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A division of wavefrontpolarimeter and optical

analysis of red blood cells

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• A Doctoral Thesis. Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirementsfor the award of Doctor of Philosophy at Loughborough University.

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Publisher: c© G. M. Ruiz de M�arquez

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Page 6: A division of wavefront polarimeter and optical analysis ... · Loughborough University Institutional Repository A division of wavefront polarimeter and optical analysis of red blood




Gabriela Maria Ruiz de Marquez

A Doctoral Thesis

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of Loughborough University

May 1996

© by G. M. Ruiz de Marquez, 1996.

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A Isabel, Clemente, Bruno y Ruben.

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This research project is dedicated to obtain vital information about blood components, using optical engineering techniques. The theory and apparatus developed within the project are the preliminary steps for the future development of non-invasive and low cost instrumentation for blood analysis that could be used in the clinical practice.

The measurement of biological suspensions by modulation of polarised light required . the development of a Stokes' parameters polarimeter. For this purpose a theoretical description of a new polarisation state sensor, a Division of Wavefront Polarimeter, has been developed and constructed, together with the appropriate considerations to calibrate the instrument.

Optical techniques are implemented to determine variations in the concentration of red blood cells in a given sample and modifications in the morphology of the cells. For this purpose, measurements of red blood cell suspensions were performed, combining polarised light measurements with an imaging technique. The light traversing the sample is absorbed and multiply scattered by the contents of the sample, thus the detected intensity can provide information about the nature of the scatterers. The amountof depolarisation of the incident light by the blood sample is an indicator of the concentration of the scattering particles. It. was found that polarised light measurements are useful to discriminate absorbance from scattering at certain concentration ranges of red blood cells.


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I would like to thank Dr. Peter Smith, my supervisor, for introducing me to this area, for his guidance and advice on all the aspects of this work and for his continuous support.

I would also like to thank Prof. Harry Thomason, my external supervisor, for his support and encouragement. He told me many times that if my research topic was not difficult, someone would had already done it.

I would like to acknowledge the financial support from Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, which made my studies in England possible.

I am grateful to Prof. C. Williams for letting me use the Sport Sciences Research Laboratory, at Loughborough University, to perform some of the experiments on blood. I am also grateful to Prof. H. Thurston for making available to me the facilities to conduct experimental work at the Clinical Sciences Building, Leicester Royal Infirmary. I would like to thank too Dr. M Bennett for providing me with blood samples and invaluable technical assistance.

I would like to extend my special thanks to R. Marquez for his helpful discussions in all technical and non-technical matters, and his advice on the software and hardware aspects of this work.

I very much appreciate the assistance and patience of Dr. A. Prado Barragan for teaching me the essential chemistry laboratory techniques and explaining to me all the biochemistry I could not understand.

I thank Amarat, Dave, Doug, Naimi, Hans and Matt, my colleagues in the Optical Engineering Group, for their assistance, support and for answering all my queries. In particular I would like to thank Doug for many interesting discussions during the course of this research, and to Amarat for her help and friendship during the long hours that the experiments on blood used to take.

I thank Mr. D. Smith, at the Dept. of Chemical Engineering in Loughborough University, for helping me with various aspects of my research which benefited from his chemistry skills. I also want to thank Mr. P. Barrington, at the mechanical workshop in the Dept. of Electronic and Electrical Eng., for making good technical drawings from my sketches and supervising the prompt manufacturing of the pieces I used in my experimental rigs.

Finally, thanks to all my family and friends in England and Mexico.


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Glossary of Terms








Analogue to Digital Converter

Circular Dichroism

Data Acquisition Board

Data Acquisition System

Division of Amplitude Polarimeter

Degree of Polarisation

Division of Wave front Polarimeter

Haemolysis: Diffusion of haemoglobin out of the erythrocytes, leaving an empty

membrane, a "ghost".







PiN diode

An anticoagulant for blood.

The membrane of an erythrocyte is destroyed and haemoglobin leaks

out of the cell.

Linear Polariser

Mean Cell Haemoglobin Concentration.

Optical Density

Optical Rotatory Dispersion

P-N junction by injection, refering to a photodiode.

Polaras: Software application used to drive the DAB to obtain polarimetric

measurements from the DOWP. This name was formed from the words

POLARisation AnalysiS.

Polycythemia: An excessive number of RBC in the blood.

QWR Quarter Wave Retarder

RBC Red Blood Cells

Serum: When a blood sample has clotted, the clot is suspended in a fluid free

of fibrinogen called serum.

SMA stands for "SMArt", referring to a type of connector.


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Contents Page No.

Certificate of Originality

Abstract ii

Acknowledgements iii

Glossary of Terms iv

I. Introduction. I

2. Polarimetry. 5 2.1 Introduction. 5 2.2 Division of Wave front Polarimeters. 6

2.2.1 Division of Wavefront Polarimeters requiring of Specific Orientation ofPolarisers and Quarter Wave Retarder. 2.2.2 An improvement to the Division of Wave front Polarimeters reported in the literature.

3. Derivation of Stokes Parameters using a DOWP 11 with arbitrary settings of three Polarisers and one Retarder.

3.1 Transmission of an Electric Field through a linear Polariser. 13 3.2 An expression for the Normalised Transmission Coefficient. 14 3.3 Normalised Transmission Coefficient for Non-polarised Light. 16 3.4 Transmission of an Electric Field through a Quarter Wave Retarder. 17 3.5 Transmission of an Electric Field through a Quarter Wave Retarder followed .. by a linear Polariser. 19 3.6 Equations describing the four Intensities measured by the DOWP. 21 3.7 Derivation of the Stokes Parameters from four measured Intensities. 23 3.8 The Poincare Sphere. 27

4. Description of the Polarimeter Experimental Equipment 30 4.1 Description of the Sensor Head. 30 4.2 Software Description. 33 4.3 Description of the Data Acquisition System. 37

5. Calibration of the Division of Wave front Polarimeter. 39 5.1 Offsets Measurement. 39 5.2 Calibration. 40 5.3 Measurement of Angles and Parameters Estimation. 42

6. Performance Evaluation of the Polarimeter. 52 6.1 Theoretical Analysis. 52

6.1.1 NO converter with 12 bit resolution. 6.1.2 Adding an error of one degree to the position of a linear polariser. 6.1.3 NO converter with 10 bit resolution.

6.2 Experimental Analysis. 67 6.3 Additional Sources of Error. 72 6.4 Summary and Discussion. 75

6.4.1 Problems Encountered while using the DOWP in biomedical meas. 78


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7. Traditional Techniques for Blood Analysis 7.1 Methods for Blood Analysis currently in use.

7.1.1 Blood Composition. 7.1.2 Blood Indices. 7.1.3 Automatic Cell Counters. 7.1.4 Measurements of Haemoglobin. Spectroscopic Measurements - An Application in Blood Oximetry. Colorimetry. 7.1.5 Examination of a Stained Blood Film.

79 79

7.2 Research in Optical Techniques for Blood Analysis. 86 7.2.1 Motivation for Investigating Optical Methods 7.2.2 Light Transmission through Whole Blood

- Whole Blood Modelled as an Absorbing and Scattering Medium Adding a Scattering term to the Beer-Lambert law.

- Twersky's Model. Diffusion Theory. Kubelka-Munk Theory. Time Resolved Spectroscopy for investigations in Tissue and Blood Oximetry. The path lenght dependency in Transmittancec measurements.

7.2.3 Summary.

8. Imaging Technique for Absorbance and Scattering Measurements on Blood 99 8.1 Introduction. 99 8.2 Description of the Experiment. 100 8.3 Materials and Methods. 101 8.4 Discussion of Results. 103

8.4.1 Data Processing. 8.4.2 Semi-Empirical Model.

8.5 Conclusions. 119

9. Polarised Light and Imaging Measurements of suspensions of Erythrocytes 120 9.1 Introduction. 120

9.1.1 Measurements on Blood using Polarised Light. 9.1.2 An Improved Imaging Measurement Technique complemented by Polarised Light Measurements.

9.2 Description of the Experiment. 123 9.3 Materials and Methods. 124 9.4 Discussion of Results. 125

9.4.1 Imaging Technique. 9.4.2 Measurements with Polarised Light.

9.5 Red Blood Cell Morphology. 135 9.5 Conclusions. 139

10. Conclusions and Suggestions for Further Work. 141 10.1 Conclusions. 141 10.2 Suggestions for Further Work. 142

10.2.1 Suggested Modifications to the Mechanical Design of the Sensor Head. 10.2.2 Improvements to other components of the DOWP. 10.2.3 Suggested Modifications to the glass containers used in Blood Experiments.

Bibliography 148


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AppendixA. Appendix B. AppendixC.

Diagram of the Sensor Head. Non-Linear Fitting to the parameters, the Quasi-Newton Method. Normal Haematology Values. - Recipe for Phosphate-buffered Saline. - Recipe for Ringer Solution.

153 154 158


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Chapter 1


Since the beginning of the twentieth century, polarised light has been used as an aide to

learn about the nature of various organic compounds. Some of the best known

applications include measuring concentrations of sugars in solution and determining the

molecular structure of some proteins. More recently, in the food and pharmaceutical

industries, polarised studies have been employed for distinguishing between pairs of

enantiomers. Sometimes one of the enantiomers can have a harmful effect on the human

body, while the other one can help to heal it.

One of the most complete instruments that can be used to fully characterise the

polarisation state of a given beam of light is a polarimeter. This device can provide

information about the direction and amount of rotation of the polarisation ellipse that

describes -a particular polarisation state. Also it can determine the dimensions of the­

ellipse, quantify how much of the light detected by the polarimeter is completely

polarised and how much is non-polarised. From all these data, the four Stokes parameters -

are extracted.

Although some optical diagnostic instruments are currently being developed to be applied

in the biomedical field, the full potential of polarised light has not yet been exploited. One

of the areas that could benefit from incorporating a polarimeter to the tool bench is blood

analysis. The reason is that some of the blood constituents can modify the polarisation

state of the light and suspensions of blood cells can depolarise an incident completely

polarised beam. Another point of interest is that a polarimeter, as many other optical

engineering tools, has the potential to evolve into a non-invasive piece of instrumentation

for the medical practice, because the measuring principle is based on a light beam, which


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is modified after traversing biological tissue.

In this research project a Polarimeter of general purpose was designed, built and tested.

One of the most important features of this polarimeter is that only one set of four intensity

measurements is required to calculate simultaneously all the Stokes parameters. The

polarimeter is provided with four optical channels, in one of the channels there is only a

photodiode, in two of the other channels there is a linear polariser followed by a

photodiode, and in the remaining channel there is a quarter wave retarder followed by a

linear polariser and then a photodiode. The azimuth angles of the three linear polarisers

and retarder are all different, so each of the four photodiodes measures a different

intensity value when the polarimetric sensor is illuminated with polarised light. By

algebraic manipulation of the four intensity readings from each channel, polarisation

information of a sample tested by the polarimeter is obtained.

The main difference between this "Division of Wavefront Polarimeter" and other

polarimeters of similar type, reported in the literature, is that the polarimeter reported here

- does not require to set the polarisers and retarder in the sensor head at unique and

predetermined azimuth angles, as all the other models, that we are aware of, do.

The recommendations that will appear in the following chapters of this text, to improve

the polarimeter and additional equipment, should be followed if the equipment is going to

be applied· for biomedical applications. However, in order to test the principle of

measuring blood components with polarised light, some less ambitious experiments were

successfully conducted. In these experiments linearly polarised light was used to

illuminate a blood sample, then it was studied with an analyser parallel and perpendicular

to the incident polarisation state. These studies were combined with an imaging

technique. Samples with various concentrations of whole blood and haemolysed blood

were studied.

This document is divided into ten chapters, including this introduction as the first one.


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Chapter 2 is a literature review on the subject of Polarimetry. The Division of Wavefront

Polarimeter will be revised more carefully than other types, because the polarimeter

developed within this· research project falls into this category. The advantages of

developing a Division of Wave front Polarimeter, with arbitrary orientation of polarisers

and quarter wave retarder, are mentioned in this chapter.

Chapter 3 is dedicated to obtain, in some detail, the equations corresponding to the Stokes

Parameters. These parameters are derived from four intensity readings, measured by the

Polarimeter with arbitrary orientation of its polarising elements. The theory developed in

this chapter is a generalisation of the algorithms on which older versions of Division of

Wavefront polarimeters were based.

Chapter 4 is a complete description of the polarimeter that was built. Not only the sensor

head is mentioned here, which is the polarimeter basis, but also the additional software

and hardware required for using it as a measuring instrument.

In Chapter 5 a calibration routine is described. One of the procedures included was

designed to measure and eliminate some offsets present in the intensity measurements.

Another one to artificially correct the problem of uneven illumination of the sensor head,

and a final one dedicated to determine the orientation of three polarisers and one quarter

wave retarder comprised in the sensor head, plus their absorbance parameters.

Chapter 6 consists of a performance evaluation of the Polarimeter. Is included a

theoretical analysis of the errors introduced in the polarimetric measurements by

quantisation of the measured intensities, while being converted from analogue into digital

signals, and of the errors caused by an incorrect determination of the azimuth angles of

the polarising optics in the sensor head and their absorbance parameters. The effect of

these sources of error was corroborated experimentally.

Chapter 7 is a literature review on laboratory techniques for blood analysis. Special


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consideration is given to automatic cell counters because of tbeir importance in

haematology laboratories. Also tbere is a section dedicated to tbe research on optical

techniques for blood analysis. This chapter includes a review of some of best known

tbeoretical models describing tbe interaction of light with a blood sample. Those models

take into account absorbance and scattering measurements.

A first set of experiments is reported in Chapter 8, in which an imaging technique was

developed to measure tbe absorbance and scattering of light by a sample of blood in

motion. These measurements are intended to provide information about tbe concentration

and type of red blood cells contained in a given sample. The experiments were perfected

and the experimental technique was complemented by adding a polarised light

measurement of suspensions of red blood cells. The combined technique is described in

Chapter 9, showing tbe potential tbat polarised light measurements have to distinguish the

effects of absorbance from tbe scattering of light produced by tbe blood sample.

Additionally, some comments are made relative to how tbe morphology of tbe cells is

affected. while being tested by most optical methods. Some suggestions. are made to

correct this problem in the future.

Finally. suggestions for future work can be found in Chapter 10, together with conclusive

remarks about tbe contributions of this project to tbe fields of polarimetry and optical

analysis of blood.


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-----------------------------_ ..

Chapter 2


2.1 Introduction

Polarimeters have been used since the early days of . this century, mainly in the sugar

industry. Their purpose was to quantify amounts of sugar in solution and to

discriminate among different types of sugars. Sugars, like many other organic and

inorganic compounds, are optically active. They have the ability to rotate the plane of

polarisation of linearly polarised light, because its molecules or crystals lack a plane

or centre of symmetry. Polarimeters that were calibrated to quantify the amount of

rotation in "sugar degrees" (percentage of sucrose by weight), were known as

saccharimeters. The early polarimeters consisted basically of a tungsten lamp used to

illuminate a train of a linearly polarising element, a sample chamber and a second

linearly polarising element, or analyser. All the information they could provide was

related to the optical rotation of light [Fluegge, 1., 19651, whereas modern polarisers

are designed to extract the full Stokes parameters from the detected light.

The most recent generation of polarimeters can be classified into two broad

categories: I) Division of Amplitude Polarimeters (DOAP) and IT) Division of

Wavefront Polarimeters (DOWP).

In the division of amplitude polarimeter designed by Azzam, R.M.A. [19821, a beam

splitter divides an incident beam under measurement into a reflected beam and a

transmitted beam, travelling in orthogonal directions. Each of these two beams are

incident on Wollaston prisms, which divide each beam again into another two beams,

and photodetectors measure each of the four resulting beams. Let F be a 4 x 4 Mueller

matrix of the polarimeter, which is determined by the reflection and transmission

matrices of the beam splitter, the azimuth angles of the prisms and by the detectors

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sensitivities. For a given DOAP it is necessary to know F in order to detennine the

Stokes vectors of the incident light. F can be measured directly by calibration. The

procedure is to deliberately polarise the incident light into four known different states,

described by four linearly independent Stokes vectors and to detennine the associated

signal vector from the outputs of the linear photodetectors.

Azzam [ibid.] indicates that the advantages of the DOAP include the absence of

moving parts (as required by some DOAP and also by some DOWP), the absence of

modulation, its fast response limited only by the photodetectors, and that the

calibration makes it unnecessary to know the properties of the individual components

of the polarimeter. But the main disadvantage is that the calibration procedure requires

to invert the F matrix to obtain the Stokes parameters.

The same author designed another DOAP photopolarimeter, based on conical

diffraction from a metallic grating [Azzam, R.M., 1992]. In this device, a metallic

grating splits the incident beam in at least four different orders, modifying the

polarisation state of the incident beam, ~hen each of the diffracted beams are captured

by a photodetector. The four Stokes parameters are detennined from the four

photodiode outputs by means of a matrix that is obtained by calibration. In general the

advantages and limitations of this design with respect to a modulation based DOAP

are the same as those stated in the previous example.

2.2 Division of Wavefront Polarimeters

In a division of wavefront polarimeter, or DOWP, the incident beam is divided at least

into four segments that evenly illuminate the test sample, then a polarising device,

used as an analyser, is located in each of the beam paths before they are detected. The

limitations of this technique are that the incident light beam must be uniformly

polarised over its cross section, the light transmitted from the sample must illuminate

equally all photodetectors and the absolute responses from all the photodetectors must

be the same, or the system must be calibrated. From the (normally) four transmitted

intensity readings, the Stokes parameters are calculated.


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Azzam et al. constructed a DOWP polarimeter requiring four Si photodiodes [Azzam,

R.M., et al., 1988]. The input light has to be reflected from the ftrst one to the second

one, from the second one to the third one and so on. Each detector is at a different

plane of incidence, with angles of approximately 45° between them. With an

optimum set of calibration states, the instrument matrix is determined, and the Stokes

parameters are obtained from this matrix.

2.2.1 Division of Wavefront Polarimeters requiring Specific Orientations

of Polarisers and Quarter Wave Retarder.

The main difference among various designs of DOWP polarimeters is the form in

which the polarisation state of each of the four signals are modifted. The polarimeters

reported in the literature during the past decade, required one linear polariser (LP) in

two of the channels, one quarter wave retarder (QWR) followed by a linear polariser

in another one of the channels, and one clear channel. Different designs diverge in the

. - orientations of the transmission axis of the polarising elements that they use, and in

consequence, in the form in which the Stokes parameters are extracted and the

polarimeter is calibrated. Until 1995 all polarimeters of this type, patented or reported

in the literature, had to localise the orientation of the polarisers and retarder at very

speciftc angles. By doing this, relations between intensity readings from the four

channels, to extract the Stokes parameters, were relatively simple, but on the other

hand they required successive measurements involving the rotation of the polariser

elements to various ftxed orientations. This produced, in consequence, inaccurate

results derived from errors caused by non positioning the polarisers and retarder at the

specifted angles. Some of these instruments are described next.

Collett [1980] designed one of these types of polarimeter, using a calcite prism in each

of the four channels and also a QWR in only one of them. The intensity detected in

each channel was given by I(9,cp), where 9 is the polariser angle and cp the phase shift

introduced by the retarder. The combinations of polariser-retarder were set to give :

1(0,0), I(rrl2,O), I(rrl4,O) and I(rrl4,rrl2).


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A slightly different design of a DOWP required to have one LP in one channel,

another LP (orthogonal to the first one) in a second channel, a circular polarisation

state in the third one, and also a circular polarisation state in the fourth one, but

orthogonal to the previous one. Various positions of the polarising optics had to be

measured to calibrate the instrument [Abramov, V.!. and Tagunov, B.B., 1989].

One of the polarimeters which is nowadays in the market (Hewlett Packard Co.,

system HP8509 A) requires to have one polariser and one retarder in channel I, one

polariser in each of the channels 2 and 3, and nothing in channel 4. Apparently the

polarisers must be oriented at fixed angles -45°, 0° and 90° respectively. Also an extra

polariser and a polarisation adjuster must be provided [Cross, R. et al., 1991]. One of

the authors in this reference patented a method to calibrate the instrument using

various different polarisation states [Heffner, B.L., 1994].

Another instrument which has been patented, consists of the same elements as the

__ _ _ previous reference and performs four intensity measurements at various settings· of LP

and QWR. One setting that was suggested had two of the polarisers at 45° from each

other, a circular polariser (right handed) in the third channel, and in the fourth channel

it had a neutral density filter with 50% transmission and which is insensitive to

polarisation effects, [Siddiqui, A.S., 1992].

Scholl, B et al., [1995], reported another polarimeter that required to perform four

different measurements at different positions of a QWR, and an external polarisation

detector was used to calibrate the device.

Arnbirajan, A. and Look, D.C. [1995 a & 1995b] tried to determine which

combination of azimuth angles of a QWR, followed by a linear polariser, gave smaller

errors when calculating, by four successive intensity measurements, the Mueller

matrix of the combination. They found that if the LP had an azimuth angle of 0°, then

the set of four optimum values for the azimuth angle of the QWR were (-45°, 0°, 30°

and 60°), or (-90°, -45°, 30° and 60°). If they moved both parts, the set of four


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optimum combinations of LP and QWR were [(0°,90°), (O°,-arcsine (113», (120°,­

arcsine (113» and (240°,-arcsine (1/3»].

2.2.2 An improvement to the Division of Wavefront polarimeters reported

in the literature.

All the Division of Wavefront polarimeters mentioned in the previous section require

to have LPs and QWRs positioned at specific azimuth angles. In all cases except for

Ambibarajan A. and Look, D.e. [1955a & 1955b], who calculated optimum fixed

orientations, these angles were multiples of ~ . Presumably these values of the

angles were chosen in order to simplify the expressions developed to recover the

Stokes parameters from the transmitted light intensity readings. However the main

inconvenience caused by this choice of values is the difficulty in positioning the optics

at the required orientation, and small deviations from the predetermined orientations .

can render useless the simplified light transmission models.

The simplified models used to extract the Stokes parameters can be inaccurate also

because the polarisers and retarder are assumed to be ideal, i.e. as if they were non­

absorbing components. This is the case in the models developed by Scholl B. et al.

[1955], Ambibarajan and Look [1995b], Abramov, V.I. and Tagunov, B.B., [1989]

and Siddiqui, A. [1992].

Also some devices such as those by Scholl B. et al. [1955] and Ambibarajan and Look

[1995b], must perform four successive measurements at various predetermined

positions of the same optical elements. By doing this not only the total measuring time

is long, but also they are likely to position inaccurately the polarisers and QWR, and

. that could happen four times during one total measurement.


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For the reasons stated before, the main objectives motivating the design of a new

Division of Wave front Polarimeter included the following points:

I) Elimination of moving parts. This has the purpose of reducing the total measuring

time and also of fixing each of the polarisers and retarder at any arbitrary position.

IT) Generalisation of the model that describes the transmission of light through the

combination of non-ideal QWR and LP, to accommodate any arbitrary settings of

azimuth angles. This generalisation has the advantage that any orientation of the

polarising elements is useful. The only restriction, which is common to the other

existing designs, is that the azimuth angles of all the elements must be different from

each other. In our novel design, predetermined positions of the elements are not

sought, instead they are located arbitrarily and the orientation of each azimuth angle is

measured afterwards.

III) Consideration of the absorption coefficients of non-ideal polarisers and retarders

--in the equations generated to obtain the Stokes parameters .

. A Division of Wavefront Polarimeter, that incorporates into its design the conditions

mentioned above, was constructed and tested. Chapters 3,4,5 and 6 of this dissertation

are dedicated to it.


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,------------------ - -- - -- -- --

Chapter 3

Derivation of the Stokes Parameters using a DOWP

with Arbitrary Settings of three Polarisers and one


The intention of this chapter is to derive the expressions used to calculate the Stokes

Parameters. We will see that to accomplish this we need four intensity readings. The

readings are provided by the sensor head incorporated into the Division of Wavefront

Polarimeter (DOWP).

Any polarisation state of light can be represented by its polarisation ellipse (in two

dimensions, observing only a cross section of the ellipse). Figure 3.1 is just an

example of an infinite number of polarisation states. An arbitrary polarisation state is

- - characterised by the azimuth, ellipticity and handedness of the polarisation ellipse.

