Download - A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya Raja

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R




  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO z , JO^ "_ ## QO@Q=` Q "Q` K~+O. u L^O U" H` OQ`e "H #@Q Jx O^`xH. H

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R



    Jk 1956= O=`~O. Zxq^ `~Qu ky[OQ iK_ ~[. `q^ `~Qu

    K^=`#x J=# J_Q_. O P" _

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO z_. `# |$O^O` Hex,=^ ~=O\O` "o

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R




  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO z

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R




  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO z

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R



    =yOk. JH_#Oz J |$O^=="~Ok. XeH_Ok. P `~"u ~*~[ =HOaHH" "oJ~# K~OK_. P

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO z Q~. H#_, `Q +~Ok# Ow`^~_P#. ^# #Oz O`O =~ P#` >iHiOQ ""_. Zxqk QO@ ~O\HK~

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R



    'nO J

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO z

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R



    'J}Ho x=x Ow`O Nx"~=^~H`O '~=zH ~` s"HK~. `OOw`~_. x~` =u_g^Hx `q}

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R



    Z= |~ |^ H@HO_

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO z, @|\ ~*O^^# |HK~OK_. Ow`~x ZOHQ~_=m"^

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R



    ~^? Jq KeO_ =# ZO`Q_~. JO^ H JH_ ^\ H=lH"#J

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO z

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R




  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO z, 1993 U_ x= _~Ok. P `~`#Oz U_kH ~O_, =_x= H iq`"~. H~}O Z.P~.~=

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO z

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R



    OQiHiOQP ~ XH=HHO\#Q `# `_ gi^qHQ K``=z#^.

    Q#HH# =O Q+~~ W^i` Q _Oz##` W~*^=OQ+~` 'PYi ~(1988) '`p~ `Hkq ,P O` 'J"(1992) 'F =... @_OK~.

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  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO z

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R




  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO z

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R



    ~O\~. XHxi+"#H=}O HxOKQ qiOk\Q fx HO@~

    =Oz... Hx _\ \H ~H q#@, "\x T`Zyi#@ KK. =`O HO@~H O\kH^ JO@ ["a''WW~*`~`

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO z

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R



    *#O^~O xK~ [i~. XHi H S^H HO_, HO`=Okf "`

    =O@O^x "~zOK~. ~#

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO zg^} qx~. J^HO\"O\ P#. Fi ^~ =# KHO_ He`

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R




    F W~" KK. JO`qOz K_O K H+ O. Hh, W~* K # =~ 900 Qx= @e W> Q~ > K. ` " O_ \ x JO` @

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO z

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO z

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R



    F ~A ^k@~ W~*" ~ x= @ iHiOQ[~Q`O>"#. i^" H`Q JxOzOk." `z`"q@O> P# "K"_~. >" =lH=z#_ ZO`^ x K~, ux= J^^H#|~~. XHis "`O KF H# K|`

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R



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  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO z

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R



    i ~ : _ x~[[##O : 261943[#O : =^ ~ lx }C~O (`q

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO z

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R



    1. zx zx H# ^Ho (1976)2. =`="i ="Q = ezOk (1978)3. #=_yOk U

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO z

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R



    94. lyly ly* * Q =#[ K@HO^_~ (1989)95. O^~Q iQ= `eH~H WO^_KO^_ (1989)96. e* b* WO^_ KO^_97. ~ K N"~ t= (1989)98. P#O^ | QqO^ ~ t=99. @h ~=Ok t=100. ZxZxZF JO>g JO>D JO> ~^

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


    QO z

  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R



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  • 8/7/2019 A Comprehensive Bio-graphical Book on our Telugu Music Directors/bio-graphical details of the living legend, Ilaya R


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