (OWL-S) to create middle agents to assist in dynamically discover-ing and connecting with appropriate web services (Sycara etal. 2004).

Semantic web & ontology

As web-based technologies such as web services and autono-mous agents have become more mature and widely accepted,the Internet has moved beyond a simple tool for communi-cating textual and graphical information, to a provider ofservices enabling automation and interoperation. Where theInternet was once focused primarily on delivering contentfor human interpretation, recent development trends havefocused on creating “web-enabled” applications and phys-ical devices that capitalize on Internet-provided services.One purpose of a Semantic Web—an extension of the cur-rent Internet structure which attempts to communicate mean-ing (semantics) in a machine understandable form—is toenable reliable, large-scale interoperation between web ser-vices, autonomous agents, and “web-enabled” applicationsand devices by making service information computer inter-pretable (McIlraith et al. 2001).

Fundamental to understanding the Semantic Web and ulti-mately communication between services and agents is theconcept of ontologies and other data models that can be usedto represent some domain such as controlled vocabulariesand hierarchical taxonomies. Ontology is frequently definedin relation to the Semantic Web as “a set of knowledge terms,including the vocabulary, the semantic interconnections, andsome simple rules of inference and logic for some particulartopic” (Hendler 2001). Because ontology is often used to rep-resent specialized concepts that may have specific meaningto a particular sub-domain, high-level domains are necessaryto define essential concepts and merge the vocabulary of dif-ferent sub-domains into a more generic representation (Shenet al. 2001).

Web service and autonomous agent systems benefit fromusing ontologies to “decipher the content of exchanged mes-sages” (Shen et al. 2001). One of the problems with currentweb service implementations is the difficultly in dynamically


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discovering and consuming the service without human assis-tance. The public UDDI registry that was formally closed inJanuary 2006 by IBM, Microsoft, and SAP (Microsoft 2006)attempted to provide a more universal approach to automaticweb service integration by using the UDDI standards to cat-alog business services. Developers could access the registryand search for services that would meet a desired objective.However, without a formal method for providing semanticinformation, human interpretation of the web service descrip-tions was still required.

Unlike previous approaches, an ontology-driven, semanticmarkup of registered web services would enable a machineto automatically:

• Select web services for consumption based on a set ofuser-driven requirements.

• Understand and independently act on input/output require-ments and execution details of a particular service.

• Interface with multiple web services to provide results formore abstract objectives.

The Web Ontology language for Services (OWL-S) (Mar-tin 2004) is a markup language intended to facilitate theseresults. Like its predecessors (e.g. DAML, OIL), related tech-nologies (e.g. XML, RDF), and other unique approaches (e.g.Semantic Annotations for WSDL) (Farrell and Lausen 2007),OWL-S is an attempt to represent meaning and semanticswith machine-interpretable content.

While formal markup technologies are still limited in useand maturity, other less sophisticated approaches are begin-ning to emerge on the Internet. Web sites such as social bookmarking service), Flickr (an internet photosharing service), YouTube (an internet video sharing ser-vice), GMail (an internet email client), Technocrati (a weblogsearch service), and many others all use metadata “tags” tolabel and describe information and content (i.e. photos, vid-eos, music, etc.). The process of “tagging” does not adhereto a formal ontology or taxonomy, but rather uses a moreeclectic, collaboratively generated method of modeling datareferred to as folksonomy. Although categorizing informa-tion in this way can create conflicts and confusion, it doesprovide an important step in migrating to the more structuredidea of the Semantic Web.

Creating ontologies for a web services or agent-based sys-tems that are focused on a specific function or utility requiresa different approach from the more general web situationssince the web is much larger in scope, often requires less com-plex information, and does not have the same requirementsfor automation and adaptation. In principle, a universal ontol-ogy could be used for knowledge sharing, however, differingsystem requirements, such as those already outlined, showthat a universal approach is not a practical approach (Shenet al. 2001). For many systems, particularly the dynamic

product development framework presented in this paper, asimplified, less-flexible approach to ontology is sufficient.