The azimuth ex. is the angle that the major axis of the ellipse makes with the X axis.


Figure 3.1: The polarisation ellipse.

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Angles are positive when measured anticlockwise from the X axis.

Ellipticity is a term commonly used in optics for the inverse of the eccentricity of the

ellipse and is definedas the ratio of the length of the semi-minor axis (b) to that of the

semi-major axis (a). The ellipticity is defined to be always positive and to range from

o for linearly polarised light to I for circularly polarised light.

According to Figure (3.1) the electric field components (Ex,E,) of an arbitrary fully

polarised source are given by

Ex =acosa sin(rot+cp.)-bsina cos(rot+cpo)

Ey =asina sin(rot+CPo)+bcosacos(rot+cpo)



where ro is the wave frequency, a and b are the semi-axes of the ellipse, a is the

polarisation azimuth and cp 0 is a phase constant.

Since the sourCe is fully polarised, the corresponding average source intensity can be

obtained as the average in time of the sum of both squared components of the electric

field, having defined the time average as

1fT (J)~- j(t)dt TO'

and integrating over a time period T = 2n / ro, then

Using (3.1) and (3.2)




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So the average source intensity is

3.1 Transmission of an Electric Field through a Linear Polariser.


When the field (3.1, 3.2) , traverses a linear polariser (LP) inclined at an angle e , the

same electric field components are projected over the polariser parallel and

perpendicular axis (called p and s respectively). The electric field components

emerging from the polariser are given by _

E p = F. (Ex cose + Ey sine)


E, = F, (Ex sine - Ey cose)

Where constant factors 't p and 't s represent the intensity transmission coefficients for

the polariser in transmission mode and extinction mode respectively.

Replacing Ex and E y

[ (acosasin(rot+<!>o)-bsinacos(rot+<!>o)) cose]

Ep =..[t; +( a sina sin(rot + <!>o) + bcosacos(rot + <!>.J ) sine

[ (acosasin(rot+<!>o)-bsinacos(rot+<!>.J) Sine]

E, = F. _( a sinasin(rot + <!>o) +bcosacos(rot+<!>o) )cose



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3.2 An expression for the Normalised Transmission Coefficient.

The normalised transmission coefficient, T(a), for the LP is obtained by averaging in

time the sum of the square of the above components and dividing by the averaged

intensity, i.e.


Replacing I p from ( 3.5) gives


. After substitution in (3.9), the above integral can be evaluated easily using the

following well known integrals

I JTI JT I - sin2(u) du =- cos2(u) du =-coT 0 coT 0 2

1 JT - sin(u)cos(u) du = 0 coT 0


where u=co t+'I>o and T is one period. Then after integration,

T(e) = a2 !b2 ((t, sin2e +t p cos2 e )(a2 cos2 a. +b2 sin2 a.)

. +(t, cos2 e +t p sin2 e )(a 2 sin2 a. +b2 coS2 a.) (3.11)

+2(t p -t ,)cose sine (a 2 sina. cosa. _b2 sina. cos a. ))


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From Figure (3.1) the ellipticity is given by

b e=­


then Equation (3.11) can be rewritten in terms of the ellipticity as follows

T(9) = e2 ~1 ((-c, sin2 9 +t p cos2 9 )(cos2 a +e2 sin2 a)

+(t, cos2 9 +t p sin2 9 )(sin2 a +e2 cos2 a)

+2(t p -t ,)cos9 sin9 (sin a cos a _e2 sin a cos a ) )

Making use of the following trigonometric identities

cos(e -a) = cos9 cosa +sine sina

sin(e -a) = sine cosa -cose sina

Equation (3.13 ) can be stated in a shorter form:





If in terms of absorption the polariser was an ideal one, t p would be equal to unity,

and t, equal to zero. Also if circularly polarised light was transmitted through the

polariser(e=l), then T(e)=~, i.e., only half of the incident intensity would be

transmitted. However, if linearly fully polarised light is transmitted through an ideal

LP, (e=O) and T(e)=cos2(e-a), which has the form of Malus' law for the

transmission through a train of linear polarisers [Shurciiff, W.A., 1964].


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3.3 NormalisedTransmission Coefficient for Non-polarised Light.

The above transmission coefficient is applicable to any fully polarised light source

illuminating the LP, however if the source is randomly polarised, another coefficient

't 0 must be used. The latter can be obtained by integrating T(a) over all possible

azimuth angles and ellipticities, multiplied by the normalised probability function of

the polarisation states. That is

IYz J 1 J _//T(a,a,e)j(a,e)da de o /2


J 1 JYz _,// j(a,e)da de o /2


, )

Where . j(a ,e) = P, i.e. a constant. Then

... J'f:i j(~,e) da de =~ P o /2



Which can be reduced to


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For an ideal LP 't 0 = 05. It means that all the light with a linear polarisation state

parallel to the polariser axis would be transmitted (a=OO), but none of the light with a

linear polarisation state perpendicular to the polariser axis (a=900), and only half of

the initial intensity of a randomly polarised beam traversing the polariser would be


3.4 Transmission of an Electric Field through a Quarter Wave Retarder.

We now consider the same electric field described by equations (3.1 & 3.2) to be

transmitted through a quarter wave retarder (QWR). The retarder is orientated at an

azimuth angle p and has absorption coefficients 't r and 't I along its fast and slow axis

respectively. The components of the electric field given by equations (3.1 & 3.2)

projected over the retarder fast and slow axis are given by Er and El respectively, thus

Er =F, a sin (rot + <1>.) cos {a - p)-F,bcos(rot+<I>o}sin{a - p) (3.20)

It is observed that there is a phase shift of rrJ2 between the fast and slow components

of the field. If the beam entering the retarder was linearly polarised (i.e. b=O) at an

angle of 45° to the retarder fast axis (i.e. a-p=rr14), the two components of the electric

vector describing the emerging beam would be identical, thus the emerging beam

would be circularly polarised.


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A transmission coefficient T( p), nonualised with respect to the completely polarised

source intensity, can be constructed as follows

After integration

The above equation can be expressed in tenus of the ellipticity as

T(p) 't1sin2(a - p)+'t,cos2(a - p)+e2[t1cos2(a - p)+'t,sin2(a - p)]

e2 +1 .



When this equation is describing an ideal retarder, 't I = t, = 1, and T( p) = 1, meaning

as it is well known, that an ideal QWR only shifts the phase between the two

components of a beam passing through it, but the amplitude of the beam remains the


Also one can find an algorithm for the transmission coefficient of randomly polarised

light through a QWR, using an expression equivalent to (3.16), obtaining



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3.5 Transmission of an Electric Field through a Quarter Wave Retarder followed by a Linear Polariser.

The design of this DOWP requires that at least in one of its channels, both amplitude

and ellipticity of the incident light is modulated. Since the QWR can only introduce a

modulation in the ellipticity, it is necessary to add a polarising element that can

modulate the intensity in a predictable fashion and the obvious selection is a LP. The

order in which both elements are located within the sensor head is important, because

if a polariser is followed by a QWR, the emerging beam will have a constant

amplitude independent of the orientation of the elements. However if a QWR is

followed by a LP the ellipticity and amplitude of the beam leaving the set will depend

on the orientation of the LP relative to the QWR.

To obtain the electric field components of the beam transmitted through the

combination described above, the components E, and E, ' equations (3.20 & 3.21) of

_. the beam exiting the QWR have to be projected over the polariser's parallel and

perpendicular axes. The beam emerging from the combination has components Ep.

and E,. given by the following equations:


E,. =F, (-E,sin(a - p)+E,cos(a - p))

and after replacing the values of E, and E" the square of the transformed components

will be given by the following equations

E / =t p {cos2 ~ (t ,a2 sin2 y cos2 Tl +t ,b2 sin2 Tl cos2 y -2t ,absiny cosy sinTl cosTl)

+{sin2 ~ (t ,b2 sin2 y cos2 Tl +t ,a2 sin2 Tl cos2 y - 2t, absiny cosy sinTl cosTl)

+2sin~ cos~ (F,Ft a2 siny cosy sinTl cosTl +F, Ft b2 siny cosy sinTl cosTl

-F, Ft absin2y cos2 Tl -F, Ft abcos2y sin2 Tl)}



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E/ ='t, {sin 2 ~ ('t fa 2 sin 2 y cos211 +'t fb 2 COS211 sin2 y - 2't fab siny cosy sinl1 cosl1)

+{cos2 ~ ('t ,b2 sin2 y cos211 +'t ,a2 cos211 sin2 y - 2't, ab siny cosy sinl1 cosl1)

-2sin~ cos~ (..jtj Fs a2 siny cosy sinl1 cosl1 +..jtj Fsb2 siny cosy sinl1 cosl1

-..jtj Fs absin2y cos211-..jtj Fs abcos2y sin211)}


where y =rot+cjlo' 11 =a - p and ~ =a - p.

The transmission coefficient r( 9 • p) for completely polarised light of a QWR

followed by a LP can be obtained by integrating the sum of equations (3.26 and 3.27)

with respect to t over one cycle and normalising it with respect to the polarised source


r(a.p)=~{'tr['tpCos2(a - p)+'t s sin2(a - p)][cos2(a - p)+e2 sin2(a - p)] l+e

;'t r ['t p sin2(a - p)+'t s cos2(a ... p )][sin 2(a -p)+ e2 cos2(a "::p)]

+2..jt; Fz ('tp -'ts)esin(a - p)cos(a- p)}

(3.28 )

The previous equation can be written in a shorter form as follows


k2 = 't ,'t, sin2 (9 k .,.. p) +'t ,'t p cos2 (a k .:. p)

k3 =~'tl't, ('tp -'t~)sin2(ak - p)




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Similarly, the transmission coefficient to £ for a QWR foIlowed by a LP when non­

polarised light is transmitted through them is obtained by integration of (3.29) over all

possible azimuth angles and ellipticities, multiplied by the probability function of the

polarisation states and normalising with respect to that probability function. This

procedure gives


3.6 Equations describing the four Intensities measured by the DOWP.

Having obtained the equations describing the transmission for completely polarised

light and randomly polarised light through either a LP (equations 3.15 and 3.19

respectively) or a QWR followed by a LP (equations 3.29 and 3.31 respectively), it is

possible to write an expression for. the intensity I transmitted through the LP and

measured by a photodetector, assuming that the source is partially polarised. The total

intensity is given by a sum of polarised and unpolarised light intensities Ip + 10

, so


Equivalently the total intensity transmitted through the combination of QWR and LP

measured by a photodetector is


It is assumed that when an optically active sample is located in front of the DOWP, to

test the polarisation state of the sample, a collimated beam will illuminate it, and the


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light transmitted through it will be received by each of the four channels of the DOWP

sensor head.

To fully characterise the polarisation state of a given sample, it is required to know the

corresponding Stokes Parameters or equivalently, the azimuth angle, ellipticity,

amount of polarised light and randomly polarised light transmitted through the

sample. All this information must be extracted from the DOWP intensity readings.

Then it is necessary to build a set of at least four equations describing the intensity

transmitted through the optics on each channel as they are measured by their

respective photodetector. Because a reading of the total intensity transmitted through

the sample is required, one of the channels should be free of any polarising optics. At

least one of the channels must contain a LP, so the azimuth angle of the polarisation

state of the sample can be found using an approach based on Malus' law. Finally one

of the sensors must include a QWR additional to a LP, so various amounts of

ellipticity can be measured.

It was found that the most convenient design for the DOWP consisted in using two

channels containing a LP each, another one containing a QWR followed by a LP, and

an extra clear channel.

Each of the two channels with a LP in the sensor head, admits a different intensity li

and I j modelled by equation (3.32) and labelled by the orientations of the polarisers

a I and a 1" The intensity I. transmitted through the channel comprising a QWR

followed by a LP with orientations p and a. respectively, is described by (3.33).

Finally the clear channel is assumed to measure the total partially polarised light

intensity emerging from the sample. The set of intensities describing the four channels

in the sensor head is therefore the following:



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with kJ, k2 and k3 defined by the set of equations (3.30).

3.7 Derivation of the Stokes Parameters from four measured intensities.

As can be seen in fig. (3.1), any polarisation state measured by the DOWP can be

characterised by a polarisation ellipse, with a corresponding azimuth angle, ellipticity

and degree of polarisation. Using these. three quantities the complete Stokes

parameters can be obtained. Through some algebraic manipulations with equations

(3.34) to (3.37), these parameters will now be derived.

Replacing 10 from (3.37) in equations (3.34) and (3.35), and taking the ratio of the

resulting equations

Ii -'to I[

Ij-'t o I[

cosZ( Si -a) cosZ(Sra )

Using the trigonometric identity given by (3.14), (3.38) gives



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coS2a(Ii cos29 j -to 1/ cos 29 j - I j cos29i +to It cos29i ) .

= sin 2a ( I j sin29i -to 1/ sin29i - Ii sin 29 j +to It sin 29 j)



From this equation the azimuth angle a is easily obtained. To derive the ellipticity,

Equation (3.37) must be substituted in Equations (3.34 & 3.36 ), and after taking the

ratio of these two equations and rearranging terms

Ik -t/I/ 2e2[k\ cos2(a - p)+ k2 -to l]+2ek3 +2[k\ sin2(a - p)+ k2 -to l ]

Ii-t o 1/ (tp-ts)cos2(9i-a)(e2 -1)


Zl = kl cos2

(a - p)+k2 -'to l

z2 =k1 sin2

(a - P)+k2 -to l

Z 3 = ('t P - 't s )cos 2 (e i-a)

. l I k - to 1/

Z4 = . 2{Ii - 'to 1/)



Where k], kz and k3 are defined as above, (3.40) can be rewritten in terms of Z), Zz, Z3.

and Z4 as follows


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Leading to the following second degree equation in e


Solving this equation for the ellipticity, two solutions are obtained


Each of the solutions of the ellipticity have a physical meaning, the solution taking the

positive sign corresponds to the definition of the ellipticity used in Figure (3.1), with

e';' Ya ,but the solution-using the negative sign corresponds to the inverse definition

e = % . While the first definition gives a zero ellipticity for a measured linearly

polarised state (b=O), the second definition gives an infinite ellipticity for the same

polarisation state, for this reason a convention of using the more standard definition,

[e.g. Kiiger, S.D, et al. , 1990] with the positive sign will be adopted.

Having determined the azimuth (J, and ellipticity e, the completely polarised intensity

measured by the polarimeter, lp, can be obtained. This is derived from the subtraction

of (3.35) from (3.34),yielding



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Finally the value of 10 for the amount of non-polarised intensity incident on the sensor

head is obtained directly from (3.37) as


Another useful quantity is the Degree of Polarisation (DOP), defined as


A very useful representation of an arbitrary polarisation state is in terms of the four

Stokes Parameters [ibid.], which are only functions of intensity. This mathematical

representation is particularly important, not only because it is very simple, but also

because any beam of light is described by a four element vector and any optical

element "acting" on the light is described by a 4x4 matrix (Mueller matrices). Then

the complicated optical problem of light propagation through any medium can be

reduced to an algebraic problem (if the Mueller matrix is known).

The most common notation for the Stokes parameters is {I, Q, U, V}. I is interpreted

as the total intensity, Q as the difference in intensities between horizontally and

vertically linearly polarised components, U as the difference in intensities between

linearly polarised components oriented at +450 and _450, and V as the difference in

intensities between right and left circularly polarised components.

Equations (3.39 and 3.44 - 3.46) can now be used to write the Stokes parameters by

the well known relationships for normalised intensities [ibid.],

1=1 (3.48)

Q = cos(2arctan(e»)cos(2a) (3.49)


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U = cos(2 arctan(e)) sin(2a) (3.50)

v = sin(2arctan(e») (3.51)

It is possible to represent unpolarised or partially polarised light with a Stokes vector,

because unpolarised light can be described by an electric vector that, at any moment in

time, corresponds to a well-defined polarisation state, but that fluctuates randomly

between different polarisation states on a time scale that is small compared with the

frequency of light. Thus, over a relatively long period of time, all the rapidly varying

polarisation states are averaged and the beam appears unpolarised. For unpolarised

light, the polarisation dependent terms Q, U and V will disappear, whereas for

partially polarised light


The relationship given by equation (3.52) can be understood by considering partially

polarised light as made up of two beams, one of which is completely polarised and

the other one is unpolarised. The magnitude of the contribution of each of these beams

to the total beam determines the DOP of polarisation of the total beam.

The DOP can be obtained either using Equation (3.47) or also from the Stokes


DOP (3.53)

3.8 The Poincare Sphere.

A useful representation of completely polarised light is by the Poincare Sphere, a

graphical equivalent to the Stokes parameters. This sphere (see Fig 3.2) has a unit

radius spherical surface, and each point on the surface describes a different fully


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polarised state. Any modulation involving the effect of a retarder on a monochromatic,

polarised beam is represented by "moving" along an arc of circle over the sphere.

The top and bottom of the sphere stand for left and right circular polarisation,

respectively. Every point on the equator represents a linear polarisation form. Points

between the equator and bottom (or south pole) of the sphere represent right elliptical

polarisation. The point in the equator, marked in Figure (3.2) by the word

"horizontal", represents light that is linearly polarised horizontally, and the point

located 180 degrees apart from the first one along the equator, represents vertically

linearly polarised light. Any two diametrically opposite points represent an orthogonal

pair of polarisation forms.

The Poincare Sphere has been traditionally used to determine the effect of retarders

over any monochromatic beam of completely polarised light.


7 ___ t---l-_ vertical I{------t-----t----i horizontal


Figure 3.2: Poincare Sphere. The top of the sphere corresponds to a right handed

circular polarisation state, while the bottom corresponds to a left handed circular

polarisation state


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For a completely polarised beam of unit intensity, tbe Stokes parameters define a

sphere of unit radius, since d+u2+v=1. Points on tbe sphere have tbe cartesian

coordinates (Q, U, V) and hence correspond to specific states of polarisation.

The tbeory developed in this chapter made clear that only four simultaneous intensity

measurements of a beam of light are necessary to fully characterise tbe polarisation

state of tbe beam, with tbe only requirements of having tbe light beam illuminating

uniformly tbe whole surface of tbe sensor head, and of having tbe four polarising

elements in tbe sensor head positioned at different angles from each otber. In Chapter

4 is presented a complete description of the DOWP experimental equipment.


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Chapter 4

Description of the Polarimeter Experimental Equipment

The principal components integrating the Division of Wave front Polarimeter (DOWP)

are the sensor head, the data acquisition board linked to a personal computer and the

software developed to acquire, manipulate and display the experimental data.

Although the software and data acquisition board were developed in the Electronics

and Electrical Eng. Dept. at Loughborough University, with the purpose of coupling

them to the sensor head for polarimetric measurements, their design is such that they

can work integrated to different systems to perform a variety of tasks involving the

acquisition and handling of data; the sensor head on the contrary, is the element that

uniquely characterises the DOWP as such.

4.1 Description of the Sensor Head

The sensor head consists of four plastic optical fibres arranged in a triangular

geometry, with one of the fibres located on the centroid of the triangle. A linear

polariser rests on top of each of the three fibre tips located on the vertices of the

triangle and a quarter wave retarder is placed on top of only one of the linear

polarisers. The central fibre has nothing on top. All the fibres are inserted in a PVC

cylinder and are held together with epoxy resin.

To maintain the polarising optics in place on top of the fibres, a brass casing was

designed, see Figure (4.1). This is a hollow brass cylinder made of two sections, the

frontal section holds first an ordered set of elements, then the cylinder with the optical

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fibres is inserted and finally the rear section (not shown in Fig. 4.1) is screwed to the

frontal one to keep all the pieces fastened in place. The frontal piece clamps first a

clear optical glass flat or window, used to ease the removal of dust, then is clamped in

a holder containing the quarter wave retarder, followed by another glass plate and by a

holder with the three linear polarisers orientated at different angles. The complete

. brass casing is mounted inside an aluminium rig that can be secured to the optical

table. All the pieces integrating the sensor head can only be mounted in a single

position that guarantees the perfect alignment of all the pieces. A technical drawing of

the sensor can be found in Appendix A.

Outer Casing

Glass Plate

Section containing 4 optical fibres

linear polarisers

Figure 4.1: Diagram of the sensor head construction.

The other end of each of the optical fibres is fitted with an SMA connector which

attaches the fibre to a photodiode in the data acquisition system (DAS). The fibres can

be as long as desired because all intensity attenuation that could have occurred in the

fibres is accounted for in the calibration stage.


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An intense, 633 nm wavelength, non-polarised light source must be used with this

polarimeter. It can be a LED, a filtered white light source, or a non-polarised laser

diode. The requirement of using a non-polarised source is imposed by the polarimeter

calibration routine and a strong light source is preferred in case the test sample is a

strongly absorbing material. The wavelength of the source is of particular importance

since the quarter wave retarder in the sensor head is designed to be used within a

narrow spectral window.

A LED was chosen as the light source when the DOWP was tested. This selection was

motivated by various factors [Fantini, S., et al., 1994]: i) Ease of modulation: A LED

can be easily intensity modulated using a signal generator, the efficiency of

modulation is limited by the electrical response time of the LED. ii) Stable output:

The intensity emitted by a LED is more stable than the output from a laser or an arc

lamp. iii) Safety: The low optical power of the emission and the wide angular

distribution are ideal for a portable instrument that will not induce any damage of the

samples. iv) Cost: The low cost of the DOWP light source makes more favourable the

possibility of commercialising the product.

The calibration routine can cope with a slightly uneven illumination of the optical

fibres, but an equal illumination is most desirable. The particular geometry of each

test sample will modify the illumination of the fibres and for a reference to be

established an equal illumination is ideal while the system is being calibrated. When

the performance of the DOWP was tested, a lens was used to maximise the

illumination of the whole sensor head, see Figure (5.3).

The design and construction of the prototype reported here had the light source

separated from the sensor head, but they were aligned one in front of the other by

securing them to a portable optical bench. Any necessary additional optics and the test

sample can be mounted on the bench between the source and the sensor head. By this

arrangement, a test sample such as a polariser is affixed to the bench by a mount and

post, but a liquid test sample requires a non-polarising clear cuvette and a cuvette

holder attached to the bench. Preferentially the cuvette should be made of clear glass


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with flat walls, large enough to avoid reflection and diffraction effects of the light

beam from the cuvette surfaces.

Figure 4.2: Photograph of the Sensor Head

4.2 Software Description

The software used to link the computer to the DAS, to compute and to display the

measured polarisation parameters, was originally written having the DOWP in mind,

as a final year undergraduate project [Colquitt, D.l., 1994]. Later the algorithms used

to calculate the Stokes Parameters were modified and the calibration and offsets

determination procedure were added.


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-, ;\-" ... '"

\ " \ .. \ ,

~ .. '


Figure 4.3: Example of a "POLARAS" window.

The software application labelled as "POLARAS" was written within the Microsoft

Visual C++ environment and it provides a Windows type of interface with the user.

Figure (4.3) is an example of the computer screen when the application is initialised

and no data has been sampled. The. main functions of POLARAS could be

summarised as follows:

i) Communication between the DAS and the PC to acquire data.

ii) Calibration of the DOWP and pre-processing of data.

Hi) Calculation of the Stokes Parameters from measured data.

iv) Display of the results.


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The communication between the computer and the DAS is performed using the

standard protocol of an RS232 interface. When the PC requests data, the DAB sends

one intensity reading per operating channel (in binary form), then POLARAS

transforms all received readings into decimal form and it can average any requested

number of readings.

POLARAS allows the modification of some of the settings, such as the frequency with

which· data is requested (sampling period), total duration of a sequence of

measurements, number of· measurements to be averaged, details of the

communications protocol, the number of operating channels or sensors (it offers a

selection of anything between one and eight channels), and it also offers the choice of

saving into a file only the raw intensity (or voltage) readings from the sensors, the

estimated polarisation parameters, or both.

Before the polarimeter is used to sample anything, the calibration procedure must be

accessed from the "operations" menu in POLARAS. By running this routine not only

is the polarimeter being calibrated to yield correct measurements, but also POLARAS

is being "initialised" to display correct figures. Within the calibration procedure, the

offsets are calculated following the same steps that will be described in section 5.1,

and they are subtracted from all further intensity readings. The relative angles between

the linear polarisers and also of the QWR must be determined beforehand (in the

unlikely case of the polarisers having moved physically in their mounts during

transportation) and their values typed as an input before the calibration procedure can

be performed. Because the transmittance parameters are unique for the set of linear

polarisers and QWR within the sensor head, changing their values is not an option

offered to the user.

