Download - A Derksen Daughter Writing for John and Lauretta Derksen 50th Anniversary 1983

Page 1: A Derksen Daughter Writing for John and Lauretta Derksen 50th Anniversary 1983

A Derksen Daughters Writing


Rememberances On The 50th Anniversary

Of Her Beloved Parents

John And Laura Derksen


A Found And Preserved Writing

Page 2: A Derksen Daughter Writing for John and Lauretta Derksen 50th Anniversary 1983


On behalf of the Derksen, Ewoldt, Pearce, McIntyre and Culp branch families, these works are copyrighted

to Jeanette Tracy McIntyre, January 28 2014 and may not be sold to any family branches in part or in whole.

All interested parties may receive a copy free by email or similar disbursement, providing they are of the

related branches by blood, marital relationship or adoption.

All family branches so receiving a copy may fully print in fashion deemed necessary, either at home or in

place of business for family use.

All others not of the family branches must seek written permission to use in part, or whole, any items

contained within these publications so titled:

― September 7 1983 Fiftieth Anniversary, ―The Story Of Our Lives‖ , John And Laura Derksen- From the Way

I heard It And Lived It‖- A Found And Preserved Writing.

A Derksen Daughters Writing Titled—‖Rememberances On The 50th Anniversary Of Her Beloved Parents

John And Laura Derksen‖ - A Found And Preserved Writing.

―Gladys Pauline Pearce AKA Elizabeth Pauline Culp, A Derksen Descendant Placed For Adoption‖

Jeanette Tracy McIntyre

122 Buffalo Orchard Trail

Bozeman, Montana 59715

E- mail [email protected]

Please Note: In consideration of privacy issues, names of living persons are only indicated by last name for

the listing of children. First names and date of births have been redacted. Names of living persons have also

been redacted within the main body of the work. Once permissions to use full names is acquired by myself,

if such permission is granted by included persons, an updated version will be placed including such names.

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In late October 2013 I received contact from Rosanne Stanford who had come across two typewritten

publications - one for a John Thomas Derksen & Lauretta Spotts and the second was for a Redacted [Living

Derksen] daughter of John and Lauretta, both tucked into some records belonging to her husbands’

father, Eldon L. Stanford.

Reading the first publication, Rosanne found the reason for these publications placement in Eldons’ files.

Eldon was mentioned within as John Derksen served with Eldon in World War II. As Eldon retained

possession of these two documents, published as part of John Derksens September 07 1983, 50th anniversary

occasion, it is felt that a lifelong friendship was enjoyed by John Derksen and Eldon Stanford as is indicated

within the publication and that Eldon himself was at the 50th anniversary event.

As Rosannes family trees do not include the Derksen lines, Rosanne sought out descendants of John Derksen

in order that she might preserve and place both documents to prevent permanent loss of the data contained


Many thanks to Rosanne Stanford for her efforts in locating descendants and the subsequent successful

placing of these documents with Jeanette Tracy McIntyre, Granddaughter of Gladys Pauline Pearce, (adoptive

name), who was originally born Elizabeth Pauline Culp, daughter of Nettie M. Derksen (married name Culp)

and unbeknownst sister of John Thomas Derksen.


These works titled:

― September 7 1983 Fiftieth Anniversary, ―The Story Of Our Lives‖ , John And Laura Derksen- From the Way

I heard It And Lived It‖- A Found And Preserved Writing.


Redacted [Living Derksen] ―[…] Rememberances On The 50th Anniversary Of Her Beloved Parents, John

And Laura Derksen‖ - A Found And Preserved Writing.

will be published separately, as well as together– to include Gladys Pauline Pearce AKA Elizabeth Pauline

Culps‖ data and documents, titled :

―Gladys Pauline Pearce AKA Elizabeth Pauline Culp, A Derksen Descendant Placed For Adoption‖.

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