Agent-based control framework

The first step in creating a dynamic product developmentsystem is to define an agent-based control framework. Thedesign of individual agents is highly dependent on how a spe-cific agent control framework is implemented. Ultimately aframework will have a significant impact on the location ofthe system knowledge base, the method for both local andremote communication, and the complexity of design prob-lems that can be addressed. For example, a peer-to-peer agentnetwork will require a sophisticated agent with knowledge ofthe entire system and ability to communicate with any otheravailable agents. While this method may have many differentpractical applications, the framework can end up duplicatingknowledge and ability in different agents making some largeprocesses too inefficient for the peer-to-peer system.

For this research a more simple approach to an agent-based framework has been adopted. Avoiding more complexdevelopment of multi-agent systems enabled greater focus onthe practical engineering application of the general conceptsrather than just the nuances of developing an agent-based sys-tem. As a result, generic agent framework was created that isnot coupled to any specific programming tools or engineer-ing processes, and system agents are limited in knowledgeand communication ability. These agents are limited to pro-viding only the services needed to generate an automatedengineering tool enabled by web service-agent interaction.

The control agents developed for the dynamic productdevelopment framework serve the system in three ways:

1. Managing a web service registry and identifying potentialservices.

2. Configuring process maps of all potential workflow paths.3. Executing an automatically selected workflow path to

meet the system design objectives.

Implementation of these tasks was accomplished by cre-ating three types of control agents: a web service registrymanagement agent, a workflow configuration agent, and oneor more workflow execution agents. The detailed function ofeach of these agents is discussed in this section.

Web service registry management agent

The web service registry management agent (MA) is res-ponsible for monitoring and updating system web service


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registries. The actual implementation of the MA will differdepending on the type of registry or web service technologiesused by the system. For example, existing web service regis-tries such as UDDI and ebXML registries often do not containenough information for successful autonomic service selec-tion. In this case the MA must be capable of providing thesystem with additional semantic information to will facilitateautomatic selection and execution by other system agents orservices.

One of the more simple methods for making semanticinformation available would be for the MA to maintain andupdate a supplemental database which would provide theenhanced web service. The MA would be responsible forgleaning web services semantics through description lan-guages such as OWL-S (Martin 2004) and/or by calling webservice methods specifically designed to provide detailed ser-vice information. The system framework developed for thisresearch uses the latter approach to gathering web servicedetails for the web service registry.

In addition to registry management, the MA also has theresponsibility to notify the workflow configuration agent ofany new services, removed services, or changes to existingservices that could alter an established workflow (e.g. chang-ing the output type of a critical service, moving a serviceto another network location). This function requires that theMA have some knowledge of how the framework establishesa specific process workflow in order to identify impactingchanges.

Workflow configuration agent

It is the responsibility of the workflow configuration agent(CA) to determine the potential workflow paths for the ser-vices registered with the system. Engineering workflow isdefined for this research as the process of executing individ-ual engineering tasks in a specific process order. Specifically,this workflow is established independent of the agent frame-work by the mappings of the PTS (Roach et al. 2005). TheCA identifies the workflow paths by determining the asso-ciated input and output sets of the registered web servicesand then backwards mapping to link the services in a work-flow pattern. One procedure for identifying links between theprocess input and output sets is presented by Laukkanen andHelin (Laukkanen and Helin 2003). By using a backwardsmapping technique, all possible workflow paths for a givenproduct development process can be determined. The CAmaintains a system workflow repository by adding new pro-cess maps and removing workflow paths with invalid servicesafter receiving updates from the MA.

In addition to determining a specific workflow path theCA may also be required to determine workflow cost (i.e.resources, time, etc.) and overall process capability (i.e. pro-cess variation, input sensitivity, etc.). The CA uses additional

semantic data to enhance more basic workflow informationwhich can be stored along with the process map in the work-flow repository. As new or altered web services create addi-tional available workflows, the agent framework can use thissemantic data to automatically select and execute the bestprocess for a specific application.

Key to the success of the CA is the development of asystem language for describing process workflow. Withouta robust process language the system would not be able tounderstand workflows with complex bifurcation or nestedsub-processes. The Business Process Execution Languagefor Web Services (BPEL) developed by Microsoft and IBMprovides a standard format for defining the structure of aprocess (Andrews et al. 2003). BPEL is an XML based lan-guage that describes complex process structures, attributes,and external processes relationships. Process languages suchas BPEL may be helpful for describing complex processes(Laukkanen and Helin 2003); particularly processes thatresult require any recursive behavior or systems that employsophisticated ontology.