There are three basic modes in which POLARAS obtains data:

. i) A single measurement. .

ii) Continuous measurements

iii) Detector Test.


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In the first two modes, a calibration factor is applied to all intensity readings before

data are processed. The single measurement mode was designed for' experiments in

which the experimental settings were modified between measurements, and the

continuous measurement mode was intended to be used for those experiments in

which temporal changes were important. The Detector Test mode was used for

monitoring the system itself, like verifying the alignment and intensity levels of the

light source. In all three cases, the data were stored in a fIle that can be retrieved later

by a spreadsheet software package for further processing.

;:. "'

r , '.

\ '" \ \ , \ , , \ ,J ',,-


, i

j. ': i

Figure 4.4: Example of a POLARAS window when elliptically polarised light has

been measured. The four traces in the Intensity Chart correspond to the raw

voltages received from the four optical fibres in the sensor head.


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In the first two acquisition modes, the calibrated intensities are used to estimate the

Stokes Parameters relative to the sample in question. When these are calculated, the

information on the polarisation state of the sample, i.e. azimuth angle, ellipticity, lp, 1o,

and the DOP are displayed in the "Polarisation Data" window, see Figure (4.4). The

ellipticity is displayed in the "Ellipticity Trace" window, the Stokes Parameters are

displayed in the "Stokes Parameters" window (not shown in the previous figure), the

raw intensities can be seen in the "Intensity Chart" displayed as voltage levels, and

also the values of the Stokes Parameters can be plotted as a point in the Poincare

Sphere. All these quantities and traces can be displayed in real time while a

experiment is taking place.

4.3 Description of the Data Acquisition System

The inputs to the Data Acquisition System (DAS) consist of a set of six PiN diodes

and two analogue inputs connected to a Data Acquisition Board (DAB). The DAB,

built in. the Dept. of Electronic and Electrical Eng. at Loughborough University, has

the functions of transducing the optical signals into electrical ones, of amplifying the

analogue signal generated by each of the PiN diodes and analogue inputs, converting

them into digital signals and sending them multiplexed by the serial port of a personal

computer when they are requested. The DAS is also provided with its own power


All eight inputs are amplified in the DAS by two amplification stages. The first stages

consist of linear amplifiers for all the optical inputs. In both cases the gain in the

amplifiers can be· set to any of the following values

{1,2,3,4,5,1O,20,30,40,50,100,200,300,400,500) by changing the bracket settings in

the DAB.


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The amplified analogue signals are time-multiplexed with an analogue switch and

then converted into digital signals by an Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC) with a

resolution of 12 bits. Both elements are under control of a 80c32 microcontroller. The

micro-controller reads the digitised signals and stores them in external RAM. The

microcontroller communicates with a Personal Computer (PC) via an RS 232 serial

port with a maximum transmission baud rate of 9600.

Not all the eight input channels have to be operational at the same time, only the

required channels are activated by a set of eight on/off switches, and the

microcontroller switches on a number of LEDs corresponding to the active channels,

in the D AS front panel.


Control & Program Data Switch Status r-- decoding E-PROM RAM Config. Signals

micro-logic Array Array

data bus controller

J J J control bus

I I address bus

ADC + Analogue


~ 1st.

+- Photodetect. . Multiplexer Amplifier Amplifier Array ~

(MUX) Array Array Optical

I Fibres

IRS.232 I


Figure 4.5: Block Diagram of the Data Acquisition System.


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Chapter 5

Calibration of the Division of Wavefront Polarimeter.

The DOWP consists of the optics integrating the sensor head, a bundle of optical

fibres conducting the received light from the sensor head to the photodiodes mounted

on the data acquisition system (DAS), a 12 bit DAB, and a personal computer linked

to the DAB via a serial port (a detailed description of the system can be found in

. Chapter 4). The polarimeter is ready to operate when the Windows based software

program POLARAS is executed, a high intensity non-polarised light source is used to

illuminate the sample, and the light transmitted (or reflected) by the sample evenly

illuminates the sensor head.

Before performing any polarisation measurement using the DOWP, a calibration

routine has to be followed. First of all, the values of the azimuth angles, ai, aj and ah of the three linear polarisers and p of the quarter wave retarder have to be known and

entered into POLARAS. Then the calibration routine integrated within the software

must be accessed. This calibration routine asks the user to blackout the photodiodes

and "press return" on the computer keyboard, then to uncover the photodiodes and

illuminate the sensor with non-polarised light only (no sample in place) and press

return again; having done this, the calibration is completed and the DOWP is ready to

operate. The calibration routine records the photodiodes offsets and equalises the

intensities in all four channels.

5.1 Offsets Measurement

The light received by the DOWP sensor head travels along optical fibres to each of the

four PiN diodes. The analogue output of each PiN diode is amplified before being

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converted to a digital level and the offset on each amplifier can be adjusted, although

it is very difficult to set the same offset in the four amplifiers. An offset will appear

added to the actual intensity measurement on each channel, but because the offsets

may be different in all channels and it is practically impossible to set them to zero,

they must be subtracted from the measured intensity before the data can be

manipulated to extract the polarisation parameters.

If an offset results to be negative it is not possible to measure it and discriminate it

from the actual measurement, because the ADC can convert only positive voltages

between 0 and 10 volts. For this reason the offset on each of the PiN diode amplifiers

was set to be a small positive quantity (about 15 quantisation levels). A hundred

measurements with the unilluminated photodiodes were taken and averaged to obtain

a more accurate offset. The offsets measured in this .way were subtracted from data

used for calibration and from all subsequent intensity readings. Because the offsets

may drift with temperature fluctuations, this procedure has to be repeated at time

intervals to keep the offsets updated.

5.2 Calibration to Equalise the Intensities in all Channels.

When a collimated, randomly polarised, beam illuminates the DOWP sensor head, it

is expected that if the linear polarisers and QWR are perfect, all three polarised

channels will yield identical intensity readings, and the bare channel will receive twice

the intensity of any of the others. However, this is not the case, because the polarisers

and QWR are non-ideal, and because the alignment of the light in all the channels may

be different. Furthermore each PiN diode could output a different voltage for the same

input illumination. Also the losses on each of the fibres, taking the light received by

the sensor head to the PiN diodes in the DAB, could be different. Having different

intensities on each of the channels, when there is no sample present to test, is a serious

problem, because the theory used to derive the expressions for the polarisation

parameters is based on the assumption that all variations in the measured intensities

should be due only to polarisation effects in the sample.


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The fact that the polarising elements are non-ideal is not a real problem, because if

their absorbance or transmittance are known, these values can be taken into account in

the algorithms describing the light transmitted through each channel (see Chapter 3) ..

However it is important to know them accurately.

The problem of differences in the intensities, due to all the other mentioned factors,

was removed by a calibration procedure. When non-polarised or randomly polarised

light is illuminating the sensor head the two channels i and j, with only a polariser on

top of their respective optical fibre, should measure intensities Ij and Ij> and these two

values should be identical but for a calibration factor, i.e.


Because there is a linear polariser in front of their respective photodiodes, both should

measure the total intensity (received by channel I) times the transmission coefficient

of a linear polariser, 'to, for randomly polarised light (given by Equation 3.19). Then

the intensity measured by channel i is given by


and an expression very similar to this one exists for channelj.

Equalising the intensities in all the channels to the one measured by sensor I, factor It should be equal to unity, i.e.

It=I (5.3)

so replacing Equation (5.3) and its equivalent for channel j in Equation (5.2),

calibration factorsji andjj are given by


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•. = to 11 J I I.


j.= toll J I.



By a similar approach, calibration factor fk for channel k, comprising a QWR followed

by a LP is given by the following expression


where to l is given by Equation (3.31). After these calibration factors were calculated,

all subsequent intensity measurements were normalised with respect to the

corresponding factor prior to the calculation of the polarisation parameters. All

intensity readings that remain unnormalised are referred to as "raw data".

These procedures to calculate the offsets and calibration factors were incorporated

into the software POLARAS used to acquire and manipulate intensity data. In practice

the following procedure was carried out:

i) Switch the light source off or cover the PiN diodes and take the average of one

hundred sets of measurements, to obtain the offsets.

ii) Switch on the light source or uncover the PiN diodes, take another set of one

hundred measurements, subtract offsets and obtain calibration factors according to

equations (5.4 and 5.5).

5.3 Measurement of Angles and Parameter Determination

An accurate determination of the angles and parameters of the LP and QWR is crucial

for the polarimeter to yield accurate measurements. Most of the time the values of

parameters t p, t" tr and t/ are provided by the manufacturer, but in many


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circumstances the real experimental conditions are different from those at which the

parameters were measured, so they had to be obtained again under operational


For a prior measurement of 9 i and 9 j' it was useful to illuminate the sensor head with

a non-polarised source and to rotate a external LP mounted on a rotary mount with a

one degree resolution scale (a diagram of the set up is found in Figure (5.3)). Then, by

Malus' law, when a photodiode detects a maximum in intensity, it means that the

azimuth angle of the external polariser is identical· to the azimuth angle of the

polariser in the sensor head. By doing this, the angles of the polarisers in the sensor

head are measured using the external polariser as the reference. Measuring 9 k and p

was a more difficult task due to the fact that they had to be measured simultaneously

. and p cannot be found following the Malus' law approach, because an ideal QWR

should not absorb any of the incident light. For all the above reasons, a data fitting

procedure seemed a good approach to find the values of all the angles and parameters.

With respect to the transmittance parameters, the easiest procedure for measuring the

transmission and extinction coefficients of a polariser, involves the use of a second

identical polariser and a very sensitive photodetector. If I j is the incident intensity on

the combination of polarisers, and It the transmitted intensity measured by the

detector, the transmission coefficient will be given by the ratio of It over Ij. When the

relative angle between the axis of both polarisers is zero (when the polarisers'

transmission axis are parallel to each other), the transmission coefficient will be 'tp ,

but if the relative angle is 1tI2 (when the polarisers' transmission axis are

perpendicular to each other) the measured coefficient will be 'ts•

, 10

't =_t_ P I· t

. 90' It

'ts =-­I j




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A similar approach must be followed to find tr and tl, corresponding to the fast and

slow axis of the QWR, with the additional inconvenience of having to identify these

axes. However, this approach could not be followed to find the parameters of the

components in the DOWP, because the small dimensions of the polarisers and

retardation plate (2mm diameter each) prevent them from being clamped adequately,

and made the intensity measurements just described extremely difficult.

The technique applied to find the remaining parameters consisted of modelling the

equations for the intensities (3.34-3.37), and then comparing the model to

experimentally measured intensities. Parameters used within the model would give a

worse or better fit to the experimental intensities. A plot of intensity vs. rotation angle

was produced when a LP external to the sensor, used as the sample, was rotated

manually in the interval 0° to 180°, in steps of 5°. Some assumptions had to be made

for modelling the intensities (3.34-3.37). First, since the linear polariser should

produce a linear polarisation state, the ellipticity e was set to zero, and second, the

light emerging from the external LP should be fully polarised, so Ip»Io.

The intensity 1/ measured in the central channel I, is the sum of the polarised and non­

polarised intensities reaching the sensor head,


Then assuming that the LP is perfect and the light transmitted through the polariser is

completely polarised, the non-polarised intensity contribution is zero, so I p= 1/.

Putting the ellipticity to zero in Equations (3.34-3.36), the modelled intensities in the

. three polarised channels are given by



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The rotation IX in this case corresponds to the azimuth angle of the external polariser,

but the angles 9" 9 l' 9k and p still have to be found. Equations (5.7 - 5.10) were

modelled using a spreadsheet in a software package. The theoretical curves were

matched to the experimental ones by changing the values of the angles and the

parameters, the best fit was obtained according to the least mean square error.

o· 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 160

Rotation Angle (degrees)

Figure 5.1: Preliminary measurement of angles and parameters.

Experimental and predicted intensity measurements obtained when a linear

polariser was rotated from 0° to 180°, in steps of 5°. Solid symbols represent

experimental data, diamonds stand for sensor 4 squares for sensor j, triangles for

sensor k and crosses for sensor 1.


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Figure (5.1) shows an example of both experimental data and fitted data obtained

from transmitted intensity measurements when an external polariser was rotated from

0° to 180°. Ip was chosen to be about the same value as It. so in the model Ip was

arbitrarily set to the value 1168 and 10 to 5, all the other values were found using the

least RMS value between the model and the data. The fitted angles and parameters for

this case were

Table 5.1: Erroneous Values of the angles and parameters of the polarising optics

'tp 'ts to t/ 'tr 't/ p Sj S· J Sk

0.96 0.002 0.481 0.481 1 1 159 44.5 167 15.7

The values in Table (5.1) were erroneous and this was proved when the rotation ex. was

calculated with the fitted values. Figure (5.2) shows the difference between the actual

rotation of the external polariser and the measured rotation calculated using the

incorrectly fitted angles and parameters.

~r---------------------------------------------, .- .-40 .- .-.- .-30 .- .--.- .-i: ::- .::-

t of-I __ -+ ____ ~--~~--_r~.~-_+----+_--~----~--__. 20 40 60 .- 100 120 140 160 11 0

] -10 .- , .- , -20 .- I .- I -30 .- .1 .- .--40 .- .-

. .


Rotated angle (degrees)

Figure 5.2: Rotation of a linear polariser from 0° to 180° in steps of 5°. Circles

represent experimental data and squares predicted data.


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The accuracy in the determination of the angles relies on the accuracy with which the

value of the azimuth angles are measured on the mount's scale, the sensitivity of the

photodiodes and the precision of the DAB used to process the signals. The DAB

linked to the DOWP is provided with a 12 bit analogue to digital converter, for an

input voltage of 0 to 10 volts.

An attempt has been made to fit the three curves simultaneously. This approach

required of making some assumptions about the values of Ip and 10 , These two values

can influence greatly the determination of the parameters (erroneous guesses of 10 and

Ip could be responsible for the difference between observed and predicted data in

Figure (5.2», so instead of fitting the intensities, the algorithm for the ellipticity was

, fitted. This option was suitable not only because the lack of dependence on the Ip and

10 values, but also because all the required parameters appeared in one single equation.

The algorithm used to calculate the ellipticity (3.44) involves calculating the rotation

previously (3.39), and the equation for the rotation depends on two of the parameters

and two of the angles.

If the ellipticity is going to be fitted by any of the gradient optimisation methods [e.g.

Massara, R.E., 19911, the derivative of the ellipticity has to be calculated with respect

to each of the parameters to be fitted and this leads to extremely cumbersome

expressions. A numerical method already implemented within a software package was

therefore preferred.

When the software package ST A TISTICA became available, the ellipticity was fitted

by the Quasi-Newton method (see Appendix B), which is the default method for non­

linear fitting in that package.


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Rotating Linear Polariser

Figure 5.3 Schematic of the experimental set-up used to measure the parameters

and angles of the polarising optics in the sensor head.

Figure (5.4) is an example of experimental and artificial intensity data generated

using non-linear fitted parameters .



S 70

:!. .~ 80 .. c:

i 50

~ 40 ~ .. .. .. :E 30





XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxXxxx . ~~~~~~ .. ~ ..

$ $ []


~ ~. ~. ~ ~ .

~ ~ .. ~ . ~

• •

+ sensor i • sensor j

,,"sensor k IJ • *

~ .. . $~ ....

20 80 100 140

Rotation angle (degrees)


Figure 5.4: Definitive angles and parameters. Experimental and predicted data of

intensity measurements obtained when a linear polariser was rotated from 0° to

180°, in steps of 5°. Solid symbols represent experimental data. The crosses stand

for sensor I.


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Although the four transmission coefficients and four angles were obtained by fitting

the ellipticity equation by the quasi-Newton method, the reconstruction of the

intensities in Figure (5.4) still uses guessed values for Ip and I", so Ip was set to 1 and

10 to 0 (i.e, the total intensity was assumed to be fully polarised). The difference in the

magnitude of the intensities in Figure (5.4) with respect to Figure (5.1) is due' to a

difference in the light source power. The fitted angles and parameters for this case are

shown in the following table:

Table 5.2: Values olthe angles and parameters olthe polarising optics in the

DOWP sensor head

'1:p '1:, to t/ '1:, '1:/ P Si Sj Sk

0.965 0.0014 0.4839 0.4839 1 1 68 41 167.5 197

The RMSE values corresponding to the three fitted intensities Ii, Ij and h in Figure

(5.4), were calculated as the percentage of the experimental values, as follows:

Rl!JSE= (5.1I)


where in are the theoretical intensity values and Xn the measured values. The RMS

errors for the three intensity curves i, j, k resulted:

RMSEi= 1.5224%, RMSEF 2.2997%, RMSEF 1.3394%.

The rotation Cl (Figure 5.5), calculated with non-linear fitted parameters, produced

very similar values to those recorded by rotating the external polariser.

The curves for rotation shown in Figure (5.5) are wrapped at intervals of nl4, because

Equation (3.39) used to extract the value of Cl involves the calculation of the


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arctangent of a ratio of intensities, and the arctangent function has the same

periodicity as the curves shown next.

The reader may also notice that the theoretical calculation of ex. is based on

experimental intensities, but the values of the "rotated angle", plotted as the x values

in Figure (5.5) are estimated values of how much the external polariser had rotated.

The real physical rotation of the external polariser could have been different to the

exact values used in Figures (5.2 and 5.5).

50 [J

40 [J B 0 0

30 [J 0 ~ 9 0 ~

~ 20 0 [J

'" 0 [J

"Cl 10 0 0 ~

'" [J El "6lJ ~ 0

"Cl 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 019 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 [J

~ -10 [J 0

B 9

~ -20 0 0

El [J

-30 0 [J

0 8 .4Q g 0

[J 0 .


Rotated angle (degrees)

Figure 5.5: Rotation of a linear polariser from 0° to 180° in steps of S°. Circles

represent experimental data and squares predicted data. RMS error is 3.0572 as a

percentage of the experimental value.


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0.Q2 • 0.015

om • •

Q • o.OOS •• • • • '0 •• • 'l:I • • i • •

0 Y

I 20 40 • 60 80 100 120 140. 160

·(l.OOS • • • •• • • • .0.01 •• •

.0.015 • • •• .o.Q2

Azimuth angle (degrees)

Figure 5.6: Predicted ellipticity versus azimuth angle of a linear polariser. The

RMS error is 0.0064%, as a percentage of the experimental value.



The ellipticity, Figure (5.6), was calculated from experimental intensities, the fitted

parameters shown in Table (5.1) and the rotation shown in the previous figure. In

theory, e should be zero for any value of IX, however in this example it was as large as

0.02. This could be due to errors incurred during the acquisition of the parameters, to

imperfections of the polarising optics, such as non-uniformity along their surface, and

to the light source not being perfectly monochromatic, affecting the performance of


The parameters in Table (5.2), found by the procedure described in this chapter were

incorporated into a header file in the software application POLARAS and used to

calibrate the polarimeter.


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Chapter 6

Performance Evaluation of the Polarimeter

6.1 Theoretical Analysis.

6.1.6 AID Converter with 12 bit Resolution.

The factors most likely to affect the performance of the Division of Wavefront

Polarimeter are:

i) The error in the assessment of the absorption parameters (tp , t s, t" tl) and the

azimuth angles of the polarising optics in the sensor head (9i, 9j. 9k and p).

ii) The resolution of the analogue to digital converter (ADC) used by the DAB.

iii) The performance of the four photodiodes and their respective linear amplifiers.

From the three factors listed above, only the first one is intrinsic to the DOWP, while

the other two very much depend on the particular DAB used to convert the light

intensity signals from the DOWP into amplified digital signals that a computer can

read. However, if the performance of the photodiodes or the amplifiers in the DAB is

poor, or if the accuracy of the ADC is low, the accuracy in the determination of the

azimuth angles and absorption parameters will also be low.

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To ascertain the magnitude of the absolute error introduced into the Stokes parameters

. measured by the DOWP, due to quantisation and incorrect measurement of the

azimuth angles, the two effects were simulated theoretically.

The computer simulation examined the situation in which the DOWP measured

changes in the polarisation state of a linear polariser rotating from 0° to 180°. This

condition was chosen to be analysed theoretically, because it is simple and easy to

reproduce experimentally in a controlled way. Initially the simulation routine assumed

that the angles and the parameters were exact, but the four intensities were quantised

into 4096 digital levels, simulating the accuracy of a 12 bit ADC.

If 11 is the intensity measured in channel i, then the corresponding estimated quantised

intensity Ilq in the same channel will be given by

(Ip+Io) . {Ii X4096 \ Iiq = 4096 xRoun I +1

po) (6.1)

where Ip is the amount of completely polarised light, and 10 is the amount of randomly

polarised light. The quantised intensity given by Equation (6.1) will give the minimum

error as it uses the full dynamic range in each channel. There is a similar equation for

the quantised intensities in Channels j, and k, but the error in the quantised intensity in

channell was not calculated since


The error in each of the channels was estimated as the difference between the exact

and the estimated intensities. Figures (6.1- 6.3) show the absolute quantisation error in

the intensities from channels i, j and k. The ordinate in each of the plots is the

polarisation azimuth varying from 0° to 180°, while the abscissa is the absolute error

with respect to 1/ set equal to 1. The size of the absolute quantisation errors are the

same for the three intensities i, j and k, in all of them the error varies at random.


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Quantisation Error Intensity i






Polarisation Azimuth (deg)

Figure 6.1: Absolute quantisation error in the estimation of Intensity I.

RMS error of 0.00007.

Quantisation Error Intensity j






Polarisation Azimuth (deg') '.-

Figure 6.2: Absolute quantisation error in the estimation of Intensity j.

RMS error of 0.00007.


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Quantisation Error Intensity k






Polarisation Azimuth (deg)

Figure 6.3: Absolute quantisation error in the estimation of Intensity k.

RMS error of 0.00007.

Statistically, the three plots shown before (Figures 6.1-6.3) should be identical, but

there are some differences in the shape of each plot, because the different values of

azimuth angles of the linear polarisers produce different effects on the polarisation

azimuth and the ellipticity. For this reason, some settings of the polarisers produce

larger errors than others, but still any value can be used to extract the Stokes

parameters, if the positions of the polarisers and retarder are different from each other.


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Absolute Error in the Polarisation Azimuth (deg)






o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1


Figure 6.4: Absolute Quantisation Error in the Polarisation Azimuth.

RMS error of 0.0263.

Figure (6.4) shows the absolute quantisation error in the measurement of a

polarisation azimuth exact value of zero, when the ellipticity varies from 0 to 1. The

ordinate is the ellipticity (defined as the ratio of the two semi-axes of an ellipse) and

the abscissa is the absolute error (in degrees) in the reconstructed polarisation azimuth

lx. From the figure it is very clear that the absolute error due to quantisation in the

polarisation azimuth is smaller for values of ellipticity closer to zero than closer to

one. Thus measurements of the polarisation azimuth of linear polarisation states will

be obtained with better accuracy than those corresponding to circular polarisation

states. But still one can notice from Figure (6.4) that if the AID converter has a 12 bit

resolution, the minimum theoretical error that can be expected for the measurement of

a linear polarisation state is of ± 0.008 of a degree.

Figure (6.5) shows the absolute quantisation error in the reconstructed ellipticity,

simulating the case when a linear polariser (e=O), varies from 00 to 1800• The abscissa

in this plot is the absolute error in the ellipticity (dimensionless).


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Reconstructed Ellipticity






Polarisation Azimuth (degrees)

Figure 6.5: Absolute quantisation error in the Ellipticity. RMS error of 0.00009.

Absolute Error, Reconstructed Stokes Parameter Q




-0.0004 LO~----2~5~~~5~0~---7~5~--~1~00~--~1~2~5~~~1~5~0----1-7~5-J

Polarisation Azimuth (degrees)

Figure 6.6: Reconstructed Stokes Parameter Q. RMS error of 0.00013.


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Absolute Error, Reconstructed Stokes Parameter U









25 50 100 125 150 1

polari~ationl\~\m~th (degrees)

Figure 6.7: Reconstructed Stokes Parameter U. RMS error 0/0.00010.

Absolute Error, Reconstructed Stokes Parameter V






Polarisation Azimuth (degrees)

Figure 6.8: Reconstructed Stokes Parameter V. RMS error 0/0.00034.


