Download - A Dream 30 May 2016


A dream30 May 2016

Not an extraordinary dream but clearly UC content.

It was DP seminar.The dream contained - North Korea- young True Father - and that he could not convince people about parallells of history.

Tromsö Norge

My interpretation, (please be free to make your own…)it is not about the passed 2000 years past parallels as we know from DP, but the present (meaning past time in the dream, between 1946, when he went to N Korea and 1950, when he arrived in Pusan)

Maybe the meaning is TF could not bring to fulfillment, the original providential plan of the time 1945-1952, which TF spoke about so many timesas the original plan for his acceptance,and the glorious early return of the True Parents.

Tromsö Norge

Another interpretation can be a message to us in our time 2016 ... that the providence, read CIG,will not fully penetrate globally until 2024-2025!

Korean Prophecy is talking about these dates;

Tromsö Norge

Korean prophecy:

Somewhere in the world you will find that man: he is the holy man. Look at the world justly. He will come (2000-2007 or 2024-2025) and unify the world.


Tromsö Norge

Sincerely written with the very best of intentions ...

Still keep the strong focus on Vision 2020

Bengt :-)

United Kingdom

Ref: My own mind and morning memory

CG Jung ”Red Book” - A subconcience experimentCG Jung ”Man and His Symbols”

Please Google ”youtube CG Jung Red Book”

Jung referred to his imaginative or visionary venture during these years as "my most difficult experiment." 

This experiment involved a voluntary confrontation with the unconscious through willful engagement of what Jung later termed "mythopoetic imagination".

In his introduction to Liber Novus, Shamdasani explains:

"From December 1913 onward, he carried on in the same procedure: deliberately evoking a fantasy in a waking state, and then entering into it as into a drama.

These fantasies may be understood as a type of dramatized thinking in pictorial form....

Source: Wikipedia

Carl Jung’s ‘Red Book:’ Science or Revelation?

For Jung, there was more to human nature, and he parted ways with his predecessor (Freud) in order to develop his own conclusions about the nature of the unconscious.

What awaited the disillusioned psychologist, though, was, to say the least, unexpected.

Carl Jung’s ‘Red Book:’ Science or Revelation?

Towards the end of 1913, at the age of thirty-eight, Jung experienced what he terms in his autobiographical work Memories, Dreams, Reflections his “confrontation with the unconscious.”

Exactly how he triggered this phenomenon or whether it arose spontaneously remains unspecified. Beginning as a series of vivid dreams and visions, this period in Jung’s life provided him with the original source material from which he would later develop his ground-breaking theories.

For us who know the Divine PrincipleIts easy to understand Spirit Worlds involvement.

From “The Red Book” by C. G. JungCompare DP: Fall of Man Second Coming of Christ

The Anima & Animus Both man & woman have the characteristics of the other as archetypes resting in their psyche.

While the mirror image of a man in a female’s unconscious mind is called Animus, the mirror image of a woman in a male’s s unconscious mind is called Anima.

Also, when a man or woman projects the psyche of anima or animus onto an actual woman or man, feelings like infatuation, idealization or attraction for the opposite sex is cultivated.

When we fall in love at first sight, then we have found someone that “fills” our anima or animus archetype particularly well!

For us who know the Divine Principle;

 Just as we can come to know the character of an artist through his works, so we can understand the nature of God by observing the diverse things of creation.

The common elements which are found universally throughout the natural world. Every entity possesses dual characteristics of yang (masculinity) and yin (femininity) and comes into existence only when these characteristics have formed reciprocal relationships, both within the entity and between it and other entities.

Suppose that you wanted a written record of your every ancestor…if you use the Pyramid Theory, a doubling of ancestors each generation back, you have 2048 ancestors by the 12th generation in your past, and possibly 60,000 direct ancestors going back to the Crusades.

By Generation #40, you would have more than one trillion ancestors!

Therefore the ancients said that after Adam had eaten the apple, the tree of paradise withered. Your life needs the dark.

But if you know that it is evil, you can no longer accept it and you suffer anguish and you do not know why: Nor can you accept it as evil, else your good will reject you. Nor can you deny it since you know good and evil. Because of this the knowledge of good and evil was an insurmountable curse.

EndGod Bless You all!

Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there to inspire the most Holy inside of us all!

Have a great Blessed week. /Bengt