While the actual process description language used by theCA is not important, it is critical that the CA does at leastprovide the minimum information required by the executionagents for dynamic web service binding and invocation. Asimple process language was developed for this research thatdescribed a process by web services linked by similar inputsand outputs. Using a simple language of this type limitedinitial prototypes to linear processes with simple bifurcation.

Workflow execution agent

The workflow execution agent (EA) is responsible for con-trolling the execution of a specific engineering process. Whileboth the MA and CA have a fixed objective, updating theweb service and workflow registries, the system frameworkmay have any number of different EAs each with a dif-ferent execution objective. These objectives could includemulti-disciplinary optimization, sensitivity studies, uncer-tainty propagation, or artifact generation. Because agent tech-nologies enable intelligent and autonomous action, productdevelopment systems can capitalize on unused resources ( or computing system downtime) to train neural nets,explore design space, or improve individual agent knowledgebase.

The communication and interaction between multiple EAsand other system agents must be handled by a multi-agentenvironment capable of managing agent interaction to meetany system-level goals specified for the product developmentprocess. EAs embody the intelligence needed for truly auton-omous actions, while the MA and CA function to providethe semantic information required by the EAs. The EAs arethe agents that answer the system-level engineering processquestions (e.g. Which design provides maximum life? How


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do I minimize cost?) These top level questions are posedto the EAs which in turn explore the variety of workflowpaths identified by the CA to find answers to these questions.This method of problem decomposition provides significantflexibility in posing the top level questions by answeringthe question with different workflow paths, technologies, orcombinations of process task modules.

Improvements in process technologies or changes in pro-cess steps can be automatically implemented by the EAs oncethe CA is notified of changes to the set of available ser-vices by the MA, updates the workflow repository with newprocess maps, and then provides notification of change tothe EAs. To illustrate this concept consider an engineeringprocess for predicting deflection in some product compo-nent. The original process may include the use of traditionalclosed-form linear equations captured in a spreadsheet, andthe initial workflow paths identified by the CA might includethis spreadsheet implemented as a stand alone web service.If later in the product life it is determined that more sophisti-cated deflection results are needed, a finite-element techniquemight be developed as a web service and the module intro-duced into the system. A secondary workflow path would beidentified by the CA which would include the finite-elementmodule instead of the spreadsheet. Determination of whichworkflow to use would be determined by the EAs based uponcriteria most likely linked to an engineering process questionsuch as quality of prediction based on field data or empiricalcorrelations.

Identifying and creating web services

Determining the web services (i.e. process task modules) touse in the system framework requires following a theoreticprocess decomposition to extract the specific tasks associatedwith a given product development process. This decompo-sition involves identifying the associated input and outputvariables of a process task, backwards mapping the depen-dencies, and defining the tasks that convert the inputs to theoutputs. Backwards mapping is a simple dependency reso-lution process starting with the desired result of the processand working backwards to identify the required inputs.

This decomposition links the inputs and outputs as wellas the tasks into a single theoretical integrated workflow asdescribed by Roach et al. (Roach et al. 2005) in the formu-lation of the PTS. This procedure identifies the necessarylow level process tasks, referred to by Roach as intermediatemapping functions, which link the system inputs and out-puts. Each of the identified intermediate maps then must bestructured and implemented as a web service. In this way,all necessary tasks for the specific product development pro-cess are defined, allowing complete coverage for the overallproduct development process. The integration of these webservices into the specific process is left to the CA.

Once the services are identified, they need to be exposedfor consumption by the agent-based framework. This canbe accomplished by creating a web service for each processtask module in the product development process. Althoughweb service technologies are focused on set description andcommunication standards, there are a number of differentmethods for implementing these standards. The solution out-lined in this paper does not require that any one particularsolution be used. However, the selected web service imple-mentation must provide for a dynamic method for bindingto and consuming the web services. Some existing web ser-vice APIs and autonomous agent development tools such asthe JADE platform provide the necessary resources for cre-ating dynamic web service-agent interactions (Greenwoodand Calisti 2004).

The CA must follow some type of system language inorder to successfully map the potential workflow paths. Asystem language is a common syntax for defining the processtask inputs and outputs. Decomposition and web service crea-tion has a significant impact on the common system languagethat will be used to define the service inputs and outputs. Inmore complex systems a simple system language may not besufficient for describing all potential links between servicesor may be overly restrictive. In this case, detailed systemontology can be used to create object-oriented structure forthe system language. Once the system language is determinedall web services must represent their different operations inthis format, whether by exposing the information through asemantic description format or by reporting this informationthrough executable methods.