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Figures (6.6 to 6.8) show the reconstructed Stokes parameters Q, U and V for the case

of linearly polarised light (e=O), and the polarisation azimuth varying from 0° to 180°.

The reconstructed parameter 1 is not shown because it is identical to the exact

parameter r.

When e=O, Equations (3.48 to 3.51) for the Stokes parameters in terms of the

polarisation azimuth and ellipticity, are reduced to:

1=1 (6.4) .

Q=cos(2a) (6.5)

U =sin(2a) (6.6)

V=O (6.7)

The shape of the plots shown in Figures (6.6 and 6.7) are modulated by the

reconstructed polarisation azimuth times two, where 2cx (given by Equation 3.39) is a

wrapped function of the reconstructed intensities. Figure (6.8) shows random

oscillations close to the zero value, and the two well defined oscillation bands are due

to the estimated polarisation azimuth being a wrapped function of a , which although

it does not appear explicitly in the calculation of the Stokes parameter V, it is involved

in the estimation of the ellipticity.

6.1.2 Adding an error of one degree to the azimuth angle of a linear


To study the repercussion that, an additional error in the angles and absorbance

parameters of the polarising elements in the sensor head, has on the measurement of

the Stokes parameters, a deviation of one degree from the exact value was added to

one of the angles, ai, leaving all the other angles and absorbance parameters intact.


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The reconstruction of the Polarisation Azimuth (considering the additional deviation

in one of the angles), as a function of a varying ellipticity from 0 to I, can be seen in

Figure (6.9), where the abscissa is the absolute error in degrees. The exact polarisation

azimuth has a value of 0.0.

Absolute Error in the Polarisation Azimuth (deg)

O. 78 ...... ---~-~-.----~----.,-.





o 0.6


0.8 1

Figure 6.9: Absolute error in the reconstructed Polarisation Azimuth, due to an

error localising the orientation of one of the polarisers in the sensor head,

additional to quantisation noise. RMS error of 0.0606.

The shape of the curve for the reconstruction of the Polarisation Azimuth (Fig. 6.9) is

identical to the shape of the curve shown in Figure (6.4), but with an added offset of

0.74, which means that the quantisation noise was unaffected by an error of one

degree in the determination of one of the angles. But the reconstructed rotation

differed from the exact value by at least 0.7 of a degree, for the case of linearly

polarised light.

Figure (6.10) shows the reconstructed ellipticity when an error of one degree in one of

the polarisers settings has been added to the quantisation noise. In this case, the shape


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of the curve suffered a noticeable change from the one shown in Figure (6.5). In

Figure (6.10) random noise introduced by quantisation is almost negligible compared

to the contribution by the added deviation in the polariser angle.

Reconstructed E11ipticity






o 25 50 75 100 125

Polarisation Azimuth (degrees)

Figure 6.10: Absolute error in the reconstructed Ellipticity, due to an error in

localising the orientation of one of the polarisers in the sensor head, additional to

quantisation noise. RMS error of 0.0024.

This additional error also affected the shape of the plot of the reconstructed Stokes

parameters Q (Figure 6.11) and U (not shown because it is very similar to the one for

parameter Q), when they are varied with respect to the polarisation azimuth; the most

noticeable effect is the modulation produced by the wrapped polarisation azimuth.

The shape of the plot of the Stokes parameter V (not shown), is the mirror image of

the ellipticity shown in Figure (6.10).


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Absolute Error, Reconstructed Stokes Parameter Q






o 25 50 75 100 125· 150 175

Polarisation Azimuth (degrees)

Figure 6.11: Absolute Error in the Stokes Parameter Q, due to an error in

localising the orientation of one of the polarisers in the sensor head, additional to

quantisation noise.

The RMS errors in the reconstruction of the Stokes parameters under the conditions

just described are:. QRMS =0.046, U RMS =0.079, VRMS =0.005.

Additional errors, in the settings of other angles and absorbance parameters of the

polarising optics, will increase the error in the detennination of the Stokes parameters,

in both the simulated and the experimental measurements.

6.1.3 AID Converter with 10 bit resolution.

Although the NO converter has a resolution of 12 bit, the experimental conditions

prevented the use of the whole dynamic range, so the experiments conducted to test

the performance of the polarimeter made use of a resolution of about 10 bit.

Additionally, the DAS introduced analogue noise (from digital switching circuitry) to

the measured data. Then in reality the experiments were conducted as if using a

resolution smaller than that provided by a 10 bit NO converter. To simulate this

situation, the theoretical calculations performed in section 6.1.1 were repeated, but


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assuming now a quantisation with a resolution of 10 bit.

The intensities Ij. Ij and h. the polarisation azimuth. the ellipticity and the four Stokes

parameters were recalculated. The following are the plots of the difference between

the exact and the estimated intensities as functions of the polarisation azimuth. varied

from 0 to 180°.

Quantisation Error Intensity i






Polarisation Azimuth (deg)

Figure 6.12: Absolute quantisation error in the estimation of Intensity I.

RMS error of 0.00027.


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Quantisation Error Intensity j






Polarisation Azimuth (deg)

Figure 6.13: Absolute quantisation error in the estimation of Intensity 1.

RMS error of 0.00026.

Quantisation Error Intensity k






o 25 50 75 100 125 150 175

Polarisation Azimuth (deg)

Figure 6.14: Absolute quantisation error in the estimation of Intensity K.

RMS error of 0.00027.


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The three plots of the error in the quantised intensities (Figures 6.12-6.14) show the

error varying randomly for different values of the polarisation azimuth, in a similar

way than those using a resolution of 12 bit, but the maximum size of the error has

increased four times after decreasing the resolution. This was expected since the

resolution is 2 bit smaller. Also Figure (6.14) shows some modulation in the absolute

error for values of the polarisation azimuth close to ltA' and 3'X, because on these

points the wrapped curve for the polarisation azimuth changes sign.

Absolute Error in the Polarisation Azimuth (deg)





Figure 6.15: Absolute quantisation error in the reconstructed polarisation

azimuth. RMS error of 0.0397.

When the resolution of the NO converter is reduced, the values that the reconstructed

polarisation azimuth can have are spread over a smaller number of digital levels. This

is confirmed when Figure (6.15) is compared with its 12 bit resolution counterpart

(Figure 6.4). Also one can notice that the error between the exact and the

reconstructed polarisation azimuth (both functions of the ellipticity) is increased by a

factor of almost five.


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When the ellipticity was reconstructed using a resolution of 10 bit, a plot of the

difference between this and the exact value (not shown) was not too different to the

one for 12 bit, but the absolute error increased by a factor of about 4.0. The same

effect occurred to the plots of the absolute error of Stokes parameters Q and U. Only

the plot of the absolute error of the Stokes parameter V suffered a change of shape,

the different quantisation levels can not be differentiated clearly in the plot using only

10 bit of resolution (Figure 6.16).







Absolute Error, Reconstructed Stokes Parameter V

Polarisation Azimuth (degrees)

Figure 6.16: Absolute quantisation error in the estimation

of Stokes parameter V. RMS error of 0.00049.


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6.2 Experimental Analysis.

The conditions analysed in the simulation were reproduced experimentally. A linear

polariser was rotated from 0° to 178.2° in 33 steps of 5.4° each, using a stepper motor

with a resolution of 1.8°± 5% (quoted by the manufacturer and without considering

the accuracy of the driving circuit).

The experimental set up was practically identical to the one shown previously in

Figure (5.3), but the LED used in this application changed from the 660 nm LED used

for the initial calibration, reported in Chapter 5, to a 685 nm device.

After the polarisers and QWR in the sensor head were adjusted, the· system was

recalibrated. The new values of the azimuth angles, which were used for the

theoretical caIculations, are the following:

Table 6.1: Values of the angles and parameters of the polarising optics in the

DOWP's sensor head, with a 685 nm light source.

1:p 1:, to to' 1:r 1:/ p 9j 9j 9k

0.965 0.0014 0.4832 0.4832 1 1 88.2 123.9 70 51.9

The DOWP performed 500 polarimetric measurements at each of the 33 different

orientations of the polariser. The four intensities measured by Channels. i, j, k and 1

were plotted versus the orientation of the rotating polariser, see Figure (6.12).


Page 82: A division of wavefront polarimeter and optical analysis ... · Loughborough University Institutional Repository A division of wavefront polarimeter and optical analysis of red blood


900 M~"E HKH ". MHMHHHKM ' HHKHMt$~HH o OIannell D /I ....

800 <> "'o. D ChannelJ D DD

~ o. '" D 700 DO.

.. .. AQannelK D

-R o. D 600 "'D xOlannelL

.~ & .... ·u .... D .. SOO

D .... .. .... .!; D .... .. ..

f D ....

400 .... .. .... .. 1:" .. D .... 6 300 6666 0 ....

Z 0 .. D .. ~ 200

D 0 .. 100 0 D .. o.

DD D '" .. D <> '" 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Azimuth Angle (deg)

Figure 6.12: Intensities measured when a linear polariser rotated through 180


In this plot the abscissa is the value of intensity in digital levels. The error bars plotted

in each of the four intensities are the standard deviation of the 500 measurements at

each of the 33 azimuth angles of the polariser. Although the whole dynamic range of

the photodiodes is of 4096 levels, less than 25% of this range is being used. This is

because the DOWP has to. be calibrated with non-polarised light, and to avoid

saturation, the gain in Channel 1 was set to provide an amplified output just below

4000 digital levels. When the linear polariser is inserted, the intensity in Channel 1 is

absorbed by about 60% (the transmittance coefficient of the polariser is 0.41). The

intensities in the other three channels are sized proportionally to this channel by the

corresponding calibration factor.

Figure (6.12) shows that the light source illuminating the sample is partially polarised,

as it is observed from the intensity modulation in Channel 1. Because this channel is

not polarised, when illuminated by non polarised light it should provide a constant

intensity reading throughout the complete rotation of the motorised polariser. An

examination of the experimental set-up made evident that the initially non-polarised

light source was partially polarised by the expanding lens.

The calibration stage described in Chapter 5 requires a non-polarised light source. If


Page 83: A division of wavefront polarimeter and optical analysis ... · Loughborough University Institutional Repository A division of wavefront polarimeter and optical analysis of red blood

the source is partially polarised, the calibration factors are calculated incorrectly and

the difficulty in detennining the exact position of the polarisers and QWR in the

sensor head is increased. However, this added complication is not inherent to the

DOWP itself and can be removed by using a different type of lens (e.g. one with an

anti-reflective coating) and ensuring that the light source is truly randomly polarised.

The partial polarisation of the source does not affect the measurement of the

polarisation azimuth, as it is observed in Figure (6.13), but it does affect the

measurement of the ellipticity (Figure 6.14) and the measurement of the Degree of

Polarisation (OaP) (Figure 6.15) .

. ~r---------~--~======~-------;",--------~ 40 I!t l.6.fuperirrental value I *

lit + Theoretical value I dr

30 '" '"

'" '" ~ 20 '" '" '" . ~ '" :8 10 iD" •

~ '" ... § O'---~~---+-----r----+-~L-~---4----~C----4---~

] -10 20 ~. 60 " I!t 100 120 140 160 '" ~ 0

~ ;!; !It • ::. -20 ;!; !It ;!;

-30 ;!; '" '" ~;!; '" ;!;

-50 .L-~ ____________________ --,--______________________ ---'

Azimuth Angle (dog)

Figure 6.13: Polarisation Azimuth measurement.

In Figure (6.13), the ordinate is the angle in degrees by which the polariser has been

rotated by the motor, and the abscissa is the measured rotation in degrees. Both

theoretical and experimental values have been plotted together, and the standard

deviation of the experimental values is plotted as the measurement error. The average

of the standard deviation of the 500 samples resulted in 0.103 of a degree. Both curves


Page 84: A division of wavefront polarimeter and optical analysis ... · Loughborough University Institutional Repository A division of wavefront polarimeter and optical analysis of red blood

in Figure (6.13) show a very good correlation, a linear regression of the unwrapped

experimental curve yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.9999.



0.015 I

b 0.01 .L!;r ." a .LI ;;; 0.005 "' .LI ]

• 0 I. ~

140 • :s 20 .L 60 80 100 120 140 160 1 0 -0.005 I

·0.01 .LI

.L ·0.015

Azimuth Angle (deg)

Figure 6.14: Ellipticity measurement.

The experimental measurement of the ellipticity is shown in Figure (6.14), where the

errors are more apparent than in the plot for the polarisation azimuth. Again this

measurement should have been a constant zero in an ideal situation, but as was

observed in the theoretical simulation, the accuracy is a non-linear function of the

polarisation azimuth. In this plot the modulation in the experimental ellipticity is

believed to be due to incorrect values of the parameters and azimuth angles. In the

theoretical simulation (Figure 6.10) where a deviation added to one of the angles was

simulated together with an error introduced by 12 bit quantisation, the plot showed

also a similar type of modulation, but out of phase from Figure (6.14). Which suggests

an error in one or more of the parameters or azimuth angles in the polarimeter.

Figure (6.15) shows an experimental measurement of the degree of polarisation,

derived from the ellipticity measurement. At some points the DOP is greater than

unity, and this is evidently wrong. From Equation (3.47) the degree of polarisation is


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obtained from the ratio of the non-polarised light and the completely polarised light,

but these two quantities are sensitive in different degree to the partial polarisation of

the source, which in some instances causes Ip to be greater than It.

1.S.,.-------------------, Cl 1 ++++++++ i '5 0.5



~ O+--------+--------+--------+------~

k .0.5 50 100 150 2 0

I ·1 ++++++++++++++++

.1.S .L.. __ ;..,;... ________________ --'-__________ ---'

Azimuth Angle (de g)

Figure 6.15: Measurement of the Degree of Polarisation •

r"'. •• . " " . • ." 0.8 • • • • • • • • • • • 0.6 • • • • • • 0.4 • • • • • • • • • 0.2 • • •

l •• ·t .................. • 0 30 80. 130 I

·0.2 • ~Q

.u o .. v

·0.4 • • ·0.6 • • • ·0.8 • •• • _ .. •

Azimuth Angle (deg)

Figure 6.16: Measurement of normalised Stokes Parameters Q, U and V.

Figure (6.16) shows the normalised Stokes parameters Q, U and V plotted versus the


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position of the rotating polariser. The three curves follow the behaviour predicted by

Equations (6.2-6.4). Parameter V is different from zero, as is the ellipticity from which

it was derived. Parameter I is not plotted since it is normalised and has a constant

value of one. The same type of plots were found theoretically for the Stokes

parameters (Figure 6.11 for parameter Q is the only one shown), but the values had the

oposite sign, indicating that the theoretical error was also modulated by cos(2a ) (in

the case of parameter Q) and by sin(:n) (in the case of parameter U).

6.3 Additional Sources of Error.

At each azimuthal settings of the polariser, the DOWP performed 500 measurements

consecutively. Each set of 500 measurements was produced after 10 minutes, even

when the DAB was sending data to the computer at its fastest baud rate. If for a

particular fixed position of the linear polariser, the intensity measurements in each of

the channels are plotted versus acquisition time or versus sample number, different

quantisation levels are observed on each of the channels.

In figure (6.17), the plots for Channels i, j and k show about the same number of

quantisation levels, but in the case of Channel i, the intensity values are spread over

almost all of the levels, while in Channels j and k the majority of the measurements

are concentrated in' a smaller number of levels. Channel 1 shows only half of the

number of levels shown in the other channels but the intensity readings are

concentrated basically in only two of them. The cause of this difference among the

channels is the second stage of amplification of the photodiodes signals in the DAB.

When the analogue signals, from each of the photodiodes attached to the DAB, were

followed with an oscilloscope through the different electronic components in the

board, it was found that at the output of the first amplification stage, all four signals

from the four photodiodes have the same shape with small variations in amplitude, but


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at the output of the second stage of amplification they present some degree of

modulation. The modulation is largest in Channel i and almost negligible in Channell.

This modulation could be suppressed designing the adequate electronic filter for each

channel, or linking the DOWP sensor head to a different DAB with less noise

problems, since the board used in this application was not designed specifically to be

used for polarimetric measurements.

5Mr-------------------, S ~564

1562 ~-: ----••• - :.:. .... -. -~ - -(J 560 .. - _.- - ---_ .... _ ••• ~ ~558

~ 558 - -----

o 100 200 300 400 500

Sample Number


[288 - _-:- _--: - - --:M:: 287 -i 286 ---==:':: .. -=---_ .. :,- - -~-..:-:

! 285 r ...... _ .... -:'-:-.. -=---=-= ';! 284 _ .... ___ .. __ .. _

.. 283 - ----- :---: 1ii 282 - .. - _ ••••• -

li 281 -I----I'---_~_4~__'t----I o 100 200 300 400 500

Sample Number

~Or--------------------, S --,,7191---~ 718 - ...

§ 717 ... _ ... --lJ 716 - - --_-_--_-_-_-_-_-____ -+ f ~~: .---::~_-. .. -___ -.5 713 -1----+----+----+----<-----"

o 100 200 300 400 500

Sample Number


.. 847

~ 846 ~ 8451----_______ _ 6... __ _ ~ 843 __________ -+ Iii 842 li 841 _ _ ______ _

84O-I---+---+----+---~--~ o 100 200 300 400 500

Sample Number

Figure 6.17: Observation of quantisation levels in intensity readings from the four

Channels in the sensor head.

Experimental errors caused by quantisation noise are propagated to the calculation of

the polarisation azimuth and ellipticity as seen in Figure (6.18). The maximum

absolute experimental error in the measurement of the polarisation azimuth is 0.8 of a

degree, while the theoretical simulation for linearly polarised light (Figure· 6.4)

predicted only 0.02 of a degree, i.e. 40 times smaller. However the quantised

intensities in the simulation are making use of the whole 4096 quantisation levels,

while the experimental intensities used less than 25% of the total number of levels.


Page 88: A division of wavefront polarimeter and optical analysis ... · Loughborough University Institutional Repository A division of wavefront polarimeter and optical analysis of red blood

0.022 0r----+~--~--~----~--~

'Si -0.1 100 2(f).. 300 .. 4~ .. "1>0 ~ ,: "'" .-.. . ... . i :.: .-:: -:-.- .-. -: .. - .. ::_ : ...... -.: -... li '.. " ... ~~ :.-: .... -.... -~~....:....,"""' .. "! o "()4 ~"_ ... - .. .r,!\oo:.,~ .. -...... ..""" .. _ .... a: . ~--. ....... ..,- ...... .. -_~ ..

1 ::! : :':..--= .:.~:::i..:-; .. : ... i .. :~il~ i .(J,7 ~ .. -:.~":':::-~ .. =':._.,;:~:'o~~.:=..~-..


0.01.\----+----+----<----+-----l -0.' '------------------------' o 100 200 300 400 500

Simple Number Semple Number

Figure 6.18: Observation of quantisation levels in the Polarisation Azimuth and


In an effort to improve the precision of the measurement, the experimental intensities

were compared to the theoretical intensities from the simulation, then in the

simulation the absorbance parameters were modified until both sets of intensities

matched, according to the minimum RMS error, and using the recalculated parameters

(Table 6.3), the ellipticity was calculated again using the experimental intensities.

Table 6.3: Values of the angles and recalculated parameters of the polarising optics

in the DOWP's sensor head, compensating for the effects from a polarised light


'tp 'ts to t/ 'tr 't/ p Si Sj Sk

0.97 0.0014 0.4857 0.4579 0.95 0.93 88.2 123.9 70 51.9

The result is plotted in Figure (6.\9). In this plot. the ellipticity calculated from

measured intensities is ten times smaller than in previous calculations (Figure 5.6).


Page 89: A division of wavefront polarimeter and optical analysis ... · Loughborough University Institutional Repository A division of wavefront polarimeter and optical analysis of red blood

0.004 • T • 0.003 ••• • •• b

;g 0.002 • • ~ 0.001 • • • • • ] 0

.~ -0.001 • 100 •• 4150 210 ~ • 2 .().002 •• ••• -= ... • .().003 • .().004 •

Azimuth Angle (<leg)

Figure 6.19: Theoretical Ellipticity generatedfrom measured intensifies and

modified absorbance coefficients.

The reason why the recalculated absorbance parameters yielded a better result is that

they are compensating for polarisation effects of the source which generated erroneous

calibration factors to size the intensities. It is not recommended to use the new

calibrated parameters, shown in Table (6.3), because "the old parameters" quoted in

Table (6.1) will perform well if a non-polarised light source is used; however this

parameter fitting exercise shows that a fine tuning of the absorbance parameters can

affect dramatically the accuracy of the measurements.

6.4 Summary and Discussion.

A comparison between the theoretical and the experimental errors cannot be made in a

straight forward manner because only a small number of sources of error have been

modelled. Additionally an assumption, that is not necessarily correct, has been made

when comparing the experimental and theoretical results, and this is that the motor is

assumed capable of repeating with perfect accuracy 500 rotations of a linear polariser,

in 34 steps each, and that the size of all steps is the same:


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Table 6.2: Summary of the Theoretical RMSerrors and

Experimental Standard Deviation.

12 bit resolution 12 bit resolution + 10 bit resolution Experimental data.

RMS error. deviation of 10. RMS error. Standard Deviation.

RMS error.

0.00007 0.00007 0.00027 0.0025

0.00007 0.00007 0.00026 0.0011

0.00007 0.00007 0.00027 0.0013

0.0001 0.0024 0.00035 0.0017

0.00013 0.0463 0.00049 . 0.0014

0.00010 0.0794 0.00045 0.0044 .

0.00033 0.0050 0.00079 0.0045

In Table (6.3), all theoretical data referring to intensity measurements was modelled in

such a way that it was only affected when the resolution of the AID converter was

modified, but not when additional deviations to the parameters were added. This

distinction was made to facilitate the discrimination of the consequences that

different sources of error have on the recovery of the Stokes parameters. However in

reality incorrect settings of azimuth angles and parameters can influence the

calibration procedure, thus affecting the amplitude of the intensity curves.

In the. same Table (6.3) the standard deviation of the experimental intensities is one

order of magnitude greater than the 10 bit resolution RMS error. This could mean that

the experiment was performed using an even smaller dynamic range, or that incorrect .

values of the experimental parameters an angles affected the intensities through

incorrect calibration factors. Considering that a resolution of 12 bit means that the

four intensities can use 4096 quantisation levels, and that in reality only about 25% of

the number of available levels are used (as it is shown in Figure 6.12), one cannot

expect to observe experimental errors smaller than those produced by a 10 bit


Nevertheless, another factor that could account for the difference between the


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experimental errors in the intensities and the 10 bits quantisation noise could well be

analogue noise. An analysis of the four plots shown in Figure (6.17) indicates that

after performing 500 consecutive measurements with each channel, in exactly the

. same conditions" the measurements are spread, for channels i, j and k, over a

surprisingly large number of quantisation levels. As was explained before in Section

(6.3), this additional noise was identified even before the light intensity signals

reached the NO converter, so this problem is not quantisation noise alone. Thus

variations in intensity values over at least 15 different levels ( as is the case of channel

i), could increase then times the quantisation noise. Any source of noise in the

intensities will be propagated into the measurements of the polarisation azimuth,

ellipticity, degree of polarisation and Stokes parameters.

Data referent to the polarization azimuth values were not recorded in Table (6.3)

because in the theoretical simulation the polarisation azimuth is plotted for various

values of ellipticity, while in the experiment only linearly polarised light (with an

ideal ellipticity value of zero) was tested. Still it is interesting to see how the different

theoretical sources of error are likely to influence the polarisation azimuth results. The

theoretical absolute error in the azimuth determination for linearly polarised light, due

to quantisation effects, was of 0.008.

In the simulation the RMS error in the ellipticity, due to only 12 bit quantisation, i.e.

using the full dynamic range, is 0.001 (see Figure 6.10). The averaged standard

deviation of the experimental measurements is 0.0017, and this is the averaged size of

the error bars in Figure (6.14). So the error in the experimental data is one order of

magnitude larger than the theoretical results. This could be due to additional errors in

the settings of the parameters, to the experimental work being done using only a

portion of the available dynamic range, to analogue noise (as is shown in Figure 6.18),

or to a combination of all these factors.

From the data recorded in Table (6.2), one can observe that the theoretical RMS error

in the measurement of the ellipticity, when a deviation of one degree has been added

to the exact value of one of the azimuth angles, is of 0.0024. So one could presume


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that the experimental errors in the measurement of the ellipticity are a combination of

quantisation related errors and incorrect parameters.

