Download - A day in my life

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2. I love what I do! I work fulltime midnights while I am finishing school. I work with the developmentally disabled population 3. I have had: Years of experience Even accolades Comprehensive Training 4. I'm basically a housekeeper. But I like my job. An honest days pay For an honest days work. But now that I work midnights 5. Where I hear lots of Lectures. After work I to school Sometimes its hard to stay focused. 6. But not with Professor Eaton. Hes the BEST! 7. At the old folks home that I had to put her in. After school I usually go visit my mom 8. She still loves me though!! 9. Its nice to know theres someone waiting at home. Finally I go home and relax These are my inside kitties: Kleo and BeBe For me, its HUNGRY CATS! 10. We have a nice birdfeeder The only hobby I have time for is chillin in the backyard Heres our resident squirrels : Itchy And Scratchy 11. This is Bee (short for Bulls Eye) saying hello. Never a moments peace. 12. Heres Smoky saying hello. 13. Neighbor Kitty says Dont forget about me! 14. My niece Elena makes sure she gets in the shot! 15. 24% 24% 12% 6% 6% 4% 24% How I spend my time. Sleep Work Homework With Mom School Feeding Cats Chillin' There are 168 hours in a week. 16. Thank you for your time! FIN And thats how I spend my day.