Case study no. 1: ring example

To better illustrate the proposed method, an example casestudy was created. In this case study, a generic engineeringprocess was selected and modeled as a sequential process thatconnects four components together into a ring structure. Thiscould represent an assembly of four parts, an interlinked anal-ysis process, etc. In this example, the ring is constructed byassembling parts A–B–C–D in the correct order. It is impor-tant to note that part A cannot be added to C without firstadding either B or D. A similar rule also holds for parts B, C,and D. Each action box shown in Fig. 1 represents potentialprocess tasks, services, or the action of particular agents. Forthe proposed method to be successful, the prototype systemmust be capable of finding all possible workflow paths, iden-tifying and executing a workflow path based on some criteria,and be able to handle creation, removal, or changes to the sys-tem services without requiring any additional system-levelsoftware modifications.


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Fig. 1 Process schematic for creation of basic ring structure

The schematic shown in Fig. 1 represents the results of thebackwards mapping process and decomposition which cannow be used to identify the tasks or services to be created.The process of creating the ring structure can be decomposedinto four separate process tasks: Add A, Add B, Add C, andAdd D. Each of the process boxes in the schematic can besubdivided into these sub-functions. In most cases, only themost basic and unique functions need to be captured as ser-vices.

For this study, the service action was represented by a sim-ple mathematical operation and a quality metric representingprocess variation was arbitrarily assigned for each operation.In order to create process paths that would have a differenttotal variation, a dependency was created between the orderin which a process task was executed and the variation in theoperation. For example, if “Add A” service was executed firstit might have a lower process variation than if it was executedlast.

After identifying the services needed for the ring creationprocess, the web service framework was created. For thisprototype, XFire, an open source web services API (XFire2006) based on the Java programming language, was used.The primary motivation for selecting XFire over other morewidely used solutions by IBM, Microsoft, or Sun Microsys-tems was the ease of creating services for automatic bindingand invocation. Most commercial solutions for developinga web service framework require that the programmer havesome knowledge of the specific services that will be con-sumed. For each service in the system a custom functioncall or other individualized method for service consumptionmust be developed prior to run time. Without a more genericmethod for consuming a web service, a client (the executionagents in the system) will not be able to dynamically adaptto changes in process workflow or available services withoutreprogramming the web service-client interface.

XFire, unlike other solutions, has a simple, generic inter-face for consuming web services. Clients developed usingthis API use a single function that can be executed with inputand output parameters not specific to any one web service.An XFire web service can provide the function parameters aspart of a semantic description allowing the client to use the

same interface for all web services in the system. Becausethe XFire client uses a generic method for consuming webservices, any changes to process workflows or individual ser-vices can be incorporated during run time. No human inputis required and the system can adapt to changes of this typeautomatically. In addition to providing a flexible interface forweb service consumption, XFire also allows for web servicesto be created from basic Java objects. This reduces much ofthe initial complexity associated with developing a specificweb service implementation, which is often a major hurdlein creating web service applications.

In order to facilitate the population of the web service reg-istry, each service implemented a number of reporting meth-ods that could be called by the agent framework to glean theadditional information necessary for workflow creation anddynamic execution of the services. Because this approachrepresents the web service details as executable reportingmethods rather than through a more descriptive semantic webservice interface, it was necessary to create registry manage-ment agents that would update the web service registry in twoseparate steps. First the agent must search the web servicesdeployment file system for the “services.xml” file that is cre-ated as part of XFire development. From this file the namesand locations of all available services is registered. Once thisinformation has been determined the agent is then able tocall the standard reporting methods (which might be uniqueto each individual system) to update the registered serviceswith the remaining descriptive information. Figures 2 and 3show the MA adding the available web services and updatingtheir descriptive information in this two-step process.