Also the ellipticity measurement reflects errors in the calculation of the polarisation

azimuth, and the errors incurred in the measurement of the ellipticity will be

propagated to the determination of the Stokes parameters.

In conclusion, the DOWP designed here would benefit from using the full dynamic

range available, if this was possible, and from estimating accurately the parameters

and azimuth angles of polarisers and retarder. In addition, the polarimeter requires a

dedicated electronic receiver system designed for this purpose only.

6.4.1 Problems encountered while using the DOWP in biomedical


One of the main reasons behind the design and construction of the DOWP discussed

in the previous chapters, was to use it investigating the polarisation, absorption and

scattering properties of blood. The development of the DOWP ran in parallel with

basic research in various fields such as biochemistry, medicine, physiology and optics,

to understand and provide an optical model of blood. The experiments described in

Chapters 8 and 9 are the results of such investigations.

Further experiments attempting to measure some blood pathologies using the DOWP,

shown that blood absorbs light very strongly, and the large path lengths required by

the experimental conditions prevented any light from reaching the DOWP. A stronger

light source was then required, but it must have been unpolarised (by the reasons

explained in Chapter 5) and high intensity unpolarised sources are not easily available.

Since a suitable light source could not be found, the DOWP was not used to measure

blood. Instead some experiments on blood with polarised light were still conducted

using a laser source (Chapter 9). Suggested modifications to the DOWP for using it in

biomedical applications can be found in Chapter 10.


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Chapter 7

Techniques for Blood Analysis

7.1 Methods for blood analysis currently in use.

7.1.1 Blood Composition.

Blood and the circulatory system constitute a transport system for exchanging

chemical products between the specialised cells of various organs. Blood consists

basically of plasma, a fluid rich in fibrinogen protein, in which white blood cells, red

blood· cells (RBC) and platelets are suspended. All these cells are generated in the

bone marrow.

Red blood cells, or erythrocytes, are the most abundant cells in blood. They are

biconcave discs of an average diameter of 8 microns. These cells have no nucleus, but

they have a membrane and the cells are filled with haemoglobin, an iron containing

protein. RBC transport oxygen by chemically binding the oxygen molecules to

haemoglobin. Arterial blood carries oxygen saturated haemoglobin (oxy­

haemoglobin), which has a bright red colour, while venous blood carries oxygen

depleted haemoglobin (deoxy-haemoglobin), of a dark red colour. The average

number ofRBC is 5x1012 per litre of blood.

White blood cells, or leukocytes, are nucleated cells with normally a round shape, of

an average diameter of 15 microns. These cells are much less numerous than RBC and

they constitute the defence mechanism of the body to fight disease. White blood cells

can change shape. They attack foreign organisms folding themselves around and

digesting them. The total average leukocyte number is 8x109 per litre of blood.

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Blood platelets, or thrombocytes, are non-nucleated, colourless cells of an average

diameter of 3 microns and they can have various shapes. Their main function is in the

blood clotting mechanism. The total average platelet concentration is 300x 109 per litre

of blood.

7.1.2 Blood Indices.

A count of the blood cells, an inspection of their size and shape, or a chemical

analysis of the blood serum, provide important information for the diagnosis of

diseases .. The red blood cell indices, which are of importance in diagnosis, are the

packed cell volume (PCV), mean cell haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), the mean

cell haemoglobin (MCH) and the mean cell volume (MCV). The normal values for an

adult, corresponding to these indices, can be found in Appendix C.

There are two methods of obtaining these indices, either by manual means or by

automatic counters. Indices derived by manual methods are calculated using three

basic measurements: haemoglobin concentration, PCV and RBC count. The

haemoglobin can be measured by spectroscopy and the PCV is obtained by

centrifugation of whole blood; both these measurements can be made accurately, but

the cell count is very inaccurate when done manually, because a counting chamber

must be used and then it is viewed with the aid of a microscope, and so it is of little

use to the clinical practice.

Serological tests, or bacteriological tests, have the purpose to determine the type of

bacteria that have invaded the body. Serological tests are based on the fact that the

organism, when invaded by an infectious disease, develops antibodies in the blood.

These antibodies are selective to certain strains of organisms, and their action can be

observed in vitro by various methods. For example in some methods, agglutination

becomes visible under the microscope when a test serum containing the antigen of the

organism is added.


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Many diseases cause characteristic variations in the blood indices. These variations

can be a change in the number, size or shape of certain blood cells (in anaemia, for

example, the RBC count is reduced). But other diseases cause changes in the chemical

composition of the blood serum or other body fluids. In diabetes mellitus, for instance,

glucose levels are more elevated than normal.

Blood counts and chemical blood tests are often performed routinely to monitor the

process of an illness. Therefore even in a small clinical practice, the use of automatic

methods of blood analysis is widely spread.

7.1.3 Automatic Cell Counters.

A number of automatic counters have been developed and several books have chapters

devoted to it [e.g. Rowan, R.M. and England, J.M., eds. ,1986]. The most popular type

of automatic blood counter is the Coulter counter.

The first step in obtaining an automatic blood count is to aspirate a fixed volume of

blood from the sample (from 100 to 250 Ill) and dilute it, adding reagents. Each

automatic counting instrument uses a dilution of whole blood in a saline based


For haemoglobinometry, various modifications of Drabkin type of reagent are added

to lyse the erythrocytes, and convert the haemoglobin into forms containing cyanide.

For white cells studies, blood must be diluted and red cells lysed. One dilution (1120)

is treated with a red cell lytic agent, fixed with formalin and stained for peroxidase

activity. This dilution is used to determine the total white cells count and to

differentiate the leukocytes. Another dilution (1120) is treated with a red lytic agent,

and stained with Astra blue to allow the basophil count to be determined.


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RBC counting can be performed in two fundamentally different ways. The first of

them involves the detection of a change in the aperture-impedance when a cell passes

through an orifice (automatic counter Coulter model S Plus IV). There are two

electrodes in the orifice and as the cell passes between them, the impedance is reduced

because the cell acts as an insulator. This change in impedance can be detected and

used to count the cells. A sweep flow arrangement removes cells from the rear of the

orifice as soon as they have been detected.

The second method for RBC counting (automatic counter Ortho ELT 800) involves

detecting light scattered when a cell passes through a sensing zone. In this instrument

light from a He-Ne laser is focused onto the cells as they pass through the flow

channel. Because a "stop" is placed in the light path, light can not pass directly into

the forward scattering collecting lens. If, however, a cell is in the light beam, light is

scattered, passes around the "stop" and then it is detected. Light scattered at right

angles to the light beam is also detected for use in the white cell measurements.

In the counter Technicon H601O, only forward non-laser light scattering is detected.

Diluted blood enters the flow chamber and is made to pass through a very narrow

stream by the use of another fluid, which is directed through the flow chamber and

. surrounds the diluted blood. Because this diluted blood is in a very narrow stream, the

light can be focused precisely onto the cells as they pass through the detector. This

counter requires to make the cells spherical, so their volume can be predicted by the

Mie theory for spherical scattering particles.

All the instruments of the scattering type, count the rate at which the cells pass

through the sensing zone (impulses! unit time), rather than counting the number of

cells per unit volume of dilution. The instruments must therefore be calibrated with

blood samples of known red cell and platelet count.

Light scattering systems are sensitive to changes in internal refractive index, as well as

to changes in volume. For red cells, it is the mean cell haemoglobin concentration

(MCHC) which is primarily affected by changes in the internal refractive index.


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If the blood is not very diluted, there is a possibility that more than one cell may be in

the sensing zone and can not be resolved by the detector. This problem is called

"coincidence" and a correction is applied by an algorithm built into the instrument.

Another correction factor used by automatic counters is the shape factor, defined as

the ratio between the apparent volume and the true volume of a particle. This factor

varies from particle to particle, depending upon the shape the particle adopts when

passing through the orifice in a fast flowing fluid stream.

With red cells, flexibility is a very important parameter, and the Mean Corpuscular

Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) is probably the most important determinant of

flexibility. Cells with a high MCHC are less flexible and appear enlarged.

For white cell counting it is necessary to lyse the RBC before the white cells can be

counted. With aperture impedance systems the RBC' membranes must be broken

down to very small fragments, since "ghosts" cause impulses which would interfere

with the measurements. The presence of "ghosts" is less important with light

scattering systems. When the RBC' membranes are destroyed very rapidly, some

damage to the leukocytes is inevitable and their apparent cell volume is markedly


The haemoglobin derivatives are measured by their absorbance at various


7.1.4 Measurements of Haemoglobin

The haemoglobin content of blood may be determined by physical properties such as

specific gravity, chemical composition, gas analysis or by spectroscopic

measurements. The estimation of haemoglobin is dependent on its property of

absorbing light in the yellow-green region of the visible spectrum. Since various types


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of haemoglobin (oxy-haemoglobin, reduced haemoglobin, metha-haemoglobin and

carboxy-haemoglobin) absorb light to a different extent, the blood is diluted with a

cyanide solution, which converts all the types of haemoglobin to a more stable

derivative. By exposure to potassium ferricyanide and potassium cyanide,

haemoglobin is converted to the extremely stable cyanmetha-haemoglobin [Hughes­

Jones, N.C., 1984]. The absorbance of this derivative at 530-550 nm is proportional to

the haemoglobin content in blood [Biochemical Organic Compounds (Sigma), 1993).

A spectrophotometer allows the measurement of the absorption of samples at different

wavelengths. It uses a light source of a wide spectral band and a monochromator to

spread the light into its spectral components. A measurement of the light transmitted

intensity, as a function of wavelength, is performed and compared with the initial

intensity. The concentration of haemoglobin is obtained using the Beer-Lambert Law. Spectroscopic Measurements.

When a spectroscopic study of a pure absorber takes place, the simple Beer-Lambert

law [Parikh, V.M., 1974] will govern the absorption process. This law states that

1=10 exp (-edc) ( 7.1 )

where 10 is the intensity of the incident radiation and I the intensity of the transmitted

radiation. The thickness of the cell d is given in centimetres, and the concentration of

the solution c is given in moles per litre. The quantity e is the extinction coefficient,

with the units [It Imol x cm].

In spectroscopy the quantity named "Optical Density" (OD) provides important

information about a test sample. The OD is defined as

OD = log (Io/l) ( 7.2)


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An Application in Blood Oxymetry.

Using Equation (7.1), the concentration of a haemolised blood sample (Hb) and its

oxygenated aliquot (Hb02) can be detennined from the light transmission through the

sample. Haemoglobin solutions follow the Beer-Lambert law and the fractional

oxygen saturation of haemoglobin in solution can be detennined by measuring the OD

at a wavelength where the oxy and deoxy forms of the molecule have the same molar

extinction coefficient (805 nm), and at a wavelength where they have different

extinction coefficients (550 nm). If this is done, a unique linear relation between the

fractional oxygen saturation of the haemoglobin and the ratio of the OD of the

solution, at the two different wavelengths, can be obtained [Takatani, S., 1994]. Colorimetry.

The haemoglobin concentration can be detennined by lysing the RBC to release the

haemoglobin, and chemically converting the haemoglobin into another coloured

compound (acid-haematin or Cyanmethaemoglobin). The colour concentration of

these components does not depend on the oxygenation of the blood. Following the

reaction, the concentration of the new components can be detennined by colorimetry.

A colorimetric detennination of the concentration of a substance uses the fact that

many chemical compounds in solution appear coloured, with the saturation of the

colour depending on the concentration of the compound.

In a colorimeter the absorbance of the solution is measured ideally at a wavelength of

540 nm. Traditionally it consists of a light source, a yellow-green filter to select the

appropriate wavelength, and a collimating lens used to evenly illuminate a glass

cuvette. When a solution of a given concentration is placed in the cuvette, it will

absorb a portion of the incident light. Then Beer-Lambert law is used to detennine the

concentration of the substance, having previously detennined the extinction

coefficient of the substance.


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7.1.5 Examination of a stained blood film.

All haematological diagnostics include the examination of a blood film. A small drop

of blood is spread as a film on a slide and stained with a dye containing methylene

blue and eosin. The film is observed under the microscope to examine if cells show

abnormal shapes or sizes.

7.2 Research in Optical Techniques for Blood Analysis.

7.2.1 Motivation for Investigating Optical Methods.

During the last two decades, optical methods dedicated to the solution of problems in

biomedicine have gained increasing popularity. The most important reasons for which

so much research effort is focused into the field are: the high accuracy of the

measurements and the potential of optical methods to evolve into non-invasive

technology. These advantages are in particular very attractive for research in human

blood, because traditional blood analyses are performed in very large quantities world

wide, they are expensive and carry intrinsic health risks for both the donor/patient and

the analyst. Optical techniques for blood analysis are traditionally spectroscopic,

however, instrumentation is being developed using other technologies, mainly applied

in the subjects of blood cells ablation and coagulation of vessels, blood flow through

capillaries and vessels, blood oxymetry, ektacytometry, and estimation of the

concentration of blood constituents.

The work carried out within this research project, in the development of alternative

techniques for studying blood components, makes use of measurements of light

transmitted through a sample of blood. For this reason the theoretical models


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elaborated to describe the interaction between the blood and the incident light, and the

relationship between the light transmission and the absorbing and scattering

coefficients of blood are of particular importance. Some of the models most

commonly used, and which are a direct antecedent to this work, will be revised in the

following sections.

7.2.2 Light Transmission through Whole blood.

A plot of the transmission of light through a sample of whole blood, as a function of

the haematocrit, does not follow Beer-Lambert law because whole blood not only

absorbs light, but the RBC suspended in the plasma also scatter the incident light.

Kramer, K. et al. [1955] explained that samples of erythrocytes refract light and cause

a greater absorption, by the intracellular haemoglobin pigments, than haemolised

aliquots. Also the extinction coefficients of oxygenated and reduced whole blood, are

greater than their haemolised equivalents (Hb02 and Hb) by factors ranging from 7 to

20, for certain wavelengths.

However, when scattering from RBC in whole blood is eliminated by suspending

erythrocytes in concentrated protein solutions, the resulting non-scattering RBC

suspensions absorb light according to the Beer-Lambert law [Barer, R, 1955]. Barer

also showed that haemoglobin in RBC absorbs similarly as free haemoglobin, if the

scattering is eliminated by suspending the cells in a medium with a refractive index

equal to the cells' cytoplasm refractive index. A sample of very tightly packed cells,

with almost no plasma, absorbs light as if it was a haemoglobin solution. This

observation was confirmed by Kramer, K. et al. [1955].

The main scattering particles in whole blood are Red Blood Cells (RBC). Scattering

of light by RBC takes place at interfaces where there is a change in the refractive

index. The angles through which the light is scattered and the scattering parameter


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depend on the size and shape of the scatterers relative to the source wavelength, and to

differences in the refractive index of the scatterers and the surrounding medium.

Scattering from molecules or structures whose size is much smaller than the

wavelength (Rayleigh Scattering), is relatively weak, nearly isotropic, and strongly

decreases with wavelength. When the wavelength and scattering particles are about

the same size, the scattering is stronger and more forward-directed, but decreases

roughly inversely with the wavelength [Bohren, C.F. and Huffman, D.R., 1983].

Whole Blood Modelled as an Absorbing and Scattering Medium. Adding a Scattering term to the Beer-Lambert law.

The spectrophotometric behaviour of whole blood follows a pattern predictable as the

sum of a linear absorption term (i.e. following Beer-Lambert law) and a non-linear

scattering term [Anderson, N.M. and Sekelj, P., 1967a and 1967b].

Anderson and Sekelj also developed an expression for OD, which depends on the

usual variables: the extinction coefficient (E), the concentration (C), the path length

(P), and on an additional term (b):

OD =cpE+b (7.3 )

where b depends on the fraction of the total scattering cross section of one scatterer in

free space received by the detector (for non-absorbing scatterers), on the density of

scatterers and on the dimensions of the scattering particles. This new equation means

that when the concentration and path length are constant, the extinction coefficient of

the absorber within the scattering particle is the only independent variable, as it is

linearly related to the OD. This hypothesis indicates that absorption is dominant at

wavelengths with high extinction coefficients, whereas scattering predominates at

wavelengths with low extinction coefficients.


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Twersky's Model.

Anderson and Sekelj [1967 a, b] showed that light propagated through whole blood

follows the form predicted by Twersky [Twersky, V., 1962]. The following is

Twersky's transmission equation:

T(y)=exp(-w(y)) x [exp(-~p(y)+q(1-exp(-~p(y))] (7.4)

The terms in this equation will be explained in Chapter 8, but in summary, the first

factor in Equation (7.4) is a purely absorbing term, while the second one involves

scattering effects.

This theory implies that it is possible to separate the effects of absorption from the

effects of scattering in the OD of blood and it demonstrates the following points:

i) The linear relationship postulated by Beer-Lambert law between OD and the

extinction coefficient of haemoglobin is valid for haemoglobin even when it is

contained within scattering particles, and contrary to Kramer's theory, absorption is

not increased as a result of an increase in the length of the light path induced by


ii) It makes possible to evaluate separately the effects of light scattering and

absorption on the light transmission of thin films.

Twersky's theory is applicable when the medium thickness is very thin, or the

concentration of the particles very low, so the coherence of the incident beam is not

lost when transmitted through the sample. If the coherence is lost, the light becomes


Although Lipowsky H., et al. [1980] reported successful results using Twersky's

model, Steinke and Shepherd [1988] explained that Twersky's theory n ••• does not

describe the· spatial distribution of the reflected and transmitted light... and that


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Twersky's model does not lend itself to simulating the optical effects of variables such

as mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration and red blood cell volume, nor does

it accommodate light detectors and sources that do not share a common optical axis". Diffusion Theory.

The diffusion equation was derived from the transport equation. The transport

equation assumes that each scattering particle within the medium is sufficiently distant

from its neighbours to prevent interactions between successive scattering effects. In

theory these scatterers and absorbers must be uniformly distributed throughout the

medium. Polarisation effects are neglected [Cheong, W., 1990]. Diffusion theory

requires the absorption effects on the incident irradiance to be much smaller than the

scattering effects [Zdrojkowski, R.I. and Pisharoty, N.R., 1970].

Diffusion takes place when the particle concentration increases above 5% [Takatani,

S. and Ling, J, 1994], or the medium thickness is large. Diffusion theory is based in

the assumption that the interaction of the radiance of light with the media can be

separated into unscattered and scattered components. Unscattered light is attenuated

exponentially following Beer-Lambert's law. For light passing through a slab of an

absorbing material with thickness (or effective path length) p and having no

reflections at the surface, the transmission coefficient is given by


where J.Lu is the extinction coefficient.

In regions within the scattering medium, far from light sources and boundaries, the

fluence rate decays exponentially. The rate of decay is called the effective attenuation

coefficient (J.L f) or the diffusion exponent. This coefficient is known as (l( ) if the

scattering parameter is greater than the absorption parameter.


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The transmission coefficient, in presence of scattering, through a slab of thickness p

with matched boundaries is given by the following equation [Cheong, W., 1990]:


where (Ila) is the absorption coefficient, (11.) is the scattering coefficient and (g) is the

mean scattering cosine of the scattering angle or the parameter of anisotropy. The

parameters a], a2 and aJ are part of the solution of the diffusion equation for the total

fluence rate in a parallel slab [Cheong, W., ibid.], their values depend on boundary


The total transmission coefficient is T = Tu + Ts (7.7)

And the diffuse reflection coefficient is


The values of the three optical coefficients (Ila' Ils' g) are determined when the

unscattered transmission, the scattered transmission and the diffuse reflection are

measured. However if only the total transmission coefficient and the diffuse reflection

coefficient are measured, then only the absorption parameter and the reduced

scattering parameter ( 11 s ') can be measured.


The value of g varies between -1 and 1; g=0 corresponds to the case of isotropic

scattering, g= 1 corresponds to total forward scattering and g=-1 corresponds to total

backward scattering. The g ofRBC ranges from 0.7 to 0.967, and is therefore strongly

forward scattering. The back scattering section of the RBC in the visible and near


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infrared regions is approximately constant [Takatani, S. and Ling, J, 1994]. These·

parameters were measured for a whole blood sample of 6.38 mm thickness at a

wavelength A = 633 nm, yielding Ita = 25 cm·!, Its = 400 cm·!, g = 0.98 and refractive

index n = 1.35 [Tuchin, V.V., 1993]. The same parameters were also measured under

different conditions, as quoted by [Cheong, W. et al., 1990], at 1..=960 nm, resulting in

Ita = 2.84 cm-I, Its = 505 cm-! and g = 0.992 for oxygenated and haeparinised whole

blood (haematocrit = 0.41).

Some authors [e.g. Reynolds, L. et aI., 1976] instead of using directly the above

coefficients, prefer to quote two parameters involving a combination of the scattering

and absorbing coefficients. One of this parameters is the albedo, defined as

albedo = Jls!( ). The other one is the photon penetration depth, or the distance /(Jls + Jla

light can penetrate a given medium without loosing coherence, this parameter is

proportional to the albedo. Kubelka·Munk Theory.

One of the first models developed to describe optical propagation through diffuse

media is the two flux Kubelka·Munk model [van Gemert, M.J.C. and Star, W.M.,

1987]. This model is based on the concept of forward and backward travelling fluxes,

but because of its phenomenological and heuristic nature, as well as its one­

dimensionality, the theory has serious limitations when applied to whole blood

[Takatani, S. and Ling, J, 1994].

The Kubelka-Munk equations for the reflection and transmission coefficients of light

through an absorbing and scattering medium of thickness p, when the medium has a

finite thickness [Kubelka, K., 1948] are:


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b T =-a-si-nh'( b-S-p )'+-b-c-os-h'( b-Sp')

sinh(bSp) R=----__ ~~~,-~ a sinh(bSp)+b cosh(bSp)


b=~a2-1 S+K






S is proportional to the scattering coefficient and K to the absorption coefficient.

Using the hyperbolic functions

sinh(a.) exp(a)-exp(-a)· and 2

exp( a )+ exp( -a ) cosh(a)


Equation (7.1 0) for the transmission coefficient through a scattering and absorbing

medium can be rewritten as follows:

2b T

(a+b )exp(bSp) -(a -b )exp( -bSp)

After some algebraic manipulation, Equation (7.14) results

2b 1 .( (b-a} J1 T=-b -x ( ) 1+ -b - xp(-2bSp) +a exp bSp +a

This equation can be expanded as a sum of exponentiaIs as follows:

T=~exp(_bSP[I_(b-a}xp(_2bSp)+(b-a y exp(-4bSp)+ ... J b+a \ b+a b+a)





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Equation (7.12) ensures the convergence of Equation (7.16).

The Kubelka-Munk absorption and scattering coefficients are dependent on the

scattering anisotropy of the medium. These parameters can be found by measurements

of the transmitted and reflected fluxes in the medium. Time resolved spectroscopy for investigations in tissue and blood


Time resolved spectroscopy has been studied for oxymetry applications, when the

optical path length is unknown. A very narrow duration pulse at the near-infrared

region is applied to the tissue of interest, where absorption due to haemoglobin is low,

and the transit time of the photon through the tissue is measured. One can estimate

transit times as well as tissue scattering absorption properties from this wave form.

This technique involves counting photons rather than measuring the intensity of light

transmitted through the sample of interest [Chance, B., et aI., 1988]. The path length dependency in light transmission measurements.

For whole blood, Zdrojkowski and Pisharoty [1970], calculated the mean total optical

path travelled by a photon within the sample before absorption, using optical data

taken from samples of haemolised blood. This mean path was found to be equal for

both whole and haemolised blood with the same relative oxygen saturation and

haemoglobin concentration, provided that the absorption per erythrocyte is small.

Blood meets this condition for wavelengths between 600 nm and 850 nm. The· mean

optical path varies inversely with the haemoglobin concentration.

Following the work made by Loewinger et al. [Loewinger et al;, 1964], Zdrojkowski

and Pisharoty [ibid.], arrived at the conclusion that the mean total optical path (P)


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travelled by a photon before being randomly scattered, is related to the haematocrit

through the following equation:

P (l-H)H for O~H~1 (7.17)

where Jl s is the scattering coefficient and H the haematocrit Equation (7.17) indicates

that no scattering takes place when blood cells are not present and when the cells are

tightly packed. The scattering is maximum when the haematocrit has the value of

0.50. They found good agreement with the results of Anderson and Sekelj [1967].

Lipowsky H. et al. [1980] studied variations in the optical density of whole blood

samples as function of haematocrit and path length. For this they circulated blood

through tubes of different sizes and modelled the light transmission through the tube

using Twersky's [1970] theory. They found good agreement between the theory and

the experiment when they described the attenuation of a coherent light beam by cell to

cell scattering using equation (7.17), where p is the total diameter of the tube and H

the haematocrit.

Those authors that studied the light transmission through whole blood samples, as

function of the path length and haematocrit, used containers with fixed path length.

They did a sequence of measurements at different haematocrit values, then in order to

modify the path length they had to use a different container, of a different size, and

vary the haematocrit again.

Changing the position of the cuvette or changing cuvettes in order to modify the path

length is not ,an optimum experimental solution, because external sources of error are

brought into the measurements, such as different reflection and diffraction effects by

the cuvette walls, different wall thickness and refractive index. The incident beam can

also reach the cuvette at different angles of incidence. Not all these extra variables can

be eliminated by calibration alone.


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Trying to overcome the problems stated above, the experimental techniques that will

be described in Chapters 8 and 9 make use of a blood container which allows

simultaneous measurements of single haematocrit values at different path lengths, in

other words, a container of varying path length is being used.

7.2.3 Summary

In the previous sections were reported the most popular and best known theoretical

models used to describe the transmission of light through a blood sample. Although

the Beer-Lambert law, the Twersky's equation, Diffusion theory and the Kubelka­

Munk treatment (see Table 7.1 for a summary) are all used to describe the interaction

of blood with the radiation traversing the sample, they all describe different problems

in the sense that each of them is useful for particular boundary conditions (e.g.,

matched or mismatched interfaces), type of radiation (diffuse or coherent), thickness

of the sample and the type of interaction between blood and light occurring within the

sample (absorbing vs. scattering).

However, all the mentioned transmission equations (Equations 7.4 to 7.7, 7.15 and .

7.17) can be generalised in one dimension into an expression made of a sum of

exponentials such as:

(7.18) n

where an and bn are the particular coefficients indicating the absorbing and scattering

characteristics of the sample, and p is the path length.


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In the work that will be described in the next two chapters, the general equation (7.18)

was used to model the light transmission measurements. In particular, when the

experimental transmission data for whole blood samples was fitted through a non­

linear procedure, the best fit was given by the equation at the bottom of Table (7.1)

[Ruiz de Marquez, G., et al., 1996], the details can be found in Chapter 9.

Table 7.1 Summary of Theoretical models describing the transmission of light

through a sample of path length p.

Transmission Model Conditions

Beer- T = exp( -/luP ) Absorbing but non-

Lambert scattering medium.

Twersky's T = exp( -'¥P)[exp( -~p +q(l-exp( -~p)] Coherent illumination, thin absorbing and scattering medium.

Diffusion T=ex (_ )+ /lsg exp(-/lup)

Depends on illumination and boundary conditions.

p /luP /la + /l.(I- g) This case is for index

-{alK exp(Kp )-a2K exp( -Kp )-a3/lu exp( -/lup)] matched boundaties, isotropic scattering and uniform optical properties.

Kubelka- 2b Uniform, diffuse irradiance T

(a +b )exp(bSp )-(a -b )exp( -bSp) or through a one-dimensional

Munk isotropic slab, with no

T=(~ }XP(-bSP) reflection at the boundaties.

b+a Two-flux (forward and

1_(b-a }XP(-2bSP)

, backward) model. Non-useful for laser

b+a irradiance. X

+(::: r exp( -4bSp )+ ...

Ruizde T = Aexp(-ax)(I+ Bexp(-bx)) Empirical model, white Marquezet light illumination, varying al., 1996. path lengthmedium.

The blood samples used in our own experiments were stationary diluted whole blood

samples, placed in a glass chamber of varying path length and illuminated with diffuse

light. Although an attempt was not made to fit the experimental results to diffusion


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theory, we expected the results from the empirical model to be not very different from

those of diffusion, because a diffuse white light source was used, and although the

concentration of the particles was relatively low, the path length was of the order of

millimetres. The terms of the simple transmission equation, that was empirically

obtained, were written in the Twersky's notation but just for the sake of comparison,

since Twersky's equation is both simple and relatively easy to be interpreted.

However the comparison among the two models is not a direct one, because

Twersky's assumes laser light illumination. In our last set of experiments we used also

a laser light source for polarisation measurements, over a large and constant path


Another important experimental variation introduced here, to the optical analysis of

blood, is the use of polarised light. The full capabilities of this useful tool have not yet

been exploited in the context of blood measurements, but the results that will be

reported at the end of Chapter 9 are encouraging and motivate the pursuit of this line

of research.


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Chapter 8

Imaging Technique for Absorbance and Scattering

Measurements on Blood

8.1 Introduction

The motivation for performing the set of experiments labelled as .. imaging technique

for absorbance and scattering measurements on blood" is to study the morphology and

concentration of RBC suspensions using an uncomplicated sensor. Complete physical

and chemical analysis of blood is not always necessarily required to detect, screen or

monitor a single pathology and the development of a simple sensor for specific

investigations could be valuable for future patient-centred medical care.

Traditionally, the optical analysis of blood, as was illustrated in Chapter 7, has

involved the measurement of the light absorbed by a sample of haemoglobin in order

to determine the concentration of the protein, but recently some authors have shown

that scattering methods can be used to determine the characteristics of whole and

haemolysed blood [e.g. Lee, V.S. and Tarassenko, L., 1991]. These techniques are

based on transport models or multiple scattering theories which do not readily provide

a direct and unambiguous interpretation of the measurements.· This is not surprising

given the large number of variables governing the scattering process, the complexity

of the interaction and the relatively narrow distribution of observations which are

usually made.

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In order to obtain more information from the scattered field, we have developed a

simple technique to discriminate absorption and scattering within the framework of

Twersky's multiple scattering theory [Twersky, V., 1970). But equally we could have

used the empirical model given by Equation (7.19), Diffusion theory or the Kubelka­


8.2 Description of the Experiment

A white light source was used to illuminate the entrance aperture of an integrating

sphere and diffuse light from the sphere was incident on the sample chamber, which

was situated at 90° relative to the entrance aperture. The light transmitted through the

sample was detected at normal incidence by a linear array of 1024 photodiodes and

data were captured using a PC based data acquisition system, manufactured by Oriel

Corporation, with a 16-bit NO converter.

The size of the photodiode array is 2.5 mm width and each element measures 25 J.Un.

The detector head is provided with thermoelectric coolers to maintain the temperature

of the array.

The sample chamber was a flexible latex tube, or vessel, of 2.5 mm internal diameter.

Because the detector array was located perpendicular to the length of the tube, the

vessel acted as a varying path length chamber.

The vessel was imaged on the detector array by a combination of two biconvex lenses.

The first lens created a magnified and inverted image of the vessel, and because the

two lenses were separated by a distance smaller than the focal distance of the second

lens, the second lens focused on the detector a slightly magnified image.

The high intensity white light source used for this experiment was manufactured by

Dolan- Jener Industries, and the integrating sphere used to diffuse the white light was


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designed and produced "at home". The sphere is about 20 cm diameter with entrance

and exit circular apertures of 2.54 cm diameter. To cover the inside of the mild steel

sphere we used an air drying matt acrylic white paint (barium sulphate based). When

light is incident on a layer of this paint, the reflected light is diffused due to the Iow

refractive index of the barium sulphate.


B x


Figure 8.1: Diagram of the Experimental Set Up.

8.3 Materials and Methods

For each complete set of experiments, heparinised whole blood from a single healthy

human donor was obtained.· One portion of the whole blood sample was haemolysed

and diluted with distilled water and the remaining portion diluted at different

concentrations with Ringer solution (see recipe for Ringer in Appendix C). Distilled

water and some dyes diluted with distilled water and filtered through a 0.7 !Lm pore

filter were also prepared to be used as reference solutions ..


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Each of the profiles reported here, corresponding to the image of the vessel, is the

average of some 150 profiles; the acquisition time for each profile was approximately

3.5 ms. The main cause of error in the measurements arises from fluctuations in the

light source itself, but since they occur on time scales greater than the scan time, they

can be compensated for by the appropriate offset.

Blood will suffer haemolysis if a strange substance with a pH different to 7.4 is added

to it, or if by some means the balance in the osmotic pressure between the inside and

the outside of the RBC is lost, causing the cell membrane to disrupt. In this

experiment, the haemolysed blood samples were prepared by adding 3 rnI of

haeparinised whole blood to each of the following amounts of distilled water:

Table 8.1: Concentration o/haemolysed blood samples.

Sample Whole Blood Distilled Concentration Type of

Number. (mI) Water (ml) Sample

1 3 4.5 0.667 haemolysed

2 3 5.5 0.545 haemolysed

3 3 6.7 0.461 haemolysed

4 . 3 7.5 0.40 haemolysed

5 3 10 0.30 haemolysed .

Ringer solution, at the correct pH, is one of the substances commonly used to dilute

whole blood without altering its properties, so it was used in this experiment to dilute

the whole blood samples:


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Table 8.2: Concentration of whole blood samples

Sample Whole Blood Ringer Concentration Type of

Number (ml) Solution (ml) Sample

6 3 4.5 0.667 whole blood

7 3' 5.5 0.545 whole blood , .

8 3 7.5 0.40 whole blood

9 3 10.0 0.30 whole blood .

A peristaltic pump was used to circulate the samples at a slow flow rate of about 12

mlImin. After each measurement, Ringer solution was circulated through the system to

rinse it before the next sample was pumped in.

During the image acquisition time, the whole measuring system was covered by a

black plastic sheet to eliminate ambient light.

8.4 Discussion of Results

8.4.1 Data Processing.

Raw data obtained are averaged and normalised with respect t() a profile obtained

from a pure absorber (filtered dye). In Figure (8.2), the normalised intensity profiles

derived from a sample of distilled water and an extra filtered dye are shown. The dye,

whose profile is shown in the figure, is a stronger absorber than the dye used for

normalising, so the transmittance for the more absorbing dye has a value between 0

and I as a function of path length, while the water, on the contrary, is less absorbing

than the dye used for normalising and its transmittance is therefore greater than I for

most of the path length.


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1 1===:::::::~

I i .!;l O.B E :g El ~ 1 0.6


Distilled Water

Fittered Dye


o 20 40 80 80 100 120 140 180 180 200

X 8xls across the vessel

Figure 8.2: Normalised transmitted intensity profiles for samples of distilled water

. and a filtered dye, imaging the profiles across the shortest length of the vessel.

The resolution of the linear array of photodiodes is 1024 pixels, but restrictions in the

physical distance between the elements in the set up and the availability of lenses,

forced the image of the vessel on the array to be relatively small. The vessel is a tube

with an approximately circular cross section, so the study of only half of the data is

enough to obtain a full analysis of the light transmission across the complete vessel.

The initial section of the profile, between pixels 0 and 30 approximately, falls outside

the vessel, the following 30 pixels correspond to the wall of the vessel and the

remainding points are all located between the internal wall and the centre of the vessel.

In the next two figures (8.3 and 8.4) only one in every four pixels are plotted, so that

pixel number 'n' actually corresponds to pixel number 4n+ 1 on the photodiode array.

Average standard deviations in these data are -0.01 and therefore are not visible on

the scale.

In Figure (8.3), a series of normalised transmission profiles are shown, the

concentrations of all samples are found in Tables (8.1 and 8.2).


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1.1 -r--------------------------,

•• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• f 1 ..... ""II;;llIlllx _-Clii • .X

0.9 • ",X 'tI • &"X

~C11 • • X • Aiixx E 0.8 • A.XXX

'" • .x X a • A .xxxx f:. 0.7 .bluedye • A ·.XXXXXX .

'tI • water • A • .XXx xxxxx

•5:_ • A ••• xxxxx XXXXXXXXXX

Awb(7) •.• xxx ~ 0.6 Xhae(2) .~A •••••• XXXXXXXX

- xhae(4) •• • •••••••• o lit. z .wb(8) .... M A.~ AAA ••••••••••••


0.4 +---+---+----+---+----I---+---f---+=.....u, ....... &.a.~ o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Pixel Number (across the vessel)

Figure 8.3: Transmission profiles across a flexible tube containing dye, water,

whole blood and haemolysed blood (the numbers in brackets indicate the sample

number, See Tables 8.1 & 8.2). All profiles are normalised with respect to a profile

obtained/or a pure absorber.

The most concentrated samples: number 7 ( whole blood, 0.545 m1 blood in 1 m1

Ringer) and number 2 (haemolysed blood, 0.545 m1 blood in 1 m1 water) absorb more

light and their transmittances are low, with respect to samples of the same type but

less concentrated: number 8 (whole blood, 0.4 ml blood in 1 m1 Ringer) and number 4

(haemolysed blood, 0.4 m1 blood in 1 m1 water). Also according to the figure, the

normalised transmitted intensity for whole blood samples is lower than for

haemolysed samples. This result coincides with Kramer K. et al. [1955].

All the samples are clearly differentiated in the central region of the vessel, but their

relative positions can be reversed close to the wall. Figure (8.4) shows a series of

normalised transmission profiles near the internal edge of the vessel for three whole

blood concentrations. A dye is also shown for the sake of comparison.


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i 0.95

0.9 ! ] 0.85 ] le 0.8 e ...

1 0.75

0.7 0 z


I iI Q i Q

[J [J

A A [J

• • A

~ • • i • ~ • • It . • [J •

• blue dye A • • A • [J

[J wb (7) • A • • • [J A • A wb (8)

A • • [J A • • • A • • • wb (5) [J A • • A • [J


0.6 • [J

10 15 20 25 30 35

Pixel Number (across the vesseQ

Figure 8.4: Transmission profiles near the edge of a flexible tube containing dye or

whole blood (the numbers in brackets indicate the type of sample, see Tables 8.1&

8.2). All profiles are normalised with respect to a profile obtained from a pure


It may be noted that the relative levels of the three whole blood samples are reversed

near the edge of the vessel (pixei number 16), suggesting a strong depletion of the

apparent absorption. Many factors could be responsible for such an effect including:

RBC scattering, scattering at the wall and fluid interface and formation of a boundary

layer due to RBC rouleaux. This occurs because the tendency which the cells have to

align, one over the other, in a reversible fashion when they are in plasma; The extent

of rouleaux formation determines the sedimentation rate of blood, [Bessis, M, 1973].

A highly complex physical model is required to asses the relative magnitude of these

phenomena since it would need to incorporate the fluid mechanics of RBC

suspensions with a multiple scattering theory in at least two dimensions. Nevertheless

an empirical interpretation of profiles such as those in Figures (8.3 and 8.4) may prove



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8.4.2 Semi-Empirical Model.

It is known that when RBC exhibit laminar flow in tubes they tend to migrate toward

the axis. The axial accumulation of RBC may increase the haematocrit in the middle

of the tube, thereby increasing the formation of aggregates, which then can increase

the light transmitted through the gaps [Lindberg, L. G. And Oberg, P.A., 1993]. We

attempted a preliminary interpretation of the data presented in the previous section via

a zeroth order empirical model of the phenomenon just described.

An empirical model for the transmittance along the path length p(y) can be expressed

in the general form:

T(y)= IaiexP(hi p(y») i=!


Where the coefficients ai are related to the scatterers' properties and the coefficients hi

are related to the absorbance by the scatterers and suspending medium.

The one dimensional empirical scattering model (Equation 8.1) can be written in terms

of Twersky's notation [Twersky, V., 1970] (Equation 8.4), to facilitate the

interpretation and comparison of the results with those from other authors. Twersky's

. theory is based on fundamental physical assumptions, and was reported to be

successful by [Lipowsky, H.H. et al., 1980].

The approximate multiple scattering theory developed by Twersky predicts the total

transmitted intensity T through a suspension of spheroids to be

T(y)=exp(--1 p(y»[exp(-~ p(y»+q(1-exp(-~ p(y»)] (8.2)

where pry) is the path length at position y. In the case of a suspension of red blood

cells (RBC), "( is an absorption coefficient proportional to the haematocrit volume

fraction (v); ~ is a coefficient dependent on the haematocrit (proportional to v (l-v2»,


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, .


the size and total scattering cross section of the particles, and q is a dimension-less

constant dependent upon particle size, wavelength, photodetector aperture angle and

refractive index of the particles and suspending medium [ibid.].

The interaction with the vessel was assumed to be one dimensional as scale lengths

transverse to the propagation direction are two orders of magnitude greater than the

wavelength. Using the geometry of the blood vessel model shown in Figure (S.l), the

path length profiles p(y) for the respective regions A (inside the vessel) and B (region

between the internal and external walls of the vessel) are given by:

PA =29t.j(a2_y2) (S.3)

. PH =29t~(b2 -i) - 29t.j(a2 -i) (S.4)

where a and b are the internal and external radii respectively and 9\ indicates the

positive solution of the square root.

Within the one dimensional approximation and ignoring Fresnel losses, the

transmission coefficient through the blood vessel can be written


where it may be noted that the physical parameters are assumed constant in the vessel

wall (region B). In the experiments these transmission profiles were compared with

that of a pure absorber. The relative transmission coefficient t is determined by the

ratio between Equation (S.4) for the blood vessel and that one for the same vessel

filled with an absorber.

try) T(PA( y))scatkrer T(PB( y))

T(PA ( y ))absoroer T(PB( y)) (S.6)


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Assuming that the transmittance through the walls of the vessel is independent of the

nature of the sample inside the vessel, the terms in region B cancel, then

'try) T(PA ( y ))""""''''' T(PA ( y ))_ro.r (8.7)

For the case of a pure absorber, there are no scattering particles inside the vessel, thus

the expression for the transmittance in region A reduces to Beer-Lambert Law [Parikh, .


T(y)absorber = exp( -a AP A (y» (8.8)

where we have renamed Cl the absorbance coefficient of the pure absorbing substance

held inside of the vessel. Then by substitution of Equations (8.4 and 8.8) in Equation


't( ) = exp(-y p( y))[exp( -~p( y)+q(l-exp(-~p( y))] y exp( -ap( y))


rearranging terms in this equation

't (y) = exp( -y p(y)+Cl p(y»[exp(-~ p(y»+q(l ~exp(-~ p(y)))]


Following Lipowsky's et al. [1980] interpretation of Twersky's coefficients for the

transmittance of a white light source through a suspension of RBC, for a uniform

distribution of the cells inside the vessel,


where D is the total internal diameter of the vessel and v is the fractional haematocrit.

Then replacing Equation (8.11) in Equation (8.10)


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t (y)= exp( --'Yp(y)+cx p(y»[exp(-Dv(l-v2)p(y»+Q(1-exp( -Dv(1-v2)p(y»)]


However if the distribution of the scatterers is non-uniform, Equation (8.12) can be

generalised to an effective path length proportional to the projected optical density

along the line of sight (i.e. x direction):

t (y) = exp(--'Y V(y)+cx p(y»[exp(-~l (V(y)-W(Y»)+Q(1-exp(-~l (V(y)-W(y»)))]


where V(y)= J v(x,y)dx, (8.13) -Jal _ y2

and ~l is a proportional constant.

The functions V and W project the volume fraction haematocrit along the optical path

and can take many forms. A simple choice is to take a Gaussian in the radial distance r

v(x,y)= vo 2 exp(-<x2 + i)/2r2) 21tr

r<a (8.14)

which allows for some control of the size and extent of the boundary layer between the

blood and the vessel wall, although physical modelling of the process will ideally

replace this assumption. Replacing Equation (8.14) in V(y), Equation (8.13), the

projection integral is then

V(y)= 4a: ex{- x22 trf(~a2 - i / 21tr 2r r

. .


where a normalisation factor is introduced to ensure that the total haematocrit is

conserved irrespective of the values of a and r, as long as the Gaussian distribution


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does not extend significantly beyond the vessel diameter. Using (S.15) and a similar

expression for W(y), the transmission profile (S.13) can be evaluated.

Parameters chosen for this study are taken from experimental studies of whole blood

under white light illumination, ~1=7.5 mm·t, ,),=0.037mm·1, q=O.4 [Lipowsky et al.,

19S0]. A fully quantitative comparison is not made here as that would only be

advisable with a monochromatic source. Nevertheless the values used are

representative of what may be expected and are therefore sufficient to reproduce the

main features of the profiles.

Evaluations of the relative transmission profiles using Equation (S.13) are shown in

Figures (S.5 and S.6). These theoretical profiles were generated using a spread sheet.






L-~~-+---+--:::::;:::;;;;;:;:===l 0.6

1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 o Radial Distance (mm)

Figure 8.5: Theoretical normalised transmission profiles. Curves are respectively A:

absorber with optical density less than normalising absorber, B: absorber with

optical density greater than normalising absorber, C: whole blood uniformly

distributed, D: whole blood Gaussian distributed (r=O.5 mm), E: whole blood

Gaussian distributed (r=O.6 mm).


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The theoretical profiles shown in figure (8.5) are transmission profiles through a

vessel containing a whole blood sample or a dye, relative to the same vessel

containing a pure absorber and having unifonn concentration across the vessel. Curves

labelled C, D and E correspond to whole blood samples with a fractional haematocrit

volume of 0.1. The internal diameter of the vessel is 2.5 mm.

All curves are unity at the edge of the vessel cavity, since each profile is nonnalised to

that of a pure absorber. Thus excursions above (or below) unity indicate decreased or

increased absorption with respect to that of a pure absorber.

A comparison with the data shown in Figures (8.3 and 8.4) should therefore be made

recalling that the edge of the vessel cavity correspond to pixel number 16. In Figure

(8.5) curve A is for distilled water and therefore lies above unity and increases

relatively little with path length, indicating a relatively small optical density. Curve B

however results from an absorber with much greater optical density. The transmission

profile for uniformly distributed whole blood (curve C) has a fairly large apparent

absorption with path length, experimental evidence [Lipowsky et al., 1980] strongly

suggests that the optical density can be fitted to the expression (8.2) for which the

scattering tenns, parametrised by ~ and q, are very much more significant than the

pure absorption tenn. When the whole blood is distributed non-uniformly ( curves D

and E) it is possible for the fluid in the boundary layer to be less absorbing than the

pure absorber and therefore the nonnalised profile can exceed unity. Since the total

volume of whole blood is held constant this effect is balanced by an increased

absorption in the longer path length region. The effect of changing the boundary layer

dimensions can be seen by comparing curves D and E.

Figure (8.6) shows the effect of changing the whole blood concentration and the

standard deviation of the radial concentration distribution. Studies of blood in motion

indicate that RBC aggregation is sensitive to the blood volume and conditions of the

flow [Lindberg, L.G, and Oberg, P.A., 1993]. We might expect axial aggregation to

increase with the blood volume [ibid.], which in the above model would imply that r

would decrease with increasing v. The effect of this phenomenon can be seen by


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comparing say curve D with curves B or C. The haematocrits used in this simulation

are chosen to correspond with those used in the experimental work (Le. v=0.1 is the

same as sample 9: 0.3 ml of whole blood diluted in 1 rn1 of Ringer). It may be noted

that the redistribution of the blood volume causes the relative absorption levels of the

curves to reverse near the edge of the vessel wall as was observed in Figure (8.4).


't 1





1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

Radial Di<>tance (mm)

Figure 8.6: Theoretical normalised transmission profiles o/whole blood distributed

radially according to a Gaussian with radial distribution r. Labelled CUT'l'es are

respectil'ely A: (1'=0.10, r=0.s mm), B: (1'=0.13, r=0.5 mm), C: (v=0.16, r=0.s mm),

D: (1'=0.10, r=0.6 mm), E: (1'=0.13, r=0.6 mm), F: (1'=0.16, r=0.6 mm).