In addition to the reporting methods, each web servicealso implements a unique method representing the core taskoperation. Because each service operation can be used ina number of possible ways (i.e. add A as the initial ele-ment, add A to B only, add A to D only, add A to BC, addA to CD, add A to BCD), each service reports correlatingsets of input requirements, output produced, and variabil-ity for different operation use cases. The input and output

Fig. 2 Registered web services from “services.xml” file


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Fig. 3 Registry update fromweb service reporting methods

Fig. 4 Example workflowpaths mapped by configurationagent

sets were defined according to a simple system language thatwould allow inputs and outputs from different services to bematched during workflow mapping.

Once the process services were created and registered theCA was able to map all 16 available processes, two of whichare shown in Fig. 4. Each of these workflow paths was storedin the workflow repository along with the total variation ofeach process. The EA was implemented so as to select theprocess with the lowest total variation. Figure 5 shows the

successful execution of the optimal workflow path based onthis criterion.

In order to demonstrate the dynamic nature of the sys-tem framework, an alternative process task was created thatwould perform the same operations as the “Add B” web ser-vice using a different method which lowered variability. Asa result, all workflow paths that included this new servicewould have a lower total variability than those using theoriginal “Add B” service. Creation and registration of the


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Fig. 5 Workflow execution by process execution agent

Fig. 6 Registry update with alternative web service

alternative service required only that a new Java object becreated from the same template as the other services andthat the agent framework recognize the new service, add itto the registry, and map any new workflow paths. After theweb service registry was updated the CA was able to findthe additional 16 workflow paths and the new optimal pathwhich included the alternative service was selected and exe-cuted by the EA. The results from this procedure can be seenin Figs. 6 and 7.

Fig. 7 Workflow execution with alternative web service included

Case study no. 2: impeller example

In order to demonstrate the application of the proposedmethod to a practical engineering problem, an automatedmodeling and analysis process for an impeller design wasused for this case study. Although the core operations for thenecessary web services used in this example required moresophistication and interaction with external applications, themethod for creating the services and deploying them in theagent-based framework remained the same.

The first step in creating the impeller design frameworkwas to identify the individual process tasks using a backwardsmapping technique. It is important that these tasks are firstdefined on a general level and are not coupled to any specificCAx tools. This enables a necessarily flexible process thatis driven by proven engineering design practices rather thanthe current implementation of available design tools. For thiscase study the workflow was subdivided into the followingtasks:

1. Update the parametric models for structural and air solidwedges.

2. Create surface and volume meshes for the air solid wedge.


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Fig. 8 Registered web services for impeller design process

3. Determine surface pressure values for the air solid wedge.4. Createsurfaceandvolumemeshesfor thestructuralwedge.5. Determine maximum stress values for the structural


Once this general workflow was identified, specific CAxtools and implementation methods were selected for eachprocess task and their function(s) embedded in an XFire webservice. In this example, the process task modules and theresulting web service implementation were far more sophis-ticated than the ring example. While successful automationof these process tasks required a programmatic interface withparametric CAD models as well as parametric finite-elementmodels for both CFD and stress calculations, the workflowwas much less sophisticated than the ring example since itwas a simple linearly sequential process. Most practical engi-neering processes follow a quasi-linear sequential processand are made up of sophisticated services.

In addition to implementing the process design tasks asweb services, a system process language was identified fromthe inputs and outputs of the individual modules. Because theprocess language followed the same patterns used in the ringexample no additional changes were required to the configu-

ration agent. Changes were made, however, to the executionagent. Because there was not a measurable metric for eachprocess module the variation calculations were removed fromthe execution agent.

Like the ring example, the web service registry was pop-ulated by first identifying available modules from the “ser-vices.xml” file and then executing predefined reportingmethods to provide the necessary execution details andsemantic information for each process task (e.g. inputs, out-puts, network location). For this case study Derby, an opensource database based on Java, JDBC, and SQL standards,was used to store the agent information. A separate instanceof the Derby database was also used to store the single lin-ear workflow identified by the CA. Figure 8 shows the MAadding the process tasks to this database and Fig. 9 shows thelinear process mapped by the CA.

In order to maintain flexibility, the only system level infor-mation required by the individual web services is the nameand location of a user specific working directory. Web ser-vices use this directory as a repository for inputs, outputs,and any resulting design artifacts, eliminating any need forcommunication between the services. The execution agent’sresponsibility is to provide the location of the working direc-tory to all web services during execution.