Before fitting Equation (8.4) to the experimental profiles, the path length pry) had to

be determined and replaced in this equation. The simplest way to find the path length

is using the transmission normalised profile for a dye. The transmission coefficient for

a pure absorber is given by Beer-Lambert law (Equation 8.8):

T(y)absorber =exp(-<lAP A(Y» then,


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PA(Y)= -l ln (T(y)absorber) (lA


since the path length is proportional to the transmitted intensity for an absorber, we

can use the profile for a filtered dye to obtainpA(Y). Usually the absorbance coefficient

(lA is found by spectroscopy, after several spectroscopic measurements are performed

of dilutions with different concentrations of the dye. The relationship. between

transmission and concentration is almost linear, and the slope of the plot of these two

quantities is the absorbance coefficient. Unfortunately, the absorbance coefficients of

the dyes used in these experiments could not be found in the way just described,

because their concentration was unknown and very high for spectroscopic


The path length of the inner section of the vessel was determined according to

Equation (8.16), by calculating the natural logarithm of the normalised transmittance

of a dye, relative to the absorbance coefficient of this dye and relative to the

absorbance coefficient of the dye used to normalise all the profiles.

Equation (8.4) depends on the path length, which has been shown in pixels until this

point. However, in order to determine the parameters '"(, ~ and q with the correct units,

the path length must be converted to the vessel dimensions (mm). Using the

information that the internal diameter of the vessel is 2.5 mm, a suitable conversion

factor was found.

Figure (8.7) shows a plot of the path length in (mm) vs. pixel number. From this plot

one can observe that the path length is not shown exactly as a section of a circle, as

expected from the cross section of a perfect tube, instead it is rather shallow and

elongated towards the edge. This effect is due to using different scales for the axes in

the figure, making a circular cross section rather elliptical.


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3,-------------------------------------------------, 2.5


E E 2 .....

..c: -Cl 1.5 C

~ ..c: "la Q, 0.5

centre of the vessel

O~~~=-~----~--_+----~----+_--~--~--~ edge of the vessel

o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Plxel Number

Figure 8.7: Plot of path length, PA(I), versus pixel number, as obtained from

equation (8.15), and scaled to dimensions in mm.

i!' 1

.iij c 0.95 GI -.E 0.9 "C

!J 0.85 E UI

0.8 c f!! I- 0.75 "C GI .!!l 0.7 "ii E

0.85 .. 0 Z

0.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Path length (mm)

Figure 8.8: Normalised transmitted intensity profiles versus path length. Three

concentrations of haemolysed blood and a dye (curve D) are plotted. Curves A (the

less concentrated sample), B, and C (the most concentrated sample) correspond to

samples 5,4 and 2 respectively.


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Figure (8.8) shows the profiles for three different concentrations of haemolysed blood

and a dye, having converted the path length to dimensions in (mm). After the

dimensional transformation, the relationship between absorbance and concentration is

maintained. The dye plotted for comparison is seen to absorb more uniformly along

the varying path length than the blood samples. It is probable that scattering from the

empty cells' membranes accounts for this effect.

Each of the experimental normalised transmitted intensity profiles were fitted with a

non-linear fitting software package based on the quasi-Newton algorithm (see

Appendix B). The function used to fit the profiles was the empirical model given by

Equation (8.1), used on normalised data such as that in Figure (8.2). We were

interested in fitting only the section of the profile corresponding to the inner side of

the vessel because only this section contained information about the scattering

suspension, and so the first 60 pixels in Figure (8.2) were discarded.

Data for pACy) were substituted in Equation (8.1) to fit the profiles. Equivalently, an

expression obtained by non-linear fitting of PA(Y) could also have been used:

b PA(Y)= +d

c+exp(ay) (8.17)

where y is in (mm), a= 0.0533, b= -16.0770, c= 5.3462 and d= 2.5347. The correlation

coefficient between the observed and the calculated data is R= 0.99986.

An example of an experimental profile of whole blood, fitted using the transmitted

intensity model given by Equation (8.1), andpA(y) given by Equation (8.17) is shown

in Figure (8.9).


Page 131: A division of wavefront polarimeter and optical analysis ... · Loughborough University Institutional Repository A division of wavefront polarimeter and optical analysis of red blood

~ 11)

·S .5

" CD -:t:: E 11) C ca -I-" CD .la ia E -0 Z







X Experimental Data .RUed Model

0.4 +-----f------+-----+------/------"":::" ---- ------------o 0.5 -----------1- ----_.- ~- 1.5 -----_ .. - -- 2 ----_. - --._._. 2.5

Path length (mm)

Figure 8.9: Normalised experimental data of the transmitted intensity for whole

blood (sample 9) and an empirical model used to fit the data, plotted versus path

length. _

Some of the profiles for whole blood and haemolysed blood were fitted as described

above, obtaining on average a correlation coefficient of 0.99. The parameters obtained

to fit the transmitted intensity, according to the empirical model, but using Twersky's

notation to facilitate a comparison, are shown in Table (8.3).

Table 8:3 CoeffICients for the non linear fitting model

haemolysed whole blood


concentration "( ~ q r' po q'

0.3 0.165933 0 6.909406 0.233694 -0.75561 1.04677

0.4 0.22992 0.010768 6.921025 0.219472 -8.60723 1

0.545 0.194969 -0.00033 6.867281 0.233694 -0.75561 1.046772


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A dye with different colour and concentration than those used for nonnalisation and

for obtaining PA(Y) was also fitted, yielding the following parameters: y"= 0.0058,

/3"=2.7736 and q"=0.7918.

From the predicted parameters is very clear that a change in concentration cannot be

quantified using Twersky's model, however this disagreement is not very surprising

since Twersky's theory is a model generated for a suspension of spheroids illuminated

with coherent light, whereas the experiment was perfonned with white light.

Furthennore, the samples of RBC in whole blood quite probably had a relatively

_______ unifonn. discoi~ s~ap~ but the h~erIlolysed samples could be better described as

suspensions of multifonn ghosts.

However the parameters in Table (8.3) can still indicate which samples are made of

whole blood and which of haemolysed blood, because parameter J3' for whole blood

is at least two orders of magnitude larger than parameter /3 for haemolysed blood and

parameter q is about seven times greater than q'. This last result may indicate that

haemolysed blood is a stronger scatterer than whole blood. Also "(' is on average larger

than y, indicating that whole blood is more absorbing than haemolysed blood, as was


Comparing now the results for the dye with respect to the blood samples, parameter "("

was found to be much smaller than either y or "(' ,. indicating that the dye is a weak

absorber. The parameter /3" was expected to be very small because the filtered dye

was regarded as a pure absorber, however it was found to be about the averaged size

of its counterpart J3' for whole blood, but parameter q" was smaller indeed than the

equivalent for the two types of blood, indicating that in general, the dye was a weaker

absorber and scatterer than the blood samples.

The experimental results just described here were presented at two conferences

[Smith, P.R. et al., (1994) and Smith, P.R. et al., (1995)]. The experimental technique

for discriminating absorbance from multiple scattering was further improved and some


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more experiments were conducted on blood samples, the results of which can be find

in Chapter 9.

8.5 Conclusions

The technique reported here can discriminate, theoretically, whole blood

concentrations and can classify properties of the RBC suspensions via a simple and

--------- fast measurement on untreated samples. A non-linear curve fit to the model described ______ _

was capable of extracting the absorption and scattering parameters of experimental

data, clearly differentiating whole blood samples from haemolysed samples.

Twersky's model was regarded as an empirical model which can be used with partial

success to fit data from experiments such as those described in this chapter, however

other expressions involving a sum of exponentials could equally yield a good fit to the

data (as it will be shown in Chapter 9).

The lack of precision in differentiating samples with varying concentrations could be

improved if the absorbance coefficients of the dyes used for normalisation, and for

obtaining an expression for the path length were known; and also if the number of

samples with different concentration is increased. A careful manipulation and

preparation of the blood samples is a key for the success of the experiments.


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Chapter 9

Polarised Light and Imaging Measurements of

Suspensions of Erythrocytes

9.1 Introduction

9.1.1 Measurements on Blood using Polarised Light

The first studies made on blood using polarised light, were applied in crystallography

to discriminate the molecular conformation of the blood protein haemoglobin [e.g.

Beychok, S., (1964); Sugita, Y., et al. (1968); Einterz, C.M. et al. (1985)]. Polarised

absorption or optical rotatory dispersion (the measurement of wavelength dependence

of the ability of an optically active chromophore to rotate linearly polarised light) and

circular dichroism (the difference of absorption coefficients for left and right

circularly polarised light) are techniques that are used to study the optical properties of

oriented systems, such as blood proteins. i

Unlike solutions in which light polarised in any direction is absorbed equally, because

the molecules are randomly positioned, the absorption of plane polarised light by

oriented molecules is dependent on the polarisation direction of the incident beam.

Anisotropic absorption occurs because molecules fixed in space exhibit maximum

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absorption when the electric vector of the light is parallel to well defined directions in

the molecule. Measurements of optical rotatory dispersion (ORD) and circular

dichroism (CD), can provide equivalent information about molecular orientation,

absorption bands and structural conformation of a protein, and they have been used to

study the haemoglobin protein [Antonini, E. et al., 1981].

The most abUli.dant components in blood, the erythrocytes, have a particular polarising

property. When RBC have been observed under the microscope they have shown

some birefringence. A birefringent cell shows two different refractive indices in two

orthogonal directions, and the two polarised components of a polarised light beam

incident on a haemoglobin sample will travel at different speeds when traversing each

cell [Bessis, M. and Mohandas, N., 1977].

In more recent studies, propagation of light through whole blood is characterised not

only by absorption and scattering coefficients, but also by changes of the polarisation

properties of the scattered light, depending on the size, refractive index, morphology,

internal structure, and optical activity of the scatterers. Elastic light scattering can be

described by a light scattering matrix (the "S" matrix), a Mueller matrix of 16

elements. Each of the elements is a function of the wavelength, scatterers sizes, their

form and material [Tuchin, V.V., 1993]. Measurements of the polarisation scattering

matrix of RBC in terms of their diffraction characteristics has identified the relative

importance of the off diagonal matrix elements [Korolevich, A.N., 1990] and a

specific study of depolarisation orthogonal to the light propagation direction [de

Grooth, B.G., et al., 1987] has demonstrated the capability to distinguish among

different features in blood cells without having to stain them. Also the polarisation

state of photons exiting a diffuse medium can allow to distinguish between photons

which travelled a short path from those that travelled a long path within [Schrnitt, J .M.

et al., 1992] and [Morgan, S.P. et al., 1996]. This information can be used to

distinguish the scatterers from the densely absorbing background [Schnorrenberg,

HJ., et al. 1995].


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9.1.2 An Improved Imaging Measurement Technique complemented by

Polarised Light Measurements.

The focus of this section of the work is placed on the onset and nature of polarisation

modulation, including depolarisation, as a function of RBC concentration. The

polarised light measurements are combined with an imaging approach, which studies

the absorption and scattering of light from a blood sample. When a linearly polarised

collimated beam is incident on the sample, it will re-polarise or depolarise the light

according to the amount and type of erythrocytes contained in it. Simultaneously, the

linear imaging array will detect a diffused light beam transmitted through the sample,

from which the absorbance and scattering characteristics of the sample will be


The set of experiments described in this chapter are a development of those reported

in Chapter 8. In this case a new design of cuvette is tested and the performance of the

technique is extended by the introduction of polarised light measurements to

complement the imaging measurements. The use of polarised light adds further

degrees of freedom to these investigations. One important variation, with respect to

the experiment described in the previous chapter, is that for all the experiments that

will be described here the sample was not in motion. This happened as a restriction

imposed by the quantity of. blood required to prepare several dilutions, and

unfortunately it was not enough to make it circulate through the experimental system.

RBC were chosen as the subject of investigation using this new set up, because they

are the most abundant type of scatterers in blood and they are prone to suffer very

interesting shape changes.

Since the cylindrical cuvette is made of glass, . it is expected that at small

concentrations most of the washed healthy red blood cells will crenate even when they

are suspended in an isotonic buffer at the correct pH. However because the vast


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majority of the cells in a single sample will take this abnormal shape, each sample can

be assumed to consist of a single type of scatterer. Also since the total volume of the

cell is maintained when the discocyte cell is transformed into an echinocyte, a

reference to an analysis made of normal cells by standard blood laboratory techniques

is still applicable [Bessis, M., 1973].

9.2 Description of the experiment

For the combined polarisation and profile measurement, as indicated in Fig (9.1), the

blood sample was contained within a cylindrical flow through glass cuvette. The path

length within the cuvette is 20 mm, measured along its largest dimension, whilst the

internal diameter of the circular cross section is 6 mm. The internal volume of the

glass cuvette is about 1.5 ml. Both ends of the cuvette have flat faces of optical

quality, but the cylindrical section was glass blown and the glass shows a few small


A 2 mW He-Ne laser light source was transmitted through the cuvette, having the flat

ends of the chamber parallel to the electric field of the laser. After traversing the

sample, the laser beam was also transmitted through a linear polariser, used as an

analyser, before being measured by a digital power meter. Two consecutive

measurements of a single sample were performed, one with the analyser parallel to the

polarisation state of the laser, providing a measurement of the co-polarised transmitted

intensity, and another one perpendicular to the laser azimuth, for a measurement of the

cross-polarised transmitted intensity. To avoid white light interfering with the

detection of polarised light, the white light source was blocked during this


To obtain a profile of the chamber, the same experimental equipment as the one

described in Chapter 8 was utilised. A diffused white light source was used to

illuminate the entrance aperture of an integrating sphere and diffuse light from the

sphere was incident on the sample chamber, perpendicular to the entrance aperture of


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the sphere. The transmitted intensity was detected by a 1024 element linear detector

array, provided with a l6-bit resolution data acquisition board and software driving



Line scan Camem

Dillusll 1N11ite Light Source

---17 .d-..... D Powcr MetcI

1---------1 Computcr

Figure 9.1: Experimental system for simultaneous measurement of the

transmitted image and linear polarisation modulation.

9.3 Materials and Methods.

Whole blood was obtained from 8 different healthy donors. Immediately after

collection, the heparinised samples were slowly centrifuged, for about 30 minutes, to

separate the Red Blood Cells (RBC) from the plasma. The supernatant layer was

removed with a pipette and the packed cells were washed in fresh phosphate-buffered


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saline (PBS) at a pH 7 (see the recipe for PBS in Appendix C). To wash the cells,

some PBS was added to the packed RBC and slowly centrifuged again for about 10

minutes, then the PBS and remaining plasma were removed with a pipette, but the

heparin balls were not removed from the RBC samples.

The washed cells were diluted with PBS at concentrations ranging from 0.0008 to

0.0143 ml RBC in 1 ml ofPBS. Measurements were carried out at a room temperature

of 27°C in a black-out environment, but the washed RBC were kept in ice until the

different dilutions were prepared. The complete measurement time for each dilution

was about 120 seconds.

The samples were pumped from a beaker holding the sample into the chamber and

then out from the chamber into the drain, with a slow peristaltic pump (the flow rate

was about 12 mlI min), taking care that no air bubbles were trapped inside the

chamber. The pump was switched off while the measurements took place. After

measuring a series of different RBC dilutions for a single donor, the cuvette was

decontaminated and then thoroughly rinsed with PBS.

9.4 Discussion of Results

9.4.1 Imaging Technique.

Different concentrations of RBC (Table 9.1) from 8 different donors were tested as

described in the previous section. Simultaneously, additional whole blood samples

from the same donors were tested on a Coulter Counter. The reason for having made a

set of measurements using one of the traditional instruments for blood analysis is to

provide an external reference for the results obtained by the imaging and polarisation

studies. The results obtained from the Coulter Counter analysis are shown in Table



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Table 9.1: Range of concentrations used to dilute RBCfrom all donors.

Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


mlRBC 0.0008 0.0017 0.0026 0.0034 0.0043 0.0057 0.0086 0.0143



Table 9.2: Summary of results obtainedfrom a Coulter Counter Test of each

donor's blood. HCT= Haematocrit, MCV= Mean Cell Volume, Hb=Haemoglobin.


Donor No. RBC HCT MCV Hb









x lOe121I fl g/ dl

4.9 0.402 82 14.7

5.49 0.448 81.6 15.3

4.49 0.405 90.2 14.3

4.13 0.345 83.5 12.2

4.97 0.435 87.5 15.1

3.94 0.361 91.6 12.3

4.62 0.372 80.5 12.6

4.4 0.375 85.2 12.9 ..

An example of a sequence of line scan images for donor 8 is shown in Figure (9.2),

normalised with respect to a line scan image of PBS. It can be observed that the

absorbance of the blood sample increases with concentration, although certain

variations are apparent across the chamber, due to changes in scattering as a function


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of path length as well as inaccuracies in the physical construction of the vessel itself.

Nevertheless the amplitude of the transmittance is a good indicator of the optical

density (OD) of the sample.

The normalised profile of a non-scattering substance (distilled water) is also shown in

Figure (9.2, curve A) and it may be noted that the absorption is less than PBS, so the

trend broadly "mirrors" the blood samples. In so far as the line scans derived from the

suspensions exceed unity it is likely that a scattering process is responsible and this

may involve the vessel as well as the RBC. There are a number of features in the line

scans of RBC, particularly at the edges of the vessel, whose shapes are modulated by

the sample concentration and which do not appear in the line scan of a pure absorber.

Sedimentation of the RBC was considered a possible cause of this effect, but the

samples remained static inside the cuvette for less than one minute, and the

measurement time was very uniform for all samples, thus the contribution of

sedimentation to the shape of the profiles should not be significant.




1 0.8

~ 0.6 ...


:§ ~ 0.4

Z 0.2

0 0 100 200 300 400 500

X Axis across Cylindrical Cuveite (A U)

Figure 9.2: Linear Scans of eight different RBC concentrations (B-1) are plotted for

Donor No. 8. All the profiles have been normalised with respect to a profile for

pure PBS. The range of concentrations listed in Table 1 correspond to the curves B·

I, whilst curve A is for a sample of distilled water. B corresponds to the least


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concentrated blood sample, while I corresponds to the most concentrated sample.

To estimate the effective absorption characteristics of the RBC suspensions, data from

the centre of the line scan images for all donors have been extracted and are plotted in

Figure (9.3). A number of models for the light transmission characteristics have been

tested and though they are based on disparate physical assumptions (EM wave

[Twersky, V., 19701, diffusion [Ishimaru, A., 19781, flux [Kubelka, P., 1948]) their

functionality can be reduced to that of a sum of exponentials either analytically or by


A series of three exponentials is normally quoted but the data averages considered

here are well described (correlation coefficient 0.99) by the following expression.

T = Aexp(-ax)(I+ Bexp(-bx)) (9.1)

where x is the concentration measured as a fraction by volume, A=O.6, a=57 conc·I ,

B=I, b=482 conc· l• This model was obtained by fitting empirically an equation to the

experimental data plotted in Figure (9.3). The non-linear fitting algorithm used for this

purpose was available through the non-linear fitting module of a commercial software

package, the algorithm is based on the quasi-Newton method (see Appendix B).

Following Lipowsky [Lipowsky, H., 19801 the first factor in (9.1) can be interpreted

as an absorption process and the second derives from scattering. The same author

finds the corresponding OD due to absorption and scattering to be different by a factor

of -10, consistent with the data presented here.


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" ~ 1.2

'8 1 '" ~ 0.8

'2 0.6 '" :a 0.4 e 0

0.2 Z




0 0.005 0.01

Concentration ofRBC in 1 ml PBS


o Donor!

[] Donor2

'" Donor3 X Donor4

x DonorS

o Donor6

+ Donor7

• DonorS


Figure 9.3: Normalised Transmittance vs. Concentration for white light

illumination. Eight sets of data are plotted together, one for each donor. The

concentrations of all dilutions are the same as those in Table1. The path length for

all data is 0.6 cm, corresponding to the centre of the chamber. The model is an

empiricalfit to equation (9.1).

It is clear from Table (9.2) that the donors have a range of RBC concentrations and

sizes, therefore we might expect some ordering of the donor data in the experimental

results which reflect those same trends.

When linear scans of samples of identical dilutions from different donors were plotted

together, differences in OD for each are noticeable as can be observed in Figure (9.4).

The variations in the amplitudes of the curves in Figure (9.4) are consistent with the

variations in RBC and Haemoglobin (Hb) obtained by a Coulter Counter, as is

reported in Table (9.2). In this figure only the results of samples from donors 1-4 are

shown, because the alignment of the camera changed for the linear scans from donors

5-8 and the two sets cannot be compared directly. The unusual shape of curve B may

. be due to blood clots formed when the sample was prepared. Variations in the Mean

Cell Volume (MCV) of blood from different donors may produce a different

scattering signature for each sample and a consequent effect on the shape of the linear

scans however no such correlations were found in the above data.


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~ 0.9

0.8 '8 '" 0.7

~ 0.6 ." 1;l

0.5 ~ § 0.4 Z



0 100 200 300 400 500

X Axis across Cylindrical Cuvette (AU)

Figure 9.4: Normalised Linear Scans of samples with same concentration (Sample

8), from four different donors. A: Donor 1, B: Donor 2, C: Donor 3, D: Donor 4.

9.4.2 Measurements with polarised light.

A more sensitive indicator of the scattering process taking place in samples with

different concentrations might be expected from measurements using polarised light.

We now consider results from the laser transmission experiments performed on the

same samples as were considered above. The co-polarised and cross-polarised

transmitted intensities from all donors are shown in Figures (9.5 and 9.6) respectively .

. 130

Page 145: A division of wavefront polarimeter and optical analysis ... · Loughborough University Institutional Repository A division of wavefront polarimeter and optical analysis of red blood


50 0 Donor!

;; [] Donor 2 ~ 40 + "- Donor3 o~ j;I.,\O

Donor 4 '"d ,., X BO 30 X DonorS --'8 ><

Donor 6 §~ 0

~ 20 + Donor 7

• DonorS "-

10 ~ --Model


0 0.005 0.01 0.015

Concentration ofRBC in 1 ml PBS

Figure 9.5: Co-polarised Transmitted Intensity. Eight curves are plotted together,

one for each donor. The concentrations of all dilutions are the same as in Table

(9. I}.

The averaged data in Figure (9.5) have been fitted (correlation coefficient 0.99) to the

model expression (9.1) with parameters A=8.6, a=251 cone' I , B=8, b=1721 conc· l •.

Since the cross-polarised levels are much smaller than the. co-polarised, for the

majority of the concentration range, the co-polarised level is nearly identical to the

total intensity and the data fit is therefore the same within experimental error. The

data fit is consistent with the domination of scattering phenomena over absorption.

The cross-polarised transmission characteristic exhibits a distinct maximum at ..,0.002

fractional volume of RBC for the particular path length used (20 mm). The cross­

polarised levels are generally small but at the highest concentrations considered they

are about 113 the co-polarised levels, from which it may be supposed that the light is

significantly depolarised, although strictly re-polarisation is an unlikely possibility. If

one calculates the cross section for interaction between a photon and the RBC (by


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estimating the average number of RBC in a cylindrical element of volume of the

cuvette having its diameter containing a RBC), then because of the relatively long

path length, each photon will encounter between 6 and 180 RBC across the range of

concentrations considered. Thus even though the concentrations are very low a

regime of multiple scattering exists.

0.7 [J ~ Donor!

[J Donor2

\0' 0.6 '" Donor3

, 01)

0 X X Donor4

..... 0.5 ><

~ + ....

0.4 01)


[J X DonorS 9 0 Donor 6 +

:I 0 + Donor7

~ "0 0.3 ~

• Donor 8 <>


'8 '" 0.2 a ~



0 0.005 O.oJ 0.015

Concentration ofRBC in Iml PBS

Figure 9.6: Cross-polarised Transmitted Intensity. Eight curves are plotted

together, one for each donor. The concentrations of all dilutions are the same as

those in Table (9.1).

The simplest empirical data fit (correlation coefficient 0.99) for the cross-polarised

intensity is also given, coincidentally, by equation (9.1) with parameters A=0.7, a=11O

conc'l, B=-I, b=200 1 conc -1_

From a qualitative point of view it is likely that two distinct process are taking place;

polarisation modulation due to scattering, dominant at the lower concentrations, and

re-absorption of the scattered light, dominant at the higher concentrations. This


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significant effect is only noticed if very diluted concentrations of RBC in the buffer

solution are studied, specifically if the concentrations are varied around the region of

0.002 ml RBC in 1 ml PBS.

The relationship between the polarisation state of the incident and scattered wave at

any angle (J in the scattering plane can be described by a 4 x 4 intensity scattering

matrix S, for optically inactive scatterers. Let So ~ be the Stokes vector representing

the intensity measured by the photodetector, where the upper sign indicates the co­

polarised intensity and the lower sign the cross-polarised intensity. Making no

assumptions as to the form of the scattering matrix, the co and cross-polarised Stokes

intensities are

1 ±I 0 0yl

Sl2 s13 SI4 1

I ±1 1 0 o S21 S22 S23 S24 1 S =- (9.2) -± 2 0 0 0 °t31 S32 S33 S34 0

0 0 0 o S41 S42 S43 S44 0

where the vector on the right hand side of Equation (9.2) represents a linearly

horizontally polarised beam, the matrix in the middle is the scattering matrix

representing the RBC sample and the matrix to the left of the scattering matrix is

representing a linear polariser. The choice of sign determines the orientation of the

polariser. If none of the amplitude-scattering matrix elements is zero, the scattered

wave is elliptically polarised [Schmitt, I.M., et al., 1992].

Performing the matrix multiplication and observing the first term of each resulting .

vector, the total detected intensity in each case will be given by


Adding the two previous equations


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---------------------------_._----- ----


and subtracting them


Similar information to the one provided by equation (9.4) could have been obtained if

the analyser had been rotated by 1tI4 in any direction from either the cross-polarised or

the co-polarised directions to perform one extra measurement, in that case the total

measured intensity would have been


Many other possibilities can be explored to obtain the terms of the scattering matrix,

including changing the polarisation state of the light source but maintaining the same

alignment of the optical elements, which is not a simple procedure.

For a single concentration, the transmitted intensity measurements vary from one

donor to another, and these variations are larger for smaller concentrations. These

fluctuations can be due to changes in mean blood cell size and type or result from

experimental errors. Errors arising from sample preparation are too low to be plotted

but the effects of air bubbles trapped inside the cuvette when the sample is pumped

into the vessel can be more significant, though not measurable with the system used.

The speed at which the measurement took place would indicate that the distribution of

particles inside the container can be regarded as uniform. Instrumentation errors are

negligible on the scale of the fluctuations observed.

9.5 Red Blood Cell Morphology


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The objectives of the present study were to observe changes in· shape and

concentration of blood samples by optical techniques, involving the measurement of

absorbance, scattering and polarisation parameters of light interacting with a blood

sample. The size and shape of the scatterers and the relative refractive index between

the scatterers and the suspending medium, in addition to the light source wavelength,

will determine the type of scattering regime. For this reason, changes in the mentioned

optical parameters will reflect changes in the morphology of blood cells.

Figure 9.7: Image of crenated red blood cells, suspended in PBS and held on a

glass microscope slide.

In normal in vivo conditions, a healthy human Red Blood Cell (RBC), or erythrocyte,

is a biconcave disc with an average diameter of 7.5 to 8.3 microns, an average


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thickness of 1.7 IlIIl , a volume of 83 11m3 and a surface area of approximately 140 sq.

microns. Under normal conditions, the variations about the mean do not exceed more

than 5% [Bessis, M., 1973].

Erythrocytes are very flexible, they can change their shape to allow passage through

very narrow vessels, and then regain their former shape. They can also suffer

irreversible shape changes due to disease such as spherocytosis and autoimmune

haemolytic anaemia, by which they adopt a spherical shape, or in sickle cell anaemia,

where cells acquire the less flexible sickle shape [Plasek, I. and Marik,T., 1982]. A

change in size is also likely to occur through disease, such as microcytosis, but RBC

with low mean haemoglobin count (MCHC) can look smaller too, because low mean

MCHC leads to changes both in the internal refractive index and the deformability of

the cell [Hinchliffe, R.F. and Lilleyman, J.S. eds., 1987].

Other morphological changes can happen to a RBC in vitro, some of them due to the

tonicity of the saline suspending medium or to the pH of the solution (the normal pH

is 7.4). A low pH can induce a ring like appearance while a high one can provoke an

echinocyte shape (similar to a sea urchin), the last one can be also the consequence of

a hypertonic saline solution.

For the experiments described in this chapter, with samples of RBC, the erythrocytes

were centrifuged and separated from the plasma, and then re-suspended in PBS at

normal pH and correct tonicity. In order to verify that the cells had not lysed by

centrifugation, samples of various concentrations of RBC were observed under the

microscope. It was observed that the cells crenated, i. e. they were transformed from a

discocyte into an echinocyte, see Figure (9.7). While just a number of cells crenated

for high concentrations of RBC, the effect was enhanced for lower concentrations.

Only if the RBC were not separated from the plasma and if they were kept at high

concentrations, did their shape look normal when observed between plastic slides,

(Figure 9.9).

Because the coupling between the microscope and video camera used to take the

images shown in Figures (9.7 and 9.9) was not perfect, the resolution of the images is


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very poor. Figure (9.8) is a clearer photograph showing the two types of cell.

Figure 9.8: Crenated red blood cell and two normal cells in the background.

Bessis indicated [Bessis, M., 1973 and references therein] that the basic principle

causing this change of shape is still not clearly understood, although Ponder had

identified already in 1948 the problem of a morphology change by RBC suspended in

saline when they are in contact with glass. He noticed that the effect was not

attributable to the saline itself but to the removal of a protective layer of plasma

protein when the cells are washed in the saline, because when the cells are returned to

fresh plasma they regain their normal shape. If the cells are washed several times, they

can crenate even when placed in contact with plastic. Bessis also mentioned that close

contact with glass or a high ratio of glass to red cell surface area is necessary to


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produce the change, since exposure to the glass in a test tube is insufficient. He adds

that the "glass effect" is probably due to the elevated pH( > 9) between glass slides

and coverslips. On the other hand, George et al. [1971] presented evidence that

adhesion of erythrocytes to glass depends upon non-polar forces but that the

diminution of adhesiveness by serum or plasma depends upon electrostatic forces

acting on the serum and plasma factors.

Figure 9.9: Image of red blood cells, suspended in PBS and held on a plastic

microscope slide.

We observed that cells washed only once in PBS undergo crenation when they are

placed between plastic slide and coverslip if the concentration of the cells is about


Most of the optical methods for blood analysis make use of glass containers, which

normally have short path lengths, and in many caSes whole blood or blood cells are


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diluted down to small concentrations, so RBC are very likely to crenate. For the

purpose of light scattering studies, this change of shape is highly undesirable although

the total volume of the cell is maintained, because the scattering signature from the

two types of cells is very different, and the theoretical solution to the echinocyte

scattering problem has yet to be found.

9.5 Conclusions

We have found that the study of low concentrations of RBC with polarised light is of

significant importance, because it allows the observation of the relative weight of the

absorbance process in the sample versus the scattering modulation, which otherwise

cannot be distinguished from each other in an imaging measurement of the suspension

alone. We have identified a peak in the cross-polarised intensity response with

concentration, at -0.2 % by volume, for a path length of 20 mm. However the

polarised light measurement made here is unable to determine what proportions of the

effect of the sample on the polarisation state of the incident light are due to

depolarisation, modulation due to scattering or optical activity. For this reason it is

necessary in future experiments to incorporate a polarimeter in the experimental array,

that can provide information about the Stokes' parameters describing the beam

transmitted through the sample and hence further details of the scattering matrix.

An abnormal morphology of red blood cells was identified when red blood cells free

of plasma are placed in contact with a glass container. Although this is not the first

time that this anomaly has been reported in the literature, this is the first time that the

problem has been addressed in the context of studies assessing the absorption and

scattering properties of blood.

Some attention must be paid to the selection of an appropriate cuvette, which requires

a very short path length to allow for high concentrations of RBC (Le. undiluted whole

blood) but at the same time ·its cross section must be large enough to prevent

undesired reflections from its walls. The choice of material is also critical, because it


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has to be optically inactive and at the same time should not affect the normal

appearance of the cells; an important condition for tests leading to potentially non­

invasive blood measurements.


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Chapter 10

Conclusions and Suggestions for Further Work.

10.1. Conclusions

A polarimeter of general purpose has been designed, constructed and· tested. The

novelty of its design lies in the fact that, the theory developed to extract

simultaneously the complete Stokes parameters from only one set of intensity

measurements, is a generalisation to the algorithms used by all the other authors. This

polarimeter allows the polarisers and quarter wave retarder in the sensor head to be

positioned at arbitrary azimuth angles, while all other polarimeters of the same kind

require fixed predetermined angles. This feature makes the polarimeter presented here

more flexible; and because there are no moving parts, the angles can be found with

better accuracy. Furthermore, because only one set of intensity measurements is

required, results using this polarimeter can be produced faster than in those requiring

to re-calibrate at various different settings of the optical elements involved.

A calibration routine was designed to improve the accuracy of the measurements and

some suggestions were made to enhance the performance of the software and

hardware tools accompanying the polarimeter sensor head, so it can be used for

applications in various fields, such as optical measurements of blood.

The cost of producing a sensor head for the Division of Wavefront Polarimeter is

relatively low, because the most expensive parts are the three polarisers and the

quarter wave retarder. Also all mechanical parts can be easily manufactured.

To test the applicability of polarised light techniques for the analysis of blood

samples, some experiments were conducted by varying the concentration of red blood

cells in the samples and also by lysing the cells. It was found that the techniques

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developed here can distinguish among different concentrations of the sample.

Polarised light measurements are a useful tool to discriminate among those

concentrations of the sample where the light absorbing process is weaker than the

scattering process. These observations of the polarisation scattering properties of red

blood cells have established the principle for future invasive and non-invasive sensor

technologies but the most effective configurations of such sensors are yet to be


Another important contribution of these thesis is that while performing the

experiments on blood using polarised light, I observed that washed RBC suffered a

distortion of their normal appearance when they are placed in contact with a glass

container, but to this date no other author had pointed out this problem, or attempted

to avoid it, within the context of the optical analysis of red blood cells. I also observed

that cells washed only once will crenate if their concentration is about 0.015% or less,

even when they are placed in contact with a plastic surface.

Suggestions have been included to improve the performance of the developed

polarimeter and of the experimental techniques for optical analysis of blood.

10.2 Suggestions for Further Work.

10.2.1 Suggested Modifications to the Mechanical Design of the Sensor Head.

When the DOWP is used to test a sample with a low transmittance, the light source

has to be very intense, so it can be detected by the photodiodes in the DAS after it has

traversed the sample and the polarising optics in the sensor head. It may be possible to

reduce the thickness of the sample, however this is not always feasible and for this

reason a new probe with a smaller cross section should be considered.


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small PIN diode __ ~'V'--'

Figure 10.1: Proposed Design for an Improved Sensor Head.

If the cross section of the sensor head is small, when the light source is expanded and

collimated, less power is necessary to evenly illuminate the sensor head. Also, because

achieving a uniform illumination of the sensor head is very important, a number of

smaller photodiodes could be added to the polarimeter to be located at strategic

positions (see Figure 5.6); then from the readings of these extra photodiodes a map of

intensity variations across the sensor could be constructed and incorporated into the

algorithms that calculate the Stokes Parameters. In this way variations of intensity

across the sensor can be compensated for and the polarimeter will be immune to a

non-uniform illumination of the sensor head.

An additional advantage of this improved design is that optical fibres are not

necessary, because the receivers are positioned directly in the sensor head. This

improvement makes the sensor more robust because there is no danger of disturbing

the fibres when the sensor head or other pieces of the experimental set-up are moved



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10.2.2 Improvements to other components of the DOWP.

The DOWP described in the previous chapter can be improved by upgrading some of

the equipment that is external to the polarimeter itself, but that is also needed to use

the instrument as a measuring tool. Because some of these pieces of equipment were

not constructed or acquired having necessarily a polarimetric application in mind, they

could be replaced by others with specifications matching more closely the

requirements of the polarimeter.

One of the pieces which demands close attention is the data acquisition system. This

system must be provided with photodiodes optimised to work at the same wavelengths

as the light source and the quarter wave retarder. At present the calibration procedure

of the DOWP (Section 5.1) assumes that because the offsets in the photodiode

readings remain constant throughout a complete experiment, it is enough to measure

them just before an experiments starts. In reality these offsets vary by a small amount,

depending on the time the equipment has been functioning. Then in order to provide

even more accurate measurements of a sample, the offsets should be measured also

during the experiment, so they can be removed from the actual measurement of the

sample. The analogue signals from the photodiodes should be linearly amplified and

any source of noise should be filtered before the signals reach the multiplexer.

The accuracy of the analogue to digital converter is also of great importance, as was

mentioned previously, and the more accurate it can be, the better. If the DOWP is

intended to be used for example, in biomedical applications, at least an ADC of 16

bits is necessary. For example, one of the optically active substances present in the

human body requiring careful monitoring is glucose, so a polarimeter should be able

to measure variations in the concentration of this substance. The specific rotation of

any substance is defined as:

[(XlI = (100!x) I Le (10.1)

where", is the wavelength, T the temperature, a is the observed rotation in degrees, L

the optical path length in decimetres and C the concentration of the sample in grams


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per 100 ml of solution. The specific rotation of glucose is 41.8, at a temperature of

20°C and illuminated with a source of 633 nm wavelength [Cote, G.L. et al., 1990].

Therefore the polarimeter must have enough accuracy to detect variations in the

polarisation azimuth of 0.004°, if the concentration of glucose is 100 mg/100 ml and

the optical path length is 1 cm.

At present, using an ADC with only 12 bits, together with the noise problems from the

amplifier, the accuracy of the DOWP is at least two orders of magnitude away from

the required accuracy to sample substances such as glucose. Although the polarisation

measurement shown in Figure (6.13) seems to have a small error, it is achieved by

averaging 500 measurements of a single sample, and the time required to obtain the

500 measurements and produce the averaged result is at least of 10 minutes, which is

an unrealistic acquisition time for testing biomedical substances with polarisation

properties rapidly varying in time. Real time acquisition is another issue that must be

taken into consideration. The data acquisition system must sample data in real time, to

be able to store in RAM a large number of samples and then to communicate

efficiently with the personal computer.

The light source must be non-polarised and the optics taking the light to the sample

and sensor head must not modify the polarisation state of the source. If this can not be

accomplished, a theoretical model must be produced of the polarising effects external

to the sample which must be incorporated into the calibration stage. Furthermore, to

distinguish light source fluctuations from intensity variations due to the sample,

stabilising the light source power supply and keeping track of source fluctuations may

prove useful.

All the possible improvements mentioned above are not applied to the polarimeter

itself, however another source of error directly related to the polarimeter and that

could be improved, is the measurement of the angles and absorbance parameters of the

optics in the sensor head. Up to now, the angles were measured by rotating a linear

polariser and doing a non-linear fitting to the intensity curves, resulting from plotting

intensity levels versus azimuth angle of rotation. The accuracy of this measurement is


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closely related to the resolution of the motor rotating the polariser, so the size of the

step by which the polariser is rotated should be minimised.

Another possibility that could be explored, to reduce the sensitivity of the Stokes

parameters to quantisation noise, is to find which set of azimuth angles of the

polarisers and retarder minimise the error in the determination of the polarisation

azimuth and ellipticity. Any set of angles can be used, because the algorithms

developed for this polarimeter to derive the Stokes parameters from four intensity

readings, allow arbitrary azimuth angles. The only condition is that they all are

different between them. Solving this theoretical problem may be cumbersome,

because the derivative of the ellipticity must be calculated and it is a very long

expression, although once it is solved, the real difficulty would be to set the polarisers

and retarder at the required positions.

If all the suggestions made above can be accomplished successfully, the performance

of the polarimeter may be enhanced greatly and it could be used then to perform

polarimetric measurements of highly absorbing samples, based on principles such as

those that were discussed in Chapters 8 and 9.

An extra line of research that could be explored, as an academic exercise, is the

. derivation of the Mueller matrices that describe non-ideal LP and QWR. If this is

done, the theoretical model for the intensity transmitted through a QWR followed by a

LP. (Equation 3.36), could be obtained very easily from the multiplication of both

matrices times a Stokes vector describing a general polarisation state.

10.2.3 Suggested modifications to the glass containers used in blood experiments.

For the reasons mentioned in Chapter 9, one of the aspects of this research project that

would benefit from further improvement is the usage of an appropriate biopolymer

coating the interior of the glass cuvette, intended to hold the RBC samples during


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measurements. The biopolymer must be layered over the glass in a very uniform film,

because any imperfections will cause scattering and diffractive problems.

Unfortunately, not many people have worked in the study of this solution, apart from

Ponder [Ponder, 1964], who tried to use gelatine at minimum concentrations to

reduce the adhesiveness of the cells to the glass surface. Most of the authors trying to

solve problems of biocompatibility focus their research on blood coagulation as a

result of blood interacting with artificial surfaces. The fundamental causes of damage

in blood cells induced by foreign surfaces [Keller, K. in Salzman, E.w. ed., 1981], are

still not clearly understood

Not every choice of biopolymer is suitable for experiments involving polarised light,

because polymers normally are some form of polarising elements whose polarising

properties are not very uniform along its surface, and that will affect the

measurements. An ideal choice of polymer would be one producing a linear uniform

polarisation state, so a distinction between the polarisation state introduced by the

sample and the polarisation state introduced by the container could be attempted. The

solution of this problem is very important for optical studies of RBC morphology

because not only healthy RBC suffer a change of shape, also abnormal cells like sickle

cells show a dramatic change into an echinocyte form, making difficult the

observation of different natural occurring cell pathologies.


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Appendix A

Technical Drawing of the DOWP Sensor Head

Drawing made by P. Barrington at Loughborough University of Technology.


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Non-Linear Fitting to the parameters, the Quasi­Newton method.

In general terms, the requirement for using a non linear fitting method was aroused by

the need to fit a function of n number of variables and m number of parameters to a set

of experimental· data. The best fit to the data will be obtained when the set of

parameters is such that the error between the predicted values and the experimentally

observed values is minimum. The fitting problem is basically a problem of finding the

minimum of a surface generated by plotting the errors in parameter space.

The quasi-Newton method is a variation of the Newton method. If the surface just

described has a minimum point, in the close neighbourhood to that point the surface

can by approximated by a quadratic surface. The Newton method works on the

assumption that if the first and second derivatives exist and the function is quadratic,

then the position of the minimum can be predicted in a single step. The description of

the method can be found in [Massara, R.E., 1991].

Let <!i{,!) be a function in the space of parameters,! = xl, x2, ... , xn. If the point,!. * is a stationary point, then <!i{,! *) on that point must satisfy the condition


and if this stationary point is a minimum


Moving from the stationary point an increment Ll,!, the new point can be written as

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The change in the function introduced by this increment can be studied expanding in

Taylor series the function «ll(,!) evaluated in this new point ,!. For the case of one



but for a function of n variables, the above expansion in vector form results:


where g is a gradient vector of the first n partial derivatives of «ll(,!) with respect to Xi,

T indicates transpose, and H is the n x n Hessian matrix of the second partial

derivatives. H is symmetric if «ll(,!) is continuos. In this case,

a 2«ll( X) a 2«ll( X) axjJXj aXjJXi


assuming the increment .1.,! is small, is then justified to discard terms of higher order

than 2 in equation (5.15).

If the stationary point at ,! * is a strong local minimum «ll(,!) «ll(,! *) , then




inequality (5.18) is satisfied if the Hessian H is positive definite. The practical

significance of a positive definite H matrix is that the local form of the function «ll(,!)


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is that of a quadratic surface. A Hessian is positive definite if all n principal minors

are positive. i.e. if Di > O. for all i. The principal minors are the following:

D - ~l ~2 D. = IHI 2 - ~1~2 •••••••••• (5.19)

Let .J.' be a minimum point and l£Oa point in the neighbourhood of l£ *. The first

derivative of <lJ{l£) in matrix form is


This equation provides a prediction of the gradient at .J.. given the gradient and

Hessian at l£O. Since dl£ is required for a shift to the minimum .J.' therefore g(l£ *) is

null. hence


so that




This equation forms the basis of Newton method: the predicted stationary point l£ * will be a minimum if H is positive definite. For a general non-quadratic function. l£ * can only be viewed as an approximation to the actual minimum of <lJ{l£) and the

following iterative algorithm. derived from Equation (5.23) is applied



-- - - -----------

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The tenn in brackets in this equation is regarded as a search direction. A scalar a 'is

detennined according to some strategy defined by the user. This scalar controls the

possibility of divergence that can often occur.

The quasi-Newton method is based on the Newton technique, but avoids the explicit

evaluation of the Hessian and its inversion. Instead it uses an approximation to the

inverse Hessian. Thus HI is replaced by H' representing an approximation to HI

after r iterations. This approximation is updated at each iteration in such way that:

(i) H'+I is positive definite providing H' was positive definite.

(ii) The sequence of matrices H', r=0,1,2, ... tends to the value of HI (the actual

inverse Hessian matrix).

An efficient optimisation process should only use the function and the first-derivative

infonnation, and guarantee convergence. Thus to evaluate the current search direction

d', a positive definite matrix H' must be used, equivalently to equation (5.22).

d'=-H'g', (5.25) .

and the next point, "r+1, is detennined as

xr+1=xr+a rd r - - , (5.26)

d' in equation (5.25) is guaranteed to be a locally "down hill" direction if H' is

positive definite. Convergence is assured if the scalar a ' is chosen to at least reduce

CP, which simply requires that a ' is not too large.

When the set of parameters that minimise the function are found, predicted data are

calculated and compared to observed data. Any deviation means some loss in the

accuracy of the prediction, so many non-linear regression models use Least-Square

Estimation procedures to minimise a loss function. Specifically, the loss function used

in our problem was defined as the sum of the squared deviations about the predicted



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- AppendixC

Normal Haematology Values

Normal haematology values for adults, quoted by the Leicestershire Haematology

Service (UK) are the following:

Hb 13.5-18.0 gldl male 11.5-16.5 gldl female

Total Haemoglobin Concentration: This test measures the grams of haemoglobin in

lOOm! of blood, which can help to diagnose the severity of anaemia or polycythemia.

RBC 4.5-6.5 x 101211 male 3.9-5.6 x 101211 female

RBC (Red Blood Cell Count): Counts the number of red blood cells in a single drop (a

microliter) of blood. A low RBC count may indicate anaemia, excess body fluid, or

haemorrhaging. A high RBC count may indicate polycythemia or dehydration.

HCT 0.4-0.54 male 0.37-0.47 female

Haematocrit: Measures the percentage of red blood cells in the sample.

Erythrocyte (RBC) indices:

MCV 80-99 fl

MCV: Mean Corpuscular Volume measures the volume of red blood cells.

MCH 27-32pg

MCH: Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin measures the amount of haemoglobin

in an average cell.

MCHC: Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration measures the

concentration of haemoglobin ill red blood cells. Normal is 30% to 36%.

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WBC 4-11 X 109/1

WBC: White Blood Cell Count measures the number of leukocytes in a microliter

(drop) of blood. Normal values range from 4,100 to 10,900, but can be altered greatly

by factors such as exercise, stress and disease. A low WBC may indicate viral

infection or toxic reactions. A high WBC count may indicate infection, leukaemia, or

tissue damage. An increased risk of infection occurs once the WBC drops below


WBC Differential: Determines the percentage of each type of white blood cell in the

sample. Multiplying the percentage by the total count of white blood cells indicates

the actual number of each type of white blood cell in the sample. Normal values are:

Neutrophil 50-60%

Eosinophils 1-4%

Basophils 0.5-2%

Lymphocytes 20-40%

Monocytes 2-9%

Reticulocytes 0-2 %

Platelets 150-400 x 109/1

Platelet Count: Measures. the number of platelets in a drop (microliter) of blood.

Platelet counts increase during strenuous activity and in certain conditions leading

infections, inflarnmations, malignancies and when the spleen has been removed.

Platelet count decreases just before menstruation. A count below 50,000 can result in

spontaneous bleeding.

P.V. 1.5-1.72 cp


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Recipe For Phosphate-Buffered Saline

Equal volumes must be used of iso-osmotic phosphate buffer and 9 gIl NaCl. For

serological tests, a pH 7.0 buffer is recommended [Dacie, J.V. and Lewis, S.M.,

. 1984].

To prepare iso-osmotic phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, use 32 ml of solution A and 68 ml

of solution B.

(A) NaH2P04.2H20 (150 mmoIlI)

(B) NaH2P04 (150 mmoIlI)

23.4 gIl

21.3 gIl

Recipe for Ringer Solution - 1/4 strength

One tablet makes 500 ml of 114 strenght Ringer solution. To prepare it dissolve 1

tablet (available from major chemical products manufacturers) in 500 ml of distilled

water and sterilize by autoclaving at 121 °C for 15 minutes (optional).


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