For this case study the EA is represented by a Java servletthat receives the name and location of the working direc-tory, impeller blade angles, and number of impeller bladesas user input. Following the linear process identified by theCA and stored in the Derby database, the execution agentinvokes the CAD service which uses the user input parame-ters to update a parametric model of the impeller in CATIAV5. Once the model has been updated, a structural wedgeand air solid wedge are created and saved as IGES filesin the working directory. The IGES file is a neutral dataformat that enables the geometric definition of the impel-ler to be interpreted by a wide range of CAx tools.Figure 10 shows the actual IGES data for the structural wedge

Fig. 9 Workflow path mappedby the configuration agent


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Fig. 10 IGES data for theimpeller structural wedge

Fig. 11 CATIA representation of the structural wedge

while Fig. 11 shows the CATIA V5 interpretation of thisinformation.

After receiving confirmation from the CAD service that ithas finished executing and successfully created the IGES files

for the impellerwedges, theEAinvokes themeshservice.Thisservice uses HyperMesh to build surface and volume meshesfor finite-element calculations from the air solid IGES filestored in the working directory. Once created, the meshes arethen saved to this same directory. Figure 12 shows the surfacemesh for the air solid wedge created by HyperMesh.

The impeller design process continues after the mesh ser-vice has executed, stored the output in the working directory,and returned control to the EA. The next step identified by theCA is providing pressure values from a fluid analysis pack-age such as Fluent. The EA accomplishes this by invokingthe pressure service with the working directory as input. Flu-ent uses the HyperMesh output files and iterates through airflow calculations to determine the pressure on the impellerblade surfaces. The final solution is then written to a text fileand saved in the working directory. Figure 13 is a screenshotof the pressure distribution that is also output to the workingdirectory by this service.

Execution of the stress analysis service follows a proce-dure very similar to the operation of the pressure service.The stress analysis service both writes and runs an AN-SYS macro that inputs the pressure data from the workingdirectory to produce stress values for the structural wedge.Figure 14 shows the Von Mises stress plot that is part of theservice output.

It is important to note that because this design process iscomposed of self contained services integrated into a flexi-ble framework introduction of a new CAx tool or moving anexisting tool would only require that the registry be reinitial-ized. The dynamic nature of the framework will then create


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Fig. 12 Surface mesh for theair solid wedge produced byHyperMesh

Fig. 13 Fluent pressuredistribution for the air solidwedge

a new workflow using the new web service and add this tothe database where it can be accessed for execution by theEA. Sophisticated workflow paths that include bifurcation,loops, etc. can be handled using process execution languagessuch as BPEL or by introducing recursion and hierarchy intothe service definitions (Young 2005) without changing themethods already presented.


The presented method of establishing a dynamic systemframework that divides the software maintenance into devel-opment of a generic system framework and specific pro-cess task modules allows companies to better understand andmanage custom software investment. As a result, a company


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Fig. 14 Stress plot produced by ANSYS for the structural wedge

can implement a management strategy to maintain a systemframework for all automated engineering projects and thenprovide templates for process task module development. Theweb services can be created and managed by the engineersinvolved with the specific process. Typically they are the mostknowledgeable about the specific task and the tools used toaccomplish it and therefore are the most qualified to createand manage the specific process task module. Any require-ment to know the system-level protocols for tying task mod-ules together into automated process systems is eliminated.

The method presented therefore provides a way to bet-ter match the normal decomposition of knowledge and tasksbased on personnel involved in the process and a more man-ageable approach to software development and maintenance.This will hopefully eliminate any resistance to engage inprocess automation projects require to truly implement masscustomization.

The goals outlined in the introduction of this work weremet during the course of this research. First, a flexible designsystem was defined using web service and agent technolo-gies. Specifically, the definition of a Web Service RegistryAgent, Workflow Configuration Agent, and Workflow Exe-cution Agent was developed along with a framework forintegrating these agents. A process for identifying and creat-ing web services from a specific process was also presented.Finally, the feasibility of the proposed system was demon-strated with a generic example (the ring structure) and a spe-cific engineering example (the impeller design).

Future work includes the implementation of hierarchy,recursion, and other sophisticated methods to allow bifurca-tion and looping in processes. More sophisticated implemen-tation of EAs to accomplish multi-disciplinary optimization,design studies, etc. is also needed. In addition, future researchshould include developing methods to analyze and contrastcompeting workflow paths to develop improved efficiencyand scheduling.


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